Sony A1022014 Licensed Transmitter User Manual 08 W700 User Manual EN

Sony Mobile Communications Inc Licensed Transmitter 08 W700 User Manual EN

08 user manual

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Document ID656482
Application IDl0Ax+LlCgEQYDEYoCNBaQQ==
Document Description08 user manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize97.62kB (1220229 bits)
Date Submitted2006-05-10 00:00:00
Date Available2006-05-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-05-10 23:16:25
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2006-05-10 23:16:25
Document Title08_W700_User_Manual_EN.pdf
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2
Document Author: SIL

Getting started . 4
Battery SIM card turning on. start-up
menui caiis Waikman® piayer
Getting to knowyour phone 14
Phone overview navigation, enienng
ietters nie manager
Calling ..... 2
cans emergency caiis contacts
Messaging 26
Picture meSSagiI’ig‘ Text messaging
Imaging 28
Camera Video recorder‘ pictures
Entertainment . 30
Radio Piayiioww iirigtories
Connectivity 33
USB cabiei update sewice
Important information 34
Index .. .. 43
G ‘ 6S WflflishnniUGhnnk Page! Thursday, mmunnfi arr/FM @ ‘ .
m saw Ericsson Pieeuei 511990in you can tindihs
Adam-m nicimaicn use! guide Iioubisshevflnii
I|ps$lm>k5_ sown/ave cncneseiiingsieiiniamei
ems-m. messaging ana much move
vw can use me move intovmition on new easy
|| islomme yemiaveume musioto yemvwnu
wakmanepncne at www somencssen cem/
Zizii'iiui'itz 1
e 495
G ‘ 65 WflflishnniUGhnuk PageZ Tbumizy, MmZJflflfi 3 WM
Sony Ericsson
ma usav gwda ns puonsned by Sony Enosson
Moons Commumcsnons A3 unnom any wallamy
wmpvouemenm and dnanuesuoumsosu gunde
neosssKiflsd by (Ypouviphlcal mocs maecuracnes
ov swam wovmiflom ov wmwwmmsloo-wms
and/ov equwpmenn may be made by Sony Enosson
MobHs commumemons AB an anynme and
wunom nofloe auon onannesml wee/cube
wnoovpovaxea No new eamons a mensev mnde
AH nanxs veseryed
©s ony Enosson Moone Commumvalvofls AB.
Pubhaanon numbsv EN/LZT ms 3545 nm
mease note
Some ov the sennoes m (ms use: gune are "01
supponed by a” netwovks 77115wa name
ESM/nreflznanz/Emefyemmnber 112
mease oomad youv network ooevaeov asenmxe
Dvovwdev n you ave m doub'wnelnelyou (En use
a pamouavsemoe 01 not
mease vead the mime/mes mmwmaem
use andtne L/m/tedm'ychavters more you
use youv meme pnone
Vow meme pnone nas (he caoammy fio download
stove andwmavd addmonalconlml. e g nnqlonm
Tne use oy sum content may be named a
pvombwed by nqnts 01mm pamos, moluang but
not nnmed to vasmcnon um" aoonoaue oooynym
hws you, and not sony Enosson. an mnn'y
veeponswowe vov addmonaw oomem Ihal you
dwmoid (o ovvorwavd nom your mom. phone
Pnono youv use 01 any addmonal oomenl. please
vemy «nsu youv Wandsd us. Is wowry Icensed
01 \s cinemas aumonzed sony Enossm doesnol
iuilintss (he aecuvacflfi mlemly ov wally a any
addmonau content ov any «my mnd my cement
undev no enoumsxanoes vnu Sony Emson be
name |n any way 101 youv nnpvopev use 04 addmonm
oomem 01 anennna pany oomem
The sludodn word mavk and wogos are owned by
me smenoouu $46. mo and any use d suon mane
by sony snosson 1s undev hosnss
owoksnavem. PlayNw/‘fi Pnoxoww MuswowM
and videoDJ'“ are ludsmivks ov vemmeved
naoemaks a Sony Eflwsen MobHs
Communmlsons as
Memory snow", Memory suck Duow and
Memory SIM< PRO nuom ave "idemivks ov
reqlsyerea lndermrks ov aony Covpovimon
wakmano IS a reglsyeved "ademavk ov Sony
Corpovalmn me Waman® wogo and symoow
are regmereo lvademavks ov sony Covpovahon
Muuoson, Windows and PowEvam ave ennev
regmered nadernarks ov Uademalks ov nmoyoson
Corporallon mine u s and o\nev ooun\nes
Macos lsatrademark ov Appwe compmen wnoy
regmered n me u s and o\nev oounmes
Adobe and Huang“)? are amhavtvadamavm
or mylfleredtmdemafls ov Adobe sys1ems
Inocmoraled |n me unned Sums and/ov omev
19m Tm Innul 1s a Ilademavk ov aveens1eved
tmdemak 0! Team Commumosmons
rev-4m mm s uoensed undev one 01 move 01
mevalowmg u s Pal Nos 5,515,4315953541,
5,137,431 5,945,923, and any 1 554, Canadmn
Pau No 13314157, unued ngdom Pa No
22384145. Hone Kong sundavd PM No
HKAmaszv. newouoov Smgavovs Pa No 51351
EuroPat No a 84246595927st 5) DE/DKy PM
m, w, NL, PT, is, as, as, and iddmonifl pments
are pend-m wonamae
Jam and alum based «vademavys and bios
are lndemuls ov reflmeved undernams 01 sun
Mlaosyslema lnc mme u a and one oounnns
EnGusev Mose agreemem vov aunm 4mm
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk Page} Thumizy, MmfiZJflflfi 3 WM
Hemoflons Somme ws confldenllal wpyngmea
mvovmanon av Sun and me to all comes B mama
by Sun and/av Ks ucensovs cuswme. shall noI
modw‘ decompfla‘ dwsasambl «aw. "incl.
01 other-M53 vavavsa angmaav some" Somme
may not be ‘aasad‘ aswgnad‘ orsublmnseq
m whom 01 m pan
Expon Heumaflom swwave mluang Iechmcal
dam ws sumac: (o u s expon emlru laws.
momma me u s Expon Aammmmm Au and
K5 assomated veau‘aflons‘ and may be sawed Io
expon ov wmpon vewanons m 0mm ewmnes
Cmflomsv amass (o oompN sxncnrywnn al sum
vsgmanons and admow‘sdflssmal n nasme
vssporsmunyxo omam hcsnssstovxvofl, vezxvofl.
oumpon Scflwavs Soflwavs may "a be
dowmoaded‘ ov omsrwwss Expofled ov mwonea
(w) mm 01 to a nauonaw ov vsswdsm 01,CuD6.Im‘l.
Ham Norm Kovsa um Sudan, swamsum
hswm may be vewsed mm mm» mums) ov aw
country to wmoh me u s has sum-gem Boas.
0mm anyone 0mm u s Tvszl‘ryDnDflllmnm‘s
hs1 ow Speowafly Desmnated Natlons onne u s
Commevoe Depanmem‘s Tame a Denna (laws
Resume me5 use‘ duphcalon woman
by we unned States govemmem Lssubled 10mg
vzsmoflons as set vonh m we RuhlsmTedmlml
Data and Compute! Soflwale causes n mans
252 zzmmam} (11mm mm mum) (I)
as apphcame
Fan av me sonwave m ms pvodud B copyngm 9
swam. mmawa Ltd (1999-2002) All "ng
omav pvoduot and company nams menllmed
navam may be (he (vadamavks a me" lespeclwe
Any Hunts net axpvesswy mamea herein are
G ‘ 6S WflflishnniUGhnnk Page!) Thumizy, MmZJflflfi arr/FM @ ‘ .
' 3 Insert mcbaucrywrm member
e mg 3 a e
5 11 SW [1 1 t n srdc up and the Connectors
6 5/34 93’ . UfWWO/LSB 'UP facmg each other
menu, cal/s, Walk/flaw player.
To insert the SIM card and
charge the battery
1 Remove the battery cover
2 Shde the SW card mlo HS hddel
5 Connect the charger to
the phone
4 Cwmrm slam; 4L
Mes—1M“... %% 4»)
G ‘ 6S WunishnniUGhnnk Pages Thumizy, mmunnfi arr/FM @ ‘ .
fittefimmm e 49) 5
6 rt may take up to 30 mtnutes betore To mm on mephone
the battery rcon appeals on the _
screen -
7 Wart approxrrrratery 2 5 hours tor the
battery to be My charged
1 Press. and hem (D The first start—up
may take a coupre or rhrhutes
z Selectwhetfier you Wam to use the
phone wlth tuH functtohahty or the
Walkman® prayer ohry
3 Enter ycur 3m Card PM tfrequested
4 At the first Start—up sereot the
language you Want for your phone
5. > Yum If you waht the setup wrzard to
help you get startedr and foHow the
instructions that appear to comptete
the setup
thhhrt , Vyd 5
G ‘ 6S WflflishnniUGhnnk Pzgzfi Thumizy, MmZJflflfi arr/FM @ ‘ .
Stan—up menu Memory Stick PRO Duu'”I
When the start—up menu IS acnvaled,
you can seteot to hslen to mustc only.
mstead Of usmg the phone with flull
functtonahty The means all transmitters
of the phone are turned 0". Drwenung
dtsturbance of sensmve equipment.
for exam pte‘ H1 an aeroplane or in
a hospttat You cannot make calls,
reoetve cams or send messages, etc
You can omy use the Walkman®
Mayer To men the memory card‘ shde n mto
me Slot as Shown
i? A/Wzys fo//ow z/f/me fegu/zI/ons andany
fi/ght crew humor/ans W/zh respect m
onboz/d use of e/eczmn/c dell/£5,
The memory card adds more storage
space to your phone to store‘ for
example, mustc‘ rmgtones‘ vtoeo chps
To dowcuvaw the skill—14) menu and plcmrea
> Semngs > the Generut tab > Starla
up menu Setect [hm‘t shut-n
Vyou have seteoteo Mush: “my, some
hrmted iuncflons are sum avallable
such as the darn oatendav and task
6 Gumrm
[nuts—um“ .. e as») 5
G ‘ 65 WunishuniUGhuuk Pzgz'l Thumizy, MmZJflflfi 3 trim
Instruction symbols
The ioHowlhg rnstruotton symbols
appear rn thrs user gutde
fi Note
lhdlcates that a service or
fUHCUOH is network- or
Contact your network operator
for detalis
See also page
Use the Selectlon keys or the
nayrgatron key to scroll and
select - 18Keysand
Press the neyrgatton key oentre
Press the nayrgatton key up
Press the nayrgatton key down
Press the nayrgatton key
to the left
Press the navrgatron key
to the hght
More information
To View more msm/ct/ons w your
From standby > 5m~|||||
> (heiiwnt tl tab» |||
or Sl'ltlll \- tun
ml links.
Play/pause button
Press (E) to
start or stop
music Choose
between ustn 9
INS button for
the Walkm an®
player or the ‘E ‘
FM radlo. or the
most recently used or these
To change we bumn semng
From standby > Setnnns
> the General tab > Playl| Name button
Making mlls
To make calls
Enter the phone number (wrth
international prefix and area code ll
applicable; > t:.||| to make the call
' >i hrl AA” to end the call
To meme calls
When the phone nngs > Answer
[1.4mm EVE” ted 7
G ‘ 65 WflflishnniUGhnuk pages Thumizy, MmZJflflfi 3 trim
Walkman® player
The wahrhaho playetwotks asa mustc
player and vrdeo player all In one
Installv transferand phy music
Vour phone Works With the
DrchPhone computer soltware,
rncluded on the CD that comes Wllh
the phone use DracQPhone to transler
rnusrc rrorn CD5 or your computer to
the memory card ”1 your phone Tms
way the rhusrc files are lranslerred In
arr automatlc ArtlSt—Alburn—Tlfle order
Follow the procedures below [0 Start
usrhg the Walkman® player
8 Gettrng star rm}
To insmll me USB drivers
1 Turn on your com puter and rhsert the
CD mat came wtth your phone rhto the
CD drive oryour computer ll the PC
Suite lnsldlauon wrndow opener slrnply
close it as l! ls not heeded here
Turn on your phone and connect
the USB cable to 3 USE port on the
computer and to the phone The
FoundNewHardwa/e Wizardetarte
on the computer
3 Compulu Click lnsfall 1779 software
autombCaIJ/and CllCK Next
The wizard Should flrrd the USE
software dnvers automatrcally
Click finish
Repeat steps 3 and 4 urrtll at five
dnvers are Installed
# 51d; D'meyOU oonnoor mop/vane aim/the
oompomr away he 1/55 cob/e, o dro/ogue
box on he oomporer asks you to make
a aha/ca ofw/ut to do W/th 0/55 0/7 the
removab/e dis/(fie rhememory card/n
your phone), 59/90: Take no act/on ID
ooh/mus preparalrons for us/ng
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk pages Tbumizy, MmZJflflfi 3 WM
70 Install DISC2Phone
Tum on your com outer and rnsert
the co that came With your phone
rhto the co awe of your computer
The CD starts automatically and the
rhstaHatroh thdow opens
Computer Setect a language and
chck OK
Computer 0th lnstal/D/sczPfione
and fohow the rhstructrons on the
Screen When (he mslallallon IS
corn prete‘ the Drsc2 Phone rcon
appears on the desktop or your
To transfer music
00 not remove the USHMb/e from
the phone of computflr dmng transfeg
as th/s may com/pt the mane/y and
You can/701 VIEW tho {fans/erred file-sin
yourphone tum/you have lamamdthe
1/55 cab/e from the phone
Make sure your phone rs turned on
and connected (0 the computer Wllh
the USE sabre
Computer Doubts-click the
DrchPhohe rcoh oh the comDuter
desktop to open Drsc2Phone
/ Computer For detalls on translemng
muster ptease refer to Dsc2Phone
Herp 0th 7 tn the top nght corner
of DrSCQPhOHe Wrfldo/V
4 Computer You can getCD rhrormatroh
(arusr, Irack, elc ) vra DrchPhohe
rt you are connected to the rhterhet
while extracung muse from a CD
You must also corn ptete regrstratroh
belore you start
You can find more rhforrhatroh oh
how to move your tavourrte musrc
to your W700 Watkmah® phone at
msonysn’csson com/support
To play music and videos
1 > WALKMAN The Warm ah® prayer
browser opens
2 Browse for songs by artrst or trash
or m playlrsts You can aso browse
forvldeo cups Press 663 to open a hst
press @ to go back h a rrst
3 Hrgnngnt a true > Play
Walkman® player controls
- Press @ to stop the ptayback
Press agam to resume ptayrhg
- Press@ to go forward to the next
musrc track or vrdeo chp
- Press © to go back to the prevroue
musrc track or vrdeo chp
gottrhg star teo 9
G ‘ 65 WunishuniUGhuuk Page!“ Thursday, Marchzznnfi 3 trim
- Press and here © or to test torward
or rewmo wheh orayrhg mustc tracks
or vtdeo chps
- Press @ or @ to show a track-Dy-ttack
vrew of the current hstwhen playtng
rhusrc tracks
- Press @ or © to scrotl through the
ptayhst durrhg ptayback Frles that are
hrghhghted er not be selected untrl
you press Play
- When ayroeo chp rs playing, press@
to pray the yroeo m stow mouon To
resume hormar prayoack, > Prey
- When ayroeo chp rs paused, press@
to pray the yroeo one trame at allme
- Press @ to go to the Walkman®
Drayer Or to mtrttrmze the Walkman®
prayer ourrhg prayoaok
- Press o go to the Walkman®
prayer browser when In the an
playlng yrew
Browslng mes
tn the Watkmah® prayer browser
you can browse for mustc and ytdeo
cohteht rh hsts
- mu: — hsts rhusrcyou have
transferred usrhg DrsczPhone
- |I. .— hsts aH rhusrc files (not
rrhgtohes) rh your phone and on the
memory card
10 Gethhq star tort
- Ptayhsb , create or prey your own
Ilsls or sound files
- Writ-mo -I|sls all vroeo chps myour
phone and on the memory card
To organtze the rhedra mes that are
stored tn met "I“ I||.|I|.u|t'l‘y0u can
create playltsts Frtes m a ptayhst can
be sorted by SHISL me or by the order
In which the files were added to [he
playhst You can add a the to more
than one ptayttst
When you delete a prayhst or a the
from the playnst, rt rs not oereteo
pennanenny from the phone memory
or the memory card you can add the
file to another p|ayrrst
To create a playllst
r > WALKMAN > Ptuynsts > New playllst
> Add enter the name or the orayhst
> (1K
2 Seteclammg [he mes thatare avattabte
in me Wu rrrttnmjvl You cart add
several files at atrme and you cart atso
add folders All mes tn the setected
lotders thI be added to the ptayhst
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk Page]! Thursday, Machzznnfi arr/PM
To add flies to a playllst
1 > WALKMAN > Playllate Select a
playlrst» opt-r» Mnlr > Add mt'rllu
7 Select among the files that are
avallable ll’l the l Ilh' "Lump-r
To remove files from a playllsl
| > Will KMI\N > [1le select
aplayllit» urn-n
2 Select the file and press Q)
To delete playllss
> WALKMAN > Playllsts select
a playlrst and press @
Walkman® player opllons
> More to vlew a selecnon of me
tollowlhg optrons
- Now playlng , go to the Nln'r' lxlaylhg
' Add media? add files 01 ldders [0 me
- Sulte sort the playllst by altlst, lltle or
by the Order lrl Whlch files were added
to the playllst
. lr.-|.-t.-- remove a file from the playltst
lh playllsts you have created. the me ls
ohly removed from the playllst In the
/\l "en. llstr the he rs permanently
deleted from the memory
Remme , rename the playlrst
You can only rename user—created
[ll‘ll‘ll‘ llldyllh‘ - delete the playllst
Only the playllst rs deleted the frles
are sull llszedln the l “N I||.lI|.ll|4'I
You can only delete user-created
l lllLtll/l'l » change the aemhga of the
treble and bass when playlhg mualc
lnttrllrramrn , Vlew lnformatlon about
the Current track or vldeo
Play mode , change the playback
order of songs and vrdeo clrps Select
shuttle uh to play the playlrst hes rn
random order. or Loop on to restart
the Dlayllsl when the last flle has
been played
Send , send a souhd or vldeo cllp
- Ftlllsc-reen enew avrdeo cllp m
Capture name , when a vldeo cllp
ls paused, capture a plcture from the
vldeo clip
gemng stal ted ll
‘@WflishnniUGhuuk Pagelz Thursday, Machlznflfi 3 WPM @ ‘ .
Camera 2 Press @ to lake 3 proture
The pucwre Is saved oh the memory
To Me a Picture card as default (In the Camera
1 Actrvate the tmmnes fddefl
camera by - To take another plclurer press
shdthg the press (3 to relum to the vtewflhder
tens cover - To deactivate the camera ctose the
buttoh lens cover or press and he‘d @
Make sure
the camera rcorr rs htghltghted g
camera “ve’V'e‘” Press(+)tozoom In Press to take a
Setect the optrorr displayed In the or (—) to zoom cut picture or record
upper rrght part of the screen a vldeo chp
Delete me name
or me vldeo cllp
Press @ or @ to Switch between stm cam era
and video recorder
Press © or © to ad|usl the bnghthess
Setectthe OpUOH
dtsptayed th the Go back
tower hght part Turn the photo Ilght on or off
of the screeh
12 Gettmg started
firefimmm e as») 5
G ‘ 6S WunishnniUGhnnk Pagan 1111xsday,MzchZZflflfi arr/FM @ ‘ .
To record a vldeo 0119 To download semngs
l Actlvate the vldeo recorder 1 Ch your computer‘ browse to
Make sure the vldeo recotdel icon wwmsonyermssomwmfiupporf
rs hlghhghted E , Select aregloh and a country
7 Press to start the recordlng 3 Select the Phone setuptabr and select
Vou can vlew the counter above a phone model
the Vlswer 4 Select which eettrhg you want to
- To pause the recordlng, > VA
Toreeurhetherecordlng,» R tum,»
- To ehd the recordlng‘ press (E
The vldeo chp rs saved on the memory
card as default (rh the cam rrrleo our»
- To record a new chp (and save the
current error press
' To deactlvate thevldeo recorder, close
the lehe cover or preaa and hol
download to your phone
Camera semngs
When you are m the vlewflnder
> Semntls to vlew a number of
optrohs to adrust and enhance your
pretures and vldeo chps belole takmg
or recordlng them
For more detalls D 28 camera and
Video recorder
Downloading settings
Download settlnge for moblle Internet
(WAPL emall and plcture messaglng
(M M5) at wwmsonye/fcssoncom/
Guml'rtl , tad 13
filefimum are eel 5
G ‘ 6S WflflishnniUGhnnk Page 14 Thursday, MachZZflflfi arr/FM @ ‘ .
Getting to know your phone
Phone oven/15W, nawgat/on, entemg leffers, fie managefl
Phone and menu overview
F ‘\ ‘
aw © @ Eff
|.. an a-)
4.‘ s- n.)
7... u- g-) [EU
(in a. n. w
M Cwmrm r:
figfimmm 4e~ as») 5
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk Page 15 Thursday, Machzznnfi 3 mm
| mtrareo port
7 Ear speaker
ft (E Warkm an® key
4 E) Serectron Key
Back Key
Power Orr/off button
/ (E Sereotrorr key
A (D c key
Q Navrgatrorr key
to SHent Key
11 % Camera zoom‘ volume buttons and plclure zoom
12 Lrght
13 Camera button
14 @ Pray/pause button
15 Memory Suck Duo/Memory snok PRO Duo srot
n; Mrcroohone
1/ Stereo headset and charger connector
For more mtormatron on Keys and navngauon. - 13 Keys andnaw'gaf/on
[wares—am“... 4a
‘égfinishmiushmk Page m Thursday, Machlznflfi 3 WPM @ ‘ .
\A/ PIayNowW" Q Irlemel services N Emenalnmenl
Omme serwoes'
Remus COMYO‘
Recovd sound
a Camera q Masada; WALKMAN
wme my
Sent mmges
Saved rmssajvs
q Flle manager 0 Camels- 5 Radlo
mamas Owens
wages speed can
sounds My busmess cad
Thames Groups"
Web pages sum canlacls"
Games spec-an numbers
Appheanons Advanced
Omsv New vonlacl
16 Cwmrm h;
kissing“, % 4») 5
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk Page 17 Thursday, Machlznflfi 3 WPM
@ Calls
K Seams
nme e date
Vowoe comm
Phone 51am
may/pause button
sump menu
Setup mam
ms and tucks
Masts! vase!
Sounds a alens
vafl vomme
suem mode
moveasmg nnu
vmvanng aen
Message ale"
Key sound
San—up eager.
3mm saver
Sleep mode dodt
Em Ime names-
Elven caHs
Sullcmo hne 2~
Manage oaus
nmee 0051
Show 01 was no
~ P/esee no re rm eame menus are operatw, nelwrk- m supznmm-depenoenr.
N we menu depends an mm contracts swam s selededxs am
0an memo
unwed Don
Demos mm
Meme nelwovks
Data comm
Sueammfl semngs
Seflmgs vovJavaW
G ‘ 6S WflflishuniUGhuuk page“; Tbmsliay,MzchZZflflfi arr/FM @ ‘ .
Keys and navigation
See also - 7More Information From standby, press © to enter the
Standby screen main mm and mam menu, where the menus are
mm bar - shown as tcons some subrnenus
The standby screen ls dsprayed when
you are not calllng or uslng the menus
include tabs Scroll to a tab uslng the
navngauon key and select an optlon
Tnls ls where you can see tor The status bar at the top of the screen
example the name or your operator, corttalnslcons. whlch glve lnform atlon
the (me and the date related to the phone and lts actlvmes
Enter the mam menu from sizncby
Select highllghled ttems
Dunng a call, press to View allst of opnons
Move through menus and tabs
Select opnons shown tmmedtately above these Keys on the screen
Go back one level m the menus, or leave an optlon unchanged
Press and hold to return to standby or end a functlon
Delete ttems, such as plctures, sounds and contacts
Dunng a call, press and hold to mute the mlcropnone
Open or mtntmlze the Walkman® player
Take a picture or (0 record a Video clip
Play or stop mustc
ls (19??an to tn;
From standby, press and hold to call your yocemarl servrce (lf set)
henna“... are man 5
G ‘ 6S WnnishnniUGhuuk page 19 Tbmsday,Mm;hZZflflfi arr/FM @ ‘ .
@ , (I) From standby, press and hold any or these keys to reach a contact
pegtnntng wtth a spectfic letter
® - ® From standby. press any of these keys and press t;.tll to speed dlal
From standby. press to vuew status lnrorrrlatlon
To relect an lneornlng call. qutckly press thce
Press once to turn 0" the nhgtohe when recelvlng a call
Durlng a call, press to lncrease the volume
When usan the Walkman® player (also when mlnlm lzed)‘ press
10 Increase the Volume Press and hold [0 go back one track
When uslng the camera, press to Zoom In
From standby, press and hold to voice dlal‘ altern atlvely say
your maglc word arset)
To relect a call, qulckly press twlce when recelvlng a call
Press once to turn off the nngtone when recelvlng a call
Dunng a call, press [0 decrease the volum e
When usmg the Walkman® player (also when rnlnlrn lzed)‘ press
to decrease the vdume Press and hold to go forward one track
- When ustng the camera press to zoom out
(Q Press once to turn off the nngtone when recetylhg a call
From standby, press and hold to set the phone to slleht
The alarm nngs even If the phone is set to stleht
> Inlu Get more tnlormatlon. explanauons of tips about selected features
menus or luncttons available In your phone
> Mini“ Enter a list 0! optlons There are dunererlt alternatlves ln the llst of
opttons depending on where you are In the m ehus
l'hl tor hon \otll phone 19
firsfimmm 43s an 5
G l 65 WunishnniUGhnnk PageZfl Thursday, Machzznnfi 3 trim
Entering letters
There are two ways at entettng letters.
for example when Writing a message
or wnttng a name ln contacts
- Multltap text lnput
Vou press each key as many tlmes as
needed to show the letter you want
- TQW Text lnput
You press each Key only once, even ll
the letter you want ts not the ltrsl letter
on the key
To enter letters uslng 79W Text Input
1 To enter text‘ you have to be In a
tuhcttoh Where text tnput ts posstble,
for example > Messaging > Wnte new
> Text message
2 For example ttydu want to wrlte the
Word ”Jane‘fl press E), E), Q),
3 lt the Word shown ls the one you want,
press (Q to accept and add a space
To accept aword wlthout addtng a
spacer press © lr the word shown ts
not the one you want press© or© to
vlew alternatlve Words Accept a word
and add a space by presslng @)
4 Contlnuewrltlng your message To
enter a full stop or other punctuatlon
marks press (D and then @ or ©
repeatedly Accept by presstng Q)
20 Getrlnq to tn;
To select anomer wrmng method
Before, or Whlle enterlng letters press
and hold to select anotherwnttng
file manager
Use the file manager to handle rlles
(lot example. ptctures‘ vrdeo cllps and
sounds) saved tn the phone memory
and on the memory card ltems such
as P lHA.VlrlHns‘Snul1rls‘Themes
Game and Attttltoattom are saved as
files In folders All flles that the phone
cannot recogntze are saved tn the
other folder You can create your own
subfoldersln some predefined folders
to which you can rnove your saved
When handltng files‘ you can select
several or all files lh a folder at the
same me You can move and copy
files between the memory card and
the phone lcons mdtcate where the
files are saved
All files. except some copyrlght-
protected rtles. are automatlcally
saved on the memory card lr the
memory card ts full‘ you cannot save
anythtng on tt untll you have deleted
some of the content from lt or moved
the content to the phone memory
G l 65 WunishnniUGhnnk PageZl Thursday, Marchzznnfi arr/PM
lt the memory card rs not mserted m
the phone trles wlll be saved to the
phone lt there ls enough memory lelt
To use a file from the file mneger
> I llt- rn..n...|r-r and hlghllght a me
lh the Mum“ or murrrls lolder
> Morn» II:.t- - selectwhat you
Want to use the me for
To move a file to a folder
> Frle rrranarrer and open a lolder
Scroll to a file for example, a plcture
that you want to move > More
> thge files > More tn trllrlel
Select the folder you want to move
the flle toy Or Select New tnlrlrtl and
rlarne the folder > 0K
To create a subloldel
> Flle manager and open a folder
> More > New tome. and enter
a name tor the tolder
> UK to save the tolder
To select seva files
> I “A" l||.llLl!|t'l and select a file
> Morn» Mrrk» Mellkst'W'Ml
Scroll and select more files by
presslhg M.|lk or I Illlvmlk
' Select
To oopya file to the phone or the
memory cald
Scroll to the file tor example a sound
file that you want to copy > M...“
> Mental“ llll‘:.
ly In |.|r.-rrr- or Copy |.. t-xl
lw-lvl Now you have two flles Wlth the
same name. but dlttererlt lcorls lh froht
of them. tndcatlhg where the me la
To move olcopy flies to a oompurer
. Binsr‘ar‘l, t‘mnsfief andp/ay music
and n 33 rmrrsfernrrg files using the
use mole
To (idem a file from the memory
Scroll to me me you Want to delete
from the memory card and press (E
Fonnamng the memory card
You can format the memory card rr
you Want to delete all lrltormatlorl from
ll, of rr rthas been corrupted
To [0mm the memory card
> l lll‘ rrrtrrturor and hlghllght afolder
> Mlllw» l rrrrrr.r| t-xl Int-Ill
maul phohe 21
G l 65 WunishnniUGhnnk Pagan Tbmsday,Mm;hZZflflfi 3 mm
File Information
llems that are downloaded, 0!
recelved uslng one of the transler
methods avallablel may be eopyngnr-
protected lf a flle ls protected. you
may not be able to copy or send that
flle A DRM-protected me has a key
symbol Vou can Vlew lnlolmallon
oftne me by nlgnllgntlng ll > Mllll‘
> Inlnml.lllnl|
22 Calllllll
Cal/s, emergency ca/As, contacts,
Making calls
Belore you can make or recelve any
calls. you must turn on the phone and
be Wllhln range of a network
To make a call
Enter the phone number (wrtn
lnternanonal country code and
area code rrappllcaole)
’ > Call [0 make the Call
> End call [0 erld the Call
To change the ear speaker volume
Press or E) to lncrease or
decrease the ear speaker volume
durlng acall
To use me loudspeaker dunng a call
Press @ and select Turn on speaker
to turn on the loudspeaker
Press © and select Tum nll :-|n~.lkl~|
to turn on the loudspeaker
Do no! ho/d we phone to yaw 55! we
usmg Ihe loudspeakek 777/5 ecu/d
damage your heanng.
G 1 65 WunishuniUGhuuk pagan Thursday, Machzznnfi 3 WM
70 tum of! me microphone
1 Press and hold (1)
y To resume the conversation.
press and hold @ agan
Receiving calls
To answers call
> lllr-wt-l
To Ie/ect a call
> Busy or qulckly press a volume
button thCe
To check your missed calls
1 From standby» Calls and scroll to me
Mlssed calls tab Use Or@ to scroll
between [119 [EDS
2 Use @ or @ to scroll to anumber and
> Call to call a number
Emergency calls
Your phone supports the lntematlonal
emergency numbers lo! example,
112 and 911 Thls means that these
numbers can normally be used to
make an emergency call In any
country Wltl'l or Wltl'lout a SIM card
lnsertedr lf a GSM network ls Wllhln
inseam“. ..
fi In some count/795, other emergency
numbers may 2/50 be promoted
Vow nelwo/k operator may therefore
ha vs saved add/nona/ bea/ emergency
numbe/s on the SW card.
To make an emergency call
Enter. for example 112 (the
lntematlonal em ergency num ber)
> (all
To new you: local emergency
> Corrects > “plums > Special
numbers > ElllHlUHnUy nos.
You can save your contact lnform atlon
In the phone memory as contacts
or on the SIM card as names and
numbers You can choose Whlch
oontactsmformatlon , Phone cunacts
or SlM crumb-Ls , ls shown as default
For useful lnformatlorl and settrngs
> (JullLuin > (J|x|lnl|:.
ll you select to use l 4mm- .,,l.-. as
delault. yourcontacts Wlll show all the
lnlormanon saved ln lrnnl. lf you
select slM l,llll|.ut|>\ as default the
contacts WI|| only show names and
numbers Saved Ol’l the SM Card
lllllg 23
Queen...“ ..
To Select default contacts
1 > (Junkfl'la > (tr-nuns > Arhammrl
> Dt-Lullll nLuls
7 SelectI'llul|t't,ul|Lu,L\ or MM
Phone contacts
Contacts ls llke an address book,
ln wnlcn you can store names,
phone numbers and emall addresses
You can also add orctures, nnglones
and personal rntorrnatlon, such as
blrthday‘ emall‘ Web and Street
addresses to the conlacls
vvh en you add rntorrn allon to a contact,
the rnrorrnatr on rs org anlzed under five
tabs use @r @r @ and@ to scroll
between the tabs and thelrlnformatlon
To add a phone connect
1 > Contact: > New content > Add
2 Enter the name dlrectly 01 > Add
and enter the name >()l<
it Enter the number dlrectty or > will
and enter the number» UK
4 Select a number type
24 Calllnq
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk pagan Thursday, Machzznnfi 3 WM
Scrdl between the tabs and select
fields [0 enter more lrlformatlorl
To enter symbols tor example
@ ln an emall address > symbols.
and select a symbol > neon
when you have entered the
lnlormatlon > saw-
To automatically save names and
phone numbers to the SIM card
> (Jllnt > (”mum > Arlvant
>Aum 1\t—Hll1SIM
Select on
To add apicalle or a nngtone to
a phone contact
> Contacts and select the contact
you wanuo add a plcture or nngtone
to > More > Edit conmct
Use @, @, @ and © to scroll to the
relevant tab > Plctute: or Rlngtone:
> Add
Select a plclure or sound > Save
to save the contact
Calling contacts
You can call one otyour contacts
or a number on your SlM card
|l Mum»- l.llltLu7L\ ls set as default
you can choose to call from contacts
or from the SIM card
G ‘ 6S WflflishnfliUGhnnk PageZS Thursday, MachZZflflfi arr/FM @ ‘ .
ll SIM mum-ts rs set as delault, To add a number from me call Ilst
you can only call the numbers on to 00nt
tne SlM card 1 > cut. from standby and select stab
y Scrotl to the number you want to add
T0 calla phone contact > Mllll‘ > Ntul‘ lltllnIu-I > NA'W l,n||l.u,|
| > tinnl. . Scroll to or enter the
first letter or letters or the contact
you want to call
7 When tne contact ls hlghllghted,
press or @ to select a number
i Cd"
to create a new contact or select an
exrstrng contact to add the number to
Sending contacts
You can send contacts using one
or the avallable transfer methods
To Send 3 cannot
> Contacts and select a contact
> More > Send cnlltad and Select
a transfer method
Call list
The numbers 01 the most recent calls
are Saved lrl the call llst
To call a number from the call list
| > t:..||:. from standby and select a tab
7 Use ©‘ © and © to scroll to the
name or number you want to call
> t:..||
Hll'n] 25
fitters...“ .. see man a
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk pagezfi Thursday, Machzznnfi 3 WM
M essagi ng
Picture messaging, Textmessaglng
Yourp/me supports venous messsgrng
semcee P/ease cantactyowserwce
prev/def flbout the sen/mes you can
use, a! fa/mafe/nfo/mat/on. wsrl
Picture messages (MMS)
Prcture messages can contain text,
protures‘ vrdeo cnps‘ camera prcmres,
sound recordrngs andpusmess cards
You can send prcrure messages (0 a
meme pnone or an email address
Before you srart
You must nave a supscnpnon mar
supports prcrure messagmg, and
the recrprenr or the prcrure message
must arso nave suppon tor prcmre
fi lfno Internet profile AX/sIss you can
automat/ca/ly receive al the sell/figs m
a message from you/network ope/slot
a/ ram wwmonyenosson. com/support
26 Meeeaqrnn
inseam“. ..
Before sendmg a prcrure message
make sure mat
The address oryour message server rs
set» M Jun)» mum. > lruvuut-
mmxxup'b Mls q. s ~|vu|
You have entered the correct semngs
> mexuwn] > er-mnns > I’IA,I|||4-
Wu'sxxujr' > run-mm pumm-
Creating and sending picmre
When composmg a prcture message
you can select afferent nems sucn as
Prowler, Text. Snund‘ Video‘ Sound
reconfirm and srgnemre You can
also Select Use Camera to take a new
plclure or record a new vrdeo cnp
To cmate andsend a picture
> Messagrng > Wm» new > Plclure
rnsu > Add [0 vlew a hst or rrems to
add [0 your message Serecr an rrem
> Add [0 add more rtems to the
message You can vrew and serec:
opuons to enhance zne message by
hlghllghung nems rn the message
and pressing the reft serectron key
When you have frnrshed corn posrng
yourmeesage» Mm.» N'nll
> 1 nm [vhmh- flu and emer me
reament's phone number‘ or
G ‘ 65 WunishuniUGhuuk Pagan Thursday, MachZZflflfi 3 WM
Queerswm ..
> annuals Imlkallp to remove a
number or a group trom (Juntauts
To enter an smart address > Frrh-r
t-r sul sultlr A hst berm showslhe
rast 10 recrprents Vou can also select
arecrprent from thrs hst > er-rrri
To make a call while creating
a picture message
1 Whrre wrrtrng your message > Mon»
2 > Mikt-ea call and enter or retrieve
a pnone nurnber > Carr Vou return
to tne message
3 To end tne caH > More > Enrt out
To save Items from a prcnme
vvnen you nave vreweo a plclure
message > More > we rtenrs and
serect an rtern from tnelrstmat
Text messaging (SMS)
Text messages can oontarn srmple
prcluresr ammalrorts melodies and
sound effects
fig lfyou sane/i text massage to a group,
you fire chimed fo/ each member of
that group.
Before you slan
First make Sure that the number of
your servrce centre rs set The number
rs supplied by your sen/roe provrder
and Is usually saved on the SW card
To set lhe service centre number
1 > Mrmurrrrrn > sr-mnns» It-xl
rrrussurru > m-lvlm nm- rt the
servrce centre number rs saved on
the SIM Card. rt rs Shown m the “st
2 If [here ls no number m the “st > Add
and enter the number‘ rnoruorng tne
rnternanona "+“ srgn and country
code > Sa\ H
Seming tartmessages
For rnformanon about entenng rettersr
. 20 Ertemg letters
95? Some hnguzge—sp some aha/a eta/5 use
more spam For some onguogee you
1217 dmI/I/zfe Nanonal alkali to save
To mile and send a ten message
1 > M unrrrn >W|||n~||n~w> It~x|
rrr Aseuju
y Wnle your message > til-"Inuit-
Il you want to save the message for
later. press @ > VI:\ to save rt rn
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk PzgzZR Thursday, Machlznflfi 3 WM
fiesfiwm ..
3 > Enter pmme nu. and enlev me
recrprem‘s phohe HumbeL01> (mutants
wk up to retrreve a number or a group
from trunL L\ To enter an emall
address» I nh-l n-nmll mm Allst
berow the send optrohs shows the last
used recrprehts Vou can also select
a recrpreht from (hrs hst > sum
To send a message to en ewe/address,
you need to set an enw/gztewzy
number, > Messegmg > Seurrgs > Ten
message > Elmll galeway The number
/s supp/red byyou/se/vrce prov/def
To Insert an Item m a next message
1 WhMe Whuhg your message > Mme
> Add Item
2 Serect an new type and men select
arr rtem
28 rmaqmg
Camera, Vrdeo recover, p/cturss,
Camera and video recorder
You can take pictures record vrdeo
clips. save and vrew them and send
them as emanl anachmems or rh
plcture messages vra pmure
messaglng Q 72 Camera
Ifyoa try to recorda strong rgnreeuree
such as dneer sun/ram era /a/77p, rne
sween my black out or thEp/cture
maybe dslon‘ed
Camera and vldeo opuons
When me camera or woeo rs actrvated
> Serums lo vlew more opuons
' S‘Cr’rtch In Jule!) camera? to record
avldeo cllp mstead or takmg a
' S‘Mluh In still HIIIHIH 7 to take
aplclure mslead or recordmg a
- shunt rm.r1.~(camera)-se\eclirom
Nurrvu‘ for no irams‘ I’.4||n|.||||.| to
combine severm protures me one
made name. I mmm. to add afrarhe
(0 your picture and Rum to take
four pctures m raprd successron
G l 65 WflflishnniUGhnuk pagezs Thursday, Machlznflfi 3 WM
Shoot mum-e (Vldeo) , select thh
qmllly vlrIt-m or For rupture
message lr you want to send your
vldeo cllo as a oleture message
l'lt,tult-sl1t-— choose between
|....|t- lhuuxwun, Mt-rlltllrl
wot/lull ahd srnttll lmrxl yrl
Vult- n- - choose between
I.ur|r- 1”,le and srrttll wows;
Turn mt night mode — enhance
plcture or vldeo quallty In poor
llghtmg condltlons wrth longer
exposure tlme
Turn on lrghte to enhance lrghnng
Turn on self—timer , the plcture rs
taken a few Seconds after you Dress
the camera button
Effects 7 Select dltferent effects for
your chture or vldeo
Whrte balance , adjust the plcture
or vldeo colour to the Ilghtlng
PltJlllll-e qualrty , choose between
Normal and Full-e picture quality
llllllflllIII|IAKII|1|1LI|U~ add a time
and date to your picture
ltt -| lllt- nu - reset the file number
.\|w- t — select Mv-mrrly BULK or
l‘llnlu- n nnnv to save the ploture
or vrdeo
Tmnsfem‘ng pictures to your
Usng the use cable you can
dag-and-dop camera plotures to
a computer runrllrlg erldows® 2000‘
Windows ME‘ erldows XP and
Mac OS X
To Innsfetpicalres to a computer
Wlndcws Make sure you have
Installed the USE drlverst
. 8 To Install 1779 USB drive/s
' vwm the computer and phone
connected and turned orl‘ (m vymdows
first open the Wlhoows Explorer)‘
browse to Removable Disk (driven/l
DO/Mflfyou have aaved the camera
prctures on the memory card)
Ether move or copy the camera plcture
files, or drag—and—drop them‘ to the
oesrred folder on your computer
To further enhance and orgamze
the camera plclures on a computer‘
Windows users can mstall Adobe®
Photoshop® Album Starter Edltlol’lr
rncluded on the CD that comes Wlth
lmagmg 29
G ‘ 65 WunishuniUGhuuk Pagelfl Thursday, Machzznnfi 3 trim
Vour phone comes Wllh a number 0!
plctures and anlm atlons You can
- Use a plcture as waHpaDer and as
a screen saver
- Asslgn a plcture to a contact
- Exchange plctures uslng one 0? the
avalable transfer methods
To view yourpictures
l > Flle nmnaner > names
2 The plctures are shown in thumbnall
vlew To get a full vlew > vlew
To use a plcmre
1 > File manager > Pronuree and scroll
to the plcture you wantto use > More
> Use as
2 Selectwnat you want to use me
plcture for
To send a prcmre
> file manager > Promres and sctdl
to the olcture you Want > Mme > eenrl
and select a transfer method
fi A//phahee that support ptclu/ss can
race/Va the p/ctufe elze 160 x 720
Some phones that suppofl prom/es
05/7/70! fece/ve p/ctu/e slzes ofmore
than 760x 720. The best pron/re 5/59
to wew on e mmpuief/s 7600)( 7200.
30 Ehrerralnnlunl
Radio», Prat/Now W, mate/755,
Your phone features an FM radlo Wlth
RDS lunctlonallty To use the radlor
you mustconnect the handsfree to
your phone. as the handsfree works
as an antenna The radlo can be used
as an alarm slgna
Yoammtswrtch yourphohe on to use
themahz Do not ewrteh the phone on
In areas where mohr/ephonee are
prohibited. 35 Guide/V785 for Safe and
Have/mt U ,
To ”an B) the lad/o
Connect the nanostree to your phone
> Rum,
To mlnlmlze, return to standby and
use other tunonons wlth the radlo stlH
playmg, press
Radio control
> NultJl ororess and hold © or to
"no the next channel on the band
Press @ or to move 01 MHZ along
the FM band
Press © of © for the next preset
G ‘ 65 WnnishnniUGhnnk Page]! “Thursday, Marchzznnfi 3 mm
Savlng radlo channek
Vou can save up to 20 of your
favounte radlo channels
To ss vs chime/s quickiv m pas/Irons
1 to 10, press mdho/dD—Q (where 0
represents the number yo). 72> se/scr
s alumna/you have saved/n posthons
1 m 147, p/ess 0-9.
To save a radio channel
> Rad": > Mull-e > Save select a
posrtron > lnsert The channel rs
saved ln alrst
Radlo opnons
> More for tne followlng optrons
- Turn offa turn tne radro off
- Save , save tne current frequency ln
3 MM Ofcharlrlels
Channels , selecl‘ rename, replace
Or delete Saved channels
Turn on apt-fake! , lrsten through the
Auto save _ automattcally search for
and save channels ”1 a list 0! channels
Prevlously saved channels will be
N-I |rl-.|rrl-rrt.v — enter a frequency
manually The figures you enler wrll
be au torn aflcally ad|u3led lo valld
frequencres Press E) lo go dlreclly
to Set lll-eqlll-ency
- RDS eopllons to turn on or off
allemallve frequency (AF) and to
show or hide slallon lniorn’lallon
llrrn un Mun“ - turn rnono sound on
rfrs limotron rs network- 0/ enemas
dependent. Praise mnlictyou/natwa/‘k
opemorforrnforrmrron fiber/(year
subsmptron and P/ayNoW W
wnn me PlatyNovrrM servrce you can
lrsten to musrc tones before you
declde to purcnase and download
them to your pnone
Before you start
FIISI make sure that
You have a phone subscnptlon tnat
supports GPRS data transrnlsslon
Ycu have entered the correct
WAP settrngs rn your phone‘
a 73 Downloading settings
You may also have to reglster as a
WAP user wnh your sen/lee provlder
or network operator
You have free memory ln your phone
Downloadinga music tone from the
PlayNow'" list
The fame for the download la the once
appearlng on the screen when you
Select [0 download and save a muslc
El'llellalnnlent 31
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk pagezz Thursday, Maohzznnfi 3 trim
tone Vour phone blll or prepay phone
card wlll pe charged by your network
operator afteryou have purchased the
To listen to a music none
> ltloyNowlM and seleota muslc tone
that you Want to llsten to
To download a music tone
l When you have llsteneol to a muslc
tone that you want to download, llrst
venty the purchase detals above,
then read the terms and Conditions
provlded ll’l the phone kll By agreemg
to purchase ll’l the phone, you also
agree to accept these condltlons
2 > Yes to download the muslc tone
The muslc tone ls automattcalty saved
ll’l Flle manager > Sttuntls
35: The sen/roe may not a/ways be swat/able
//7 e/ couhtnee or when you are “singe!
network other than your network
operator’s ea message wl/Iappw
to inform you about this when selecmg
the P/ayNoWW/con.
Ringtonas and melodies
Vou can exchange rnelodles usth one
of the avallable transfer methods
32 En tertalnnlunt
Queers...“ ..
Q You are not allowed to exchange some
oopynghI—pfofected metene/ A DEM—
prorecred he has a key symbor
To selects ringtone
From standby > zsollunp. and scroll to
the snunrls at J|l‘||~\ tab > ltunllono
To tum the lingtone on or off
Press and hold (Q from standby
All stgnals except the alarm slgnal are
turned on Or Off
To set the nngaone volume
1 From standby > Somngs and scroll
to the Sounds 8. alerts tap > Rtng
,olurne and press @ or @ to
decrease Ul lllcleaoe llle vulullle
2 > 5am to save the settlng
To set the wblatmg alert
> Serums > the Sounds at alerts tap
> Vlltlaflmj alert and select the settlng
you want
Somds and alerts options
From somnus > the soutulsts ulotls
tab. you can so!
- M a \ujl'stll-l( » select how you Want
to be noutted of an lncornlng message
- Kl-v sountl » select what sound you
want the keys to make when you
press them
G ‘ 6S WflflishnniUGhnnk Pzg=33 Mday,Mm;hZZflflfi arr/FM @ ‘ .
Connectivity Flles must be saved m speomo fowoers
on me memory Card
USB cable, Update service,
Pictures must be saved m
Transferring files using the \MSSEMC\Msd\aMss\Amags\
USB cable - Music muslbs saved m
When you you, phone (0 a yfigmggggmgfé
computer usmg the USB cable, the . 8Wa/Ivnanwp/ayer ‘
memory card appears as a dnve on _
(he com pufier W you are andows ffiipgfémjxgggséfwdm
user‘ you can mstaH the USB Cable files\olher\
dnvers usmg me CD (ha! comes wllh , Homes taken by the camera are
{tour phofle‘ . 8 To 1/7515] 1/79 USB saved in the \DC\M\ fo‘der
# Youroanputer needs to ha ye one ofthe
{3 Make sure you on/y use me USHoeb/e Mon/mg operamg systems to be me
that comes W/th the hon andthat 041
wee the use eefi/e (mug may, $5155'mmjggfijm
computer 00 nouemoue the use tub/e Mac 051 '
from thephone of computer dunng
ffiflsfef To end 3 USE connecuon
you can use we dyagandflm 1 Em the USB connecuon on your
iuncuonahly w your oompmer lo computer In Wde/Ws DUCK the
Safely Remove Hardware mom m the
- Transver Mes between your phone Laskbar. and New the mstrucuons
W the combute’ u Remove me use cams irom your
- Mover oewete and organize files on phone
the memory card
Wm m m 33
fiefimmm e e) 5
G ‘ 65 WunishuniUGhuuk pageu Tbmsday,MzchZZflflfi 3 trim
Update service
With the Sony Ericsson Update
Service you can keep your phone
updated with the iatest sottware
When a new software version ls
avatiabier you can download and
lrlstaii it using the USB cable prowded
and a computer wrtrl an Internet
To update the phone software
l Vrsrt mesonyeflcsson.con7/suppolf
2 Seiecta regron and country
3 Enter the product name
4 SeiectSony Encsson Update Servlce
and foiiow the rnstructronsthat appear
34 importarltlmrzrrnlatZ'
Important information
Sony Encsson Consumer Web sue
On wwmsonyer/‘cssom com/support
there ls a support section where neip
and (tors are only a few cilcks away
Here you llnd the iatest computer
sollware updates and was on now to
use your product m ore ettlclentiy
Setvlce and support
From now on you wii have aeeessto a portrolro or
mtdusve eennoe awantafles such as
Good and local websnes provrdrnu support
Agbbel network ol call centers
Arr meme network or Sony Ericsson service
Awarramy Denod Learn more about the warranty
candllovmm trre user eurde
or. mwn corn under the support
seam. n the hnuuage or your choice you wrll trnd
the lam swoon tools and lntovmatlorl‘ such as
square updates, Knowledueoase Phone setup
and adatronat help when you reourre t
For ovumofwealllc sewroes and teeturesr
please oontaot your network operator tor rnore
you can atso oonlaet our call centers see the
phone numbertor the nearest call center rn the lrst
below tt your oourrlry/regron ts not represented in
me nst. pteaseoonlaot you iecat dealer (the phone
numbers below were oorreot at the time or porn;
to prml on wmsmwflcuan.mmyeu oan
aways tma lhe latest updates)
In me unnkety eyenl lhet your product needs
sennoe please oonlaot the dealer horn whom rt
was wromsea ovone or our seNlce partners
G ‘ 65 WflflishnniUGhnuk pagezs Thursday, Machlznflfi 3 mm
Save yom onglnal plool ol Purchase. you fill need
ll w you need lo dawn wallanly
oennal Alma
ozeon Repubho
Hong Kong
New zealana
phone mmber
1-300 550 new
amass- my
new mus
02-7451 all
427 ”25mm
nsz um um
344 56n ms
W299 mun
n m 336 336
m an 534 znzn
mag 91919 morn moblb)
am am
no | 437 mu
Ezra a/lm one arm/mam cenrss ynl/ woe
marvedzccnnifwm mum/m5, momma mm
was, mess memo/ls number/s ll {DU-free
email address
«lemons Auomwon sonyallosson com
«lemons msupwn sonysflosson com
quemons aromppon sonyallosson com
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Qumnnsclfimpwfl sonyenosson com
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mmmrmwm sonyevlosson com
«ummmrnamppoll 5onyenosson com
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«lmlonsenasuwon sonyemson com
«lemons HKQSAwon sonyemson com
wmlms Huasuwon sonyemson com
39mm um 3m code when aallng Mom aGSM common)
1350 545 333
05 43395205
«lesllonsmaslpoon sonvsnesson com
«lesllonsloosuwon sonvsncsson com
«lemonslasuwl sonvsllcssen com
wemmslmmwofl senyallosson com
«lemons Mvasuppon soanHosson com
m 300 000 «722 mam-m lol llee number)
0900 999 331 s
315 on m
«lemons mxosllppon sonyallosson com
«lemons Nlesuppon somenosson com
«lemons Nzosllppon sonyenosson com
«lemons Noempmn sonvencsson com
ml llmol mallorl 35
G ‘ 65 WflflishnniUGhnnk pagezfi Tbmsday,Mm;hZZflflfi 3 trim
Phiiippmes newsman
F'oiarid u (met-em wmnn
Portugal we and 466
Romania («0204010401
Russia swam ms
siniipovs 57440733
sioyekie nz-sm 6443
somn Attica user 532222
spun 902130575
sweden fits-24 45 on
ewwzeriend am 324 mu
Taiwan M4556”
Tneiierid uzzflsmn
Turkey fl2|247 37 777
ukvaine (fast/MA am t5t5
unwed Nab Emwates 43 919mm
unwed Kingdom umszanm
unwed states tesswsmu
Venezueie nesmHmrzZn
Guidelines for Safe and
Efficient Use
Piease reedtnis intorrnetion cetore
using your rnociie pnone
7nese instructions are irtendedtor
yoursetety F'ieasetoiiowthese
guideiines ittneproductnes been
subiect to any or the conditions Isl d
bsiiow oryou have any doubt 011m MOMHuncllon
miKE sure to hayetne product weekndw oerhhed
eeryioe partner betove charging or using rt rairuro
to do so miuht teed to viskiov promot malunciion
oi even a potertiei hazard toyour hearh
36 imporramin
warms mmpport soriyericsson oorn
questions PLasAwon soriyericsson oorn
questions Prawooort sonyericssori corn
questions mwwon soriyericsson oorri
questions nuasuwort soriyericssori corri
questions seesuwort sortyerioeeon ooni
questions skasuvwrt eoriyerioeeon ooni
questions zmsupport soriyerioeeon ooni
Wesuans msupport sonyerisson ooni
Weswns mswport sonyerisson corn
Weswns cmsupport sonyeriosson oorri
mestioris Twésuwon SOHYEWESOH corn
westerns “tampon scriyericsscn corn
wearer-s mamwort SOHYEWESOH corn
murmumwpwn scriyericsscn oorn
wmimmwwow scriyeriisson corn
mmimmwow scriyericsson oorn
warmusfimpwn scriyericsson oorn
wmlonsVEQsJDDOfl soriyericsson corn
Recommenmnons for safe use of
product (mohrte phone, battery,
merger and other accessories)
Amysheat your product wwn my; and keep it in
mean and duslenee piece
Wammg‘ May ermtode it disposed oi in tire
Donol emme yourproduot to iiquid or moisture
or hurrrdty
no not expose your product to
ememe high or tow temperatures
no not expose the battery to
temperatures above osn‘c (mu-F)
no not expose yourpioduot to open
names or tit tobacco products
Donot crop. lhvwotho bend your
no not paint your product
G ‘ 65 WflnishnniUGhnnk Page}? Thursday, Machlznflfi 3 WM
Do hot attempt to atsassermte
0! moawy yotty moattct Only
Stony Ehossoh authovtseo personnel
show pehomt sehytce
no not use you pvoouot near "weal
eqmpmeht wtthout TaquasIng
no not use youv pvoduot wmn m, a mum
mount oT was posted “tum 011 twoway noo-
no not use youv pvoauot tn an am when a
Petsnflafly exptoetye axmowheve nuts
Dohot mace Youv pvodud a mtallwvveiess
equtpmeht th the avea above yotn ears an bag
AccEssoHTEs THEy couu) HuHr
Power supply (Charger)
Canned the Ac powey adaplel on»; Io muttered
Dowevsotmzs as mayhea on the wound Make
sttyethe octets postttoheasmtta "wanna be
subteoteo to damage ovsmss To mm. nslt a
a‘acmcshockt wow the um] "om any pow
eottvoe bevove attemptthg to dnnl Tm Ac power
ademev must not be used 0016001501!" camp
was Nevev attevthe oovdorwg I||he ptttg ulII
not fit We the omen have a wow ottuet mstatlea
by aquaufled eteomoeh
uee OMY sohy Eytoseoh mama 0vava enamels
Thtehaea toy use wrm Youv mobtle mm 0mm
chameys may not toe aestgmtotnesamesamy
aha penovmahoestahaams
We hesemheha Ihal You my mama the baflw
below You ttse You! meette phone tehthe thst ttme
Anew helluva one that has HM been used V0! i
long Inns Mid have vsduosd capacw ME NH 19W
Inmesms used The baflsvy shomd 07W be chimed
n lempeululesbelwssn 45'0 (+41 'F) and ME'C
tet tm
use le WY Encson blinded oflmnifl biflsflai
mended muse mlh You! mobfle phone USVW
olhev ballerles and statues coma be dinuevous
The Ink and sundry hmas depend on sevem
tatteteht mallons such esstehet stheheth
outstne temeeuye apphoahon usage pettehhst
tealures seteetee and yetee eh eeethehshhtssmhs
tenet. teem; lhe moms phehe
Tum myourmobie phehe DEYovE hehhoythe the
may Donal alwme bauwwobe pm Home
rmulh Eatery eledvoMEs may be toxton
slammed Do not tet the hhetst contacts Oh the
meytteMehahehhetst ohysd the mum
senate-amend damagethe bauwy usethe
battery to! the mended Duvpose 07W
Personal medical devices
mute phones mav saved the ODEvaflon ot cameo
peeemsttehs ma olhEv tmptehtea EqmmeM
Hesse ma mama the mobHE Phone wehthe
paeemstteh, ea n You! bheest Docket Wheh ttsthg
the mobtne phone. pteoe n at the eel oooestte the
met-take, n amlmmum eetanoe ot ts om
(filnweshs mt betweehthe meette phone ind
the pacemstteh, the hsy ot thtenevehoe Te umttea
tt you hate air/reason toettepeot that Thtenevehoe
ts Iakmo place. ttmteatetety (um otv yom mobHs
wane coma yottt oevatotomet 10! move
Fat olhev mum. aehcest pteese cohsmt yotu
mystctxt and me mehttvectmeh ov the game
tttTtot mauon 37
G ‘ 65 WflflishnniUGhnuk pagezx Tbmsday,MzchZZflflfi 3 WM
Please check ll local laws and legulallons lesma
lne use ol nloblle bnones wmle dung a nqmn
ollvelslo use nanosllee solullons w. Incomm'nd
lnsl you use only sony Enosson hams".
solvllons lnlenoeo lol use win your bloouo
Please nole lnsl beosvse ol posibh nlenelence
lo eleollonlo sqvlbmenll some velvele
nlsnvlsolvlelslolblo lne use a mule wones
ln lnellvenloles unless a nanasllee kn wlh an
exlelnal anlenna svbpons me mlallaelon
Always alve lull allenllon lo owns and NH on
lne load and Walk belole manlng ov answemg
a call ll onvlns oonolllons so leaune
Emergency calls
Moblle bnones opelaxs uslng laaosgnab, m. a.
oannol Eualantee connectlofl under all commons
Thelelole You should navel YEN 501W “90" any
moblle phone lol essermal corrmumcnlons
o 9 New smeleenees)
Emeleenoy calls may no he mble m al arm
on all ellvlav newovye olwhenax‘amnelwork
sen/loss and/cl moblle pnoneleemes are m use
Check wen youl local senvloe wovlder
lnls bnone oonlalns a bum m anlmna use a
anlenna oevves nol malketed by my Enmn
sbeolloally lol lns model could oamaqn ywl
nloblle bnone leouoe benolmanon. and mom
em levels above lne establlsmo Ilmls(sn below)
Efficient use
Hold yovl nloblle bnone es youwould any one
pnone Do nol oovel lne lob a me Dhmevmen n
use as lnls allees oall qualny and may eauseme
pnonelo obelale ax anlanelbom levelman
neeaee lnes snonenm (alk anaslanwyllnlee
as lrnponanlln
Radio frequency (RF) exposure and
yowmoble phone lsa low-bowel laelollansmlllel
anareoelvev Whenlllsmmsd on n emlls low
lotus ol laolo "equenw enslw (also Known as
laao waves onaolo neeveno/ llelds)
Governmenls avounalne wollo nave sdobleo
complehenswe mlemulonsl sslsly W‘dsllnssl
oevelopea by sever-lane oliinlzaflonsl a u lCNlHP
amemauonx CmISlon on NOM onulnu
manner. Panama) and lEEE (rne lnslllvle ol
Enuno‘l and Eleanor-ls Enulneels lncl lnlovun
periodic and lnovougn evaluahorl ol solenllllo
sauces These gumemes eslebllsn belmluea levels
a Halo wave exposure lollne genelel populahorl
me levee lane asalely melgln aeslgneo lo
mneme saely a a! DEVSOHS‘ legavoless ol age
and mantle and lo aooounl lol any vanallons ln
Suancnbsomebn R312 (3M) ls lne mm ol
memjremml lonne amounl ol laololleouenov
enegvabsomea bvene body wnen uslns a moblle
phone The snnvane ls oelelmlneo al lne nlsnesl
cameo power level m lebolaeovy oondltlons‘ bm
me adual sun level a lne moblle bnone wnlle
overaemg can be well below lnlsvelue Thls ls
bemeene mobile phone ls oeslgneo lo use lne
mnlmum boweuewueo lo leeon lne nelwolk
Vanallonsln sun below lne leolo lleouency
exposme guldeflnes do nol mean lnel lnele eve
vananons m salew Whlls lnele may be dmsvsnoss
m w levee among moblle bnones all
sony Blossom mobile bnone models ale oesluneo
lo meel laao "equawy exboevle uuldsllnas
Fol moms solo in the u sl belole a bnone modal
lsava-lable lovsale to lne Dubllcl ll nlvsl be lesleo
ano oerulea lo lhe FCC lnsl ll does not exoeeo lne
Imll esabllsleea by me iovevnmem»id°MEd
requlremenl lov sale exposvle Tne \es1$ eve
unarmed m muons and locallons Mm lS‘ el lne
ea- and m on me now) as lequllea by lne FCC
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk Page]? Thinsday,Mm;hZZflflfi 3 WM
voveadn mode For body worn operanon mls pnone
nas been reded and meetsFCC Fr exposure
gurdennes wnen rne nandssfl eposmoned a
mwmum 0115 mm rrom the body ennou any
mam bans m the yrornrty or me phone or when
used wun «ne onwnar Sony Enossorr bodyworn
aooessory Wandsd ror (ms phone use a who
aooessones may net ensure oomprranoe mlh
FCC HF exposure umdanzs
Asspims rennet wnn sea rmornrarron ror mrs
mobHe bnone moder e rnoudedwnn me marenar
max eomaswrmmrs mobnepnone memormarbn
oan aso be round «ouerner wlh more rmorrmmon
on vamowsquency exposure and sun, on
wwwsafiyencssafi cam
Accessible Solutlors/Speclal Needs
For bnones sord m rne u 3, you can useyourrrv
«errnrnar wnn your Sony Evveson moprre pnone
wnn the necessary accessory) For rmorrnauon on
Aooessrbre Soruuonsror rnawmalswlm spedan
needs can we Sony enosson spedar News cemer
at 377 3731936 (W) or 377 znr me Now). or
yrsn the Sony Enossorr Special Nems oemer an
stanyencssanrw m
Drsposal of old elecmml a.
electronrc equlpmenl
rnssyrnbor on tne Dvoducl or on its
Dackagmg mdrcates tnat «ms produd
snan not barredad asnoosenord
wasw rnstead n snau be banded our home
abbuoabre oouaonon bornr ror rne reoyorng or
erednoar and ereononro ada-pmm ey ensue
rnrs brodud rs drsbosed or oorreory. you errr new
Dvsvsm boxennar nsuinvs emamwes ror me
enyrronrnenr and rum neann,annen eourd
oxnerwrse be oaused by rnawwwarlewme
nandnnd owns brodud rnereoydrng or nmenae
wn nerbro oonsene narurar resources Formae
deraned rmovmaflon abour reoyoune or ms
produd. phase oonrad your wood ony omoe Your
household waste dsbosar sen/roe or rne snob
where you purdrased rne brodum
Disposing or lhe battery
Please dreok roar lewaflens ror X
dsbosar or banenes or am your rooar
Sony Enossou cu oenrer ror
Yhe ballerv snourd never be braced rn rnunrowpar
base use abauery drsbosar racnny n muabre
End User License Agreement
Ths widess deyroe rnorudrnuwnnour nrnnarron
any medra delwued wnn me deuce r‘Deuroe“)
marnsswware owned by Sony Enosson Mobne
Corrmumcnlons be and us annared Oompames
rSony Enm‘) and ns rnnd bany subbhers and
roersors rSorreraee")
Muss onnrs Devlce‘ Sony Enosson grams you
anom-stwe. norrrtvanmevabre‘ nonrassmnabre
roersero 152 me Souware sorery m oomunoflon
unnme Deuroe on wmon n rs rns1aued and/or
deiveredmln Nounnu nerern snau be oons1rued
5 35312 onne Somuare ro a user or «nrs Deuroe
Youyrallnollwloduoe‘ modWy drsflrbme reverse
enumeer, deodrrvre Mnerwrse arrer or use any
ours means rodrsooyerrne souroe oode M rne
Soflwale or any oombonenr M rne Souware
Four/«dance or doubt you are ar an runes enmed
no rransrer arr nghls and obhgaflons «o rne soflware
no arrurd pally, sorelyrogernerwnn ma Der/roe wnn
erud- you reoerved Ins Swwivsy prwrded arways
mar such rrurd my nurses rn wrmnu (e be bound
by mese rules
you are cur-realms ncense ror Harm or «ne useM
rre or mrs Deyroe you can rernnnatetnrs Hosnss by
rmsremnu an yourrrums \0 me Deuce on wnron
you have rmryedune sonware \o a mwd parry m
mung rr you ran lo oomprywnn any or me \evms
Hmor matron 39
G ‘ 65 WflflishnniUGhnuk Page4fl Thursday, Machlzflflfi 3 WM
and oohdmohsse om «h (ms hoarse, | w.“
(evmmatewnh «mmedyaxe enea
Sony shoeson eho nsthno may SuDDlmS and
hoensovs eve «he sowe and exduswt mom and
vemh an nehts‘ (me and «nuns: m andlolh'
Soflwne Sony Eflason‘ and «one mom «nu ma
Soflwne oohmne mmenm oy coon o« alhldvaly.
euoh «hhd ow shin oe emmedmw pony
bansflohflai o« «heee «enns
The vifldKYy oohenuonon and monnanoe o« «ms
Hosnss ehau be acyeyned by me laws o« Sweden
The «oveflomfl shau apmywmemu 2mm ”mm”
by‘ when apphcame‘ statutory consuney ngnu
Limited Warranty
Sony Ensson Moone CommmvcavoflskB.
S22« as Lund‘ Sweden (sow Enm). prondes
«ms umned vyanamy «oy yoyn moone phone and
onehay acoessory dehvsvsdvmh yourmobie
phone (heyehaney yevened «o aS'ProaJd')
Shomd Yum onuucl need wananny sew-w. uefie
yemyn «« «o«he deayemom whom nwas numnaeed
ov oomad you «0an Sony Enm can Center
(na««ona« ya«es may anmy) omen
WWWSaHyér/cssan cam/suppmw gel runner
Our warranty
Subject «o «he oohdmohs o« «ms umnea Warranty.
Sony Encseoh weuemswsnoouo Iobfllnnom
(181st «n das‘uny metena andwockmansno a! me
”me o« «(s onehaw ouvchase by aconsumer. ancuoc
eeuoeeouem oenod o« one my".
thtws will do
«u own; «he wenemy oenod,«n«s ondua «ansno
opeme uhoey honnm use and sconce, dnuo
oe«eo«e m damn ma«ena«s oywoyhnonsnvo,
Sony Enason authonsed cumulus oysennoe
palmevs‘ «n «he ooumvy/vsgvofl'vmweyou
40 «mponannn
numaeeanne Produd, wn e««hen oonon enhey
repelrov 1991302 «ne Produd m eocoydence wnh
the «ems and oondnons snowed hsvsm
Sony aoseon and «ls semce oanneys veserye «he
nghl «o onage anal-am; «ee n a vemvhed onduox
«slwnd no« to be underwanamy eooovdme «o «he
oonauons below
Please hole mat some «71 you stsonifl eemnue
downloads at aha «ntovmenoh may be «oe1 when
yvaonyEnoscor-Produa «s vepened ov vemeoed
Al presenl Sony Enason may be pvwentsd by
available «aw. aha reqmahon ov \echmoa«
"gnu-om "om manna a backup copy 0! 0mm
downloads Sony meson does no« «aye any
resoonsmly lov any Iosl «movmahon ov any Kmd
andwm no« rennouree You voy any such «oes
You snonld aways make backup comes ov a” «he
«monnanon stored on yom Sony meson onduot
sum as downloads oaenday and oomads oevoye
nandng «n your Sony Enosson ondud «oy yeoan
or reuaaemern
mewa-ramy lsvaid onwy n «he ommaA oyoov o«
pumaee medic «ne oflgmal omchasey by a
Sony season amnonsed oeeyeh specwvmg «he
dme o« numme andsenm numbev" «onhys
Produd, «s mesennea wnh «he ondum «o oe
repaned or reuaoed Sony Encsson veserves «he
ngm Io tense wananly sehnce n «he «movmsmon
nasbeen removed on onanged anev «he ongmal
wronase o« «he Product "om «he deawev
|« Sony Enoscon news by yeowacee «he ondumy
«neraoaredoneolaoed ondud eheu oeweneryed
«o. me remanmq lune ov «he onmhn WiYYiMY
mod a «a! mnelyflu) deyenom «he one o«
new". mama «s «oncev Hspiflv ov vemeoemem
may myolye me use a lunwoniHY eqmymem
remallanm mlls Remeceo pens ov ocmpoheme
w." bmne «he pwperly ov Sony Ensson
ms wananly does no« covey any move ov «he
Produd we lo normal weay and «ea 01 due «o
G ‘ 65 WflflishnniUGhuuk Page“ Tbmsday,MzchZZflflfi 3 WM
meme TncTudTng em noT Imnedlo use m omen
Tnan Tne noTTnaT and cuswmary manner, In
aoooToarToe wnn the sony Enosson msnuonons h)!
use and nTaTntenanoe oT m mom No! dwsIhls
Winimy ooveT any TaTTuTn o1 The Room dun Io
ioonenL sc'flwivs oT name" modlwnon a
adjummenn eoTe oT God eT ohms. "sunny "om
How A TeonemeebTe biflIN can be mama and
dTeoneTged nundTede oT nmee Hem/ET, T| wen
evenmeTTyweeT out - me and a amen When The
TeTk-nnTe oT e1andbyTTnTe u nomeamy sham,
K Te «Tme (o TepTaoe youT mery 30m Eneswn
TeooTnnTende Tnax you use my menu and
enameTs appToved by Sony ETTesson Mno'
vaTTaxTons Tn depTay bTTgMnssand cobrmay
ocdu bs(wssn pnones TneTe may Denny bngm 01
davk doxs onTne depTay Tnese aTe caued deledwe
pTxeTs and occuTwnen Tnavvwal dds nave
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deTeoTTT/e pixels aTe deemed aooeuame Mmov
Vaflaflons Tn oaTneTa TnTage appearance may 0001!
eeTween phonas TnTe Te mommy uncommon and
Te noT TeeaTded as a deTedwe camem modne
$an «ne oeTTuTaT Sysmm on mmme Promd IS
to opeTaTe Ts DYoVTded by a camenndependem
TToTn Sony Emssom Sony Emsson wil not be
TesponeTeTeTonne coma-Ten, ayanamny. comrade.
sechee oT Tange oT TnaT sysem
TnTe waTTanty does not 00121 new taiums
caused by TnfiaHaflons‘ modllmhons. a repau
oT openmq oT Tne F'Todud wnamw by a mn-
sony ENOssOH autnonseo wson
Tne waTTanty does not own mom |a||uns Much
nave been oeueed by use o1 acussoms a an"
peTTpneTeT devToeewnTon an no! sony Enosson
bvindEd oTTngeT eooeeeoTT-e mend-d m use
thnTne RToduox
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wTTT von (he waTTamy
wencmumamry oR FTTNESS FOR a
To LOST PRcflTs oR coMMERcTAL LossT To
uscuuMED av LAW
some confines/sues do no\ eTTow me echusTon
ovllmlallon a nademaT oT oonsequemTaT
demagea ovllrrllalm dune duTaxTon oT TTinTed
warrant“. some preoedTng TTTnTTaxTons oT
deusons may no! my \o‘/ou
Themmy Dflwlded does no\ aned Tne
oonsurmrsnaulw ITEMS undET appTToabTe
egnetamnn Tmome, noTTne oonsumev‘s TTenTs
auamsme deanev aesTne TToTnTneTTsaTee/pmonase
nydu nave purchased youT onduct Tn an Eu
odumryyou all have youT ondum sen/med undET
me commons sen ml above WTTnTn Tne waTTanTy
mod n anVEU oddmry wneTe en TdenTToeT
Promd Ts add kw an amnonsed Sony Emeon
astubulov To nnd out TT youT RToduo1 Te 5on Tn
The EU ooumryyou ale TNT eTease can Tne TooaT
sonyEnoseon Cal Cemsv Reese oxen/e «Tm
oenam semoes may not be poeeTbTe eTeewneTe
man n me oomuyov oTTuTneT DwohisET ToT exempTe
me To me ha lhll youT RToduox may nave en
menu on extenov wmon Te dmavsm TTonT equTveTenT
modes sold Tn omer Eu oounmee u may not be
possible lo rem" SlM400ked RToduoxe
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ls requesed u so. ms 5 cTeeTTy snown on me and
mom oc wvmase
hTT Tam MOT Manon 41
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk Page‘fl Thursday, Machlznflfi 3 WM
FCC Svalemen!
(havoHowmgtwo commons mms
dams may not cause hamwm mtan'lenee. and m
Tms aewoe must accept any mtafluence wowed.
momma mtsnsvsnca ma may cause undesued
Declaration of Conformity
We,sonyfil:§son Mnhnle Oommumnahons AB 01
ma vmmnomen
$221 as Law. Sweden
mm unaerwv sows vesponewwma om
sow zmsm Ivan MB wzznu-av
anam wmbmlwn mm ow accessoflss‘ (o wmoh
Ims aeolaralwn vemes e m convovmny WM me
awowale smaavasaePPTasw m nm
mamaaw. EN annaza‘ EN 3014394 7 and
EN swan. rolowme me Dvowswons on Rama
Equlmlenl am TEWEoommumtxhon Tevmmal
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from caH hst
from ComaCtS
dedaranon of conformwty
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7, 23
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk Pagan Thursday, Machlznflfi 3 WM
me manager
help texts. nn phone
keys and navlg anon
memory card
delete files
menu overvlew
plclure (MMS)
(ext (SMS)
mlcrophone_ lummg omen
MMS Seepnclure messages
G ‘ 65 WunishnniUGhnnk Page“ Thursday, Machzznnfi 3 WM
proture messages (MMS)
proture srzes
pray/pause button
safety gurdetmes
from proture messages
SMS See text messages
303 See em ergency numbers
speaker yotume
start-up menu
TQW Text tnput
enterrng wetters
text messages (SMS)
44 hrrjux
2 7—28
camera prctures
m U3":
(urnlng on/oll
update sewlce
USE dnvers
vldeo recorder
setung rmgtorre
Walkman® player
usmg Tgw Text mput
My“ by nun-Int, (Dun,
My“ by nun-Int, (Dun,
My“ by nun-Int, (Dun,
My“ by nun-Int, (Dun,

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