Sony F3022016 Licensed Transmitter User Manual 08 Lizy SHUG 2007 20 26

Sony Mobile Communications Inc Licensed Transmitter 08 Lizy SHUG 2007 20 26

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Document Description08 user manual
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Date Submitted2007-03-08 00:00:00
Date Available2007-07-01 00:00:00
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Document Author: SIL

Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Getting started . . 3
Getting to know the phone 8
Calling ............................... 18
Messaging 23
Imaging 29
Entertainment ................... 30
Connectivity ...................... 36
More features ................... 41
Important information . 44
Index . 54
Sony Ericsson
UMTS 2100 GSM 900/I800/1900
This user guicb is published by Sony Ericsson
Mobile Communications AB or its local affiliated
company, without any warranty Improvements and
changes to this userguide necessitated by
typographical ermis, inaccuracies of current
information, or inprovements to programs and/or
equipment, may be made by Sony Ericsson Mobile
Communications AB or its local affiliated company
at any time aid Without notice Such changes will,
however, be incorporated into new editions of this
user guide
All rights weaved
©Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB,
Publication number ENILZT 162 117 R1A
Please note
Some of the servicm in this user guide are not
supported by all networls This also applies to the
GSM International Emergency Number 112
Please con tact your network operator or serVice
provider ifyou are in doubt whether you can use a
particular service or not
Please read the Guidelines for safe and efficient use
and the Limited warranty chapters before you use
your mobile phone
Your mobile phone has the capability to download,
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Any r|ghts not expressly gamed herein are
All |Ilustrat|ons are for guidance onIyand rmy not
accurately dep|ct the actual phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Getting started
Thank you for purchasing the
Sony Ericsson M610i, the 3G
messaging phone.
Before you start to use your new
phone please read the instructions in
the Getting started chapter carefully.
Instruction symbols
The following appear in the user guide:
a? Note
73 Aservice orfunction is network—
or subscription—dependent.
Contact your network operator
for details.
Additional help
The complete user documentation for
your phone consists of:
0 User guide — an overview of your
phone with the information needed
to get you started.
- Help in the phone — your phone has
built-in help. In most applications
Help is available in the More menu.
0 Web guide - an up-to-date User
guide with step-by-step instructions
and additional information on
features available in you phone. You
can access the Web guide from
your computer at If
you have an Internet connection set
up in your phone you can also
access the Web guide from the Web
browser in your phone.
To access the Web guide from your
1 From Standby select Main menu >
Multimedia > Web.
2 Select More > Bookmarks > Web
Accessing the Web guide from your
phone might involve some costs
depending on the Internet connection
used. Please contact your service
provider for more information.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
If your package does not include all
the listed items then contact your
Phone overview
2 Charger
3 Stereo headset 1 On/off button
4 Battery 2 Screen
5 USB cable 3 Dual function keyboard
6 Extra stylus 4 Memory StickWI slot
7 Documentation package 5 Shortcut button
8 CD with Sony Ericsson PC 6 Antenna connector
Suite for Smartphones 7 Indicator light
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
1 Detach the charger(if connected).
8 Sggertsesfirogor charger and 2 Open the battery cover by pressing
— slightly on the upper part and slide it
9 Microphone down the phone.
— 3 Insert the battery.
% 4 Close the cover.
11 Jog Dial
To charge the battery
12 Loudspeaker 1 Make sure the battery is inserted.
2 Connect the chargerto the phone,
13 Stylus 3 Connect the chargerto the mains.
Before using your phone fi A green indicator/ight on the base ofthe
phone is turned on during charging. If
Battery the phone is off during charging, a red
You need to charge the battery when indicator light will be tumed on.
the indicator light on the base of the
phone flashes red or when the low SIM card . .
battery message appear on the You rece|ve a SIM (Subscnber Identity
screen. Module) card when you registerwith a
network operator. The SIM card keeps
T0 ”799" the battery track of your phone number, the
services included in your subscription
and phonebook information. A PIN
code is supplied with the SIM card
and must be entered, if requested,
when you turn on your phone for the
first time.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
To insert the SIM card
1 Detach the charger (if connected).
2 Open the battery cover by pressing
slightly on the upper part and sliding it
down the phone.
3 Remove the battery it it is in place.
4 Insert the SIM card into the SIM card
5 Insert the battery
6 Close the cover.
IMEI number
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment
Identifier) is a 15—digit number. Your
operator can use the IMEI number to
enable a complete barring of your
phone if it is stolen. The number is
printed at the bottom of the battery
compartment. You can also View the
number on the phone display.
To View the IMEI number in your
° From Standby enter *#06#.
Care instructions
0 Use a moist cloth when you clean the
0 Only use the stylus provided, or your
fingertips, to tap the screen.
First time start-up
' Before you can use yourphone you need
to insert the SIM card, and insert and
charge the battery.
To switch on your phone
1 Press and hold down the On/otf
2 Select Phone on.
3 Selecta language.
4 Enter your PIN, if requested.
5 Select Done.
fi Ifyou make a mistake when you enter
your PIN code, you can delete the
number by pressing . If you enter the
Wrong PIN code three times in a row. the
SIM card is blocked. To unblock it. you
need to enter the PUK code supplied
with your SIM card.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
There are wizards available in your
phone to help you set up your phone.
0 Setup wizard — helps you to enter
some basic settings foryour phone.
The wizard starts the first time you
use your phone or you can find it in
Main menu > Control panel > Other
> Setup Wizard.
- Internet wizard - automatically
downloads settings for Internet and
MMS. The wizard starts the first
time you use your phone or you can
find it in Main menu > Control panel
> Connections > Internet wizard.
- Email wizard — an online service
which helps you to set up an email
acount in your phone. You can find
it in Ma|n menu 2 Control panel :
Messagmg : Ema|l wizard.
If your phone is locked to an operator,
Internet settings may be pre-set and the
Internet wizard will not start when you
use yourphone for the first time.
The Internet wizard and the Email Wizard
may be operatOHlependent. Contact
your operator for more information.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Getting to know the The screen
phone The screen is touch-sensitive. You can
use the stylus or your fingertips to
Turning the phone on and off se'eCt “ems-
Your phone has two modes of
ope ration:
- Phone on— full functionality.
- Flight mode - limited functionality
with network and radio functions
switched off.
You can use flight mode where mobile
phones are prohibited, such as in
hospitals and aircrafts. 5—‘La '
6 Save Edit Mime
To tum on the phone in phone mode
1 Press and hold down the On/off
button. —
2 Select phone on. 1 Status bar, containing status
To turn on the phone in flight mode
1 Press and hold down the On/off
2 Select Flight mode.
To tum off the phone
1 Press and hold down the On/off
2 Select Power off.
Status bar menu
Application title bar
Application area
Button bar
Touch options bar
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Importing phone book entries
You can import contact information in
several ways:
0 Copying phonebook entries stored
on your SIM card.
0 Transferring phonebook entries
from a computer application using
the synchronize function.
- Transferring phonebook entries
from another phone using
Bluetooth'M wireless technology.
To navigate menus and select items,
you can use the Jog Dial, Back button,
stylus, keyboard navigation keys,
touch options and your fingers.
Jog Dial
You can rotate the
Jog Dial to scroll lists
up and down, adjust
sound volume. You
can press the Jog
Dial to select a
highlighted item.
lnwards g
Back button
You can press IE to return to the
previous screen or menu or dismiss
the current dialog. You can press and
hold down E to return to Standby
or lock and unlock the keyboard from
You can tap the screen with the stylus
to navigate and select items or to pan
multimedia pictures.
Finding the applications
Standby is the starting point for
performing a variety of tasks and is
displayed Wheneveryou turn on your
phone. You can change the view of
Standby in Main menu > Control
panel > Device > Standby application
0 Activity menu — shows the Today
view and shortcuts which you can
set to to reach the applications you
use most frequently.
° None — shows an enlarged view of
the clock.
The Standby applications may be
Main menu
All the applications in your phone can
be found in Main menu. You can
select to view the applications in Main
menu in a grid ora list.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
To access applications in Main menu
Tap the shortcut 3, or if Standby
application is set to None, tap Menu.
Using the applications
To start an application
Tap the application icon or rotate the
Jog Dial to highlight it and press the
Jog Dial.
To leave an application without
closing it
Switch to anotherapplication using
the Task manager. See Task manager
on page 9.
To close an application
Press and hold [E]. All data is
Task manager
Task manager helps you switch
between applications. Leaving an
application via Task manager rather
than closing it, lets you return to the
the application in the state that you
leave it. This is useful, for example,
when cutting and pasting text from
one application to another.
To switch to another application
Tap 5 in the status bar orselect
More 2 Task manager.
Select the Recent tab.
Select the application and select
Status bar
The status bar on top of the screen
contains icons that indicate the status
of the current settings and activities.
Status bar icons
You can tap an icon to get more
information or to start an application.
Icon Function
e) 3G Available
C: Battery strength
Q Bluetooth headset connected
3 Bluetooth activated
1" Current line selection
(Alternative Line Service
available on the SIM card)
A Divert all calls notification
I Email notification
Q Flight mode
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Internet connection activated
(flashes when data is
Keylock activated
Missed caII notification
MMS notification
Muted microphone
Predictive text activated
Ring volume set to zero
Signal strength in phone
mode, GPRS available
Silent mode
SMS notification
SMS overflow
Speakerphone activated
Status bar menu
Task manager
Voicemail notification
Wireless LAN activated and
l Wireless LAN activated but
not connected
Status bar menu
You can use the status bar menu to
quickly access extra settings:
0 New call, SMS, MMS and more
0 Connections
0 Volume
0 Time
0 Keylock
To access the Status bar menu
Tap v in the status bar.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Main menu overview
0 Multimedia J‘ Control panel ‘* Entertainment
Web Call semngs Music player
More applications Con necuons FM radio
RSS feds Dev|ce Video
PlayNow‘"I Meesagmg Onllne media
Picture wllery Secunty MusthJ'"|
Other Sound recorder
Vuay Smgh Pro Go" 30
P t c
0] Phone Messaging 3° Calendar
Phone Call vo|ce ma||
Call log Create new message
Speed contacts Inbox
3’ Office 0 Contacts n Tools'
Quiclmffioe F|le manage
Pdf+ Connections mgr
Notes Remote sync
Tasks Calculator
* Some menus are operator», network» and subscription-dependent.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Dua| function keyboard 2 Press the edge of the Memory Stick
Each key has several characters and |nwards and then release “-
symbols. The characters are located Do not remove a Memory Stickduring
on the lower part Of the key. file transfer This may cause the phone to
_ _ hang or it can corrupt the file system on
General functlonallty the Memory Stick.
The characters are accessed by
pressing the left or right side of the Connecting accessories
key. By pressing you access the
characters or sym- -|s on the top of
the key.
Functionality in Standby
In Standby the keyboard is in number
entry mode.
Memory Stick MicroTM (M2TM)
A Memory Stick can be used as extra
storage space for pictures. music.
applications, and so forth. You can
rename and format a Memory Stick.
You can also transfer data to and from To connect an accessory
a Memory St'Ck- 0 Connect the accessory to the base of
To insert a Memory Stick your phone.
1 Open the cover. v; Tilt the plug upwards when you
2 Insert the Memory disconnect the accessory.
Stick in the slot.
Ke lock
To remove a mfi y
Memory Stick To lock the keyboard
1 Open the cover. 1 From Standby press 5].
2 Select Lock keys.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
To unlock the keyboard
1 From Standby press E-
2 Select Unlock.
? From Standby you can press and hold
[1] to lock or unlock the keyboard.
For more information about phone
locks, see Control panel in the Web
To set the ear speaker volume during
a phone call
- Rotate the Jog Dial.
To set the multimedia volume
1 Select V > Volume > Multimedia.
2 Rotate the Jog Dial.
To set the volume for ringtone, alarm
and message alerts
1 Select V Volume.
2 Select the corresponding slider.
3 Rotate the Jog Dial.
To set the phone to silent
1 Select V > Volume.
2 Mark the Silent mode check box.
fi From Standby you can press and hold
to switch silent mode on or off.
Transfer sound
During an ongoing call or when
listening to, for example, Music player
you can transfer the sound to a
connected accessory. For example,
you can transfer sound from the
speaker to a Bluetooth headset.
To transfer sound
Select V : Volume.
Select More : Transfer sound.
Update software
When an improved software version
for your phone is introduced, you can
update your phone using the Sony
Ericsson Update Service on The
Web page has further instructions and
will guide you through the process,
Text entry
Text can be entered in several
different ways. The dual function
keyboard works as a standard
keyboard. The on»screen keyboard
appears when tapping Q]. You can
also use the stylus to write directly on
the screen when in handwriting
recognition mode.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Dual function keyboard
If there are additional characters
associated with the pressed
character, these will be shown in the
pre—edit box at top of the screen.
To use the dual function keyboard
Press the keys below the screen.
On-screen keyboard
The on-screen keyboard enables you
to tap the characters and symbols
with the stylus. The on—screen
keyboard can be set to different
To use the on—screen keyboard
Tap the on—screen keyboard symbol
[E located in the status bar.
To change language of the on-screen
Select v ‘> Setup to change the
language of the on—screen keyboard.
Handwriting recognition
Handwriting recognition translates
stylus gestures into letters, numbers
or other characters, and displays
these characters as text. Handwriting
recognition is only active in places
where text can be entered.
To write with the stylus
0 Write directly on the screen with the
To write letters
0 Write lowercase letters below the
arrow and uppercase letters in line
with the arrow.
HaaAAthN I\
HMS]? Boo I4
mddDD Elf-m: IL!
Bee Irma I&&
IvPVZ-fl 58 m
1319969“;th I7
Ila-Ml EIULU "77
fl l I'V’U’ .l_‘
[15633qu I»—
I‘kzu IV? I—
'll} L I9 3’ If
Itmm 521}
fi Start each stroke at the dotted end.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
To write numbers
- Write numbers above the arrow.
x’ I-—~
/ EN
\ I—-
t It—
To write accented letters
1 Write the basic letter.
2 Write the accent above the arrow to
form the accented letter,
H\ BAH..01\
H/ EN EoIv
Precictive text
You can use text prediction in all text
entry methods. The primary word or
next word suggestion is presented
where you are writing, additional
suggestions are presented in a pre-
edit box at the top of the screen.
To turn predictive text on
Select More 2 Text opt|ons.
Mark the checkbox to enable
enhanced text prediction in the status
To change 1st and 2nd dictionary
languages for text prediction
Select More > Text options and mark
the Predictive text checkbox.
Select tst language or 2nd language.
Select language in the list.
Select Save.
Edit text
In the More menu you will find text
editing functions like copying, cutting
and pasting.
y; Some text editing functions are available
only when the text is highlighted.
To highlight the text with the stylus
Hold the stylus at the end of the text
for a short While then drag the stylus
across the text.
Text options
You can build your own dictionary
using My words, add symbols and
change text options in the More menu.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
To add words to My words dictionary
Select More > Text options > My
Select Add.
Write the new word with the stylus.
Select Done then select Save.
To add a symbol
Select More 2 Text options 2 Add
symbol to launch the symbols and
punctuation marks table.
Tap the symbol you want to add.
To switch auto capitalization on
Select More > Text options.
Markthe checkbox to switch auto
capitalization on.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Network coverage
To make or receive a phone call your
phone must be within range of a
Home network
When you turn your phone on, it
automatically selects your home
network ifwithin range.
If your home network is not Within
range, you may use another network
that is accepted by your operator. This
is called roaming.
Network settings
You can set how your phone should
choose an available network when you
are outside the operator’s coverage
area. From standby you find the
settings in Main menu > Control panel
> Connections > Mobile networks.
Making a call
To make a call from standby
Enter a phone number (including the
area number) from the keyboard and
select Call.
To make an international call
From standby, press and hold T to
get the international call prefix.
Enterthe country/region code, area
code (without the first zero) and phone
Select Call.
To delete characters when dialling
When entering a number you can
delete characters by pressing E .
Hide or show your phone number
When calling, you can choose in the
More menu whether to show or hide
your phone number to the called
Speed dial
You can save up to nine of your
contacts as Speed contacs. This
means that you can call them using
abbreviated numbers (numbers 1 — 9).
To set a speed contact (number)
From standby select Marn menu :
Phone 2 Speed contacts.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Scroll to an empty position and press
the Jog Dial.
Select a contact in the list and select
To make a call to a speed contact
From standby press one of the keys 1
to 9 that corresponds to the stored
speed contact.
Select Call.
To make an emergency call
From standby, enter the emergency
number on the keyboard.
Select Call.
Local SOS numbers
When dialling, you can find local SOS
numbers in the More menu.
Usual/y no SIM card or P/N code is
required for emergency calls, but this
can be operator—dependant. Contact
your operator br more information.
Receiving a call
To answer a call the normal way
Select Yes and start speaking.
To reject a call with busy tone
When you get a call, select No.
Reject a call with SMS
If you enable this feature, you Will be
asked every time you reject a call if
you want to send a pre—defined SMS
text message to the caller. From
standby you can enable this feature in
Main menu > Control panel > Call
settings > Reject with SMS.
Reject a call and set a reminder
If you enable this feature, you will be
asked every time you reject a call if
you want to set a reminder to follow it
upp later. From standby you can
enable this feature in Main menu >
Control panel > Call settings > Flag
To enable the speakerphone
During a call, select More
Speakerphone on.
To mute the microphone (shortcut)
Whemu have answered, press and
hold a .
To un-mute the microphone
0 Men the microphone is muted, press
a .
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Handling two or more calls
You can handle multiple calls at the
same time:
0 Put an ongoing call on hold and
start a new one, or answer an
incoming call.
- Start a conference call during an
ogoing call (operator—dependent).
- Extract one party in a conference
call fora private talk and put the
conference on hold.
- Retrieve a held call, or end it.
Conference call
You can start a conference call if you
have one active call and one on hold.
The maximum number of conference
parties is five.
To make a conference call
Make a call and select Hold.
Repeat the above step for the desired
number of parties.
Select More > Start conference call.
Call log
You can find call information, such as
the type of call, time, date, phone
number and call length, in Main menu
> Phone : Call log. You can also
make a call or a call note directly from
this application.
If you connect a handsfree ora
BluetoothTM headset to your phone,
you need to set how to answer an
incoming call in Main menu > Control
panel > Call settings > Handsfree.
More features
Some other features that your phone
also can handle are:
° Accept calls — caller filter.
° Add to contacts — add contact data
from the last call.
0 ALS — line settings, if your SIM card
supports two lines.
0 Call meter — service to keep track of
the call costs.
- Calling cards — calling via a calling
card server.
0 Call waiting — call waiting alert
° Divert calls — divert calls option.
0 Fixed numbers — only special
numbers can be called.
0 My number — option to save your
own number.
0 Restrict calls — options to set
roaming and international call
0 'I'I'Y Accessory — use of a teletype
° Voicemail — “answering machine”.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
- Voice control — you can call and
answer with voice commands.
fi Many of these features are operator-
dependent and may not be available. For
more information about these, and other
features, see Phone, Contacts and
Control panel in the Web guide.
Using contacts
To make a call using Contacts
From standby select Main menu >
Contacts and scroll to the desired
Press the Jog Dial to open the entry.
Scroll to the desired phone number
and press the Jog Dial.
To find service numbers on the SIM
From standby select Main menu :
Contacts > More > View folder > SIM
> More > Sen/ice numbers.
Creating contacts
To create a new contact
From standby select Main menu >
Contacts > More 2 New contact.
You can enter contact data on four
Select Save to store the data.
If you save your contacts’ phone
numbers in the international number
format, starting with +, you can call
directly from Contacts when you are
Editing contacts
To add a field to a contact
From standby select Main menu >
Scroll to the desired contact and press
the Jog Dial.
Select More > Edit contact.
Select More > Add field > mark a field
> Add.
To edit a contact on the SIM card
From standby select Main menu >
Contacts > More > View folder > SIM.
Scroll to a contact and press the Jog
Select More > Edit contact.
To add a stored picture to a contact
From standby select Main menu >
Contacts > select a contact.
Select More : Edit contact.
Scroll to the Picture field and press
the Jog Dial.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Choose Select and scroll to a picture
you want to add.
Choose Select > Save > Save.
To add a personal ringtone to a
From standby select Main menu >
Contacts and scroll to the desired
Press the Jog Dial to open the entry.
Select the audio tab J] .
Selectthe ringtone drop—down menu >
select Find sound.
Scroll to the sound you want to add.
Choose Select > More > Save.
Managing contacts
To copy a contact to another folder
From standby select Main menu >
Contacts > scroll to a contact > More
> Add to > select desired folder.
To delete a contact
From standby select Main menu >
Contacts > scroll to a contact > More
> Delete.
To copy contacts to the SIM card
From standby select Main menu >
Mark the desired entries in Contacts.
Select More ; Add to > SIM.
To copy contacts from the SIM card
From standby select Main menu >
Contacts > More > View folder > SIM
to open the SIM card.
Mark the desired entries.
Select More > Copy to contacts.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Before you use Messaging
Before you can send or receive any
messages (except for SMS text
messages) you need to set up the
necessary accounts. You can use the
Internet and Email wizards provided in
the phone to download settings or do
this manually. See the Help in the
phone orthe Setting up Internet, email
and MMS chapter in the Web guide.
You can create, send, and receive
different types of messages:
SMS (Short Message Service)
- text messages.
1 MMS (Multimedia Message
Service) — can include text,
pictures and sound.
Email messages.
Beamed messages via
You can also receive:
Q Auto setup files for
configuring Internet, email
and MMS
[9 Area information messages
such as local road reports.
The different types of messages are
handled by different accounts. The
default account, Messages, handles
all messages except email messages.
Email messages are handled by email
accounts you create yourself. All
accounts consist of a number of
folders. You can switch between
folders by selecting the arrow icon
beside the folder name:
0 Inbox in Messages — contains all
received messages except email
messages. In Control panel >
Device > Sound & alerts >
Message alerts you can set how
you will be notified when a message
is received.
- Inbox in an email account —
contains the received email
messages for that particular
account. .
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
- Outbox — contains messages ready
to be sent.
- Drafts — contains messages that are
not ready to be sent. When you are
creating a message, and exit the
message before sending it, you will
be asked if you want to save it. If
you select Yes, the message will
automatically be stored in this
- Sent — contains sent messages.
- SIM — a folder located on your SIM
A message can contain up to 160
characters. Longer messages will be
sent as two or more separate
messages (concatenated), but will
usually be received as one message.
You can add smileys, pictures and
sounds to your messages.
To create and send an SMS
1 From Standby select [2 or Main
menu > Messaging.
2 Select Create > SMS.
3 Highlight To: and write the telephone
number of the recipient or select To:
> Select contact and browse to your
4 Write the message and select Send.
Multimedia messages can include
pictures, video clips, animations and
sound, organized like a slide
presentation with time—based control
of playback.
If the sending or rece'wing of
messages is interrupted, the sending
or receiving will resume when it is
possible, without losing information.
Before you use MMS
Before you can send and receive
multimedia messages you need to
download MMS settings. You can use
the Internet Wizard available in the
phone in Main menu > Control panel
: Connect|ons > Internet W|Zard or, if
your operator is not supported by this
wizard, do this manually. See the Help
in the phone or Setting up Internet,
email and MMS chapter in the Web
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
An overview of MMS
U 7
1 [a] mammpmg
\ Flame
2 \ Text
3 wfl Record sound
1 Menu options. You can select
a template or what you want
to add to the message, for
example a picture orsound. (If
the menu is not open, select
2 Entry field (on the detail ta b)
where you can create your
3 Playback buttons.
4 New page icon.
5 Time view icon. Opens a view
where you can adjust when
and for how long your added
items will be shown.
6 Attachments tab. The tab is
only visible if Creatlon mode
in Main Menu > Control panel
> Messaging > MMS
accounts > More >
Advanced settings is set to
Free orWaming.)
7 Address tab forthe recipient
and other details.
To create and send an MMS
From Standby select 2] or Main
menu > Messaging.
Select Create > MMS.
Write the message.
Select "" and fill in the recipient’s
details. To send a message to several
recipients. type a comma between
each address.
Select Done.
Select More 2 Send.
To read an MMS
Select the new message.
v The first time you open the message it
plays automatically. After that, you have
to use the playback buttons to play it.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Before you use email
To use email you require an Internet
account and to download the
necessary email settings.You can use
the Email wizard available in the phone
under Main menu >Tools > Control
panel > Messagmg 2 Email Wizard or,
if youroperator is not supported by
this wizard, do this manually. See the
Help in the phone or Setting up
Internet, email and MMS chapter in
the Web guide.
Sending email messages
You can create email messages from
each email account.
To create and send an email
1 From Standby select L/ or Main
menu 2 Messagmg S your email
2 Select New.
3 Highlight To: and write the telephone
number of the recipient or select To:
> Select contact and browse to your
contact. To send a message to several
recipients, type a comma between
each address.
4 Select Subject: and enter details.
5 Write your message and select Done.
6 Select Send. You will have the option
to send the message immediately, or
to save it to Outbox.
Receiving email
Email messages are downloaded from
the email server on the Internet or at
your office. You can download your
email manually or set when your
phone should check for new email.
To download email messages
0 From Standby select M or Main
menu > Messaging > your email
account > More s Get & send.
To download messages
1 From Standby select Ma|n menu 2
Control panel : Messagmg 2 Ema|l
2 Select your ema|l account > More \,
Scheduled download.
3 Mark the Schedule download
checkbox and enterthe times when
you would like to download email
4 Select Save.
For IMAP accounts you can also
select Push email and have new
emails pushed to your phone.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
To forward an email message
From your ema|l account in
Messaging scroll to the message you
Wish to fonivard.
Select More > Fonward.
Large attachments increase the size of
an email and the connection time
needed to send it. It is possible to
choose whether to forward the
Viewing messages
You can choose not to receive large
messages and only to receive a
To download headers
From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Messaging > > Email
accounts > your email account.
Select the Inbox tab.
Select Just headers from Download
Select Save.
To fit the text to the Width of the
From Standby select M or Main
menu > Messag|ng ; your email
2 Scroll to and select a message and
select More ; Settmgs > Always f|t
Viewing attachments
To view an attachment you need a
viewer for that type of file. Your phone
comes with pre»insta||ed viewers for
Microsoft® Word®, Excel®,
PowerPoint®. and Adobe® Acrobat®
More about Messaging
Deleting email
You can delete a message both locally
and on your email server. When you
delete it locally, the message body
and attachments are deleted but the
heading remains. You can download
the message again Iaterwith the Get &
send option. When you delete the
message on your server, it is deleted
both in your phone and on your server.
To find a message
1 From Standby select 2] or Main
menu > Messaging.
2 Select More > Find message to
search through the subject lines.
sender details and the text of the
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
In an open message, Find searches
through the message.
Saving contact details
When you receive a message, you can
save the contact details of the person
who sent the message.
To save a recipient's contact details
Select the sender's name or email
address in the details tab or From: in
the address tab. Select Add to
Disconnecting from the Internet
If your phone is already connected to
the Internet when you send an email
message or an MMS message it
remains connected after sending.
To disconnect from the Internet
Select the connection icon, for
example 0, in the status bar.
In Connections manager, tick the
checkbox for your connection.
Select Close.
If you rece'we an invitation to an
appointment via an email message,
and you accept, your calendar will be
updated automatically. You can also
reply to and forward an invitation.
Push email
You can install a push email
application on your phone. With push
email, email messages received in
your ordinary mailbox will
automatically be sent to your phone.
You can send messages from your
phone, and also use Calendar and
Contacts as if you were using the
ordinary email application in your
computer. Please consult your email
service provider for further details.
To set Push email
1 From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Messaging > Email
accounts > your email account.
2 Select the Basic tab.
3 Select IMAP Connection type:.
4 Mark the Push email checkbox.
5 In Email accounts select More :
Always On push email.
6 Mark the Always On checkbox.
7 Select Save.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Picture gallery
In Picture gallery you can View, send
and use pictures saved in your phone
or on a Memory Stick.
To use a picture
From standby select Main menu >
Multimedia > Picture gallery.
Select a picture.
Select More > Use as.
Select an option.
To show pictures as slide show
From standby select Main menu >
Multimedia > Picture gallery.
Browse to the folder containing the
Select More > Slideshow : Slideshow
settings to, for example, set transition
effects and add a soundtrack.
Select More > Slideshow > Start
Remote screen
You can use a compatible BluetoothTM
accessory to View pictures on a
remote screen such as a TV. For a list
of compatible accessories go to
To send pictures to a remote screen
From standby select Main menu >
Multimedia > Picture gallery.
Select More > Use as and mark
Remote screen.
Select the Bluetooth‘"I accessory from
the list.
Open a picture. It will automatically be
sent to the remote screen.
Picture editor
Using Picture editor, you can crop,
rotate and resize images. You can add
layers with clipart and frames. There
are tools for drawing on the image
using the stylus, as well as a text tool
for formatting and inserting text into
the image. There are also filters for
effects and picture correction.
To edit a picture
From standby select Main menu s
Multimedia > Picture gallery.
Select a picture.
Select More > Edit picture.
Select More > Help to read more
about the features and how to use
When you insert a picture in an MMS
message you can open Picture editor
from there.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
PlayNowTM is an entertainment
download service. You can preview
music before purchase.
This service is network- or operator-
dependent. Contact your network
operator for information about your
subscription and PlayNowT M.
This service is not available in all
Before you use PIayNowTM
To use PIayNowTM you need an
Internet connection. See the Setting
up Internet, email and MMS chapter in
the Web guide.
Previewing content
When you select content from
PlayNowW' a preview sample is
automatically downloaded and played.
To preview PlayNowTM content
From Standby select Main menu >
Multimedia > PlayNowW.
Select the song you wish to preview.
Purchasing content
When purchasing content from
PlayNow‘M, your phone bill or prepay
card will be debited the amount
specified in the Purchase dialog. A
text message is sent to you to confirm
To purchase PlayNowWI content
When you have previewed a song,
select Yes in the Purchase dialog.
FM radio
To listen to the radio you need to
insert the handsfree, since the radio
uses the handsfree cable as antenna.
However, you can still listen to the
sound through the speaker.
To listen to the radio
Connect the handsfree to the phone.
2 From Standby select Main menu 2
Entertainment : FM l’thlO.
To automatically find and store radio
Select Maln menu > Entertalnment >
FM radio > More > Auto store.
To transfer the sound to the speaker
When FM radio is open tap @ and
select Speaker.
To minimize the radio
When FM radio is open select
Minimize. The radio will continue
playing in the background.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
To return to the radio
Tap Q in the status bar.
Tuning and memory presets
To search for radio channels
When FM radio is open tap << or >>.
To tune manually
When FM radio is open select More >
Set frequency.
Enterthe frequency using the keys, or
tune using the Jog Dial.
You can also tap and hold < or
change the frequency in 0.1 MHz
To store a memory preset
When FM radio is open tune to the
desired channel and select More >
Select a preset number between 1 and
20 and press Insert.
To recall a memory preset
When FM radio is open select Presets.
Scroll to the desired channel and
press the Jog Dial.
fi You can use presets 1 to 10 by pressing
[21—4 to Wand @ . Press and hold to
store, press briefly to recall.
The RDS functionality lets you set the
radio to automatically switch to a
channel when it is broadcasting a
Traffic announcement, fi, or News
announcement, fl TheTadio can
also re—tune to tiflltemative
frequency Ethat gives the best
reception for the station you have
To access RDS (Radio Data System)
settings @
When FM radio is open select More >
Settings > RDS options.
To use Track/DTM you must have an
Internet account. See the Setting up
Internet. email and MMS chapter in the
Web guide.
You can use TrackID‘"I to find out the
name of a song. The phone records a
short sample of the music and sends
the information to the TrackID'M
database. If a match is found you will
see the name of the artist, the album
and the title of the song after a few
seconds. The TrackID'M service is
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
free, but your service provider may
charge forthe data traffic.
This service is network- or operator-
dependent. Contact your network
operator for information about your
subscription, TracldDW' and costs.
To identify a song on the radio
When the radio is open. select More :
To identify a song with the Sound
From Standby select Main menu >
Entertainment > Sound recorder.
Hold the phone close to the sound
source and select TrackIDTM.
Music player
The first time you open Music player,
or when you have transferred new
tracks to the phone, you need to
perform an update for the tracks to
appear in Music player.
To scan your phone and Memory
Stick for music
From Standby select Main menu >
Entertainment > Musm player : More
: Update musm.
To play music
From Standby select Main menu \,
Entertainment > Music player.
Browse for a track by Album, Artist or
Scroll to the desired track and press
the Jog Dial.
Playback controls
TBD Play
TBD Pause
TBD Stop
TBD Skip to previous track
TBD Skip to next track
TBD Loop the current collection
TBD Open the Equalizer
To adjust the volume
Rotate the Jog Dial.
When you are not in playback view. for
example, when the Music player is
minimized, tap V and select Volume.
To minimize the Music player
When the Music player is open select
More : Minimize. The music will
continue to play. To return to the
Music player, tap J] in the status bar.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
A playlist describes which tracks to
play and in which order. The playlist
only contains links to the tracks, so
when you remove tracks from the
playlist, the actual sound files are not
To create a playlist
From Standby select Main menu :
Entertainment : Mu3|c player :
Playlists > New playlist,
To add songs to a playlist
Select one ore more tracks.
Select More > Manage > Add to
To set Music player preferences
From Standby select Main menu :
Media player > Musm player : More
> Settings > Preferences.
Select Help to read more about the
different options.
With Video, you can watch clips
stored on your phone as well as
streaming content from the Internet.
To play a video clip
From Standby select Main menu S
Entertainment > Video.
Navigate to the clip you want to
Press the Jog Dial.
To play streaming video
From Standby select Main menu 2
Entertainment : Video 2 More :
Manage : Open URL.
Enter the address to the streaming
Select Open.
To watch streaming video you need an
Internet connection. See the Setting up
Internet, email and MMS chapter in the
Web guide.
Playback controls
To move within a video clip
Tap on the progress bar.
To switch to full screen view
Tap the screen in the video playback
You can set a bookmark in a video
clip, and resume viewing from that
position at a later time.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
To set a bookmark
° From playback view, select More :
Bookmark > Save posmon.
To resume playback from a
1 Select a video clip.
2 Select Resume.
RSS feeds
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds
allow you to see when Web sites have
added new content. You can get, for
example, the latest headlines without
having to visit the Web site.
' To use RSS feeds you need an Internet
connection. See the Setting up Internet,
email and MMS chapter in the Web
You can add feeds directly in the RSS
reader. An easier way, however, is to
add feeds from within the Web
To subscribe to an RSS feed
1 From Standby select Main menu >
Multimedia > RSS Feeds > More >
Add feed.
2 Enter the address to the feed.
3 Select a folder to add the feed to.
To subscribe to an RSS feed from the
Web browser
From Standby select Maln menu >
Multimedia > Web.
Navigate to a page that contains RSS
Select More > Current page > RSS
Select a feed and which folder to add
it to.
To view an RSS feed
From Standby select Maln menu >
Multimedia > RSS Feeds.
Select a feed and select Open.
The web browser supports both
frames and JavaScript'M. You can
switch between portrait and
landscape view, and change from
normal to full screen presentation.
To use Web you need an Internet
connection. See the Setting up Internet,
email and MMS chapter in the Web
To start the web browser
From Standby select Main menu >
Multimedia : Web.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
All navigation commands and settings
are available from the More menu. The
most common operations are also
available as keyboard shortcuts.
E and then one of the
following keys to:
Open a web page
Open the bookmarks list
Close the current page
Go to the homepage
Switch between loading and
not loading pictures
Switch between normal and
Full screen display
Switch to the next page
Open the Configuration menu
Add a bookmark for the
current page
Find (on the Internet or on the
current page)
Go to the top or bottom of the
Stop or Reload the current
To switch to landscape view
. Select More > Settrngs and markthe
Landscape checkbox.
To exit landscape View
0 Tap E], select Settings and unmark
the Landscape checkbox.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
BluetoothTM wireless
To turn on BluetoothTM connection
1 From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel Connections >
2 Select the Settings tab //settlngs tab
icon// and mark the Bluetooth on
check box.
For all tasks, except for a single file
transfer, it is necessary to set up a
permanent and tmsted relationship
between your phone and the other
device. This is called pairing (or
To pair with another BluetoothTM
1 From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Connections >
2 Select the Devices tab //Device tab
icon// > New device.
3 Select the device in the list.
4 If you are asked to, enter the
passcode (also called passkey).
Wireless LAN (WLAN)
You can use the WLAN function in
your phone to access the Internet it
you are within range of a WLAN
network. The type of WLAN network
will decide what type of WLAN
account your phone will use.
WLAN network types
0 Hot spot — a temporary account is
automatically created.
° Not configured network —the network
is un—known to your phone. You will
be prompted to set up an account.
0 Configured network — an account that
you have previously set up will be
To activate your phone for WLAN
1 From Standby select Main menu :
Control panel : Connections sWLAN.
2 Select More 2 Enable WLAN.
ii, In France you are you are onlyallowed to
use WLAN indoors.
To search for available WLAN
1 From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Connections ;
2 Select Scan.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Available WLAN networks
Networks found when scanning are
listed with icons indicating network
quality and type:
Am Quality indicator
A’ Your phone has an account
for this configured network
E] A secure network, requiring
encryption key(s) for access.
To set up a WLAN account
1 From Standby select Control panel >
Connections > WLAN.
2 Select More > New account.
3 Enter required setup data and save.
For more information about WLAN and
account setup, see WG ref. and Help
Connections manager
Connections manager lets you view
and close all open Internet
connections. You can also view and
reset logs for both open and closed
To open connections manager
' From Standby select Mam menu
2Tools > Connectmns mgr.
To reset logs
From Standby select Main menu >
Tools ) Connect|ons mgr.
Select the log you want to reset.
Select More > Reset log.
Connecting to other devices
You can exchange information
between your phone and another
device using a Bluetooth device or a
USB cable. You can:
° Send afile.
0 Use a Bluetooth headset in a phone
0 Synchronize calendar events and
contacts with your computer.
0 Back up phone data to a computer.
0 Use your phone as a computer
Transfer files using the USB
With the USB cable you can transfer
files between your phone and a
File transfer
With the file transfer mode you can
drag and drop files between the phone
and the computer in Microsoft
Windows Explorer. You can also use
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
the Sony Disc2Phone and Adobe
Photoshop Album SE computer
applications to transfer music and
image files. These applications can
only be used when the phone is set
into file transfer mode. The
applications are available on the CD
that comes with your phone or can be
downloaded from
www,sonyericsson, com/support.
£2 Do not remove the USB cable from the
phone or computerduring file transfer as
this may cause a loss of your data.
To use the file transfer mode
Connect the USB cable to the phone
and the computer.
Phone: Select File transfer.
Computer: Wait until your phone
memory and memory card, if inserted,
appear as external disks in Windows
Use Windows Explorer, Sony
Disc2Phone or Adobe Photoshop
Album Starter Edition to transfer files.
To disconnect the USB cable safely
using file transfer mode
Computer: Right—click on the
removable disk icon in Windows
Computer: Select Eject.
3 Remove the USB cable from your
Phone mode
With the phone mode you can
synchronize contacts and calendar,
transfer files, use the phone as
modem and more from your
computer. Applications supported in
phone mode are:
0 Synchronization
° File manager
° Mobile Networking Wizard
For other applications, use the file
transfer mode.
fi Install the Sony Ericsson PC Suite for
Smartphones on the computer, before
connecting the USB cable to the
computer: The software is included on
the CD that comes with your phone or
visi t www.
To use the phone mode
1 Computer: Install the Sony Ericsson
PC Suite for Smartphones before
connecting the USB cable to the
2 Computer: Start PC Suite for
3 Connect the USB Cable to the phone
and the computer.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
4 Phone: Select Phone mode.
5 Computer. Wait while Windows install
the required drivers.
fi All applications that you can use with
your connected phone are found in the
Sony Ericsson PC Suite for
Computer modem
Through the Sony Ericsson PC Suite
for Smartphones, a computer can use
your phone as a modem for
connecting to the Internet.
PC Suite
The Sony Ericsson PC Suite for
Smartphones is a set of computer
software tools delivered with your
phone on a CD. With these tools you
can synchronize your mobile phone
with a computerand make backups of
your phone data to a computer.
You can update and install new
software and languages in your
phone. You can connect a computer
to the Internet through the phone
using your phone as a modem. You
can also manage phone files from a
computer and exchange files between
the phone and the computer.
Synchronization and backup
To synchronize your phone using the
PC suite for Smartphones
Connect your phone to the computer
with the USB cable.
Phone: Select Phone mode on the
Computer: Select Start/Programs/
Sony Ericsson/Sony Ericsson PC Suite
for Smartphones. The application
Wait until your phone is connected.
Computer: Click Synchronise now.
Wap push
To set up your phone to handle
incoming Wap push messages
From Standby select Ma|n menu :
Control panel : Messagmg : WAP
Select Automatically to receive Wap
push service loading messages
without being prompted.
Certificate manager and Java
Digital certificates are used to verify
the origin of the Web pages you visit
or any software you install.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
To View userand CA certificates in
0 From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Security > Certificate
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
More features
Managing files and
File manager
With File manager you can view,
rename, copy, move and delete files
and folders on the phone memory and
on Memory Sticks. The File manager
view is displayed in two tabs. EU tab
for the phone memory and Entab for
the Memory Stick
To open File manager
From Standby select Main menu >
Tools > File manager.
Protected files
Downloaded or received files may be
copyright-protected, Copyright-
protection may prevent content from
being copied, modified or transferred.
If a file is copyright protected, or if a
license has expired or is unavailable,
Q is displayed next to the file name.
Format disk
Memory Sticks are normally formatted
the first time they are inserted in the
To format a Memory Stick
From Standby select Marn menu S
Tools > File manager > More >
Device > Format Memory Stick >
fi All information on the Memory Stick will
be deleted during formatting.
fi Do not remove a Memory Stick during
Installing applications
To install an application
1 From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Other > Install.
2 Select the application and select
Details to view information about the
3 If the certificate details are OK, select
Install and follow the instructions in
the phone. The application will be
installed in Tools folder.
fi Install applications and other content
you use often, for example, ringtones in
the phone memory. The Memory Stick is
sometimes unavailable when the phone
is connected to a computer.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
In Main menu > Multimedia > More
applications you will find links to
additional applications for your phone.
Some of them are free of charge or free
to try out.
To remove an application
1 From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Other > Uninstall.
2 Select then application and select
Master reset
fl All user data, as well as preinstalled
media files finduding, for example,
backgrounds, ringtones and pictures),
will be deleted and factory settings
fi If you back up your user data using the
Sony Ericsson PC Suite for
Smartphones, you can restore it after the
master reset.
To reset the phone
1 From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Other > Master reset.
2 If you want to keep installed
applications, unmark Delete user
installed appl|cat|ons.
3 Select Delete.
4 Select Yes.
5 Enterthe phone lock code and select
Shortcut button
The shortcut button opens the phone
browser. It can also be set to open:
0 Internet
Main menu
Music player
Sound reorder
Task manager
To personalize the shortcut button
- From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Device > Shortcut
Power save
To save power, you can set the
display to go blank aftera period of
To enable power save
1 From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Device > Backlight.
2 Select Help to read more about the
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Screen saver
You can use a picture, or several
pictures in a slideshow, as screen
To set a screen saver
From Standby select Main menu >
Control panel > Device > Screen
Select Help to read more about the
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Important information
Sony Ericsson Consumer Web site
there is a support section where help
and tips are only a few clicks away.
Here you will find the latest computer
software updates and tips on how to
use your product more efficiently,
Service and support
From now on you erI have aocess to a portfolio of
exclus|ve servlce advantages such as
0 Global and local websrtes prov|d|ng support
0 A global network of Call Centers
0 An extenswe network of Sony Encsson serv|ce
A warranty period Learn more about the warranty
cond|t|ons in this user guide
On www sonyericsson oom, under the support
sect|on in the Iaiguage of your cho|ce, you win lind
Country Phone number
Argen ttna 800—333—7427
Austraha 1—300 650 050
Austna 0810 200245
Belg|um 02—7451611
Braz|l 4001 —0444
Canada 1—866—766—9374
Central Alrica +27 1 12589023
Chlle 123—0020—0656
Chlna 4008100000
Colombia 18019122135
Croatta 062 000 000
Czech Republic 844 550 055
Denmark 3331 28 28
F|nland “3—299 2000
the latest support tools and rnlormalron, such 5
software updates Knowledge base, phone setup
and add|t|onal help when you require"
For operator—specmc servicesand leatures, please
contact your network operator for rmre
You can also contact our Call Genes, See the
phone number for the neaer Call Center m the I|st
below Ifyour country/regon is not represented m
the I|st, please contact your local dealer (The
phone numbers below were correct at the “me of
going to print. On www sonyerrcsson com you can
always find the latest updates
In the unlikely event that your prode needs
service please contact thedealer lrorn whom it was
purchased or one of our service partners Save
your or|g|nal proofof purchase, you erI need |t |f
you need to cla|m warranty,
For a call to one of our Call Centers you vvrll be
charged accord|ng to national rates, includmg local
taxes, unless the phone number is a toll—tree
n umber,
Email address
questions.AFl@supportsonyerrcsson oom
quest|ons AU@support sonyerrcsson corn
quest|ons AT@support sonyerlcsson corn
quest|ons BE@support sonyericssoncorn
quest|ons BR@support sonyericssonoom
quest|ons CA@support sonyericssonoom
quest|ons CF@su pport sonyericssonoom
quest|ons CL@support sonyericsson oom
quest|ons CN@support sonyericsson oom
questrons.CO@supportsonyerrcsson com
questions.HFl@support sonyerrcsson com
questions.CZ@support sonyerrcsson oom
questions DK@support sonyerrcsson corn
quest|ons Fl@support sonyerlcsson corn
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Hong Kong
L| (hum-a
New Zedmd
South Africa
Un| led Arab Emrales
United ngdom
Unned SIaIw
0 825 383 383
0180 534 2020
210—8991 919 (from mob|le)
8203 8863
+36 1 880 4747
1800 11 1800 (toll free number)
39011111 (from mob|le phone)
1&0 545 888
06 48895206
8 700 55030
001 —95—888—821—8408
“300 899 8318
815 00 840
111 22 55 73
questions.FR@supporl sonyencsson com
quefitions DE@suppov| sonyencsson 00m
quesnons GFll@5uppor| sonyeflcsson com
quesuons HK@suppor|,sonyericss(m,cmn
quesnnns HUfisuppnn mnyermqm mm
quesuons IN@suppor| myericssmoom
queeuons ID@suppon sonyericsson oom
quecnons IE@suppon smyencsson oom
questions.IT@suppovl sonyemsson com
questions.LT@suppovl sonyencsson com
questions.MY@suppon.sonyemsson com
quesnons MX@5uppor| sonyeucssm com
quesnons NL@suppor| sonyericssm com
queeuons NZ@suppor| sonyericsamuxn
queeuons NO@suppor|,sonyericss
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