Sonim Technologies B01V008AA A modular Near Field Communications battery cover accessary designed to be used with Sonim mobile phones. User Manual NFC BCA Integration Guide

Sonim Technologies, Inc. A modular Near Field Communications battery cover accessary designed to be used with Sonim mobile phones. NFC BCA Integration Guide

15_XPand NFC UserMan

Confidential NFC BCA Integration Guide
NFC BCA Integration Guide
Revision History
19 Nov 2011
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Confidential NFC BCA Integration Guide
1. Introduction
Sonim NFC BCA has a NFC chipset based circuitry with a proprietary bus interface designed
for using with the Sonim mobile phones. The NFC BCA has been designed and tested with
phone models having the corresponding bus connector interface only.
The Sonim NFC BCA is primarily targeted for reader mode deployments.
The NFC BCA uses the following pins from the Sonim connector interface
I2C (with interrupt)
In the context of NFC BCA, the user mostly refers to a corporate customer who requires
deploying a NFC based solution for the enterprise wide usage.
It is recommended that before deployment, the user makes a complete integration test run in
order to validate the NFC functionality, compatibility and suitability for deployment.
Mobile phone models such as Sonim XP1301 Core come with the NFC BCA pre-integrated
with the phone. Here, the phone is ready to start integration tests of the phone.
Where the phone does not have the NFC BCA, the user needs to first place order for sample
units. The user must have a compatible Sonim mobile phone with an appropriate firmware
version flashed on the phone or place an order for phones along with the NFC BCA units. If
the phone firmware does not support the NFC BCA function, the user must request for
firmware upgrade while placing an order for the NFC BCA. The users must arrange for NFC
tags by themselves. Sonim does not provide any test tags.
Sonim shall provide the required support by providing the appropriate firmware upgrade and a
simple Java (JSR 257) based NFC test application. The user can install the application on the
phone following the standard Java application installation procedures as mentioned in the
user guide.
In order to connect the NFC BCA, the user must follow the standard instructions of
inserting the battery cover as mentioned in the user guide.
Confidential NFC BCA Integration Guide
1.1 Sample NFC BCA Pictures
2. Integration Test Procedure
2.1 Initialization
The user must power cycle the phone after connecting the battery cover. This is a mandatory
requirement for the NFC to function properly.
The user must launch the NFC Test application on the phone. If the application launches
successfully it indicates that the phone has successfully initialized the NFC module on the
BCA and ready for actual NFC based operations.
Confidential NFC BCA Integration Guide
2.2 Reader mode
The NFC test application initializes the phone as reader. On launching successfully, the phone
is ready to read NFC ISO 14443 compliant tags. Hold the phone with the NFC BCA at a
distance less than 3 cm in order to activate the read operation. The NFC application must now
read the NFC tag successfully and show the properties of the NFC tag within three seconds.
This confirms the NFC integration on the phone.
Confidential NFC BCA Integration Guide
3. Usage Information
Based on tests performed on a reference Sonim product (Sonim XP1301 Core), it is inferred
that the usage of the NFC BCA integrated on any supported Sonim product can be used by
end customers safely.
The NFC BCA device may not cause harmful interference, and this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

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