Sony Group SPPSS966 900 Mhz Spread Spectrum Cordless Telephone User Manual 47376

Sony Corporation 900 Mhz Spread Spectrum Cordless Telephone 47376


Download: Sony Group SPPSS966 900 Mhz Spread Spectrum Cordless Telephone User Manual 47376
Mirror Download []Sony Group SPPSS966 900 Mhz Spread Spectrum Cordless Telephone User Manual 47376
Document ID47376
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Document Description8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize68.96kB (862011 bits)
Date Submitted1999-07-13 00:00:00
Date Available1999-08-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-08 06:28:56
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-08 06:29:12
Document Title47376.pdf
Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

—| I aucaw_san-sssuuus
Operating Instructions
Manual de infitrucciones
us... an" w-nlng
mess ny Sany cmmfion
’ Q
SPF-55965 3-867419-11.US/ES
I F—
12. Unplug this pmduct from the wall
outlet and refer_ servicing to qualified
service penal-me] under the following
A. When the power cord at plug is
damaged or tnyed.
B, If liquld has been spilled into the
C. Lf the product has been exposed to
rain 0K waterv
D. LE the product do: not operate
normally by Following the operating
lnstrumani Adjust only these
controls that are cevered by the
uperaring hismlctions because
improper adjustment of ether mnrmls
may result in damage and will often
requ'lxe extenslve work by a qualified
refill-linen to rater: the product to
normal aperanem
E. [E the product has been dropped or
the cabinet has been damaged.
F. If the product exhiblts a distinct
change in performance,
13. Avoid using a telephone (mher than
a cardlas type) during an electrical
storm. There may be a remote risk of
elerlnc shock from lightning,
14. Do not use the telephone in regal-t a
gs leak in the vidniry nitride/1k
Tn rm:- the risir of has or injury to penal“ by
battery, man and laLluw these myrucfiuns.
' 1. Use only the Eolluwmg type and ska baitsry
' pick Sew] 59-12;
1 Do not dispose of the battary plrJ: in a fire.
' Tna mutiny air-planar Chxk min local cede:
for pasihis special dispnsal humans.
1 Dn not open at mutual: rha bamry pick
Rsisasad electrolyte is mrmmvt um may
cause damag‘ m tha syrs m' skin. it may lie
taxi: il muswsd.
—} | mafia-menus :
«. errdse cars in handling mun, pack in
urder no! to shun lhs "cattery with cmductmg
matrnais menu r;ngs,hneaisis, and keys.
The hatesry crcundum: may ovexhnl and
uusa burns.
s. Charge the barrery pack gm‘nded wiih ur
identified. for use with this produn only 11!
accvrdance with II’R ‘lnsu'umns and
limitlnuns fpedfied in the instucn'fln manual
pmvia‘scl int this pmduc:
ii Obserle proper Felix-Ry urimflhnn betwezi
are near, pack an< harm, chug-r.
1. This equipment Campfin with Fan is of me
rcc rules. On ths bflmm oi m migmm!
is a label mat (unflm among other
inr'onnaulen, the FCC rsg'sta-ation number and
rmgzl aruivalsnce huh-tear (new 5m- ihis
aquipmsnt. Urequsred,misinfnflmfim
mustlu prawnad to the teaghnnscumgmy. m
7. Thaappla‘eauia regisirazinn jack (summon
bsoc-Rluc “u used for the equipment.
3. This aquipmsnr is duignsd be be named ta
ma telephont network or premises wimi;
using a comp-due modular jack which is Pan
58 zompliml
Tue scc amphanr zeleghnne cord and
mneular plug is prawn-n with this
4, The KEN“ is used to determine thl cumur/ of
names which may be mm the
tang-nan. liner acesswe get 5 an the
tlltg'nam Line may :u'-llt in the devices not
nngu‘g Ln (51702625: an incoming all in
mean bur nst all areas, the sum oi the ma
should no: Need Eve (sulfa be cmlln ui--
tha number oi‘ devices that may as mnnecred
to a lins. as determined by his rural Rem?
cont-er the local talsglmns company,
s. ii yell: equipment (SPP~55966)uus= tun-n to
the (elephant netwurk, the trlrphons
campany will new yen in advance that
nmporary amnesia-hrs or “wine may be
required. But ii adflnn norm isn't pnniflL
the talsphana cemgmy will nnhiy ths
mtumtr as soon as possible. Also. yau will
he advised at you: right no fur a camplaint
with the FCC Lf yuu believe it is weary.
AMT/954 m w
' SPF-$5956 3-867-419—11.US/ES
Table of contents
Getting Started
6 Read this first
7 Step 1: Checking the package
8 Step 2: Setting up the base phone
11 Step 3, Preparing the battery
13 Step 4: Entering your area code
14 Making calls
16 Redialing
17 Receiving calls
Tevlephcne Features
15 One—touch dialing
19 Storing phone numbers
20 Making calls with one-touch
21 Speed dialing
21 Storing phone numbers
22 Making calls with speed
23 ry'
B hone numbers and
24 Chengin a stored name
' and/or p one number
7.5 Erasing a memory locatinn
26 Making calls From the Phone
27 Switching the phones duringa _
27 To sw1tch from the base
phone tn the handset
27 To switch from the handset
tn the base phone
28 Talking between the phones
j i wagseesssss. n ms 5
To talk from the handset to
d'ie base phcne
To talk 5mm the base phone
to the handset
Voice paging
To page With voice
Transferring a call
To transfer from the base
phone to the handset ‘
To transfer item the handset
to the base phene
Caller ID Features
Understanding the Callerl'D
sen/ice ,
when you receive a call
Lacking at the Caller ID list
Viewing the Caller i'D list
Erasin data Erom the
Caller List
Using the Caller ID list
Callin back a number from
die C e: YD list
Staring a number (If-the
Caller ID List into the Ph
To dim e the numbero
digis o the phone number
Using “Caller ID With call
waiting" service
Additional information
Manning the base phone on a
Notes on power scurces/
Table aicuntents 5’“ v
S PP-SSSG 6 3-867-41 9—11.US/E5
I l—
Checking the package contents
Make sure you have recanted the followtng items in the package
If anything is missing, contact you: load Sony dealer.
\ A: pawer adaptur (ACvT45)
Tebphone line cards (2) Wall bracket/stand for base Rwarguhln lumpy
phone pack (up-no)
Gemng Starred
aum-vL‘FP-SSSGIJ ‘us 7 ' “1051.1.” m
j ‘ a i
SPF-55966 3~867-419-11AUS/ES
Connect the base phone
Ifyou want to hang the base phone on the wall, see page 40.
AC pcwev adapts:
i ,
, TO the T-Ieprfngtline 4 Tum Jog Dial up to make "YES” flash,.then
press Iog Dial.
You hear a long confirmation beep and the
memory location is erased.
—, I cansmjfle-sssunus a $
[A $91 Em -."
627135557 SE-
Teiechcne Features
wuss, mm
SFP-SSSGE 3-867-419-11.US/ES
samwaj auaqdalal!
l l—
Switching the phones during a call
You an easily switch between the handset and speakerphone on the
base phone without disconnecdng the call.
To switch from the base phone to the handset
”N5 “1“? 1 Press on the base
The cell is on hold and "HOLD"
appears on the display and the
LWE lamp on the base phone '
on the handset.
You can confinue talking to the
' caller through. L‘ne himdsej
To switch from the handset tn the base phone
1 Press @ on the handset
The call is on hold and “HOLD"
appeazs on; "'.e display and the
LNE lamp on the base phone__
2 Press m or
on the base phone.
You can continue talking to the
caller thmugh the
While talengthmug h me speakerphone on due base phone ifynu pick up '
the hum, meta“ will be swikhed. to tho handset. v
' When theal‘l' I! puton hnld an lhebase phone iiyvu Fifi up thehandsez.
the call will be swimhed to the handset
' Telephene Features 27“
MHNLSFP-SSHHJ us 27 ii wuss. (5:37
SPF-55966 3-857-419-11.U5/ES
salmeaj lauoqdapll
Voice paging
The handset user can page someone nut the btse phone withaut any
operau'cn on the base phone. Neither phones will ring.
Note that you cannot page if ch: base phone is in use.
To page with voice
1 Press —.
2 Press —.
"INTERCOM” appears on the
display of both the base ghone
and handset. and you can begin
- If there's An humming 1.1L! durin ice papng, unly the base phone sing
paging ‘u cancahqhnd you can mix to the mutual: caller.
- Whue cumming with an uuu‘ide an" vu nu hm hang a: handset, you
cannot maka m inmcem nu. L! you yrs: K £53954), yuu wiu hexa busy
ten -.
Ta‘eahane Features 29"I
va|_sFP~ssm,nus 29 mam an
SPF-$5966 3-857419-11.US/ES
samleaj auoqdapu!
\ I’—
To transfer from the handset to the base phone
1 Press to page the
base phone.
The cell is put on hold. on the
handset and the base phone
rmgs. "1h: FACING w
appears on the dJsplay ofboth
the handset and base phone.
on the base phone.
“LNTERCOM” appears on the
display of both the base phone
and handset
You can talkbetween the
handset and. the base phone.
To talk to the caller with me
base phone:
' Press on me
base phone.
' or
~ Press on the handset.
the display of the base phone?
If no one answers the phone
Press INTERCOM again.
Yau an receive an intermm call on the but phone even when nu ENC—d.
switdl on the base phone is se! ha OF. The but phane Will ring at a low lt'leL
Telephone Features 31”
wm-JhsFF-SSHLHUS a! §I "Hm. usl PM I
SPF-55966 3-857-419-11.US/ES '
samwag autumnal! ‘
j I u7m-3S_SFP»SSHI.I ms 1: 5
Looking at the Caller ID list
The phone stores the data of the last 20 calls received indudig-gflOUT
OF AREA" and “PRIVATE" cal-ls. lt keeps back of all cells received;
even if they were net answered.
However, if me RING switch on the handset is set to OH when the
handset is off the base phone, the phone cannot receive ttm Caller ID
Viewing the Caller I]: list
You an look through the Caller I]: list ta check the phone number
and/or name of the calls received on the handset’s display Note that
the display on the base phone shows the current callers phone number
and/or name anly, and you cannot view the caller-I'D list on the base
phone, '
1 Press Jog Dial,
_ The display shows me number
of f’NEW" (calls which you have
not viewed) and ”OLD’ (call:
which you have Viewed) calls.
2 Turn jog Dial.
The data of the newest call
appears for 20 seconds.
3 Tum Iog Hial down to display
elder data or up to display
samueag 01 Jane) I
' é;
newer data.
Caller u) Features 33”
v cuxm. (ms
SPP<55966 3-567419-11.U51ES
| T
To erase the entire list at once ‘
1 stplay any Caller I'D data.
2 Press Jog Dial.
3 Turn Jug Dial up to make "ERAS? flash and.
press Iog Dial.
4 Tum Iog Dial up to make ”ALI.” flash, then
press Iug Dial.
5 Turn fog Dial up to make "YES" flash, then
press Jog Dial.
“Q" You’ll hear along conflgmadon beep and the
entire list is erased
"ALI." ap'pms only when nu m am has become "OLD" am 1: than 3 any
"NEW" dull, you cln't ms: the emu-z list. . -
samwag m Jane; l
Caller (0 Features 35“
j I mm.as_snsssu,nus u w mmmm [ [—
SPF-55966 3-867-419-11U5/ES
' w-
Storing a number of the Caller ID list into
the Phone Directory
1 Display the name and phone number you want
to store from me Caller ID list (see page 33)
2 Confirm the number and press Jog Dial.
3 Tum Jog Dial up to make "PGM" flash and
press fog D131.
The cursor flashes at the and of the name,
Enter or change the name, if necessary (see
page 24).
4 Press Jog our. 91 m Joggi-
The cursor flashes at the end of the phcme u‘
Enter ex change the phone number, Lf necessary
(see page 24).
5 Press Jog Dial again. 1
You‘ll hear a long confirmation beep and the
name and. number are stored.
- De nut anew mare mm zu secund: no elapse between each mg of the
- If th- numb-r displayed in step 1 is not the one yuu should call back. younn
mange me number a! drgr‘rs of me phone number as dualbed on page 33.
- E the plume is (unnamed m 1 mm amen Exchange (Fen ynu may med
. to Add an uueidu Line access digit.
' sajnwad a] Jane) I
Caller 0 Features 37“
—I I mum‘see-ssm 1 us 37 i Mules. rem
SPF-$5966 3~857~419~11.USIE5
J I—
:l l
annagsuisseu “15 as 2
Using ”Caller ID with call waiting"
Tm's telephone' is compatible With the “Caller fD with call waihng‘
service. Make sure Phat your telephone campany offers this service
LLke me bask Caller ID semce, you need to subscribe to "Caller D
with cell waiting" in order to use this service.
Even thaugh yeu may have already subscribed m "Caller lD" and
”call waiting" as two separate services. ycu need to request a
subscriptien to ”Caller In with cell waiting” as a single service.
Tnis is a new service that combines the Mo services.
Even though you now have a "Caller ID with cell waiting”
cumpatihle phone, unless you subscribe to the combined "Caller ID
with cell waiting” service, you will not be able to see mename
and number of the second caller.
When a new call came invelule you are talking. you hear two shon
beepsi The caller's name and/or phone number of the new call appeaxs
on the display for about 20 seconds.
To switch to another caller
1 To switch cc the new caller,
2 To switch had»: m the fizst called,-
Cilia lD Features
l mm. l s: w
SPF—55966 3-867-419-11.US/ES
saJnmag (11 Jane)
| T—
Notes on power sodrces
On battery pack
- Store the battery pad: at a
temperature between 41°F (S‘Q and
9S’F (SS’C) for best performance.
- If you do nut use the handset fur a
long period of rune, remove the
battery pack after chars-mg far more
than 12 hams,
(in power failure
Dumg a pow/er hierrupnon, you
cannn! make or receive cafls.
For the customers in the USA
Nickel—Cadrmum bakeries
are recyclable. Yuu can hely
pruer/e our environmenr
by summing yuur
unwanted barteries‘ to your
unrest point For collection,
recyeling or proper
Note: in some area the dkgosal of nickel?
cadmium benefits in humehold or
busmess rah may be pmtuhmd.
RBRC (Rechimlble sneer, Reqding '
Corporlfion) advise you an“: spent “my
cuuecnon by the EaLlnw-mg phone rumba.
Call zen free number. 1-800-812-8837
(Uniud sum and Canada only)
Caution: Do um handle dimged ark-king
mckeladzdum bitten-l.
- Clean the cabmers with a sort doth
slightly mng with water er a
mid detergentsolutiom Do not use
my type of abraswe pad, scouring
powder or solvent such as alcuhcl or
benzine as they may damage the
finish of the cabmet.
- if the charge tenmnzls of the base
phone and. handset are soiled, w'lpe
them with a soft doth.
If you have any questiam or problems
concerning your phone, please consult
your nezmt Sony dealer. ~
I um-njw-sssm me u
Addiuonal informanon 41“
SPF-55955 3-857-419-11AUS/ES
I uouemmwfi leuompnv
» I:
You hear interference dunng
- Move the handset dose: tn me “ease phone.
= canvemn’an. - Place the base phone away hum neisa spurns
é’ (P's. 8). .
5 You hear a beep every semnd - This ‘u the autai-rahge 211m. Move the handset
; during a cam/ersau‘an and doaer to the baae phnne mean ane mmube.
5 "our 0; RANGE" appears on
g- tha auplay. .
E Yau hear a beep every three - The bakery h weak Charge the ‘aaaery tar rncte man
5 seconds and m and «array 12 hours (page m
now appear on the display. .
e ,. You hear five short ea-rpr beeps . Make sure you fullcw the prmdure (cl-slums the ,
5: 5 and cannatstcre a number an a number Dummy (pages 19, 11 and U).
fig one-mum £11me dialing - Mahe sure the number (including rhe tone and pause
2‘3‘ key ur Ln ma Phane Dimory digats) doe not exceed 16 dig: .
73 3 You rm, 5“ m" m, be“, - You have muted a one-touch 4mm; hutean or speed
3 § whgn you my m make a an, dialmg key for which no phone number has been
3 E tou
Source Exif Data:
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File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:06:08 06:28:56
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Author                          : VicodinES /CB /TNN
Title                           : 47376.pdf
Modify Date                     : 2001:06:08 06:29:12-04:00
Page Count                      : 23
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