Sonos RM008 802.11b/g/n (3x3) 2.4GHz WIRELESS ROUTER User Manual BOOST LegalBooklet 640 00205
Sonos, Inc. 802.11b/g/n (3x3) 2.4GHz WIRELESS ROUTER BOOST LegalBooklet 640 00205
Sonos >
- 1. Manual
- 2. Manual 2
Manual 2 Page -1 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM Important Product Information Page 0 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, information retrieval systems, or computer network without the written permission of Sonos, Inc. SONOS and all other Sonos product names and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sonos, Inc. SONOS Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. Sonos products may be protected by one or more patents. Our patent-to-product information can be found here: iPhone®, iPod®, iPad® and iTunes® are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Android® is a trademark of Google Inc. MPEG Layer-3 audio decoding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson. Sonos uses MSNTP software, which was developed by N.M. Maclaren at the University of Cambridge. © Copyright, N.M. Maclaren, 1996, 1997, 2000; © Copyright, University of Cambridge, 1996, 1997, 2000. All other products and services mentioned may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. © 2004-2014 by Sonos, Inc. All rights reserved. 031014 To reduce our use of paper, we have moved our product documentation online. For the latest Sonos user guides, please go to Page 1 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM Technical Support • Web site • Visit our Web site at There you can visit our Forums, browse our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages, or request assistance. • Email • • Telephone • UK 0808 2346596 • US and Canada (English) 1 800 680 2345 • Australia 03 9874 0800 (see page 37 for additional information) • Austria 0800 291 623 • Belgium 0800 38904 • Brazil 0800 025 0827 • China (English) 49(0)1803447000 • China (Mandarin) 400 664 9889 • France 0800 910 769 • Germany 0800 000 5339 • Italy 800 972444 • Mexico 01 800 083 5513 • Netherlands 0800 0234361 • New Zealand 06 833 6925 • Spain 0917 482942 • Sweden 0207 93593 • Switzerland 0800 56 25 25 If your country is not listed here, please visit to find the correct telephone number for your country. Page 2 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM Regulation Information Europe Sonos declares that this product herewith complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC, Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC, Eco-Design Directive 2005/32/EC, RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU and the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC when installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. A copy of the full Declaration of Conformance may be obtained at SonosNet is the propriety wireless mesh network architecture designed to provide robust transmission of high fidelity streaming digital music. All Sonos players within the SonosNet mesh network act as both a client and access point simultaneously. Each Sonos player expands the range of SonosNet mesh network because while each device must be within range of at least one other Sonos player, they do not need to be within range of a central access point. In addition to extending the range between Sonos products, SonosNet can extend the range of other data networking devices within the home, such as Android devices directly connected to SonosNet. Due to the high network availability requirements of the SonosNet mesh network, Sonos players do not have a standby or off mode other than removing the power cord from the AC mains. Sonos certifie que ce produit est conforme aux exigences de la directive CEM 2004/108/EC, de la directive basse tension 2006/95/EC, RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU et de la directive 1999/5/EC sur les équipements hertziens et les équipements terminaux de télécommunications, sous réserve d'une installation et d'une utilisation conformes aux instructions en vigueur du fabricant. Une copie complète de la Déclaration de conformité est disponible sur le site SonosNet est l'architecture de réseau maillé propriétaire sans fil conçue pour permettre une transmission fiable haute fidélité lors de la diffusion de musique numérique. Tous les lecteurs Sonos au sein du réseau maillé SonosNet servent à la fois de client et de point d'accès. Chaque lecteur Sonos augmente la portée du réseau maillé SonosNet. En effet, il n'est pas indispensable que chaque périphérique soit à la portée d'un point d'accès central. Il suffit qu'il soit à la portée d'au moins un autre lecteur Sonos. Outre l'extension de la portée entre les produits Sonos, SonosNet peut étendre la portée d'autres périphériques réseau de données à l'intérieur de la maison, par exemple des périphériques Android connectés directement à SonosNet. En raison des exigences sévères en matière de disponibilité réseau auxquelles doit satisfaire le réseau maillé SonosNet, les lecteurs Sonos ne peuvent être placés en mode de veille ou d'arrêt qu'en débranchant le cordon d'alimentation de la prise secteur CA. Page 3 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM Sonos erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt den Anforderungen der EMV-Richtlinie 2004/108/EC, der Niederspannungsrichtlinie 2006/95/EC, RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU und der R&TTE-Richtlinie 1999/5/EC entspricht, sofern es den Anweisungen des Herstellers gemäß installiert und verwendet wird. Die vollständige Konformitätserklärung finden Sie unter SonosNet ist eine proprietäre Wireless-Netzwerkarchitektur, die auf die zuverlässige Übertragung digitaler HiFiStreaming-Musik ausgelegt ist. Alle Sonos-Player innerhalb des SonosNet-Netzwerks agieren gleichzeitig sowohl als Client als auch als Zugriffspunkt. Jeder Sonos-Player erweitert die Reichweite des SonosNet-Netzwerks, da sich jedes Gerät nur in Reichweite von mindestens einem weiteren Sonos-Player, nicht jedoch in Reichweite eines zentralen Zugriffspunkts befinden muss. Zusätzlich zur Erweiterung der Reichweite zwischen Sonos-Produkten kann SonosNet die Reichweite anderer Netzwerkgeräte innerhalb des Zuhauses erweitern, beispielsweise die von Android-Geräten, die direkt mit SonosNet verbunden sind. Aufgrund der hohen Anforderungen an die Netzwerkverfügbarkeit des SonosNet-Netzwerks gibt es für die Sonos-Player keinen Standby- oder Aus-Modus. Hierzu muss das Netzkabel von der Stromversorgung getrennt werden. A Sonos declara que este produto está em conformidade com os requisitos da Directiva CEM 2004/108/CE, da Directiva de Baixa Tensão 2006/95/CE, da Directiva RoHs (Restrição de Substâncias Perigosas) 2011/65/EU e da Directiva ETRT 1999/5/CE quando montado e utilizado de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. Uma cópia completa da declaração de conformidade pode ser obtida em SonosNet é uma arquitetura patenteada de rede wireless mesh, desenvolvida para transmitir streaming de músicas digitais de alta qualidade. Todos os reprodutores Sonos dentro da rede mesh SonosNet atuam simultaneamente como cliente e como ponto de acesso. Cada reprodutor Sonos aumenta a amplitude da rede mesh SonosNet porque, apesar de que cada dispositivo deve estar ao alcance de outro reprodutor Sonos, não é necessário que eles estejam ao alcance de um ponto central de acesso. Além de ampliar o alcance entre os produtos Sonos, a SonosNet pode aumentar o alcance de outros dispositivos da rede de dados dentro de casa, como dispositivos Android conectados diretamente à SonosNet. Devido aos requisitos de alta disponibilidade da rede mesh SonosNet, os reprodutores Sonos não possuem um modo de espera e só podem ser desligados ao desconectar a fonte de energia. Sonos intygar att den här produkten härmed följer kraven i EMC-direktivet 2004/108/EC, lågspänningsdirektivet 2006/95/EC, RoHS-direktivet 2011/65/EU och R&TTE-direktivet 1999/5/EC när den installeras och används i enlighet med tillverkarens instruktioner. En kopia av hela Konformitetsdeklarationen finns på SonosNet är vår egen trådlösa mesh-nätverksarkitektur som är designad att tillhandahålla stabil överföring vid streaming av digitalmusik med hifi. Alla Sonos-spelare i SonosNet-meshnätverket fungerar som klient och Page 4 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM åtkomstpunkt samtidigt. Varje Sonos-spelare expanderar SonosNet-meshnätverkets räckvidd eftersom även om varje enhet måste vara inom räckvidden för minst en annan Sonos-spelare, behöver de inte vara inom räckvidden för en central åtkomstpunkt. Förutom att utöka räckvidden mellan Sonos-produkter kan SonosNet utöka räckvidden för andra datanätverksenheter i hemmet, exempelvis Android-enheter som är direkt uppkopplade till SonosNet. På grund av de högra kraven på nätverkstillgång för SonosNet-meshnätverket har Sonos-spelare inte något standby- eller av-läge förutom att dra ut nätsladden från kraftnätet. Sonos verklaart dat dit product voldoet aan de vereisten van de EMC-richtlijn 2004/108/EG, de laagspanningsrichtlijn 2006/95/EG, de RoHS-richtlijn 2011/65/EU en de R&TTE-richtlijn 1999/5/EG indien geïnstalleerd en gebruikt in overeenstemming met de instructies van de fabrikant. Een kopie van de volledige conformiteitsverklaring is beschikbaar op SonosNet is de gepaste, draadloze mesh-netwerkarchitectuur ontworpen voor een solide transmissie voor het streamen van digitale muziek in high fidelity. Alle Sonos-spelers binnen het SonosNet mesh-netwerk fungeren als cliënt en access point tegelijk. Elke Sonos-speler breidt het bereik van het SonosNet mesh-netwerk verder uit. Terwijl elk apparaat zich binnen het bereik van ten minste één andere Sonos-speler moet bevinden, hoeven ze niet binnen het bereik van een centraal toegangspunt te zijn. Naast het uitbreiden van het bereik tussen Sonosproducten onderling, kan SonosNet het bereik van andere netwerkapparaten in huis vergroten, zoals Androidapparaten die direct verbonden zijn met SonosNet. Door de hoge beschikbaarheidvereisten van het SonosNet mesh-netwerk, gaan Sonos-spelers niet uit of in stand-by, tenzij de stroom wordt verbroken. Sonos dichiara che il presente prodotto è conforme ai requisiti della direttiva EMC 2004/108/EC, della direttiva Bassa tensione 2006/95/EC, della direttiva RoHS 2011/65/EU e della direttiva R&TTE 1999/5/EC, se installato e utilizzato in conformità alle istruzioni del produttore. Una copia della Dichiarazione di conformità completa è disponibile all'indirizzo SonosNet è l'architettura di rete mesh wireless proprietaria progettata per assicurare un'affidabile trasmissione della musica digitale in streaming ad alta fedeltà. Tutti i lettori Sonos all'interno della rete mesh SonosNet funzionano simultaneamente sia come client che come punto d'accesso. Ogni lettore Sonos estende la copertura della rete mesh SonosNet perché mentre i singoli dispositivi devono essere nel raggio di almeno un altro lettore Sonos, non devono però essere necessariamente nel raggio di un punto d'accesso centrale. Oltre ad estendere la copertura tra i prodotti Sonos, SonosNet può estendere la portata di altri dispositivi di rete all'interno della casa, ad esempio, dispositivi Android connessi direttamente a SonosNet. A causa degli elevati requisitivi di disponibilità della rete mesh SonosNet, i lettori Sonos non dispongono di modalità di standby o spegnimento diverse dalla disconnessione fisica del cavo di alimentazione della presa di corrente CA. Page 5 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM Sonos declara que este producto cumple los requisitos de la Directiva EMC 2004/108/EC, la Directiva de bajo voltaje 2006/95/EC, la Directiva RoHS 2011/65/EU y la Directiva R&TTE 1999/5/EC si se instala y utiliza de conformidad con las instrucciones del fabricante. Podrá obtener una copia de la declaración de conformidad completa en SonosNet es la arquitectura de red de malla inalámbrica de propiedad diseñada para proporcionar una transmisión sólida de música digital en alta fidelidad. Todos los reproductores Sonos dentro de la red de malla SonosNet actúan como cliente y punto de acceso simultáneamente. Cada reproductor Sonos amplía el alcance de la red de malla SonosNet ya que, mientras que cada dispositivo debe estar dentro del alcance de al menos otro reproductor Sonos, estos no tienen que estar dentro del alcance de un punto de acceso central. Además de ampliar el alcance entre productos Sonos, SonosNet puede ampliar el alcance de otros dispositivos de redes de datos dentro de la casa, como dispositivos Android directamente conectados a SonosNet. Debido a los altos requisitos de disponibilidad de red de la red de malla SonosNet, los reproductores Sonos no tienen modo de apagado o de espera, sino que simplemente hay que quitar el cable de alimentación de la red eléctrica. Sonos erklærer, at dette produkt hermed overholder kravene i EMC-direktiv 2004/108/EF, lavspændingsdirektivet 2006/95/EF, RoHS-direktivet 2011/65/EF og radioudstyrsdirektivet 1999/5/EF efter installation og anvendelse i henhold til producentens instruktioner. En kopi af den fulde overensstemmelseserklæring kan hentes på SonosNet er Sonos' trådløse mesh-netværksarkitektur, som er konstrueret til at levere en robust overførsel af digital musikstreaming i HiFi-kvalitet. Alle Sonos-afspillere på SonosNet-netværket fungerer både som klient og adgangspunkt samtidigt. Hver Sonos-afspiller udvider rækkevidden af SonosNet-netværket, idet hver enhed kun skal være inden for rækkevidde af mindst én Sonos-afspiller og ikke behøver at være inden for rækkevidde af et centralt adgangspunkt. Udover at kunne udvide rækkevidden mellem Sonos-produkter kan SonosNet udvidde rækkevidden af andre datanetværksforbundne enheder i huset, som f.eks. Android-enheder, som er direkte forbundet til SonosNet. Som følge af de høje krav til netværkstilgængelighed for SonosNet-netværket er Sonosafspillere ikke udstyret med en standby- eller fra-tilstand, udover ved at tage stikket ud af stikkontakten. Η Sonos δηλώνει δια της παρούσης ότι το παρόν προϊόν συμμορφώνεται ως προς τις απαιτήσεις της Οδηγίας για την ηλεκτρομαγνητική συμβατότητα 2004/108/ΕΚ, της Οδηγίας σχετικά με το ρεύμα χαμηλής τάσης, 2006/95/ΕΚ, της Οδηγίας για τον περιορισμό των επικίνδυνων ουσιών 2011/65/ΕΕ και της Οδηγίας σχετικά με τον ραδιοεξοπλισμό και τον τηλεπικοινωνιακό τερματικό εξοπλισμό 1999/5/ΕΚ, όταν εγκαθίσταται και χρησιμοποιείται σύμφωνα με τις οδηγίες του κατασκευαστή. Μπορείτε να βρείτε ένα αντίγραφο της πλήρους δήλωσης συμμόρφωσης στη διεύθυνση Η SonosNet είναι μια ιδιοταγής αρχιτεκτονική ασύρματου δικτύου πλέγματος που έχει σχεδιαστεί για την εύρωστη μετάδοση ροής ψηφιακής μουσικής υψηλής πιστότητας. Όλες οι συσκευές αναπαραγωγής εντός του δικτύου Page 6 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM πλέγματος της SonosNet λειτουργούν ταυτόχρονα τόσο ως συσκευές-πελάτες όσο και ως σημεία πρόσβασης. Κάθε συσκευή αναπαραγωγής της Sonos επεκτείνει το εύρος ενός δικτύου πλέγματος της SonosNet καθώς, ενώ κάθε συσκευή πρέπει να είναι εντός του εύρους τουλάχιστον μίας άλλης συσκευής αναπαραγωγής της Sonos, δεν χρειάζεται να είναι εντός του εύρους ενός κεντρικού σημείου πρόσβασης. Επιπροσθέτως της επέκτασης του εύρους μεταξύ προϊόντων της Sonos, η SonosNet μπορεί να επεκτείνει το εύρος άλλων συσκευών δικτύωσης δεδομένων που βρίσκονται στο οικιακό περιβάλλον, όπως συσκευές Android που είναι απευθείας συνδεδεμένες με to SonosNet. Λόγω των απαιτήσεων υψηλής διαθεσιμότητας δικτύου του δικτύου πλέγματος της SonosNet, οι συσκευές αναπαραγωγής της Sonos δεν διαθέτουν λειτουργία αναμονής ή απενεργοποίησης πέραν της αποσύνδεσης του καλωδίου τροφοδοσίας από την παροχή ρεύματος. Sonos ilmoittaa, että tämä tuote täyttää EMC-direktiivin 2004/108/EY, pienjännitedirektiivin 2006/95/EY, RoHSdirektiivin 2011/65/EY ja R&TTE-direktiivin 1999/5/EY vaatimukset, kun se asennetaan ja sitä käytetään valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti. Täydellinen vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus on saatavana osoitteessa SonosNet on Sonoksen kehittämä reitittävä langaton verkko (eli mesh-verkko), joka mahdollistaa hifi-tason digitaalisen musiikin nopean siirron ja suoratoiston. Kaikki reitittävään SonosNet-mesh-verkkoon liitetyt Sonossoittimet toimivat samanaikaisesti sekä asiakaslaitteina että tukiasemina. Jokainen Sonos-soitin laajentaa SonosNet-mesh-verkon kattavuutta, sillä laitteiden ei tarvitse olla keskitetyn tukiaseman kantoalueella. Riittää, että laite on vähintään yhden muun laitteen kantoalueella. Sen lisäksi että verkon toiminta-aluetta voidaan laajentaa Sonos-laitteiden avulla, SonosNetin avulla voidaan laajentaa myös muiden siihen suoraan kytkettyjen verkkolaitteiden, kuten Android-laitteiden toiminta-aluetta. Sonos-soittimissa ei ole SonosNet-mesh-verkon jatkuvan toiminnan takaamiseksi erillistä valmius- tai Off-tilaa. Laitteet voidaan kytkeä pois päältä vain irrottamalla ne verkkovirrasta. USA This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules using limits for a Class B digital device. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • All Sonos devices have in-products antennas. Users cannot reorient or relocate the receiving antenna without modifying the product Page 7 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Caution: Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer may void the user's authority to operate the equipment under FCC rules. Canada This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-210. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the product is located such that it does not emit RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from Health Canada’s Web site As mentioned before, the installer cannot control the antenna orientation. However, they could place the complete product in a way that causes the problem mentioned above. Canada Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme aux normes NMB-003 et CNR-210 en vigueur au Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) Cet appareil ne doit pas créer d'interférences nuisibles. (2) Cet appareil doit tolérer toutes les interférences reçues, y compris les interférences pouvant entraîner un fonctionnement indésirable. L'installateur du présent matériel radio doit veiller à ce que le produit soit placé ou orienté de manière à n'émettre aucun champ radioélectrique supérieur aux limites fixées pour le grand public par le ministère fédéral Santé Canada; consultez le Code de sécurité 6 sur le site Web de Santé Canada à l'adresse : Comme indiqué auparavant, l'installateur ne peut pas contrôler l'orientation de l'antenne. Il peut néanmoins placer le produit tout entier de manière à provoquer le problème décrit ci-dessus. RF Exposure Requirements To comply with FCC and Industry Canada exposure essential requirements, a minimum separation distance of 20cm (8 inches) is required between the equipment and the body of the user or nearby persons. Exigences en matière d'exposition aux radiofréquences Pour satisfaire aux exigences essentielles de la FCC et d'Industrie Canada concernant l'exposition, une distance minimum de 20 cm (8 pouces) doit être respectée entre l'équipement et l'utilisateur ou des personnes se trouvant à proximité. Page 8 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM Recycling Information This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product shall not be treated as household waste. Instead please deliver it to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By recycling this product correctly, you will help conserve natural resources and prevent potential negative environmental consequences. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. Important Safety Information (English) 1. Read these instructions. 2. Keep these instructions. 3. Heed all warnings. 4. Follow all instructions. 5. Do not use this apparatus near water. 6. Clean only with dry soft cloth. Household cleaners or solvents can damage the finish on your Sonos components. 7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. 8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus that produce heat. Page 9 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 9. Protect the power cable from being walked on or pinched, particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus. 10. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer. 11. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time. 12. Refer all servicing to Sonos qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cable or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped. 13. The Mains plug should be readily available to disconnect the equipment. 14. Warning: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. 15. Do not expose apparatus to dripping or splashing and do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus. Wichtige Sicherheitsinformationen (Deutsch) 1. Lesen Sie diese Anweisungen. 2. Bewahren Sie diese Anweisungen auf. 3. Beachten Sie alle Warnungen. 4. Befolgen Sie alle Anweisungen. 5. Verwenden Sie das Gerät nicht in der Nähe von Wasser. Page 10 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 10 6. Reinigen Sie die Geräte nur mit einem trockenen, weichen Tuch. 7. Blockieren Sie keine Lüftungsöffnungen. Befolgen Sie bei der Installation die Anweisungen des Herstellers. 8. Installieren Sie das Produkt nicht in der Nähe von Wärmequellen, wie z. B. Heizkörpern, Warmluftauslässen, Öfen oder anderen Geräten, die Wärme produzieren. 9. Verhindern Sie, dass auf das Netzkabel getreten oder dass es geklemmt wird. Dies gilt insbesondere für Stecker und den Austrittsort der Kabel am Gerät. 10. Verwenden Sie ausschließlich die durch den Hersteller spezifizierten Zubehörprodukte. 11. Trennen Sie das Gerät bei Gewitter oder längeren Nutzungspausen von der Stromversorgung. 12. Lassen Sie alle Wartungsarbeiten von qualifiziertem Sonos-Service-Personal durchführen. Eine Wartung ist erforderlich, wenn das Gerät beschädigt wurde, z. B. bei beschädigten Netzkabeln oder Steckern, wenn Flüssigkeit über dem Produkt verschüttet wurde oder Objekte hineingefallen sind, das Gerät Feuchtigkeit oder Regen ausgesetzt war, nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert oder heruntergefallen ist. 13. Der Netzstecker sollte gut zugänglich sein, um das Gerät jederzeit von der Stromversorgung trennen zu können. 14. Warnung: Setzen Sie das Gerät nicht Regen oder Feuchtigkeit aus, um das Risiko eines Brandes oder Stromschlags zu reduzieren. 15. Platzieren Sie keine mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten Behälter, wie z. B. Vasen, auf dem Gerät, um es vor Spritzwasser zu schützen. Page 11 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 11 Belangrijke veiligheidsinformatie (Nederlands) 1. Lees deze instructies. 2. Bewaar deze instructies. 3. Neem alle waarschuwingen in acht. 4. Volg alle instructies op. 5. Gebruik deze apparatuur niet in de buurt van water. 6. Maak de apparaten alleen schoon met een droge, zachte doek. Huishoudelijke schoonmaak- of oplosmiddelen kunnen de afwerking van Sonos-componenten beschadigen. 7. Blokkeer de ventilatiegaten niet. Installeer apparaten volgens de instructies van de fabrikant. 8. Installeer apparaten niet in de buurt van warmtebronnen, zoals radiatoren, ventilatieroosters, kachels of andere apparaten die warmte afgeven. 9. Zorg ervoor dat er niet over het netsnoer kan worden gelopen en dat dit niet bekneld kan raken, vooral niet bij de stekkers, bij stopcontacten en op het punt waar de snoeren het apparaat verlaten. 10. Gebruik alleen door de fabrikant gespecificeerde accessoires. 11. Haal bij onweer of als u het apparaat gedurende een lange periode niet gebruikt, de stekker uit het stopcontact. 12. Laat alle onderhoud uitvoeren door gekwalificeerd onderhoudspersoneel van Sonos. Onderhoud is nodig wanneer het apparaat schade heeft opgelopen, bijvoorbeeld wanneer een netsnoer of stekker is beschadigd, vloeistof of een voorwerp in het apparaat is terechtgekomen, het apparaat is blootgesteld aan regen of vocht, het apparaat niet naar behoren functioneert of het apparaat op de grond is gevallen. Page 12 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 12 13. De stekker in het stopcontact moet gemakkelijk bereikbaar zijn om de stroomvoorziening af te kunnen sluiten. 14. Waarschuwing: Stel het apparaat niet bloot aan regen of vocht om het risico op brand of elektrische schokken te beperken. 15. Stel het apparaat niet bloot aan druppels of spatten en plaats geen met vloeistof gevulde voorwerpen, zoals vazen, op het apparaat. Viktig säkerhetsinformation (Svenska) 1. Läs dessa instruktioner. 2. Behåll dessa instruktioner. 3. Beakta alla varningar. 4. Följ alla instruktioner. 5. Använd inte apparaten nära vatten. 6. Rengör endast med torr, mjuk trasa. Rengöringsmedel eller lösningsmedel för hushållsbruk kan skada ytfinishen på dina Sonos-komponenter. 7. Blockera inte ventilationsöppningarna. Installera enligt tillverkarens instruktioner. 8. Installera inte i närheten av värmekällor så som element, spisar och/eller andra apparater som avger värme. 9. Skydda nätkabeln från tramp och klämning, särskilt vid kontakterna, uttag eller på andra ställen där de kommer ut ur apparaten. Page 13 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 13 10. Använd endast tillbehör som specificerats av tillverkaren 11. Koppla bort apparaten från nätet under åskväder eller om den inte skall användas under längre tid. 12. All service skall utföras av Sonos kvalificerade servicepersonal. Service är nödvändig om apparaten har skadats, exempelvis om nätkabeln eller stickproppen är skadad, om vätska har spillts eller föremål har kommit in i apparaten, om den utsatts för regn eller fukt, inte fungerar normalt eller har tappats. 13. Nätkontakten skall vara lätt tillgänglig för urkoppling av apparaten. 14. Varning: Minska risken för brand eller elektriska stötar genom att inte utsätta apparaten för regn eller fukt. 15. Utsätt inte apparaten för dropp eller stänk och placera inte föremål fyllda med vätska, så som vaser, på apparaten. Informations importantes relatives à la sécurité (Français) 1. Lisez attentivement ces instructions. 2. Conservez ces instructions. 3. Respectez tous les avertissements. 4. Suivez toutes les instructions. 5. N'utilisez pas cet appareil à proximité de l'eau. 6. Nettoyez cet appareil uniquement à l'aide d'un chiffon sec et doux. Page 14 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 14 7. N'obstruez aucun orifice de ventilation. Installez cet appareil conformément aux instructions du fabricant. 8. Ne placez pas cet appareil à côté d'une source de chaleur telle qu'un radiateur, une bouche de chauffage, une cuisinière ou tout autre appareil produisant de la chaleur. 9. Protégez le câble d'alimentation afin de ne pas marcher dessus, ni le pincer, en particulier au niveau des fiches, des prises de courant et de l'endroit d'où ils sortent de l'appareil. 10. Utilisez uniquement les équipements/accessoires recommandés par le fabricant. 11. Débranchez cet appareil en cas d'orage ou lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé pendant une longue période. 12. Confiez la réparation et l’entretien à un personnel qualifié de Sonos. L'appareil nécessite réparation lorsqu'il est endommagé de quelque manière que ce soit, notamment si le cordon d'alimentation ou la fiche est endommagé(e), si du liquide a été versé sur l'appareil, si des objets sont tombés à l'intérieur, si l'appareil a été exposé à la pluie ou à l'humidité, s'il ne fonctionne pas correctement ou s'il est tombé. 13. La prise d'alimentation secteur doit être facilement accessible pour débrancher l'appareil. 14. Avertissement : afin de limiter les risques d'incendie ou d'électrocution, n'exposez pas cet appareil à la pluie, ni à l'humidité. 15. N'exposez jamais cet appareil aux projections ou aux écoulements d'eau et ne posez jamais un récipient contenant un liquide, tel qu'un vase, sur l'appareil. Vigtig sikkerhedsinformation (Dansk) 1. Læs disse instruktioner. 2. Opbevar disse instruktioner. Page 15 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 15 3. Overhold alle advarsler. 4. Følg alle instruktioner. 5. Brug ikke dette apparat tæt ved vand. 6. Rengør kun med en tør, blød klud. 7. Undlad at blokere ventilationsåbninger. Installér i overensstemmelse med producentens instruktioner. 8. Installér ikke tæt ved varmekilder såsom radiatorer, ovne eller andre apparater, som producerer varme. 9. Beskyt strømkablet fra at blive trådt på eller klemt, især ved stik, stikdåser og punktet, hvor de udgår fra apparatet. 10. Brug kun tilslutningsenheder/tilbehør som angivet af producenten. 11. Træk stikket ud fra dette apparat under storme med lynnedslag, eller hvis det ikke skal bruges i længere tid. 12. Overlad al eftersyn til kvalificeret servicepersonale. Eftersyn er påkrævet, hvis apparatet på nogen måde er blevet skadet, såsom beskadiget strømforsyningskabel eller stik, hvis der er spildt væske, eller genstande er faldet ned på apparatet, eller hvis apparatet er blevet udsat for regn eller fugt, ikke fungerer normalt eller er blevet tabt. 13. Stikket skal nemt kunne frakobles fra udstyret. 14. Advarsel: Undlad at udsætte apparatet for regn eller fugt for at reducere risikoen for brand og elektrisk stød. Page 16 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 16 15. Udsæt ikke apparatet for dryp eller sprøjt, og placér ikke genstande fyldt med væsker, såsom vaser, på apparatet. Viktig sikkerhetsinformasjon (Norsk) 1. Les disse instruksjonene. 2. Oppbevar disse instruksjonene. 3. Ta hensyn til alle advarsler. 4. Følg alle instruksjoner. 5. Bruk ikke dette apparatet nært vann. 6. Rengjør kun med tørr myk klut. 7. Blokker ikke noen ventilasjonsåpninger. Installer i henhold til produsentens instruksjoner. 8. Installer ikke nær varmekilder som radiatorer, varmespjeld, ovner eller andre apparater som genererer varme. 9. Beskytt strømkabelen mot å bli gått på eller klemt, særlig ved kontakter, stikkontakter og punktet hvor de kommer ut av apparatet. 10. Bruk kun tilbehør/utstyr som spesifisert av produsenten. 11. Koble fra dette apparatet under tordenvær eller når det ikke brukes for lengre tidsperioder. Page 17 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 17 12. Overlat all service til kvalifisert servicepersonell. Service er nødvendig når apparatet har blitt skadet på noe vis som når strømkabelen eller kontakten er skadet, væske har blitt sølt eller objekter har falt i apparatet, apparatet har blitt utsatt for regn eller fukt, ikke fungerer normalt eller har blitt sluppet ned. 13. Hovedstrømkontakten skal være tilgjengelig for å koble fra utstyret. 14. Advarsel: For å redusere faren for brann eller elektrisk støt må ikke dette apparatet utsettes for regn eller fukt. 15. Utsett ikke apparatet for drypp eller sprut og plasser ikke objekter fylt med væske, slik som vaser, på apparatet. Informações importantes sobre segurança (português) 1. Leia estas instruções. 2. Guarde estas instruções. 3. Fique atento a todos os avisos. 4. Siga todas as instruções. 5. Não utilize esse dispositivo próximo à água. 6. Limpe somente com um pano seco e macio. 7. Não bloqueie as entradas de ar. Execute a instalação de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. Page 18 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 18 8. Não instale próximo a fontes de calor, como aquecedores, saídas de aparelhos de calefação, fogões ou outros dispositivos que produzem calor. 9. Proteja o cabo de alimentação para evitar que ele seja pisado ou comprimido, principalmente nos plugues, receptáculos e no ponto em que se conecta ao dispositivo. 10. Use somente conexões/acessórios especificados pelo fabricante. 11. Desconecte o dispositivo em caso de relâmpagos ou durante longos períodos de inatividade. 12. Solicite qualquer serviço de manutenção a uma equipe qualificada. A manutenção será necessária caso o dispositivo sofra dados, tais como: caso o cabo de alimentação ou o plugue estejam danificados, caso líquidos sejam derramados ou objetos caiam dentro do dispositivo, caso o dispositivo seja exposto à chuva ou à umidade, caso apresente mal funcionamento ou sofra uma queda. 13. O plugue principal deve estar facilmente acessível para desconectar o equipamento. 14. Aviso: Para reduzir o risco de incêndios ou choques elétricos, não exponha o dispositivo à chuva nem à umidade. 15. Não exponha o dispositivo a gotejamentos ou respingos e não coloque objetos que contenham líquido, como vasos, sobre o dispositivo. Información de seguridad importante (Español) 1. Lea estas instrucciones. 2. Conserve estas instrucciones. Page 19 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 19 3. Preste atención a todas las advertencias. 4. Siga todas las instrucciones. 5. No utilice este aparato cerca del agua. 6. Límpielo solamente con un paño suave y húmedo. Los productos de limpieza o disolventes domésticos podrían dañar el acabado de los componentes de Sonos. 7. No bloquee los orificios de ventilación. Realice la instalación de conformidad con las instrucciones del fabricante 8. No instale el aparato cerca de fuentes de calor, tales como radiadores, registradores de calor, estufas o cualquier otro aparato que produzca calor. 9. Proteja el cable de alimentación a fin de que no sea pisado o pellizcado, de forma particular en los enchufes, en los receptáculos y en el punto de salida del aparato. 10. Utilice solamente accesorios especificados por el fabricante. 11. Desenchufe el aparato durante tormentas de relámpagos o si deja de utilizarse por lapsos prolongados de tiempo. 12. Todo tipo de servicio debe ser realizado por personal de servicio de Sonos calificado. El aparato requiere servicio si se ha dañado de cualquier modo; por ejemplo, si se daña el cable o enchufe de alimentación, si se derraman líquidos o se introducen objetos en el aparato, si el aparato se ha expuesto a la lluvia o humedad, si no opera normalmente o si se cae. 13. El enchufe principal debe estar a la mano a fin de desconectar el equipo. Page 20 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 20 14. Advertencia: A fin de reducir el riesgo de ignición o de choque eléctrico, no exponga el aparato a la lluvia o humedad. 15. No exponga el aparato a goteos o salpicaduras y no coloque objetos que contengan líquidos, tales como vasos, encima del aparato. Informazioni importanti per la sicurezza (Italiano) 1. Leggere le seguenti istruzioni. 2. Conservare queste istruzioni. 3. Prestare attenzione a tutti gli avvisi. 4. Seguire tutte le istruzioni. 5. Non utilizzare questo dispositivo in prossimità dell'acqua. 6. Pulire solo con un panno morbido asciutto. I detergenti o solventi per le pulizie di casa possono danneggiare la rifinitura dei componenti Sonos. 7. Non ostruire i fori di aerazione. Effettuare l'installazione in modo conforme alle istruzioni del costruttore. 8. Non installare in prossimità di fonti di calore, ad esempio termosifoni, stufe o altri apparati che generino calore. 9. Evitare che il cavo di alimentazione sia calpestato o schiacciato, soprattutto in corrispondenza delle spine, delle prese multiple e del punto di uscita dall'apparecchio. 10. Utilizzare solo accessori indicati dal costruttore. Page 21 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 21 11. Scollegare il dispositivo dalla presa di corrente durante temporali o se non viene utilizzato per lunghi periodi di tempo. 12. Rivolgersi per l'assistenza solo a personale qualificato Sonos. L'assistenza è necessaria quando il dispositivo subisce qualsiasi tipo di danno, ad esempio al cavo di alimentazione o alla spina, se si versano liquidi o cadono oggetti sul dispositivo, se il dispositivo è stato esposto alla pioggia o all'umidità, se non funziona correttamente oppure è caduto per terra. 13. La spina che si inserisce nella presa di corrente deve essere facilmente raggiungibile per scollegare rapidamente il dispositivo. 14. Avviso: Per ridurre il rischio di incendio o di scossa elettrica, non esporre il dispositivo a pioggia o umidità. 15. Il dispositivo non deve essere esposto a gocciolamenti o spruzzi e nessun tipo di oggetto contenente liquidi, ad esempio vasi, deve essere appoggiato su di esso. 重要な安全上の情報 ( 日本語 ) 1. 説明書をお読みください。 2. 説明書を保管しておいてください。 3. 警告には従ってください。 4. 指示にはすべて従ってください。 5. 機器を水の近くで使用しないでください。 Page 22 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 22 6. 乾いた柔らかい布できれいにしてください。家庭用クリーナーや溶剤によって、 Sonos コンポーネントの表面が破損する可能性があります。 7. 換気口を防がないでください。製造元の指示に従ってインストールを行ってくだ さい。 8. ラジエーター、ヒートレジスター、ストーブ、もしくは暖房器具の近くに設置し ないでください。 9. 電源ケーブル、特にプラグ、延長コード、およびそれらが機器から出ている部分 が踏まれたり、ねじれたりすることがないように保護してください。 10. 製造元が指定した付属品またはアクセサリーのみを使用してください。 11. 雷雨のとき、および長期にわたり使用しない場合は、電源を抜いてください。 12. すべての修理に関しては認定サービス員にお問い合わせ下さい。電源ケーブル またはプラグが破損した、液体をこぼした、物を機器に落とした、機器を風雨にさ らした、正常に動作しない、または落下させてしまったなどの事情で、装置が破損 した場合は修理が必要となります。 13. 電源プラグは、万が一の場合にすぐに抜けるように、手の届き易い場所に差し 込んでください。 14. 警告 : 火災や電気ショックを避けるために、機器を風雨にさらさないよ うにしてください。 15. 機器を水にさらさないでください。機器の上に花瓶などの液体の入った物体を おかないでください。 Page 23 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 23 重要安全信息 ( 简体中文 ) 1. 阅读这些说明。 2. 保留这些说明。 3. 注意所有警告。 4. 遵循所有说明。 5. 切勿在近水的地方使用本设备。 6. 只能用软干布清洁本设备。家用清洁剂或溶剂可能会损坏 Sonos 组件的表面。 7. 切勿阻塞任何通风口。按照厂家提供的说明书进行安装。 8. 切勿将本设备安装在热源 (例如散热器、热暂存器、炉子)或其他会产生热的装置 附近。 9. 防止电源线被踩到或夹到,尤其要小心保护插头、电源插座及其在本设备上的出口 点。 10. 只使用厂家指定的附件 / 配件。 11. 雷雨天气或长期不使用本设备时,应拔出其电源插头。 12. 本设备的一切维修应由合格的 Sonos 维修人员执行。一旦本设备受到任何损坏, 就需要进行维修 —— 损坏情况包括:电源线或插头损坏;有液体渗入或异物落入到 本设备中;本设备接触到雨水或湿气,不能正常工作,或被摔落。 13. 电源插头应能随时从插座拔出。 Page 24 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 24 14. 警告: 为了降低火灾或触电风险,切勿让本设备接触到雨水或湿气。 15. 不要让本设备接触到滴落物或溅出物,不要将装有液体的物体 (例如花瓶)放在 本设备上。 许可协议和有限保修 购买适用的 SONOS 产品 (此类硬件和软件统称为 “ 产品 ”)之前,请仔细阅读 SONOS EUROPE B.V. (“SONOS”)提供的许可协议和有限保修 (以下简称 “ 协议 ”)的条款, 其中就软件以及相关固件和文档 (统称为 “ 软件 ”)的使用作出了规定。 购买此产品,即表示:(1) 您已年满 18 周岁; (2) 您有权合法约束自身或您所在公司 (如果适用)的行为;以及 (3) 同意遵守本协议的所有条款。如果您不完全同意这些条款 或无法作出此类陈述,则请勿购买此产品。 1. 许可证的授予 (a) 根据本协议的条款和条件,Sonos 将授予您全球范围适用、非排他、不可转让的个人许 可证 (不得转授),使您可以:(i) 出于操作产品之目的而使用产品内含的软件; (ii) 在 有效期内,在您拥有或控制的任何个人计算机上使用软件的桌面应用程序部分。不得将软 件传输到任何其他计算机或将软件从产品中移除。不管 Sonos 在本协议中授予任何许可 证,您都承认并同意,您对于自身在使用软件过程中遵守美国及国际版权法的情况负全部 责任。 (b) 您同意不在适用的强制性法律禁止的情况下对产品进行复制、修改、反向工程、反编译 或反汇编。除本协议授予的有限许可外,Sonos 及其供应商对软件内含的全球范围适用的 知识产权保留所有权利。Sonos 保留所有其他权利。您承认并同意,产品所含和用于创造 产品的技术是极具价值的商业秘密,且是 Sonos 的专有技术,您不会向任何第三方披露您 所掌握的此类商业秘密。 Page 25 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 25 (c) Sonos 没有义务提供任何产品的更新或升级服务,但如果有提供,此类更新、升级以 及所有文档均应被视为 “ 产品 ”,且应受本协议的条款和条件限制。 2. 协议条款 (a) 您只需通知 Sonos、停止使用产品并从计算机中将软件清除,便可以随时终止本协议。 (b) 如果您违反本协议中的第 1 条和 / 或第 3 条,本协议将自动终止。 (c) 因任何原因终止本协议或协议期满后,第 1(b)、2(c)、3、6(c)、7 和 9 条仍继续有 效。 3. 遵守版权法 Sonos 一贯遵守美国及国际版权法,鉴于本协议授予的许可证,您也同意遵守这些法律。 您承认,这些版权法禁止未经授权复制或发布音乐或其他使用产品访问的内容 (以下简称 “ 内容 ”),且您同意未经版权拥有者的书面授权,不会直接或间接复制或发布任何内 容。此外,您也同意依照第 3 部分条款的规定向 Sonos 或其许可方赔偿由 Sonos 或其许 可方引起或与您的失误相关的所有损失、损坏、债务和费用。 Page 26 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 26 4. SONOS 隐私政策 Sonos 产品的使用受 Sonos 隐私政策限制,该隐私政策被引入作为本协议的一部分,详情 请浏览。Sonos 隐私政策概括了 Sonos 可以从您那 里收集的信息类型及其对这些信息所具有的使用权限。您务必要阅读并理解该隐私政策的 条款。 5. 第三方内容和技术支持 Sonos 有时会通过产品向第三方内容供应商提供访问权限。此外,Sonos 也可能支持某些第 三方技术,如特定文件格式或编解码器。在任何时候、任何情况下,Sonos 均保留对停止 访问和 / 或支持此类第三方内容或技术的权利。在选择或继续支持任何此类第三方内容或 技术方面,Sonos 不作任何声明或保证。 6. 保修和免责声明 (a)有限保修。Sonos 向您保证,自购买产品之日起一年内,凡由于生产材料和制造工艺引 起的质量缺陷均予以免费保修。SONOS 不保证产品在工作过程中不会中断或无错误,也不 保证所有错误都可以修正。如果您是用户,本保修是在您的法定权利基础之上补充提供 的,并不影响您的法定权利。除第 4(C) 条规定以及与任何强制性消费者权益保护法有抵 触外,Sonos 将决定其唯一责任以及您的唯一补救措施为维修或更换产品。如果上述两种 措施均不适用,将会退还您支付金额的一部分,因为您已经使用过产品。 (b) 限制。上述保证不适用于由于以下原因导致的产品问题:(i) 未成功实施 Sonos 提供 的产品错误修复或错误修正; (ii) 以未经本协议规定或授权的方式使用该产品;或 (iii) 将该产品与其他产品,以及非 Sonos 提供且不符合 Sonos 文档规定的硬件或产品一 同使用。 (c) 免责声明。除上述明确规定外,Sonos 不对产品作出任何明示、暗示或法定保证。 Sonos 及其供应商在此特别声明,拒绝承担所有其他明示、法定和暗示的保证和条款,包 括适销性、特定使用的适合性、不侵犯性以及满意质量的隐含条件等暗示保证。除第 6(A) 条明确规定外,产品均 “ 按原样 ” 提供,不附带任何保证。您对于有目的性的产品选 择、安装和使用负有全部责任。某些司法管辖区不允许限制暗示保证,因此上述免责声明 可能对您 (尤其当您是用户时)不适用。在您所在司法管辖区的法律范围内,任何情况 下,您所在司法管辖区的法律允许的所有暗示保证均遵守上述有限保修分条款 (a) 中的规 定,在一年之内有效。 Page 27 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 27 7. 责任限制 (a) 在法律允许的最大范围内,任何情况下,Sonos 及其供应商均有义务承担任何附带损 害、特殊损害、间接损害、惩罚性损失赔偿或间接损害,包括但不限于任何原因引起的和 基于所有责任理论的弥补费用、数据丢失、利润损失、业务中断、商业信息丢失,或由于 使用 (或无法使用)产品而引起的其他经济损失。 (b) 除法律另有规定外,任何情况下,Sonos 对一个或多个原因导致的所有损害的赔偿总额 不得超过您为该产品支付的金额。 (c) 即使您曾经提醒 Sonos、其供应商或经销商可能会发生此类损失或曾告知要使用的方 式,第 7 条中的限制仍适用。这些限制也同样适用于未达到任何有限补救措施的实质目的 的情况。这些限制反映了对风险的合理分配。 (d) 第 7 条中的限制不适用于因 Sonos 一方故意或者重大过失所造成的损失。第 7 条中的 限制也不适用于因 Sonos、其主管或任何第三方因故意、重大过失或未履行合同约定义务 而引起的人身伤亡所造成的损失。对于产品责任,第 7 条中的限制仅适用于与产品责任有 关的强制性规则允许的范围。 (e) 第 7 条中的限制不会对您作为用户所拥有的法定权利造成影响。 8. 侵权赔偿 (a) 赔偿。如果您依照本协议规定和授权指控产品的任何部分侵犯了任何第三方的版权或 侵占了该第三方的商业秘密,则只要发生以下情形,Sonos 均应对您提出的索赔、要求、 诉讼或申诉 (“ 索赔 ”)进行辩护或处理: (i) 及时向 Sonos 提出了索赔书面通知; (ii) 给予 Sonos 控制和安排辩护和处理索赔的排他权利; (iii) 向 Sonos 提供所有与索 赔相关的必要信息和协助,相关费用由 Sonos 承担(但不补偿您损失的宝贵时间)。Sonos 应支付由此类索赔引致的所有理赔金额、损失和费用。您自行承担参与索赔辩护的费用。 Sonos 无须承担任何未经事先书面规定的费用。 (b) 赔偿限制。尽管有上述规定,但发生以下情形时,Sonos 概不对索赔负责: (i) Sonos 书面通知您如果继续使用该产品将可能产生此诉讼风险超过三十 (30) 天后,您仍可继续 使用产品,并扣除部分折旧费后退还您购买产品的费用,以作为您停止使用所有产品的补 偿; (ii) 将产品或其中任何部件与其他非 Sonos 生产的硬件或产品配合使用 (如果该产 品从未这样配合使用,索赔事件应避免这种情况发生);或 (iii) 未经本协议授权使用该 产品。 Page 28 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 28 (c) 全部责任。关于产品任何实际或被指控侵权或侵占知识产权方面,上述第 8 条规定列 出了 Sonos 的全部责任和义务以及您的唯一补救措施。 9. 其他 您确认该产品受购买产品时相关出口管制法律法规的限制,并承诺将遵守所有相关的法律 法规。本协议应受荷兰法律管辖,但不适用于与其冲突的法律规定。《联合国国际货物销 售合同公约》不适用于本协议。本协议包含了您与 Sonos 就相关主题事件达成一致的所有 条款,取代所有之前此处未明确规定的口头或书面说明、沟通或协议。如根据司法法令或 决议,本协议任何条款经发现为无效或无强制力时,则依照其条款规定,本协议的其他条 款仍有效且具有约束力。未经 Sonos 书面同意前,无论是否依照法律,均不得转让本协议 或本协议下的任何权利或义务。如果您是用户,不得无理拒绝此书面同意。任何试图不经 事先书面同意的转让行为均为无效。 如对本协议有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至。 Page 29 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 29 License Agreement and Limited Warranty (U.S. and rest of world, excluding Europe) Sonos, Inc. READ THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT AND LIMITED WARRANTY ("AGREEMENT") GOVERNING THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED FIRMWARE AND DOCUMENTATION (COLLECTIVELY, THE "SOFTWARE") PROVIDED TO YOU BY SONOS ("SONOS") CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE APPLICABLE SONOS PRODUCT (SUCH HARDWARE, TOGETHER WITH THE SOFTWARE, REFERRED TO AS THE "PRODUCT"). BY OPENING THIS PACKAGE, INSTALLING AND USING THE PRODUCT, YOU ARE (1) REPRESENTING THAT YOU ARE OVER THE AGE OF 18, (2) REPRESENTING THAT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT AND AUTHORITY TO LEGALLY BIND YOURSELF OR YOUR COMPANY, AS APPLICABLE, AND (3) CONSENTING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL THESE TERMS OR CANNOT MAKE SUCH REPRESENTATIONS, DO NOT USE THE PRODUCT. IF YOU ELECT NOT TO ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MAY RETURN THE NEW, UNUSED PRODUCT WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF PURCHASE TO THE RETAIL LOCATION WHERE YOU PURCHASED IT, WITH ALL ORIGINAL PACKAGING FOR A FULL REFUND. 1.GRANT OF LICENSE (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Sonos grants to You a worldwide, non-exclusive, nontransferable, personal license (without the right to sub-license) to (i) use the Software as embedded in the Product for the purpose of operating the Product, and (ii) use the desktop application portion(s) of the Software on any personal computer owned or controlled by You during the Term. Except as provided above, You may not transfer the Software to any other computing device or otherwise remove the Software from the Product. Notwithstanding any license granted herein by Sonos, You acknowledge and agree that it is Your sole responsibility to comply with U.S. and international copyright laws with respect to Your use of the Software. (b) You agree not to copy, modify, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Product to the extent that such restriction is not prohibited by law. Except for the limited license granted herein, Sonos and its suppliers hereby retain all right, title and interest in and to all worldwide intellectual property rights embodied in the Software. All other rights are reserved by Sonos. You acknowledge and agree that the technology embedded in and used to create the Product constitute the valuable trade secrets and know-how of Sonos, and to the extent you discover any such trade secrets, You will not disclose them to any third party. (c) Sonos shall have no obligation to provide any updates or upgrades to the Product, but in the event that it does, such updates, upgrades and any documentation shall be deemed the "Product", and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Page 30 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 30 2.TERM OF AGREEMENT (a) You may terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying Sonos, discontinuing use of the Product and purging the Software from Your computing device. (b) This Agreement will automatically terminate if You violate any of its terms. (c) Sections 1(b), 3, 4, 6(c), 7 and 9 shall survive termination or expiration for any reason. 3.COMPLIANCE WITH COPYRIGHT LAWS Sonos complies with U.S. and international copyright laws and in consideration of the licenses granted herein, You agree to do the same. You acknowledge that unauthorized copying or distribution of music or other content accessed using the Product ("Content") is prohibited by such copyright laws, and You agree that You will not, directly or indirectly, copy or distribute any Content without the express written authorization of the copyright holder. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Sonos and its licensors from and against any and all claims, suits, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses incurred by Sonos or its licensors arising out of or related to Your failure to comply with the terms of this Section 3. 4.SONOS PRIVACY POLICY Use of Sonos Products is subject to the Sonos Privacy Policy, which can be found at and by reference is made a part of this Agreement. The Sonos Privacy Policy outlines the type of information that may be collected from you by Sonos and how such information may be used by Sonos. It is important that you read and understand the terms of the Privacy Policy. 5.THIRD PARTY CONTENT AND TECHNOLOGIES SUPPORT From time to time, Sonos may provide access to third party content providers via the Product. In addition, Sonos may support certain third party technologies, such as specific file formats or codecs. Sonos reserves the right to discontinue access to and/or support for such third party content or technologies at any time, and for any reason. Sonos makes no representations or warranties whatsoever regarding the selection of, or continuing support for, any such third party content or technologies. 6.WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER (a) Limited Warranty. Sonos warrants to You that for a period of one (1) year after the date of original purchase of the Product, the Product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. SONOS DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE PRODUCT WILL OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OR WILL BE ERROR-FREE, OR THAT ALL ERRORS MAY BE CORRECTED. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 6(C), SONOS' SOLE LIABILITY, AND YOUR SOLE REMEDY, FOR BREACH OF THE FOREGOING WARRANTY WILL BE, AT SONOS' SOLE DISCRETION, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT, OR, IF NEITHER OF THE FOREGOING ARE REASONABLY AVAILABLE, A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT YOU PAID, LESS AMOUNTS ATTRIBUTABLE TO YOUR PRIOR USE. (b) Limitations. The foregoing warranty does not extend to problems in the Product that result from: (i) Your failure to implement all bug fixes or error corrections to the Product which are made available by Sonos; (ii) any use of the Page 31 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 31 Product in a manner for which it was not designed or as not authorized under this Agreement; or (iii) any use of the Product with other products, hardware or products not supplied by, and inconsistent with the documentation provided by, Sonos. (c) Disclaimer. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH ABOVE, SONOS MAKES NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. SONOS AND ITS SUPPLIERS HEREBY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER EXPRESS, STATUTORY AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT AND THE IMPLIED CONDITION OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN SECTION 6(A), THE PRODUCT IS SUPPLIED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY. YOU ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SELECTION OF THE PRODUCT TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED RESULTS, AND FOR THE INSTALLATION AND USE OF THE PRODUCT. Some jurisdictions do not allow a limitation on implied warranties, and so the foregoing disclaimer may not apply to You. In any event, any implied warranties that may exist under the laws of Your jurisdiction are limited to the one (1) year period set forth in the limited warranty given under subsection (a) above. 7.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY (a) TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED UNDER LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL SONOS OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, AND INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COST OF COVER, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS ARISING FROM THE USE OF (OR INABILITY TO USE) THE PRODUCT, NO MATTER HOW CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. BECAUSE SOME STATES/ JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU, BUT THEY SHALL APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. (b) IN NO EVENT SHALL SONOS' TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES IN ANY ONE OR MORE CAUSES OF ACTION EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE PRODUCT. (c) The limitations in Section 7 will apply even if Sonos, its suppliers or dealers have been advised of the possibility of such damage or of any type of use intended by You. These limitations shall apply notwithstanding the failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. You acknowledge that these limitations reflect a reasonable allocation of risk. 8.INFRINGEMENT INDEMNITY (a) Indemnity. Sonos shall defend or settle any claim, demand, suit, proceeding or action ("Claim") against You to the extent that such Claim is based on an allegation that any portion of the Product, as furnished to You under this Agreement and used as authorized in this Agreement, infringes any third party's U.S. copyright or misappropriates such third party's trade secrets, provided that You: (i) give prompt written notice of the Claim to Sonos; (ii) give Sonos the exclusive authority to control and direct the defense or settlement of such Claim; and (iii) give Sonos, at Sonos' expense (except for the value of Your time), all necessary information and assistance with respect to the Page 32 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 32 Claim. Sonos shall pay all settlement amounts, damages and costs finally awarded to the extent attributable to such Claim. You may participate in the defense of Claim at Your expense. Sonos will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred without its prior written authorization. (b) Limit on Indemnity. The foregoing notwithstanding, Sonos shall have no liability for a Claim to the extent based on: (i) the use by You of any Product more than thirty (30) days after Sonos notifies You in writing that continued use of the Product may give rise to such Action; (ii) the combination of the Product, or any part thereof, with other hardware or products not provided by Sonos, which Claim would have been avoided if the Products had not been so combined; or (iii) use of the Products other than as authorized under this Agreement. (c) Entire Liability. THE FOREGOING PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION 8 STATE THE ENTIRE LIABILITY AND OBLIGATIONS OF SONOS, AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, WITH RESPECT TO ANY ACTUAL OR ALLEGED INFRINGEMENT OF OR MISAPPROPRIATION OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT BY THE PRODUCT. 9.MISCELLANEOUS You acknowledge that the Product is subject to the export control law and regulations of the United States, and any amendments thereto. You warrant that You will comply in all respects with United States exports laws and regulations. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without reference to its conflict of law principles. You consent to the jurisdiction of the federal and state courts sitting in the State of California. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between You and Sonos with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior oral or written understandings, communications or agreements not specifically incorporated herein. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to judicial decree or decision, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. You may not assign this Agreement, or any of its rights or obligations hereunder, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Sonos. Any attempted assignment by You without prior written consent shall be void. For inquiries or questions regarding this Agreement, please send an e-mail to or call (800) 680-2345. Page 33 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 33 License Agreement and Limited Warranty (Europe) READ THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT AND LIMITED WARRANTY ("AGREEMENT") GOVERNING THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED FIRMWARE AND DOCUMENTATION (COLLECTIVELY, THE “SOFTWARE”) PROVIDED TO YOU BY SONOS EUROPE B.V. (“SONOS”) CAREFULLY BEFORE BUYING THE APPLICABLE SONOS PRODUCT (SUCH HARDWARE, TOGETHER WITH THE SOFTWARE, REFERRED TO AS THE “PRODUCT”). BY PURCHASING THE PRODUCT, YOU ARE (1) REPRESENTING THAT YOU ARE OVER THE AGE OF 18, (2) REPRESENTING THAT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT AND AUTHORITY TO LEGALLY BIND YOURSELF OR YOUR COMPANY, AS APPLICABLE, AND (3) CONSENTING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL THESE TERMS OR CANNOT MAKE SUCH REPRESENTATIONS, DO NOT PURCHASE THE PRODUCT. 1.GRANT OF LICENSE (a)Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Sonos grants to You a worldwide, non-exclusive, nontransferable, personal license (without the right to sub-license) to (i) use the Software as embedded in the Product for the purpose of operating the Product, and (ii) use the desktop application portion(s) of the Software on any personal computer owned or controlled by You during the Term. You may not transfer the Software to any other computing device or otherwise remove the Software from the Product. Notwithstanding any license granted herein by Sonos, You acknowledge and agree that it is Your sole responsibility to comply with U.S. and international copyright laws with respect to Your use of the Software. (b)You agree not to copy, modify, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Product to the extent that such restriction is not prohibited by applicable mandatory law. Except for the limited license granted herein, Sonos and its suppliers hereby retain all right, title and interest in and to all worldwide intellectual property rights embodied in the Software. All other rights are reserved by Sonos. You acknowledge and agree that the technology embedded in and used to create the Product constitute the valuable trade secrets and know-how of Sonos, and to the extent You discover any such trade secrets, You will not disclose them to any third party. (c)Sonos shall have no obligation to provide any updates or upgrades to the Product, but in the event that it does, such updates, upgrades and any documentation shall be deemed the “Product”, and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2.TERM OF AGREEMENT (a)You may terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying Sonos, discontinuing use of the Product and purging the Software from Your computing device. (b)This Agreement will automatically terminate if You violate Section 1 and/or 3 of this Agreement. Page 34 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 34 (c)Sections 1(b), 2(c), 3, 6(c), 7 and 9 shall survive termination or expiration for any reason. 3.COMPLIANCE WITH COPYRIGHT LAWS Sonos complies with U.S. and international copyright laws and in consideration of the licenses granted herein, You agree to do the same. You acknowledge that unauthorized copying or distribution of music or other content accessed using the Product (“Content”) is prohibited by such copyright laws, and You agree that You will not, directly or indirectly, copy or distribute any Content without the express written authorization of the copyright holder. Further, You agree to compensate Sonos and its licensors for all losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses incurred by Sonos or its licensors as a result of claims or actions brought against Sonos or its licensors arising out of or related to Your failure to comply with the terms of this Section 3. 4.SONOS PRIVACY POLICY Use of Sonos Products is subject to the Sonos Privacy Policy, which can be found at privacy_policy.htm and by reference is made a part of this Agreement. The Sonos Privacy Policy outlines the type of information that may be collected from you by Sonos and how such information may be used by Sonos. It is important that you read and understand the terms of the Privacy Policy. 5.THIRD PARTY CONTENT AND TECHNOLOGIES SUPPORT From time to time, Sonos may provide access to third party content providers via the Product. In addition, Sonos may support certain third party technologies, such as specific file formats or codecs. Sonos reserves the right to discontinue access to and/or support for such third party content or technologies at any time, and for any reason. Sonos makes no representations or warranties whatsoever regarding the selection of, or continuing support for, any such third party content or technologies. 6.WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER (a)Limited Warranty. Sonos warrants to You that, for a period of one (1) year after the date of original purchase of the Product, the Product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. SONOS DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE PRODUCT WILL OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OR WILL BE ERROR-FREE, OR THAT ALL ERRORS MAY BE CORRECTED. IF YOU ARE A CONSUMER, THIS WARRANTY IS IN ADDITION TO AND DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR STATUTORY RIGHTS. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4(C) AND SUBJECT TO ANY MANDATORY CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS TO THE CONTRARY, SONOS SOLE LIABILITY, AND YOUR SOLE REMEDY, FOR BREACH OF THE FOREGOING WARRANTY WILL BE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT, OR, IF NEITHER OF THE FOREGOING ARE REASONABLY AVAILABLE, A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT YOU PAID, LESS AMOUNTS ATTRIBUTABLE TO YOUR PRIOR USE. (b) Limitations. The foregoing warranty does not extend to problems in the Product to the extent that such results from: (i) Your failure to implement all bug fixes or error corrections to the Product which are made available by Sonos; (ii) any use of the Product in a manner for which it was not designed or as not authorized under this Page 35 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 35 Agreement; or (iii) any use of the Product with other products, hardware or products not supplied by, and inconsistent with the documentation provided by, Sonos. (c)Disclaimer. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH ABOVE, SONOS MAKES NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. SONOS AND ITS SUPPLIERS HEREBY SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER EXPRESS, STATUTORY AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT AND THE IMPLIED CONDITION OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN SECTION 6(A), THE PRODUCT IS SUPPLIED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY. YOU ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SELECTION OF THE PRODUCT TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED RESULTS, AND FOR THE INSTALLATION AND USE OF THE PRODUCT. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW A LIMITATION ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES, AND SO, PARTICULARLY IF YOU ARE A CONSUMER, THE FOREGOING DISCLAIMER MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. In any event, to the extent permitted under the laws of Your jurisdiction, any implied warranties that may exist under the laws of Your jurisdiction are limited to the one (1) year period set forth in the limited warranty given under subsection (a) above. 7.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY (a)TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED UNDER LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL SONOS OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, AND INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COST OF COVER, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS ARISING FROM THE USE OF (OR INABILITY TO USE) THE PRODUCT, NO MATTER HOW CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. (b)IN NO EVENT SHALL SONOS’ TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES IN ANY ONE OR MORE CAUSES OF ACTION EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE PRODUCT UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY LAW. (c)The limitations in Section 7 will apply even if Sonos, its suppliers or dealers have been advised of the possibility of such damage or of any type of use intended by You. These limitations shall apply notwithstanding the failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. You acknowledge that these limitations reflect a reasonable allocation of risk. (d)The limitations in this section 7 shall not apply to damage resulting from willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of Sonos. The limitations of section 7 shall further not apply to damage resulting from loss of life or personal injury caused by willful misconduct or negligence or breach of contract by Sonos or its directors or any third party Sonos has used to fulfill its contractual obligations towards You. With regard to product liability, the limitations in this section 7 shall only apply to the extent permitted by mandatory rules regarding product liability. (e) The limitations in this section 7 shall not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. Page 36 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM 36 8.INFRINGEMENT INDEMNITY (a)Indemnity. Sonos shall defend or settle any claim, demand, suit, proceeding or action (“Claim”) against You to the extent that such Claim is based on an allegation that any portion of the Product, as furnished to You under this Agreement and used as authorized in this Agreement, infringes any third party's copyright or misappropriates such third party’s trade secrets, provided that You: (i) give prompt written notice of the Claim to Sonos; (ii) give Sonos the exclusive authority to control and direct the defense or settlement of such Claim; and (iii) give Sonos, at Sonos’ expense (except for the value of Your time), all necessary information and assistance with respect to the Claim. Sonos shall pay all settlement amounts, damages and costs finally awarded to the extent attributable to such Claim. You may participate in the defense of Claim at Your expense. Sonos will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred without its prior written authorization. (b)Limit on Indemnity. The foregoing notwithstanding, Sonos shall have no liability for a Claim to the extent based on: (i) the use by You of any Product more than thirty (30) days after Sonos notifies You in writing that continued use of the Product may give rise to such Action and offers, in return for You ceasing all further use of the Product, to refund the price paid by You for the Product less amounts attributable to Your prior use; (ii) the combination of the Product, or any part thereof, with other hardware or products not provided by Sonos, which Claim would have been avoided if the Products had not been so combined; or (iii) use of the Products other than as authorized under this Agreement. (c)Entire Liability. THE FOREGOING PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION 8 STATE THE ENTIRE LIABILITY AND OBLIGATIONS OF SONOS, AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, WITH RESPECT TO ANY ACTUAL OR ALLEGED INFRINGEMENT OF OR MISAPPROPRIATION OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT BY THE PRODUCT. 9.MISCELLANEOUS You acknowledge that the Product may be subject to the export control law and regulations of the jurisdiction in which You purchased the Product and you warrant that You will comply in all respects with such laws and regulations. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Netherlands, without reference to its conflict of law principles, The United Nations Convention on contracts for the International sale of goods is not applicable to this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between You and Sonos with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior oral or written understandings, communications or agreements not specifically incorporated herein. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to judicial decree or decision, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. You may not assign this Agreement, or any of its rights or obligations hereunder, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Sonos, which consent shall not, if You are a consumer, be unreasonably refused. Any attempted assignment by You without prior written consent shall be void. For inquiries or questions regarding this Agreement, please send an e-mail to Page 37 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM Sonos Australia Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. In the event you require assistance with your product during or after the 12-month warranty period, please contact your place of purchase, or alternatively contact Playback Systems via phone or email to obtain an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorisation). Please ensure an RMA is obtained prior to returning any faulty units to Playback Systems. PLAYBACK SYSTEMS | SONOS AUSTRALIA 8 / 137-145 Rooks Road Vermont, Victoria 3133 p. 03 9874 0800 | f. 03 9874 2800 PLAYBACK SYSTEMS NEW ZEALAND p. 06 833 6925 Page 38 Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:56 PM Sonos, Inc. 640-00205 Rev A
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