SolidLabs CUBT001 Cubetto User Manual 6 of 6

SolidLabs Cubetto Users Manual 6 of 6

Users Manual - 6 of 6

Made with love by Primo Toys
Designed in London, printed in China
© Solid Labs LTD
Primo Toys is a trademark of Solid Labs LTD
Cubetto Leaves Earth
Book 5
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Story by Erin Eby
Illustrations by Momo
An astronaut is a person who travels and
works in outer space.
How do you think a person travels to
Start on the compass and head towards
Today, Cubetto leaves school
very tired. When he gets home,
he skips dinner and falls into
Within minutes he is dreaming of
stars and planets.
Tonight, Cubetto is an
In a rocket the size of a
skyscraper, Cubetto puts on
his spacesuit and prepares for
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... BLAST OFF!
The rocket leaves Earth and is
soon in space. Out the window
Cubetto passes the Moon.
Earth only has one moon, but some
planets have many more!
What do you think the Moon is made of?
From Earth, plant your ag on the Moon.
The program will tell the spaceship what
to do and where to go.
What other machines might use
On the Moon, turn around and head to
the space station.
Cubetto sits at the control panel
and writes a program.
He instructs his spaceship to
take him to the edges of the
Solar System.
First he passes Mars, Earth’s
Mars looks like a dusty, red
desert with large mountains and
wide valleys.
Mars kind of reminds him of his
home, Earth.
Humans have put many robots on Mars
to study it.
What kind of things do you think the
robots on Mars do?
Starting on the rocket ship, head to the
mountains of Mars, try using one right
turn and two left turns.
Soon after leaving Mars, he
passes through a eld of rocky
He is headed towards Jupiter.
He can see from far away that
Jupiter is very large and stormy.
We use satellites to look at Jupiter.
Satellites are machines that circle Earth
in outer space.
Can you imagine what other things
satellites may be used for?
Turn Cubetto around and make him y
to the asteroids near the Sun.
He whizzes past Saturn with its
wide rings.
Heads towards Uranus, covered
in fog.
Slows to see Neptune, frozen
and blue.
Planets that are far away from the sun
are very cold and icy.
Why do you think that some places on
Earth are cold and icy?
From the asteroids, send Cubetto to
cold, blue Neptune. Make sure to avoid
the volcano!
Cubetto is now feeling very far
from home.
The Sun is a tiny, distant dot.
He begins to imagine all the
scary things that await him in
deep space.
Suddenly he is very frightened.
Cubetto longs for his home.
The planets that circle our Sun make up
our Solar System.
Do you think there are other suns and
planets outside our Solar System?
Using the function key, y from icy
Neptune to the map of the Solar System.
How long do you think it would take to
y to the edge of the Solar System?
The alarm clock goes off!
Cubetto opens his eyes and is
safe in bed.
His head is still spinning and
lled with the magical night he
had seeing the wonders of outer
If Earth were a grain of rice, our Solar
System would be as big as a building!
From the Solar System map, take
Cubetto back to Earth using the function
Made with love by Primo Toys
Designed in London, printed in China
© Solid Labs LTD
Primo Toys is a trademark of Solid Labs LTD

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