Smart Technologies and Investment SMARTECRF1253 Digital Keypad (Transmitter) User Manual
Smart Technologies & Investment Ltd Digital Keypad (Transmitter)
User Manual
25 Code GTO Digital Keypad Instructions for Wired and Wireless Installations Thank you lot piirch' sing the (il 0 Digital Key pt’id. Be suie to read the directions carefully and completely. Before permanently mounting the keypad. please prognim the keypad and test ”its range. IMPORTANT: Your keypad may need to be hard Wired due [0 the fact than it must accept interference ' cording to FCC regulationc listed below. Forextnnple. applications lh‘dl tire rel; ivity close to cell t0\\crs or iiirpoits may receive intermittent interference zintl tetrtnre hard-wiring, The GTO Digital Keypad is ti multipurpose keypad thI! can work with other applications in addition to GTO gale openers and locks. As ti wired keypad it can operate garage door openers and gate openers, thnt require 24 volts or less and ticcepi normally open contacts. As A wirele s keypad it can be thud with any gate or garage door opener that receives ti 3 I 3 MHz RF tigntti. The keypad |llu>l be used in conjunction with the OTC garage door receiver kit (part rt tumor oti any other {11 t_e door, SAFETY NOTE: Never it tall the keypad where rt pe n Cill] reach through the gale to iIC— tivttte it. or where ti person um totich the gate while activating the keypad, The recommended minimum disinnce between the grttc mid keypad is [0 ft. HT w RNtNti t hr the not t ninhnnt, to ape t in tho ntnt hnt rtrirettiy tintinrvrn by titt» nutty innontnur ltir tntnnhhtte Ctltlltl wild NOIL lhhmuipiuctl In thtitonntiintuit-plyttnhthe-innntiornt'itttvittitntthltievtc ntnttthntinptrtisoithe rt kiiiet Illew‘lllmlxtln'dcflpllcdlfipllnldé not zilllzpltileclltm tthntnitnl lefleiem‘e mtdent llmt'tllililtiii rhttrnnnnnrhtg tit-v.“ nd nit ct ltilrt'tlm'myi'lldg)‘tllld.lltmllnxl.illt’ llltlllwdInilt’u‘lditlltcwllhlhclllhlrllv ttnht nun tithe iinniirhi lllltflub’llu’ttlmillilulmmullltdlltmx nnn Il Ihlxrtlullilllt‘flldtlcst inn» . ton ntnrounitrntt» tt-ntt worn-rt titr tntrrrt-rt» wptinttitm In‘ teen the ct me receiu‘r it tnnnttteti . t'tntnett tie w|lll||il|w|l ntto hit mullet on n tittnn titnmni ittnn trntnit Illc tinnitt or on etperlcllktd ninth/t v ttt nth ior Ilelp Features of the Keypad You my program tip to 25 tlil‘l‘eieiit personal entry code. allowing you to give tli ereni entry codes to different users. For extiinple. you t-ttu give ti delivery pe -oti (lielt' own entry code. which you dn Erlslly change tifter they hnve made the delivery This will prevent them from being able to regain (ICCtsSt while xtill allowing those to whom you gave other entry codes full access, Atreretiteri i vhiid code. pre ing any key while the gate h opening tviii stop the gate: pressing titty key while the grite Is topped tind the gtite will reverse direction, The keypzitl will not direct the nutth-tlose setting of your gate opener system, The keyptiti face will iinht up rind beeper will beep ill the press of any key. The keyphd memory will recognize your entry code in (I in; of up to Ztl digit if it finds the correct sequence it will activtite the gale openei. As ‘tl security feature, the keypzitl will shutdown for 40 seconds il‘ it does not fiitd the correct code sequence within a 20 tligit string. T . will discourage an unauthorized person from trying to use rzindtini numbers to access your propeity. your entry (tides will remiiill stored in memory even when the batteriet gt) dead. The keypad will remember your entry code. ll.» yoit don‘t pretk the RESET button IS long Llinlted One Year Warranty .t~t~e~tortet the w'lrllltlh‘d hy the thtthhincittret agattitt tteicrtt in wutkmrlnshlp int h period flfnne t I) year from the date oi t». prnvtdrti ntomntotded ntttttntttton procedures have l’x‘ell followed. GTO his dirt» Opclwl pllrdl Itllllt‘ulw‘tilprtidllclltlll etiuetodet’et vt» innit-inn or tnrnntfht-turet worktiu thipwnhtntheonetiiyetirwtirrnhty pelltld.lh=‘llc£dssllry\ nitreunrrrpiin-dtntthcinhttttinctttrer tililltinlztl Ilticht’lrgt‘ to that ttoinetnireturnedtrerghipreptndtod‘m,int-Jul Hatisfield kd,‘inl F.12 IMPORTAN chlin l/575—4I44orfitxXSU/i75—x‘5llfiii tketttrtttrtkdtkttthntnnttoh(RCA)hnmhertretivrcreuniting gtkldslfll Produth rec ted tit lllt, itioty without tin kck will not he thL‘cpICd. chllitclllt‘lil or reported pill“ the covered by ihit Warrtlnly tor the tern htierot’ int-ont- (ll) it warm”) pertod Git). Inc will [my thcthippitthchrrrget itrtrtntirn Itilhctiwnrrnfllclnotepttlted ‘Ihe inn “rttirorwtil no oi ihote pm‘ls nttot lmpmpel pom tour tespolhlhle for lllly clidigtsm dn eh liictim'd tn the rellmvill oi the deletl‘ivc putt tot l’cpflll. or ltirlhe relnxlllllitllflll tr llls‘ wnnnntylteltet"s receiver should not exceed 50 it Always test the key- pittl rouge before pct-mnneutly mounting tl. Step 1 Mount the keypnd cover using the screws provtded. Set the kcypnd DlP swnclies to match your entry titiiismitter‘s DIP switch settings. NOTE' it you have not changed your open— l + er's truu. itter eotle front the factory Selllllgt l OH H E H B H H EH see the ettiul,v Your Personal Trunsmitlcl‘ Code" section III the gtue openers innnunl p their set the keypad DIP switches to much the l new trunsinitter DIP swttch setting ‘ "123456789 Step 1: Slide the keypad into the cover turd secure with the small screWs i provided. ‘ t ‘ Wired Installation of the Keypad NOTE: it you tilso plnn to power the keypntl with the grite openers power source. niii [W0 pitirs of wires as described below One pair to horn-wire the keypild rind the other pair to con- tiect the keypnd to the glue opener's battery mekw“ Step lzTurn the gate opener's power switch OFF, Use I6 gauge, strtintled. direct burial low voltage wire tptii-t no. RBSOQ) to connect the keypad to the opener control honrrl. Run wire lhlttugh PVC pipe from the ground to keyptitl and from the ground to the opener control bonrd to protect the Wire i‘rotn lttwn inowers or grilling nuitnttls Determine how the wile will enter the kcypttd (i e from the back through (I hole drilled in (he nioiinting post or running the wrie on the siirt‘nce of the post). Remove the sin-tn rectniigtiltii knockout on the buck til the keypad cover and pull the wire into the cnyer. Then mount the cover to the post using the screws provided. Siep o Ilard—wlre the keypad , ship the wires back 3/I6" and nll‘dch llle wires to the terminal block marked RELAY OUTPUT on lhe keypad conll‘nl board as shown m lhe right. Connecr [he olher end to the opener fix Cul|lm| board t. Wltch ON. Ted [he keyplld by entering I z 3 4. y r Step 7: Program your ‘Personal Master Code‘ and any alldirional ellll'y codex lt‘or a low] of 25 entry codes) l you wish. See Programming (he Keypad secrioll. Control Board Connectlons "runs. |l|eil digit» IIt length. ~ Entry code is a four (4) digit code needed to tlctiviltc the gate, ' Minter Code is needed to add. remove or reset entry codea. - Mflxlel Code Lllxo ftlnclionx as the entry code under normal operation ' Factory default Master Code to I234. 0 STATUS light should blink ilnd beeper ahould beep (once) whenever any button is prthsed. - tl’mnrt: thun ltl seconds clapped bcttvccn kcy prcasca the unit return» to normal (ttJIc) operating mode, ~ Keypad can only enter program mode from sleep mode (keypad n turncd OFF). - Keypad will hecp thlec times before going into sleep mode. Program New Master Code: ' Pl’esx‘ and release PROGRAM button. ~ Enter the old Mtnter Code then press and release PROGRAM button. ' Enlcrt). b lhcn prexs inld rclczloc PROGRAM button - Enter the new Maotcr Codc then pic.“ and releust: PROGRAM htltltnl - Enter the new Mtoter Code then press antl release PROGRAM button again for confirmation - Bccpcr bccpx 3 lilttcx to confirm that thc new MasterCodc h accepted. NOTE: lithe Mihter Code is not a matched pair or emu occurs (Le. tt' the entry code in NOT il 4»dtgtl 6046) the STATUS light wtll flash rapidly and the beeper \Vlll fiound for 2 $econdx before returning to normal tlperntlon with old Master Code. Examplc; Key pmss sequence to change out Master Code from ] 2 3 4 to 3 I 2 l ©1234©06©3121©3121© The round black dot o the» 'PR()GRAM' button. Program (Add) New Entry Code: ' Press and release PROGRAM button - Enter the Master Code then prcas and release PROGRAM button. - Enter 0. 2 then pteos and release PROGRAM button. NOTE. It memory is full (illl 25 locations ate already programmed) the STATUS light Will flash rapidly and the beeper will nound for 2 seconds before retuming to normal operation. without saving 0 Enter the new Entry Code then pro“ and release PROGRAM btttton ~ Beeper beeps 3 time-a to ctutlirrn that the new Entry Code ix accepted NOTI- li' the code ix NOT 4~dlglt> tn length or am error condition l’tih‘ occurred. the STATUS light will ll‘thh rapidly and the bcepcr will ~tnlud for z rcconds bctorc returning to notmtll operation. without savutg. Example: Kcy |7|’e~‘\ sequence to add 11455 as anew entry code (1234 it the Master Code) ©1234©02®3456© Thv; round blilck dot Its the “PROGRAM' button. - Preps iutd releihe PROGRAM button. ' Enter the Master Code then press and release PROGRAM button. ~ Enter 8. and any number between I thru 7 then press and lclczwc the PROGRAM button. The second number indicates the number of days after which the code will be automatically removed from memory NOTE‘ It" memory is full (illl 25 locations are already programmed) or an invulid entry is detected then an error condition h‘th‘ occurred, the STATUS light will flash rapidly and the beeper wrll sound for 2 seconds before returning to normal operation, wunout suvtng, ~ Enter the new Entry Cndc then presx and release PROGRAM button. ' Beeper beeps 3 time» to confirm that the new Entry Code is accepted. NOTE: It the code is NOT 4-digit in length or an error condition hits occurred. the STATUS light will fltlah rapidly and the beeper will sound it) 7 seconds before retumulg In normal operation, without saving. Example: Kcy press sequence to add "3456" as a new cntry code that will remain valid for 2-dtlys only. (1234 is the Master Code) ©1234©8fl©3456© The round black dill is the ‘PROGRAM‘ button. Example: Key press sequence to add “3456" as a new entry code that wtll remain valid for 7~days only (1234 IS the M aster Code) ©1234©8fl©3456© The round black (lot the ‘PROGRAM' button. Delete An Entry Code: ' Press and release PROGRAM button. Enter the Master Code then press and release PROGRAM button. Enter 0, 3 their press and release PROGRAM button. Enter the Entry Code to be deleted then press and release PROGRAM button. Beeper beeps 3 times to confirm that the new Entry Code is deleted. NOTE: If no matching code is found or the code is NOT 4-dtg— u in length then an error condition has occurred. the STATUS light will flush rapidly and thc beeper will sound for 2 recoude hctorc returning to normal operation. without saving. laxnlnple: Key press sequence to delete entry code ‘3456‘ from memory. ( I 234 in the Master Cndc) ©1234©03J©3456© The round black dot |5 the ‘PROGRAM‘ button. Delete ALL Entry Codes: - PreSs ttntl t'elettsc PROGRAM button. ' Enter the Master Code then pres.» and relettSc PROGRAM button. ' Enlerlt, 7 then ‘ s 1II|Ll t‘elettse PROGRAM button. - Becpet heepo 3 titttex to confirm that the All Entry Coders me deleted. Example: Key pt'eSx’ Sequence to delete zdl entry codes from memory. <3 m i. the Master Code) ©1234©07© The round black dot ix the "PROGRAM" button. Keying Indication Summary: Normal Keypad operation: . It” the uSer enters a 4—(ligil code that is tntttched to one of the 25 stored codes. The STATUS light Should bltnk twice and the beeper Should beep twice to confirm that a thatched code is entered. - No more than 20 key presSeS are allowed to obtain the 4—dtgit entry code. Emmple: ll |5 one of the eodet Sltlretl in one of the memory tocrruon. The Set can enter ‘x I 234' or ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx l234‘ itnd the gate Should be acttvdted (x ii any key). If more than 20 key ptex‘ s entered without matching tme oi” the codes then the utrrt‘s STATUS light should be flashing r-npidty and no entry will be accepted for the next-10 secondS. The user must not enter any code for ttt leilsl 4A) tecondS before the unit returns to not-— null operation; otherwise it remains in this ‘Ittck-down' rnode. Once the user enters a matched code. any subsequent key press u rthin the next 441 seconds will retrilCllV'tlle the keypad. Keying Error Alert [ndtcttttun Keying accepted confirmation Indication Master Code Selling STATUS light. ntpid limiting Speaker: continuous Beep for 2 seconds Speaker: Beep - Beep , Beep STATUS light: no tight, no thohing Pertnatrent Entry Code STATUS light: t'ztpitl flushing Speaker; continuous Beep for 2 xecrmds Speaker: Beep , Beep _ Beep STATUS Itghl: no light. no fldohing Temporary Entry Code Setltng STATUS light: rapid droning Speaker» continuum Beep for 2 seconds —l Speaker: Beep , Beep - Beep STATUS tight. no light. no flashing Enlry Code Matching STATUS liglll' mpid flushing Speaker continuum Beep for 2 Seconds Speaker: Beep , Beep - Beep (after nonrmalching 20 keyingt STATUS light: no light, no flztdhing If" you have any questions or concerns. please contact ottrTechtt'icul Service Department at 1-800-5434236 or 850-575-4l44. GTO, Inc. ° 312] HartSfield Road 0 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Telephone (850) 575—0176 ' Fttx (850) 575-8912 - website www.gtoinctcom Thu nrrnrrro or all roam-t .rr.rrt..t-h orr rtrr. tmulldltttn nr..rnru ere rumrtghtetl by mu. Ins t ( xttpl with lltc prror Mitten perrnntron or (r reprodrrted (Ittttnloatlnl tltxxrtntntletldxttltltwltctlttn tnxlettetl tndm torrrror hy any titer rntm tvthcmtxt: rrrrtrtnred All rrr to Atty lepttnltng or out [ml in .. It) nrrrnroronortty (‘nmttgltl ttttrt ctncttl r~ .. iltilrtltttn or ludcrrtl he mot titttrt'tm-n Mighty Mrrteh All o tcglxlcrvtl lttttlelndtlx or G to trre t>nrreoronrt ALk<\\ xytrenrwt r. rr trutletndtk om I o t are wwvwd by (r'l‘t. tntl (Mu rrrtrrh rrr.ry not ht: toot rrr 1m) tor nrttrorn thr prror. “nit themdttme propenyurmo Int t‘G'm") on or (Jo
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2005:03:07 11:41:46+08:00 Create Date : 2005:03:07 11:41:25+08:00 Title : Subject : Author : BEN HO Creator : HP 9100C Digital Sender Producer : Page Count : 5 Mod Date : 2005:03:07 11:41:46+08:00 Creation Date : 2005:03:07 11:41:25+08:00 Metadata Date : 2005:03:07 11:41:46+08:00EXIF Metadata provided by