Sonova USA TX7 Auditory Assistance Device User Manual P44293 Pho GB EasyLink Test

Phonak Inc Auditory Assistance Device P44293 Pho GB EasyLink Test

User Manual

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EasyLink™User Guide0682 !
ContentsControls 4Welcome 6EasyLink and accessories 7Starting up 8Using EasyLink 14FM receivers 22Important points 24For professionals: Changing the radio channel 25Troubleshooting 26Declaration of conformity 30Service and warranty 31Phonak distributors worldwide 32
5ቢOn/off switchባMicrophone openingsቤLavalier with integrated antennaብButton to adjust the lavalier length ቦClipቧLCD ቨFor professionals: Pen push for frequency changeቩInterface for external connections
6WelcomeThe new EasyLink FM transmitter is very easy to operate and delivers high sound quality. One push of the button and the finely tuned internal microphone in EasyLink picks up sound at the source and delivers it directly to the iLinks or to any other Phonak FM receivers at your ears. To obtain maximum benefit from EasyLink, please read this user guide carefully. Ask your hearingcare professional if you have any questions.Phonak wishes you much hearing enjoyment with EasyLink.The following symbols appear in this user guide:Important notes for all users.Special notes for users of digital Phonak hearinginstruments with remote control compatibility(Savia, Perseo, Claro, Supero and all future remote-controllable Phonak hearing instruments.)!
7EasyLink and accessoriesቢEasyLinkባEasylink home and travel caseቤAdapter for external connectionsብAudio cableቦCharging unitቧiLink or any MicroLink radio receiver**The type of the Phonak FM receiver depends on the hearing instrument. In the picture: MLxS
8Starting upCharging EasyLinkEasyLink contains a non-removable Lithium-ion batterywith fast–charge capability. A fully discharged battery takes around 2 hours to recharge. The battery will beabout 80% charged within an hour.Plug the charging unit into the power socket.Attach the EasyLink adapter clickቢባ
9Plug the charging unit into the power jack on the adapter marked Use only original Phonak charging units• The battery symbol in the EasyLink display flashes during charging. The battery cannot be over-charged.• The battery symbol stops flashing when the EasyLink is 100% charged.• EasyLink operates for approximately 10 hourswhen fully charged.• For pluggable equipment, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and easilyaccessible.DC 7.5V!DC 7.5Vቤ
10Switching on/off To switch on: Press and hold the button for two seconds.To switch off: Press and hold the button again for two seconds.The display shows startup information duringswitch-on. When the EasyLink is ready, the followinginformation appears:•FM channel number•Battery status
11iLink and all multi-frequency MicroLink radio receiversautomatically enter power-saving mode about 40 seconds after the EasyLink is switched off. Additionally,iLink automatically switches back to the “M” micro-phone mode. When the EasyLink is switched on again, iLink and all Phonak multi-frequency MicroLink receivers auto-matically resume normal FM operation.At switch-on, the EasyLink automatically sets digital Phonak hearing instruments with remote control compatibility to the “FM + hearing instrument microphone active” program.At switch-off, the EasyLink automatically resets digital Phonak hearing instruments with remote control compatibility to the hearing instrumentprogram.Example:Program 1EasyLinkswitched onEasyLinkswitched offAutomatic reset to program 1FM + hearinginstrumentmicrophone active
!12Position EasyLink sothat people speakfrom the front intothe microphones, not from the side orthe back.Do not cover the microphone opening with your fingers when the EasyLink is in operation. It could affect the sound quality.
13Operating range The effective operating distance between the EasyLinkand the user wearing iLink or any MicroLink receivers: •Open air – up to 30 meters (100 ft)•Inside a building – typically up to 15 meters (50 ft)To obtain maximum operating range, do not fold or knot the lavalier antenna.  High-power electronic equipment, larger electronic installations and metallic structuresmay affect and significantly reduce the operating range.!!
14Using EasyLink EasyLink can be used in different ways, depending onthe situation. The following examples illustrate the 5most common cases for typical Easylink use, and includea recommendation for the switch setting of iLink or ofany MicroLink radio receiver.Around a tableRecommended for:• At business meetings• In restaurants• In conferences• At homeiLink setting in practical use: “FM+M”How to use the EasyLink:• Place it on the table. The front of the EasyLink should point to the speakers that you want to hear. • Make sure the lavalier is not folded together or knotted.• Switch on the EasyLink by pressing the button fortwo seconds.If the level of background noise increases, position the EasyLink closer to the speaker.
15Hand-held (reporter style)Recommended for:• Parties• Conversations while traveling• ShoppingiLink setting in practical use: “FM+M”How to use the EasyLink:• Hold it in your hand. Make sure you do not cover the microphone opening on the left side of the EasyLink. The front of the EasyLink should point tothe speakers you want to hear. • Switch on the EasyLink by pressing the button fortwo seconds.If the level of background noise increases, position theEasyLink closer to the speaker.
16Using EasyLinkWorn by your partnerRecommended for:• Lectures• Walks• Sport• Whenever travelling with another personiLink setting in practical use: “FM+M”How to use the EasyLink:• Hand the EasyLink to your conversation partner.• Your partner should wear it around the neck. The cord needs to be adjusted.To get an optimal speech quality, make sure the distance between the speaker’smouth and the EasyLink is between 20–30 cm (8-10 inches).• Switch on the EasyLink by pressing the button for two seconds.!PullPush
17Connected to a televisionAlso recommended for:• CD players, radio and other audio equipment• Computers with an audio output• MP3 playersiLink setting in practical use: “FM only”(or “FM+M” while watching TV with a partner)How to use the EasyLink:• Connect EasyLink as pictured on page 18 and place it in front of the television.• Switch on the television. Your Easylink will automatically switch on.• To get maximum operating range, make sure the lavalier is not folded together or knotted.• When the television is switched off, the EasyLink will automatically switch off after approximately 40 seconds.AUDIO
18Using EasyLinkConnected to a televisionThe volume of the audio output on some televisions is adjustable. Please consult the television user guide to access this feature, if available.AUDIOTV/Radio headphone outputAudio cablePlug in to the audio jackAUDIOቢባ
19If the audio equipment does not have a headphone output socket, place EasyLink in front of the loudspeaker of the television or the radio receiver. Then switch on the EasyLink and the television.Some televisions also have Cinch or Scart sockets. Ask your hearingcare professional for the Cinch orScart adapter from Phonak.Scart adapter Cinch adapter
20Using EasyLinkUsing an external microphoneFor an optimal speech quality, e.g., in educational situations in classroom and auditoriums, an externalmicrophone can be attached to the EasyLink. Proceed as follows:Attach the adapter to the EasyLink, then plug  the microphone cable into the microphone socket of the adapter.Hand the EasyLink to yourconversation partner.Lift the clip to secure iLink onclothing.ቢባ
21Make sure the distance between the external microphone and the mouth is between 15 and 20 cm (6–8 inches).Switch on the EasyLink by pressing the button for 2 seconds.External microphoneቤ
22FM receivers Setup of FM receiversUsers of iLink or Phonak hearing instruments shouldcheck recommended settings of the FM receivers in therespective hearing instrument user guide.Principal benefits of MicroLink receiversDefault channeliLink and MicroLink receivers are programmed with adefault channel which activates at startup. It can bemodified at Phonak service centers.Channel synchronizationEasyLink can change your iLink or MicroLink receiverchannel directly “over the air” within a distance of 10–20cm (4–8 inches). This feature ensures EasyLink and theiLink or MicroLink receivers use the same radio channel.Standby modeThis function helps economize on power. Switch off the transmitter and about 40 seconds later, your iLinks or MicroLink receivers automatically enter thestandby mode. They switch to normal FM operationautomatically if the EasyLink is switched on.
23Switch settings on MLxSFor correct MLxS switch settings for use with Phonakhearing instruments, please refer to the respective hearing instrument user guide. For all other hearing instrument brands, the MLxSswitch setting depends on the type of the hearing instrument.Ask your hearingcare professionals about the rightswitch settings for your hearing instruments. MLxS switch
24Important points• Do not use two transmitters on the same FM channel• Do not use water or fluids for cleaning• Use only original Phonak accessories• Do not use EasyLink in locations where it is forbidden to use electronic devices, for instance in airplanes. • Be aware that FM signals might also be picked up and overheard by other receivers.• Before using the system in another country, contact your hearingcare professional to make sureyour radio channel is permitted in that country. • The EasyLink may only be repaired by an authorized service center.The symbol with the crossed out disposal binindicates that this hearing instrument shall notbe treated as household waste. Please handover your old or unused hearing instrument to theapplicable collection point for the recycling of electri-cal and electronic equipment or bring your old hearinginstrument to your hearing care professional for appro-priate disposal. By ensuring this product is disposed ofcorrectly, you will help prevent potential negativeeffects on the environment and human health.
25For professionals: Changing the FM channelIf the radio channel used in EasyLink is frequentlydisturbed by an external source of interference, thehearingcare professional can switch the EasyLink toanother radio channel.1) Switch on the EasyLink by pressing the button for two seconds2) Using a pen, press the push button, as pictured.After one second, the channel displayed in the LCDwill change. Hold the button down until the desired channel is displayed.3) Release the button. The channel number in the LCD will stop blinking after a fewseconds.4) Set the default channel of the iLinks or MicroLink receivers to the same channel using the FM Successware.
26TroubleshootingSituationEasylink does not switch onPoor speech intelligibilityVoices are inaudible when the EasyLink is switched onInsufficient operating range
27RemedyCharge the EasyLink for at least two hours Move EasyLink closer tothe speaker.If EasyLink is worn withthe lavalier, make sure the distance EasyLink andthe mouth is 15–20 cm.a) Check hearing instrument programb) Switch off the EasyLink.Hold it near to your hearing instruments(10–20 cm, 6–8 inches)and switch EasyLinkback on.c) Switch MLxS to      or Make sure the antenna is not folded together orknotted.Most probable causeBattery exhaustedEasyLink is positioned too far away from thespeakera) Hearing instrument set to the wrong programb) Radio channel not synchronizedc) Receiver switched off (MLxS)Antenna folded or knotted •••
28TroubleshootingSituationRadio interference A second person’s voice is audibleRemote-controllable Phonak hearing aids do not respond
29RemedyAsk your hearingcare professional to change theradio channel in the EasyLink and the defaultchannel in the iLinks.Ask your hearingcare professional to change theradio channel in the EasyLink and the defaultchannel in the iLinks.Hold EasyLink closer to the hearing instruments when switching the EasyLink on (ideally < 20 cm, 8 inches).Most probable causeExtraneous cause: radio antenna or similar interfering devices nearby.Another hearing aid user is using the same FM channel.EasyLink and hearing instruments are too farapart when EasyLink is switched on.
30Declaration of conformityPhonak AG,Laubisrütistrasse 28, CH-8712 Stäfa, Switzerland confirms that the EasyLink conforms to EN 300-422, EN 300-328 and EN 301-489 guidelines including all necessary annexes.The EasyLink is used by hearing-impaired people. To operate the EasyLink, iLink or BTE hearing instruments with MicroLink receivers are required. The user benefit of FM is an improved signal-to-noise ratio, which leads to an optimized speech understanding even in very difficult listening situations.Phonak AGStäfa, SwitzerlandDate: May 2, 2005
3131Important Notes for Users in the USA and CanadaThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rulesand with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device my not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.Warning: Changes or modifications made to thisequipment not expressly approved by Phonak Inc.may void the FCC authorization to operate thisequipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limitsare designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio fre-quency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, thereis no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
32the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipmentand receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a cir-cuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.RestrictionsThis transmitter is authorized by rule under the LowPower Radio Service (47 C.F.R. Part 95) and mustnot cause harmful interference to TV reception orUnited States Navy SPASUR installations. You do notneed an FCC license to operate this transmitter. Thistransmitter may only be used to provide: auditoryassistance to persons with disabilities, persons whorequire language translation, or persons in educatio-nal settings; health care services to the ill; lawenforcement tracking services under agreement witha law enforcement agency; or automated maritimetelecommunications system (AMTS) network controlcommunications. Two-way voice communicationsand all other types of uses not mentioned above areexpressly prohibited. This device may not interfere with TV reception orFederal Government radar.
33Service and warrantyPhonak provides a manufacturer’s limited warranty foryour EasyLink. This covers all manufacturing and material defects. Problems with EasyLinkarising fromimproper handling or care and repairs made by anunauthorized party are not covered by the warranty.Please ask at the point of sale for full details of thiswarranty. The salesperson will note the serial number ofyour EasyLinkbelow. It will be needed in the event of a warranty repair.Serial number EasyLink:Date of purchase:Serial number FM receivers:
Phonak distributors worldwideGroup companies: (detailed information on Phonak Australasia Pty. Ltd. Baulkham Hills N. S. W. 2153Austria Hansaton Akustische Geräte GmbH5020 SalzburgBelgium Lapperre N.V., 1702 Groot-BijgaardenCanada Phonak Canada LimitedMississauga, Ontario L5S 1V9Denmark Phonak Danmark A/S, Nitivej 102000 FrederiksbergFrance Phonak France SA, 69500 BronGermany Phonak GmbH, 70736 Fellbach-Oeffingen EC RepresentativeItaly Phonak Italia S.r.l., 20159 MilanoJapan Phonak Japan Co., Ltd., Tokyo 101-0044Jordan Phonak Middle East, 11181 AmmanNetherlands Phonak B.V., 3439 ME NieuwegeinNew Zealand Phonak New Zealand Ltd., TakapunaAuckland 9Norway Phonak AS, 0105 OsloSpain Phonak Ibérica S.A., 03008 AlicanteSweden Phonak AB, 117 34 StockholmSwitzerland Phonak AG, Phonak Schweiz, 8712 StäfaUnited Kingdom Phonak UK LimitedWarrington, Cheshire WA1 1PPUSA Phonak LLC, Warrenville, IL 60555-392734
35Independent A complete list of Phonak distributors  general agents: is available at Phonak's Internet site: Please visit us or  ask your hearing care professional for information.Manufacturer: Phonak AG, Laubisrütistrasse 28CH-8712 Stäfa, Switzerland0682 !

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