Sony Group WLLCA50 Wireless Camera Transmitter User Manual Manual

Sony Corporation Wireless Camera Transmitter Manual


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Document ID296217
Application IDP/1pJsd6NfMdcUY7cW1mDg==
Document DescriptionManual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize36.72kB (459041 bits)
Date Submitted2003-01-16 00:00:00
Date Available2003-04-09 00:00:00
Creation Date2003-01-15 19:23:54
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2003-01-15 19:24:07
Document TitleManual
Document CreatorAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

1 st Edition
To prevent fire or shock hazard. do not expose the unit to rain
or moisture.
To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer
sen/Icing to qualified personnel only.
For the customers in the U.S.A.
Important No ce
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits
set forth for an uncontrolled environment
This equipment should be Installed and operated with
minimum distance 20 cm between the radiator and body
(excluding extremilia: hands, wrists and feet).
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
The available scientific evidence does not show that any
health problems are assou'ated with using low power wireless
devices. There is no proof, however, that these low power
wireless devices are absolutely sale. Low power Wireless
devices emit low levels of radio frequency energy (RF) In the
microwave range while being used. Whereas high levels of
HF can produce health effects (by heating tissue), exposure to
low level HF mat does not produce heating effects causes no
known adverse health effects. Many studies of low level RF
exposures have not found any biologiml effects. Some
studies have suggested that some biological effects might
occur, butsuoh findings have not been confirmed by additional
research. The Wireless Camera Tmnsmitter (WLL—CASO) has
been tested and found to comply with the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) guidelines on radio
frequency energy (RF) exposures. The maximum SAR levels
tested for the Wireless Camera Transmitter (WLL—CASO) has
been shown to be HEW/kg at Body in conditions of Antenna
side. High Channel and 160AM modulation.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not
expressly approved In this manual could void yourauthority to
operate this equipment.
The shielded interface cable recommended In this manual
must be used with mis equipment In order to comply with the
limits for a digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of
FCC Rules,
For the customers in Canada
Operation is subject to the lollowing two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must
accept any Interference, including interference that may cause
undesired opoerallon of the device.
The term “IC” before the certification/registration number only
signifies that the Industry Canada technical specifications
were met.
IC Exposure of Humans to RF Fields
The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the
antenna is located or painted such that it does not emit FlF
field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general
population; consult Safety Code 6. obtainable from Health
Canada's website: Maw
For the customers in Europe
Hereby, Sony Corporation, declares that this WLL~CA50 is in
compliance wlth the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions ol the Directive 1999/51ECt
For details, please access the following URL:
This product is intended to be used in the following countries :
Austria. Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg. The Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden. United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway,
Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and IJIhuanifl.
Note tor Ihe users in Spain
Carrier frequencies other than 2421. 2449 and 2477 MHz
cannot be used in Spain.
Pour les clients en Europe
Sony Corporation declare par ces présentes que Ie WLL»
CA50 est contom’le aux exigences essentielles el aux
dispositions applicables de la Directive 1999/5/EC.
Pour Ies details, awédez s I’UHL suivante :
Ce prodult est prévu pour étre utilise“ clans les pays suivants :
Autriche. Belgique, Denemfirk, Finlande, France. Allemagne,
Greoe, trIande, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Baa, Portugal,
Espagne, Suede, Royeume-Uni, islande, Norvege, Suisse,
Liechtenstein eI Llluanie.
Pour les utilisateura en Espagne
Les frequences porteuses autres que 2421, 2449 et 2477
MHz ne peuvent pas etre utlllsées on Espagne.
Fr‘ir Kunden in Europa
Hiermit erklérl Sony Corporation. dass die vortiegenoo Elnheit
WLL—CASD den wesentlichen Amorderungen und anderen
relevamen Besfimrnungen der Rlchfllnie 1999/5/Ec
Einzelhaiten tinden Sie unter Iolgendem UFIL:
hm'mwmcomgllancesgny de/
Disses Produkt istlilrden Gebmuch in den folgenden Lindem
Osterreich, Belgian, Danemark, Flnnland, Frankreich,
Deutschland. Grlechenland, lrland. lIaIien, Luxemburg,
Nieoerlande. Portugal, Spanien, Schweden, Grolibritannien,
Island, Nonrvegen, Schweiz. Liechtenstein und Litauen.
Hlnwels lilr Benutzer in Spanien
Andere Tragerfrequenzen als 2421, 2449 und 2477 MHz
konnen in Spanien nicht verwendet werden.
Per clien Europa
Sony Corporation dichiara con la preserrte che queslo WLL—
CA50 e oontorme ai requisiti essenziali e altre clausole
pertlnenti della direttiva 1999/51ECA
Peri denagli, consultare I’URL che segue:
Questo prodotto e destinato all'uso nei seguenti paesi:
Austria, Belgio, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francis, Germanla,
Grecia. Irlanda, Italia, Lussemburgo, Paesi Bassi, Portogallo.
Spagne, Svezia, Hegno Unite, Islanoa, Nowegia, Svlzzera,
Liechtenstein e Lituania.
Nora per gli utilizxatori in spagna
Non é possiblle usare in Spagna Irequenze porlantl diverse
do 2421, 2449 e 2477 MHZ.
Para Ios clientes de Europa
Sony Corporation declare aqui que este mudelo, WLL-CASU.
cumple Ios requisites esenciales y dermis pruvisiones
pertinentes de la Directive 1999/5/EC.
Para amener inIorrnacion detallada, vaya a la siguiente
direcoion URL:
Esta productc esté destInado a utilizarse en Ios sigulerrtes
paises: Alemanla. Austria, Belgica. Dinemarca, Espafia,
Finlandia. Francis, Grecia, Holanda, Irlarrda. lslandia, ltalle,
Liechtenstein, thuania. Luxemburgo, Noruega, Portugal,
Reino Unido, Suecia y Suiza.
Nata para los usuarios de Espar'la
En Espafia solo se puede utilizar [as trecuencias 2421, 2449
y 2477 MHZ.
Para cllentes na Europa
A Sony Corporation declare que o WLL-CASO esla em
contormidade corn 0s requisites essenciais e outms
disposlooes Importantes da Directive 1 SSS/SICE.
Para mais inIormacGes, aceda 80 URL apreseniado em
Este produto pode ser rrzado nos segulntes paises:
Austria. Be'lgica, Dinamarca, Finléndia, Francs, Alemanha,
Grecia, Irlanda. Itélia. Luxemhurgo, Holanda. Portugal,
Espanha, Suécia, Reino Unrdo. Islandie, Nomega, Sulca,
LiechtensIein e Litufinla.
Note para 03 utIIizadores em Espanha
so s’ possivel utilizar Irequénclas portaooras 2421. 2449 e
2477 MHz em Espanha.
_ — n mmm
Voor kIaMen in Europa
Sony Corvuralion verklaart hierbij dat daze WLL-CA50
volduel san ds primalrs vsrelstsn en antlers relevanle
voorschriflsn van ricmlijn 1999/5/EC van de Europese Unis.
Voor verdere inlormatie bezoekl u de volgende website:
Dil product Is hedoald vcor gebruik In de volgende Ianden:
Balgi, Denemarken. Duilsland, Finland. Frankrijk,
Grlekenland, Ierland, Itali, Liechtenslein, Litcuwsn,
Luxemburg, Nederland, Noorwegen, Onslenn‘jk, Portugal,
Spanje, Verenigd Koninklijk. IJsIand, Zweden an Zwi'lssrland.
Euroopassa oleville asiakkaille
Sony Corparation mkuutiaa létsn, ens lzimé WLL£A50
vaslaa direkliivin 1999/5/EC olennaisla vaatimuksia ja muila
asiaankuuluvia méArAyksié. Kalso larkemmal Iiedut
Témé mote on larkolteflu kaylenavaksi seuraavissa maissar
Itavalta, legia, Tanska, Suoml. Hanska, Saksa, Kreikka,
Irlanli, Italla. Luxemburg, Alankomam‘ Fonugfll, Espanja.
Fluotsl, Yhdlstynyt kuningaskunla, Islanli, Ncrja, Svsitsi,
Liechtenstein ja Ljetlua.
0pmerklng vnor klanlen in Spanle
In Spanle kunnsn geen andere draaggomrequenlies Worden
gebrulkt dan 2421, 2449 en 2477 MHZ.
Huomaulus Espsnjassa olwills kiytfilllle
Espaniassfl ei vol kaytléé muila kanlolaajuuksla kuin 2421.
2449 ia 2477 MHZ.
F6r kunder i Europa
Sony Corporation Ifirkunnar harmed an denna WLL-CA50
upplyller de nuvudsakllga haven och andra relevanba villkor i
dlrektivet 1999/5/EC.
Se f'o ands UFIL far nérrnare delaljer:
fig (Mfiomglancesony $1
Denna pmdukt Er avsedd I6! anvéndning i Idljande lander:
Oslerrike, Belglen, Danmalk, Finland, Frankrlks, Tyskland,
Grekland. Irland. Italian, Luxemburg, Nadarléndsma,
Portugal, Spanien, Sverlge, Smuhrllannien, Island, Norge,
Schweiz‘ Liechtenstein och Litauen.
All observera Oar kunder I Spanien
Andra bénrekvenser an 2421, 2449 Ooh 2477 MHZ gill inle
an anvénda i Spanienr
For kundar i Eurupa
Sony Corporation erklaerer herved, at denne WLLCASD er i
werensslemmelse med de essenfielle krav ag andre
relevame beshemmelser i direktiv 1999/5/ECI
ébn venligsl den falgende URL angéende delalier:
Dene produkt er heregnet til hrug i de fialgende Iande:
Estrig, Belgien, Danrnark. Finland, Frankrig, Tyskland,
Graekenland, Irlemd. llalien, Luxembourg, Holland, Portugal,
Spanien, Sverige, Slorbnlannisn, Island, Norge, Svsj1s,
Liecnlenslein cg Litauen.
Bemterknlng for hrugare i Spanien
Barelrekvenser andre end 2421. 2449 cg 2477 MHz kan
ikke amendes I Spanien.
rm mg "shins: mnv Euptimn
M: w napév, n Sony Corporation mun/m 611 nun} n
nuukeur] WLL-GASD ouuuopotbvs’ml us w; nnflpal'rnrzq
unulTfiuzlq Kfll ng mm axuixiq 51:11:15an In: oanvlaq
I'm Atmouépslec. nupukahnuuh: smuqufltin my mam-Jen
sleneuvm URL:
Tq npolév aura npnopllzml vlu xpfic‘n arm; um'moueez:
Aumpim Béhvw' Anvln. omvaiu, I'nMin, I'zplmvla. mafia,
lplmvfiu, IruAin, Auuzeueoopvo, OMquio, I'Iop'rovuAlfl,
lam-win. qunfiiu, vapivu BuniAtlu. lmvain, Nappnyia,
94min AIXVSVMIV m. Alfluuuv'
Er“: um. a raw xpnwn mm [mm
zmv mm: a 62V unop v va xpnomorlolne
aux rsq anv mv 242 2443 ”112477 MHz.
"w ‘llln'llll'l
Table of Contents
Features A
Applicable Models
System Configuration Example
Locations and Functions of Parts
Attaching to the Camcorder .
Power Supply ....... . ..............
Operating on the Battery Pack
Operating on AC Power .....
Menu Settings ..
Menu Items ..
Setting the Menu Items
Messages ..
Error Messages
Specifications ..
Tabla nfComems
w "mum
The WLL—CASO is a 2.4»GHz—band wireless camera
transmitter that transmits video and audio signals from a
Camcorder with high quality using digital modulation/
demodulation technologies.
You can select the transmission frequency in the range of
2406 to 2478 MHz in l-MHz or lZ—MHz steps
The standard transmission distance is approximately 500
m (with no obstruction) in High Output mode.
Robust transmission thanks to COFDM system
Thanks to Sony’s newly developed OFDM IC for
modulation, the unit lets you configure a robust
transmission system resistant to multipath fading.
COFDM: Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
MPEGZ lot-mat
Compression in MPFG-2 format yields high picture
quality and low delay.
Small and lightweight transmitter
Thanks to Sony’s newly developed OFDM IC and high—
density surface-mount technology, the unit is small and
light. It is easy to dock the unit onto a Camcorder.
No operation license ls required
Basically, 2.4—GHz band wireless equipment does not
require an operation license.
Time-interleaving function built in
Thanks to time-interleaving technology, the unit is strong
in mobile transmission.
Low power consumption
low power consumption allows battery operation when
mourned on a Camcorder.
Diversity reception
it is possible to configure diversity reoeption systems with
this unit and multiple receivers for more stable
transmission resistant to multipath fading.
Scramble function built in
Thanks to the scramble function, it is possible to maintain
security during transmission.
Applicable Models
The WLerASD can be used docked on one of the
following Sony Digital Camcorder models equipped with
the 40-pin digital interface:
DVW—series Camcorder: ex. DVW-7D7 series
DNW—series Camcorder: ex. DNW—7 series
MSW»series Camcorder: ex. MSW-900 series
System Configuration Example
Basic system
Antenna 1»
(LDown-convefier (slmpllsd whh Ihe WLL-HK‘W)
Coaxial cable with mm Dom-actors
Wireless Camera Hsosmr
Camcorder +
WLL>CA50 Wireless Camera Transmitter +
Battery pack
w mummyv
Locations and Functions of Parts
Inside panel
(D CANCEL button
0 Digital interface connector
? DISPLAY button and display
T MENU knnh
Rear panel
9 HF OUT Conneclm
H” HUM m
o 000‘
L 0 Battery attachment
DO IN eonnentor
0 DC OUT connector
0 SPARE connector
0 CANCEL button
Press the button to retum w the upper menu layer in a
menu operation.
For details on menu operations, see “Menu Settings” on
page 11.
9 Digital interface connector «ti-Inn)
For data communication with a Camcorderi This
connector is used when the u-ansmittet is directly docked
on a Camcorder.
O DISPLAY button and display
The display shows various infon'natinn, such as the
operation statuses, setting menus, and alarm messages
You can turn the display ON/OFF with the DISPLAY
When you turn on the power to this unit, (TU initialization
begins, and an initialization message appears.
8 I Locations and chliorsofFans
When the initialization ends, the display changes to the
status indications.
Status indications
Transmissionlmquency guwmode Timeinterteavemode
Transmlsslon mode
DC iieltage
Ifan enmis generated, an alarm message will be displayed
at the center of the display.
r mmln
The display will be automatically turned off if you do not
fit ' ' alT ' irrm efora '
mm etransmrtterrnnorm ransmrsso od Attachlng to the
To turn the display on again, press the DISPLAY button cam co rder
0 TX ON (transmission start) hrrmnr
Press 9513“ transmission. When the cover has been attached to the back of the
To tm-mrnate transmission, turn off the power of the Camcorder fim remove it.
transmitter by eating the DC LINE switch to OFF. 1 '
1 Fit the connectors of the transmitter to the
9 DC LINE “mm , corresponding receptacles on the Camcorder
To turn the power to the nmt ON/OFF. downward to dock.
This button has no effect on the Camcorder. Turn the
powa to the Camcorder on and off on the Camcorder side.
e MENU knob
Use this knob for making menu settings, including
transmission frequency
For details on menu operations, see “Menu Settings” on
page IL
a RF OUT connector
Mount the supplied transmission antenna.
Do not use any antenna other than the supplied one.
6 DC OUT connector
To supply power to a portable tuner, such as the WRR- 2 Tighten the screws on the top.
860A UHF Synthesized Diversity Tuner.
9 DC IN connector
when operating the unit on AC power, connect no the AC-
550/55OCE AC Adapter (optional) using the DC output
cable supplied with the AC-SSO/SSOCE
® Battery attachment
Attach an optional battery pack.
The AC-DNZB AC adaptor can also be attached for AC
When power is supplied to the DC RV connector, it has
O SPARE connector
To accept extemal SDI signals.
For details on the connection, consult your Sony deaIer.
Attaching tome Cemewder 9
. t t , ___t _ v mtmlrur'
Power Supply
This transmitter operates on a battery pack or AC power
(with an AC-550/550CE or AC—DNZB).
Operating on the Battery Pack
Before use, charge the battery pack with a battery charger.
Far demiI: on charging method and time, refer to the
manuaIsfor the battery pack and battery charger.
To attach a battery pack
1 Press the battery pack against the back of the
transmitter, aligning the side line of the battery pack
with the matching Line on the transmitten
Battery pack
Allgn these
2 Slide the battery pack down until its “LOCK" arrow
points to the matching line on the transmitter.
“LOCK“ arrow
Matchlng Ilne on
[he tmnsmitler
To detach the battery pack
Before removing the battery pack, set the DC LINE switch
to OFF.
Holding the button
m. pull the battery
pack upward.
Operating on AC Power
Using an optional AC—SSO/SSOCE or AC—DNZB AC
adapter, you can Operate the transmitter on AC power.
When using an AC-550/5500E
Connect the transmitter to the AC power supply through
the AC-SSU/SSUCE AC Adaptor as shown below, and set
the POWER switch of the AC-SSCVSSOG-E to ON.
AC-sso/SSDCE AC Adapter
Power swlldl: ON
l AC outlet
Dc output cable
(supplied with the ACesu/ssocE)
When using the AC-DN2B AC adaptor
Mount the AC-DN2B on the Camcorder just as you would
a battery pack, then 001th to the AC power supply.
The AC~DNZB can supply power up to 150 W.
Do not use the AC—DNl, which can supply only small
l ‘Illmllll‘i
Menu Settings
You can perform various settings using menus on the
The unit provides the Main Menu and Advanced Menu,
and some of the menu items have submenus.
The menus permit you to set the following items. The
Advanced Menu
While holding the CANCEL button down, press the
lVflZNU knob. The Advanced Menu is displayed,
Item Submenu Values (default)
Freq Step — 12 MHz, 1 MHZ (12 MHZ)
Code Flare 3/4, 1/2 (1/2)
‘ p , _ _ . Vldeo 1.5 to 15 Mbps (10 Mbps)
menu settings are maintained even if you turn the unit off.
Audio 32 to 448 kbps (384 kbps)
TS Set Program No. (0x0001)
Menu “ems PID vldeo (ax/3100)
Main Menu PlD audio (axmm)
Press the MENU knob. The Main Menu is displayed. PID PMT (0x0200)
Menu Suhinenu Values (default) _ PP PCR (0x0050)
Freq — 2406 to 2473 MHz (2442 MHz) ser'a' N°’ ser'a' N°' _
RF Power __ High‘ Law (Law) Emlsslon 7 OFDM, CW, Off (OFDM)
Mode — Standard, Robust, Hi Picture, ”WES" “ 1° ‘° 11'5 V (11.0 V)
Custom (Standard) Video — NTSC, PAL (NTSC)
interleave — Fast. Hun. Walk. on (Fast) Default Set — No. Yes (No)
Scramble Scramble "' (AAA)
Freq: Set the transmission frequency. Itcan be selected in
the range of 2406 to 2478 MHz in l—MHz or 12-MI—lz
steps (select with Advanced Menu). Set the WLL—
RXSO receiver to be used in combination no the same
RF Power: Select the RF output.
High: For long—distance transmission
Low: For short distance less than 10 meters
Mode; Select the transmission parameters.
Standard: Standard mode
Robust: Mode for more stable transmission The
picture quality is degraded when compared with
Standard mode.
Hi Picture: Mode for transmission with higher picture
quality. The stability is decreasedwhen compared
with Standard mode.
Custom: Set the parameters, using Custom Set of the
Advanced Menu.
Interleave: Select the time interleave mode. No
compensation is performed if this is set to OFF.
Normally use Fast mode. Interleaving has more effect
in the order of Fast, Run, and Walk, but the the system
delay also increases in this order.
Scramble: Set a 3~digit scramble code, using the
submenu. (default: AAA).
Set the same value as the Descramble code of the
WLL—RXSO receiver to be used in combination.
Freq Step: Select the step to set the transmission
frequency vo'th the Basic Menu.
Custom Set: Using the submenu. set the parameters when
you select Custom for Mode of the Main Menu.
TS Set: Using the submenu, set the transmission
Serial No; The 6—di git serial number of this unit can be
displayed using the submenu.
Emision: Select the RF anission format. When off is
selected, no RF carrier will be emitted.
LowBim: Select the battery voltage at which an alarm
message to be displayed.
Video: Select the video system
Definilt Set: Select Yes to return all the menu items to the
factory settings.
When setting Video and Audio in Custom Set, be sure in
select the recommended values for the selected MOD and
Code Rate settings:
Conditions Recommended values
MOD Code Rate Video Audio
1SQAM 3/4 15 Mbps or 384 kbps or
less less
1BQAM 1/2 10 Mbps or 384 kbps or
less less
QFSK 3/4 3 Mbps or 192 kbps or
less less
QPSK 1/2 5 Mbps or 192 kbps or
less less
Menu Settngs 1 1
.. i—___ l mum
Setting the Menu Items
1 Set the DC LINE switch to ON to mm on the
The display lights.
When it tums tn the status indications (see page 8),
you can start the menu operation.
If the display is not on, press the DISPLAY button.
2 To set the Main Menu item, presstheMENUknob.
To set the Arlwnmlal Menu items, press the MENU
lamb while holding the CANCEL button pressed.
The corresponding menu appears on the display.
3 Turn the MENU knob to move the cursor (Q) to the
item to be set.
Examvle Free: 2442MHZ
-)RF Power: Hish
Mode: Standard
Interleaue: Fast
Scramble >>
4 Press the MENU knob.
freq: 2442MHz
.RF Patter: High
“Mode: Standard
interleave: Fas’t
Scramble >>
5 Turn the MENU knob to display the desired value.
Emma ‘Fr‘qu 2A42MHz
j7RF Power: Low
Mode: Standard
Interleave: Fast
Scr‘aIrhle >>
To cancel the change
Press the CANCEL button. The status in step 3 is
6 Press the MENU knob.
The question mark (7) changes hack to the cursor (9),
and the new setting becomes valid.
12 Menu sattngs
Set other itens in the same manner, and when menu
settings are completed, press the CANCEL button to exit.
The normal status dislnlay is restored
When setting an item having submenu
Proceed as follows after step 3:
4 Set the cursor (9) to an item having a submenu and
press the MENU button.
The corresponding submenu appears.
Example: Freq Step: 12lVI-lz
TS Set >>
Serial No. >>
Emission: UFDM
Code Rate: 1/2
Uideo: IUMst
mdio: 384kas
When setting the scramble code, etc.
Follow the steps below for the items such as scramble code
and packet Ds) for which multiple digits must be set.
1 TumtlreMENUkrmbmsetthecursoertothedigjt
to be set.
Emmi)!“ Scramble
2 Press theMENUlu-loh.
The cursor (40) changes to a flashing question mark
-)Cus‘t:om Set >> 7
v Mlmlwl'l
3 Turn the MENU latch to display the desired value.
To cancel the change
Press the CANCEL button The stems in step 1 is
4 Press meMENUimoh.
The question mark (7) changes back to the cursor (ob) .
Set other digits in the same manner. When all the digits
have been set, press the CANCEL button to return to the
upper layer (Main Menu or Advanced Menu).
To release Menu mode, press the CANCEL button again.
The normal status display is restored.
- When changing the Freq or RF Power value,
transmission will be interrupted after the setting process,
showing “TX-0
Other item can be changed without interrupting
' When you change the menu values, the new settings will
first become valid when you press the MENU knob to
To start transmission
1 Turn on the camcorder.
2 Set the DC LINE switch to ON to mm on the
3 Press the 1x ON button.
Video shot with the camcorder is immediately
To stop Iransmlsslnn
Set the DC LINE switch to OFF.
You can also set it to OFF with a menu operation.
i mmmm
A message may be displayed according to input signals, set
values. or operating statuses.
Low Battery
Reason: The power voltage is lower than the value
specified on the menu.
Measures: Replace the battery' or increase the power
No Wdeo
Reason: No video signal is detected.
Measures: Check the power to the Camcorder. Or check
the consistency between the transmitter and the
Camcorder. Or check the input signal to the SPARE
Reason: An NTSC signal being supplied although the
transmitter has been set for PAL use.
Measures; Use a Camcorder of the PAL system. Or
change the transmitter setting to NTSC.
Reason: A PAL signal being supplied although the
transmitter has been set for NTSC use.
Measures: Use a Camcorder of the NI‘SC system Or
change the transmitter setting to PAL.
Emlsslon CW
Reason: CW has been selected with a menu operation.
Measures: Change the menu setting to OFDNL Or turn the
transmitter off, then turn it on again
Reason: The tranrnitter is waiting for a tragger for
Measures: Press the TX ON button to start trasmission.
Error Messages
When an error is generated, one of the following error
messages is displayed
Check the power to the Camcorder, and connection of
input signals (40-pin consistency, etc.) before contacting
your Sony dealer,
Reason: Commtmicatirm with the Camcorder cannot be
PLD Conflg NG
Reason: The PLD cannot be initialized.
ENC Config NG
Reason: The encoder cannot be initialized.
RF PLL Unlock
Reason: The PLL of the transmission module does not
r urwrm‘v
Power requirements 12 V DC
Current consumption
770 mA
Operating temperature
0°C to +40"C (+32°F to +104°F)
Storage tempuature 720°C 130 +60°C
(—4"F to +140“F)
Dimensions 97 x 209 x 152 mm (WIh/d)
(3 7/s x s 1/4 x 6 inches)
Mass 1.2 kg(21b 10 oz), excluding anterma
RF block
Transmission freqeuncy range
2402 to 2474 MHz
(model available in USA and
2402 to 2482 NH—Iz
(model available in other countries)
Transmission cenler freqeuncy range
2406 to 2470 MHz
(model available in USA and
2406 to 2478 MHz
(model available in other countries)
Occupied bandwidth
8 MHz
RF power output 36 mW {model available in USA and
3.6 mW (model available in other
Antenna gain 40 dBi
Antenna directivity Onmidrectional
DCIN ExtemalDCinput, 10.510 l7VDC
XLR 4pm (male)
RF OUT Special connector, 50 ohms
DC OUT 105 to 17 V DC (DC IN volatage),
300 mA
SPARE BNC type, 75-ohm input
Supplied accessories
Transmission antenna (1)
Operation Manual (1)
CD—ROM (1)
Optional accessories
AC Power Adaptor: AC-55 OISSOCE, AC-DNZB
Design and specifications are subject to change without
t mmw
The material contained in this manual consists at information
that is the property of Sony Corporation and is intended solely
for use by the purchasers of the equipment described in this
Sony Corporation expressly prohibits the duplication at any
portion ufihis manual or the usethareol torany purpose other
than lhecperaiion or maintenance of the equipment described
in this manual without the express written permission of Surly
, . , t 7— a _— l ll|llll!l7l‘l
3-742-684-11 (I)
Sony Corporation
B & P Company

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.4
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Modify Date                     : 2003:01:15 19:24:07+09:00
Create Date                     : 2003:01:15 19:23:54+09:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count                      : 17
Mod Date                        : 2003:01:15 19:24:07+09:00
Creation Date                   : 2003:01:15 19:23:54+09:00
Producer                        : Acrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Metadata Date                   : 2003:01:15 19:24:07+09:00
EXIF Metadata provided by

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