Skytech II 3301PF RECEIVER User Manual 3301PF RX operating manual
Skytech II, Inc. RECEIVER 3301PF RX operating manual
users manual
3301 PF th function description REMOTE REC EIVER IMPORTANT: THE REMOTE RECEIVER SHOULD BE POSITIONED WHERE AMBIENT TEMPERATURES INSIDE THE RECEIVER DO NOT EXCEED 130 DEGREES F. The remote recelver is powered by tto-tzo VAC For operallohal luhctlohs and personal 6, ”J 0 safety the recelver must be properly groutltled The recelver's power cord ls equipped wltll we a threerprorlg (groundtng) plug whlch mates to a standard threeprong tgrountilrlg) receptacle mlhimizrhg the possiollity oi electrlcal shock hazard some fireplace products requrre a grounded circuit to operate WARMING. improper use or the grounding plug can result llt a shock Do not use a zvprong adapterto accept the 3-prong plug from the receiver The customer should have the tan/clutter receptacle in the FIREPLACE checked by a quailhed electriclah to make sure the receptacle is properly glounded anti correctly polarized CAUTION: AII wiring shouId be done by a qualtfled elecIrIciziri and shaII be In compliance wtlh local codes and wIIh the NalIorlaI Eltmtrlc Code ANSl/NFPA No 70-cllrrent (ln the United States)‘ or with current GSA C22 1 caltadlan code (ln Canada) WARNING: Do NOT CONNECT 110-120 VAC WIRING TO THE GAS CONTROL VALVE OF THIS APPLIANCE. The remote recelver houses the integrated CtrcuIlS that respond to commands from the transmitter to control system operation it has a 3—DOIIIOH Slkle swltch (0 select the MODE oloperatlon OFF/REMOTE/DN t With the slide swltch in the on DOSIIIOH‘ the valve tennlnats remalh on until the slide swltch is placed in the OFF or REMOTE posltloh 2 With the slide swltch in the REMOTE posltlorl. the system only operates it the remote receiver reoelves commands from the transmltter a With the slide swrtch in the OFF DOSIIIOH‘ the system ls oft it rs suggested tnatthe sllde swrtch he placed rh the on posltlon lt you WIII be away from your home tor an extended perlod OI tlme WIIh the remote receiver located out of children's reach‘ placing the shoe srvitch ln the OFF position also runctlons as a safety ‘lock —out“ by both turning the system on and rendering the tiansnrttter inoperative You may also engage the CHILD PROOF (cpl "LOCK OUT' atthe transmltter. see section CHILD-PROOF “LOCKOUT” CP) in Iater SeclIcrl 0111115 manual. T IV A TI FU TIO The remote receiver can oe positioned under the nreoax lh the control companmehtor the llieplece lramoreht temperatures do not exceed tzo Degrees F The remote receiver accepts cornmahdsrrom the transmitterahd is capaole or remotely operating several separate clrctril functlons Thls system ls deslghed to control the rollowlhg components WIRE COLORS Gas valve (Red wires) »MIIII\IOIt or electronlc lgnltlon Fan/Blower (Blue Wires) -t to VAC plug-in or rh-lrhe ON/DFF swrtch NOTE remote recelver wlll only respond to the ltartsmltterwhert tile B-positlon silde button on the remote receiver is in the REMOTE posltion lithe system does not respond to the transmltteron lhltlal use see Secllont MATCHING SECURITV CODES WIRING INSTRUCTIONS The terminal hlock on the receiver includes Mo rm" termlhals marked VALVE Using two‘ to ga stranded wrres (RED) wrtn appropriate insulated connectors attached to each and‘ plug one end of each wlre thto one or the two terminals marked VALVE oh the remote recelverr antl connect the other ends or these wires to the (t) TH and (t) TH/TP terminals located on the gas valve Itdoes not matter which wlres go to which set or lermrnals at the recelver or at the gas valve Thls is a DRY CONTACT clicuit and no power is provlded to these terminals oy the remote receiver TERMINAL BLOCK ON MILLIVDLT NOTE some gas valves are polarized little remote receivers ON/REMOTE/OFF GAS VALVES runcttons don't operate the gas valve‘ reverse the recelver lvires at the TH transmliter oh the gas valve tennrhai olock Operation or the remote receiver is slmilar to that era thermostat ln that oolh turn the gas valve on and off A thermostats input slgnals are from orrrerent temperatures The remote reoelvers lhput signals are sent from the transmitterr elther mahiially or THERMDPILE/ PILOT UGNT 1/3 WIR HQ A FAN/5 QWER NOTE When connedlng wrres to the tan make sure the flows power to the tan has been “mm, fig] turned otlI «1 REM a R515“! é Thls SKYTECH recerver provtdes 2 separate methods to operate a fon/olower system that may be rncluded wlth your heatlng appllahce E M K. 5:4; METHOD #1 PLUG FAN CORD DIRECTLY TNTO REMOTE RECEIVER Unemld 1mm t.t Oh the bachslde otlhe racelverl the tens 2-prorlg or 3-pIong power cord can be plugged lnto the recerver's receptacle. Thls receptacle provrdes t 10/120 - SAMP power tor a fall/blower. METHOD METHDD R2 WIRE FAN LlNE TO DRY CONTACT RECEIVER TERMINALS For Tan/otowersystems that are "hard wlred“ dlrectty to the appllance's lhternal u-on. and use an ln-llne swltch to control the tan/blower. The front ol the recelver lhcluoes two 1/4“ ~ m termlhals that are oontrolled by a “DRY CONTACT' relay These two terrmnals DO NOT provlde any power to the tan/hlowen they only complete a ‘dry Contact” ctrcult between the “hot" leg leading (0 the fart/blower These termtl'tals are marked HUN 6 CAUTION: DISCONNECT POWER TO FIREPLACE BEFORE F Cu 5 h MAKING THIS CONNECTION. 53“ 021mm) swltch lemmas) The SKYTECH recall/er In this remote controT system IS designed to COanOI the Van motor to elIher FAV ON or OFF H WITI not operate a S-speed Or varlable Contlmler other man in turn “OFF OI ON at , whateverposltlon the swrtch orcontroller rs set. It the Trreplace system has a a-speeo or vanable speeo fan and you wrsh to remotely control lt ON/OFF. attach two wrres from the remote reoerver to thls swttoh The speed selectton swrtch wlll be operallohal, however. ttre recelverwill only operate the tan/blower ON or OFF atthe current setttng or the speed controller There may be other sets OI 1/4" termlnals on the recelver whlch may be avallable Iorconlrolllng other "DRV CONTACT" lunctlons Refer to the SUPPLEMENTAL DRY CONTACT tnsIluctlon sheet for operatlon at these “DRY CONTACT” TERMINALS a —. 4‘ AEpwelmhn/hbwu “WWI“ GROUNDING THE RECEIVER The Termmal mock On 015 receiver Includes a 1/4" male temlhla‘ and a I/A' screw Ih’zll can be used to ground the ran/blower or appllahoe to the ttortzo VAC olrcutt powerlng l the receiver These connectors are marked GROUND USTHQ an 18 ga Whe. LISLIQHY GREEN Tn colon attach the groundtng wire (0 the 1/4" telmtnal On the remote receiver 5 You may also attach the groundlhg wtre under the groundan screw mm mm murmur-r MILLIVDLT VALVES nght yourgas appllance lollowrhg the lrghtrng lhstructrons that came wlth the applrahce connrm that the pllot llame ts on, rt must be tn operauon for the maln gas valve to operate t strde the 3-poslIl0n outton on the remote recelverto the ON posrtroh. The maln gas llame (l.e ‘ the fire) should rgnrte. 2 Slide the button to OFF. The llama should extrngutsh (the pllot Tame wlll remarn On). 3 sttde the button to REMOTE (the center posltloh) and then press the MODE outton on the transmltter to change the system to ON The maln gas llarne should lgnlte 4 Press the MODE DUNOH on the Iransmttler to change the system ‘0 OFF. The name should extlngutsh (the DUN name wlll remain on) 5 Press the mug button on the transmttter to change the system to THERMO Advance the SET temperature on the trahsmttter to a temperature ol a least 2“ F (1 "cl above the ROOM temperature dlsplayed On the LCD screen thh thls manual settlng. the normal thermostettc cycle ts overrldden and the system rlame wlll lgnlle set the SET temperature to at least 2 “F (1 “cl belowllle room temperature and the system llame wlll cxtrngutsh In a law seconds Thereafter lt should oonllnue to cycle to on and all lhermostatlcally approxlmately every two mlnutes as the ROOM temperature changes but only when the temperature dlllerentlal oehveen ROOM and SET temperatures dlner at least 2 “F (1 “Ct The 2 “F dlherenttal rs the iaclow seltlng ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEMS t Slide the 3-posltton button on the remote recelverto the ON posttlon The spark electrode should begln sparklhg to lgntte the pllot (the pllot rhay tgnlte alter only one spark). Alter the pllot name ls llt the maln gas valve should open and the malh gas llame should Ignlte sltde the button to OFF. The math gas flame and pttot flame should BOTH exttngulsh sltde the button to REMOTE (the center posllloh) and then press the MODE button on the transmltter to change the system to ON The spark electrode should hegth sparkthg to lgntte the pllot. After the pllot ts lttl the maln gas valve should open and the math gas name should lghtte 4 Press the mahuttoh oh the transmttter to OFF The math gas name and pllot name should BOTH extlngulsh (are 2/3 FCC Notice This device complies with pan 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1 I This de\-'ice may not cause harmful interference. and (2) this device must accept any interference received. including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER‘S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT. 3/3
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 3 XMP Toolkit : XMP toolkit 2.9.1-13, framework 1.6 About : uuid:2157ee46-8ff0-4528-a8b1-701e3e1aa910 Producer : Acrobat PDFWriter 5.0Windows NT ª© Create Date : 2006:01:20 11:03:53Z Creator Tool : 3301PF RX operating manual.doc - Microsoft Word Modify Date : 2006:01:20 12:10:45+08:00 Metadata Date : 2006:01:20 12:10:45+08:00 Document ID : uuid:8719cd35-0fb2-40ab-8edb-a70b69e2fd78 Format : application/pdf Title : 3301PF RX operating manual.doc Creator : beennan Author : beennanEXIF Metadata provided by