Sony A3880033 GSM 850/900/1800/1900 GPRS / EDGE / UMTS FDD1&2&5 HSPA mobile phone with Bluetooth, WLAN, A-GPS, FM receiver User Manual Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

Sony Mobile Communications Inc GSM 850/900/1800/1900 GPRS / EDGE / UMTS FDD1&2&5 HSPA mobile phone with Bluetooth, WLAN, A-GPS, FM receiver Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

08 user manual 2

FCC Statement
Declaration of Conformity
Sony Ericsson U10a
UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 5 GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
Radio wave exposure and Specific
Absorption Rate (SAR) information
This mobile phone model U10a has been designed to comply with
applicable safety requirements for exposure to radio waves. These
requirements are based on scientific guidelines that include safety
margins designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of
age and health.
The radio wave exposure guidelines employ a unit of
measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.
Tests for SAR are conducted using standardized methods with the
phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all used
frequency bands.
While there may be differences between the SAR levels of
various phone models, they are all designed to meet the relevant
guidelines for exposure to radio waves.
For more information on SAR, please refer to the safety chapter
in the User’s Guide.
SAR data information for residents in countries that have
adopted the SAR limit recommended by the International
Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), which
is 2 W/kg averaged over ten (10) gram of tissue (for example
European Union, Japan, Brazil and New Zealand):
The highest SAR value for this model phone when tested by
Sony Ericsson for use at the ear is 0.90 W/kg (10g).
FCC Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Any change or modification not expressly approved by Sony
Ericsson may void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
Industry Canada Statement
This device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
Declaration of Conformity for U10a
We, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB of
Nya Vattentornet
SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden
declare under our sole responsibility that our product
Sony Ericsson type AAD-3880033-BV
and in combination with our accessories, to which this declaration
relates is in conformity with the appropriate standards EN 301
511:V9.0.2, EN 301 908-1:V3.2.1, EN 301 908-2:V3.2.1, EN 300
328:V1.7.1,EN 300 440-1:V1.4.1, EN 300 440-2:V1.2.1, EN 301
489-3:V1.4.1, EN 301 489-7:V1.3.1, EN 301 489-17:V2.1.1, EN
301 489-24:V1.4.1 and EN 60 950-1:2006 following the provisions
of, Radio Equipment and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment
directive 1999/5/EC .
Lund, August 2009
Rikko Sakaguchi,
Corporate Vice President and Head of Creation & Development
We fulfil the requirements of the R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC).
󰁯󰃉󰃈 󰂏󰁹󰂅󰃈 󰁯󰃕󰂡󰁹󰂹󰃄 󰁯󰃍󰃕󰂀󰃏󰁹󰃀 R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Biz R&TTE Təlimatlarının tələblərini yerinə yetiririk (1999/5/
Ние изпълняваме изискванията на Директивата R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Mi ispunjavamo zahtjeve R&TTE Direktive (1999/5/EC).
Complim els requisits de la directiva R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Výrobek splňuje požadavky směrnice R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Vi opfylder kravene i R&TTE-direktivet (1999/5/EC).
Die Anforderungen der Richtlinie für Funk- und Fernmeldegeräte
(1999/5/EG) werden erfüllt.
Πληρούμε τις απαιτήσεις της Οδηγίας R&TTE (1999/5/ΕΚ).
Cumplimos los requisitos de la Directiva R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Vastab direktiivi R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC) nõuetele.
R&TTE (1999/5/EC) arteztarauaren baldintzak betetzen ditugu.
  R&TTE       )1999/5/EC(
  .
Täytämme radio- ja telepäätelaitedirektiivin (1999/5/EY) asettamat
Ce produit est conforme à la directive R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Sony Ericsson cumpre cos requisitos esixidos pola directiva
R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Mun cika sharaɗin bayanin R&TTE (99/5/EC).
Mi ispunjavamo zahtjeve R&TTE Direktive (1999/5/EC).
Teljesítjük az R&TTE irányelv (1999/5/EC) követelményeit.
Kami memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan Petunjuk R&TTE
Við uppfyllum R&TTE tilskipunina (1999/5/EB).
Il prodotto soddisfa i requisiti della Direttiva R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
ונא םידמוע לכב תושירדה תייחנהבש ה-R&TTE )1999/5/EC(.
Mes vykdome R&TTE direktyvos (1999/5/EC) reikalavimus.
Mēs izpildām R&TTE direktīvas (1999/5/EK) prasības.
Ние ги исполнуваме барањата на R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC).
We voldoen aan de vereisten die in de R&TTE-richtlijn (1999/5/EG)
worden gesteld.
Vi oppfyller kravene i R&TTE-direktivet (1999/5/EC).
Atendemos aos requisitos da Diretriz R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Spełniamy wymagania dyrektywy R&TTE (1999/5/WE).
São cumpridos os requisitos da Directiva R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Îndeplinim cerinţele Directivei R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Изделие удовлетворяет требованиям Директивы R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Výrobok spĺňa požiadavky smernice R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Izpolnjujemo zahteve direktive za radijsko in telekomunikacijsko
terminalsko opremo (1999/5/ES).
Ne përmbushim kërkesat e direktivës R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Mi ispunjavamo zahteve direktive R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Re phethisa ditlhoko tsa Taelo ya R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Vi uppfyller kraven i R&TTE-direktivet (1999/5/EC).
เราปฏิบัติตามขอกำหนดของขอบังคับ R&TTE (1999/5/EC)
R&TTE Kararnamesinin (1999/5/EC) gerekliliklerini yerine
Цей Виріб відповідає вимогам Директиви R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Chúng tôi đáp ứng các yêu cầu của Chỉ thị R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
A ti mu awọn ibeere Ilana ti R&TTE ṣẹ (99/5/EC).
我們符合 R&TTE 規程中的要求 (1999/5/EC)
本公司符合 R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC) 中的規定。
我们符合 R&TTE (1999/5/EC) 的要求。
Siyazifeza izidingo zeMiyalelo ye-R&TTE (1999/5/EC).
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden

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