
: Sonnax Zf8-Zip-In ZF8-ZIP-IN 4590 instructions part uploads

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ZF8HP45, ZF8HP55, ZF8HP70 ZIP KIT®PART NUMBER ZF8-ZIP QUICK GUIDEParts are labeled here in order of installation. See other side of sheet for details on Zip Kit contents.©2017 Sonnax Industries, Inc.  ZF8-ZIP-Guide 11-14-17800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • www.sonnax.com  Page 1installation  DiagramIn addition to general rebuilding tips and technical information, the technical booklet included in this kit contains vacuum testing and additional repair options for higher mileage units or for repairing specific complaints which are beyond the scope of this kit.ZF8HP45 Upper  Valve Body45133244ZF8HP45 Lower Valve Body
ZF8HP45, ZF8HP55, ZF8HP70 ZIP KIT® Quick Guide©2017 Sonnax Industries, Inc.  ZF8-ZIP-Guide 11-14-17800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • www.sonnax.com  Page 2Step    Replace OE Pressure Regulator SleevePackaging Pocket 1• SleeveStep    Replace OE Priming ValvePlace scarf-cut seal into shallow groove on valve. Rolling the seal into a smaller diameter before placing the seal in the groove will help to keep the seal surface below the valve diameter, allowing for easier  installation. Lubricate seal with Sonnax slippery stick O-LUBE.  NOTE: Due to the design changes on the Sonnax valve,     vacuum testing at the two inboard ports is not a valid        sealing test. The Sonnax valve requires balance uid to         travel through the valve and push the seal outward to conform to the worn bore.Packaging Pocket 2• Valve     • SealStep    Replace Internal  OE End PlugsPlace O-rings into shallow grooves on end plugs. Lubricate with Sonnax slippery stick O-LUBE. Roll on bench to size. For installation or removal ease, install with threaded end outboard.Packaging Pocket 3• Internal End Plugs (8)• O-Rings (18)   2 ExtraStep    Replace OE End PlugsPlace O-rings into shallow groove on end plugs. Lubricate with Sonnax  slippery stick O-LUBE. Roll on bench to size. Install end plugs with small  stem outboard.Packaging Pocket 4• End Plugs (3)• O-Rings (5)  2 Extra1234Step    Replace OE Accumulator Pistons Packaging Pocket 5• Accumulator Pistons (7)• Matching Springs (7)Step    Replace OE Solenoid O-Rings Packaging Pocket 6  For Outboard White & Orange Solenoids• O-Rings, (8)  1 Extra 13.75 x 2mm thickPackaging Pocket 7  For Inboard Brown Solenoid• O-Ring (2)  1 Extra 17 x 1.5mm thickPackaging Pocket 8  For Inboard Orange Solenoids• O-Rings, (7)  1 Extra 18 x 2mm thickPackaging Pocket 9  For Outboard Brown Solenoid• O-Ring, (2)  1 Extra 17 x 1.5mm thickPackaging Pocket 10  For Inboard White Solenoids• O-Rings, (5)  1 Extra 18.25 x 2mm thick56Zip Kit Contents & Installation StepsNOTE: The parts listed here may be protected by patent 8,794,108.

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