SoccerDrillsF Soccer Drills


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Cord Knot
Soccer Training Drills
Soccer Training Drills
Soccer Training Drills
Soccer Training Drills
The most important thing you can do to improve your on-field performance is to practice individually between team practices and games. Following are a set of
drills that address skill development for all positions. You will see improvement in a short period of time if you remain dedicated to working through a set of
relevant drills for about 20 minutes each day. Good luck - and thanks for choosing a Pro Performance Sports soccer trainer!
For the following drills adjust the cord to its longest length.
Place the waist cord hook opposite your kicking foot.
Instep (laces): In order to strike the ball with the most power,
use the instep (laces). Step toward the ball and plant your
supporting foot in-line with the ball. Your supporting leg should
be slightly bent as your kicking leg swings through the ball.
Make contact with the ball with your instep. After you strike the
ball, be sure to follow through with your foot in a sweeping motion.
Inside Of The Foot: Step toward the ball and plant your
supporting foot in-line with the ball. Toe of your planted foot
should point toward your target. Swing kicking leg through the
ball. Make contact with the ball with the inside of your foot.
Follow through toward your target with a sweeping motion. Ball
should glide along ground.
Practice and master the Instep and Inside the Foot Striking
Drills before advancing to Outside the Foot.) Step toward the
ball. As you plant your supporting foot, turn planted foot about
15 degrees away from the target. Make contact with the ball
with the outside of your foot. Be sure foot is firmly locked when
you strike the ball.
For the following drills adjust cord to a medium/long length.
Foot Trap: Kick the ball away from you and remain light on
your feet. As the ball comes back toward you be sure your
body is square with the ball. Stop the ball by placing your
foot on top of the ball using the sole of your foot. To trap
the ball using the inside of the foot or the outside of the
foot, relax the receiving foot and cushion the ball toward
the opposite direction. (Using the outside of your foot is a
more advanced drill.)
Chest Trap: Kick or toss the ball into the air. Slightly arch
your back and raise your chest toward the ball. With your
hands raised, make contact with the ball on your chest.
Collapse chest at the moment of contact. Ball should bounce
slightly and drop to your feet.
Thigh Trap: Kick or toss the ball straight up into the air. As
ball drops, align your body so that the ball makes contact
with the middle of your thigh. At the moment of contact,
drop your knee to cushion the ball. Ball should bounce
slightly and fall to your feet.
When Throwing-In, you must keep two hands on the ball and two feet on
the ground. In the starting position, the ball must be completely behind
your head. After the follow through, your hands end up in front of your head.
Be sure to keep both feet on the ground as you try various foot positions – sometimes
with your feet squared off and parallel and sometimes with one foot behind for support.
If your shoes don’t have a lace guard, tie the
laces to the outside to keep them out of the
way in your kicking drills and when playing.
(See illustration).
Adjust cord to the longest length.
Throw-in Drill: Adjust cord to the
longest length. Face the target, hold
the ball in both hands, and bring the
ball behind your head. Arch your back
and use the power of your back and
shoulders to bring the ball forward
over your head. Release the ball when
it is in front of your head. Both feet
must remain on the ground. You can
keep both feet together when you
throw. You can also step toward your
target as you release the ball (just be
sure that your back toe remains on the
ground). Be ready to catch or trap the
ball as it returns to you.
Adjust the cord length according to specific directions per drill.
Attach the cord to clip opposite of your primary kicking foot.
Juggling Drill: Adjust cord to the shortest length and then
knot the cord so the ball is slightly above the ground (see
illustrations). Using your knees, inside of the foot, or instep
(laces), kick the ball and alternate feet each time. As your
juggling skills increase, try to develop foot patterns such as a
double kick on each foot before alternating.
First Touch Drill: Adjust cord to a medium length. Using either
your instep, inside of foot or outside of foot, strike the ball lightly
along the ground. As the ball comes back toward you, strike the
ball lightly with the opposite foot without stopping the ball.
Repeat, staying light on your feet and constantly moving.
Strike and Trap Drill: Adjust the cord to the longest length. Strike
the ball with either the instep or inside of the foot. Remain light on
your feet. As the ball comes back toward you, trap the ball by using
the sole of the foot, the inside of the foot, or outside of the foot.
Pass and Meet Drill: Adjust cord to the longest length. Pass
or strike the ball. As the ball comes back toward you, run to
the ball and meet it. Trap the ball using the sole of the foot,
inside of the foot or outside of the foot.
Dribble Drill: Adjust the cord to a medium length. Begin by
running and tapping the ball along using the inside or outside of
the foot. The ball should never be far from your feet. To pick up
speed, do not kick the ball farther away; just move your feet faster.
Pro Performance Sports
P.O. Box 500127 • San Diego, CA 92150
(877) 225-7275
The key to practicing Keeper skills is to BE READY! The ball comes back to you very quickly. Use any part of your body to stop it. Choose a soft surface or grass
to practice these drills. Move at your own speed as your skills develop and don’t over extend yourself when first attempting these drills.
For all throwing drills place the waist clip on the same side as
your throwing arm.
The Roll: Using your strongest throwing hand, hold the ball
between the palm of the hand and your forearm. Step forward
with the opposite foot toward your target. Bend your knee
toward the ground as you release the ball along the ground.
The fingertips of your throwing hand should touch the ground
when you release the ball. The ball should glide along the
ground. The motion is similar to bowling.
Baseball Throw: This throw is similar to a baseball throw.
Using your strongest throwing arm, bring the ball beside the
head. The palm of your hand should support the ball. Step
forward with the opposite foot toward your target and throw
the ball straight forward. Let the ball roll off of your fingertips
as you release the ball.
For all three of these next drills, you will end in the same
protected position. To practice these skills adjust cord the
longest length. (see illustration).
The W or Contour Catch: This catch is used for balls that
are waist height or higher. As the ball comes toward you,
position yourself to be in line with the ball and place your
weight on your toes. Extend arms upward with hands forming
a W. Thumbs should slightly touch. As you receive the ball, be
sure your hands are behind the ball. After the catch is made,
protect the ball by bringing the ball close to your chest with
forearms in a vertical position and hands curled around the
top of the ball.
Inverted Contour Catch (or Basket Catch): This catch is
used for balls that are below the waist. As the ball comes
toward you, position yourself to be in line with the ball and
place your weight on your toes. Extend arms outward with
hands downward, palms up, and pinkies touching. As you
receive the ball, be sure your hands are behind the ball. After
the catch is made, protect the ball by bringing the ball close to
your chest with forearms in a vertical position and hands
curled around the top of the ball.
Ground Catch: This catch is used for balls that are rolling
along the ground. As the ball comes toward you, stagger your
feet so one foot is slightly in front of the other. Bend knees and
waist as you lower yourself toward the ground. Place one foot
next to the ball and one behind the ball. Brush your fingers
along the ground in an inverted contour position as you receive
the ball. Protect the ball by bringing it toward your chest.
Throw/Catch & Volley/Catch Drill: Extend the cord to the
longest length. Use a variety of throws or volleys to release the
ball. When throwing, move the waist clip to the same side as
your throwing arm. When volleying, move the waist clip to the
opposite side of your kicking leg. Remain light on your feet and
position your body so you are behind the ball as it comes back
toward you. Depending on the height of the ball, use the W
catch, inverted contour catch, or the ground catch. Repeat.
Dribble: a word used to describe someone who is running or moving with the
ball; ball remains close to feet.
First Touch: a word used when someone kicks or passes the ball without
stopping or controlling the ball first.
Instep: the top of your foot; where your laces are; usually the strongest kick.
Juggling: keeping the ball in the air using feet, thigh, or head.
Keeper: a term used for the goalkeeper.
Light on Your Feet: keeping your weight forward on the balls of your feet while
constantly moving.
Pass: a kick used to give the ball to someone else on your team; can be a hard
or soft kick; not usually a shot on the goal.
Sole: the bottom of your foot.
Striking: the soccer term for kick.
Throw-in: a throw-in is used when the ball leaves the field along the sidelines; the
ball is restarted by the opposite team that last touched the ball before it went out.
Trap: the soccer term for controlling the ball so it comes to a stop; you can use
your feet, thigh, or chest.
Volley: kicking the ball when it is off of the ground.
©2005 Pro Performance Sports (PPS)
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, republished, disturbed, transmitted,
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Diving Drill: Extend the cord to a medium length. Throw the
ball toward your foot on the ground. This will allow the ball to
be released in unpredictable patterns. To dive properly,
shuffle your feet so that your body is square to the ball. Place
your weight forward onto your toes and lower your body.
Using your leg nearest the ball, drive your body toward the
ball. Use both hands to catch the ball in a W position. When
hands have firmly caught the ball, collapse body allowing
your hands and ball to land first to cushion the fall. Land on
the outside thigh and the side of your upper body. Bring ball
toward your body and hug to protect the ball. You may dive
forward or to either side. Repeat.

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