Socket Mobile P300SD-1 SDIO Wi-Fi Card User Manual user guide

Socket Mobile, Inc. SDIO Wi-Fi Card user guide

user guide

Go Wi-Fi!®and Wi-Fi Companion™User’s Guide
210/2007 Document # 6410-00170 OCopyright NoticeCopyright © 2007 Socket Communications, Inc. dba Socket Mobile, Inc.All rights reserved.Socket Mobile, the Socket logo, Go Wi-Fi! and Battery Friendly areregistered trademarks of Socket Communications, Inc. dba Socket Mobile,Inc. Wi-Fi Companion is a trademark of Socket Communications, Inc. dbaSocket Mobile, Inc. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.All other brand and product names are trademarks of their respectiveholders.Reproduction of the contents of this manual without the permission ofSocket Mobile is expressly prohibited. Please be aware that the productsdescribed in this manual may change without notice.Feel free to contact SOCKET MOBILE at:Socket Mobile, Inc.39700 Eureka DriveNewark, CA 94560USAOther than the above, Socket Mobile can assume no responsibility foranything resulting from the application of information contained in thismanual.Socket Mobile requests that you refrain from any applications of Go Wi-Fi!or Wi-Fi Companion that are not described in this manual. Please refrainfrom disassembling the card. Disassembly of this device will void theproduct warranty.You can track new product releases, software updates and technicalbulletins by visiting the Socket Mobile website at:
3Table of Contents1 | Introduction 5Go Wi-Fi! 5Wi-Fi Companion 5System Requirements 6Product Registration 62 | Software Installation 83 | Open or WEP-Enabled Networks 10STEP 1: Prepare Wi-Fi Hardware 11STEP 2: Start Wi-Fi Companion 13STEP 3: Find and Connect to a WLAN 14STEP 4: Connect Automatically to Your Network 184 | WPA or 802.1x Networks 20STEP 1: Prepare Network Information 21STEP 2: Install Authentication Certificate(s) 22STEP 3: Prepare Wi-Fi Hardware 24STEP 4: Start Wi-Fi Companion 26STEP 5: Find a WLAN and Create a Profile 275 | Wi-Fi Companion 33Turn Wireless Radio On/Off 34View IP Addresses 35Find Networks 36Enable Power Save 38Install Personal Certificate for EAP-TLS 39Manage Certificates 40Ping 41Trace Route 44View Rates 46View Graphs 47View Tables 48View Help Files 49APPENDICESA | Specifications 50B | Safety and Usage Tips 54C | Network Information 56D | Troubleshooting 58E | Technical Support 59
4Limited Warranty 60Limited Software Warranty 61Disclaimer 62Regulatory Compliance for Go Wi-Fi! 63
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 51 | IntroductionSocket Mobile Wi-Fi products for Windows Mobile are the perfect tools toconnect to enterprise and public Wi-Fi systems, so you can access email,the Internet, and corporate servers from your favorite Pocket PC.Go Wi-Fi!Available in both Secure Digital (SD) and CompactFlash(CF) form factors, Socket Go Wi-Fi! wireless LAN cardsuse Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) technologyto provide a high-capacity network. The P300, P300x,P500 and P500x comply with IEEE 802.11b/g with datarates up to 54 Mbps. The P500 and 500x are Wi-FiCertified.The Battery Friendly® Go Wi-Fi! cards were designed to useminimal power, so you can use them longer without havingto stop and recharge your Pocket PC.The cards work with these types of WLAN security:•Open systems•40/64-bit or 128-bit WEP encryption•802.1x with EAP-TLS or PEAP•WPA and WPA-PSK (Windows Mobile 2003SE and 5.0 only)•AES•WPA-2 Enterprise with Juniper Networks Odyssey Client. For moreinformation, visit: CompanionWi-Fi Companion is an intuitive and graphical utilityfor either the SoMo 650 handheld computer or aWindows Mobile-base device enhanced with a Go Wi-Fi! card. The software enables you to find WLANs inrange, view their properties in detail, and connectwhenever your favorite networks are available. Youcan even manage power settings to maximize batterylife. Plus, diagnostic tools and connection statistics areprovided for advanced users.
6System RequirementsNote: For information about support for MontaVista Linux and Real-TimeOperating Systems (RTOS), please contact the Socket OEM Group requirements for Go Wi-Fi! P300 or P300x (SD cards):•Windows Mobile 2003, 2003SE or 5.0•Available SDIO slot•For Windows Mobile 2003/2003SE, SDIO Now! software fromBSQUARE is required in ROM•Software installation requires a host computer with either WindowsVista or ActiveSync 4.0 or greater. Alternatively, advanced users caninstall a CAB file.Device requirements for Go Wi-Fi! P500 or P500x (CF cards):•Windows Mobile 2003, 2003SE or 5.0•Available CF or PC Card slot (PC Card adapter required for PC slot)•Software installation requires a host computer with either WindowsVista or ActiveSync 4.0 or greater. Alternatively, advanced users caninstall a CAB file.Product RegistrationSocket Mobile recommends that all customers register their Socket Mobileproducts. Registered users receive the following benefits:•Priority for technical support•Special offers for future products and product upgrades•The latest new product informationRegister online at: updates:
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 7Go Wi-Fi! Status Indicator LEDsP300 Link LEDLED LED Behavior  MeaningOff Radio disabled/cannot transmit.Slow flash Radio on, not connected.LinkOn ConnectedP500 LEDs:LED LED Behavior MeaningOff Power off.PowerGreen On Power on.Off Not connected.Flashing Transmitting/receiving data.ActivityBlue On Connected.
82 | Software InstallationFollow these instructions to install the software into your Windows Mobile-based device.SoMo 650: If you are using the SoMo 650, Wi-Fi Companion is pre-loadedon your device. You may want to install a newer version of the software ifavailable.ADVANCED USERS: For CAB file installation instructions, please referto the README file in the installation CD.1. If your device already has an older version of Socket WLAN software,you must completely remove it before you install the new software.Remove both the utility and the card drivers.•Make sure the WLAN card is not in the Pocket PC.•Tap Start | Settings | System tab | Remove Programs.•Select the WLAN card drivers and tap Remove.•Repeat to remove the WLAN utiity.•Soft reset the Pocket PC by pressing the reset button.2. Use a serial/USB connection cable or cradle to make an activeconnection between your device and a host PC.•If your host computer is running Windows Vista, use the WindowsMobile Device Manager.•If your host computer is running Windows 2000/XP, ActiveSync4.0 or greater is required.3. Insert the installation CD into your host PC. Use My Computer orWindows Explorer to access your CD-ROM drive.Alternatively, if you downloaded the software from Socket’s website,extract and save the contents to your computer. Remember where yousave the software.
CHAPTER 2: SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 94. If you plan to use Go Wi-Fi!, you must install the card drivers first,then install Wi-Fi Companion. In the CD contents, click on the correctDriverSetup.exe file for your version of Go Wi-Fi!5. The InstallShield Wizard will begin. Follow the wizard to install thesoftware.6. If you plan to use Socket Go Wi-Fi!, after installing the card drivers,install Wi-Fi Companion. Return to the CD contents and click onWIFISoftwareSetup.exe. Follow the wizard to install the software.7. After software installation, disconnect the Pocket PC from the host PC.8. Soft reset the Pocket PC by pressing the reset button.
103 | Open or WEP-Enabled NetworksThis section covers how to use Wi-Fi Companion to find, configure andconnect your Pocket PC to a WLAN running an open system or WEPencryption. Before you begin the instructions in this chapter, make sureyou have installed the software, as described in Chapter 2.For help using the software, tapStart | Help.Connection SummarySTEP 1: Prepare Wi-Fi Hardware.STEP 2: Start Wi-Fi Companion.STEP 3: Find a WLAN and create a profile.STEP 4: Connect automatically to your network.
CHAPTER 3: OPEN OR WEP-ENABLED NETWORKS 11STEP 1: Prepare Wi-Fi HardwareSoMo 650Turn on the Wi-Fi radio built into the SoMo 650.1. Press the button on the right side of the SoMo 650. By default, it isprogrammed to launch the Radio Manager. Alternatively, you can tapon the Wi-Fi icon in the Today screen.2. In the Radio Manager, enable Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi button should have ared “x” to indicate that Wi-Fi is disabled. Tap on the Wi-Fi button.3. The “x” will vanish to indicate that Wi-Fi has been enabled, and theWi-Fi LED will turn green.
12Go Wi-Fi!Insert the card into the card slot of your device. Make sure the card ispositioned correctly in the slot. In most cases, it should be right-side up.Do not use excessive force, or damage may occur.Note: To remove an SD card, press it into the slot. A spring will push thecard out. Do not remove the card by simply pulling, or damage mayoccur.
CHAPTER 3: OPEN OR WEP-ENABLED NETWORKS 13STEP 2: Start Wi-Fi Companion1. After you insert the WLAN card or turn on theWLAN radio of your Pocket PC, Wi-FiCompanion will automatically launch, indicatedby the Socket status icon at the top of thescreen. Tap on the icon. The icon variesdepending on your connection status.Windows Mobile 5.0: You can also tap Notificationat the bottom of the Today screen to access themain screen of Wi-Fi Companion.Alternatively, you can manually start theprogram by tapping:Start | Programs | Wi-Fi Companion.2. The main screen of Wi-Fi Companion willappear.Socket status icon,search mode.
14STEP 3: Find and Connect to a WLAN1. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, tap on the large tower icon, ortap Tools | Wi-Fi Finder.2. Wi-Fi Finder will list WLANs detected in range. Tap on any WLAN inthe list to view additional properties.If desired, tap on the Type or Sort by drop-down menus to change howthe list is displayed. By default, All types are displayed, sorted by Name.If your WLAN is not listed, tap Refresh.Signal strength of strongestAP/ad hoc radio Channel numberWEP encryption, WPA (PSK),WPA (TKIP) or 802.1x Profile savedNo encryption 802.11b, 802.11g3. If Wi-Fi Finder cannot find your WLAN because its SSID is hidden, tapNew at the bottom of the screen to create a new profile for yournetwork.4. If your WLAN has a profile (indicated by a folder icon), Wi-FiCompanion may have already connected to it, indicated by atower icon with a green burst on top.Tap to filter thelist by type. Tap to sort the list.Currentconnection. Tap on the MACaddress line to viewAP Details.Tap on any listing toexpand details.Tap and hold styluson any listing tomanage profilesand/or connect.
CHAPTER 3: OPEN OR WEP-ENABLED NETWORKS 15To connect to a WLAN with a profile, tap andhold your stylus on the WLAN in the list. Inthe pop-up menu, tap Connect.5. If your WLAN does not have a profile (no foldericon), tap and hold your stylus on the WLAN inthe list, then tap Get connected to create a profilefor the selected SSID.Creating a WLAN ProfileAfter you tap New or Get connected in Wi-Fi Finder, you will be directed toWireless Zero Config (WZC), the wireless connection editor built into WindowsMobile, to create a WLAN profile. For help with WZC, please refer to yourPocket PC manual. Consult with your network administrator to determine thesettings needed to connect to your network.1. In the Configure Wireless Network screen,enter the Network name (SSID) if it isn’talready provided. The SSID is case-sensitive.Connects to:Select either The Internet or Work.Note: In most cases, you should selectThe Internet. For a VPN/proxy server, refer toyour Pocket PC manual for instructions.2. Follow the appropriate instructions for your type ofnetwork to enter the necessary security settings.Open NetworksDepending on your Pocket PC version, your devicemay show two or three tabs at the bottom of thescreen. If your device shows three tabs, enter thefollowing settings:ØNetwork Key tab:Authentication: Select Open.Data Encryption: Select Disabled.Ø802.1x tab:Do not enter any settings. Tap ok.
16If your device shows two tabs, enter the followingsettings:ØAuthentication tab:Uncheck all boxes. Tap ok.WEP-Enabled NetworksMake sure your WEP key has the correct length. For 40/64-bit WEP, the keylength is 10 hexadecimal or 5 ASCII characters. For 128-bit WEP, the keylength is 26 hexadecimal or 13 ASCII characters.Depending on your Pocket PC version, your device may show two or three tabsat the bottom of the screen. If your device shows three tabs, enter the followingsettings:ØNetwork Key tab•Authentication: Select Open.•Data Encryption: Select WEP.T•he Key is provided for me automatically:Uncheck. Enter the Network key and Key index.Use the correct key length.Ø802.1x tabUncheck Use IEEE 802.1x network access controland tap ok.
18If your device shows two tabs, enter the following settings:ØAuthentication tab•Data encryption: Check.•Network Authentication: Check if your network isset up for this. In most cases, you shoulduncheck.•The key is provided to me automatically: Uncheck.Enter the Network key and Key index. Use thecorrect key length.•Enable network access using IEEE 802.1X:Uncheck. Tap ok.STEP 4: Connect Automatically to Your Network1. After you enter the settings and tap ok, your device will automaticallytry to connect. You may see the Socket status icon at the top of yourscreen change from “networks available” to “networks out of range butconfigured.”2. When your Pocket PC has connected, the following will occur:•The Socket status icon will change to 1-5 bars.•The “x” will vanish from the connection icon.•In Wi-Fi Finder, the WLAN will appear first in the list, showing asignal tower with a green burst on top.Note: After you save a profile for a WLAN, Wi-Fi Companion willautomatically try to connect to it whenever you insert the WLAN cardor turn on the WLAN radio built into your Pocket PC.3. Tap ok to return to the main screen.Socket Status IconsAssociated or Connected. Number ofbars indicates signal strength. Searching for networks.Networks available. Networks out of range butconfigured.
CHAPTER 3: OPEN OR WEP-ENABLED NETWORKS 19Main Screen of Wi-Fi CompanionThe screen content varies depending on your connection status.Your device properties.•  Device name•  IP address•  Packets sent andreceivedThe icon always appearsregardlessof connection status.Tap to view moreIP addresses. ForP300/P500, also tap toturn the radio on/offEncryption status.Tap to access acertificatemanagement utility forWPA or 802.1x ifneeded.Data rate. Tap toview signal strengthand data ratedistribution.Socket status icon. Tap to access thisscreen from outside the utility.Access point/remote device properties.• SSID•  Connection duration•  Signal quality rating and percentage•  MAC address (also known as BSSID)•  Channel number (in black circle)Tap for Wi-Fi Finder.}Internet ready.Tap to access email,the Internet, ping ortrace route. Iconappears only whenInternet access isready.
204 | WPA or 802.1x NetworksThis section covers how to use Socket Mobile Wi-Fi Companion toconfigure and connect your Pocket PC to a WLAN running WPA or 802.1xwith PEAP or EAP-TLS authentication.  Before you begin the instructionsin this chapter, be sure to install the software, as described in Chapter 2.WPA is supported by Windows Mobile 5.0 and2003 Second Edition devices as well as someWindows Mobile 2003 (original version)devices with an updated ROM from the devicemanufacturer. If your device supports WPA,WPA and WPA-PSK options will appear in the“Configure Wireless Networks” screen.For help using the software, tap Start | Help.Connection SummarySTEP 1: Prepare network information.STEP 2: Install authentication certificate(s).STEP 3: Insert Go Wi-Fi! or turn on WLAN radio.STEP 4: Find a WLAN and create a profile.STEP 5: Connect automatically to your network.
CHAPTER 4: WPA OR 802.1X 21STEP 1: Prepare Network InformationVerify Device and Network CompatibilitySome Pocket PCs can only connect to certain types of WPA and 802.1xnetworks. Check with your Pocket PC manufacturer. Your Pocket PC may onlybe able to connect to WPA and 802.1x networks that satisfy requirements suchas:•Windows Internet Information Service (IIS)•Windows Internet Authentication Service (IAS)•Windows Certification Authority (CA) with automatic approval and correctPocket PC certificate format (via MS certificate template)•Access point configured only for WPA or 802.1x (i.e., no multi-mode supportor static 128-bit WEP keys)Prepare Security SettingsIf the network is compatible, ask the administrator for the necessary securitysettings:qWireless network name, known as SSID (case sensitive)qAuthentication type, user name, password, domainqPre-Shared Key, key format (hex or ASCII)qUse of either DHCP or Static IP to assign IP addressesqAuthentication permission restrictions (e.g., domain administrators only)For a Network Information Form that you can send to your networkadministrator, go to any of the following:•Appendix C of this User’s Guide•Docs folder on the CDIf your network only allows domain administrators to authenticate, askyour network administrator to assign you this privilege.Obtain Authentication Certificate(s)qAsk the network administrator for a copy of the root certificate from aTrusted Root Authority (no intermediary authority) if required. Installationinstructions begin on the next page.EAP-TLS only: You also need to set up a cabled connection to thenetwork to install a personal certificate. Installation instructionsbegin on the next page.
22STEP 2: Install Authentication Certificate(s)If your network uses PEAP authentication, you need to install only a rootcertificate. If your network uses EAP-TLS authentication, you need toinstall both a root and a personal certificate.Install a Root Certificate1. If you have not done so already, get a root (server) certificate fromyour network administrator. The root certificate must come from aTrusted Root Authority (not an intermediary authority).2. If Socket Go Wi-Fi! is inserted into your Pocket PC, remove it.3. Use a serial/USB cable or cradle and make an active connectionbetween your Pocket PC and host PC.•If your host computer is running Windows Vista, use the WindowsMobile Device Center.•If your host computer is running Windows 2000/XP, ActiveSync 4.0 orgreater is required.4. Use My Computer or Windows Explorer to access your Mobile Deviceand copy the root certificate into your Pocket PC. Remember whereyou save the certificate.5. On your Pocket PC, use File Explorer to navigate to the file location.Tap on the certificate.6. A message will ask if you want to install the certificate. Tap Yes.•If your network uses PEAP, disconnect your Pocket PC from the host PC.Soft reset the Pocket PC by pressing the reset button. Now you are readyfor Step 3, preparing the Wi-Fi hardware.
CHAPTER 4: WPA OR 802.1X 23•If your network uses EAP-TLS, you also need to install a personal(client) certificate.Install a Personal Certificate1. To install a personal certificate, start Wi-Fi Companion.Tap Start | Programs | Wi-Fi Companion.2. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, tap onthe keys icon if present. Alternatively, you cantap Tools | Certificates | Enroll.3. Enter the User,Password, and Server provided byyour network administrator. In the User field,enter your domain and user name in the formatshown, using a backslash (“\”) between thedomain and user name.Note:  In the Server field, enter either the nameor the IP address (using standard dot notation) ofthe server running Certificate Services on yournetwork.4. Tap Retrieve. After your Pocket PC retrieves apersonal certificate, tap ok.5. Disconnect the Pocket PC from the host PC.
24STEP 3: Prepare Wi-Fi HardwareSoMo 650Turn on the Wi-Fi radio built into the SoMo 650.1. Press the button on the right side of the SoMo 650. By default, it isprogrammed to launch the Radio Manager. Alternatively, you can tapon the Wi-Fi icon in the Today screen.2. In the Radio Manager, enable Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi button should have ared “x” to indicate that Wi-Fi is disabled. Tap on the Wi-Fi button.3. The “x” will vanish to indicate that Wi-Fi has been enabled, and theWi-Fi LED will turn green.
CHAPTER 4: WPA OR 802.1X 25Go Wi-Fi!Insert the card into the card slot of your device. Make sure the card ispositioned correctly in the slot. In most cases, it should be right-side up.Do not use excessive force, or damage may occur.Note: To remove an SD card, press it into the slot. A spring will push thecard out. Do not remove the card by simply pulling, or damage mayoccur.
26STEP 4: Start Wi-Fi Companion1. After you insert the WLAN card or turn on theWLAN radio of your Pocket PC, Wi-FiCompanion will automatically launch, indicatedby the Socket status icon at the top of thescreen. Tap on the icon. The icon variesdepending on your connection status.Windows Mobile 5.0: You can also tapNotification at the bottom of the Today screen toaccess the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion.Alternatively, you can manually start theprogram by tapping:Start | Programs | Wi-Fi Companion.2. The main screen of Wi-Fi Companion willappear.Socket status icon,search mode.
CHAPTER 4: WPA OR 802.1X 27STEP 5: Find a WLAN and Create a Profile1. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, tap on the tower icon, or tapTools | Wi-Fi Finder.2. Wi-Fi Finder will list WLANs detected in range. Tap on any WLAN inthe list to view additional properties.Signal strength of strongestAP/ad hoc radio Channel numberWEP encryption, WPA (PSK),WPA (TKIP) or 802.1x Profile savedNo encryption 802.11b, 802.11gIf desired, tap on the Type or Sort by drop-down menusto change how the list is displayed. By default, Alltypes are displayed, sorted by Name.If your WLAN is not listed, tap Refresh.3. If Wi-Fi Finder cannot find your WLAN because itsSSID is hidden, tap New to create a new profile foryour network.Tap to filter thelist by type. Tap to sort the list.Currentconnection. Tap on the MACaddress line to viewAP Details.Tap on any listing toexpand details.Tap and hold styluson any listing tomanage profilesand/or connect.
284. If your WLAN has a profile (indicated by a folder icon),Wi-Fi Companion may have already connected to it,indicated by a tower icon with a green burst on top.To connect to a WLAN with a profile, tap and hold yourstylus on the WLAN in the list. In the pop-up menu, tapConnect.5. If your WLAN does not have a profile (no folder icon),tap and hold your stylus on the WLAN in the list, thentap Get connected to create a profile for the selectedSSID.Creating a WLAN ProfileAfter you tap New or Get connected in Wi-Fi Finder, you will be directedto Wireless Zero Config (WZC), the wireless connection editor built intoWindows Mobile, to create a WLAN profile. For help with WZC, pleaserefer to your Pocket PC manual.Enter the settings needed to connect to your network. Consult with yournetwork administrator for help. For a Network Information Form you cansend to your network administrator, refer to Appendix C.1. In the Configure Wireless Network screen, enter theNetwork name (SSID) if it isn’t already provided. TheSSID is case-sensitive.Connects to:Select either The Internet or Work.Note: In most cases, you should selectThe Internet. For a VPN/proxy server, refer to yourPocket PC manual for instructions.
CHAPTER 4: WPA OR 802.1X 292. Follow the appropriate instructions for your type of network to enterthe necessary security settings.WPA NetworksØNetwork Key tab•Authentication: Select the correct WPAtype, either WPA or WPA-PSK.If using WPA-PSK, also enter the Networkkey. The key length must be either 64 hexor 8-63 ASCII characters.•Data Encryption: Select TKIP.Ø802.1x tab•Use IEEE 802.1x network access control:Check.•EAP Type: Select the type of EAPauthentication used by your network,either PEAP or Smart Card or Certificate(EAP-TLS)When done, tap ok.
30802.1x NetworksDepending on your Pocket PC 2003 version, your device may show twoor three tabs at the bottom of the screen.If your device shows three tabs, enter the following settings:ØNetwork Key tab•Authentication: Select Open.•Data Encryption: Select WEP.T•he Key is provided for me automatically:Check if the key is automaticallyprovided, otherwise uncheck.Ø802.1x tab•Use IEEE 802.1x network access control:Check.•EAP Type: Select the correct EAP type foryour network, either PEAP or Smart Cardor Certificate (EAP-TLS)•When done, tap ok.If your device shows two tabs, enter the following settings:ØAuthentication tab•Data encryption (WEP Enabled): Check.•Network Authentication (Shared mode): Uncheck.•The key is provided to me automatically: Check.•Enable network access using IEEE 802.1x.Check. Select the correct EAP type foryour network.• When done, tap ok.
CHAPTER 4: WPA OR 802.1X 31Automatic Connection1. After you enter the necessary security settings and tap ok, yourdevice will automatically try to connect.You may see the Socket status icon at the top of your screenchange from “networks available” to “networks out of range butconfigured.”2. When your Pocket PC has connected, the following will occur:Th•e Socket status icon will change to 1-5 bars.•The “x” will vanish from the connection icon.•In Wi-Fi Finder, the WLAN will appear first in the list,showing a signal tower with a green burst on top.Note: After you save a profile for a WLAN, Wi-Fi Companionwill automatically try to connect to it whenever you insert theWLAN card.3. Tap ok to view the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion.Socket Status IconsAssociated or Connected. Number ofbars indicates signal strength. Searching for networks.Networks available. Networks out of range butconfigured.
32Main Screen of Wi-Fi CompanionThe screen content varies depending on your connection status.Your device properties.•  Device name•  IP address•  Packets sent andreceivedThe icon always appearsregardlessof connection status.Tap to view moreIP addresses ForP300/P500, also tap toturn the radio on/off.Encryption status.Tap to access acertificatemanagement utility forWPA or 802.1x ifneeded.Data rate. Tap toview signal strengthand data ratedistribution.Socket status icon. Tap to access thisscreen from outside the utility.Access point/remote device properties.• SSID•  Connection duration•  Signal quality rating and percentage•  MAC address (also known as BSSID)•  Channel number (in black circle)Tap for Wi-Fi Finder.}Internet ready.Tap to access email,the Internet, ping ortrace route. Iconappears only whenInternet access isready.
CHAPTER 6: WI-FI COMPANION 335 | Wi-Fi CompanionThis chapter explains how to use the different features of Wi-FiCompanion.The utility allows you to do the following:•Turn wireless radio on/off•View IP addresses•Find networks•Enable power save•Ping•Trace route•Enroll a personal certificate for EAP-TLS•Manage certificates•View rates•View graphs•View tables•View Help files
34Turn Wireless Radio On/OffYou may want to turn off the radio to save power or if you are entering anarea with radio restrictions (e.g., on an airplane).SoMo 6501. Open the Radio Manager. Press the button on the right side of theSoMo. Alternatively, tap on the Wi-Fi icon in the Today screen.2. In the Radio Manager, tap Enable flight mode.3. To turn the radio on again, in Radio Manger tap Disable flight mode.Go Wi-Fi!1. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, tap and hold your stylus on thedevice icon. In the pop-up menu, tap Turn Radio OFF.2. To turn the radio on again, tap on the device icon again and in the pop-up menu, tap Turn radio ON.
CHAPTER 4: WI-FI COMPANION 35View IP AddressesYou can only view IP address data if the WLAN card is activelyconnected to a WLAN network..1. Whenever your device has connected to a WLAN, the main screen ofWi-Fi Companion will display the device’s IP address, labeled as either“DHCP” or “static.” To view more comprehensive IP addressinformation, do either of the following:•Tap on the device icon.•Tap Tools | IP Addresses.2. The IP Addresses screen will appear, reporting Gateway, DNS server,DHCP server, and other IP address assignments.3. If your network uses DHCP, the Renew and Release functions will beenabled at the bottom of the screen.•Renew: Tap to get a new IP address and/or to update related lease data.•Release: Tap to release the IP address from the DHCP server.Note: Lease informationappears only if anetwork uses DHCP.
36Find Networks1. In the Wi-Fi Companion main screen, tap on the signal tower icon.Alternatively, tap Tools | Wi-Fi Finder.2. The WLAN card will begin searching for networks in range.3. After the search, a list of discovered networks will be displayed.Signal strength of strongestAP/ad hoc radio Channel numberWEP encryption, WPA (PSK),WPA (TKIP) or 802.1x Profile savedNo encryption 802.11b, 802.11gTap to filter thelist by type. Tap to sort the list.Currentconnection.Tap on the MACaddress line to viewAP Details.Tap on any listing toexpand details.Tap and hold styluson any listing tomanage profilesand/or connect.
CHAPTER 4: WI-FI COMPANION 374. If desired, you can perform a variety of functions in the Show Networksscreen:•To begin another search for networks in range, tap Refresh.•To configure network profiles, tap on a WLAN in the list. In thepop-up menu, tap Get Connected if no profile exists yet, or tap EditProfile if a profile has already been saved for the WLAN .This will direct you to the Configure Wireless Networks screen ofWireless Zero Config.5. To exit Wi-Fi Finder, tap ok.
38Enable Power SaveWi-Fi Companion offers both automatic and manual power managementfor the Wi-Fi radio.1. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, tap Tools | Power save.2. The Power Save screen will appear. If desired, check the box Managethe radio power automatically for automatic power management. Wi-FiCompanion will enable best performance when charging and bestpower savings when running on batteries.Otherwise, uncheck the box and use the slider to manually choose yourpower setting.3. Tap ok.
CHAPTER 4: WI-FI COMPANION 39Install Personal Certificate for EAP-TLSWi-Fi Companion a quick link to the Cert Enroll utility, which helps youinstall a personal certificate, required to connect to 802.1x networksrunning EAP-TLS authentication.1. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, tap Tools | Certificates | Enroll.2. The Personal Certificate Enrollment screen will appear. For help usingthe utility, pleaser refer to Chapter 3.
40Manage CertificatesWindows Mobile includes a built-in utility for managing authentificationcertificates for WPA, AES, and 802.1x networks. Wi-Fi Companion providesquick links to the Microsoft certificate management utility.1. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, you can quickly access theMicrosoft certificate management utility by either of two methods:•If the card is currently connected to a WLAN, the security statusicon will appear as a pair of keys if the correct security settings havebeen configured, otherwise an error symbol will appear. Tap on theicon.•Tap Tools | Certificates | Manage.2. The Manage Certificates utility will appear. For help installing certificatesfor WPA or 802.1x, refer to Chapters 3. For more information about thecertificate management utility, refer to your Pocket PC manual.
CHAPTER 4: WI-FI COMPANION 41PingUse Ping to perform an ICMP ping to another address on the network.Ping is useful as a diagnostic tool to establish Layer 3 connectivity toanother network node. In the continuous ping mode, it can also be used asa site survey tool to determine the edge of WLAN range or to look for spotswith no coverage (dead spots).1. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, tap Tools | Utilities | Ping.2. The Ping screen will appear. Tap Tools | Configure.3. In the Configure Ping screen, enter the appropriate settings:•Address: Enter a target address in the form of an IP address or aURL that can be resolved by a Domain Name System (DNS). Forconvenience, the last address used is the default, and the drop-downlist shows prior addresses used.•Size: Select a packet size, from 32 bytes up to 65550.•Content: Select the packet payload data —  either All 00,All FF(hexadecimal), or Random.•Repeat: Select a repeat number of pings, from a minimum of 5 to amaximum of Continuous.•Verify Data: Select either Yes or No.•Tap ok.
CHAPTER 4: WI-FI COMPANION 434. The main Ping screen will reappear. Tap Start.5. The ping test will begin. For each successful ping, the Roundtrip Time(RTT) will be shown. A line graph will display the series of RTTs forthe last 24 pings.If a ping is not successful within 2 seconds, a timeout will be displayed.6. To stop the test, tap Stop. A prompt will report statistics of the testresults. View the statistics and tap ok.To view the statistics again, tap Tools | Statistics.
44Trace RouteThe Trace Route tool traces a packet from the Pocket PC to an Internethost, showing each hop and how long it takes to reach the destination. Thisallows the user to figure out where the longest delays are occurring ifperformance appears slow.1. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, tap Tools | Utilities | Trace Route.2. The Trace Route screen will appear. Tap Tools | Configure.3. In the Configure Trace Route screen, enter the appropriate settings:•Address: Enter a target address in the form of an IP address or aURL that can be resolved by a Domain Name System (DNS). Forconvenience, the last address used is the default, and the drop-downlist shows prior addresses used.•Max hops: Select the maximum number of hops (default is 20).•Resolve IP: Indicate whether you want to resolve the IP address froma URL (default is Yes).•Tap ok.4. In the main Trace Route screen, tap Start.
CHAPTER 4: WI-FI COMPANION 455. The Trace Route test will begin. For each successful hop, the hop time,host name and IP address are shown. Tap Stop to stop the trace at anytime, or let the trace run until it is complete.6. When the trace is complete, the Statistics dialog box will report the besthop, worst hop, average hop, and number of timeouts. Tap ok to closethe box.To view the statistics again, tap Tools | Statistics.To view the full host name for any of the hops, simply tap on the hop inthe list.
46View RatesNote: You can only view statistical rate information if the WLANcard is actively connected to a WLAN network.1. Whenever your device has connected to a WLAN, the main screen ofWi-Fi Companion will display the connection’s data rate. To view morecomprehensive data rate information, do either of the following:•Tap on the data rate icon.•Tap Statistics | Rates.2. The Rates screen will appear, reporting the current signal strength, signalquality, and a history of the relative number of packets sent at the 12possible 802.11b/g connection speeds. Additionally, the screen shows thecurrent BSSID and connection duration.3. By default, the Pocket PC will refresh the rate information every second. Toconfigure the refresh rate to something different, tap Configure at the bottomof the screen.The green arrowindicates the currentnetwork speed.
CHAPTER 4: WI-FI COMPANION 47View GraphsYou can only view the statistical graphs if the WLAN card isactively connected to a WLAN network.1. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, tap Statistics | Graphs.2. The Graphs screen will appear, displaying scrolling line graphs of thesignal quality, rate, and sent and received data rates.Note: Square screen devices will only show the signal quality and sent andreceived data rates.Two numbers are reported with each graph: the current value(displayed on the left side, after the graph title) and the maximum value(displayed on the far right). For the Sent and Received graphs, themaximum value may change.3. By default, the Pocket PC will refresh the graph information everysecond. To configure the refresh rate to something different, tapConfigure at the bottom of the screen.
48View TablesYou can only view the statistical tables if the WLAN card isactively connected to a WLAN network.1. In the main screen of Wi-Fi Companion, tap Statistics | Tables.2. The Tables screen will appear, displaying a table of comprehensiveinformation about the current connection.The table is divided into five screens: IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, andInterface. Almost all of the information presented in the tables relates toperformance and error counts.Tap on a column header to sort the data.Reset: Tap to reset the contents of the Current column to zero.Refresh: Tap to refresh the data of the open table. By default, the datawill refresh every time you open a new table (e.g., when you switchbetween the different tabs).
CHAPTER 4: WI-FI COMPANION 49View Help FilesThere are two ways to access Help files for Wi-Fi Companion.•To view a list of all the Help files, make sure Wi-Fi Companion isrunning and tap Start | Help.•To view a Help file for the screen of Wi-Fi Companion that is currentlyopen, tap on the Help button . Except for the main screen, allscreens of Wi-Fi Companion feature a Help button.
50  | APPENDIX A: SPECIFICATIONSAppendix ASpecificationsGo Wi-Fi! P300/P300x (802.11b/g SD card)Physical Characteristics:  Card Dimensions: 1.57 x 0.94 x 0.08 in (40 x 24 x 2.1 mm)Total Weight: 226.8 gOperating Temperature: +32 to +158 °F (0 to +70 °C)Storage Temperature: +5 to +185 °F (-20 to +85 °C)Power Consumption (3.3 V Supply): Idle: <20 mA (estimated)Transmission: 265 mA (peak)Hardware Support:•Windows Mobile 5.0 with SDIO slot•Windows Mobile 2003/2003SE with SDIO slot and SDIO Now! softwarefrom BSQUARE in ROM•For information about support for MontaVista Linux and Real-TimeOperating Systems (RTOS), please submit an online inquiry to SocketDevelopment Services at Standards: SDIO 1.1 or greaterStandards Conformance:Meets 802.1x requirementsWPA-2 Enterprise (certification pending)CCX v1/v2IEEE 802.11b and 802.11gTransmit Power Output:  CCK: 13 dBm (typical)  OFDM: 15 dBm (typical)Tx Maximum Radiated: CCK: 15 dBm (estimated) EIRP: 15 dBm (estimated)Data Rate:802.11g: Data rate dynamically shifts between 54, 48, 36, 24,18, 12, 9 and 6 Mbps based on signal strength, for maximum
APPENDIX A: SPECIFICATIONS | 51availability and reliability of connection. OFDM with BPSK,QPSK, 16-QAM and 54-QAM (at 6/9, 12/18, 24/36, and 48/54Mbps, respectively)802.11b: Data rate dynamically shifts between 11, 5, 5M, 2M,and 1 Mbps based on signal strength, for maximum availabilityand reliability of connection. (802.11g: DSSS with BPSK,QPSK, and CCK (at 1,2, and 5.5/11 Mbps, respectively)Frequency Range:North America: 2.412-2.462 GHz, channels 1-11Europe ETSI: 2.412-2.472 GHz, channels 1-13Japan: 2.412-2.484 GHz, channels 1-14Indoor Range: Approx. 300 ft (100 m) (typical office environment)Access Protocol:   Carrier Sense Multiple Access withCollision Avoidance Protocol (CSMA/CA)Security Encryption/Authentication Hardware Support:  40/64-bit and 128-bit WEP data encryption  802.1x with EAP-TLS or PEAP  Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), WPA with Pre-Shared Key(WPA-PSK)  AES, WPA2Software Included: Socket WLAN CDHardware Warranty: One yearCertification/Compliance:FCC: Part 15, Subpart C  Industry Canada RSS210  Europe: CE: EN 300 328, EN 301 489-17  TELEC: pending
52  | APPENDIX A: SPECIFICATIONSGo Wi-Fi! P500/P500x (802.11b/g CF card)Physical Characteristics:  CF Type I Size: 56.1 x 42.8 x 3.3 mm)Total Weight: 13.6 gOperating Temperature: 32 to 158 °F (0 to 70 °C)Storage Temperature: +5 to 185 °F (-20 to +85 °C)Power Consumption (3.3 V Supply): Idle: <20 mA (estimated) Transmission: 265 mA (peak)Transmit Power: CCK: 13 dBm typical OFDM: 15 dBm typicalInterface Standards:  CompactFlash Interface: CompactFlash Type I  With CompactFlash-to-PC Card Adapter: PCMCIA, Type IIStandards Conformance:  Wi-Fi Certified —  Enterprise Edition  Meets 802.1x requirements  WPA2-Enterprise (certification pending)  CCX v1/v2 (certification pending)  IEEE 802.11b and 802.11g  CompactFlash Spec. 2.0802.11g: Data rate dynamically shifts between 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9 and6 Mbps based on signal strength, for maximum availability and reliabilityof connection. OFDM with BPSK, QPSK, and CCK (at 1, 2, and 5/11Mbps, respectively)802.11b: Data rate dynamically shifts between 11, 5, 2, and 1 Mbps basedon signal strength, for maximum availability and reliability of connection.DSSS with BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM and 54-QAM (at 6/9, 12/18, 24/36,and 48/54 Mbps, respectively)Frequency Range:  North America: 2.412-2.462 GHz, channels 1-11  Europe ETSI: 2.412-2.472 GHz, channels 1-13  Japan: 2.412-2.484 GHz, channels 1-14  Programmable for different country regulationsIndoor Range:   Approx. 300 feet (100 m) (typical office environment)
APPENDIX A: SPECIFICATIONS | 53Access Protocol:   Carrier Sense Multiple Access with CollisionAvoidance Protocol (CSMA/CA)Operating System Support:Windows Mobile 2003, 2003SE and 5.0For information about support for MontaVista Linux, Real Time OperatingSystems (RTOS), Linux 2.4/2.6, uITRON or ThreadX, please submit anonline inquiry to Socket Development Services Compatibility: Windows COM portSoftware Included: Installation CDWarranty:   CompactFlash Card: One yearCertification/Compliance:  FCC: Part 15, subpart C  CE: EN 300 328, EN 301 489-17  Industry Canada: RSS210 TelecTX Maximum Radiated EIRP: CCK: 15 dBm (estimated)OFDM: 17 dBm (estimated)
54  | APPENDIX B: SAFETY AND USAGE TIPSAppendix BSafety and Usage TipsPlease observe these Safety and Usage Tips while using Socket Go Wi-Fi!Product Care•Do not expose this product to liquid, moisture or extreme humidity.•Do not expose this product to extreme high or low temperatures.•Do not drop, throw or try to bend this product, as rough treatment coulddamage it.•Do not attempt to disassemble this product - a broken seal will void thewarranty.  The product does not contain consumer serviceablecomponents.  Should your Go Wi-Fi! need service, please contactSocket technical support After registering yourproduct, log in, click on the Technical Support tab, and click Create NewTicket.•Treat this product with care.  Keep in a clean, dry and dust-free place.•Changes or modifications of this product, not expressly approved bySocket, may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Antenna CareDo not place a metallic shield around your Go Wi-Fi! card since it willreduce the radio transmission efficiency.Efficient UseFor optimum performance, please make sure that there is no metallicsurrounding your Go Wi-Fi! card.DrivingRF energy may affect some electronic systems in motor vehicles, such ascar stereo, safety equipment, etc.  Check with your vehicle manufacturer’srepresentative to be sure that your Go Wi-Fi! card will not affect theelectronic system in your vehicle.Aircraft•Turn off the Go Wi-Fi! before boarding any aircraft.•To prevent interference with communications systems, you must not useyour Go Wi-Fi card while the plane is in the air.•Do not use it on the ground without permission from the crew.
APPENDIX B: SAFETY AND USAGE TIPS | 55Radio Frequency ExposureYour Go Wi-Fi! is a radio transmitter and receiver.  When in operation, itcommunicates with 802.11b-equipped devices by receiving andtransmitting radio frequency (RF) magnetic fields in the frequency range2.4 to 2.5 GHz.  The maximum output power of the radio transmitter isless than 75 mW.The Go Wi-Fi! unit is designed to be in compliance with the RF exposurelimits set by national authorities and international health agencies wheninstalled or used separately from other antennas or radio transmitters.Operation of this device excludes body-worn holsters, belt clips, or similaroperating configurations, as described in the FCC filing.
56 | APPENDIX C: NETWORK INFORMATIONAppendix CNetwork InformationConsult with your network administrator, or have them complete this form.1. What is the network’s wireless network name, known as SSID?Note: The name is case-sensitive, maximum length 32 characters.2. What type of security does your WLAN use? Check one of the boxes A-Fbelow.A Open System  (no settings needed, proceed to Question 4)B WEP-40C WEP-128D WPA-PSKE WEP-PEAPF  WEP-EAP/TLS3. If you checked B, C, D, E or F, please provide the necessary settings. [B] What is the WEP-40 key?  40-bit (10 characters): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[C] What is the WEP-128 key? What is the key index?  128-bit (26 characters):  _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _  Key index: 1, 2, 3 or 4[D] What is the WPA-PSK key? What is the key format?  Key: ____________________________________  Key Format: Hexadecimal.  Key length must be 64 characters. ASCII. Key length must be 8-63 characters.
APPENDIX C: NETWORK INFORMATION | 57[E-F] 802.1x Authentication onlyIMPORTANT! Get the required authentication certificate(s)from your network administrator!Specify the following 802.1x settings:WEP key:  The WEP key is provided automatically I must enter the WEP key and key index  WEP Key: _______________________  Key index: 1, 2, 3 or 4Authentication:  EAP-TLS May appear as “Smart Card or  Certificate” in configuration menu. PEAPUser name: ____________________Server:________________(network login) (certificate server)Password: ____________________  Domain: ________________4. Does the network require that you use a static IP address?NO. If No, then you do not need any of the settings below.YES. If Yes, then please specify the following:(a) Mobile Computer IP address: _____ . _____ . _____ . _____(b) Subnet Mask: _____ . _____ . _____ . _____(c) Gateway: _____ . _____ . _____ . _____(d) DNS: _____ . _____ . _____ . _____(e) WINS*: _____ . _____ . _____ . _____*For Remote ActiveSync Only: If your server does NOT have use WINSservices, use the IP address of the host PC instead of a WINS address.
58 | APPENDIX E: GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTINGAppendix DTroubleshootingSYMPTOM: My device does not recognize the card after I insert it.POSSIBLE REASONS SOLUTIONThe card driver was not installedor installed incorrectly. Install the software properly.SYMPTOM: The Socket status icon doesn’t appear after Iinsert the card into my Pocket PC.POSSIBLE REASONS SOLUTIONYour mobile computer may befrozen. Remove the WLAN Card. Soft reset thedevice by pressing the reset button.The WLAN card may not beproperly aligned in the card slot. Remove and carefully re-insert the cardin the slot.SYMPTOM: My device is not receiving a valid IP address.POSSIBLE REASONS SOLUTIONThe DHCP request was notsuccessful in receiving an IPaddressRemove and reinsert the card or softreset the mobile computer.The SSID may be incorrect. Check and re-enter the SSID. It iscase-sensitive. Alternatively, try usingan SSID of “any”.In Infrastructure operating mode,WEP encryption may not matchaccess point settings.Check with your company ITdepartment to confirm access pointsecurity settings.SYMPTOM: My device does not associate with an accesspoint known to be within range.POSSIBLE REASONS SOLUTIONThe SSID may be incorrect. Check and re-enter the SSID.Try using an SSID of “any”.In Infrastructure operating mode,WEP encryption may not matchaccess point settings.Check with your company ITdepartment to confirm access pointsecurity settings.AP may require short preamble. Change access point to longpreamble.
APPENDIX E: TECHNICAL SUPPORT | 59Appendix ETechnical SupportIf you have trouble using the WLAN software, tap Start | Help to view Helpfiles.  For Wi-Fi Companion, you can also tap the Help button  forinformation about the open screen.If you need further assistance with Wi-Fi Companion or the Go Wi-Fi!card, Socket has two technical support resources to help you. Please notethat support is available only in English.Socket On-Line SupportSocket On-Line Support (SOS) is a comprehensive knowledge databaseand the best place to start for technical support. No registration is required.To access SOS, please visit: SupportIMPORTANT!To obtain technical support, you must first register your product onlineat product registration, log in. Click on the Technical Support tab. ClickCreate New Ticket to submit an online inquiry for technical support. Youcan log in anytime to track the progress of your request. If we cannotresolve your inquiry online, we can arrange for a support engineer to callyou at a specific time.802.1x only: If you have trouble connecting to an 802.1x network, ask yournetwork administrator for the event log and access point log, if supported.Send the log(s) to Socket technical support with your request for help..
60Limited WarrantySocket Communications Incorporated (Socket) warrants this product againstdefects in material and workmanship, under normal use and service, for one (1)year from the date of purchase.Incompatibility is not a defect covered by Socket’s warranty. During the warrantyperiod, Socket will, at its option, repair or replace the defective product at nocharge when furnished with proof of retail purchase, provided that you deliver theproduct to Socket or to an authorized Socket Service Center.The returned product must be accompanied by a return material authorization(RMA) number issued by Socket or by Socket's Authorized Service Center. If youship the product, you must use the original container or equivalent and you mustpay the shipping charges to Socket. Socket will pay surface shipping charges backto any location in the contiguous United States. This warranty applies only to theoriginal retail purchaser and is not transferable.Socket may, at its option, replace or repair the product with new or reconditionedparts and the returned product becomes Socket's property. Socket warrants therepaired or replaced products to be free from defects in material or workmanshipfor ninety (90) days after the return shipping date, or for the remainder of theoriginal warranty period, whichever is greater.This warranty does not cover the replacement of products damaged by abuse,accident, misuse or misapplication, nor as a result of service or modification otherthan by Socket.SOCKET IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES RESULTING FROM BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIEDWARRANTY, INCLUDING DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND, TO THE EXTENTPERMITTED BY LAW, DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY. THISWARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDINGIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE.Some states do not allow limitation of implied warranties, or the exclusion orlimitation of incidental or consequential damages, so that the above limitations orexclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights andyou may also have other rights which vary from state to state.This product may contain fully tested, recycled parts, warranted as if new.For warranty information, please visit:
61Limited Software WarrantyLIMITED WARRANTY. SOCKET warrants that the original disk or CD ROM isfree from defects for 90 days from the date of delivery of the SOFTWARE.CUSTOMER REMEDIES. SOCKET’S entire liability and your exclusive remedyshall be, at SOCKET’S option, either (a) return of the price paid or (b)replacement of the SOFTWARE which does not meet SOCKET’S LimitedWarranty and which is returned to SOCKET with a copy of your receipt. Anyreplacement SOFTWARE will be warranted for the remainder of the originalwarranty period or 30 days, whichever is longer. THESE REMEDIES ARE NOTAVAILABLE OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.NO OTHER WARRANTIES. SOCKET disclaims all other warranties, eitherexpress or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to theSOFTWARE and the accompanying written materials. This limited warranty givesyou specific legal rights. You may have others which vary from state to state.NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. In no event shall SOCKETor its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, withoutlimitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss ofbusiness information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inabilityto use the SOFTWARE, even if SOCKET has been advised of the possibility ofsuch damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation ofliability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may notapply to you.EXPORT LAW ASSURANCES. You may not use or otherwise export or reexportthe SOFTWARE except as authorized by United States law and laws of thejurisdiction in which the SOFTWARE was obtained. In particular, but withoutlimitation, none of the SOFTWARE may be used or otherwise exported orreexported (a) into (or to a national or resident of) a United States embargoedcountry or (b) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of SpeciallyDesignated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Table of DenialOrders. By using the SOFTWARE, you represent and warrant that you are notlocated in, under control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on anysuch list.GOVERNMENT END USERS. If the SOFTWARE is supplied to the U. S.Government, the SOFTWARE is classified as “restricted computer software” asdefined in clause 52.227-19 of the FAR. The U. S. Government ‘s rights to theSOFTWARE are as provided in clause 52.227-19 of the FAR.CONTROLLING LAW AND SEVERABILITY. This License shall be governed bythe laws of the United States and the State of California. If for any reason a court ofcompetent jurisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable,the remainder of this License shall continue in full force and effect.
63Regulatory Compliance for Go Wi-Fi!Go Wi-Fi! is designed to be compliant with the rules and regulations inlocations where they are sold and will be labeled as required.  This productis type approved users are not required to obtain license or authorizationbefore using.Radio Frequency Interference RequirementsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject tothe following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.CAUTION: Changes or modifications to the device not expressly approvedby Socket Communications can void the user's authority to operate theequipment.This equipment is also ETS 300 328 and ETS 300 826 compliant.  Theselimits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energyand, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  Operation ofthis equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interferencein which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his orher own expense.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user may try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna of the radio or television.•  Increase the distance separating the equipment and the receiver.•  Connect the equipment to an outlet on a different branch circuit thanthat of the receiver.•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.The user may find the following booklet helpful:How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems
64This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office,Washington, D.C. 20402.
65Antenna Co-location InstructionsThe antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located oroperating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-usersand installers must be provided with installation instructions andtransmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.Body-Worn Operations(applicable only to Go Wi-Fi! P500 only)This device has been tested and complies with FCC, CE and IC radio-frequency exposure limits for body-worn operation. SAR compliance forbody-worn operation has been established for PDA configurations with aCompactFlash slot and a 1.0 cm minimum separation distance between theWLAN Card and the user’s body. In order to comply with FCC, CE and ICRF exposure requirements for body-worn operation, this device must beused with a PDA utilizing a body-worn accessory that contains no metalliccomponents and maintains a minimum separation distance of 1.0 cmbetween the WLAN Card and the user’s body. This device has not beenevaluated for RF exposure compliance with any Smartphone or PDA withbuilt-in phone capability that enables use of this device to be held andtransmitting next to the head. This device must not be co-located oroperating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Body-worn operations are restricted to belt-clips, holsters or similaraccessories that have no metallic component in the assembly. Body-wornconfigurations with the transmitter active have only been approved forsmall handheld PDA devices. This device and its antenna(s) must not beco-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter. This device has been tested and found to comply with FCC/ICradiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled equipment andmeets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in Supplement Cto OET65 and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules.Radio Frequency Interference Requirements – CanadaThis Class B digital apparatus meets the requirements of the CanadianInterference-Causing Equipment Regulations.  Cet appareil numérique dela Classe B respecte toutes les exigencies du Reglement sur le MatérielBrouilleur du Canada.CE Marking & European Union ComplianceProducts intended for sale within the European Union are marked with aCEMark which indicates compliance to applicable Directives andEuropean Normes (EN), as follows.  Amendments to these Directives orENs are included: Normes (EN), as follows:
66Applicable Directives:•Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC•Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EECApplicable Standards:•EN 300 328 v1.6.1 2004-11 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radiospectrum Matters (ERM); Wideband transmission systems; Datatransmission equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz ISM band and usingwide band modulation techniques; Harmonized EN covering essentialrequirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive•EN 301 489-17 v1.2.1 2002-08 Electromagnetic compatibility andRadio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC)standard for radio equipment and services; Part 17: Specific conditionsfor 2,4 GHz wideband transmission systems and 5 GHz highperformance RLAN equipment•EN 301 489-17 v1.11 (2000-09) Specified Conditions for WidebandData and HIPERLAN Equipment•EN61000-4-2: 1995 – Electrostatic Discharge•EN61000-4-3: 1996 – Radiated Electromagnetic Field•ANSI C95.1 Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to RFElectromagnetic Fields 300 KHz to 300 GHzProduct DisposalYour device should not be placed in municipal waste. Pleasecheck local regulations for disposal of electronic products.
10/2007 Printed in U.S.A.

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