Sleep Number 3000H Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter User Manual 59975Cov JR indd

Select Comfort Corp Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter 59975Cov JR indd


User Manual 2

19YOU’RE DONE! NEXT STEP X THE FIRMNESS CONTROL™ SYSTEM1011VERIFY BORDER WRAP POSITIONINGVerify that the border wrap extends over the Intralux® foam comfort pad.MATTRESS COVERZip the top of the mattress cover.Store air chamber caps inside mattress at head of bed.Color and pattern may vary.Important Notice: To ensure compliance with federal and statefl ammability requirements, the border wrap must be positioned correctly within the mattress as shown in the steps below.
The caps are in the Firmness Control™ System box. Please store these in the mattress cover in case you should ever want to disassemble your bed and temporarily cap your air chamber(s).Where are the caps for air chamber(s)? And where should I store them?What if my Intralux® foam comfort pad appears to be too small or irregular?Gently shake the pad as you place it on your mattress and it will recover its full size overnight.What do I do if the Firmness Control™ System doesn’t run?Make sure the power cord is securely plugged into the Firmness Control™ System and the wall outlet. Check to see if the power cord is plugged into an outlet that has power and is not connected to an on/off wall switch.What if I feel like I’m rolling toward the edge or toward the center of the mattress?Although rare, these sensations could potentially be experienced if one side of the mattress is set quite fi rm and the other side quite soft. Call Customer Service for a remedy to this situation if it is bothersome to you.20Mattress FrequentlyAsked Questions
The odor you may smell is non-toxic and will fade over time. To minimize the smell, allow the air chamber to air out for a few hours and then lay a couple of dryer sheets on top of the air chamber.What if I notice a rubber smell from the air chamber? Will my bed defl ate if there is a power surge or power loss?No, your mattress will maintain its fi rmness. To protect your Firmness Control™ System, we do recommend using a surge protector.The mattress is losing air. What should I do?The air loss could be caused by either the air chamber or the Firmness Control™ System. To determine which component is causing the air loss, follow these troubleshooting steps: • Infl ate the side of the bed that is losing air to the preferred SLEEP NUMBER® setting plus fi ve (i.e., if you sleep at a setting of 40, infl ate the bed to 45). •  Locate the caps, and cap the side of the bed that is losing air. The assembly instructions suggested storing the air chamber caps in the mattress cover, at the head of the bed, where the zipper starts/ends.  •  Leave the air chamber capped for at least eight hours. It is preferable to cap it overnight while sleeping on it.  •  Contact Customer Service with the results of the troubleshooting. They will facilitate a component replacement under the terms of the warranty. 21
22For the best looking, most crisp appearance, customers should fully infl ate the mattress (10 0  if using a digital Sleep Number® remote). If going to full infl ation does not help with body impressions in the cover, the quilted top can be removed and shaken to restore some of the loft to the fi berfi ll. In addition, a vacuum nozzle may be used to fl uff the cover in areas where the fi bers have settled from use.Body impressions in a normal innerspring mattress would be an indication that the spring support is compressing or breaking down. The Sleep Number® bed uses air to support your body. Since air cannot break down, you receive the same support after years of use as you do on the fi rst day of use.  Please contact Customer Service with further questions.  Why are there body impressions on the mattress cover? Mattress FrequentlyAsked QuestionsIf you still have questions or need assistance, look for answers on our Web site or please call Customer Service at 1.800.472.7185
FirmnessControl™ System23
24 25FirmnessControl™ SystemTHINGS TO REMEMBERuReasons to alter the firmness of your bed- strained muscles- back pain- weight change- pregnancy- sunburn- new sleep positionas well as- to facilitate getting out of bed, if needed- to achieve a fuller bed appearanceuDual AdjustabilityIf you purchased a dual chamber model, you have the ability to personalize each side of your SLEEP NUMBER® bed. Since no two body types are the same, each sleep partner should find their own comfort level.If your model came with one remote for a dual chamber bed, the “L” button on the remote corresponds to the left side of the bed (left is determined when lying on your back on the bed).If you are missing any items listed on the following page, please e-mail Customer Service at or call 1.800.472.7185TROUBLESHOOTINGFor answers to some common questions regarding your Firmness Control™System, see the Frequently Asked Questions at the end of this section.WHAT IS A SLEEP NUMBER® SETTING?Your Sleep Number® is a setting between 0–10 0  that represents the ideal combination of mattress comfort, firmness and support for your body, giving you the best night’s sleep possible.YOUR SLEEP NUMBER®SETTINGWhen you shopped for The Sleep Number Bed by Select Comfort™, you may have discovered your Sleep Number® setting. You should use this as a starting point when setting the firmness of your Sleep Number®mattress. If you don’t have your Sleep Number® setting, this section will take you through the process of finding your Sleep Number® setting and will provide you with additional information about your Sleep Number® bed. If you don’t already have your Sleep Number® setting or if you would like to experiment with finding a different Sleep Number® setting, use the instructions below.EVALUATING YOUR COMFORT LEVELAs you are customizing the Sleep Number® bed for your optimum comfort level, you will want to evaluate your sleep position and determine how you feel as compared to the diagrams below, then make adjustments to your firmness or pillow if needed. Your pillow should help keep your body aligned properly, otherwise it may interfere with your ability to sleep comfortably. Visit or one of our stores to get a PillowFitSM profile and see the extensive selection of innovative pillows we carry for all sleep positions and fill preferences.RIGHT WRONG• Neck and back are aligned in the same position as when you are upright.• No discomfort at shoulder and hip pressure points.• You feel the mattress support the small of your back (back sleepers) or the curve of your side (side sleepers).• Body alignment is not straight.• Your pillow makes your head tilt at an angle to the rest of your body.• You feel discomfort from pressure at your neck, shoulders, back, hips or legs.“ I had forgotten what it feelslike to wake up feeling good andwith energy. Sleeping on theSleep Number bed has madea big difference. Thank you formaking me feel good again.”- Vicky Hendricks, Hartford, KY
IDENTIFY YOUR REMOTE AND ITS FUNCTIONS26For wireless remotes: A 9-Volt battery is included and should last about six months under normal use.Replace the battery when the low battery indicator is displayed.*Caution Statement: (per CFR 15.21) Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operatethe equipment.Device Statement: (Section 15.105 (b) of the FCC Rules) “Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energyand, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.7000 wirelessDual Chamber9000 wirelessDual Chamberwakes when L or Rbutton is pressedFirmerSideSofterMemoryFillwakes when L or Rbutton is pressedFirmerSideSofterMemoryFillSofterwakes when anybutton is pressedwakes when anybutton is pressedFirmerFirmerSofter7000 wirelessSingle Chamber9000 wirelessSingle ChamberMemoryMemoryFillFill27GIVE IT TIMEIt sometimes takes several nights of sleeping at different settings to discover your ideal Sleep Number®. If you would like to experiment further with your Sleep Number® setting, you may want to consider keeping a sleep journal. When you have found a Sleep Number® setting where you feel comfortable, log this number into your sleep journal. Use pages 30–31 in this booklet to log your information. Try to sleep at this Sleep Number®setting for three to four nights, adjusting in increments of 5 or 10  only. It will take your body that long to become accustomed to a new sleep surface. After five nights, reevaluate your comfort level and log the new setting into your sleep journal, adding comments if helpful. Repeat the process until you have found the perfect setting for you.If, after trying four different Sleep Number®settings, you have not foundyour ideal Sleep Number®setting and would like additional assistance, goto and click on Customer Center or call 1.800.472.7185to reach a Customer Service Representative. Our trained Customer ServiceRepresentatives may be able to recommend adjustments, make suggestionsor pinpoint concerns that might be contributing to less than ideal comfort.Improving your sleep is our expertise.“ We were instantly sold onyour mattress when we testedit at your store. It relieved thepressure off my husband’sback—he has back problems—in five minutes lying down.We recommend it to everyonewho is looking for a luxurious,comfortable sound sleep.” - Mr. & Mrs. Sal Oliveri,Paramus, NJ7000 wired9000 wiredwakes when anybutton is pressedFirmerSofterMemoryFillwakes when anybutton is pressedFirmerSofterMemoryFill
29u Step 1-Lie on one side of the SleepNumber® bed in your normal sleep position,holding your remote.u Step 2-Evaluate your comfort level.u Step 3-If you have a dual chamber model press L or Rto choose a side.u Step 4-Press and hold or tap the firmer or softer buttons and let the bed adjust.Repeat until you have reached your desired level of comfort. Your newSleepNumber®setting will be displayed. u Step 5-Your setting will be displayed for five seconds.u Step 6-Try this TTSleepNumber® setting for a minimum of five nights, then reevaluateand make adjustments accordingly.FINDING YOUR SLEEP NUMBER®SETTINGBUTTON FUNCTIONPress and release the p or q button several times until desiredSleepNumber®is displayed. Adjustments will begin after a slight delay.Press to choose a side, it will display the previousSleepNumber®setting.Firmer pSofter qSide (L) and (R)FillThis will allow you to inflate one or both chambers to a SleepNumber® of I00Wireless Remote-To fill both chambers press and hold the Fill button for at least 2 secondsTT- To fill one chamber press any button to wake up remote, then press L orTTRto select a side. Press and hold Fill button for at least 2 seconds.Wired Remote-Select one remote. Press and hold the Fill button for at least 2 seconds-To fill the second chamber, using the other remote, press and hold Fill for atTTleast 2 seconds. This chamber will fill to I00when the first chamber is full.To stop the fill feature at any time, press any button on the remote.MemoryThis feature allows you to set your favoriteSleepNumber®setting into memoryand recall it at any time.SETTING MEMORYWireless Remote-Press L orR to choose a side and wake up the remote-Adjust the bed to the SleepNumber®setting you’d like as your memory setting-Press and hold the Memory button for 3 seconds-“MemorySet” will appear above the SleepNumber® when it’s set.Wired Remote-Press up or down arrow to wake up the remote-Adjust the bed to the SleepNumber®setting you’d like as your memory setting-Press and hold the Memory button for 3 seconds-“MemorySet” will appear above the SleepNumber® when it’s set.RECALLING MEMORYWireless Remote-Press L orR on the side you would like to recall-Press theMemory button 2 times within 5 seconds.Wired Remote-Press the Memory button 2 times within 5 seconds  The first press of the button will display the current Sleep Number® set in memory. The second press of the button will adjust the bed to the memory setting. As the adjustment is taking place, the number displayed and tick marks will indicate the change.28Sleep Number® Setting study    Percent of people at sleep settingSleep Number®settingof couples don’t agree on mattress firmness90%As you can see,SleepNumber® bed owners find comfort at all settings from0–10 0, however the majority of sleepers find theirSleepNumber®setting between35–50.Because most couples disagree on mattress firmness, the SleepNumber®bed adjusts on both sides. You can each find your ideal comfort level—yourSleepNumber®setting—at the touch of abutton.One Bed, Two Sleep Number® Settings
An “Er” can be caused by several factors. The Firmness Control™ System base may not have power, or the remote and Firmness Control™ System base may have lost communication with one another. •  Make sure the Firmness Control™ System is fi rmly plugged into a working outlet and is receiving power. Is the outlet controlled by a wall switch? With the 5000 model you will know that the unit has power if it “clicks” when you plug it in.  •  Make sure that the power cord is plugged into the side of the Firmness Control™ System.•  Wait for the display to shut off (about 10 seconds). Then try to adjust the bed again. But this time, move the remote control a few inches to the left or right. •  Check for anything that may be causing interference. (HAM radios, baby monitors, police scanners, garage door openers, etc.) •  If the “Er” persists call Customer Service at 1.800.472.7185.  The wireless pump remote is displaying “Er.” What is the problem?30FirmnessControl™ System FrequentlyAsked Questions
32MATTRESS CAREThe cover of your SLEEP NUMBER® mattress may be spot cleaned with carbonated water. Do not dry clean the mattress cover orput it in a washing machine. Also, please do not apply stain guard,as it may cause yellowing of the fabric.Select Comfort is a leader in the industry in the use of materials designed to inhibit the growth of allergens or microorganisms that, in rare circumstances, can form inside any mattress, bedding, pillow or upholstered product.Advanced antimicrobial safeguards are incorporated into every Sleep Number® bed. Key components of the mattress have been treated to protect the bed from contaminants such as mold, mildew and bacteria growth. The unique, zip-open design of the Sleep Number® bed allows you to easily open, ventilate or vacuum if you choose.In rare instances under the right conditions, mold or mildew can form inside many types of mattresses, bedding or upholstered products. Should this condition occur in your mattress, please contact our customer service department so we can work with you to return your bed to factory-fresh condition.TRANSPORTING YOUR SLEEP NUMBER® BEDYour Sleep Number® bed is lighter than any conventional bed, making it much easier to move.Moving it yourself•  The foundation should always be disassembled. Bag all hardware so that it is not lost.•  The cover and foam should all be double bagged to prevent stains.    •  The chambers should be defl ated and boxed to prevent possible abrasions and other damage.  •  The Firmness Control™ System should be packed in a box, surrounded by some sort of packing material if the original box is not available.  •  The remote, caps and instructions should be tucked in the box with the pump to prevent them from being lost.Using a moving company  •  The foundation should always be disassembled. Bag all hardware so that it is not lost.•  The mattress can be fully infl ated, capped off, and should be packaged in a mattress box for moving.  •  The Firmness Control™ System should be packed in a box, with packing material, and transported in a manner where it will be exposed to minimal shock and vibration.Creating a Healthy Sleep EnvironmentAn estimated 50 million Americans suffer from allergies, and the bedroom presents some especially diffi cult challenges. A few simple steps you can take to create a healthy sleep environment include:•  Use a dehumidifi er to reduce any potential mold or mildew growth. Keep humidity levels under 60 percent.•  Use a high-quality mattress pad to protect your mattress from moisture. You may want to consider a waterproof mattress pad if you perspire heavily while sleeping.•  Use allergen covers on pillows and mattresses to reduce dust mites, which can trigger allergies and asthma. Wash bedding weekly in hot water.•  Vacuum the bedroom regularly, using a high quality vacuum cleaner such as one with a HEPA fi lter, one that does deep cleaning, or a central vacuum system.•  Wait 20-30 minutes before making your bed each morning, turning the covers back and allowing the mattress to air out for a bit.•  If possible, avoid placing your bed on an outside wall or above an air conditioning or heating vent, which can cause condensation and increase the likelihood of mold growth in many mattresses.  • You could also use a high-quality electronic air purifi er to remove additional airborne particulates from the bedroom.•  Please note: Ozone generators ARE NOT recommended for use in the same room with the Sleep Number® bed, as they can degrade components of the bed over time.
34PERSONALIZED COMFORT FROM HEAD TO TOESM WITH EXCLUSIVE SELECT COMFORT® ACCESSORIESPillows Our sleep-position pillows are available in memory foam, Intralux® comfort material, 100% down, down blend or down-alternative fi lls. You’ll be amazed at the difference a perfectly fi tted pillow can make. We canfi t you with a comfortable, supportive pillow that fi ts your sleep position, unique shape, and mattress fi rmness or SLEEP NUMBER® setting.Blankets and ComfortersExperience all-season comfort with products designed to meet the different warmth needs of every sleeper. Dual warmth items allow couples to further customize their sleep.Sheet SetsCustom designed to fi t your Sleep Number® bed, our sheet sets are available in pima cotton sateen, luxurious Supima® cotton and our fi nest Egyptian cotton. Available in a variety of colors.Mattress PadsProtect your investment with our high-quality mattress pads, and add a layer of comfort and breathability to your Sleep Number® bed.LOGICTM LABELThe LogicTM Label takes guesswork out of where to start making your bed. Insteadof trying to fi t mattress pads or sheets around the wrong bed corners and coming up short, you’ll be guided with a simple visual cue that perfectly positions all your Sleep Number® bedding. Each beddingaccessory carries a small label to matchthe one featured at the end of yourSleep Number® bed—your bed linenswill be positioned correctly when all the labels align.
Warranty and Comfort Club®3580
36DEFECTIVE OR DAMAGED COMPONENTS If any component of the mattress or foundation is found to be defective in materials or workmanship within fi rst two years of the original purchase date, they will be replaced by Select Comfort at no cost to you. Within the fi rst two years, all shipping charges to replace a defective component will be covered by Select Comfort. If any component of the mattress or foundation is found to be defective in materials or workmanship after two years from the original purchase date, the terms of the Limited Warranty will apply. After two years from the date of purchase, you will be responsible for the cost of shipping the defective component back to Select Comfort and any related costs. Contact our Customer Service Department at 1.800.472.7185 for troubleshooting assistance and if you need to process the replacement order. We recognize the fact that components may break, become soiled or unusable and may not be covered under the warranty. As long as you own our bed and can provide proof of purchase, you can purchase replacement components. All component sales are fi nal and carry a 2-Year Limited Warranty from the purchase date. Product discounts and accessory promotions do not apply to components. Call our Customer Service department for current pricing and to process the component purchase.RETURN POLICYWe hope you are completely satisfi ed with your SLEEP NUMBER® bed, but if you decide to return the bed during the In-Home Trial, contact Customer Service before packing your bed. All merchandise being returned must be in good condition and be given a Return Merchandise Authorization number from Customer Service, which will expire 30 days from date of issue. All refunds will be issued to the original method of payment within approximately 15 business days after all products have been received at Select Comfort. All shipping and incidental charges to return the bed are the customer’s responsibility.“ We love our bed. Now all of our friends are gettingSleep Number beds and they love them too. I just receivedan email from a friend who purchased a King Sleep Number bed and fi nally found relieffrom his back pain. What more can we say than ‘Thank You’ for this fabulous product. We’ll never stop recommending your beds.”  - Jolie C., Homewood, IL
37What is covered:• Select Comfort warrants that your mattress and/or foundation will be free from defects in materialsand workmanship for a period of 20 years from the original purchase date.• Warranty is limited to product repair or replacement only.What is not covered:• Conditions arising from normal wear and tear. (Conditions arising from normal wear and tear include, but are not limited to: mattress cover compression, foam compression, or discoloration of components.)• Damage from tampering with any component or from opening the Firmness Control™ System.• Damage from misuse or abuse of the warranted product or component.• Damage from laundering or dry-cleaning.• Acts of God, such as but not limited to lightning damage.What you must do:• Return the warranted product or component in sanitary condition to an authorized SELECT COMFORT® service center. Select Comfort will incur the cost of shipping up to two years after the original purchase date; after two years, the return shipping to Select Comfort will be at the customer’s expense.• Please telephone our Customer Service Department at 1.800.472.7185 to locate the nearest authorized service center and arrange for the return of the warranted product or component.What we will do:• Select Comfort, at its option, will repair or replace the defective product or component at a cost to the original purchaser based on the following table. The “price” is the price of the defective product or component at the time the warranty claim is made, or the price of a comparable product or component if the original product or component is no longer in production.• For example, if a warranty claim arises 12 years after the original purchase date, the cost to the original purchaser would be 68% of the price (that is, 20% plus 4% for each of the 12 years) and Select Comfort would be responsible for the remaining 32% of the price.• Select Comfort reserves the right to substitute products or components of equal or better quality, and to use or deliver refurbished products or components in the repair or replacement of any product under this Limited Warranty.What will void this warranty:• Tampering with any component or opening the Firmness Control™ System and its hand control unit.• Misuse or abuse of the warranted product or component.• Sale, transfer or other disposal of the warranted product or component.Limitations:• Your exclusive remedy, IN LIEU OF ALL INCIDEN-TAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING FOR NEGLIGENCE, is limited to repair or replacement of any product or component deemed to be defective under the terms and conditions stated above. Select Comfort will bear no other damages or expenses.• Customer maintains responsibility for installation of parts replaced under terms of the warranty.• Select Comfort reserves the right to refuse to repair or replace any product or component that is returned in an unsanitary condition.• This Limited Warranty applies only to the product as used in the United States and Canada. It is not applicable in U.S. territories or other countries.• This Limited Warranty is non-transferable.• Repair or replacement of a product or component under the terms of this Limited Warranty in no way lengthens the Limited Warranty period.• ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS PRODUCT, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THIS WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specifi c legal rights and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. All claims relating to the Limited Warranty of Select Comfort® products should be made bycontacting Customer Service at 1.800.472.7185or writing to Select Comfort Customer Service,6105 Trenton Lane North, Minneapolis, MN 55442.Years after purchase date Original purchaser’s costUp to 2 years2-20 yearsNo Cost20% plus 4% of price for each year from original purchase date.LIMITED WARRANTY
38Please tell us why you like your new Sleep Number Bed by Select ComfortTM.Comments: Name Email Address  Bed model purchasedCity/State/Zip  Your Sleep Number® settingPhone  May we reprint your comments?     Y     N S    Remove entire page, fold, seal and mail.    SCOMFORT CLUB® REWARDSIt’s amazing how many SLEEP NUMBER® bed purchasers are referred to us by family and friends! Chances are you will soon be telling someone about the difference the Sleep Number® bed has made in your life. We appreciate it when owners like you help us spread the word to others about our revolutionary bed. It is our company’s mission to improve lives by Revolutionizing the Way America SleepsSM— one bed at a time.Tell Your Family and Friends and Earn Rewards!As an owner, you are eligible to participate in our Owners-Only rewards program. Every time someone you refer purchases The Sleep Number Bed by Select ComfortTM, you can earn Comfort Club® Reward Certifi cates! These certifi cates can be redeemed any time you shop with us — on accessories such as pillows or mattress pads, or even toward the purchase of another bed! Call 1.800.422.4204 for details.Tell Us Why You Like Your BedWe’d love to hear why you like your new Sleep Number® bed. If you have any comments about the product and service you received, or suggestions as to how we might serve you better, please fi ll out the form on this page and send it in.
If you ever have product questions or need additional assistance obtaining optimal comfort, please visit us at:sleepnumber.comor call1.800.472.7185Representatives are available (CST):Monday–Friday   7am – 10pmSaturday   8am – 5:30pmSunday   10am – 6:30pm6105 Trenton Lane North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55442Help is just a click orphone call away.110485

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