Sonova USA RF Auditory Assistance Device User Manual User Guide
Phonak Inc Auditory Assistance Device User Guide
User Guide
Roger Focus — User Guide 1. 2, 3. V 86‘ N“ u N /‘ 7?“ ? a a E 1 2. 3. 2 \x C€F©K ESE???“ “Whom” PHQNAK — life is on JJ AD A PHQNAK Important Safety Information Declaration of Conformity Devices: Roger Focus important Safety information This wmboi on the product or its packaging means that it _ should not oe disposed or with yourother household waste it is your resoonsioiiity to dispose otyour waste equipment sepanteiy horn the municipal waste streamihe correct dise posal otyour old appliance will help prevent potential neg} the consequences for the environment and human health. Haxavd warnings A Keep this device out of reach of children aged under 3 years A Opening the device might damage it, If plebicms occur that cannot be rcsotved hytollowing theguidelines in the Troublte shooting section or this User Guide, consuttyoor hearing are pmtessional A Your device should onty oe repaired oy an authorized service center oranges or modifications to this device that were not explicitty approved by Phonak are not permitted. A Please dispose oteiectrical components in accordance with your local regulations. A Do not use your device in areas where electronic eguipment is prohibited. If in doubt. please ask the person in charge. A Device should not be used on aircral-ts unless specifically permitted by tiight personnel. A Only use accasories that are approved by Phonak AG. Product safety information ® Protect the device irorn excessive moisture loathing. swims ming), heat (radiator. car dashboard]. direct contact with skin when sweating [wovkollL rrtness span] and from excessive shock and vibration. (D ery radiation. CT or MRI scans may destroy or adversety ahect the correct hanctioning or the device. ® Never usea microwave or other heating devices on dryttre device. Q Do not expose your device to temperatures and humidity outside or the operation conditions stated in the technical dalashefl. G) Clean the device using a damp cloth. Never use household cleaning products (washing powder. soap, etc.) or alcohol to clean the device. mile! important information — The digital signal sent to the device cannot be wemuid by other devices which are not in the micvophont's network. omrarror onaoruoim r-mmtac origins ma 7 be aware that wireless transmission trom microphone to lea eeiver may be interrupted due to interterenee or moving out at range, and that words which are then spoken by the micro phone wearer may not be heard by the receiver wearer. » Avu'ld exposing the receiver to hair spray or other cosmetic chemicals Declaration of Conformity Roger receivers are products of Phonak Communications AG, which have been tested and confirmed to be in compliance with the essential requirements and other lclmm provisions of the Directive legals/EC. Tn obtain a copy of the Declaration ot Carla tormity, pins: contact the manufacturer or the local Phonak representative whose address can be taken from the list on wwwphonalccom (worldwide locations). This dtvicr complies Willi Part 15 cf [ht FCC Ruks and mm Rsszm of lnd ustry Canada Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: ll] This device may not cause harmiui inkrfrla ence. and [2) this dcvim must accept any interterence received. including interierence that may cause undesired operation. The device has been tested and round to comply with the limits tor a Class a digital device, pursuant to Pm 15 at the FCC Rules. ihese limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference ina residential installationihe device gen— erates uses and can radiate radio fchlmlo/ energy and. it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmiul intertetence to radio communications. However. there is no guarantee that lnterterence will not occur in a particular in, stallation. lithe device doescause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the device oh and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interterence by one otthe following measures: — heorient or relocate the receiving antenna. » Increase the separation between the device and receiver. » Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit diherent irorrr that to which the receiver is connected. — Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/iv technician tor help. FCC Caution: Any dings or modifications not expressly ap— proved by the party responsible for compllnllce oould void the user's authority to operate the device. Japanese lladio Law and Japznae Telecommunications quinsx Law Compllanm: lhls device ls granted pursuant m the Japanese Radlo Lothls device should not be modified (otherwise the granted designation number will become invalid). A PHQNAK A PHQNAK Information de sécurité importante De’claration de conformité Applrtilli Page! Focus Infommom d: u'cm-iié du pmduii u symbol: apposé m I: présent yrodllil on son midis; signifie qu'ii n: doii pus em jeté was 1:5 :uucsordursménzgérs. 11 van: incombe a; jekr vnII: ancien malériel sépuémem c'zsm dim has sysmne d: called: dgs whims mémgéls municipal. En élimimm Wm: ancien nmériel en home :1 due {oi-me, vmu pré'vizndrel tout risque d“ impm néfuk m l‘environnzmem e1 1- unle' publiquz. Awnimmenn d: danger A Mzinkenzz Eek appmil holsdz ponz’e des mains d: moi-ii A: 3 ans. Ouwir l'appmu peul l'endnmmager. sa dc: problémts surviennem e! n: peuvem pas em rv'solus en suivmz les dimim dz 1. mflon Dépnnnly de ce Mod: d'emploi (I: as échc'nnl), comuhcz vom .udiopmzhesim. A Von: appmil doii uniqucmem em n'pm' p2: llll an": d: service aulorisé. A La changemznts ou modifications :1: get apparel] qui n’om PIS été zppmuvés explic'nemzm par Phomk ii: som pas :utorisis. A L'appmu n: am: p“ en: muse 4...; 1.1 avions. szuf Si 1: pcxsonml d: vol l'zuloxis: spécifiquemenl. Informalions m1. mine an pmduii (D Prmégez l’applreil des choc: a vibrations excess-ifs. chposcz 17“ volt: npymil i drs impémmm :1 un: humidiu' hm a“ condiflons recomnundécs thus 1: Mod: d'mploa. (D Less ndiognphm, :omodenmomemes on mm pellven! détruir: on avoir un impm ne'gnifsui l: hon fanaionnemem a: rippmil. G) Nulflisez jnmais a: {mix a micro-ondes on d'zuues .ppmu, a: chums: Autm infomiliom impon-mes _ L: signal numériqu: :nvoyé par l'émekteurd: rapping nu récepteur connect:' ne peut pas em :ntendu par d'auires Ipplflili non intégrés lII n’mu d: d: l‘e’meneur “Jewry-sum mum; m1 “mm ,Nom q... i. mnsmimn sans m gnu: 12mm, u l: réczpkcur pm! em inlrflompu: par dzs interférenm an un déplacemem has a: In penis, :k que les mots pmnoncés aim par le poneur dz l'émmeur peuvenl n: p15 nnemenduspule poneur du récqzieur. Dédu-iion dc Conformiie‘ Par 1.. pre'seme. Phonak Communicntions AG. Linggnsae 17, CH-3280 Munen. déclm que le produit Phonak est cnnfnnne aux e ences yxincipales ei wires dispositions peninenlcs d: In diucliv: l999l5/CE. Pour ohm-Air une cow a: In Déclanu'nn dc cnnfnnniié. veuillex conlmer l: fabriram ou le mpr'sentzm Phonak local dam I’adrssc figux: sur la [‘51: du site (gas a Invers 1: mondc). 0:1 Appareil w conform: aux sections [5 dc: réglemrnls d: 1: FCC :1 A CNRVZ l n d‘Indusixic Quad... 1: functionnemenl aux dcux condjlions suivams : (1) 0:1 zppmil n: doit pas pmvnqllzr d'inlzrfércnm 5mm: cl (2) minim“. d: m apparzil don mcpier i=5 imufénncu mus. y mmpn's I“ inlflrfénllccs pouvam pmvoqner un fonmonnemem non désixé. Ca équipemem n e’ié ime' u jugé en confonniie' avec [:5 limit: aflémntes x un .ppmii nume’riqu: d; clam B. en vertu d: i. icction 15 a“ regimens a; 1. FCC‘ Ccs nnrmzs sont com-m your mum nu: prolectinn nisnnnnble conu: la inkrféunces mlim'bles dam an en- vironnemenl résidenflel Cet :ppmfl génm, utilise ei pen! émeme de l‘énergie radi 'leckxiquz ct, s'll n‘est pas insuflé on ulilise' scion lea dinclives. pull cause! a“ inurfe’rences nuisibles aux communicaiions rudio. Cepmdnm. il n'exist: nwune guuntie qua dc: inmfe'rences ne se produimm pus ms nu: insullnion paniculiérc. Si Ce! nppmil at I: mum Amman“; nuisibla pour In m'czpfion dgs ondes a; ndjo on d: lélz'vision. c: qui pm in: déuxmine' en mznam Yappznil hm «ensiou, puis sous icnsion, i1 zsi recornmandé d: lznler d'éliminzr oes inkzrfe’unues an zppliquam l‘un: ml plusieun dzs manna: suivantcs : Réorientcr on déplscer 15mm réceprrice Eloignei l’émmeur du :e’cepieur Consullu 1e dz'uillant an un icchnicicn radii: on te'lév‘minn qualifié pour 01mm. .4: mac. Anni-2mm d: 1- FCC : tom dungtment on tout: modific-don non expnuémem nppmvé. pm In pm}: mpa lble dc l- confomiilé poumii enlnlner l’mnulmon dz: droii: d’utilmnnon d: «I uppucil, A PHQNAK
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