Sony SVJ202A11L TABLET DEVICE User Manual H Hale1 ls
Sony Corporation TABLET DEVICE H Hale1 ls
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- 1. User Manual 1
- 2. User Manual 2
User Manual 2
Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Re a d T his First How to Use Congratulations on your purchase of this VAIO(R) computer. Pa rt s De sc ript ion About your V AI O c om put e r’s c onfigura t ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings To find out about the configuration of your VAIO computer, visit the Sony online support website. [Details] Some features, options, and supplied items may not be available on your VAIO computer. Fe a t ure s Available features vary depending on the model or options you selected. Not all features described in this manual are available depending on your model. I llust ra t ions Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Illustrations, photos, or screenshots in this manual may look slightly different depending on the model or options you selected. Apps The preinstalled apps may vary depending on the model or options you selected. The apps described in this manual may not be preinstalled on your VAIO computer. Ot he r Ope ra t ions Supplie d m a nua ls N ot ific a t ions The following manuals are supplied with your VAIO computer. On-sc re e n doc um e nt a t ion U se r Guide - I nt roduc t ion V e rsion [Details] A preinstalled manual with limited information of your VAIO computer, focused on support and Internet connection. The U se r Guide - I nt roduc t ion V e rsion is replaced with a complete version of the U se r Guide (this manual), after update. U se r Guide (t his m a nua l) General information and operation instructions about your VAIO computer including support and troubleshooting information Print e d doc um e nt a t ion Quic k St a rt Guide An overview of how to set up and get started with your VAIO computer Re c ove ry, Ba c k up a nd T rouble shoot ing Guide Information on how to recover and back up your VAIO computer, as well as troubleshooting information Sa fe t y Re gula t ions Read carefully before activating the wireless functions such as the wireless LAN and BLUETOOTH technology. Ot he r re fe re nc e s Window s H e lp a nd Support [Details] A comprehensive resource for practical advice, tutorials, and demonstrations to help you learn to use your VAIO computer. App he lp file s App help files may be included with the preinstalled apps on your VAIO computer. You may be able to access the help files from the help menu. N ot ic e Copyright 2012 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. This manual and the software described herein, in whole or in part, may not be reproduced, translated, or reduced to any machine-readable form without prior written approval. Sony Corporation provides no warranty with regard to this manual, the software, or other information contained herein and hereby expressly disclaims any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose with regard to this manual, the software, or such other information. In no event shall Sony Corporation be liable for any incidental, consequential, or special damages, whether based on tort, contract, or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this manual, the software, or other information contained herein or the use thereof. In the manual, the (TM) or (R) marks are not specified. Sony Corporation reserves the right to make any modification to this manual or the information contained herein at any time without notice. The software described herein is governed by the terms of a separate user license agreement. Sony Corporation is not liable and will not compensate for any lost recordings made to your VAIO computer, external recording media, or recording devices or any relevant losses, including when recordings are not made due to reasons including the computer failure, or when the contents of a recording are lost or damaged as a result of the computer failure or repair undertaken to the computer. Sony Corporation will not restore, recover, or replicate the recorded contents made to the computer, external recording media, or recording devices under any circumstances. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Re la t e d T opic About Online Support Website © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing We lc om e How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Congratulations on the purchase of this VAIO(R) computer. This U se r Guide - I nt roduc t ion V e rsion provides you with limited information about your VAIO computer. To update this file to the complete version of the U se r Guide , see U pda t ing t he U se r Guide t o t he La t e st V e rsion [Details] for more information. Your VAIO computer does not support touch screen operations depending on the model you purchased. In such a case, use a mouse for computer operations. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Re a d t his first Updating the User Guide to the Latest Version Connecting to the Internet Updating Your VAIO Computer Solving Problems on Your VAIO Computer Using VAIO Care Finding Support Information Window s 8 ba sic ope ra t ions Overview Opening the Charms Bar Searching/Starting Apps or Files Showing the Start Screen Showing the Running Apps List Showing App commands or All Apps Activating Sleep Mode or Shutting Down or Restarting Your VAIO Computer Trademarks ^ Go to top Re a d T his First U pda t ing t he U se r Guide t o t he La t e st V e rsion By updating this U se r Guide - I nt roduc t ion V e rsion through the Internet, you can get the complete version of the U se r Guide with detailed information on your VAIO computer. Once the U se r Guide is updated to the complete version, you can access it anytime even if you are offline. With the complete version of the U se r Guide , you can view information about: Parts description Feature and operating instructions Precautions Troubleshooting information Windows 8 basic operations Below is an example of a screenshot in English. * Design and content of the screen are subject to change. T o ge t t he c om ple t e ve rsion of t he U se r Guide 1 . Connect your VAIO computer to the Internet. [Details] 2 . Exit this U se r Guide - I nt roduc t ion V e rsion. 3 . Open the Charms bar [Details], then select (Se a rc h ). 4 . Select Apps. 5 . Enter “VAIO Manual” in the Se a rc h box. 6 . Select V AI O M a nua l from the list. 7 . After a window prompting you to update the manual appears, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the updates. This file will automatically update to the complete version of the U se r Guide . If the window prompting you to update the U se r Guide does not appear, make sure your VAIO computer is connected to the Internet and repeat the above steps. If the update window still does not appear, launch V AI O U pda t e so you can find and download the U se r Guide manually. See U pda t ing Y our V AI O Com put e r [Details] for more information on V AI O U pda t e . H int It may take some time to complete the update. T o vie w he lp file s for Window s OS a nd a pp ope ra t ions When you have trouble operating your VAIO computer, try referring to Window s H e lp a nd Support or help files included with your apps. To access Window s H e lp a nd Support , open the Charms bar, then enter “Help and Support” in the Se a rc h box. [Details] ^ Go to top Conne c t ing t o t he I nt e rne t You will need to connect your VAIO computer to the Internet before updating to the complete version of the U se r Guide . Be fore c onne c t ing t o t he I nt e rne t Before using the Internet, you will need to sign up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and set up devices required for connecting your VAIO computer to the Internet. The following types of Internet connection services may be available from your ISP: Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Cable modem Satellite Dial-up For more information on devices required for Internet access and how to connect your VAIO computer to the Internet, ask your ISP. The following is one of the Internet connection methods as an example. 1 . Internet 2 . Modem 3 . Router/access point 4 . LAN cable (not supplied) 5 . Wireless LAN T o use t he ne t w ork (LAN ) You can connect your VAIO computer to networks with a LAN cable. Connect one end of a LAN cable to the LAN port on the computer and the other end to your network. For detailed settings and devices required for LAN access, ask your network administrator. N ot e The connection, setting method, or required devices may vary depending on your network environment. T o use t he w ire le ss LAN ne t w ork (Wi -Fi) 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details], then select 2 . Select (Se t t ings). (N e t w ork ). 3 . Select your desired network from the list and @@Conne c t @@. N ot e For detailed information on network settings and devices, refer to the information from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or the manuals that came with your network devices. ^ Go to top U pda t ing Y our V AI O Com put e r Be sure to update your VAIO computer with the following apps to enhance the computer’s efficiency, security, and functionality. N ot e Your VAIO computer must be connected to the Internet to download the updates. T o use Window s U pda t e Window s U pda t e enables you to make your VAIO computer more stable. 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details], then select 2 . Select Se t t ings. 3 . Enter “Windows Update” in the Se a rc h box. 4 . Select Window s U pda t e from the list. (Se a rc h ). 5 . Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the updates. T o use V AI O U pda t e V AI O U pda t e automatically notifies you of new updates available on the Internet then downloads and installs them on your VAIO computer. 1 . Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is on. V AI O Ca re starts. 2 . Select @@M a int e na nc e @@ and V AI O U pda t e . 3 . Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the updates. T o upda t e t he a nt ivirus a pp Help protect your VAIO computer against security threats by keeping Internet security programs current with the latest updates. You can download and install the updates from the website of the manufacturer. 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details], then select (Se a rc h ). 2 . Select Apps. 3 . Enter the antivirus app name in the Se a rc h box. 4 . Select the antivirus app from the list. 5 . Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the updates. ^ Go to top Solving Proble m s on Y our V AI O Com put e r U sing V AI O Ca re With V AI O Ca re , you can regularly conduct performance checks and system tune-ups on your VAIO computer to keep it running at optimum level. Launch V AI O Ca re whenever a problem arises. V AI O Ca re will provide appropriate measures and support information to solve the problem. T o la unc h V AI O Ca re Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is on. Below is an example of a screenshot in English. * Design and content of the screen are subject to change. H int Alternatively, search V AI O Ca re on the Charms bar to launch V AI O Ca re . Refer to the help file included with V AI O Ca re for more information. Pressing the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off displays the V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen. You can recover the computer by selecting @@Re c ove r or m a int a in your syst e m @@ in case of emergency, for example, when Windows does not start. ^ Go to top Finding Support I nform a t ion The Sony online support website provides instant access to information on commonly encountered problems. You can find support information such as the support website URL in Cont a c t & Support on V AI O Ca re or the supplied Quic k St a rt Guide . ^ Go to top Window s 8 Ba sic Ope ra t ions Ove rvie w 1 . Start screen Main app tiles and the shortcut to the desktop 2 . Charms bar @@Se a rc h @@, @@Sha re @@, @@St a rt @@, @@De vic e s @@, @@Se t t ings@@ 3 . @@App bar@@ @@Sa ve @@, @@Edit @@, @@All a pps @@, other operations (Alternatively, the app bar appears at the top of the screen.) 4 . Running apps list ^ Go to top Ope ning t he Cha rm s Ba r T ouc h sc re e n ope ra t ion Swipe your finger from the right edge of the screen to the center. M ouse ope ra t ion Place the pointer at the top right corner of the screen, then move the pointer down when the Charms appear. K e yboa rd ope ra t ion Press the C key while holding down the (Windows) key. ^ Go to top Se a rc hing/St a rt ing Apps or File s 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details], then select (Se a rc h ). 2 . Select Apps or @@File @@. 3 . Enter keywords in the Se a rc h box. 4 . Select your desired app or file. ^ Go to top Show ing t he St a rt Sc re e n T ouc h sc re e n ope ra t ion Open the Charms bar [Details], then tap (St a rt ). M ouse ope ra t ion Open the Charms bar [Details], then click K e yboa rd ope ra t ion (St a rt ). Press the (Windows) key. ^ Go to top Show ing t he Running Apps List T ouc h sc re e n ope ra t ion Slide your finger from the left edge of the screen to show an app icon(s), then slide the finger back to the edge. M ouse ope ra t ion Place the pointer at the top left corner of the screen to show an app icon(s), then move the pointer down. K e yboa rd ope ra t ion Press the T a b key while holding down the (Windows) key. ^ Go to top Show ing App c om m a nds or All Apps T ouc h sc re e n ope ra t ion Swipe your finger from the bottom or top edge of the screen to the center. M ouse ope ra t ion To show @@App commands@@: Right-click. (When the Start screen is displayed, select an app and right-click.) To show @@All a pps @@: Right-click on the Start screen. K e yboa rd ope ra t ion Press the Z key while holding down the (Windows) key. ^ Go to top Ac t iva t ing Sle e p M ode or Shut t ing Dow n or Re st a rt ing Y our V AI O Com put e r 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details], then select 2 . Select (Se t t ings). (Pow e r ) and Sle e p, Shut dow n , or Re st a rt . ^ Go to top T ra de m a rk s SONY and the SONY logo are registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. VAIO, the VAIO logo, and other Sony product or service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation or any of its affiliates. Windows and the Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other names of system, products, and services are trademarks of their respective owners. In the manual, the TM or (R) marks are not specified. ^ Go to top Copyright 2012 Sony Corporation © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Che c k ing Supplie d I t e m s How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Check all items packed with the product before use. Wire le ss k e yboa rd* U SB k e yboa rd* Wire le ss m ouse * U SB m ouse * Conne c t ions Re m ot e c om m a nde r* Se t t ings AA ba t t e rie s Pla yba c k Alkaline batteries for the keyboard and mouse (2)* Manganese batteries for the remote commander (2)* * Not supplied with all models. Availability depends on your computer’s specifications. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry AC a da pt e r Se c urit y Pow e r c ord H int Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation No Recovery Media is included because your VAIO computer can be recovered using data stored in the hard disk drive or SSD. See Re c ove ring from t he Re c ove ry Are a for more information.[Details] Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Pa rt s a nd Cont rols on t he Front How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Describes the features on the front of the VAIO computer, such as buttons and indicator lights. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions 1 . WI RELESS indicator [Details] N ot ific a t ions 2. 3. 4. Disc drive indicator Charge indicator [Details] Power indicator [Details] 5 . Built-in microphone (monaural) 6 . ASSI ST button [Details] 7. Rotation lock button 8 . V OL (Volume) buttons 9. Power button [Details] 1 0 . Built-in camera indicator [Details] 1 1 . Built-in camera [Details] 1 2 . Ambient light sensor [Details] 1 3 . Touch screen [Details] 14 . Windows button N ot e s on t he LCD sc re e n The LCD screen is manufactured using high-precision technology. You may, however, see tiny black points and/or bright points (red, blue, or green) that continuously appear on the LCD screen. The ratio of defective pixels to all available pixels of the LCD screen is less than 0.0006 %. Also, depending on the viewing angle, uneven stripes of changes in color and luminance may appear. These are normal results of the LCD screen construction and do not indicate a malfunction. Take note that returns and replacements are not accepted. Re la t e d T opic Parts and Controls on the Sides Parts and Controls on the Back © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Pa rt s a nd Cont rols on t he Side s How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Describes the features on the sides of the VAIO computer, such as connection ports. Right side Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry 1. LAN port [Details] 2. DC IN port [Details] Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions Le ft side N ot ific a t ions 3 . Media access indicator (“Memory Stick Duo” [Details], SD memory card [Details]) 4 . “Memory Stick Duo” / SD memory card combined slot (“Memory Stick Duo” [Details], SD memory card [Details]) “Memory Stick Duo” and an SD memory card cannot be inserted into the slot simultaneously. 5. 6. USB port [Details] USB port [Details] 7. Headphones jack [Details] 8. Microphone jack [Details] Re la t e d T opic Parts and Controls on the Front Parts and Controls on the Back © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Pa rt s a nd Cont rols on t he Ba c k How to Use Describes the features on the back of the VAIO computer, such as connection ports. Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k 1 . Air exhaust vent Ba c k up / Re c ove ry 2. Se c urit y 3 . Rating plate There is a rating plate on the back or in the back panel of the computer. NFC port 4 . Built-in speakers (stereo) Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions 5 . Air intake vent N ot e The air exhaust vent may get hot during use. Take care when touching it. Re la t e d T opic Parts and Controls on the Front Parts and Controls on the Sides © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Pa rt s a nd Cont rols of t he K e yboa rd How to Use Describes the features of the keyboard, such as keys, buttons and indicator lights. Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions 1 . Ca ps Loc k key [Details] N ot ific a t ions 2 . Esc key 3 . Function keys [Details] 4 . Prt Sc key 5 . Pa use / Bre a k key 6 . I nse rt key 7 . De le t e key 8 . N um Lk / Sc r Lk key [Details] 9 . H om e key 1 0 . Power switch of the keyboard 1 1 . End key 1 2 . Pa ge U p key 1 3 . Pa ge Dow n key 1 4 . WEB button 1 5 . M AI L button 16 . Sleep button [Details] 17 . Volume control buttons [Details] 18 . Muting button [Details] 1 9 . Shift key 2 0 . Ct rl key 2 1 . Fn key [Details] 22 . (Windows) key 2 3 . Alt key 2 4 . Space bar 2 5 . Ba c k spa c e key 2 6 . Applications key 2 7 . Directional arrow keys 2 8 . Numeric keypad 29 . Connect indicator [Details] 30 . Battery indicator [Details] 31 . Caps lock indicator [Details] H int There is a raised dot on the F , J and 5 keys. After 10 minutes of idle time, the keyboard enters the power saving mode and all indicator lights turn off. Re la t e d T opic Replacing the AA Battery of the Keyboard Checking the Remaining Battery Power of the Keyboard About the Usage Environment for the Keyboard Connecting the Wireless Keyboard © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Pa rt s a nd Cont rols of t he M ouse How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Describes the features of the mouse, such as buttons. T op Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k 1 . Right button 2 . Central wheel 3 . Left button Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Bot t om Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions 1 . Status light [Details] 2 . Power switch of the mouse Re la t e d T opic Replacing the AA Battery of the Mouse Checking the Remaining Battery Power of the Mouse About the Usage Environment for the Mouse Connecting the Wireless Mouse © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Se t t ing t he St a nd How to Use This section describes how to set the stand. Pa rt s De sc ript ion 1 . Place your VAIO computer gently face down on a soft cloth, etc. Se t up 2 . Pull up the stand, holding the bottom of your VAIO computer, as in the illustration below. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y N ot e Pull up the stand with slight force until it clicks. Ot he r Ope ra t ions Re la t e d T opic N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Adjusting the Angle of the Screen Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Adjust ing t he Angle of t he Sc re e n How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can adjust the screen angle of your choice. Adjust the angle, holding the upper part of the screen. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y The angle of your VAIO computer can be adjusted from approximately 8 to 30 degrees. Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot e Do not exert excessive pressure on your VAIO computer while adjusting the angle of the screen, as damage may result. N ot ific a t ions Re la t e d T opic Setting the Stand © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Re pla c ing t he AA Ba t t e ry of t he K e yboa rd How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Change the AA battery in the keyboard when the battery power becomes low. 1 . Set the power switch of the keyboard to OFF . Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions 2 . Turn over the keyboard, and then push the center of the cover in the direction shown in the illustration below. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions 3 . Remove the old battery and insert a new AA alkaline battery (minus (-) end first), then close the cover. N ot ific a t ions 4 . Set the power switch of the keyboard to ON . N ot e Use a new AA alkaline replacement battery. If you do not intend to use the keyboard for a while, set the power switch of the keyboard to OFF . If you do not intend to use the keyboard for an extended period of time, remove its AA battery. When the battery power becomes low, replace with a new AA battery promptly. Keeping a depleted battery in the keyboard may cause battery leakage. Since the keyboard cannot be used with a commercially available rechargeable battery, use a non-rechargeable AA battery. If you use a rechargeable battery, battery leakage may occur, resulting in a malfunction. Do not recharge a dry cell AA battery. Refer to the supplied safety information manual. Re la t e d T opic Parts and Controls of the Keyboard Checking the Remaining Battery Power of the Keyboard © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Che c k ing t he Re m a ining Ba t t e ry Pow e r of t he K e yboa rd The remaining battery power of the keyboard can be checked by the 1 . Check the battery indicator. battery indicator of the keyboard. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions It blinks when the battery is running out of power. The indicator is only a guide and may not show the remaining battery power accurately, depending on the AA battery. H int If you intend not to use the keyboard for a long time, slide the power switch to OFF to extend battery life. Re la t e d T opic Parts and Controls of the Keyboard Replacing the AA Battery of the Keyboard © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About t he U sa ge Environm e nt for t he K e yboa rd How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion This section explains how to use the wireless keyboard. You can use the wireless keyboard up to 33 ft. / 10 m away from your VAIO computer. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e Do not allow water to enter the wireless keyboard as malfunction may result. Depending on the usage environment, the communication range between the wireless keyboard and your VAIO computer may be less than 33 ft. / 10 m. If you use the wireless keyboard too close to your VAIO computer (within 4 inches / 10 cm), wireless communication may be affected and keyboard input may become unstable. We recommend that you use the wireless keyboard at least 6 inches / 15 cm away from metal objects and your VAIO computer. Re la t e d T opic Connecting the Wireless Keyboard © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Conne c t ing t he Wire le ss K e yboa rd How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry If you cannot use the wireless keyboard supplied with the computer, it is likely that wireless connection setup is required between the wireless keyboard and your VAIO computer. Use the mouse to perform wireless setup. You can also use a USB keyboard (not supplied), etc. 1 . Check that an AA battery is inserted in the wireless keyboard you want to connect, and then set the power switch of the keyboard to OFF . 2 . Press the (Power) button on your VAIO computer to turn it on. 3 . If there are multiple Windows user accounts, select the administrator account. When you have set the Windows password, click in the lower left corner of the screen. Click the U se t he c om put e r w it hout a k e yboa rd (On-Sc re e n K e yboa rd) check box. Click OK . Enter the password using the on-screen keyboard by mouse operation, then click H int If you cannot enter the password using the on-screen keyboard, click the password entry field by the mouse. The cursor starts to blink, and you can use the on-screen keyboard again. Se c urit y 4 . When Windows starts, click Ot he r Ope ra t ions 5 . Double-click Loc a l Disk C:, WConne c t T ool , and WConne c t . If the U se r Ac c ount Cont rol window appears, click Y e s. N ot ific a t ions 6 . After the connection utility window appears, set the power switch of the keyboard to ON . It may take a few moments to display the connection utility window. (St a rt ), and M y Com put e r . 7 . Close the screen after the connection utility window changes, and you can use the wireless keyboard. N ot e The connection procedure is not usually required to use the wireless keyboard with your VAIO computer. Do not perform the connection procedure if you can use the wireless keyboard normally. Doing so may cause computer malfunction. H int You can start your VAIO computer using the on-screen keyboard if you set the Windows password. However, to set your password by BIOS setup, you need an USB keyboard (not supplied), as starting your VAIO computer by mouse operation alone is not possible. Re la t e d T opic About the Usage Environment for the Keyboard © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Che c k ing t he Ca ps Loc k / N um Loc k / Sc roll Loc k St a t e s Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can check if the keyboard is in the Caps Lock/Num Lock/Scroll Lock states by the indicator light of the keyboard and the icons in the notification area. Se t up T o c he c k if t he k e yboa rd is in t he Ca ps Loc k st a t e N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 1 . Check if the Caps lock indicator light is on. T o c he c k if t he k e yboa rd is in t he N um Loc k /Sc roll Loc k st a t e Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k 1 . Check if the H int To make the Num lock icon or Num lock icon and area of the desktop, click change the behavior of the icons to Show ic on a nd not ific a t ions. Re la t e d T opic Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Scroll lock icon always visible in the notification in the notification area, click Cust om ize ..., and then Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Scroll lock icon in the notification area is green. Parts and Controls of the Keyboard Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Re pla c ing t he AA Ba t t e ry of t he M ouse How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Change the AA battery in the mouse when the battery power becomes low. 1 . Set the power switch of the mouse to OFF . Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings 2 . Turn the mouse upside down. Hold the center of the cover and slide the battery cover in the direction of the arrow. Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions 3 . Remove the old battery and insert a new AA alkaline battery (minus (-) end first), then close the cover. N ot ific a t ions 4 . Set the power switch of the mouse to ON . N ot e Use a new AA alkaline replacement battery. If you do not intend to use the mouse for a while, set the power switch of the mouse to OFF . If you do not intend to use the mouse for an extended period of time, remove its AA battery. When the battery power becomes low, replace with the battery promptly. Keeping a depleted battery in the mouse may cause battery leakage. Since the mouse cannot be used with a commercially available rechargeable battery, use a non-rechargeable AA battery. If you use a rechargeable battery, battery leakage may occur, resulting in a malfunction. Do not recharge a dry cell AA battery. Refer to the supplied safety information manual. Re la t e d T opic Parts and Controls of the Mouse Checking the Remaining Battery Power of the Mouse © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Che c k ing t he Re m a ining Ba t t e ry Pow e r of t he M ouse The remaining battery power of the mouse can be checked by the status light. 1 . Check the status light of the mouse. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y The status light flashes orange when the remaining power of the AA battery is low. The status light is only a guide and may not show the remaining battery power accurately, depending on the AA battery. H int If you do not intend to use the mouse for a long time, set the power switch to OFF to extend battery life. Ot he r Ope ra t ions Re la t e d T opic N ot ific a t ions Parts and Controls of the Mouse Replacing the AA Battery of the Mouse © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About t he U sa ge Environm e nt for t he M ouse How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion This section explains how to use the wireless mouse. You can use the wireless mouse up to 33 ft. / 10 m away from your VAIO computer. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e The wireless mouse supplied with your VAIO computer uses a laser sensor. Mouse operation may become unstable depending on the usage environment. Depending on the usage environment, the communication range between the wireless mouse and your VAIO computer may be less than 33 ft. / 10 m. If you use the wireless mouse too close to your VAIO computer (within 4 inches / 10 cm), wireless communication may be affected and mouse operation may become unstable. We recommend that you use the wireless mouse at least 6 inches / 15 cm away from metal objects and your VAIO computer. Re la t e d T opic Connecting the Wireless Mouse © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Conne c t ing t he Wire le ss M ouse How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t If you cannot use the wireless mouse supplied with your VAIO computer, it is likely that wireless connection setup is required between the wireless mouse and the computer. Use a keyboard to perform wireless setup. You can also use a USB mouse (not supplied), etc. 1 . Check that an AA battery is inserted in the wireless mouse you want to connect, then set the power switch of the mouse to OFF . 2 . Press the (Power) button on your VAIO computer to turn it on. Conne c t ions 3 . If there are multiple Windows user accounts, press the administrator account, then press the Ent e r key. Se t t ings 4 . After Windows starts, press the Windows key on the keyboard. The start menu window appears. Pla yba c k 5 . Enter w c onne c t , then press the Ent e r key. If the U se r Ac c ount Cont rol window appears, press the Y e s, then press the Ent e r key. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions key to select the or key to select 6 . After the connection utility window appears, set the power switch of the wireless mouse to ON . It may take a few moments to display the connection utility window. 7 . After the connection utility window changes, close the window. You can now use the wireless mouse. N ot e The connection procedure is not usually required to use the wireless mouse with your VAIO computer. Do not perform the connection procedure if you can use the wireless mouse normally. Doing so may cause computer malfunction. Re la t e d T opic About the Usage Environment for the Mouse © 2012 Sony Corporation or Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Adding a nd Re m oving M e m ory M odule s How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions If you want to increase your computer’s speed or improve performance when running programs simultaneously, increase the amount of memory by installing optional memory modules. Before you upgrade your computer’s memory, see N ot e s on Adding a nd Re m oving M e m ory M odule s.[Details] If you install memory modules into two or more slots, the dual-channel mode is enabled to help improve performance. The type of module and the amount of memory installed on your computer may differ depending on the model. 1 . Turn off your VAIO computer and peripheral devices, and disconnect the power cord and all connection cables. 2 . Wait for a while until your VAIO computer cools down. The inner parts of your VAIO computer may be hot just after turning off. Be careful to avoid burns while handling your VAIO computer in this state. 3 . Lay a clean cloth on a level, flat surface, place your VAIO computer on it as illustrated below. Remove the screws with a cross slot screwdriver to open the memory module compartment cover. The screw locations are indicated by the arrows in the illustration below. On some models, captive screws are used on the memory module compartment cover and cannot be detached from the cover. N ot ific a t ions 4 . Touch an external metal object to discharge static electricity. Do not touch any metal parts inside your VAIO computer. 5 . If there is no free slot, remove the currently installed memory module. Pull the latches in the direction of the arrows to pop up the module at an angle (1), then pull the module out in the direction of the arrow (2). 6 . Remove the new memory module from its antistatic bag. 7 . Hold the memory module by its edge and slide it into the memory module slot with its end terminal facing downward while aligning the notch on the module with the small projection in the slot. 8 . Hold the memory module by its edge and push in until it clicks into place as shown in the illustration. The latches on both sides of the slot snap into place to secure the module. Do not touch any ICs (black components) on the memory module. 9 . Replace the memory module compartment cover and secure it with the screws you removed in step 3. 1 0 . Connect all connection cables and peripherals that you removed in Step 1, and turn on the computer. 1 1 . Check that the amount of system memory has correctly changed. [Details] If the amount of indicated system memory is correct, memory module installation was successful. Re la t e d T opic Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on Adding a nd Re m oving M e m ory M odule s How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Before adding or removing memory modules, read the following precautions thoroughly. Your VAIO computer and memory modules use high precision components and electronic connector technology. To avoid invalidation of the warranty during your product warranty period, we recommend that: You should contact your dealer to install a new memory module. You should not install a memory module by yourself, if you are not familiar with upgrading memory on a computer. You should not touch the connectors or open the memory module compartment cover. For assistance, contact an authorized Sony service/support center. To find the nearest center or agent, refer to online support website.[Details] If you add or remove memory modules by yourself, your VAIO computer may result in malfunction or accident caused by breakage of slot and module, or connection mistake. In this case, repair fee will be charged. Be careful not to injure your hands or fingers with sharp edges of the memory module, inner components, or circuit boards of your VAIO computer. Be careful not to catch your fingers on any inner cables of your VAIO computer, as the cable may become loose or disconnected. If your VAIO computer is turned on while liquid such as water or other foreign object remains inside, it may cause a fire. Be sure to remove any foreign objects and attach the memory module compartment cover before turning on your VAIO computer. Sony does not guarantee that third party memory modules will work in your VAIO computer. For information on third party memory modules, consult the respective sales dealers. Be sure to turn off your VAIO computer and peripherals and disconnect all attachments and connection cables before adding or removing memory modules. Failure to do so may cause damage to the memory module, your VAIO computer, or peripheral devices. To prevent damage from electrostatic discharge to memory modules, follow the instructions below: Do not work at a place that produces static electricity easily, such as on a carpet. Before adding or removing memory modules, touch an external metal object from your VAIO computer to eliminate static electricity. Do not touch any metal parts inside the computer. Do not open the memory module package before you are ready to install the module. The package protects the module from ESD (electrostatic discharge). To store the module, cover it with an antistatic bag or a sheet of aluminum foil. When holding a memory module, do not touch the chips or electrical terminal of the module. Do not insert a memory module into the slot facing in wrong direction. It may cause damage to the module or slot, or cause the circuit board to catch fire. Use a screwdriver that matches the size of the screw (such as a miniature screwdriver). Do not remove or loosen screws that are not specified to be removed. Re la t e d T opic Adding and Removing Memory Modules Viewing the System Information © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing I nst a lling/Re m oving t he Ba t t e ry Pa c k How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Install the battery pack into the battery compartment on the bottom of your VAIO computer. N ot e You will lose all unsaved data if you remove the battery pack while your VAIO computer is on or in Sleep mode and not connected to the AC adapter. Be sure to turn off the computer before removing the battery pack. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Re la t e d T opic Charging the Battery Pack Notes on Using the Battery Pack Shutting Down Your VAIO Computer Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cha rging t he Ba t t e ry Pa c k How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up The battery pack can be charged even while you are using your VAIO computer when the computer is connected to a power source. The charging time may vary depending on operating conditions. 1 . Install the battery pack into your VAIO computer. [Details] 2 . Plug your VAIO computer into an AC outlet. [Details] N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings H int The charging time varies depending on ambient temperature. Note that at a low ambient temperature, it takes longer time to charge the battery pack. To check the battery status of your VAIO computer, click the battery icon, such as (on battery) or (plugged in), in the desktop notification area. Pla yba c k Re la t e d T opic Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Charge Indicator Status List Checking the Battery Charge Capacity Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Extending the Battery Life Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Ex t e nding t he Ba t t e ry Life How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions When your VAIO computer is running on battery power, you can extend the battery life using the following methods. Use Sleep mode. [Details] When you do not need to use your VAIO computer temporarily, you can use Sleep mode. To extend the battery life, use Sleep mode frequently. If you do not intend to use the computer for an extended period of time, turn off the computer. Resuming the computer from Sleep mode is faster than from booting up the computer. Decrease the LCD brightness of the computer screen. [Details] Turn down the volume of the speakers and headphones. [Details] Disconnect peripheral devices that are not in use. Se t t ings Re la t e d T opic Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Checking the Battery Charge Capacity Charging the Battery Pack Notes on Using the Battery Pack Using Sleep Mode Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on U sing t he Ba t t e ry Pa c k How to Use Before using the battery pack, read the following precautions for correct use. Pa rt s De sc ript ion About t he ba t t e ry pa c k Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k The supplied battery pack is designed specifically for your VAIO computer. For your safety, only use the supplied battery pack or an optional battery pack that is specified by Sony. For safety reasons, battery charging may be suspended at higher or lower temperatures. While your VAIO computer is connected to an AC outlet with the AC adapter, it runs on AC power, even if the battery pack is installed. The battery pack is not fully charged at the time of delivery. While the battery pack is in use or being charged, heat builds up in the battery pack. This is normal and is not cause for concern. Do not use your VAIO computer without installing the battery pack as it may cause the computer to malfunction. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions About ba t t e ry disc ha rge After battery charge, the battery pack will gradually discharge over time even while not in use. If it is left unused for an extended period of time, the battery power may be depleted. It is recommended that you recharge the battery pack before use. N ot ific a t ions About ba t t e ry life Battery life varies depending on usage and settings. About ba t t e ry de t e riora t ion a nd re pla c e m e nt The battery pack is consumable. The capacity gradually declines through repeated cycles of recharging and discharging. As a result, the battery life becomes short even if it is fully charged and eventually the battery pack reaches the end of its life. If the battery pack quickly runs out of power after being fully charged or it has reached the end of its life, replace it with a new one. Whe n t he ba t t e ry pa c k is running out of pow e r If the battery pack runs out during your absence, power will be cut off and any data you are working on will be lost. While your VAIO computer is running on battery power, save data frequently. Re la t e d T opic Notes on Using the Power Source © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Conne c t ing a Pow e r Sourc e How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Connect your VAIO computer to an AC power source. Carefully read the precautions in N ot e s on U sing t he Pow e r Sourc e before connection. [Details] 1 . Plug one end of the power cord (1) into the AC adapter (3). Se t up 2 . Plug the other end of the power cord into an AC outlet (2). 3 . Plug the cable from the AC adapter (3) into the DC IN port (4) on your VAIO computer. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e Do not plug more than one device into the same AC outlet. The shape of the AC adapter varies depending on the model you purchased. Make sure that the power plug is firmly plugged into your VAIO computer. H int You can purchase a power strip with a surge protector to help prevent damage to your VAIO computer caused by sudden power surges (in an electrical storm, for example). Re la t e d T opic Installing/Removing the Battery Pack Charging the Battery Pack Notes on Using the Battery Pack Turning on Your VAIO Computer Shutting Down Your VAIO Computer Notes on Using the Power Source © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing T urning on Y our V AI O Com put e r How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Turn on your VAIO computer to start Windows. Carefully read the precautions in N ot e s on U sing t he Pow e r Sourc e before turning on. [Details] 1 . Install the battery pack on your VAIO computer [Details], and then connect to an AC outlet. [Details] 2 . Lift the LCD screen lid. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions 3 . Press and hold down the (Power) button until the power indicator light turns on in green. Your VAIO computer is turned on, and Windows starts after a while. N ot e If you press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds, your VAIO computer will not turn on. Press the (Power) button lightly, and release it immediately when the power indicator light turns on. Do not use your VAIO computer without installing the battery pack as it may cause the computer to malfunction. When opening the LCD screen lid, do not hold the built-in camera as it may cause your VAIO computer to malfunction. (Built-in camera equipped models) If you press the (Power) button with the LCD screen lid closed, your VAIO computer will not turn on. H int By default, your VAIO computer automatically enters Sleep mode after a certain period of inactivity while the computer is connected to an AC outlet. [Details] Re la t e d T opic Installing/Removing the Battery Pack Charging the Battery Pack Notes on Using the Battery Pack Connecting a Power Source Shutting Down Your VAIO Computer Restarting Your VAIO Computer Notes on Using the Power Source © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Shut t ing Dow n Y our V AI O Com put e r How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Shut down your VAIO computer properly to avoid losing unsaved data. 1 . Turn off any peripherals connected to your VAIO computer. 2 . Save your data and close all running apps. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y 3 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select 4 . Select (Pow e r ) and Shut dow n . After a short time, your VAIO computer automatically turns off and the green power indicator light turns off. Before closing the LCD screen lid, make sure the power indicator is off. N ot e An improper shutdown may cause loss of unsaved data or your VAIO computer to malfunction. To disconnect your VAIO computer completely from an AC power source, turn off the computer and unplug the power cord from the AC outlet. Re la t e d T opic Turning on Your VAIO Computer Ot he r Ope ra t ions Restarting Your VAIO Computer Using Sleep Mode N ot ific a t ions Notes on Using the Power Source © 2012 Sony Corporation (Se t t ings). Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Re st a rt ing Y our V AI O Com put e r How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion After changing the settings or installing an app on your VAIO computer, you may be required to restart the computer. 1 . Save your data and close all running apps. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 2 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select 3 . Select (Pow e r ) and Re st a rt . Your VAIO computer will restart. Conne c t ions Re la t e d T opic Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Turning on Your VAIO Computer Shutting Down Your VAIO Computer (Se t t ings). Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cha rge I ndic a t or St a t us List How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up The charge indicator light turns on or blinks differently according to conditions. Lit in ora nge The battery pack is charging. (Turns off when charging is completed.) Blink s in ora nge a long w it h t he gre e n pow e r indic a t or N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions The battery pack is running out of power. (Normal mode) Blink s fa st in ora nge A battery error has occurred due to a failed battery pack or an unlocked battery pack. Se t t ings Re la t e d T opic Pla yba c k Charging the Battery Pack Checking the Battery Charge Capacity Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Extending the Battery Life Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing U sing Sle e p M ode How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up In Sleep mode, all unnecessary devices of your VAIO computer are turned off, though some devices stay on to retain the computer’s state including data you are working on. Sleep mode is useful when you take a short rest, for example. With the default Sleep mode settings, Rapid Wake is enabled and the computer’s state is saved to the built-in storage device. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t T o a c t iva t e Sle e p m ode Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select 2 . Select (Se t t ings). (Pow e r ) and Sle e p. The power indicator light turns off when your VAIO computer enters Sleep mode. H int By default, your VAIO computer enters Sleep mode automatically after about 30 minutes of inactivity while running on AC power. The operations below also place your VAIO computer into Sleep mode. Press the (Power) button (with the default setting). Note that if you press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds, your VAIO computer will turn off automatically. Doing this will erase all unsaved data. Close the LCD screen lid and leave the computer unused for a few seconds. N ot ific a t ions T o re t urn t o N orm a l m ode 1 . Press the (Power) button. N ot e By default, your VAIO computer automatically enters Hibernate mode when the battery pack becomes weak. However, depending on the operating conditions, the computer may fail to enter Hibernate mode. If this occurs and the battery pack is running out of power, the computer will be turned off, resulting in loss of unsaved data. While the computer is running on battery power, save data frequently. Before moving your VAIO computer, make sure that the power indicator light is off to avoid impact or vibration to the running hard disk drive. H int If you press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds, your VAIO computer will turn off automatically. Doing this will erase all unsaved data. You can restore your VAIO computer from Sleep mode to Normal mode by opening the LCD screen lid. To change the action when you open the lid, start V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r [Details] and change the settings in @@@Pow e r M a na ge m e nt @@@. Re la t e d T opic Notes on Using the Power Source Notes on Sleep Mode Extending the Battery Life Changing the Rapid Wake (Sleep Mode) Settings © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Se le c t ing a Pow e r Pla n How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Power management helps you set up power plans to suit your requirements for power consumption. 1 . Open Cont rol Pa ne l. [Details] Se t up 2 . Select H a rdw a re a nd Sound and Pow e r Opt ions. 3 . Select your desired power plan. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation 4 . If you want to change the power plan settings, select Cha nge pla n se t t ings on the right of your desired power plan in the Pow e r Opt ions window. By selecting Cha nge a dva nc e d pow e r se t t ings , you can change the advanced settings. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information on the power plan settings. [Details] H int The power status icon indicates what kind of power source your VAIO computer is currently using, and you can see the computer’s power status by selecting this icon. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on U sing t he Pow e r Sourc e How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Read the following precautions before plugging your VAIO computer into an AC power source. If you remove the battery pack while your VAIO computer is turned on or in Sleep mode but it is disconnected from an AC power source, you may lose all unsaved data. If you leave your VAIO computer without connecting it to an AC power source for an extended period of time, turn off the computer. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e s on t he AC a da pt e r Use the AC adapter supplied with your VAIO computer or genuine Sony products. Do not use any other AC adapter as it may cause a malfunction. Do not connect the AC adapter to a power conversion device such as a travel power converter. It may cause overheating or a malfunction. If the AC adapter cable becomes damaged or broken, do not use it. N ot e s on t urning on your V AI O c om put e r Because your VAIO computer contains magnetic components, keep magnetic storage media, such as floppy disks, away from the computer, as it may cause data corruption. Your VAIO computer will automatically enter Sleep mode (with the default settings) when you move magnetic devices closer to the computer. Keep magnetic devices away from the computer. Re la t e d T opic Connecting a Power Source Turning on Your VAIO Computer Shutting Down Your VAIO Computer Restarting Your VAIO Computer © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on Sle e p M ode How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Read the following precautions before using Sleep mode. Some apps may not support Sleep mode. When running such apps, exit them before placing your VAIO computer into Sleep mode. Some USB devices may not support Sleep mode. When your VAIO computer resumes from Sleep mode, the computer may not recognize such USB devices, depending on the type and number of connected USB devices. If you cannot place the computer into Sleep mode, disconnect all USB devices before placing the computer into Sleep mode. If your VAIO computer enters Sleep mode when Windows or the computer is unstable, it may not resume from Sleep mode. The following operations are recommended: Before placing your VAIO computer into Sleep mode, save your files and exit all running apps. Shut down your VAIO computer periodically. Depending on the condition of Windows, your VAIO computer cannot enter Sleep mode. If your VAIO computer enters Sleep mode while running a task, such as DVD writing, the task may be suspended. Re la t e d T opic Using Sleep Mode Notes on Using the Power Source Notes on Using the Battery Pack Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions About t he T ouc h Sc re e nThe touch screen enables direct interaction with your VAIO computer using your finger(s). You can perform various gestures on the touch screen instead of mouse operations, such as selecting items and scrolling. Your VAIO computer supports multi-touch input. N ot e Your VAIO computer is equipped with a capacitive touch screen. When using it, note the following characteristics of the capacitive touch screen. The touch screen will not work if you touch it with fingernails, or if you wear gloves. If tapping triggers an unintentional operation, make sure that no other parts of your body, including your clothes, are in contact with the touch screen. The surface of the touch screen may get hot. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction. Even though the surface of the touch screen is tempered glass, it could still become damaged. Treat it with adequate care. If it breaks, small granular shards may scatter and cause injury. Do not drop the touch screen or subject it to a strong impact. Do not scratch the surface. A surface flaw may cause the glass to break. A protection sheet may be attached to the LCD screen frame at the factory. Remove the sheet before use; otherwise the touch screen may not work correctly. Some apps do not accept touch screen operations. N ot ific a t ions Re la t e d T opic © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion H ow t o U se t he T ouc h Sc re e n You can tap the touch screen or make a simple motion with your fingers to operate your VAIO computer. Se t up Ba sic ope ra t ions N e t w ork / I nt e rne t T o c lic k (t a p) Conne c t ions Tap on the touch screen once with a finger. You can select a button, such as OK and Ca nc e l , or an item in a menu by tapping it. Se t t ings T o double -c lic k (double -t a p) Pla yba c k Tap on the touch screen twice in quick succession with a finger. You can start an app, such as a word processor or a spreadsheet program, or open a file by double-tapping its icon. T o right -c lic k (t ouc h a nd hold) Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Touch and hold the desired point on the touch screen for a few seconds and lift your finger off the screen. Depending on the point you touch, you can display various shortcut menus. Se c urit y T o dra g Ot he r Ope ra t ions Put a finger on the touch screen and slide it while keeping the finger in contact with the screen. You can move a file or change the window size. N ot ific a t ions T o dra g a nd drop Touch the desired file icon, slide to another folder, window or software icon, and then lift your finger off the screen. You can move or copy a file. Adva nc e d ope ra t ions You can make a simple motion (gesture) with your fingers on the touch screen to operate your VAIO computer. The response to a gesture varies depending on the apps. This section describes the operations for I nt e rne t Ex plore r and @@Phot o @@. T o sc roll Touch and slide a scrollable area of a window, such as an I nt e rne t Ex plore r window. You can also drag the slider on the vertical scroll bar of the selected window to scroll it. T o zoom in or out on a n im a ge suc h a s a phot o (zoom ) Pinch on the touch screen with two fingers for zooming on an image, such as a photo on @@Phot o @@. Pinch open to zoom in or pinch close to zoom out. T o rot a t e a n im a ge suc h a s a phot o (rot a t e ) Put two fingers on the touch screen and slide them in circles to rotate an image, such as a photo. T o flic k Put a finger on the touch screen and slide it quickly in a straight line. The response by your VAIO computer is determined by the direction of the flick. There are four default responses: flick left moves forward, flick right moves backward, flick up scrolls up, and flick down scrolls down. Re la t e d T opic © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Ena ble /Disa ble t he T ouc h Sc re e n By default, the touch screen of your VAIO computer is enabled. To disable/enable the touch screen, follow these steps: Se t up 1 . Open Cont rol Pa ne l [Details] and select H a rdw a re a nd Sound and Pe n a nd T ouc h. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 2 . Select the T ouc h tab. Conne c t ions 3 . Select or clear the U se your finge r a s a n input de vic e check box. Select the check box to enable the touch screen or clear it to disable the touch screen. 4 . Select OK . Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Re la t e d T opic How to Use the Touch Screen Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Enla rging t he T e x t Size (DPI ) You can change the DPI to enlarge the font size, making it easier to touch specific text. 1 . Open Cont rol Pa ne l [Details] and select Cust om ize De sk t op and M a k e t e x t a nd ot he r it e m s la rge r or sm a lle r. 2 . Select the desired settings from the options on the screen and Apply. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 3 . If a message prompts you to log off, select Log off now . Conne c t ions 4 . Log on again. The text font size for Windows changes. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation H int You can select Se t c ust om t e x t size (DPI ) on the left of the Displa y window to set the text size more easily. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation N ot e s on U sing t he T ouc h Sc re e n Before using the touch screen, read the following precautions for correct use. Do not push the touch screen roughly. Gentle touches always work. The degree of pressing force does not count for operations as your VAIO computer is equipped with a capacitive touch screen. Do not use an object other than your finger to use the touch screen. The touch screen may be damaged or a malfunction may occur. Be sure to touch only with your finger. Keep the touch screen clean for good touch sensitivity. Dirt may cause damage or a malfunction. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Cha nging t he Re solut ion (Size ) of t he Sc re e n I m a ge You can change the screen resolution to adjust the size of the characters and images on the computer screen. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support [Details] for more information. 1 . Right-click on the desktop [Details] and select Sc re e n re solut ion. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions 2 . Select the current screen resolution next to Re solut ion and move the slider to change the screen resolution. Pla yba c k N ot e You may not be able to play high-resolution videos depending on the amount of video memory on your VAIO computer. In such a case, lower the screen resolution. Do not change the display resolution while using video/image apps or playing DVDs, as it may cause unsuccessful playback/display or unstable system operations. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Re la t e d T opic Se t t ings Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Notes on the LCD screen Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on t he LCD sc re e n How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Read the following precautions for correct use of the LCD screen. The LCD screen is manufactured using high-precision technology. You may, however, see tiny black points and/or bright points (red, blue, or green) that continuously appear on the LCD screen. This is a normal result of the manufacturing process and does not indicate a malfunction. Do not scratch the surface of the LCD screen or exert pressure on it. This could cause damage. Do not exert pressure on the LCD screen lid with the lid closed as it may scratch the LCD screen or soil it. The LCD screen may become warm during operation. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction. Due to the mechanical design of your VAIO computer’s LCD screen/touch screen, the screen surface may become warm while you are using the computer for an extended period of time. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction. (Touch screen equipped models) The LCD screen/touch screen is made of reinforced glass to implement high durability, however, treat the screen with care as it is not 100% unbreakable. In case the screen breaks into small pieces, be careful not to cut yourself on the pieces of broken glass. (Touch screen equipped models) Do not leave the LCD screen facing the sun. This could damage the LCD screen. Be sure to block direct sunlight when using your VAIO computer near a window. Do not exert pressure on the LCD screen or its edges when opening the LCD screen lid or lifting your VAIO computer. The LCD screen may be sensitive to pressure or added stress, and exerting pressure may damage the screen or cause it to malfunction. When opening the computer, hold the base with one hand and gently lift the LCD screen lid with the other. To carry the computer with the lid open, be sure to hold the computer with both hands. Using your VAIO computer in low temperature conditions may produce a residual image on the LCD screen. This does not indicate a malfunction. When the computer returns to normal temperature, the screen returns to normal. A residual image may appear on the LCD screen if the same image is displayed for an extended period of time. The residual image disappears after a while. You can use a screen saver to prevent residual images. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Adjust ing t he Spe a k e rs V olum e How to Use You can change the volume level of the speakers and headphones. Pa rt s De sc ript ion T o re duc e t he volum e using t he Fn k e y Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation 1 . Press the F3 key while holding down the Fn key. The volume is turned down. T o inc re a se t he volum e using t he Fn k e y 1 . Press the F4 key while holding down the Fn key. The volume is turned up. H int You can press the Fn +F2 keys to turn off the speakers and headphones. Press the Fn +F2 keys once more to turn on the volume. You can also press the Fn +F4 keys to turn on the volume. Re la t e d T opic Adjusting the Volume in Windows Adjusting the Microphone Volume Connecting External Speakers or Headphones Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Conne c t ing Ex t e rna l Spe a k e rs or H e a dphone s How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up You can connect external sound output devices (such as speakers or headphones) to your VAIO computer. 1 . Connect external speakers to the headphones jack (not supplied). [Details] with a speaker cable N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e Turn down the volume of the speakers before turning them on. H int Refer to the manual that came with your speakers or headphones. Re la t e d T opic Adjusting the Speakers Volume Connecting an External Microphone Changing the Sound Output Device Adjusting the Volume in Windows © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Conne c t ing a n Ex t e rna l M ic rophone How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can connect an external microphone to your VAIO computer and enjoy voice chat, etc. 1 . Plug the microphone cable into the microphone jack [Details]. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot e If you connect or disconnect the microphone to/from your VAIO computer while running a voice recording app, voice recording may fail or the app may exit. Connect the microphone and select it as the sound recording device for Windows before starting the app. H int Use a plug-in-power microphone. Refer to the manual that came with your microphone. If microphone feedback occurs, move the microphone away from your speakers. N ot ific a t ions Re la t e d T opic Adjusting the Microphone Volume Connecting External Speakers or Headphones © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cha nging t he Sound Out put De vic e How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion If there is no sound from the device connected to your VAIO computer, you need to change the device for sound output. 1 . Open Cont rol Pa ne l. [Details] Se t up 2 . Select H a rdw a re a nd Sound. 3 . Select Sound. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 4 . Select the Pla yba c k tab. Conne c t ions 5 . Ensure there is a check mark next to the icon of the device you intend to output computer sound from. If there is no check mark next to the icon, select it and Se t De fa ult . Se t t ings 6 . Select OK . Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Adjust ing t he V olum e in Window s How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can adjust the volume on each app from Cont rol Pa ne l. 1 . Open Cont rol Pa ne l. [Details] 2 . Select H a rdw a re a nd Sound. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions 3 . Select Adjust syst e m volum e under Sound. 4 . Move a slider in De vic e up and down to your desired volume level. When the volume is turned off ( volume ( ), select (Deactivate muting) to turn on the ). When the volume has been minimized, turn the volume up with the slider. Se t t ings T o t urn off t he Window s st a rt up sound Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y 1 . Open Cont rol Pa ne l. [Details] 2 . Select H a rdw a re a nd Sound. 3 . Select Sound. 4 . Select the Sounds tab. 5 . Clear the Pla y Window s St a rt up sound check box. Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions 6 . Select OK . Re la t e d T opic Adjusting the Speakers Volume Adjusting the Microphone Volume Connecting External Speakers or Headphones © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Adjust ing t he M ic rophone V olum e How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can adjust the volume level of the microphone. 1 . Open Cont rol Pa ne l [Details]. 2 . Select H a rdw a re a nd Sound. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry 3 . Select Sound. 4 . Select the Re c ording tab. 5 . Double-click the microphone icon. 6 . Select the Le ve ls tab in the M ic rophone Prope rt ie s window. 7 . Move a slider in M ic rophone right and left to your desired volume level. If the microphone volume is still not loud enough even at the maximum volume level, move a slider in M ic rophone Boost right and left to adjust the volume level. 8 . Select OK . Re la t e d T opic Connecting an External Microphone Se c urit y Adjusting the Speakers Volume Adjusting the Volume in Windows Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Pla ying Surround Sound U sing S-FORCE Front Surround 3 D S-FORCE Front Surround 3D is a virtual surround technology which allows you to enjoy powerful and realistic surround sound using the built-in speakers. Its effect is especially noticeable when you are watching movies. 1 . Start V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r. [Details] N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 2 . Select Sound. 3 . Select U se S-FORCE Front Surround 3 D in Sound Effe c t Se t t ings. Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y N ot e S-FORCE Front Surround 3D works only on sound output from the built-in speakers. Simultaneous use of S-FORCE Front Surround 3D and Dolby Home Theater v4 is not possible. Simultaneous use of S-FORCE Front Surround 3D and Dolby Home Theater v4 or ClearAudio+ is not possible. H int To achieve maximum effect of S-FORCE Front Surround 3D, place your VAIO computer directly across from your listening position and stay within the optimum distance: approximately 3.3 feet (1 m) from the computer. Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Re la t e d T opic Adjusting the Speakers Volume Adjusting the Volume in Windows © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Conne c t ing a n Ex t e rna l Drive How to Use Connect an external disc drive or hard disk drive to a USB port on your VAIO computer. Pa rt s De sc ript ion 1 . Plug the power cord of your external drive into an AC outlet (1). Se t up 2 . Plug one end of a USB cable (3) (not supplied) into the USB port (2), and the other end to the external drive. [Details] N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot e Be sure to connect an external drive to a power source with an AC adapter (if supplied). H int You may need to install a driver depending on the external drive you use. In addition, procedures to connect and use an external drive vary depending on the drive you use. Refer to the manual that came with your external drive for more information. N ot ific a t ions Re la t e d T opic Connecting a USB Device © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use I nse rt ing/Re m oving a Disc Pa rt s De sc ript ion Insert/remove a disc to/from your VAIO computer that is turned on. Se t up T o inse rt a disc N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 1 . Insert a disc into the optical disc drive slot. When the optical disc drive has a vertical slot, insert a disc with the label side facing toward you. Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry When the optical disc drive has a horizontal slot, insert a disc with the label side facing upward. Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e Slide the disc straight into the slot without applying excessive pressure to the disc. Make sure there is no disc inserted in the optical disc drive before inserting a disc into the slot. T o re m ove a disc 1 . Press the drive eject button. The disc slides out. N ot e Do not forcibly pull out the disc from the optical disc drive before it completely slides out. Re la t e d T opic Supported Discs About Region Codes © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Support e d Disc s This topic explains media types that are playable/recordable on your VAIO computer. The installed optical disc drive varies depending on the model you purchased. Check the specifications before use. For DV D Supe rM ult i Drive e quippe d m ode ls The optical disc drive supports playback and/or recording of the following media. Conne c t ions Pla yba c k a nd re c ording Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions CD-R/RW *1 DVD-R/RW DVD+R/RW DVD+R DL (Double Layer) DVD-R DL (Dual Layer) DVD-RAM *2*3 Pla yba c k only CD-ROM DVD-ROM For Blu-ra y Disc (T M ) Drive w it h DV D Supe rM ult i e quippe d m ode ls The optical disc drive supports playback and/or recording of the following media. Pla yba c k a nd re c ording CD-R/RW *1 DVD-R/RW DVD+R/RW DVD+R DL (Double Layer) DVD-R DL (Dual Layer) DVD-RAM *2*3 BD-R/RE *4*5*6 Pla yba c k only CD-ROM DVD-ROM BD-ROM For Blu-ra y Disc (T M ) ROM Drive w it h DV D Supe rM ult i e quippe d m ode ls The optical disc drive supports playback and/or recording of the following media. Pla yba c k a nd re c ording CD-R/RW *1 DVD-R/RW DVD+R/RW DVD+R DL (Double Layer) DVD-R DL (Dual Layer) DVD-RAM *2*3 Pla yba c k only CD-ROM DVD-ROM BD-ROM *1 Writing data to Ultra Speed CD-RW media is not supported. *2 The optical disc drive does not support the DVD-RAM cartridge. Use non-cartridge discs or discs with a removable cartridge. *3 Writing data to single-sided DVD-RAM media (2.6 GB) compliant with DVD-RAM Version 1.0 is not supported. DVD-RAM Version 2.2/12X-SPEED DVD-RAM Revision 5.0 media are not supported. *4 BD-RE Disc media in Version 1.0 format and Blu-ray Disc media with a cartridge are not supported. *5 Writing data to BD-R Part1 Version 1.1/1.2/1.3 media (single-layer media with the capacity of 25 GB, dual-layer media with the capacity of 50 GB) and BD-RE Part1 Version 2.1 media (single-layer media with the capacity of 25 GB, dual-layer media with the capacity of 50 GB) is supported. *6 BDXL(TM) media are not supported. N ot e Your optical disc drive may not support writing or playback of some types of media. Your optical disc drive does not support 8 cm disc reading/writing and an 8 cm disc adapter. Your optical disc drive supports only circular discs. Do not use discs in any other shape (star, heart, card, etc.) or damaged discs, as it may cause your VAIO computer to malfunction. DVD-Video format data can be written to DVD+R (single layer or dual layer), DVD+RW/DVD-R (single layer or dual layer), and DVD-RW media. DVD-Video Recording format data can be written to DVD-R (single layer or dual layer), DVD-RW, and DVD-RAM media. Writable media differ depending on the disc burning app you use. Refer to the help file included with the app for more information. It is recommended that you use Sony branded media: DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R, DVDRW, CD-R, CD-RW, BD-R, or BD-RE. You cannot write data to DVD-RW media (6x writing) unless your optical disc drive supports at least 6x writing for DVD-RW media. You cannot write data to DVD+RW media (8x writing) unless your optical disc drive supports at least 8x writing for DVD+RW media. Your VAIO computer is designed to playback discs that conform to the Compact Disc (CD) standard. DualDiscs and some music discs encoded with copyright protection technologies do not conform to the CD standard. Therefore, these discs may not be compatible with the computer. When you buy pre-recorded or blank discs for use with your VAIO computer, be sure to read the notices on the disc package carefully to check both playback and recording compatibility with your computer’s optical disc drives. Sony does NOT guarantee the compatibility of VAIO optical disc drives with discs that are not compliant with the official “CD,” “DVD,” or “Blu-ray Disc” standard. USING NON-COMPLIANT DISCS CAN CAUSE FATAL DAMAGE TO YOUR VAIO COMPUTER OR CREATE SOFTWARE CONFLICTS AND CAUSE SYSTEM HANGING. For inquiries about disc formats, contact the individual publisher of the pre-recorded disc or the manufacturer of the recordable disc. Your VAIO computer needs to be connected to the Internet to play DVD-RW, DVDRAM, and DVD-R (single layer or dual layer) media that are compliant with the Content Protection for Recordable Media (CPRM) standard. To record, edit, or play copyright protected content, Blu-ray Disc media employs the Advanced Access Content System (AACS) technology. To use Blu-ray Disc media continually, you need to update the AACS key. You can update the AACS key through the Internet. Follow a message displayed on a recording, editing, or playback app you are using. Without updating the AACS key, you may become unable to record, edit, or play copyright protected content. To record, edit, or play content without copyright protection, you do not need to update the AACS key. You can update the AACS key for the Blu-ray Disc recording or playback app installed on your VAIO computer for five years after purchase. After that, we will inform you about the update on the support website. Region settings are required for some contents of DVD and BD-ROM Disc media. If the region setting on the optical disc drive does not match the region code on the disc, playback is not possible. Unless your external display is compliant with the High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) standard, you cannot play or view the contents of copyright protected Blu-ray Disc media through an HDMI connection. Some Blu-ray Disc content may restrict video output to standard definition or prohibit analog video output. Re la t e d T opic About Region Codes © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up About Re gion Code s The following is a list of DVD region codes indicating playable regions of DVD media. You can check the region codes of DVD media sold in the following countries or regions. 1 . USA, Canada 2 . Europe, Middle East, South Africa, Japan N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 3 . Southeast Asia, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong 4 . Central America, South America, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry 5 . North Africa, Asia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, India 6 . China 7 . Reserved for future use 8 . International aircraft, international cruise ship, international conference hall, etc. Region code indicators are labeled on the discs or packages to indicate in which region and on what type of player you can play the disc. If the region code indicates “all,” you can play this disc in most regions of the world. If the region code for your residence area is different from the label, you cannot play the disc on your VAIO computer. Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions Re la t e d T opic Supported Discs N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t H a ndling Disc s Read the following to protect data stored on discs and take proper care of discs. Be sure to hold the disc by its edges and central hole without touching the recording surface (playing surface), as shown below. Fingerprints and dust on the surface of a disc may cause a read or write error. Be sure to keep the disc clean. Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Sony assumes no liability for any problems and damages to discs arising out of adhesive labels affixed to discs. Refer to the manual carefully that came with the label app or label paper, and use the labels under your responsibility. Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions T o t a k e prope r c a re of disc s For normal cleaning, hold the disc by its edges and use a soft cloth to wipe the surface from the center out, as shown below. If the disc is badly soiled, moisten a soft cloth with water, wring it out well, and use it to wipe the surface of the disc. Wipe off any remaining moisture with a dry soft cloth. Do not use solvents such as benzine, thinner, commercially available cleaners, or antistatic spray which may cause damage to the disc. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use N ot e s on U sing Disc s Pa rt s De sc ript ion Observe the following notes when using discs on your VAIO computer. Se t up N ot e s on pla ying disc s N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Depending on system environment, you may find sound interruptions and/or dropped frames during DVD/BD/AVCHD playback. In addition, some discs may not be able to play on your VAIO computer. When you are playing discs: The CPU load increases. Close all running apps other than the playback app you are currently using to enjoy smoother playback. Do not switch the display output between the computer screen and an external display. N ot e s on pla ying re c orde d disc s on ot he r pla ye rs Some CD players may not be able to play audio CDs created with CD-R or CD-RW media. Some DVD players may not be able to play DVDs created with DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, or DVD-RAM media. Blu-ray Disc recorders that support only BD-RE Ver.1.0 cannot play BD-R or BD-RE media created with your VAIO computer. (Blu-ray Disc Drive with DVD SuperMulti equipped models) T ips for suc c e ssful w rit ing Do not plug or unplug cables, such as the AC adapter or the power cord while the optical disc drive is writing data to a disc. The writing process may take longer to complete than theoretically predicted because some apps write and verify data simultaneously. Sony assumes no liability for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of writing failure. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up U sing t he Built -in Ca m e ra If your VAIO computer is equipped with a built-in camera, you can make a video call through the Internet using communication software, such as Window s Live M e sse nge r . For detailed information on how to use the software, refer to the help file included with the software. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The built-in camera indicator light is on while the built-in camera is in use. Conne c t ions H int The software installed on your VAIO computer varies depending on the computer’s configurations. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions 1 . Built-in microphone (monaural) 2 . Built-in camera indicator 3 . Built-in camera T o m a k e a vide o c a ll using Window s Live M e sse nge r 1 . Click (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and Window s Live M e sse nge r . You need to sign in to Window s Live M e sse nge r to make a video call. T o displa y im a ge s from t he built -in c a m e ra 1 . Click (St a rt ), All Progra m s, Arc Soft We bc a m Suit e , and We bCa m Com pa nion 4 . 2 . Click Ca pt ure . H int If you cannot capture images properly, for example captured images are not displayed smoothly, click the current resolution of the capturing image in the upper right of the main window and lower the resolution. Re la t e d T opic Notes on the Built-in Camera © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N ot e s on t he Built -in Ca m e ra Do not scratch or soil the area on and around the built-in camera, as it may cause poorquality images. Do not let direct sunlight enter the lens of the built-in camera regardless of your VAIO computer’s power state, as it may cause the camera to malfunction. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ca re a nd c le a ning of t he built -in c a m e ra Conne c t ions If the area on and around the built-in camera is soiled, gently wipe it with a soft cloth, such as a lens cleaning cloth. Do not rub the area too hard, as it can be easily scratched. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Re la t e d T opic Using the Built-in Camera Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About t he N e t w ork (LAN ) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions The network (LAN) enables you to connect your VAIO computer to the Internet and transfer data between the computer and other devices. You can connect your VAIO computer to 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T type networks with a LAN cable (not supplied). Connect one end of a LAN cable to the LAN port on the computer and the other end to your network. For information on peripheral devices required for LAN access, ask your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or refer to the manual that came with your modem. For information on how to connect your VAIO computer to the network, refer to your ISP’s instructions or the manual that came with the modem and other peripheral devices. If you require information on the network settings at your workplace, ask the network administrator. Se t t ings Re la t e d T opic Pla yba c k About the Internet Connection Services Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About t he I nt e rne t Conne c t ion Se rvic e s How to Use Conne c t ions The following types of Internet connection services are available. You can select from among the services according to your preference, for example, communication speed or a usage fee. For detailed information on a variety of connection services, contact Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Cable modem Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Satellite Dial-up Se t t ings Re la t e d T opic Pla yba c k Connecting to the Internet with a Wired Connection Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Conne c t ing t o t he I nt e rne t w it h a Wire d Conne c t ion Before using the Internet, you need to sign up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and set up devices required for connecting your VAIO computer to the Internet. Connect one end of a LAN cable (not supplied) to the LAN port on your VAIO computer and the other end to your network. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e For detailed information on devices required for Internet access and how to connect your VAIO computer to the Internet, ask your ISP. When connecting your VAIO computer to the Internet, be sure to use a cable with network or Ethernet printed on it. Do not plug a telephone cable into the LAN port on your VAIO computer. If the computer is connected to the one of the networks or the LAN port is connected to the telephone lines mentioned below, high electric current to the port may cause damage, overheating, or fire. Any network, except 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T type networks Public telephone subscriber line Private branch exchange (PBX) Home (intercom speakerphone) or business-use telephone lines (multi-line business telephone) H int To connect your VAIO computer to the Internet using the wireless LAN function, you need to set up the wireless LAN network. [Details] Re la t e d T opic About the Internet Connection Services About the Network (LAN) Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation La unc hing t he We b Brow se r (WEB But t on) By pressing the WEB button, you can launch the default web browser. Even when your VAIO computer is off, pressing the WEB button starts Windows, and launches the web browser. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About t he Wi-Fi (Wire le ss LAN ) St a nda rds How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) allows your VAIO computer to connect to a network through a wireless connection. The WLAN uses the following IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n standard, which specifies the type of technology used. Refer to the specifications to find out about the configuration of the computer. I EEE 8 0 2 .1 1 a (Fre que nc y ba nd:5 GH z) Exclusive to models compliant with the IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n standard. Conne c t ions Se t t ings I EEE 8 0 2 .1 1 b/g (Fre que nc y ba nd:2 .4 GH z) The IEEE 802.11g standard provides higher-speed communications than the IEEE 802.11b. I EEE 8 0 2 .1 1 n (Fre que nc y ba nd:2 .4 GH z/5 GH z) Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation For models compliant with the IEEE 802.11b/g/n standard, only 2.4 GHz band can be used. Re la t e d T opic Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Stopping Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing St a rt ing Wi-Fi (Wire le ss LAN ) Com m unic a t ions How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions You can establish Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications between your VAIO computer and an access point (not supplied). Before using Wi-Fi (wireless LAN), make sure a access point (not supplied) is on and operating. 1 . Connect an access point to your VAIO computer. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support [Details] and the manual that came with the access point for more information. 2 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select (Se t t ings). 3 . Select Cha nge PC se t t ings at the lower right corner of the bar. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y 4 . Select Wire le ss in the left pane of the PC se t t ings screen. 5 . Make sure Airpla ne m ode is Off and the Wi-Fi setting under Wire le ss de vic e s is On. H int Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information on Airpla ne m ode . [Details] 6 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select 7 . Select Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions (Se t t ings). (the Network icon). 8 . Select the desired access point and Conne c t . After the connection is established, Conne c t e d appears in the selected wireless access point field. If a security key [Details] entry window appears, enter the security key as required and select OK . Note that security keys are case-sensitive. N ot e On IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n equipped models, when only the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function is enabled, your VAIO computer cannot connect to a 5 GHz Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) access point. Also, when only the 5 GHz Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function is enabled, the computer cannot connect to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) access point. On IEEE 802.11b/g/n equipped models, when the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function is disabled, the computer cannot connect to an access point. Also, the computer cannot connect to a 5 GHz Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) access point. It may take some time to find and connect to a Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) access point before starting communications via Wi-Fi (wireless LAN). H int Once you connect your VAIO computer to the access point by entering the security key, the access point will be registered in the computer. You do not have to enter the security key for subsequent connections. T o c he c k Wi-Fi (w ire le ss LAN ) c onne c t ion st a t us Show the desktop [Details] and move the mouse pointer over (the Network icon) in the desktop notification area to check the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) connection status, such as the access point currently connected to your VAIO computer. Re la t e d T opic About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards Stopping Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function About a Security Key for Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing St opping Wi-Fi (Wire le ss LAN ) Com m unic a t ions How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up You can stop Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications by following these steps. 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select 2 . Select (Se t t ings). (the Network icon). 3 . Select the desired access point and @@@Disc onne c t @@@. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions N ot e Do not disable the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function while accessing remote documents, files, or resources, as it may result in data loss. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Re la t e d T opic About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Disabling the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Disa bling t he Wi-Fi (Wire le ss LAN ) Func t ion How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y You can disable the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) function by following these steps. 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select 2 . Select Cha nge PC se t t ings at the lower right corner of the bar. 3 . Select Wire le ss in the left pane of the PC se t t ings screen. 4 . Change the Wi-Fi setting under Wire le ss de vic e s to Off . H int To enable the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function, turn off Airpla ne m ode and change the Blue t oot h setting under Wire le ss de vic e s to On. You can disable all wireless functions by turning on Airpla ne m ode . The wireless function(s) whose setting is on will be enabled when you turn off Airpla ne m ode . When any wireless function is enabled, the WI RELESS indicator light turns on. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information on Airpla ne m ode . [Details] Re la t e d T opic About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards Ot he r Ope ra t ions Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation (Se t t ings). Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About a Se c urit y K e y for Wi-Fi (Wire le ss LAN ) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings A security key is a security protocol for Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) that encrypts data transmitted on Wi-Fi (wireless LAN). It is also referred to as an encryption key or a WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) key. The security key allows wireless devices that have the same key, such as a Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) access point and a computer, to communicate with each other on Wi-Fi (wireless LAN). The security key is assigned to each access point by default. (Make sure the default security key has been changed to protect data from unauthorized use.) If you cannot find the default security key, refer to the manual that came with your access point. If you enter a wrong security key, follow these steps to re-enter the security key. 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select (Se t t ings). Pla yba c k 2 . Select Ba c k up / Re c ove ry 3 . Right-click the desired network and select @@@Displa y c onne c t ion prope rt y @@@. Se c urit y (the Network icon). 4 . Select the Se c urit y tab. 5 . Enter a security key in the N e t w ork se c urit y k e y field and select OK . Ot he r Ope ra t ions Re la t e d T opic N ot ific a t ions About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on U sing t he Wi-Fi (Wire le ss LAN ) Func t ion How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Before using the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function, read the following precautions for correct use. In some countries or regions, using the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) products may be restricted by the local regulations. Wireless devices work on the 2.4 GHz band, which is used by a variety of devices. Wireless devices use the technology to minimize radio interference from other devices that use the same band; however, radio interference may still slow communication speeds, reduce communication range, or cause communication failure. If both the BLUETOOTH function and the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function of your VAIO computer are enabled, interference may occur and cause slower communication speeds or other problems. To communicate via Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) while you are on the road, you may need to contract with a Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) connection service provider. If your VAIO computer is equipped with the IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n standard, outdoor use of the 5 GHz Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function is prohibited by law. The communication speed and range may vary depending on the following conditions: Distance between devices Existence of obstacles between devices Device configuration Radio conditions Ambient environment (including wall material, etc.) Apps in use Communications may be cut off depending on radio conditions. The data transfer rate specified in the specification is the theoretical maximum, and may not reflect actual data transfer rate. Actual communication speed may not be as fast as the one displayed on your VAIO computer. The 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) frequency bands are not communicable with one another. The data transfer rate of IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11n (2.4 GHz) may be affected by interference when used with an IEEE 802.11b product. Also, IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11n automatically lower the transfer rate to maintain compatibility with an IEEE 802.11b product. The transfer rate may be regained by changing the channel settings of your access point. The IEEE 802.11a standard and the IEEE 802.11n standard are not available on ad-hoc networks. To stop the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function abruptly, turn off your VAIO computer. The WLAN standard includes the encryption methods: Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), which is a security protocol, Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2), and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). Proposed jointly by the IEEE and Wi-Fi Alliance, both WPA2 and WPA are specifications of standards based on interoperable security enhancements that increase the level of data protection and access control for existing Wi-Fi networks. WPA is designed to be forward compatible with the IEEE 802.11i specification. It utilizes the enhanced data encryption Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) in addition to user authentication using 802.1X and Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). Data encryption protects the vulnerable wireless link between clients and access points. Besides that, there are other typical LAN security mechanisms to ensure privacy, such as: password protection, end-to-end encryption, virtual private networks, and authentication. WPA2, the second generation of WPA, provides stronger data protection and network access control and is also designed to secure all versions of 802.11 devices, including 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, and 802.11n standards, multi-band and multi-mode. In addition, based on the ratified IEEE 802.11i standard, WPA2 provides government grade security by implementing the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) FIPS 140-2 compliant AES encryption algorithm and 802.1X-based authentication. WPA2 is backward compatible with WPA. Re la t e d T opic About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Stopping Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Notes on Using the BLUETOOTH(R) Function © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About t he BLU ET OOT H (R) Func t ion How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up You can establish wireless communications between your VAIO computer and other BLUETOOTH devices, such as another computer, a smartphone, a mobile phone, a headset, or a mouse. You can transfer data between these devices without cables at a range of up to 33 feet / 10 meters in an open area. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions One BLUETOOTH device can connect with up to seven devices via wireless network to exchange data. When a device requires connection to another device, it sends out an inquiry to neighboring BLUETOOTH devices. If any device responds to the inquiry, the two devices can connect with each other. Re la t e d T opic Communicating with Another BLUETOOTH(R) Device such as a Mouse Stopping BLUETOOTH(R) Communications Notes on Using the BLUETOOTH(R) Function About BLUETOOTH(R) Security © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Com m unic a t ing w it h Anot he r BLU ET OOT H (R) De vic e suc h a s a M ouse You can connect BLUETOOTH devices to your VAIO computer. For details on BLUETOOTH communication, see About t he BLU ET OOT H Func t ion . [Details] 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select N e t w ork / I nt e rne t (Se t t ings). 2 . Select Cha nge PC se t t ings at the lower right corner of the bar. 3 . Select Wire le ss in the left pane of the PC se t t ings screen. Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions 4 . Make sure that Airpla ne m ode is Off and the Blue t oot h setting is On. H int If your VAIO computer is compliant with BLUETOOTH high speed technology and you intend to use it for high-speed communications, change the Wi-Fi setting under Wire le ss de vic e s to On, too. Make sure that the WI RELESS indicator light on your VAIO computer is on. 5 . Select De vic e s in the left pane of the PC se t t ings screen. 6 . When connecting a BLUETOOTH mouse, turn it on and press the button to connect the mouse. H int Refer to the manual that came with your BLUETOOTH device for the procedure to have the device ready for connection. 7 . Select (w i1 0 7 0 ). Your VAIO computer searches for devices and displays a device list. Follow the onscreen instructions to register your device. N ot e Depending on the BLUETOOTH device, it may take some time for your VAIO computer to find the device. If your device does not appear in the list, repeat the procedure to have the device ready for connection (for example, pressing the button for connection). Depending on the BLUETOOTH device, the procedure to establish connection may vary. Refer to the manual that came with the device for the procedure. H int For details on the operations, open Window s H e lp a nd Support [Details], and enter “BLUETOOTH” in the search box. A window appears for passcode input if a BLUETOOTH device is requesting authentication to establish connection. Follow the on-screen instructions to share the passcode between the BLUETOOTH device and your VAIO computer. If you do not wish to connect, select the (w i1 0 8 0 ) button in the window. A passcode is a secret number that is entered by a user to use for the authentication process to allow two BLUETOOTH devices to communicate with each other. Enter the same alphanumeric string (case-sensitive) for both devices to allow them to communicate with each other. You can change the passcode every time you perform authentication, providing you enter the same passcode for both devices during the authentication process. For details on the passcode of a BLUETOOTH device, refer to the manual that came with the device. If no BLUETOOTH passcode is entered for a certain time, the connection process will be terminated for security. In this case, try again. Re la t e d T opic About the BLUETOOTH(R) Function Stopping BLUETOOTH(R) Communications Notes on Using the BLUETOOTH(R) Function About BLUETOOTH(R) Security © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing St opping BLU ET OOT H (R) Com m unic a t ions How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions You can stop BLUETOOTH communications by following these steps. 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select (Se t t ings). 2 . Select Cha nge PC se t t ings at the lower right corner of the bar. 3 . Select Wire le ss in the left pane of the PC se t t ings screen. 4 . Change the Blue t oot h setting under Wire le ss de vic e s to Off . H int When Airpla ne m ode is Off , the WI RELESS indicator light on your VAIO computer stays on. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Re la t e d T opic About the BLUETOOTH(R) Function Communicating with Another BLUETOOTH(R) Device such as a Mouse Notes on Using the BLUETOOTH(R) Function Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About BLU ET OOT H (R) Se c urit y How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The BLUETOOTH wireless technology has an authentication function, which allows you to control communication with other devices. The authentication function helps you prevent unwanted anonymous BLUETOOTH devices from accessing your VAIO computer. The first time two BLUETOOTH devices communicate, a common passcode (a password required for authentication) should be identified to register both devices. Once a device is registered, there is no need to re-enter the passcode. For details, open Window s H e lp a nd Support [Details], and enter “BLUETOOTH” in the search box. Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Re la t e d T opic About the BLUETOOTH(R) Function Communicating with Another BLUETOOTH(R) Device such as a Mouse Stopping BLUETOOTH(R) Communications Notes on Using the BLUETOOTH(R) Function Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on U sing t he BLU ET OOT H (R) Func t ion How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Before using the BLUETOOTH function, read the following precautions for correct use. In some countries or regions, using the BLUETOOTH function may be restricted by the local regulations. The BLUETOOTH function may not work with some devices, depending on the manufacturer or the app version employed by the manufacturer. Check the system requirements of the BLUETOOTH device before purchasing. For information on BLUETOOTH devices, visit the VAIO Support website. Some BLUETOOTH devices require authentication (pairing) before establishing connection with another device. Perform the authentication process before connecting to such devices. BLUETOOTH devices work on the 2.4 GHz band, which is used by a variety of devices. BLUETOOTH devices use the technology to minimize radio interference from other devices that use the same band; however, radio interference may still cause slower communication speeds, reduce communication range, or in some cases, cause communication failure. Communication speed and range may vary depending on the following conditions: Distance between communication devices Existence of obstacles between devices Ambient environment that includes existence of walls and materials of such walls Device configuration Apps in use Radio conditions Communications may be cut off depending on radio conditions. If your VAIO computer is compliant with BLUETOOTH high speed technology and you intend to use it for high-speed communications, enable both the wireless LAN and BLUETOOTH functions on the computer. Large files may occasionally be corrupted during continuous transfer due to limitations of the BLUETOOTH standard and electromagnetic interference in the environment. Connecting multiple BLUETOOTH devices to your VAIO computer may cause channel congestion, resulting in poor device performance. This is normal with BLUETOOTH technology and does not indicate a malfunction. Video and audio may not be synchronized if you play videos on your VAIO computer with audio output from a connected BLUETOOTH device. This is a frequent occurrence with BLUETOOTH technology and does not indicate a malfunction. All BLUETOOTH devices must be certified through the procedure stipulated by Bluetooth SIG to ensure that they are compliant with the BLUETOOTH standard. Even if the BLUETOOTH devices are compliant with the BLUETOOTH standard, individual device performance, specifications, and operation procedures may vary. Data exchange may not be possible in all situations. Not all BLUETOOTH devices are guaranteed of compatibility with your VAIO computer. If you urgently need to disable the BLUETOOTH function, turn off your VAIO computer. Re la t e d T opic About the BLUETOOTH(R) Function Communicating with Another BLUETOOTH(R) Device such as a Mouse Stopping BLUETOOTH(R) Communications About BLUETOOTH(R) Security Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About Built -I n Se nsors How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion A built-in accelerometer and digital compass (magnetometer) enable you to use the following functions. Se t up Sc re e n rot a t ion using t he built -in a c c e le rom e t e r Conne c t ions When you rotate your VAIO computer by 90 degrees or 270 degrees with the slide-out keyboard closed, the built-in accelerometer automatically detects the movement and rotates the computer screen to portrait or landscape orientation depending on the computer orientation. Se t t ings N a viga t ion a ssist a nc e using t he built -in digit a l c om pa ss Pla yba c k The built-in digital compass provides navigation assistance on compatible software by detecting the direction your VAIO computer is facing. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation H int You need to calibrate the built-in digital compass when the software does not show the current location or direction correctly. Click @@@Loc a t ion I nfo/GPS @@@ and @@@Adjust Digit a l Com pa ss @@@ on V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r and follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the built-in digital compass. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on Built -I n Se nsors How to Use Before using built-in sensors, read the following precautions for correct use. Pa rt s De sc ript ion N ot e s on using t he built -in a c c e le rom e t e r Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions If you change the computer screen orientation without exiting the running software, such as video playback software, all unsaved data may be lost. You cannot change the computer screen orientation while your VAIO computer is connected to an external display. If you connect the computer to an external display while using the computer in portrait orientation, the computer screen automatically changes to landscape (horizontal) orientation. The computer screen may become distorted if you change the computer screen orientation while the screen saver is activated. Some software does not support portrait orientation and not work correctly. In this case, use your VAIO computer in landscape orientation. N ot e s on using t he built -in digit a l c om pa ss The built-in digital compass works by detecting a magnetic direction. Do not rely solely on the location information the built-in digital compass provides. Especially at the following locations, the accuracy of the digital compass can be easily affected by magnetic interference and it may not work correctly. Inside an elevator or a room built with ferrous materials, such as iron frames or reinforced concrete Near a reinforced concrete structure, such as a footbridge or an airport or a train station concourse Near or inside a train or a car Near a transformer on the ground or high-voltage power lines Near a metallic product, such as a metal frame desk or metallic furniture Near a material that has a high level of magnetic interference, such as a magnet, a magnetic holder, or speakers Adjusting the angle of the LCD screen may reduce the accuracy of the built-in digital compass; however, this is normal and does not indicate a malfunction. If this occurs, you need to calibrate the digital compass on V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r. N ot e on ha ndling your V AI O c om put e r Do not hold the bottom of your VAIO computer for an extended period of time. Use of the computer for an extended period of time will heat up the bottom of the computer, resulting in low-temperature burns. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Com bina t ions a nd Func t ions w it h t he Fn K e y How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Press and hold down the Fn key and another key simultaneously to perform a keyboard shortcut action. For example, to adjust the LCD brightness: Fn +F5 ĺ3UHVVDQGKROGGRZQWKHFn key, then press the F5 key. Some keyboard functions can only be used while Windows is running. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Wire le ss k e yboa rd supplie d m ode ls Conne c t ions Fn + Se t t ings Press the button repeatedly to adjust the LCD brightness of your computer screen. [Details] To decrease lighting intensity, press the Fn +F5 keys. To increase lighting intensity, press the Fn +F6 keys. Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y (F5 /F6 ) Fn + Sc r Lk (Sc roll Loc k ) Works differently depending on the software you use. Refer to the help file included with the software for more information. U SB k e yboa rd supplie d m ode ls Ot he r Ope ra t ions Fn + N ot ific a t ions Press the button repeatedly to adjust the LCD brightness of your computer screen. [Details] To decrease lighting intensity, press the Fn +F5 keys. To increase lighting intensity, press the Fn +F6 keys. (F5 /F6 ) Fn + Sc r Lk (Sc roll Loc k ) Works differently depending on the software you use. Refer to the help file included with the software for more information. Fn + Pa use (Pa use ) Works differently depending on the software you use. Refer to the help file included with the software for more information. Fn + Bre a k (Bre a k ) Works differently depending on the software you use. Refer to the help file included with the software for more information. Fn + Pg U p (Pa ge U p) Goes to the previous page. Fn + End (End) Moves the cursor to the end of a line or page. Fn + Pg Dn (Pa ge Dow n) Goes to the next page. Fn + H om e (H om e ) Moves the cursor to the top of a line or page. Fn + (E) Ejects a disc from the optical disc drive. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cha nging t he LCD Bright ne ss How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation You can adjust the LCD brightness. 1 . Press the Fn +F5 key or Fn +F6 keys. To decrease lighting intensity, keep pressing the Fn +F5 keys. To increase lighting intensity, keep pressing the Fn +F6 keys. When you press the keys, the brightness indicator is displayed for a few seconds. H int The LCD brightness setting is retained even after your VAIO computer is turned off and restarted. Re la t e d T opic Combinations and Functions with the Fn Key Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About t he ASSI ST But t on How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Press the ASSI ST button to perform regular maintenance of your VAIO computer or to solve problems you might encounter when using the computer. While the computer is on, the ASSI ST button starts V AI O Ca re . While the computer is off, the ASSI ST button starts V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode . V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode can be used to recover the computer in case of emergency, for example, when Windows does not start. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions N ot e Once the V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen is displayed and about five minutes have passed without any operation, your VAIO computer automatically turns off. Se t t ings Re la t e d T opic Pla yba c k Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) Recovering from the Recovery Area Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Backing Up Your Data when You cannot Start Windows Restoring Your Data with VAIO Data Restore Tool Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cust om izing Y our V AI O Com put e r How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion (V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r) allows you to access system information and to change settings of various kinds of functions such as display and sounds. 1 . Click Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and (V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r). 2 . Select your desired item and change the settings. H int Refer to the help file included with (V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r) for more information on each option. Some of the items will not be visible if you log on as a user without administrative rights. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Cha nging t he Re solut ion (Size ) of t he Sc re e n I m a ge on a n H DM I -Conne c t e d De vic e You can change the screen resolution or size of your VAIO computer’s screen image displayed on an external display, such as a TV, connected to the computer with an HDMI cable (not supplied). 1 . Connect your VAIO computer to an HDMI equipped TV with an HDMI cable. 2 . Turn on the TV. Conne c t ions 3 . Double-click (H DM I Re solut ion Se t t ings) in the desktop notification area. The settings window appears. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions 4 . Click the Se le c t Re solut ion tab to select the desired resolution, and then click Apply. After a few seconds, the selected resolution is applied. 5 . If the computer image does not fit the displayable region of the TV, click the Adjust Re solut ion tab to adjust the display size. N ot e Some resolution options may not be available, depending on the model or the HDMIconnected device. The function to adjust the screen resolution may be disabled depending on the selected resolution. N ot ific a t ions Re la t e d T opic © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing V ie w ing t he Syst e m I nform a t ion How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can view the system information of your VAIO computer. For example, after installing a memory module, you can view the information to confirm system memory changes. (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and (1 0 0 0 0 0 ) . Se t up 1 . Click N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 2 . Click (1 0 0 0 2 0 ) and (1 0 0 0 2 1 ) . The system information of your VAIO computer is displayed. Conne c t ions Re la t e d T opic Se t t ings Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Adding and Removing Memory Modules Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Che c k ing t he Ba t t e ry Cha rge Ca pa c it y How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings The battery pack is consumable. The capacity gradually declines through repeated cycles of recharging and discharging. As a result, the battery life becomes short even if it is fully charged and eventually the battery pack reaches the end of its life. If the battery life has become short, replace the battery pack with a new one specified by Sony. Refer to the help file for more information on battery charge status and capacity decrease. 1 . Click (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and (1 0 0 0 0 0 ) . 2 . Click (1 0 0 0 4 0 ) and (1 0 0 0 4 1 ) . Detailed battery pack information, such as charging capacity, is displayed. Pla yba c k H int Enable the battery care function to maximize the battery lifespan. With this function, you can reduce battery degradation by limiting the maximum charging capacity. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Re la t e d T opic Se c urit y Extending the Battery Life Notes on Using the Battery Pack Charging the Battery Pack Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cha rging a U SB De vic e How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up You can charge a USB device even while your VAIO computer is off, in Hibernate mode, or Sleep mode by enabling the USB charging settings. The USB charging settings are disabled by default. 1 . Click (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r. 2 . Click Pow e r M a na ge m e nt and U SB Cha rging Se t t ings to enable the settings. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation 3 . Connect a USB device to the USB port with the mark printed around it. If charging does not start even when you connect a USB device to the USB port that supports USB charging, disconnect and connect the device. N ot e With the USB charging settings enabled, power consumption when your VAIO computer is off or in Hibernate mode or Sleep mode increases because the computer supplies power to the USB port even when a USB device is not connected to the port. When the USB charging settings are enabled, you cannot use the remote wake-up function on the USB device connected to the USB port that supports USB charging. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cha nging t he Ra pid Wa k e (Sle e p M ode ) Se t t ings How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions You can change the Rapid Wake settings on V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r. Rapid Wake is enabled by default. With this function, you can keep your VAIO computer in Sleep mode without risk of data loss because the computer enters Sleep mode after your working data is saved on the built-in storage device. For models that support Rapid Wake + Eco, you can conserve more battery power by reducing power consumption when the computer is in Sleep mode. 1 . Click (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r. 2 . Click Pow e r M a na ge m e nt and Ra pid Wa k e . Click to select or clear the check box for Rapid Wake. Select the check box to enable Rapid Wake or clear it to disable the function. N ot e With Rapid Wake disabled, your working data is not saved on the built-in storage device when the computer enters Sleep mode. Therefore, if the computer is turned off during Sleep mode because, for example, the battery pack runs out of power or the computer is disconnected from an AC power source, the working data will be lost and cannot be restored. To avoid data loss, be sure to save the data before the computer enters Sleep mode. With Rapid Wake disabled, the power indicator light blinks slowly in orange during Sleep mode, and the charge and power indicator lights blink simultaneously when the battery pack runs out of power during Sleep mode. When you use the Hibernate mode, you need to disable Rapid Wake. N ot ific a t ions Re la t e d T opic Using Sleep Mode Notes on Sleep Mode © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Conne c t ing a U SB De vic e How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t You can connect a Universal Serial Bus (USB) device such as a mouse, floppy disk drive, speaker or printer to your VAIO computer. Installation of the device driver software supplied with the USB device may be required when connecting. Refer to the manual that came with the device for more information. 1 . Choose the USB port (1) you prefer to use. 2 . Plug the USB device cable (2) (not supplied) into the USB port. Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e You may need to install the driver software supplied with your USB device before use. Refer to the manual that came with the USB device for more information. In order to print documents, be sure the USB printer is compatible with your version of Windows. Before disconnecting USB speakers from your VAIO computer, stop DVD or music playback or turn off the computer. If you disconnect the USB speakers during playback, it may cause a malfunction. For information on how to remove a USB device, refer to the manual that came with the device. To protect your VAIO computer and/or USB devices from damage, observe the following: When moving your VAIO computer with USB devices connected, avoid exposing the USB ports to shock or impact. Do not put your VAIO computer in a bag or carrying case with USB devices connected. H int The USB ports on your VAIO computer are compliant with the USB 2.0 standard and USB 3.0 standard. USB ports that are compliant with the USB 3.0 standard are identifiable by their blue color. In addition to the USB 2.0 standard transfer modes, the USB 3.0 standard specifies the following transfer mode: SuperSpeed: Transfer rate of 5 Gbps. Re la t e d T opic Connecting an External Drive © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About “M e m ory St ic k ” How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t “Memory Stick” is a compact, portable, and versatile IC recording media especially designed for exchanging and sharing digital data with compatible products, such as digital cameras and other devices. Because it is removable, it can be used for external data storage. For the latest information about “Memory Stick”, visit Re la t e d T opic Compatible “Memory Stick” Conne c t ions Inserting/Removing “Memory Stick” Se t t ings Formatting “Memory Stick” Notes on Using “Memory Stick” Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Com pa t ible “M e m ory St ic k ” How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up The “Memory Stick” slot on your VAIO computer can accommodate the following sizes and types of media: “Memory Stick Duo” “Memory Stick PRO Duo” “Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo” “Memory Stick Micro” N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k About “M a gic Ga t e ” “MagicGate” refers to copyright protection technology developed by Sony. An authentication process is performed between the “MagicGate” compatible device and “Memory Stick” to check whether they can correctly store and play back data, and the data will be encrypted. The authentication is also performed before the data is played back, and only when they are properly authenticated, the data is decrypted and played back. The copyright protected data can be played back by authenticated devices only. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e Your VAIO computer supports only Duo-size “Memory stick”, and does not support standard-size “Memory Stick”. Before using “Memory Stick Micro” (“M2”), be sure to insert it into an “M2” Duo adaptor. If you insert the media directly into the “Memory Stick Duo” slot without the adaptor, you may not be able to remove it from the slot. Your VAIO computer has been tested and found compatible with any Sony branded “Memory Stick” of up to 32 GB, available as of June 2011. However, “Memory Stick” compatibility is not guaranteed in all cases. Except for personal use, it is against copyright law to use any audio and/or image data you record without prior consent from the respective copyright holder(s). Accordingly, “Memory Stick” with such copyrighted data can be used only within the law. Use “Memory Stick” with the “MagicGate” logo to take advantage of this technology. If you use “Memory Stick” in a place subject to static electricity or electrical noise, stored data may be lost. The maximum possible size for a file on “Memory Stick PRO Duo” or “Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo” is less than 4 GB, as defined in the file system specification. Re la t e d T opic About “Memory Stick” Inserting/Removing “Memory Stick” Formatting “Memory Stick” Notes on Using “Memory Stick” © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing I nse rt ing/Re m oving “M e m ory St ic k ” How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can use “Memory Stick” to save data or transfer images between a digital camera and your VAIO computer. To insert/remove “Memory Stick”, follow these steps. Se t up T o I nse rt “M e m ory St ic k ” N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions 1 . Locate the “Memory Stick” slot. H int The “Memory Stick” slot on your computer also works as an SD memory card slot. 2 . Hold “Memory Stick” [Details] with the arrow pointing toward the slot, and carefully slide it into the slot until it clicks into place. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y “Memory Stick” is automatically detected by your system and the contents of “Memory Stick” (St a rt ) and Com put e r , and are displayed*. If nothing appears on the desktop, click double-click the “Memory Stick” icon*. Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions * The drive letter for the “Memory Stick” slot, such as “E:”, may vary depending on the system configuration of your VAIO computer. N ot e The “Memory Stick” icon will appear in the Com put e r window after you insert “Memory Stick” into the slot. If “Memory Stick” cannot be inserted easily, remove it gently, and verify you are inserting it in the proper direction. Be sure to hold “Memory Stick” with the arrow pointing in the correct direction as you insert it into the slot. To avoid damaging your VAIO computer or the media, do not force “Memory Stick” into the slot if you cannot insert it smoothly. H int When you insert “Memory Stick” into the slot for the first time, you may be prompted to install driver software. If prompted, follow the on-screen instructions to install the software. T o re m ove “M e m ory St ic k ” 1 . Locate the “Memory Stick” slot. H int The “Memory Stick” slot on your computer also works as an SD memory card slot. 2 . Check that the Media Access indicator light is off. 3 . Push in “Memory Stick” toward your VAIO computer and release. 4 . Pull “Memory Stick” out of the slot. N ot e Do not remove “Memory Stick” while the Media Access indicator light is on. If you do, you may lose data. Large volumes of data may take time to load, so make sure the indicator light is off before removing “Memory Stick”. Be sure to remove “Memory Stick” gently, or it may pop out unexpectedly. Re la t e d T opic About “Memory Stick” Compatible “Memory Stick” Formatting “Memory Stick” Notes on Using “Memory Stick” © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Form a t t ing “M e m ory St ic k ” How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry “Memory Stick” is formatted in the specific FAT format by default and is ready for use. Be sure to use the device that is designed to format the media and supports “Memory Stick” when formatting the media. If you want to reformat the media with your VAIO computer, follow these steps. N ot e Formatting “Memory Stick” erases the entire data stored on the media. Be sure to make a backup copy of important data to avoid erasing it. Do not remove “Memory Stick” from the slot while formatting. This could cause a malfunction. 1 . Locate the “Memory Stick” slot. H int The “Memory Stick” slot on your computer also works as an SD memory card slot. 2 . Carefully slide “Memory Stick” into the slot until it clicks into place. [Details] 3 . Click (St a rt ) and Com put e r . Se c urit y 4 . Right-click the “Memory Stick” icon and select Form a t . The Form a t M e m ory St ic k window appears. Ot he r Ope ra t ions 5 . Click Re st ore de vic e de fa ult s . The size of the allocation unit and file system will change to default settings. N ot e Do not select N T FS from the File syst e m drop-down list as it may cause a malfunction. H int The formatting process will be completed more quickly if you select Quic k Form a t in Form a t opt ions. N ot ific a t ions 6 . Click St a rt . Follow the on-screen instructions. N ot e It may take time to format “Memory Stick” depending on the media type. Re la t e d T opic About “Memory Stick” Compatible “Memory Stick” Inserting/Removing “Memory Stick” Notes on Using “Memory Stick” © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on U sing “M e m ory St ic k ” How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Before using “Memory Stick”, read the following precautions for correct use. Keep “Memory Stick” out of reach of children. There is a risk of swallowing it. Do not touch the “Memory Stick” connector with your finger or metal objects. Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions “Memory Stick” contains delicate electronic components. Do not impact, bend or drop it. Do not disassemble or modify “Memory Stick”. Do not wet “Memory Stick”. Do not use or store in a location subject to: Extremely high temperature, such as in a car parked in the sun Direct sunlight High humidity or corrosive substances Excessive dust Be sure to use “Memory Stick” and adaptors that are compliant with the standards supported by your VAIO computer. Incompatible cards and adaptors may get stuck in the slot, causing damage to the computer. You cannot write data to “Memory Stick” that is write-protected. It is recommended that you make a backup copy of important data. Stored data may be lost or corrupted if: You remove “Memory Stick” or turn off your VAIO computer while the media access indicator light is on. You use “Memory Stick” at a place where static electricity or electrical noise may disturb the card. When carrying “Memory Stick”, be sure to put it in its case to avoid static electricity. Before using “Memory Stick” with a device other than a computer, such as a digital camera or a portable audio, format (initialize) “Memory Stick” using the device. Some devices may not support the file format for computers and show you a message that recommends you to format “Memory Stick”. In this case, copy data from “Memory Stick” to your VAIO computer and format “Memory Stick” using the device. All data in “Memory Stick” will be deleted when you format it. Refer to the manual that came with the device for more information. Do not insert foreign objects into the “Memory Stick” slot. The “Memory Stick” slot can be used for reading/writing supported “Memory Stick” only, and cannot be used for other purposes. N ot e s on U sing “M e m ory St ic k Duo” When using “Memory Stick Duo”, do not use a fine-tipped pen to write on the label adhered to “Memory Stick Duo”. Exerting pressure on the media may damage internal components. N ot e s on U sing “M e m ory St ic k M ic ro” Before using “Memory Stick Micro” (“M2”), be sure to insert it into an “M2” Duo adaptor. If you insert the media directly into the “Memory Stick Duo” slot without the adaptor, you may not be able to remove it from the slot. Keep “Memory Stick Micro” and “M2” Duo adaptors away from children. They are harmful if swallowed. Re la t e d T opic About “Memory Stick” Compatible “Memory Stick” Inserting/Removing “Memory Stick” Formatting “Memory Stick” © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing I nse rt ing/Re m oving SD M e m ory Ca rds How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Your VAIO computer is equipped with an SD memory card slot. You can use this slot to transfer data among digital cameras, camcorders, music players, and other audio/video devices. The SD memory card slot on the computer can accommodate the following memory cards: SD memory card SDHC memory card SDXC memory card T o inse rt a n SD m e m ory c a rd 1 . Locate the SD memory card slot. H int The SD slot on your computer also works as a “Memory Stick” slot. 2 . Hold the SD memory card with the arrow pointing toward the slot, and carefully slide it into the slot until it clicks into place. Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions The SD memory card icon will appear in the Com put e r window after you insert the card into the slot. N ot e Be careful not to insert an SD memory card with wrong orientation. If you force it into the slot upside down, the slot may be damaged. Refer to the manual that came with the SD memory card for more information. The SD memory card icon will not appear in the Com put e r window until you insert the card into the slot. H int When you insert the SD memory card into the slot for the first time, you may be prompted to install driver software. If prompted, follow the on-screen instructions to install the software. While data is being read from or written to the SD memory card, the media access indicator light is on. T o re m ove a n SD m e m ory c a rd 1 . Locate the SD memory card slot. H int The SD slot on your computer also works as a “Memory Stick” slot. 2 . Check that the media access indicator light is off. 3 . Push in the SD memory card toward your VAIO computer and release. 4 . Pull the SD memory card out of the slot. Re la t e d T opic Notes on Using SD Memory Cards © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on U sing SD M e m ory Ca rds How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Before using SD memory cards, read the following precautions for correct use. Keep an SD memory card out of reach of children. There is a risk of swallowing it. Do not touch the SD memory card connector with your finger or metal objects. An SD memory card contains delicate electronic components. Do not impact, bend or drop it. Do not disassemble or modify an SD memory card. Do not wet an SD memory card. Do not use or store in a location subject to: Extremely high temperature, such as in a car parked in the sun Direct sunlight High humidity or corrosive substances Excessive dust Be sure to use SD memory cards and adaptors that are compliant with the standards supported by your VAIO computer. Incompatible cards and adaptors may get stuck in the slot, causing damage to the computer. You cannot write data to an SD memory card that is write-protected. It is recommended that you make a backup copy of important data. Stored data may be lost or corrupted if: You remove an SD memory card or turn off your VAIO computer while the media access indicator light is on. You use an SD memory card at a place where static electricity or electrical noise may disturb the card. When carrying an SD memory card, be sure to put it in its case to avoid static electricity. Before using an SD memory card with a device other than a computer, such as a digital camera or a portable audio, format (initialize) the SD memory card using the device. Some devices may not support the file format for computers and show you a message that recommends you to format the SD memory card. In this case, copy data from the card to your VAIO computer and format the card using the device. All data in the SD memory card will be deleted when you format it. Refer to the manual that came with the device for more information. Do not insert foreign objects into the SD memory card slot. The SD memory card slot can be used for reading/writing supported memory cards only, and cannot be used for other purposes. SD memory cards (up to 2 GB), SDHC memory cards (up to 32 GB) and SDXC memory cards (up to 64 GB) available as of June 2011 have been tested and found compatible with your VAIO computer. However, it is not guaranteed that all SD memory cards, SDHC memory cards or SDXC memory cards will be compatible with the computer. Do not attempt to insert a memory card or memory card adaptor of a different type into the memory card slot. An incompatible memory card or memory card adaptor may get stuck in the slot, causing damage to your VAIO computer. Some types of SD memory cards, for example ones with the UHS (Ultra High Speed data transfer feature), may become extremely hot due to continuous access to the memory cards. In such a case, wait for a while before removing the memory card until it cools down. Re la t e d T opic Inserting/Removing SD Memory Cards © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Cre a t ing/Cha nging/Re m oving Y our Window s Pa ssw ord Setting the Windows password allows you to protect your VAIO computer from unauthorized access by making the user enter the password when the computer is turned on or returns from power saving mode to Normal mode. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information on the Windows password. [Details] 1 . Open the Charms bar [Details] and select (Se t t ings). 2 . Select Cha nge PC se t t ings at the lower right corner of the bar. 3 . Select U se rs in the left pane of the PC se t t ings screen. Se t t ings 4 . Select Cre a t e a pa ssw ord or Cha nge your pa ssw ord . 5 . Follow the on-screen instructions to enter your password. Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e Do not forget your password. Write down the password and keep it in a secure place. H int You can enter a hint in order to recall your password if you forget it. You can also create a password reset disc that can be used to create a new password. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information on the Windows password. [Details] Re la t e d T opic Setting/Changing the Power-on Password © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing U sing t he Ant ivirus App for Y our V AI O Com put e r How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Protect your VAIO computer against computer viruses by using the antivirus app. You can keep the antivirus app current with the latest updates by downloading and installing the updates from the website of the app publisher. To update the antivirus app, find the antivirus app installed on your VAIO computer from the following and follow these steps. T re nd M ic ro: N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 1 . Make sure your VAIO computer is connected to the Internet. 2 . Start T re nd M ic ro T it a nium M a x im um Se c urit y. [Details] Conne c t ions Se t t ings 3 . Follow the on-screen instructions. M c Afe e : 1 . Make sure your VAIO computer is connected to the Internet. Pla yba c k 2 . Start M c Afe e I nt e rne t Se c urit y or M c Afe e T ot a l Prot e c t ion. [Details] 3 . Follow the on-screen instructions. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry K a spe rsk y I nt e rne t Se c urit y: Se c urit y 1 . Make sure your VAIO computer is connected to the Internet. 2 . Start K a spe rsk y I nt e rne t Se c urit y. [Details] Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions 3 . Follow the on-screen instructions. N ot e The actual procedure may be different from the above depending on the version of the app installed on your VAIO computer. In such a case, follow the on-screen instructions. H int Refer to the help file included with your app for more information. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Enc rypt ing Y our Da t a w it h t he T PM (Bit Loc k e r) Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t You can use BitLocker included with Windows 8 Pro to encrypt the data on the built-in storage device. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information on the BitLocker settings and operations. [Details] To unlock the BitLocker-protected drive with a USB flash drive, follow these steps: Conne c t ions Se t t ings 1 . Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off. The V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen appears. Pla yba c k 2 . Select St a rt BI OS se t up. Enter a password if it has already been set. The BIOS setup screen appears. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry or key to select the Se c urit y tab and change the Cha nge T PM 3 . Press the St a t e setting to Ena ble . Se c urit y or key to select Boot and change the Ex t e rna l De vic e Boot 4 . Press the setting to Ena ble d. Ot he r Ope ra t ions 5 . Change the boot device order to put I nt e rna l H a rd Disk Drive in Boot Priorit y before Ex t e rna l De vic e . N ot ific a t ions 6 . Press the key. or key to select Ex it , select Ex it Se t up , and then press the Ent e r 7 . When the confirmation prompt appears after your VAIO computer restarts, select Ex e c ut e . 8 . Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support to enable BitLocker. 9 . Save a password on the USB flash drive in the recovery password save window. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to restart your VAIO computer. After the computer restarts, the BitLocker encryption starts. N ot e After you update the BIOS settings using V AI O U pda t e , the BIOS settings are restored to the default. In this case, you need to repeat the above steps. It takes several hours to complete the BitLocker encryption. Do not encrypt an external device containing the recovery password, such as a USB flash drive, using Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion N ot e s on U sing t he T PM Before using the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), read the following precautions for correct use. Se t up N ot e s on t he BI OS se t t ings N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Resetting the TPM settings in the BIOS setup screen makes your TPM-encrypted data inaccessible. If you have the TPM-encrypted data, make a backup copy before resetting the settings, if needed. Before enabling the TPM in the BIOS setup screen, set the BIOS password [Details] to prevent unauthorized users from changing the TPM settings. N ot e s on da t a m a na ge m e nt w it h t he T PM The TPM security feature on your VAIO computer does not ensure complete security of your data and hardware. Sony assumes no liability for any problems and damage arising out of your use of or inability to use the TPM. Back up your data on the TPM or the built-in storage device before sending your VAIO computer for repair, and keep your backup data private from other users. Sony assumes no liability for any data loss arising out of repairs. The TPM will also be replaced if your computer motherboard needs replacement during the course of repair. Perform the operation and maintenance of the TPM-related data at your own risk. Sony assumes no liability for any problems arising out of your operation and maintenance. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Boot ing Y our V AI O Com put e r from Ex t e rna l De vic e s You can boot your VAIO computer from external devices, such as an optical disc drive, a USB floppy disk drive, or a USB flash drive by using the BIOS function. Se t up 1 . Connect an external device to your VAIO computer. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t 2 . Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off. The V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen appears. Conne c t ions 3 . Select St a rt from m e dia (U SB de vic e /opt ic a l disc ) . The booting process from the external device starts. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation N ot e Disconnect all devices from your VAIO computer except for the external device from which you intend to boot up. Some devices cannot be used to boot the computer, or cannot be used with the computer. If an AC adapter is supplied with the external device, be sure to connect it to an AC power source in advance. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Se t t ing/Cha nging t he Pow e r-on Pa ssw ord How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions You can set a password (power-on password) for booting up your VAIO computer, using the BIOS function. Entry of the power-on password will be prompted after the VAIO logo appears to start the computer. There are two types of passwords. Set the machine password first. Machine password (for administrators): Allows users with administrative rights to change all the setup options in the BIOS setup screen, as well as to start your VAIO computer. User password (for users without administrative rights): Allows standard users to change some of the BIOS setup options, as well as to start your VAIO computer. To set the user password, you must first set the machine password. 1 . Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off. The V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen appears. 2 . Select St a rt BI OS se t up. Enter a password if it has already been set. The BIOS setup screen appears. or key to select the Se c urit y tab, select Se t M a c hine Pa ssw ord 3 . Press the or Se t U se r Pa ssw ord, and then press the Ent e r key. The password entry screen appears. 4 . Enter the password and press the Ent e r key. To change the password, enter the current password and a new password. The password can be set up to 32 alphanumeric characters long (including spaces) and it is case-sensitive. 5 . Press the or key to select Pa ssw ord w he n Pow e r On, press the Ent e r key, and select Ena ble d. 6 . Press the or Ent e r key. key to select the Ex it tab, select Ex it Se t up , and then press the 7 . At the confirmation prompt, press the Ent e r key. N ot e Be sure to write down the password to avoid forgetting it. If you forget the password, you cannot boot up your VAIO computer. You can reset the user password at the BIOS setup screen by entering the machine password. If you forget the machine password, the password must be reset by authorized Sony service/support center. (The reset fee will be charged.) Re la t e d T opic Removing the Power-on Password Creating/Changing/Removing Your Windows Password What should I do if I forget the power-on password to start my VAIO computer? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Re m oving t he Pow e r-on Pa ssw ord How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry If power-on password input for booting up your VAIO computer is no longer necessary, follow these steps to remove the machine password and user password. 1 . Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off. The V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen appears. 2 . Select St a rt BI OS se t up. Enter a password if it has already been set. The BIOS setup screen appears. or key to select the Se c urit y tab, select Se t M a c hine Pa ssw ord 3 . Press the or Se t U se r Pa ssw ord, and then press the Ent e r key. The password entry screen appears. 4 . Leave the Ent e r N e w Pa ssw ord and Confirm N e w Pa ssw ord fields blank and press the Ent e r key. or key to select the Ex it tab, select Ex it Se t up , and then press the 5 . Press the Ent e r key. At the confirmation prompt, press the Ent e r key. Se c urit y Re la t e d T opic Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Setting/Changing the Power-on Password What should I do if I forget the power-on password to start my VAIO computer? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use U sing I nt e l(R) Ant i-T he ft T e c hnology Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t You can change the Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology settings in the BIOS setup screen. When using Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology, follow these steps to enable the setting. 1 . Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off. The V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen appears. Conne c t ions 2 . Select St a rt BI OS se t up. Enter a password if it has already been set. The BIOS setup screen appears. Se t t ings 3 . Press the or key to select the Adva nc e d tab. 4 . Select I nt e l(R) AT Support Syst e m and press the Ent e r key. Pla yba c k 5 . Press the Ba c k up / Re c ove ry 6 . Press the or key to select the Ex it tab, select Ex it Se t up , and then press the Ent e r key. At the confirmation prompt, press the Ent e r key. Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation or key to select Ena ble d and press the Ent e r key. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cre a t ing Ot he r Drive s (M odifying Pa rt it ions) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Partitions are divided areas on your built-in storage device. Dividing the built-in storage device into more than one partition may have various advantages, such as separating the system files from your data files. Your VAIO computer has only one partition (C: drive) as the factory default setting.* If you want to store data in another partition, such as D: drive, change the partition size and create a new partition. For more information on how to create partitions, see Cre a t ing Pa rt it ions. * Some models may have D: drive as the factory default setting. Conne c t ions Se t t ings Re la t e d T opic Creating Partitions Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Removing Recovery Contents to Free up Disk Space Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cre a t ing Pa rt it ions How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry This topic describes how to create partitions. 1 . Open Cont rol Pa ne l [Details] and select Syst e m a nd Se c urit y, and Cre a t e a nd form a t ha rd disk pa rt it ions under Adm inist ra t ive T ools. If the U se r Ac c ount Cont rol window appears, select Y ES. H int If you are currently signed into your VAIO computer as a standard user, you may be prompted to enter an administrator name and password. 2 . Right-click the C: drive and select Shrink V olum e . 3 . Enter the size of the partition to be created in Ent e r t he a m ount of spa c e t o shrink in M B and select Shrink . 4 . Right-click U na lloc a t e d and select N e w Sim ple V olum e . 5 . Follow the on-screen instructions. Re la t e d T opic Creating Other Drives (Modifying Partitions) Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Removing Recovery Contents to Free up Disk Space Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Re m oving Re c ove ry Cont e nt s t o Fre e up Disk Spa c e Your built-in storage device contains the recovery area where the data for system recovery is stored. If your VAIO computer includes a solid state drive (SSD), you might want to minimize the recovery area by removing such data. Once you have removed the data for system recovery, you need the Recovery Media for later system recovery. 1 . Create Recovery Media if you have not yet created it. [Details] 2 . If you recover your VAIO computer from the Recovery Media (optical discs) on the model without a built-in optical disc drive, connect an external optical disc drive (not supplied) to the computer. [Details] If an AC adapter is supplied with the external optical disc drive, plug the AC adapter into a power source. Pla yba c k 3 . Insert the disc into the optical disc drive or connect the USB flash drive (not supplied) to the USB port while your VAIO computer is in Normal mode. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry 4 . Turn off your VAIO computer and turn it on once again. If you are using an external optical disc drive or the USB flash drive, turn off the computer, press the ASSI ST button to display the V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen, and select St a rt from m e dia (U SB de vic e /opt ic a l disc ) . Follow the on-screen instructions until the Choose a n opt ion screen appears. Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions 5 . Select T rouble shoot and Re c ove ry a nd m a int e ne nc e . Follow the on-screen instructions until the V AI O Ca re (Re sc ue M ode ) : Re c ove ry a nd m a int e ne nc e screen appears. 6 . Select T ools and @@@Re m ove re c ove ry pa rt it ion@@@. 7 . Follow the on-screen instructions. Re la t e d T opic Creating Other Drives (Modifying Partitions) Creating Partitions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About Ba c k up How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The backup process creates a backup copy of your data stored on the built-in storage device and saves it to another location. Due to unexpected events or computer viruses, you might lose various data stored on your built-in storage device. To restore the lost data, its backup copy is needed. It is strongly recommended that you back up your data regularly. If you can start Windows, back up and restore your data with the Windows feature. (St a rt ), Cont rol Pa ne l, Syst e m a nd Se c urit y, and To use the feature, click Ba c k up a nd Re st ore . Conne c t ions Se t t ings Re la t e d T opic About Types of Backup Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Backing Up Your Data when You cannot Start Windows Restoring Your Data with VAIO Data Restore Tool Creating a Restore Point Restoring System Files Using the Restore Point when You cannot Start Windows Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About T ype s of Ba c k up How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can use the Windows Ba c k up a nd Re st ore feature to back up your valuable data. There are several types of backup to meet your needs, as described below. Ba c k ing up file s Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions You can select and back up folders and files stored on your VAIO computer to a DVD or an external hard disk drive. For details on how to back up data, refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support . Ba c k ing up syst e m im a ge s You can create a backup copy of the whole system of your VAIO computer. If the built-in storage device or the computer ever stops working, you can use the system image to restore the computer as it was when backed up. To create a system image, you need an optional hard disk drive formatted in NTFS format. You can also back up a system image to optical discs such as Blu-ray Disc or DVD disc. For details on how to create a system image, refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support . [Details] N ot e We will not restore or compensate for any lost or damaged data under any circumstances including failure of your VAIO computer. Create Recovery Media soon after purchasing your VAIO computer. In the event that you cannot make a backup copy of your data with the Windows feature due to computer malfunctions, you can use the backup tool included in Recovery Media to back up your data. For information on how to create Recovery Media, see Cre a t ing Re c ove ry M e dia . [Details] H int If your VAIO computer is equipped with no disc drive, you need to connect an external device, such as an external hard disk drive or DVD drive, to the computer before backup, or you need to resize the partition of your C: drive and create another partition before backup. [Details] Re la t e d T opic About Backup Backing Up Your Data when You cannot Start Windows Restoring Your Data with VAIO Data Restore Tool Restoring System Files Using the Restore Point when You cannot Start Windows © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cre a t ing a Re st ore Point How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation A restore point enables you to restore your computer system files to a previous state, depending on when the restore point was created. Typically, restore points are created automatically, for example when you install a software driver. However, we recommend that you create a new restore point manually before installing any software or software drivers on your VAIO computer. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for information on creating a restore point. [Details] Re la t e d T opic Restoring Your Data with VAIO Data Restore Tool Restoring System Files Using the Restore Point when You cannot Start Windows Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Ba c k ing U p Y our Da t a w he n Y ou c a nnot St a rt Window s Pa rt s De sc ript ion If you cannot start Windows, back up your data with V AI O Ca re Re sc ue . Se t up T o re sc ue your da t a N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings 1 . Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off to start V AI O Ca re Re sc ue . H int If the display language selection window appears, select your desired language and click OK . 2 . Click T ools and Re sc ue Da t a . 3 . Follow the on-screen instructions. Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions N ot e If your VAIO computer is equipped with the USB port that is compliant with the USB 2.0 standard when you use a USB device to back up your data, connect the USB device to the port. H int Alternatively, you can start V AI O Ca re Re sc ue with Recovery Media. [Details] It is recommended that you select an external hard disk drive as a location to save rescued files if you select Cust om re sc ue . N ot e s on using Re sc ue Da t a Handle rescued files with care to protect from unauthorized access. Disable the Windows hard disk drive encryption feature before using Re sc ue Da t a to back up and restore your data. However, rescued files which are not encrypted on the built-in storage device can be easily accessed by unauthorized users using Recovery Media and this software. Therefore, after using the software, be sure to set the power-on or hard disk password, enable the Windows hard disk drive encryption feature, and keep the Recovery Media in a secure place to protect rescued files from unauthorized access. To restore copyright protected data, such as music files organized by digital media playback software, use a backup tool specified by the software you used to import such data. Sony does not guarantee the playback compatibility of data which is not restored with the specified backup tool. Using Re sc ue Da t a does not guarantee to back up all the data on your built-in storage device. Sony assumes no liabilities for any loss of your data arising out of the backup process. Use the power cord or the AC adapter to power your VAIO computer while using this software. Rescued files may be divided into two or more files and saved in a specified location or renamed, depending on the location you select. Use V AI O Da t a Re st ore T ool to restore the rescued files. [Details] If an external hard disk drive or optical disc drive does not support the USB connection, you need to install a software driver. Re la t e d T opic About Backup About Types of Backup Restoring Your Data with VAIO Data Restore Tool Creating a Restore Point Restoring System Files Using the Restore Point when You cannot Start Windows © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Re st oring Syst e m File s U sing t he Re st ore Point w he n Y ou c a nnot St a rt Window s When you cannot start Windows, follow these steps to restore computer system files. If you recover your VAIO computer from Recovery Media (optical discs) on the model without a built-in optical disc drive, connect an external optical disc drive (not supplied) to the computer. If an AC adapter is supplied with the external optical disc drive, plug the AC adapter into a power source. 1 . Insert the disc into the optical disc drive or connect a USB flash drive to the USB port on your VAIO computer while the computer is in Normal mode. Se t t ings 2 . Turn off your VAIO computer and turn it on once again. If you are using an external optical disc drive or a USB flash drive, press the F1 1 key repeatedly until the VAIO logo screen disappears. The Window s Boot M a na ge r screen is displayed. Pla yba c k 3 . Press the Ba c k up / Re c ove ry 4 . Select a keyboard layout and click N e x t . If the appropriate keyboard layout is not selected, you may not be able to enter the password correctly. or key to select Re pa ir Window s 7 and press the Ent e r key. Se c urit y 5 . Select your operating system and click N e x t . The system restore tool selection screen appears. Ot he r Ope ra t ions 6 . Click Syst e m Re st ore . The Syst e m Re st ore window appears. N ot ific a t ions 7 . Click N e x t . 8 . Select a restore point and click N e x t . The confirmation window of the selected restore point appears. 9 . Click Finish to confirm the restore point. Restart your VAIO computer if the window prompts you to restart the computer. Re la t e d T opic About Backup About Types of Backup Backing Up Your Data when You cannot Start Windows Restoring Your Data with VAIO Data Restore Tool Creating a Restore Point © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Re st oring Y our Da t a w it h V AI O Da t a Re st ore T ool How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up If you backed up files previously using V AI O Ca re Re sc ue , use V AI O Da t a Re st ore T ool to restore these files. For instructions on how to use the software, refer to the help file included with the software. 1 . Click (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and V AI O Da t a Re st ore T ool. The V AI O Da t a Re st ore T ool window appears. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions 2 . Click N e x t . If the U se r Ac c ount Cont rol window appears, click Y e s. H int If you are currently logged onto your VAIO computer as a standard user, you may be prompted to enter an administrator name and password. 3 . Follow the on-screen instructions. N ot e To restore copyright protected data, such as music files organized by digital media playback software, use a backup tool specified by the software you used to import such data. Sony does not guarantee the playback compatibility of data which is not restored with the specified backup tool. H int If necessary, move the restored files to an original location. Re la t e d T opic About Backup About Types of Backup Backing Up Your Data when You cannot Start Windows Creating a Restore Point Restoring System Files Using the Restore Point when You cannot Start Windows © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About Re c ove ry How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Recovery is the process of restoring your VAIO computer back to its original factory condition. There are two ways to recover the computer: From Recovery Media From the recovery area N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Whe n do I ha ve t o pe rform re c ove ry? Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k If your VAIO computer has become unstable If your VAIO computer has been infected with a computer virus If your VAIO computer is experiencing problems which cannot be solved through troubleshooting If you have formatted the C: drive by mistake Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Whic h soft w a re should I use t o m a int a in a nd re c ove r m y V AI O c om put e r ? Se c urit y Use the following software. Ot he r Ope ra t ions V AI O Ca re Creating Recovery Media Checking your computer hardware N ot ific a t ions V AI O Ca re Re sc ue Rescuing (backing up) your data Recovering your VAIO computer Erasing all the data on your built-in storage device H int Refer to the help file included with V AI O Ca re and V AI O Ca re Re sc ue for more information. Wha t is a re c ove ry a re a ? The recovery area on the built-in storage device contains data for system and application recovery. Typically, you cannot modify or delete data in this area, however, there is commercially available software designed for this purpose. Why do I ha ve t o c re a t e Re c ove ry M e dia ? Recovery Media are used to restore your VAIO computer back to its original factory condition. If Windows does not start and you have deleted the recovery area, you will need the Recovery Media to perform recovery. Create the Recovery Media immediately after the computer is ready for use. Re la t e d T opic Creating Recovery Media Recovering from the Recovery Area Recovering from Recovery Media Notes on Recovery © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cre a t ing Re c ove ry M e dia How to Use Follow the instructions below to create Recovery Media. Pa rt s De sc ript ion T o c re a t e Re c ove ry M e dia Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions H int You can use optical discs and a USB flash drive as Recovery Media. However, it is recommended that you use DVD-R or BD-R media, since you may accidentally delete the data on the USB flash drive. The types of media your VAIO computer supports differ depending on the model you purchased. The types of media you can use for Recovery Media are DVD-R/BD-R/DVD+R/DVD+R DL/DVD-R DL/DVD+RW/DVD-RW/BD-RE/BD-R DL/BD-RE DL. The types of media your VAIO computer supports, the number of necessary discs, and the capacity of the USB flash drive you need will be displayed during the Recovery Media creation process. 1 . Connect your VAIO computer to the Internet, download and install the latest updates using V AI O U pda t e . 2 . If you create Recovery Media (optical discs) on the model without a built-in optical disc drive, connect an external optical disc drive (not supplied) to your VAIO computer. [Details] If an AC adapter is supplied with the external optical disc drive, plug the AC adapter into a power source. 3 . Click (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and V AI O Ca re . If the U se r Ac c ount Cont rol window appears, click Y e s. H int If you are currently logged onto your VAIO computer as a standard user, you may be prompted to enter an administrator name and a password. 4 . Click Adva nc e d T ools, Re st ore a nd re c ove ry , and Cre a t e Re c ove ry M e dia . 5 . Read the on-screen instructions carefully, and then click N e x t . 6 . Follow the on-screen instructions. N ot e It may take some time to display the current status of the procedure. Do not eject or disconnect the media while creating Recovery Media, as doing so may result in a failure of the process. Keep the Recovery Media in a secure place. N ot e s on c re a t ing Re c ove ry M e dia Recovery Media is specific to your VAIO computer on which it was created. Create Recovery Media immediately after your VAIO computer is ready for use. In the following cases, you may not be able to recover the computer from the recovery area and Recovery Media will be necessary: You have modified the recovery area with software designed for data modification. You have installed an operating system different from the preinstalled operating system on the computer. You have formatted your built-in storage device without using V AI O Ca re Re sc ue . Do not touch or soil the surface of the discs. Fingerprints or dust on the surface may cause read/write errors. Depending on the model you purchased, you may not be able to create Recovery Media using optical discs except DVD-R due to disk space shortage. Refer to the help file included with V AI O Ca re beforehand when you use a USB flash drive as Recovery Media. Re la t e d T opic About Recovery Recovering from the Recovery Area Recovering from Recovery Media Notes on Recovery © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Re c ove ring from t he Re c ove ry Are a How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Recovery from the recovery area on the built-in storage device is faster than recovery using Recovery Media. See N ot e s on Re c ove ry [Details] before recovery. 1 . Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off to start V AI O Ca re Re sc ue . If the Edit Boot Opt ions window is displayed, press the Ent e r key. V AI O Ca re Re sc ue starts. H int If the display language selection window appears, select your desired language and click OK . 2 . Click St a rt re c ove ry w iza rd . 3 . Follow the on-screen instructions. Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry H int To perform the custom recovery, select T ools and click St a rt a dva nc e d re c ove ry w iza rd . Se c urit y Re la t e d T opic Ot he r Ope ra t ions About Recovery N ot ific a t ions Creating Recovery Media Recovering from Recovery Media Notes on Recovery © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Re c ove ring from Re c ove ry M e dia How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions If the recovery area data has been corrupted or erased, you can use Recovery Media to recover your VAIO computer. However, it takes longer time to recover using Recovery Media than using the recovery area. 1 . If you recover your VAIO computer from Recovery Media (optical discs) on the model without a built-in optical disc drive, connect an external optical disc drive (not supplied) to the computer. [Details] If an AC adapter is supplied with the external optical disc drive, plug the AC adapter into a power source. N ot e If your VAIO computer is equipped with the USB port that is compliant with the USB 2.0 standard, connect a USB device to the port. 2 . Insert the disc into the optical disc drive or connect a USB flash drive to the USB port on your VAIO computer while the computer is in Normal mode. N ot e If your VAIO computer is equipped with the USB port that is compliant with the USB 2.0 standard, connect a USB device to the port. 3 . Turn off your VAIO computer and turn it on once again. If you are using the external optical disc drive or the USB flash drive, press the F1 1 key repeatedly until the VAIO logo screen disappears. The Window s Boot M a na ge r screen is displayed. If the screen does not appear, restart the computer and try again. 4 . Press the or key to select St a rt V AI O Ca re Re sc ue and press the Ent e r key. H int If the display language selection window appears, select your desired language and click OK . 5 . Select St a rt re c ove ry w iza rd . 6 . Follow the on-screen instructions. H int To perform the custom recovery, select T ools and click St a rt a dva nc e d re c ove ry w iza rd . If you cannot recover your VAIO computer using the USB flash drive, connect the drive to another USB port on the computer and try recovering the computer again. Re la t e d T opic About Recovery Creating Recovery Media Recovering from the Recovery Area Notes on Recovery © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing N ot e s on Re c ove ry How to Use Read the following notes thoroughly before recovering your VAIO computer. Pa rt s De sc ript ion I m port a nt not e s on re c ove ry Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Recovering your VAIO computer will delete all the data on the built-in storage device and restore all the settings to the original factory settings. Make sure you have a backup copy of your valuable data. Disconnect all peripherals from your VAIO computer except the power cord, the AC adapter, or devices required for recovery before recovering the computer. Do not stop the recovery process until the process is complete. If you have forgotten the password and cannot start the recovery process, contact an authorized Sony service/support center to reset it. A reset fee will be charged. Pla yba c k N ot e s on soft w a re Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Recovering your VAIO computer can restore only the preinstalled software. The software that has been installed on your own or the data you have created since purchase cannot be restored. In addition, you cannot restore only Windows. Certain preinstalled software includes options that allow the applications to uninstall or install themselves. However, the software may not work properly on your VAIO computer if such options are used. Installing software to modify partition sizes may disable recovery or Recovery Media creation. Re la t e d T opic About Recovery Creating Recovery Media Recovering from the Recovery Area Recovering from Recovery Media © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Che c k ing t he V olum e of t he Re c ove ry Are a How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Your built-in storage device contains the recovery area where the data for the system recovery is stored. To check the volume of the recovery area, follow these steps: 1 . Click Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation (St a rt ), right-click Com put e r , and select M a na ge . 2 . Click Disk M a na ge m e nt under St ora ge in the left pane. The volume of the recovery area and the total volume of the C: drive are displayed in the Disk 0 row in the center pane. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About t he St a rt Sc re e n a nd N e w M e nus How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Ope ning t he Cha rm s Ba r How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing St a rt ing Apps a nd Ope ning File s How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Ex it ing Apps How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Show ing t he St a rt Sc re e n How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Show ing t he De sk t op How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Ope ning Cont rol Pa ne l How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Ope ning Window s H e lp a nd Support How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing U sing V AI O U pda t e How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings V AI O U pda t e provides a service that informs you of available update information, such as important notices or update programs, to keep your VAIO computer up to date. Through the Internet, V AI O U pda t e automatically detects the update programs that are necessary for enhancing your computer’s performance or new software that is available, and let you download and install with simple steps. 1 . Click (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and V AI O Ca re . 2 . After V AI O Ca re starts, click V AI O Soft w a re and V AI O U pda t e . Follow the on-screen instructions. Re la t e d T opic Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions K e e ping Y our V AI O Com put e r in Opt im um Condit ion (V AI O Ca re ) With V AI O Ca re , you can perform the following operations to keep your VAIO computer running at an optimum level. Conduct regular performance checks and tune-ups. Find support information (the support website URL, the contact information phone number, etc.). Start V AI O Ca re just by pressing the ASSI ST button and search for appropriate measures if you have any problem. 1 . Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is on. V AI O Ca re starts. Refer to the help file included with V AI O Ca re for more information. H int Pressing the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off starts V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode . V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode can be used to recover the computer in case of emergency, for example, if Windows does not start. Alternatively, open the Charms bar [Details], select (Se a rc h ) and Apps, and enter “VAIO Care” in the Se a rc h box to start V AI O Ca re . Re la t e d T opic Recovering from the Recovery Area Backing Up Your Data when You cannot Start Windows Restoring Your Data with VAIO Data Restore Tool © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing U pda t ing Y our V AI O Com put e r How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Be sure to update your VAIO computer with the following software applications to enhance the computer’s efficiency, security, and functionality. Se t up N ot e Your VAIO computer must be connected to the Internet to download the updates. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Window s U pda t e Windows Update enables you to make your VAIO computer more stable. Conne c t ions 1 . Click (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and Window s U pda t e . 2 . Follow the on-screen instructions. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions V AI O U pda t e V AI O U pda t e automatically notifies you of new updates available on the Internet, and downloads and installs them on your VAIO computer. 1 . Click (St a rt ), All Progra m s, and V AI O Ca re . 2 . After V AI O Ca re starts, click V AI O Soft w a re and V AI O U pda t e . Follow the on-screen instructions. Re la t e d T opic Using VAIO Update N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About Online Support We bsit e How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion The online support website provides information about frequently asked questions about your VAIO computer. Sony online support w e bsit e Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings USA Canada (English) (French) Spanish-speaking Latin American countries or areas Brazil Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions H int If you experience any problem and have a technical question about your VAIO computer, launch V AI O Ca re first, which offers you various options to help you solve the problem.[Details] When you contact VAIO support, you may be asked for the serial number and the model number of your VAIO computer. The serial number is a 15-digit number that can be found: in the V AI O Ca re window; on the bottom, the back panel of the computer, inside the back panel or inside the battery compartment; on the original VAIO box. The model number is located at the lower right corner of the display on the VAIO computer. Ot he r w e bsit e s You can find other useful information from the following URL. Sony produc t s Ope ra t ing syst e m online support w e bsit e For Microsoft Windows operating system support, visit the Microsoft customer support site. I n St ore Se rvic e & Support (a va ila ble in U SA only) Make an appointment with a Sony certified technician at a U.S. Sony Store and get personalized service and support for your VAIO computer. Sony Technicians can assist with the setup of your new VAIO computer, system optimization, data rescue, and any repair service you might need. H int You can find a link to register your computer online in V AI O Ca re . Click All Progra m s, and V AI O Ca re . Re la t e d T opic (St a rt ), Read This First Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing About t he Soft w a re Lic e nse How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion This product contains software owned by Sony and licensed by third parties. Use of such software is subject to the terms and conditions of license agreements enclosed with this product. Se t up Re la t e d T opic N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Read This First Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Cle a ning Y our V AI O c om put e r/LCD sc re e n How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Before cleaning your VAIO computer, read the following precautions for the correct cleaning procedure. Se t up Whe n c le a ning your V AI O c om put e r N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Turn off your VAIO computer, unplug the AC adapter, and remove the battery pack before cleaning the computer. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe debris and dust off your VAIO computer. Be sure to use a soft, dry cloth when cleaning your VAIO computer. If the computer is badly soiled, fog the surface of the computer with your breath and wipe off the dirt, or clean off with a lightly wet cloth and then wipe remaining moisture away with a dry cloth. Do not use solvents such as benzine, acetone, alcohol, thinner, or commercially available cleaners, as these may cause damage to the surface or coating of your VAIO computer. Use a blower for precision equipment to blow off debris and dust underneath the keys (keycaps). Do not remove any keycap from the keyboard. Do not use a vacuum cleaner, as it may cause a malfunction. Se c urit y Whe n c le a ning your LCD sc re e n Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Be sure to use a soft, dry cloth when cleaning your VAIO computer. If the LCD screen is badly soiled, fog the surface of the LCD screen with your breath and wipe off the dirt, or clean off with a lightly wet cloth and then wipe remaining moisture away with a dry cloth. Do not use solvents such as benzine, acetone, alcohol, thinner, or commercially available cleaners, as these may cause damage to the LCD screen. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Se t t ing U p a n Appropria t e Work Environm e nt How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion This topic describes where to or not to place your VAIO computer and ergonomic instructions. Se t up Whe re t o pla c e your V AI O c om put e r N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings When placing your VAIO computer, ensure that: You have easy access to a power source and necessary ports. You leave enough space around the computer. The computer is placed on a flat surface that is wide enough and you can face the computer screen as you operate it. You can place the computer in front of you where you can sit upright and keep your forearms parallel to the floor. Pla yba c k Whe re not t o pla c e your V AI O c om put e r Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Placing your VAIO computer in an inappropriate location may cause damage or a malfunction. Do not place the computer in a location subject to: Direct sunlight Magnetic items or sources Heat sources, such as residential heating equipment Excessive dust High humidity Poor ventilation N ot e The area around the air exhaust vent may become extremely hot while your VAIO computer is on. Be careful before touching the area. Do not place any object near the air exhaust vent that may block the vent. H int Your VAIO computer uses high-frequency radio signals and may cause interference to radio or TV reception. If this occurs, move the computer a suitable distance away from the radio or TV. Ergonom ic c onside ra t ions Whenever possible, you should attempt to take account of the following ergonomic considerations. Furnit ure a nd post ure Sit in a chair with good back support. Adjust the level of the chair so your feet are flat on the floor. A footrest may make you more comfortable. Sit in a relaxed, upright posture and avoid slouching forward or leaning far backwards. V ie w ing a ngle of t he c om put e r sc re e n Use the screen tilting feature to find the best position. Make sure the computer screen is at or slightly below eye level when you are sitting in front of your VAIO computer. Adjust the brightness level of the display as well. You can reduce eye strain and muscle fatigue by adjusting the tilt and brightness level of the computer screen to the proper position. Light ing Choose a location where windows and lights do not cause glare and reflection on the computer screen. Use indirect lighting to avoid bright spots on the computer screen. Proper lighting adds to your comfort and work efficiency. N ot e While adjusting the viewing angle, do not exert excessive pressure on your VAIO computer to eliminate a risk of mechanical damage. H int The same considerations apply when you use an external display. N ot e s on ha ndling your V AI O c om put e r Observe the following to avoid malfunctions and damage to your VAIO computer. Place your VAIO computer gently on a flat surface to avoid a mechanical shock. Be sure to turn off your VAIO computer before moving the computer. Moving the computer that is turned on may cause a hard disk malfunction. Be sure to disconnect all cables connected to the computer before moving it. Do not drop or hit your VAIO computer. Even a slight shock or vibration may cause a hard disk malfunction. Do not place your VAIO computer in an unstable position. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing Sa fe t y I nform a t ion How to Use Refer to the supplied safety manual for detailed safety information. Pa rt s De sc ript ion Com put e r Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry If you drop a solid object or any liquid onto your VAIO computer, shut down the computer, unplug it, and remove the battery pack if it is removable. You may want to have the computer checked by qualified personnel before operating it again. Use only specified peripheral equipment and interface cables. Keep small parts such as “Memory Stick” and “Memory Stick” adaptors out of reach of children. There is a risk of swallowing them. The temperature of the surface and the bottom of your VAIO computer, the AC adapter, and the battery may rise due to the CPU load or an electric current generated while the battery is being charged. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction. The amount of heat generation varies depending on external devices or apps in use. If your VAIO computer or the AC adapter becomes extraordinarily hot, turn off the computer, unplug the AC adapter, remove the battery pack if it is removable, and then contact an authorized Sony service/support center. Se c urit y Pow e r sourc e Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Do not place heavy objects on the power cord, or this could cause a fire. To disconnect the power cord, pull it out by holding the plug. Never pull the cord itself. Do not use cut or damaged connection cables. Unplug your VAIO computer from the AC outlet if you are not planning to use the computer for an extended period of time. If you are not using your VAIO computer for an extended period of time, remove the battery pack from the computer to prevent damage to the battery pack. H e a dphone s Do not use headphones while driving, cycling, or operating any motorized vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in some areas. It can also be potentially dangerous to play loud music while walking, especially at pedestrian crossings. Avoid using headphones at high volume. Hearing experts advise against continuous, loud and extended play. If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce the volume or discontinue use. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing H a ndling t he Built -in St ora ge De vic e How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up The built-in storage device (hard disk drive or solid state drive) has a high storage density and reads or writes data in a short time. However, it can be easily damaged if improperly used. If the built-in storage device is damaged, the data cannot be restored. To prevent losing data, you should be careful when handling your VAIO computer. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t T o a void da m a ging your built -in st ora ge de vic e Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Do not subject your VAIO computer to sudden movements. Keep your VAIO computer away from magnets. Do not place your VAIO computer in a location subject to mechanical vibration or in an unstable position. Do not turn off the power or restart your VAIO computer while reading or writing data to the storage device. Do not use your VAIO computer in a place subject to extreme changes in temperature. Do not remove the storage device from your VAIO computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing T ra de m a rk s How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony and the Sony logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. VAIO, the VAIO logo and other Sony product or service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation or any of its affiliates. i.LINK is a name to denote IEEE 1394. Intel, Intel Inside, Intel Core, Pentium, Intel SpeedStep, and Atom are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, BitLocker, Aero, and the Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Blu-ray Disc™, Blu-ray™, Blu-ray 3D™, the Blu-ray Disc logo, and the Blu-ray 3D logo are trademarks of the Blu-ray Disc Association. The BLUETOOTH word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Sony Corporation is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. Roxio Easy Media Creator is a trademark of Sonic Solutions. PowerDVD is trademark of CyberLink.Inc. NVIDIA and 3D Vision are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries. ArcSoft and the ArcSoft logo are registered trademarks of ArcSoft, Inc. ArcSoft WebCam Companion is a trademark of ArcSoft, Inc. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, ATI, and combinations thereof, Radeon, AMD Phenom, AMD Turion, AMD Athlon, AMD Virtualization, AMD-V are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SD Logo is a trademark. SDHC Logo is a trademark. SDXC Logo is a trademark. The ExpressCard word mark and logos are owned by the PCMCIA and any use of such marks by Sony Corporation is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. CompactFlash® is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation. “PlaceEngine” is a registered trademark of Koozyt, Inc. “PlaceEngine” was developed by Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. and is licensed by Koozyt, Inc. “AVCHD” is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation and Sony Corporation. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR mark are registered U.S. marks. All other names of systems, products, and services are trademarks of their respective owners. In the manual, the ™ or ® marks are not specified. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Not all the software listed above may be delivered with your model. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Solving Com m on Proble m s w it h Y our V AI O Com put e r If you have any problem operating your VAIO computer, try these suggestions before contacting an authorized Sony service/support center or your local Sony dealer directly. 1 . See other sections in this on-screen manual. 2 . Start V AI O Ca re and perform necessary operations. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation 3 . Visit the VAIO online support website and find necessary information. Re la t e d T opic Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) Read This First About Online Support Website Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top T rouble shoot ing How to Use About t he I nt e rna t iona l EN ERGY ST AR(R) Progra m Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation The following information is applicable to ENERGY STAR qualified products only. As an ENERGY STAR Partner, Sony confirmed that this product meets the ENERGY STAR standards for energy efficiency. The International ENERGY STAR Office Equipment Program is an international program that promotes energy saving through the use of computers and office equipment. The program backs the development and dissemination of products with functions that effectively reduce energy consumption. For detailed information on the ENERGY STAR Program, visit the following websites: (USA) (Europe) This computer is designed in compliance with the ENERGY STAR standards and delivered with the following power saving settings that apply to the computer running on AC power: The LCD backlight is turned off automatically after no more than 15 minutes of inactivity. The computer enters Sleep mode automatically after no more than 30 minutes of inactivity. Press the (Power) button to bring the computer back into Normal mode. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if a m e ssa ge a ppe a rs indic a t ing t ha t t he ba t t e ry pa c k is inc om pa t ible or ha s be e n inc orre c t ly inst a lle d, a ft e r w hic h m y V AI O c om put e r e nt e rs H ibe rna t e m ode ? This problem could be due to the battery pack not being installed properly. To solve this problem, turn off your VAIO computer, remove the battery pack, and then reinstall it. [Details] If the problem persists, it is likely that the installed battery pack is not compatible with your VAIO computer or has failed. Turn off the computer, remove the battery pack, and then replace it with a new one specified by Sony. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Why c a n’t I fully c ha rge m y ba t t e ry pa c k ? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation The battery care function is enabled on the (1 0 0 0 0 0 ) to extend the life of your battery pack. Check the settings on the (1 0 0 0 0 0 ) . If ambient temperature is outside the specified range or the power consumption of your VAIO computer is high when you charge the battery pack, the charge current may be reduced. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why doe sn’t m y c om put e r sc re e n t urn off a ft e r t he a ut om a t ic t urn-off t im e ha s pa sse d ? Some apps or screen savers are designed to temporarily disable the feature of Windows that turns off the computer screen or places your VAIO computer into Sleep mode after a certain period of inactivity. To solve this problem, exit all running apps or change the current screen saver. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Why is m y V AI O c om put e r running slow ly a nd t he CPU c loc k fre que nc y low w hile t he c om put e r is running on ba t t e ry pow e r? H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation While your VAIO computer is running on battery power, the CPU clock frequency is reduced for power conserving purposes, which causes the computer to run slowly. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if m y V AI O c om put e r doe s not t urn on (t he pow e r indic a t or light doe s not t urn on in gre e n) ? H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Make sure all cables are securely connected to devices, such as between your VAIO computer and the AC adapter; the AC adapter and the power cord; and the power cord and an AC outlet. [Details] If you plug the power cord of your VAIO computer into a power strip with a switch, make sure the switch is turned on and the power cord of the power strip is securely plugged into an AC outlet. If you do not turn off your VAIO computer through the normal procedure, the power controller may be suspended due to a program error. Disconnect all cables and peripheral devices, such as the power cord and the USB device, remove the battery pack, and wait about five minutes. Then, put them back in place and turn on the computer again. Before using your VAIO computer for the first time, you need to connect the computer to a power source with the AC adapter. Check that you are using the supplied Sony AC adapter. For your safety, use only the genuine Sony rechargeable battery pack and AC adapter, which are supplied by Sony for your VAIO computer. Make sure the battery pack is installed properly. The battery pack may have run out of power. Make sure your VAIO computer is not in Hibernate mode by pressing the (Power) button on the computer. Note that if you press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds, the computer will turn off. If you bring your VAIO computer directly from a cold location to a warm one, or use it in a high humidity location, moisture may condense inside the computer. In such a case, allow at least one hour before turning on the computer. Do not use the computer in a high humidity location (a relative humidity of more than 80 %), as it may cause the computer to malfunction. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if m y V AI O c om put e r doe s not t urn on or t he pow e r but t on doe s not w ork (t he pow e r indic a t or light blink s fa st )? H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation The battery pack may not be installed properly. Remove the battery pack and reinstall it properly. [Details] If the problem persists, it means the installed battery is not compatible with your VAIO computer. Remove the battery pack. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if t he pow e r indic a t or light t urns on in gre e n w he n I pre ss t he pow e r but t on but t he sc re e n re m a ins bla nk ? H a rdw a re Make sure the brightness and contrast controls are adjusted correctly. Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t An external display may be selected as the display output. Press the Fn +F7 keys several times to select your desired display output, and then press the Ent e r key. Se c urit y If you are using an external display, make sure it is plugged into an AC outlet and is on. Make sure the brightness and contrast controls are adjusted correctly. Refer to the manual that came with your display for information on how to change the settings. Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Press the Alt +F4 keys several times to close the app window. An app error may have occurred. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry If you wait for a while and the computer screen remains blank, restart your VAIO computer by following the procedures below in order. Note that following these procedures may cause working data to become corrupted. Disconnect all peripheral devices, such as a printer or a USB device, and your VAIO computer from the network, if any. Press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds and make sure the power indicator light is off. Then, turn on your VAIO computer again. If the problem persists, press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds and make sure the power indicator light is off. Disconnect all cables connected to your VAIO computer, such as the AC adapter, remove the battery pack, and wait about five minutes. Then, put all cables, peripheral devices, and the battery pack back in place and turn on the computer again. If an extra memory module is not installed properly, your VAIO computer may not turn on. Use of memory modules not specified by Sony or improper installation of memory modules may cause the computer to fail to boot or to become unstable. In such a case, reinstall the memory module. If you use a memory module other than the Sony branded memory module, contact the sales dealer or the manufacturer of the memory module. If you bring your VAIO computer directly from a cold location to a warm one, or use it in a high humidity location, moisture may condense inside the computer. In such a case, allow at least one hour before turning on the computer. Do not use the computer in a high humidity location (a relative humidity of more than 80 %), as it may cause the computer to malfunction. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if I c a nnot t urn off m y V AI O c om put e r ? H a rdw a re Follow any of these procedures to exit all running apps and then turn off your VAIO computer again. Soft w a re Drag the app from the top center of the screen to the bottom center. [Details] N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Press the Alt +F4 keys. If there is unsaved data, save it at the confirmation prompt. Press the Alt +F4 keys until the Shut Dow n Window s window appears and select Shut dow n from the drop-down list and OK . Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y If you have installed a new app on your VAIO computer, check if the app is working properly, its data is normal, and you have operated it correctly. Contact the app publisher or designated provider for technical support. Pe riphe ra l De vic e s If you connect peripheral devices, such as a printer or a USB device, to your VAIO computer or connect the computer to your network, disconnect all peripheral devices or the computer’s network connection and then turn off the computer. While the computer is communicating with a peripheral device or the network, Windows does not allow you to turn off the computer. In addition, some peripheral device drivers for the peripheral devices do not support the feature to force the computer to shut down. If the computer screen freezes, press the Ct rl+Alt +De le t e keys, select (Shut dow n ) in the lower right corner of the computer screen, and then select Shut dow n . If your VAIO computer freezes with a message indicating the settings are being saved or the computer is shutting down displayed, follow these procedures in order. Press the Ent e r key. Wait for a while. If the problem persists, press the Ct rl+Alt +De le t e keys. Wait for a while. If you still cannot turn off your VAIO computer even after you follow all the above procedures in this topic, perform the following operations. Note that performing these operations may cause working data to become corrupted. Be sure to disconnect the computer from the network before performing the following operations. Press the Ct rl+Alt +De le t e keys, select (Shut dow n ) in the lower right corner of the computer screen, and then select Shut dow n . Press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds. Unplug the AC adapter and remove the battery pack from your VAIO computer. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why doe s m y V AI O c om put e r a ut om a t ic a lly t urn off ? When the battery pack is running out of power, your VAIO computer automatically enters Hibernate mode and eventually turns off. Connect the AC adapter to the computer or charge the battery pack. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if m y V AI O c om put e r doe s not e nt e r H ibe rna t e m ode ? To place your VAIO computer into Hibernate mode, disable Rapid Wake in the Ra pid Wa k e window on V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r. [Details] If you still cannot select Hibernate mode, select Cha nge a dva nc e d pow e r se t t ings in the Pow e r Opt ions window and check if Allow hybrid sle e p under Sle e p is set to Off . If it is set to On, change it to Off . [Details] Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Why doe sn’t m y V AI O c om put e r e nt e r H ibe rna t e m ode w he n t he ba t t e ry pa c k is running out of pow e r? H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation This problem occurs when Windows does not allow a task to be suspended, depending on the running apps or the connected external devices. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if m y V AI O c om put e r doe s not e nt e r Sle e p m ode ? H a rdw a re If the utility program, such as a printer utility program, is running, exit the program or temporarily disable it. Soft w a re Depending on the type of your screen saver, your VAIO computer may not enter Sleep mode while the screen saver is activated. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Your VAIO computer may not enter Sleep mode if you execute a task on the computer before completely entering Sleep mode. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Why doe s a m e ssa ge a ppe a r a nd Window s fa il t o st a rt w he n I t urn on m y V AI O c om put e r ? The BIOS boot options may have been incorrectly configured. Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off to display the V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen, select St a rt BI OS se t up, and change the Boot M ode setting and restart the computer. If a message, such as “Secure Boot Fail,” appears, check the following: Your VAIO computer may be booting from an external device that the computer does not support. When an external drive or a USB device is connected to the computer, disconnect it and restart the computer. The BIOS boot options may have been changed from the factory default settings. Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off to display the V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen, and select St a rt BI OS se t up. or key to select the Se c urit y tab, select Fa c t ory De fa ult , and then Press the press the Ent e r key. When the confirmation prompt appears, press the Ent e r key and restart the computer. If a message appears even after you restart your VAIO computer by following the above procedures, recover the computer using the recovery data on the built-in hard disk drive or SSD or using the Recovery Media you have created. [Details] The BIOS boot options may have been incorrectly configured. If the operating system on your VAIO computer is other than the preinstalled system, press the ASSI ST button while the computer is off to display the V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen, and select St a rt BI OS se t up. or key to select the Se c urit y tab, change the Se c ure Boot setting Press the to Disa ble d, and then restart the computer. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top When the pointer does not move because your finger reached an edge of the touch pad, lift the finger off the touch pad and put it back on the center of the touch pad. The pointer may not temporarily move against your intention depending on the operating condition of your VAIO computer. In such a case, wait for a while before moving the pointer again. (Shut If the pointer still does not move, press the Ct rl+Alt +De le t e keys, select dow n ) in the lower right corner of the computer screen, and then select Shut dow n . If the problem persists, press and hold down the (Power) button or slide the (Power) switch to the right for more than four seconds. Turning off the computer with the Ct rl+Alt +De le t e keys, the (Power) button, or the (Power) switch may cause loss of unsaved data. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Restart your VAIO computer. Press the Ct rl+Alt +De le t e keys, select How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation (Shut dow n ) in the lower right corner of the computer screen, and then select Re st a rt . If the problem persists, press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds, or slide the (Power) switch to the right for more than four seconds. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Wha t should I do if I c a nnot e nt e r c e rt a in c ha ra c t e rs w it h m y k e yboa rd ? If you cannot enter numbers by the numeric keypad, check if the Num lock icon in the desktop notification area is green or gray. (Wireless keyboard equipped model) When the icon is grayed out, the numeric keypad works as the directional arrow keys and the H om e , Pa ge U p, Pa ge Dow n and End keys. Press the N um Lk key to change the Num lock icon to green before entering numbers. [Details] Check if the Caps Lock indicator light is on or off. When the indicator light is on, characters typed will appear in uppercase (or lowercase if you also hold down the Shift key). When the indicator light is off, characters typed will appear in lowercase (or uppercase if you also hold down the Shift key). Press the Shift +Ca ps Loc k keys to turn the Caps Lock indicator light on or off. [Details] Check if the Num lock indicator light is on or off. When the indicator light is on, you can enter the numbers printed on the keys. When the indicator light is off, you can enter the letters and symbols printed on the keys. Press the N um Lk key to turn the Num Lock indicator light on or off. [Details] Check if the Caps Lock indicator light is on or off. When the indicator light is on, characters typed will appear in uppercase (or lowercase if you also hold down the Shift key). When the indicator light is off, characters typed will appear in lowercase (or uppercase if you also hold down the Shift key). Press the Shift +Ca ps Loc k keys to turn the Caps Lock indicator light on or off. [Details] © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if m y k e yboa rd c onfigura t ion is w rong? The language layout of your keyboard is labeled on the packaging box. If you choose a different regional keyboard when you complete the Windows setup, the key configuration will be mismatched. To change the keyboard configuration, refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support . Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if m y c om put e r sc re e n goe s bla nk ? H a rdw a re Make sure your VAIO computer is on and not in a power saving mode. [Details] Soft w a re Make sure your VAIO computer is securely plugged into an AC outlet [Details] and the power indicator light is on. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The computer screen may be off. Press any key on the keyboard. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry If your VAIO computer is running on battery power, make sure the battery pack is installed properly and is charged. [Details] Se c urit y If you wait for a while and the computer screen remains blank, follow the procedures below: Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds, check if the power indicator light is off, and then turn on your VAIO computer. If the problem persists, press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds and check if the power indicator light is off. Disconnect all cables and peripheral devices, such as the power cord and the USB device, remove the battery pack, and wait about five minutes. Then, put them back in place and turn on your VAIO computer again. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if I c a nnot se e prope r im a ge s on t he c om put e r sc re e n ? Make sure the screen color setting is set to T rue Color (3 2 bit ). Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information on how to change the setting. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if vide os a re not displa ye d on t he c om put e r sc re e n ? The video memory of your VAIO computer may be insufficient for displaying high resolution videos. In such a case, lower the resolution of the LCD screen. [Details] Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Wha t should I do if vide os a re not displa ye d sm oot hly? It is recommended you disable your screen saver. If the screen saver is enabled, it may be activated during DVD playback and prevent the playback from running successfully. Some screen savers have been found to even change the display resolution and colors. If you have enabled Ae ro T he m e s for your desktop theme, change the current desktop theme. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for information on how to change the theme. Some videos may not be displayed smoothly depending on the type or bit rate of videos. Lowering the screen resolution may improve video playback performance. [Details] If data access to a memory card is in progress (the media access indicator light is on), wait until the data access ends and then start playback again. If you are playing a video stored on the memory card, copy it to the built-in storage device and then play the copied video. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se H ow do I c ha nge t he LCD bright ne ss? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Press the Fn +F5 or Fn +F6 keys to adjust the LCD brightness of your VAIO computer. [Details] Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if som e it e m s do not fit on t he c om put e r sc re e n ? Check that the text size is set to 100%. If not, some items, for example a software menu, may not be displayed correctly, depending on the software you are using. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information on how to change the text size. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why do sound int e rrupt ions a nd/or droppe d fra m e s oc c ur w he n I pla y high -de finit ion vide os, suc h a s t hose re c orde d w it h t he AV CH D digit a l vide o c a m c orde r ? Playing high-definition videos requires substantial hardware resources, such as CPU, GPU, or system memory performance on your VAIO computer. During the video playback, some operations and/or functions may become unavailable, and sound interruptions, dropped frames, and playback failure may occur depending on the configuration of the computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if sound int e rrupt ions oc c ur during vide o or a udio pla yba c k ? Sound interruptions may occur when the CPU load is high. In this case, reduce the CPU load by exiting all running apps other than a playback app, or by disabling unnecessary audio effects applied to playback. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Wha t should I do if m y m ic rophone doe s not w ork ? Check if your microphone is selected as a recording device. Open Cont rol Pa ne l [Details] and select H a rdw a re a nd Sound. Select Sound and check if there is a check mark on your desired microphone icon on the Re c ording tab. If not, select the icon and Se t De fa ult . If the icon is not displayed, make sure the microphone is properly connected to your VAIO computer. If you are using an external microphone, use a plug-in power microphone. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re Wha t should I do if I he a r m ic rophone fe e dba c k from spe a k e rs w he n using m y m ic rophone ? Microphone feedback may occur when your microphone receives the sound from a sound output device, such as speakers. Keep the microphone away from a sound output device. Turn down the volume of the speakers and the microphone. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re Wha t should I do if I do not he a r sound from spe a k e rs or he a dphone s ? Check if the volume from speakers or headphones is not minimized. Keep pressing the Fn +F4 keys to turn up the volume loud enough to hear sound. [Details] Check if the volume in Windows is not turned off or minimized. [Details] N e t w ork / I nt e rne t When the volume is turned off ( volume ( ), select (Deactivate muting) to turn on the ). When the volume is minimized, turn up the volume. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry When connecting external speakers or headphones, check the following: Se c urit y Make sure external speakers or headphones are properly connected to your VAIO computer. [Details] Pe riphe ra l De vic e s If external speakers require external power, make sure the speakers are securely connected to an AC outlet. Make sure external speakers are turned on. Make sure the volume from external speakers is not minimized. Make sure the sound output device is correctly selected. [Details] Check the volume on the playback app you are using. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if I c a nnot re m ove t he disc from t he opt ic a l disc drive ? The drive eject button may not work depending on your VAIO computer status. Exit all running apps and press the drive eject button. If the problem persists, restart the computer and press the drive eject button again. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why doe s it t a k e t im e t o w rit e da t a t o DV D w rit a ble m e dia ? In disc-at-once mode, it may take about 20 to 40 minutes to complete the writing process after the progress bar reaches 100%. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction, so wait until the process is complete. Because disc-at-once mode writes all the data to a disc at one time, the optical disc drive writes 1 GB of dummy data to a disc even when the actual data size is less than 1 GB to ensure playback compatibility. Some players can play only discs that are created in disc-at-once mode. When you play the created disc on a player other than your VAIO computer, make sure if the player supports disc writing mode you selected. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if I c a nnot pla y a disc , or droppe d fra m e s a nd/or sound int e rrupt ions oc c ur during pla yba c k ? H a rdw a re Exit all running apps other than the playback app. Soft w a re Try using other playback apps, such as a DVD playback app. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t To play DVD media with Content Protection for Recordable Media (CPRM), you need to install a CPRM pack for the playback app on your VAIO computer. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation To play copyright protected Blu-ray Disc media continually, you need to update the AACS key. Follow a message displayed on the computer screen to update the AACS key. You can update it through the Internet. Uninstall the playback or writing app installed on your VAIO computer after purchase. For instructions on how to uninstall the app, refer to the help file included with the app or Window s H e lp a nd Support . [Details] Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Why c a n’t I w rit e da t a t o a disc ? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re DVD+R DL, DVD+R, DVD-R DL, or DVD-R media are not rewritable. You can write data to such media only once and cannot delete data on the media. See Support e d Disc s for more information. [Details] Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Why doe s t he vie w finde r show no im a ge s or poor qua lit y im a ge s ? H a rdw a re The built-in camera cannot be shared by more than one software application. Exit the current application before starting another. Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t On models with V AI O Ge st ure Cont rol or M e dia Ga lle ry, you cannot use another camera application that uses the built-in camera while using the gesture function of the software. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry The viewfinder may show some noise, for example horizontal streaks, when you are viewing a rapid-moving object. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction. If the problem persists, restart your VAIO computer. Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Why is t he vide o input from t he built -in c a m e ra suspe nde d m om e nt a rily? The video input may be suspended momentarily if: A shortcut key with the Fn key is used. Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation The CPU load increases. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Why a re c a pt ure d im a ge s poor in qua lit y? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Images captured under fluorescent light may contain light reflections. A dark portion in captured images may contain noise. The area on and around the built-in camera is soiled. Clean the area. [Details] Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if c a pt ure d im a ge s c ont a in droppe d fra m e s a nd a udio int e rrupt ions? H a rdw a re The effect settings on your software application may cause dropped frames. Refer to the help file included with your software application for more information. Soft w a re There may be more software applications running than your VAIO computer can handle. Exit the applications that you are not currently using. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t This problem may occur while your VAIO computer is running on the power saving plan, which reduces the CPU performance. Check the current power plan. [Details] Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Wha t should I do if c a pt ure d im a ge s flic k e r? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation This problem occurs when you use the built-in camera under fluorescent lights due to a mismatch between the lighting output frequency and the shutter speed. To reduce flicker noise, change the direction of your VAIO computer so that you can adjust the direction of the built-in camera. Some software applications offer adjustable parameters, such as brightness, to eliminate flicker noise. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Wha t should I do if t he w e bsit e is not displa ye d ? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Depending on your Internet Service Provider (ISP), you may need to change the web browser settings. Refer to the manual provided from your ISP to check the web browser settings. Soft w a re Make sure the URL in the address bar is correct. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if t he t e x t size on t he w e bsit e is sm a ll or la rge ? Change the text size on your web browser. If you use I nt e rne t Ex plore r , select Pa ge and T e x t Size , and then select your desired text size. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if I c a nnot use t he Wi-Fi (w ire le ss LAN ) func t ion ? H a rdw a re Enable the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function. Open the Charms bar [Details] and select Soft w a re Select Cha nge PC se t t ings at the lower right corner of the bar, and select Wire le ss in the left pane. Turn off Airpla ne m ode and change the Wi-Fi setting under Wire le ss de vic e s to On. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation (Se t t ings). To use the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function on your VAIO computer, you need to set up the function. Check the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) settings of the computer. [Details] If a connection utility app supplied with a third-party Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) product is installed, uninstall it. If a connection utility app is installed, Windows may fail to configure the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) settings. Be sure to take a note of your settings, (such as security keys) before uninstalling. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if I do not k now t he SSI D or se c urit y k e y for t he a c c e ss point ? You can find the key in the setting screen of your access point. Refer to the manual that came with your access point for more information. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if I c a nnot c onne c t m y V AI O c om put e r t o a n a c c e ss point (or t he I nt e rne t ) ? H a rdw a re See Wha t should I do if I c a nnot use t he Wi-Fi (w ire le ss LAN ) func t ion ?. [Details] Soft w a re Make sure the access point is on. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Check the access point settings. In the following settings, your VAIO computer may fail to connect to an access point, or the connection may be unstable. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry When the access point is set to refuse communication with a device whose SSID is set to “ANY,” and the SSID of your VAIO computer or the access point is set to “ANY.” Se c urit y When the access point is in stealth mode. For more information, refer to the manual that came with your access point, or consult your Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) service provider. Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Make sure your VAIO computer and access point are connected to one another. [Details] Connection capability is affected by distance, obstructions, device configuration, radio wave strength/interference, wall materials, running apps, etc. Move your VAIO computer away from obstructions or closer to any access point you may be using. Open the Charms bar [Details] and select Check that your access point is displayed. © 2012 Sony Corporation (Se t t ings) and (the Network icon). Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Wha t should I do if I c a nnot pla y ba c k m ovie s or a udio t ra c k s re c e ive d via Wi-Fi (w ire le ss LAN ), or t he ir pla yba c k is int e rrupt e d? Why is t he da t a t ra nsfe r spe e d slow ? Move your VAIO computer away from obstructions, or closer to any access point you may be using. Connection capability is affected by distance, obstructions, device configuration, radio wave strength/interference, wall materials, running apps, etc. If you are using an access point, the device may be temporarily overloaded depending on how many other devices are communicating via the access point. Wait for a while and try again. Change the channel setting of your access point. By changing the channel, interference on your wireless network may be reduced and data transfer speed may improve. If access point channel interference occurs, data transfer speed may be reduced. If your access point interferes with other access points, change the access point channel. Refer to the manual that came with your access point for more information. Make sure that a microwave oven is not operating near your Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) devices. The 2.4 GHz frequency band, on which Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) operates, is used by various devices and apparatus. If you use a microwave oven while communicating via Wi-Fi (wireless LAN), data transfer rate may slow down, communication range may narrow, or communication may be interrupted. Make sure M a x im um Pe rform a nc e is selected for Wire le ss Ada pt e r Se t t ings in the Pow e r Opt ions window. [Details] © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H ow c a n I find t he physic a l a ddre ss (M AC a ddre ss) of t he built -in w ire le ss ne t w ork int e rfa c e of m y V AI O c om put e r ? H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation If MAC address filtering of your access point is enabled, register the MAC address of your VAIO computer in the setup screen of the access point. Otherwise, the computer cannot connect to the access point. Open Com m a nd Prom pt [Details], enter “ipconfig /all”, and then press the Ent e r key. You can find the physical address (MAC address) in the Physic a l Addre ss field under Wire le ss LAN a da pt e r Wire le ss N e t w ork Conne c t ion. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if I c a nnot use t he BLU ET OOT H (R) func t ion ? H a rdw a re Make sure the WI RELESS indicator light on your VAIO computer is on. When the WI RELESS indicator light is off, you cannot use the BLUETOOTH function. Soft w a re Make sure the BLUETOOTH function is enabled. Open the Charms bar [Details] and select (Se t t ings). N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Select Cha nge PC se t t ings at the lower right corner of the bar, and select Wire le ss in the left pane. Turn off Airpla ne m ode and change the Blue t oot h setting under Wire le ss de vic e s to On. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if ot he r BLU ET OOT H (R) de vic e s c a nnot c onne c t t o m y V AI O c om put e r ? H a rdw a re See Wha t should I do if I c a nnot find t he BLU ET OOT H de vic e I w a nt t o c om m unic a t e w it h?. [Details] Soft w a re Make sure that the authentication (pairing) between the device and your VAIO computer has been properly performed. Some BLUETOOTH devices require authentication (pairing) before establishing connection with another device. Perform the authentication process before connecting to such devices. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Make sure that your VAIO computer allows BLUETOOTH devices to find the computer. (arrow) in the desktop notification area [Details], right-click (the Select BLUETOOTH icon), and select (w i1 0 9 0 ) to open the settings window. Select the (w i1 1 0 0 ) tab and make sure that the (w i1 1 1 0 ) check box is selected. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if t he BLU ET OOT H (R) ic on is not displa ye d in t he de sk t op not ific a t ion a re a ? H a rdw a re Make sure the BLUETOOTH function is enabled. Open the Charms bar [Details] and select (Se t t ings). Soft w a re Select Cha nge PC se t t ings at the lower right corner of the bar, and select Wire le ss in the left pane. Turn off Airpla ne m ode and change the Blue t oot h setting under Wire le ss de vic e s to On. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Check the BLUETOOTH settings. Open Cont rol Pa ne l [Details] and select H a rdw a re a nd Sound and (w i1 1 2 0 ). Right-click the computer icon and select (w i1 1 3 0 ) and the (w i1 1 4 0 ) check box. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if I c a nnot find t he BLU ET OOT H (R) de vic e I w a nt t o c om m unic a t e w it h? H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Shorten the distance between your VAIO computer and the BLUETOOTH device within 33 feet/10 meters. If the computer is more than 33 feet/10 meters away from the BLUETOOTH device, communication will not be possible. The computer may not be able to communicate with the BLUETOOTH device even within 33 feet/10 meters due to obstacles between the devices, radio wave quality, ambient environment that includes existence of walls and materials of such walls, or apps in use. In such a case, move the computer away from obstructions or closer to the device. Check that the BLUETOOTH function of the device you want to communicate with is on, and the device is not in the power saving mode. Check that the BLUETOOTH function of the device you want to communicate with is enabled. Refer to the manual that came with the device for more information. If the device you want to communicate with is already communicating with another BLUETOOTH device, it may not be found or it may not be able to communicate with your VAIO computer. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Why is m y BLU ET OOT H (R) c onne c t ion slow ? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Data transfer speed depends on obstructions and/or the distance between the two devices, radio wave quality, and the device configuration or apps in use. Move your VAIO computer and BLUETOOTH device closer to each other. If a version of a BLUETOOTH standard employed on the BLUETOOTH device with which you want to communicate is not the same version as the one employed on your VAIO computer, the communication speed may become slower. If your VAIO computer is compliant with BLUETOOTH high speed technology and the following two conditions are met, high-speed communications are available. However, some BLUETOOTH profiles do not support high-speed communications. The BLUETOOTH device with which you want to communicate supports BLUETOOTH high speed technology. Both the wireless LAN and BLUETOOTH functions on the computer are enabled. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Why c a n’t I use t he BLU ET OOT H (R) func t ion w he n I log ont o m y V AI O c om put e r a s a use r w it h a st a nda rd use r a c c ount ? H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation The BLUETOOTH function may not be available to a user with a standard user account on your VAIO computer. Log onto the computer as a user with administrative rights. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why c a n’t I use BLU ET OOT H (R) de vic e s w he n I sw it c h use rs? If you switch users without signing out from your system, BLUETOOTH devices will not work. Be sure to sign out before switching users. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why c a n’t I e x c ha nge busine ss c a rd da t a w it h a sm a rt phone or a m obile phone ? Your VAIO computer does not support the data transfer function (vCard Exchange), which exchanges business card data between BLUETOOTH devices (a smartphone, a mobile phone, etc.). Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re Why doe sn’t t he built -in digit a l c om pa ss show t he c orre c t dire c t ion? The built-in digital compass works by detecting a magnetic direction. Do not rely solely on the location information the built-in digital compass provides. Especially at the following locations, the accuracy of the digital compass can be easily affected by magnetic interference and it may not work correctly. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Inside an elevator or a room built with ferrous materials, such as iron frames or reinforced concrete Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Near a reinforced concrete structure, such as a footbridge or an airport or a train station concourse Near or inside a train or a car Se c urit y Near a transformer on the ground or high-voltage power lines Near a metallic product, such as a metal frame desk or metallic furniture Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Near a material that has a high level of magnetic interference, such as a magnet, a magnetic holder, or speakers Calibrating the built-in digital compass may correct the direction. Click @@@Loc a t ion I nfo/GPS @@@ and @@@Adjust Digit a l Com pa ss @@@ on V AI O Cont rol Ce nt e r and follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the built-in digital compass. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Why doe sn’t t he c om put e r sc re e n rot a t e ? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation The screen rotation is disabled when the slide-out keyboard is open. The screen rotation is disabled while your VAIO computer is connected to an external display. If you connect the computer to an external display while using the computer in portrait orientation, the computer screen automatically changes to landscape (horizontal) orientation. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if I c a nnot c ha rge t he de vic e c onne c t e d t o t he U SB port t ha t support s U SB c ha rging ? H a rdw a re Make sure that U SB Cha rging Se t t ings is enabled. [Details] Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Wha t should I do if I c a nnot print a doc um e nt ? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Make sure the printer settings are correctly configured. For information on the printer settings, refer to the manual that came with your printer. Soft w a re Make sure your printer is on. Refer to the manual that came with your printer for more information. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Make sure the connections between the printer’s power cord and AC adapter and between the AC adapter and an AC outlet are securely made. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Make sure the appropriate printer driver is installed. When you connect a new printer, you first need to set up the printer driver. For information on how to set up the printer driver, refer to the manual that came with your printer, or visit the website of the manufacturer. Make sure the status of your printer is displayed as online or ready. Then, make sure the printer settings are correctly configured as instructed in the manual that came with the printer. Make sure your printer is set to Se t a s De fa ult Print e r. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information. Make sure your printer is compatible with Windows installed on your VAIO computer. Make sure your printer is connected to your network (LAN). If the printer is directly connected to the network (LAN), make sure a router or a hub is on. If the printer is connected to a printer server, make sure an error message is not displayed on the printer server. Make sure your software is working properly. The software may not support your document format. In such a case, your document will not be printed properly. Contact the software publisher or the manufacturer of your printer. Make sure the correct printer port for your printer is selected. For more information on the printer port settings, refer to the manual that came with the printer, or contact the manufacturer. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if I c a nnot boot m y V AI O c om put e r from t he floppy disk drive ? Press the ASSI ST button while your VAIO computer is off to display the V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode screen, and select St a rt from m e dia (U SB de vic e /opt ic a l disc ) . Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if I c a nnot re m ove m y floppy disk ? Close open file(s), make sure the indicator light on the USB floppy disk drive is off, and then remove your floppy disk from the drive. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re Wha t should I do if m y V AI O c om put e r doe s not re c ognize t he floppy disk ? Make sure the floppy disk is properly inserted in the USB floppy disk drive connected to your VAIO computer. Make sure the floppy disk is right-side up before inserting it into the drive. Make sure the USB floppy disk drive is securely connected to your VAIO computer. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Remove the floppy disk from the USB floppy disk drive and then insert it again. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if I c a nnot sa ve da t a on m y floppy disk ? Make sure your floppy disk is properly inserted in the USB floppy disk drive connected to your VAIO computer. Make sure the floppy disk is right-side up before inserting it into the drive. If a message indicating that your floppy disk is full appears, your floppy disk does not have enough free space. Change the floppy disk to another with enough free space and then save data again. If a message indicating that your floppy disk is write-protected appears, slide a writeprotect tab on the floppy disk to disable the write-protect feature. Sliding the write-protect tab to the open position enables the write-protect feature. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Wha t should I do if m y V AI O c om put e r doe s not re c ognize t he U SB de vic e ? Check if the USB device is on and using its own power supply. If you are using a digital camera, check if the battery is charged. Soft w a re If you are using a printer, check if the power cable is connected properly to an AC outlet. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t You may need to install a USB driver for the USB device before connecting the device. Refer to the manual that came with the USB device for more information. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Try using another USB port on your VAIO computer. The USB driver could be installed to the specific port you used the first time you connected the device. Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation USB hubs may prevent the USB device from working because of a power distribution failure. We recommend you connect the device directly to your VAIO computer without a hub. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why doe sn’t t he “M e m ory St ic k ” ic on a ppe a r in t he Com put e r w indow ? The icon does not appear when no “Memory Stick” is inserted into the slot. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Why c a n’t I w rit e da t a t o a m e m ory c a rd ? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Some types of memory cards are equipped with an erasure prevention switch to protect data from unintentional erasure or overwriting. Make sure the erasure prevention switch is off. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why doe sn’t t he m e m ory c a rd ic on a ppe a r in t he Com put e r w indow ? The icon will not appear if no memory card is inserted in the slot. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Wha t should I do if I forge t t he Window s pa ssw ord? H a rdw a re The Windows password is case-sensitive. Check your password and enter again. Soft w a re Log on using a user account that has system administrator privileges to reset your password. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation If you forget all passwords for system administrator accounts, you cannot reset any Windows passwords. You need to perform system recovery. [Details] Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if t he Ent e r One t im e Pa ssw ord m e ssa ge a ppe a rs a nd Window s doe s not st a rt a ft e r I e nt e r a w rong pow e r-on pa ssw ord t hre e t im e s c onse c ut ive ly ? Press and hold down the (Power) button for more than four seconds and check if the power indicator light is off. Then, restart your VAIO computer and enter the correct password. The password is case-sensitive, so be sure to check letters for the current case before you enter the password. If you forget the power-on password, you cannot start your VAIO computer. [Details] Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if I forge t t he pow e r-on pa ssw ord t o st a rt m y V AI O c om put e r ? If you forget the password [Details], you cannot start your VAIO computer. When you forget your user password: Enter the machine password to reset the user password at the BIOS setup screen. When you forget your machine password: The password needs to be reset and a fee will be charged. To reset the password, contact an authorized Sony service/support center. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Wha t should I do if m y V AI O c om put e r be c om e s unst a ble (Window s st a rt s)? Try the suggestions below: Start V AI O Ca re to search for a solution. [Details] Soft w a re Restore computer system files. [Details] Use the restore point that you created before your VAIO computer becomes unstable. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Uninstall software or a software driver if your VAIO computer has become unstable after you installed the software or the software driver. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Reinstall the preinstalled software or software drivers on your VAIO computer if such software or software drivers have not been working properly. [Details] Se c urit y Restore your VAIO computer from a system image backup if you have created the backup. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information. Pe riphe ra l De vic e s If the problem persists, follow the instructions in Re c ove ring from t he Re c ove ry Are a to recover your VAIO computer. [Details] If you have not yet created Recovery Media, create the Recovery Media. [Details] Be sure to make a backup copy of your valuable data before recovering your VAIO computer. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information. N ot e Recovering your VAIO computer will delete all the data on the built-in storage device. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Wha t should I do if m y V AI O c om put e r be c om e s unst a ble (Window s doe s not st a rt )? Try the suggestions below: Restore computer system files. [Details] Use the restore point that you created before your VAIO computer becomes unstable. Restore your VAIO computer from a system image backup if you have created the backup. Refer to Window s H e lp a nd Support for more information. Any file you have created or changed after you created the system image backup will not be restored. You need to back up such a file with V AI O Ca re Re sc ue . [Details] Use V AI O H a rdw a re Dia gnost ic s to identify problems on your VAIO computer. With the software, you can check if the computer hardware (a CPU, a memory module, and a built-in storage device) needs to be replaced. To start V AI O H a rdw a re Dia gnost ic s , click T ools and V AI O H a rdw a re Dia gnost ic s in V AI O Ca re Re sc ue . Follow the instructions in Re c ove ring from t he Re c ove ry Are a to recover your VAIO computer. [Details] If you have not backed up your data, be sure to make a backup copy of your valuable data using V AI O Ca re Re sc ue before recovering your VAIO computer. [Details] If you have a backup created with the Windows backup feature before your VAIO computer becomes unstable, but you have created or changed the file after that, back up such a file with V AI O Ca re Re sc ue . N ot e Recovering your VAIO computer will delete all the data on the built-in storage device. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Wha t should I do if I c a nnot c om ple t e t he re c ove ry proc e ss ? Disconnect all unnecessary external devices from your VAIO computer. Try the suggestions below: Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Check the condition of Recovery Media. If you are using optical discs, check the discs for dirt or damage. If the discs are not clean, clean them and try recovering your VAIO computer again. If you cannot recover your VAIO computer from the recovery area, restart the computer and recover the computer from the recovery area again, or use Recovery Media. If you cannot recover your VAIO computer using a USB optical drive or USB flash drive, connect the drive to another USB port on the computer, then turn off the computer and try recovering it again. If the problem persists, visit the VAIO online support website for further assistance. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Wha t should I do if I c a nnot c re a t e Re c ove ry M e dia ? Try the suggestions below: Download and install the latest updates using V AI O U pda t e . Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Restart your VAIO computer. And then, try to create Recovery Media again. If an AC adapter is supplied with an external optical disc drive, plug the AC adapter into a power source. Try other reliable media. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation If the problem persists, visit the VAIO online support website for further assistance. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se H ow do I c re a t e Re c ove ry M e dia ? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation You can create Recovery Media using V AI O Ca re . [Details] Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re Wha t should I do if I c a nnot re c ove r m y V AI O c om put e r from t he re c ove ry a re a ? Recover your VAIO computer from Recovery Media if you have used software to modify the recovery area, installed a different operating system from the preinstalled one, or formatted the built-in storage device without using V AI O Ca re Re sc ue . If the problem persists, visit the VAIO online support website for further assistance. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation H ow c a n I re st ore m y V AI O c om put e r syst e m t o it s fa c t ory de fa ult se t t ings? There are two ways to recover your VAIO computer system: from Recovery Media [Details] and from the recovery area [Details]. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation H ow c a n I re inst a ll t he origina l soft w a re a nd drive rs? You can restore the preinstalled software and drivers using V AI O Ca re . To restore them, start V AI O Ca re [Details] and then click Adva nc e d T ools, Re st ore a nd re c ove ry , and Re inst a ll a pplic a t ions a nd drive rs . Refer to the help file included with V AI O Ca re for more information. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wha t should I do if V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode st a rt s w he n I t urn on m y V AI O c om put e r ? You may have pressed not the (Power) button but the ASSI ST button. Exit V AI O Ca re Re sc ue M ode and check where the (Power) button is located on your VAIO computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why doe s t he Syst e m Prope rt ie s w indow displa y a slow e r CPU spe e d t ha n t he m a x im um ? This is normal. Because your VAIO computer’s CPU utilizes a type of CPU speed controlling technology for power conservation purposes, the Syst e m Prope rt ie s window may display the current CPU speed instead of the maximum speed. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series Back | Back to Top H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Wha t should I do if m y ga m e soft w a re doe s not w ork or it k e e ps c ra shing ? Check the website of the game if there are any patches or updates to download. Make sure you have installed the latest video driver software. Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation On some VAIO computer models, the graphics memory is shared with the system. The optimal graphics performance in such a case is not guaranteed. Search Back | Back to Top © 2012 Sony Corporation Go to Page Top Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pa rt s De sc ript ion Keyboard How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation VAIO computer Mouse Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top K e yboa rd Parts and Controls of the Keyboard How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Describes the features of the keyboard, such as keys, buttons and indicator lights. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the Usage Environment for the Keyboard Checking the Caps Lock / Num Lock / Scroll Lock States Checking the Remaining Battery Power of the Keyboard Combinations and Functions with the Fn Key Connecting the Wireless Keyboard Replacing the AA Battery of the Keyboard Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top M ouse Parts and Controls of the Mouse How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Describes the features of the mouse, such as buttons. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the Usage Environment for the Mouse Connecting the Wireless Mouse Replacing the AA Battery of the Mouse Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top V AI O c om put e r Parts and Controls on the Back How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Describes the features on the back of the VAIO computer, such as connection ports. Parts and Controls on the Front Describes the features on the front of the VAIO computer, such as buttons and indicator lights. Parts and Controls on the Sides N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Describes the features on the sides of the VAIO computer, such as connection ports. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the ASSIST Button Adding and Removing Memory Modules Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Pla yba c k Checking Supplied Items Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Customizing Your VAIO Computer Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions Setting Up an Appropriate Work Environment Setting the Stand Updating Your VAIO Computer Using VAIO Update N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Viewing the System Information Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Se t up Battery Display Keyboard Memory module Pa rt s De sc ript ion Mouse Power Se t up Supplied items VAIO computer How to Use N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Ba t t e ry Charging the Battery Pack How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation The battery pack can be charged even while you are using your VAIO computer when the computer is connected to a power source. Installing/Removing the Battery Pack Install the battery pack into the battery compartment on the bottom of your VAIO computer. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Changing the Rapid Wake (Sleep Mode) Settings Charge Indicator Status List Checking the Battery Charge Capacity Extending the Battery Life Notes on Using the Battery Pack Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Displa y Adjusting the Angle of the Screen How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings You can adjust the screen angle of your choice. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the Touch Screen Changing the LCD Brightness Changing the Resolution (Size) of the Screen Image Changing the Resolution (Size) of the Screen Image on an HDMI-Connected Device Enable/Disable the Touch Screen Enlarging the Text Size (DPI) How to Use the Touch Screen Notes on Using the Touch Screen Notes on the LCD screen Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top K e yboa rd About the Usage Environment for the Keyboard How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion This section explains how to use the wireless keyboard. Replacing the AA Battery of the Keyboard Change the AA battery in the keyboard when the battery power becomes low. Se t up Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Checking the Caps Lock / Num Lock / Scroll Lock States Checking the Remaining Battery Power of the Keyboard Conne c t ions Combinations and Functions with the Fn Key Connecting the Wireless Keyboard Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Parts and Controls of the Keyboard Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top M e m ory m odule Adding and Removing Memory Modules How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up If you want to increase your computer’s speed or improve performance when running programs simultaneously, increase the amount of memory by installing optional memory modules. Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Before adding or removing memory modules, read the following precautions thoroughly. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Viewing the System Information Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top M ouse About the Usage Environment for the Mouse How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion This section explains how to use the wireless mouse. Replacing the AA Battery of the Mouse Change the AA battery in the mouse when the battery power becomes low. Se t up Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Connecting the Wireless Mouse Parts and Controls of the Mouse Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pow e r Charging the Battery Pack How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion The battery pack can be charged even while you are using your VAIO computer when the computer is connected to a power source. Connecting a Power Source Se t up Connect your VAIO computer to an AC power source. Carefully read the precautions in Notes on Using the Power Source before connection. [Details] N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Installing/Removing the Battery Pack Install the battery pack into the battery compartment on the bottom of your VAIO computer. Conne c t ions Shutting Down Your VAIO Computer Shut down your VAIO computer properly to avoid losing unsaved data. Se t t ings Turning on Your VAIO Computer Pla yba c k Turn on your VAIO computer to start Windows. Carefully read the precautions in Notes on Using the Power Source before turning on. [Details] Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Se c urit y Changing the Rapid Wake (Sleep Mode) Settings Ot he r Ope ra t ions Charge Indicator Status List Notes on Sleep Mode Notes on Using the Power Source N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Restarting Your VAIO Computer Selecting a Power Plan Using Sleep Mode Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Supplie d it e m s Checking Supplied Items How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Check all items packed with the product before use. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top V AI O c om put e r Adding and Removing Memory Modules How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t If you want to increase your computer’s speed or improve performance when running programs simultaneously, increase the amount of memory by installing optional memory modules. Checking Supplied Items Check all items packed with the product before use. Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Before adding or removing memory modules, read the following precautions thoroughly. Conne c t ions Setting Up an Appropriate Work Environment Se t t ings This topic describes where to or not to place your VAIO computer and ergonomic instructions. Pla yba c k Setting the Stand This section describes how to set the stand. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Se c urit y About the ASSIST Button Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Ot he r Ope ra t ions Customizing Your VAIO Computer Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) N ot ific a t ions Parts and Controls on the Back Parts and Controls on the Front Parts and Controls on the Sides Updating Your VAIO Computer Using VAIO Update Viewing the System Information © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Internet How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Wireless LAN LAN Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top I nt e rne t About a Security Key for Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up A security key is a security protocol for a wireless LAN that encrypts data transmitted on the wireless LAN. About the Internet Connection Services The following types of Internet connection services are available. About the Network (LAN) N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The network (LAN) enables you to connect your VAIO computer to the Internet and transfer data between the computer and other devices. Conne c t ions About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards Se t t ings The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) allows your VAIO computer to connect to a network through a wireless connection. Pla yba c k Connecting to the Internet with a Wired Connection Before using the Internet, you need to sign up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and set up devices required for connecting your VAIO computer to the Internet. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Disabling the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Se c urit y You can disable the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) function by following these steps. Launching the Web Browser (WEB Button) Ot he r Ope ra t ions By pressing the WEB button, you can launch the default web browser. N ot ific a t ions Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Before using the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function, read the following precautions for correct use. Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications You can establish Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications between your VAIO computer and an access point (not supplied). Stopping Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications You can stop Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications by following these steps. Using the Antivirus App for Your VAIO Computer Protect your VAIO computer against computer viruses by using the antivirus app. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top LAN About the Internet Connection Services How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up The following types of Internet connection services are available. About the Network (LAN) The network (LAN) enables you to connect your VAIO computer to the Internet and transfer data between the computer and other devices. About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) allows your VAIO computer to connect to a network through a wireless connection. Conne c t ions Connecting to the Internet with a Wired Connection Se t t ings Before using the Internet, you need to sign up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and set up devices required for connecting your VAIO computer to the Internet. Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Wire le ss LAN About a Security Key for Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up A security key is a security protocol for a wireless LAN that encrypts data transmitted on the wireless LAN. About the Internet Connection Services The following types of Internet connection services are available. About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) allows your VAIO computer to connect to a network through a wireless connection. Conne c t ions Disabling the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function You can disable the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) function by following these steps. Se t t ings Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Pla yba c k Before using the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function, read the following precautions for correct use. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Se c urit y You can establish Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications between your VAIO computer and an access point (not supplied). Stopping Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation You can stop Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications by following these steps. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Conne c t ions Audio BLUETOOTH Battery CD/DVD/BD Pa rt s De sc ript ion Display HDMI Se t up Headphones Internet Keyboard LAN Microphone Mouse Peripheral device Power Speakers USB How to Use N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Wireless LAN Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Audio Changing the Sound Output Device How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion If there is no sound from the device connected to your VAIO computer, you need to change the device for sound output. Connecting External Speakers or Headphones Se t up You can connect external sound output devices (such as speakers or headphones) to your VAIO computer. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Connecting an External Microphone You can connect an external microphone to your VAIO computer and enjoy voice chat, etc. Conne c t ions Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Se t t ings Adjusting the Microphone Volume Adjusting the Speakers Volume Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Adjusting the Volume in Windows Playing Surround Sound Using S-FORCE Front Surround 3D Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top BLU ET OOT H About BLUETOOTH(R) Security How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions The BLUETOOTH wireless technology has an authentication function, which allows you to control communication with other devices. About the BLUETOOTH(R) Function You can establish wireless communications between your VAIO computer and other BLUETOOTH devices, such as another computer, a smartphone, a mobile phone, a headset, or a mouse. Communicating with Another BLUETOOTH(R) Device such as a Mouse You can connect BLUETOOTH devices to your VAIO computer. Notes on Using the BLUETOOTH(R) Function Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Before using the BLUETOOTH function, read the following precautions for correct use. Stopping BLUETOOTH(R) Communications You can stop BLUETOOTH communications by following these steps. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Ba t t e ry Installing/Removing the Battery Pack How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Install the battery pack into the battery compartment on the bottom of your VAIO computer. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Changing the Rapid Wake (Sleep Mode) Settings Charge Indicator Status List Charging the Battery Pack Checking the Battery Charge Capacity Extending the Battery Life Notes on Using the Battery Pack Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top CD/DV D/BD Connecting an External Drive How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Connect an external disc drive or hard disk drive to a USB port on your VAIO computer. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About Region Codes Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Handling Discs Inserting/Removing a Disc Notes on Using Discs Supported Discs Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing How to Use Back | Back to Top Displa y Changing the Resolution (Size) of the Screen Image on an HDMI-Connected Device Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can change the screen resolution or size of your VAIO computer’s screen image displayed on an external display, such as a TV, connected to the computer with an HDMI cable (not supplied). Se t up Notes on the LCD screen Read the following precautions for correct use of the LCD screen. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the Touch Screen Se t t ings Pla yba c k Adjusting the Angle of the Screen Changing the LCD Brightness Changing the Resolution (Size) of the Screen Image Enable/Disable the Touch Screen Enlarging the Text Size (DPI) Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation How to Use the Touch Screen Notes on Using the Touch Screen Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top H DM I Changing the Resolution (Size) of the Screen Image on an HDMI-Connected Device You can change the screen resolution or size of your VAIO computer’s screen image displayed on an external display, such as a TV, connected to the computer with an HDMI cable (not supplied). Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top H e a dphone s Connecting External Speakers or Headphones How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation You can connect external sound output devices (such as speakers or headphones) to your VAIO computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top I nt e rne t About a Security Key for Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up A security key is a security protocol for a wireless LAN that encrypts data transmitted on the wireless LAN. About the Internet Connection Services The following types of Internet connection services are available. About the Network (LAN) N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The network (LAN) enables you to connect your VAIO computer to the Internet and transfer data between the computer and other devices. Conne c t ions About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards Se t t ings The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) allows your VAIO computer to connect to a network through a wireless connection. Pla yba c k Connecting to the Internet with a Wired Connection Before using the Internet, you need to sign up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and set up devices required for connecting your VAIO computer to the Internet. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Disabling the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Se c urit y You can disable the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) function by following these steps. Launching the Web Browser (WEB Button) Ot he r Ope ra t ions By pressing the WEB button, you can launch the default web browser. N ot ific a t ions Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Before using the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function, read the following precautions for correct use. Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications You can establish Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications between your VAIO computer and an access point (not supplied). Stopping Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications You can stop Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications by following these steps. Using the Antivirus App for Your VAIO Computer Protect your VAIO computer against computer viruses by using the antivirus app. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top K e yboa rd About the Usage Environment for the Keyboard How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t This section explains how to use the wireless keyboard. Connecting the Wireless Keyboard If you cannot use the wireless keyboard supplied with the computer, it is likely that wireless connection setup is required between the wireless keyboard and your VAIO computer. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Checking the Caps Lock / Num Lock / Scroll Lock States Conne c t ions Se t t ings Checking the Remaining Battery Power of the Keyboard Combinations and Functions with the Fn Key Parts and Controls of the Keyboard Replacing the AA Battery of the Keyboard Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top LAN About the Internet Connection Services How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up The following types of Internet connection services are available. About the Network (LAN) The network (LAN) enables you to connect your VAIO computer to the Internet and transfer data between the computer and other devices. About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) allows your VAIO computer to connect to a network through a wireless connection. Conne c t ions Connecting to the Internet with a Wired Connection Se t t ings Before using the Internet, you need to sign up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and set up devices required for connecting your VAIO computer to the Internet. Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top M ic rophone Connecting an External Microphone How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation You can connect an external microphone to your VAIO computer and enjoy voice chat, etc. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Adjusting the Microphone Volume Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top M ouse About the Usage Environment for the Mouse How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t This section explains how to use the wireless mouse. Connecting the Wireless Mouse If you cannot use the wireless mouse supplied with your VAIO computer, it is likely that wireless connection setup is required between the wireless mouse and the computer. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Parts and Controls of the Mouse Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Replacing the AA Battery of the Mouse Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pe riphe ra l de vic e Changing the Sound Output Device How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up If there is no sound from the device connected to your VAIO computer, you need to change the device for sound output. Connecting an External Microphone You can connect an external microphone to your VAIO computer and enjoy voice chat, etc. Notes on the LCD screen N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Read the following precautions for correct use of the LCD screen. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pow e r Connecting a Power Source How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Connect your VAIO computer to an AC power source. Carefully read the precautions in Notes on Using the Power Source before connection. [Details] Installing/Removing the Battery Pack Install the battery pack into the battery compartment on the bottom of your VAIO computer. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Changing the Rapid Wake (Sleep Mode) Settings Charge Indicator Status List Charging the Battery Pack Notes on Sleep Mode Notes on Using the Power Source Restarting Your VAIO Computer Selecting a Power Plan Shutting Down Your VAIO Computer Turning on Your VAIO Computer Using Sleep Mode Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Spe a k e rs Connecting External Speakers or Headphones How to Use You can connect external sound output devices (such as speakers or headphones) to your VAIO computer. Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Adjusting the Speakers Volume Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top U SB Charging a USB Device How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation You can charge a USB device even while your VAIO computer is off, in Hibernate mode, or Sleep mode by enabling the USB charging settings. Connecting a USB Device You can connect a Universal Serial Bus (USB) device such as a mouse, floppy disk drive, speaker or printer to your VAIO computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Wire le ss LAN About a Security Key for Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up A security key is a security protocol for a wireless LAN that encrypts data transmitted on the wireless LAN. About the Internet Connection Services The following types of Internet connection services are available. About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) allows your VAIO computer to connect to a network through a wireless connection. Conne c t ions Disabling the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function You can disable the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) function by following these steps. Se t t ings Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Pla yba c k Before using the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function, read the following precautions for correct use. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Se c urit y You can establish Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications between your VAIO computer and an access point (not supplied). Stopping Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation You can stop Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) communications by following these steps. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Se t t ings Audio BIOS Battery Button Pa rt s De sc ript ion CD/DVD/BD Camera Se t up Display Encryption HDMI Memory module Microphone Password Peripheral device Power Recovery Security Sensor Service and support Speakers TPM Touch panel VAIO computer How to Use N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Audio Adjusting the Microphone Volume How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can adjust the volume level of the microphone. Adjusting the Speakers Volume You can change the volume level of the speakers and headphones. Se t up Adjusting the Volume in Windows You can adjust the volume on each app from wi0210. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Changing the Sound Output Device Conne c t ions If there is no sound from the device connected to your VAIO computer, you need to change the device for sound output. Se t t ings Playing Surround Sound Using S-FORCE Front Surround 3D Pla yba c k S-FORCE Front Surround 3D is a virtual surround technology which allows you to enjoy powerful and realistic surround sound using the built-in speakers. Its effect is especially noticeable when you are watching movies. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Se c urit y Connecting External Speakers or Headphones Connecting an External Microphone Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top BI OS About the ASSIST Button How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Press the ASSIST button to perform regular maintenance of your VAIO computer or to solve problems you might encounter when using the computer. Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Se t up You can boot your VAIO computer from external devices, such as an optical disc drive, a USB floppy disk drive, or a USB flash drive by using the BIOS function. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Removing the Power-on Password Conne c t ions If power-on password input for booting up your VAIO computer is no longer necessary, follow these steps to remove the machine password and user password. Setting/Changing the Power-on Password Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry You can set a password (power-on password) for booting up your VAIO computer, using the BIOS function. Entry of the power-on password will be prompted after the VAIO logo appears to start the computer. Using Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology You can change the Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology settings in the BIOS setup screen. Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Ba t t e ry Notes on Using the Battery Pack How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Before using the battery pack, read the following precautions for correct use. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Changing the Rapid Wake (Sleep Mode) Settings Charge Indicator Status List Charging the Battery Pack Checking the Battery Charge Capacity Extending the Battery Life Installing/Removing the Battery Pack Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top But t on About the ASSIST Button How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Press the ASSIST button to perform regular maintenance of your VAIO computer or to solve problems you might encounter when using the computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top CD/DV D/BD Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices How to Use You can boot your VAIO computer from external devices, such as an optical disc drive, a USB floppy disk drive, or a USB flash drive by using the BIOS function. Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About Region Codes Connecting an External Drive Handling Discs Inserting/Removing a Disc Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Notes on Using Discs Supported Discs Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Ca m e ra Using the Built-in Camera Pa rt s De sc ript ion If your VAIO computer is equipped with a built-in camera, you can make a video call through the Internet using communication software, such as Windows Live Messenger.For detailed information on how to use the software, refer to the help file included with the software. Se t up Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: How to Use Notes on the Built-in Camera N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Displa y Changing the LCD Brightness How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k You can adjust the LCD brightness. Changing the Resolution (Size) of the Screen Image You can change the screen resolution to adjust the size of the characters and images on the computer screen. Changing the Resolution (Size) of the Screen Image on an HDMI-Connected Device You can change the screen resolution or size of your VAIO computer’s screen image displayed on an external display, such as a TV, connected to the computer with an HDMI cable (not supplied). Enable/Disable the Touch Screen By default, the touch screen of your VAIO computer is enabled. To disable/enable the touch screen, follow these steps: Enlarging the Text Size (DPI) Ba c k up / Re c ove ry You can change the DPI to enlarge the font size, making it easier to touch specific text. Se c urit y How to Use the Touch Screen Ot he r Ope ra t ions You can tap the touch screen or make a simple motion with your fingers to operate your VAIO computer. Notes on Using the Touch Screen N ot ific a t ions Before using the touch screen, read the following precautions for correct use. Notes on the LCD screen Read the following precautions for correct use of the LCD screen. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the Touch Screen Adjusting the Angle of the Screen © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top Enc rypt ion Encrypting Your Data with the TPM (BitLocker) You can use BitLocker included with Windows 8 Pro to encrypt the data on the built-in storage device. Notes on Using the TPM Before using the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), read the following precautions for correct use. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top H DM I Changing the Resolution (Size) of the Screen Image on an HDMI-Connected Device You can change the screen resolution or size of your VAIO computer’s screen image displayed on an external display, such as a TV, connected to the computer with an HDMI cable (not supplied). Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top M e m ory m odule Viewing the System Information How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation You can view the system information of your VAIO computer. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Adding and Removing Memory Modules Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top M ic rophone Adjusting the Microphone Volume How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation You can adjust the volume level of the microphone. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Connecting an External Microphone Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pa ssw ord Creating/Changing/Removing Your Windows Password How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Setting the Windows password allows you to protect your VAIO computer from unauthorized access by making the user enter the password when the computer is turned on or returns from power saving mode to Normal mode. Removing the Power-on Password If power-on password input for booting up your VAIO computer is no longer necessary, follow these steps to remove the machine password and user password. Setting/Changing the Power-on Password You can set a password (power-on password) for booting up your VAIO computer, using the BIOS function. Entry of the power-on password will be prompted after the VAIO logo appears to start the computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pe riphe ra l de vic e Changing the Sound Output Device How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t If there is no sound from the device connected to your VAIO computer, you need to change the device for sound output. Notes on the LCD screen Read the following precautions for correct use of the LCD screen. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Connecting an External Microphone Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pow e r Notes on Sleep Mode How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Read the following precautions before using Sleep mode. Notes on Using the Power Source Read the following precautions before plugging your VAIO computer into an AC power source. Selecting a Power Plan N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Power management helps you set up power plans to suit your requirements for power consumption. Conne c t ions Using Sleep Mode Se t t ings In Sleep mode, all unnecessary devices of your VAIO computer are turned off, though some devices stay on to retain the computer’s state including data you are working on. Sleep mode is useful when you take a short rest, for example. Pla yba c k Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Changing the Rapid Wake (Sleep Mode) Settings Charge Indicator Status List Se c urit y Charging the Battery Pack Connecting a Power Source Ot he r Ope ra t ions Installing/Removing the Battery Pack N ot ific a t ions Restarting Your VAIO Computer Shutting Down Your VAIO Computer Turning on Your VAIO Computer © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Re c ove ry About the ASSIST Button How to Use Press the ASSIST button to perform regular maintenance of your VAIO computer or to solve problems you might encounter when using the computer. Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About Recovery Checking the Volume of the Recovery Area Creating Recovery Media Notes on Recovery Conne c t ions Recovering from Recovery Media Recovering from the Recovery Area Se t t ings Removing Recovery Contents to Free up Disk Space Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Se c urit y Updating Your VAIO Computer How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Be sure to update your VAIO computer with the following software applications to enhance the computer’s efficiency, security, and functionality. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Se nsor About Built-In Sensors How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation A built-in accelerometer and digital compass (magnetometer) enable you to use the following functions. Notes on Built-In Sensors Before using built-in sensors, read the following precautions for correct use. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Se rvic e a nd support Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion With VAIO Care, you can perform the following operations to keep your VAIO computer running at an optimum level. Updating Your VAIO Computer Se t up Be sure to update your VAIO computer with the following software applications to enhance the computer’s efficiency, security, and functionality. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Using VAIO Update Conne c t ions VAIO Update provides a service that informs you of available update information, such as important notices or update programs, to keep your VAIO computer up to date. Se t t ings Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Pla yba c k About Online Support Website Solving Common Problems with Your VAIO Computer Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Spe a k e rs Adjusting the Speakers Volume How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation You can change the volume level of the speakers and headphones. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Connecting External Speakers or Headphones Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top T PM Encrypting Your Data with the TPM (BitLocker) You can use BitLocker included with Windows 8 Pro to encrypt the data on the built-in storage device. Notes on Using the TPM Before using the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), read the following precautions for correct use. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top T ouc h pa ne l Enable/Disable the Touch Screen How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up By default, the touch screen of your VAIO computer is enabled. To disable/enable the touch screen, follow these steps: Enlarging the Text Size (DPI) You can change the DPI to enlarge the font size, making it easier to touch specific text. How to Use the Touch Screen N e t w ork / I nt e rne t You can tap the touch screen or make a simple motion with your fingers to operate your VAIO computer. Conne c t ions Notes on Using the Touch Screen Before using the touch screen, read the following precautions for correct use. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the Touch Screen Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top V AI O c om put e r About the ASSIST Button How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Press the ASSIST button to perform regular maintenance of your VAIO computer or to solve problems you might encounter when using the computer. Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Se t up You can boot your VAIO computer from external devices, such as an optical disc drive, a USB floppy disk drive, or a USB flash drive by using the BIOS function. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Customizing Your VAIO Computer Conne c t ions (VAIO Control Center) allows you to access system information and to change settings of various kinds of functions such as display and sounds. Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions With VAIO Care, you can perform the following operations to keep your VAIO computer running at an optimum level. Updating Your VAIO Computer Be sure to update your VAIO computer with the following software applications to enhance the computer’s efficiency, security, and functionality. Using VAIO Update VAIO Update provides a service that informs you of available update information, such as important notices or update programs, to keep your VAIO computer up to date. Viewing the System Information N ot ific a t ions You can view the system information of your VAIO computer. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Adding and Removing Memory Modules Checking Supplied Items Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Parts and Controls on the Back Parts and Controls on the Front Parts and Controls on the Sides Setting Up an Appropriate Work Environment Setting the Stand © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pla yba c k CD/DVD/BD How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top CD/DV D/BD About Region Codes How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion The following is a list of DVD region codes indicating playable regions of DVD media. Inserting/Removing a Disc Insert/remove a disc to/from your VAIO computer that is turned on. Se t up Supported Discs This topic explains media types that are playable/recordable on your VAIO computer. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Connecting an External Drive Handling Discs Notes on Using Discs Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Ba c k up / Re c ove ry BIOS Backup Built-in storage device Button Pa rt s De sc ript ion CD/DVD/BD Partition Se t up Recovery Service and support How to Use N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation VAIO computer Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top BI OS About the ASSIST Button How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Press the ASSIST button to perform regular maintenance of your VAIO computer or to solve problems you might encounter when using the computer. Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices You can boot your VAIO computer from external devices, such as an optical disc drive, a USB floppy disk drive, or a USB flash drive by using the BIOS function. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Removing the Power-on Password Setting/Changing the Power-on Password Using Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Ba c k up About Backup How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up The backup process creates a backup copy of your data stored on the built-in storage device and saves it to another location. About Types of Backup You can use the Windows Backup and Restore feature to back up your valuable data. Backing Up Your Data when You cannot Start Windows N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions If you cannot start Windows, back up your data with VAIO Care Rescue. Creating a Restore Point A restore point enables you to restore your computer system files to a previous state, depending on when the restore point was created. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Restoring System Files Using the Restore Point when You cannot Start Windows When you cannot start Windows, follow these steps to restore computer system files. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Restoring Your Data with VAIO Data Restore Tool Se c urit y If you backed up files previously using VAIO Care Rescue, use VAIO Data Restore Tool to restore these files. Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Built -in st ora ge de vic e Checking the Volume of the Recovery Area How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Your built-in storage device contains the recovery area where the data for the system recovery is stored. Creating Other Drives (Modifying Partitions) Partitions are divided areas on your built-in storage device. Dividing the built-in storage device into more than one partition may have various advantages, such as separating the system files from your data files. Creating Partitions This topic describes how to create partitions. Removing Recovery Contents to Free up Disk Space Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Your built-in storage device contains the recovery area where the data for system recovery is stored. If your VAIO computer includes a solid state drive (SSD), you might want to minimize the recovery area by removing such data. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top But t on About the ASSIST Button How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Press the ASSIST button to perform regular maintenance of your VAIO computer or to solve problems you might encounter when using the computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top CD/DV D/BD Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices How to Use You can boot your VAIO computer from external devices, such as an optical disc drive, a USB floppy disk drive, or a USB flash drive by using the BIOS function. Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About Region Codes Connecting an External Drive Handling Discs Inserting/Removing a Disc Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Notes on Using Discs Supported Discs Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pa rt it ion Creating Other Drives (Modifying Partitions) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Partitions are divided areas on your built-in storage device. Dividing the built-in storage device into more than one partition may have various advantages, such as separating the system files from your data files. Creating Partitions This topic describes how to create partitions. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Re c ove ry About Recovery How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Recovery is the process of restoring your VAIO computer back to its original factory condition. About the ASSIST Button Se t up Press the ASSIST button to perform regular maintenance of your VAIO computer or to solve problems you might encounter when using the computer. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Checking the Volume of the Recovery Area Conne c t ions Your built-in storage device contains the recovery area where the data for the system recovery is stored. Creating Recovery Media Se t t ings Pla yba c k Follow the instructions below to create Recovery Media. Notes on Recovery Read the following notes thoroughly before recovering your VAIO computer. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Recovering from Recovery Media Se c urit y If the recovery area data has been corrupted or erased, you can use Recovery Media to recover your VAIO computer. However, it takes longer time to recover using Recovery Media than using the recovery area. Ot he r Ope ra t ions Recovering from the Recovery Area N ot ific a t ions Recovery from the recovery area on the built-in storage device is faster than recovery using Recovery Media. Removing Recovery Contents to Free up Disk Space Your built-in storage device contains the recovery area where the data for system recovery is stored. If your VAIO computer includes a solid state drive (SSD), you might want to minimize the recovery area by removing such data. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Se rvic e a nd support Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) How to Use With VAIO Care, you can perform the following operations to keep your VAIO computer running at an optimum level. Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About Online Support Website Solving Common Problems with Your VAIO Computer Updating Your VAIO Computer Using VAIO Update Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top V AI O c om put e r About the ASSIST Button How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Press the ASSIST button to perform regular maintenance of your VAIO computer or to solve problems you might encounter when using the computer. Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Se t up You can boot your VAIO computer from external devices, such as an optical disc drive, a USB floppy disk drive, or a USB flash drive by using the BIOS function. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) Conne c t ions With VAIO Care, you can perform the following operations to keep your VAIO computer running at an optimum level. Se t t ings Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Pla yba c k Adding and Removing Memory Modules Checking Supplied Items Customizing Your VAIO Computer Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Parts and Controls on the Back Parts and Controls on the Front Parts and Controls on the Sides Setting Up an Appropriate Work Environment Setting the Stand Updating Your VAIO Computer Using VAIO Update Viewing the System Information © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Se c urit y BIOS Encryption Internet Password Pa rt s De sc ript ion Service and support TPM Se t up VAIO computer How to Use N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top BI OS Removing the Power-on Password How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up If power-on password input for booting up your VAIO computer is no longer necessary, follow these steps to remove the machine password and user password. Setting/Changing the Power-on Password You can set a password (power-on password) for booting up your VAIO computer, using the BIOS function. Entry of the power-on password will be prompted after the VAIO logo appears to start the computer. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the ASSIST Button Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Using Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top Enc rypt ion Encrypting Your Data with the TPM (BitLocker) You can use BitLocker included with Windows 8 Pro to encrypt the data on the built-in storage device. Notes on Using the TPM Before using the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), read the following precautions for correct use. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top I nt e rne t Launching the Web Browser (WEB Button) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion By pressing the WEB button, you can launch the default web browser. Using the Antivirus App for Your VAIO Computer Protect your VAIO computer against computer viruses by using the antivirus app. Se t up Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: N e t w ork / I nt e rne t About a Security Key for Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) About the Internet Connection Services Conne c t ions About the Network (LAN) About the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Standards Se t t ings Connecting to the Internet with a Wired Connection Disabling the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Pla yba c k Notes on Using the Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Function Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Starting Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Stopping Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Communications Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pa ssw ord Creating/Changing/Removing Your Windows Password How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Setting the Windows password allows you to protect your VAIO computer from unauthorized access by making the user enter the password when the computer is turned on or returns from power saving mode to Normal mode. Removing the Power-on Password If power-on password input for booting up your VAIO computer is no longer necessary, follow these steps to remove the machine password and user password. Setting/Changing the Power-on Password You can set a password (power-on password) for booting up your VAIO computer, using the BIOS function. Entry of the power-on password will be prompted after the VAIO logo appears to start the computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Se rvic e a nd support Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up With VAIO Care, you can perform the following operations to keep your VAIO computer running at an optimum level. Using VAIO Update VAIO Update provides a service that informs you of available update information, such as important notices or update programs, to keep your VAIO computer up to date. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation About Online Support Website Solving Common Problems with Your VAIO Computer Updating Your VAIO Computer Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top T PM Encrypting Your Data with the TPM (BitLocker) You can use BitLocker included with Windows 8 Pro to encrypt the data on the built-in storage device. Notes on Using the TPM Before using the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), read the following precautions for correct use. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top V AI O c om put e r Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up With VAIO Care, you can perform the following operations to keep your VAIO computer running at an optimum level. Using VAIO Update VAIO Update provides a service that informs you of available update information, such as important notices or update programs, to keep your VAIO computer up to date. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k About the ASSIST Button Adding and Removing Memory Modules Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Checking Supplied Items Customizing Your VAIO Computer Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Parts and Controls on the Back Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Parts and Controls on the Front Se c urit y Parts and Controls on the Sides Setting Up an Appropriate Work Environment Setting the Stand Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Updating Your VAIO Computer Viewing the System Information Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Ot he r Ope ra t ions BIOS Battery Built-in storage device CD/DVD/BD Pa rt s De sc ript ion Camera Display Se t up Keyboard Memory card Memory module Mouse Partition Power Touch panel USB How to Use N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation VAIO computer Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing How to Use Back | Back to Top BI OS Using Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology You can change the Intel(R) Anti-Theft Technology settings in the BIOS setup screen. Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the ASSIST Button Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Removing the Power-on Password Setting/Changing the Power-on Password Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Ba t t e ry Changing the Rapid Wake (Sleep Mode) Settings How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can change the Rapid Wake settings on VAIO Control Center. Charge Indicator Status List The charge indicator light turns on or blinks differently according to conditions. Se t up Charging the Battery Pack N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The battery pack can be charged even while you are using your VAIO computer when the computer is connected to a power source. Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Checking the Battery Charge Capacity The battery pack is consumable. The capacity gradually declines through repeated cycles of recharging and discharging. As a result, the battery life becomes short even if it is fully charged and eventually the battery pack reaches the end of its life. Extending the Battery Life When your VAIO computer is running on battery power, you can extend the battery life using the following methods. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Installing/Removing the Battery Pack Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Notes on Using the Battery Pack Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Built -in st ora ge de vic e Creating Other Drives (Modifying Partitions) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Partitions are divided areas on your built-in storage device. Dividing the built-in storage device into more than one partition may have various advantages, such as separating the system files from your data files. Creating Partitions This topic describes how to create partitions. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Checking the Volume of the Recovery Area Removing Recovery Contents to Free up Disk Space Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top CD/DV D/BD Inserting/Removing a Disc How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Insert/remove a disc to/from your VAIO computer that is turned on. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About Region Codes Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Connecting an External Drive Handling Discs Notes on Using Discs Supported Discs Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Ca m e ra Notes on the Built-in Camera How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Using the Built-in Camera If your VAIO computer is equipped with a built-in camera, you can make a video call through the Internet using communication software, such as Windows Live Messenger.For detailed information on how to use the software, refer to the help file included with the software. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Displa y About the Touch Screen How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions The touch screen enables direct interaction with your VAIO computer using your finger(s). You can perform various gestures on the touch screen instead of mouse operations, such as selecting items and scrolling. Adjusting the Angle of the Screen You can adjust the screen angle of your choice. How to Use the Touch Screen You can tap the touch screen or make a simple motion with your fingers to operate your VAIO computer. Notes on Using the Touch Screen Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Before using the touch screen, read the following precautions for correct use. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Changing the LCD Brightness Changing the Resolution (Size) of the Screen Image Changing the Resolution (Size) of the Screen Image on an HDMI-Connected Device Enable/Disable the Touch Screen Enlarging the Text Size (DPI) Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Notes on the LCD screen Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top K e yboa rd Checking the Caps Lock / Num Lock / Scroll Lock States How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up You can check if the keyboard is in the Caps Lock/Num Lock/Scroll Lock states by the indicator light of the keyboard and the icons in the notification area. Checking the Remaining Battery Power of the Keyboard The remaining battery power of the keyboard can be checked by the battery indicator. Combinations and Functions with the Fn Key N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Press and hold down the Fn key and another key simultaneously to perform a keyboard shortcut action. Conne c t ions Replacing the AA Battery of the Keyboard Change the AA battery in the keyboard when the battery power becomes low. Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the Usage Environment for the Keyboard Connecting the Wireless Keyboard Parts and Controls of the Keyboard Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top M e m ory c a rd About “Memory Stick” How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions “Memory Stick” is a compact, portable, and versatile IC recording media especially designed for exchanging and sharing digital data with compatible products, such as digital cameras and other devices. Because it is removable, it can be used for external data storage. Compatible “Memory Stick” The “Memory Stick” slot on your VAIO computer can accommodate the following sizes and types of media: Formatting “Memory Stick” “Memory Stick” is formatted in the specific FAT format by default and is ready for use.Be sure to use the device that is designed to format the media and supports “Memory Stick” when formatting the media. Se t t ings Inserting/Removing SD Memory Cards Pla yba c k Your VAIO computer is equipped with an SD memory card slot. You can use this slot to transfer data among digital cameras, camcorders, music players, and other audio/video devices. Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Inserting/Removing “Memory Stick” Se c urit y You can use “Memory Stick” to save data or transfer images between a digital camera and your VAIO computer. To insert/remove “Memory Stick”, follow these steps. Ot he r Ope ra t ions Notes on Using SD Memory Cards Before using SD memory cards, read the following precautions for correct use. N ot ific a t ions Notes on Using “Memory Stick” Before using “Memory Stick”, read the following precautions for correct use. © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top M e m ory m odule Adding and Removing Memory Modules How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up If you want to increase your computer’s speed or improve performance when running programs simultaneously, increase the amount of memory by installing optional memory modules. Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Before adding or removing memory modules, read the following precautions thoroughly. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Viewing the System Information Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top M ouse Replacing the AA Battery of the Mouse How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Change the AA battery in the mouse when the battery power becomes low. Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: About the Usage Environment for the Mouse Connecting the Wireless Mouse Parts and Controls of the Mouse Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pa rt it ion Creating Other Drives (Modifying Partitions) How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Partitions are divided areas on your built-in storage device. Dividing the built-in storage device into more than one partition may have various advantages, such as separating the system files from your data files. Creating Partitions This topic describes how to create partitions. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Pow e r Changing the Rapid Wake (Sleep Mode) Settings How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion You can change the Rapid Wake settings on VAIO Control Center. Charge Indicator Status List The charge indicator light turns on or blinks differently according to conditions. Se t up Charging the Battery Pack N e t w ork / I nt e rne t The battery pack can be charged even while you are using your VAIO computer when the computer is connected to a power source. Conne c t ions Restarting Your VAIO Computer After changing the settings or installing an app on your VAIO computer, you may be required to restart the computer. Se t t ings Shutting Down Your VAIO Computer Pla yba c k Shut down your VAIO computer properly to avoid losing unsaved data. Turning on Your VAIO Computer Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions Turn on your VAIO computer to start Windows. Carefully read the precautions in Notes on Using the Power Source before turning on. [Details] Using Sleep Mode In Sleep mode, all unnecessary devices of your VAIO computer are turned off, though some devices stay on to retain the computer’s state including data you are working on. Sleep mode is useful when you take a short rest, for example. N ot ific a t ions Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Connecting a Power Source Installing/Removing the Battery Pack Notes on Sleep Mode Notes on Using the Power Source Selecting a Power Plan © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top T ouc h pa ne l About the Touch Screen How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions The touch screen enables direct interaction with your VAIO computer using your finger(s). You can perform various gestures on the touch screen instead of mouse operations, such as selecting items and scrolling. How to Use the Touch Screen You can tap the touch screen or make a simple motion with your fingers to operate your VAIO computer. Notes on Using the Touch Screen Before using the touch screen, read the following precautions for correct use. Se t t ings Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Pla yba c k Enable/Disable the Touch Screen Enlarging the Text Size (DPI) Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top U SB Charging a USB Device How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation You can charge a USB device even while your VAIO computer is off, in Hibernate mode, or Sleep mode by enabling the USB charging settings. Connecting a USB Device You can connect a Universal Serial Bus (USB) device such as a mouse, floppy disk drive, speaker or printer to your VAIO computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top V AI O c om put e r Adding and Removing Memory Modules How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up If you want to increase your computer’s speed or improve performance when running programs simultaneously, increase the amount of memory by installing optional memory modules. Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Before adding or removing memory modules, read the following precautions thoroughly. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k About the ASSIST Button Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Checking Supplied Items Customizing Your VAIO Computer Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) Parts and Controls on the Back Parts and Controls on the Front Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Parts and Controls on the Sides Setting Up an Appropriate Work Environment Se c urit y Setting the Stand Updating Your VAIO Computer Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Using VAIO Update Viewing the System Information Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top N ot ific a t ions CD/DVD/BD Care and maintenance Important notice Product registration Pa rt s De sc ript ion Read this first Security Se t up Service and support Supplied items How to Use N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation VAIO computer Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top CD/DV D/BD About Region Codes How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion The following is a list of DVD region codes indicating playable regions of DVD media. Handling Discs Read the following to protect data stored on discs and take proper care of discs. Se t up Notes on Using Discs Observe the following notes when using discs on your VAIO computer. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Supported Discs This topic explains media types that are playable/recordable on your VAIO computer. Se t t ings Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Pla yba c k Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Connecting an External Drive Inserting/Removing a Disc Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Ca re a nd m a int e na nc e Cleaning Your VAIO computer/LCD screen How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Before cleaning your VAIO computer, read the following precautions for the correct cleaning procedure. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top I m port a nt not ic e About the International ENERGY STAR(R) Program How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion The following information is applicable to ENERGY STAR qualified products only. About the Software License Se t up This product contains software owned by Sony and licensed by third parties. Use of such software is subject to the terms and conditions of license agreements enclosed with this product. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Handling the Built-in Storage Device Conne c t ions Se t t ings The built-in storage device (hard disk drive or solid state drive) has a high storage density and reads or writes data in a short time. However, it can be easily damaged if improperly used. Safety Information Refer to the supplied safety manual for detailed safety information. Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Trademarks Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Produc t re gist ra t ion About Online Support Website How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation The online support website provides information about frequently asked questions about your VAIO computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Re a d t his first Read This First How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Congratulations on your purchase of this VAIO(R) computer. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Se c urit y Updating Your VAIO Computer How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Be sure to update your VAIO computer with the following software applications to enhance the computer’s efficiency, security, and functionality. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Se rvic e a nd support About Online Support Website How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion The online support website provides information about frequently asked questions about your VAIO computer. Solving Common Problems with Your VAIO Computer Se t up If you have any problem operating your VAIO computer, try these suggestions before contacting an authorized Sony service/support center or your local Sony dealer directly. N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Updating Your VAIO Computer Conne c t ions Be sure to update your VAIO computer with the following software applications to enhance the computer’s efficiency, security, and functionality. Se t t ings Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Pla yba c k Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) Using VAIO Update Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top Supplie d it e m s Checking Supplied Items How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Conne c t ions Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Check all items packed with the product before use. Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series T rouble shoot ing Back | Back to Top V AI O c om put e r Checking Supplied Items How to Use Pa rt s De sc ript ion Se t up Check all items packed with the product before use. Setting Up an Appropriate Work Environment This topic describes where to or not to place your VAIO computer and ergonomic instructions. Updating Your VAIO Computer N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Be sure to update your VAIO computer with the following software applications to enhance the computer’s efficiency, security, and functionality. Conne c t ions Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Se t t ings Pla yba c k Ba c k up / Re c ove ry About the ASSIST Button Adding and Removing Memory Modules Booting Your VAIO Computer from External Devices Customizing Your VAIO Computer Keeping Your VAIO Computer in Optimum Condition (VAIO Care) Notes on Adding and Removing Memory Modules Se c urit y Ot he r Ope ra t ions N ot ific a t ions © 2012 Sony Corporation Parts and Controls on the Back Parts and Controls on the Front Parts and Controls on the Sides Setting the Stand Using VAIO Update Viewing the System Information Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top H a rdw a re Audio BIOS BLUETOOTH Battery H a rdw a re CD/DVD/BD Camera Soft w a re Computer Display Floppy disk Keyboard LAN Memory card Microphone Password Power Sensor Software USB Troubleshooting N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Wireless LAN © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Audio What should I do if I do not hear sound from speakers or headphones? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re What should I do if I hear microphone feedback from speakers when using my microphone? What should I do if my microphone does not work? Soft w a re What should I do if sound interruptions occur during video or audio playback? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top BI OS What should I do if I forget the power-on password to start my VAIO computer? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Back | Back to Top BLU ET OOT H What should I do if I cannot find the BLUETOOTH(R) device I want to communicate with? What should I do if I cannot use the BLUETOOTH(R) function? What should I do if other BLUETOOTH(R) devices cannot connect to my VAIO computer? What should I do if the BLUETOOTH(R) icon is not displayed in the desktop notification area? Why can’t I exchange business card data with a smartphone or a mobile phone? Why can’t I use BLUETOOTH(R) devices when I switch users? Why can’t I use the BLUETOOTH(R) function when I log onto my VAIO computer as a user with a standard user account? Why is my BLUETOOTH(R) connection slow? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top Ba t t e ry What should I do if a message appears indicating that the battery pack is incompatible or has been incorrectly installed, after which my VAIO computer enters Hibernate mode? Why can’t I fully charge my battery pack? Why doesn’t my VAIO computer enter Hibernate mode when the battery pack is running out of power? Why is my VAIO computer running slowly and the CPU clock frequency low while the computer is running on battery power? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Back | Back to Top CD/DV D/BD What should I do if I cannot play a disc, or dropped frames and/or sound interruptions occur during playback? What should I do if I cannot remove the disc from the optical disc drive? Why can’t I write data to a disc? Soft w a re Why does it take time to write data to DVD writable media? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Back | Back to Top Ca m e ra What should I do if captured images contain dropped frames and audio interruptions? What should I do if captured images flicker? Why are captured images poor in quality? Soft w a re Why does the viewfinder show no images or poor-quality images? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why is the video input from the built-in camera suspended momentarily? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top Com put e r Why does the System Properties window display a slower CPU speed than the maximum? Why is my VAIO computer running slowly and the CPU clock frequency low while the computer is running on battery power? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Displa y How do I change the LCD brightness? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re What should I do if I cannot see proper images on the computer screen? What should I do if captured images contain dropped frames and audio interruptions? Soft w a re What should I do if captured images flicker? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t What should I do if my computer screen goes blank? Ba c k up / Re c ove ry What should I do if some items do not fit on the computer screen? Se c urit y What should I do if videos are not displayed on the computer screen? What should I do if videos are not displayed smoothly? Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Why do sound interruptions and/or dropped frames occur when I play highdefinition videos, such as those recorded with the AVCHD digital video camcorder? Why does the viewfinder show no images or poor-quality images? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top Floppy disk What should I do if I cannot boot my VAIO computer from the floppy disk drive? Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: What should I do if I cannot remove my floppy disk? What should I do if I cannot save data on my floppy disk? What should I do if my VAIO computer does not recognize the floppy disk? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top K e yboa rd What should I do if I cannot enter certain characters with my keyboard? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation What should I do if my keyboard configuration is wrong? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Back | Back to Top LAN How can I find the physical address (MAC address) of the built-in wireless network interface of my VAIO computer? H a rdw a re What should I do if I cannot connect my VAIO computer to an access point (or the Internet)? Soft w a re What should I do if I cannot play back movies or audio tracks received via WiFi (wireless LAN), or their playback is interrupted? Why is the data transfer speed slow? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y What should I do if I cannot use the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function? What should I do if I do not know the SSID or security key for the access point? What should I do if the text size on the website is small or large? Pe riphe ra l De vic e s What should I do if the website is not displayed? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top M e m ory c a rd Why can’t I write data to a memory card? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why doesn’t the memory card icon appear in the Computer window? Why doesn’t the “Memory Stick” icon appear in the Computer window? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top M ic rophone What should I do if I hear microphone feedback from speakers when using my microphone? What should I do if my microphone does not work? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Pa ssw ord What should I do if I forget the Windows password? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation What should I do if I forget the power-on password to start my VAIO computer? What should I do if the Enter Onetime Password message appears and Windows does not start after I enter a wrong power-on password three times consecutively? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Pow e r What should I do if I cannot turn off my VAIO computer? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re What should I do if VAIO Care Rescue Mode starts when I turn on my VAIO computer? What should I do if my VAIO computer does not enter Hibernate mode? Soft w a re What should I do if my VAIO computer does not enter Sleep mode? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s What should I do if my VAIO computer does not turn on (the power indicator light does not turn on in green)? What should I do if my VAIO computer does not turn on or the power button does not work (the power indicator light blinks fast)? What should I do if the power indicator light turns on in green when I press the power button but the screen remains blank? Why does a message appear and Windows fail to start when I turn on my VAIO computer? Why does my VAIO computer automatically turn off? Why doesn’t my VAIO computer enter Hibernate mode when the battery pack is running out of power? Why doesn’t my computer screen turn off after the automatic turn-off time has passed? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Se nsor Why doesn’t the built-in digital compass show the correct direction? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why doesn’t the computer screen rotate? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Back | Back to Top Soft w a re Why do sound interruptions and/or dropped frames occur when I play highdefinition videos, such as those recorded with the AVCHD digital video camcorder? H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: What should I do if my game software does not work or it keeps crashing? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Back | Back to Top U SB What should I do if I cannot boot my VAIO computer from the floppy disk drive? What should I do if I cannot charge the device connected to the USB port that supports USB charging? Soft w a re Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: N e t w ork / I nt e rne t What should I do if I cannot print a document? What should I do if I cannot remove my floppy disk? Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation What should I do if I cannot save data on my floppy disk? What should I do if my VAIO computer does not recognize the USB device? What should I do if my VAIO computer does not recognize the floppy disk? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Back | Back to Top Wire le ss LAN How can I find the physical address (MAC address) of the built-in wireless network interface of my VAIO computer? H a rdw a re What should I do if I cannot connect my VAIO computer to an access point (or the Internet)? Soft w a re What should I do if I cannot play back movies or audio tracks received via WiFi (wireless LAN), or their playback is interrupted? Why is the data transfer speed slow? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y What should I do if I cannot use the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function? What should I do if I do not know the SSID or security key for the access point? What should I do if the text size on the website is small or large? Pe riphe ra l De vic e s What should I do if the website is not displayed? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Soft w a re Display Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Software Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Back | Back to Top Displa y Why do sound interruptions and/or dropped frames occur when I play highdefinition videos, such as those recorded with the AVCHD digital video camcorder? H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: How do I change the LCD brightness? What should I do if I cannot see proper images on the computer screen? What should I do if captured images contain dropped frames and audio interruptions? What should I do if captured images flicker? What should I do if my computer screen goes blank? What should I do if some items do not fit on the computer screen? Se c urit y What should I do if videos are not displayed on the computer screen? Pe riphe ra l De vic e s What should I do if videos are not displayed smoothly? Why does the viewfinder show no images or poor-quality images? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Soft w a re What should I do if my game software does not work or it keeps crashing? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Why do sound interruptions and/or dropped frames occur when I play highdefinition videos, such as those recorded with the AVCHD digital video camcorder? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top N e t w ork / I nt e rne t BLUETOOTH Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Wireless LAN LAN Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Back | Back to Top BLU ET OOT H What should I do if I cannot find the BLUETOOTH(R) device I want to communicate with? What should I do if I cannot use the BLUETOOTH(R) function? What should I do if other BLUETOOTH(R) devices cannot connect to my VAIO computer? What should I do if the BLUETOOTH(R) icon is not displayed in the desktop notification area? Why can’t I exchange business card data with a smartphone or a mobile phone? Why can’t I use BLUETOOTH(R) devices when I switch users? Why can’t I use the BLUETOOTH(R) function when I log onto my VAIO computer as a user with a standard user account? Why is my BLUETOOTH(R) connection slow? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Back | Back to Top LAN How can I find the physical address (MAC address) of the built-in wireless network interface of my VAIO computer? H a rdw a re What should I do if I cannot connect my VAIO computer to an access point (or the Internet)? Soft w a re What should I do if I cannot play back movies or audio tracks received via WiFi (wireless LAN), or their playback is interrupted? Why is the data transfer speed slow? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y What should I do if I cannot use the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function? What should I do if I do not know the SSID or security key for the access point? What should I do if the text size on the website is small or large? Pe riphe ra l De vic e s What should I do if the website is not displayed? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting Back | Back to Top Wire le ss LAN How can I find the physical address (MAC address) of the built-in wireless network interface of my VAIO computer? H a rdw a re What should I do if I cannot connect my VAIO computer to an access point (or the Internet)? Soft w a re What should I do if I cannot play back movies or audio tracks received via WiFi (wireless LAN), or their playback is interrupted? Why is the data transfer speed slow? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y What should I do if I cannot use the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) function? What should I do if I do not know the SSID or security key for the access point? What should I do if the text size on the website is small or large? Pe riphe ra l De vic e s What should I do if the website is not displayed? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Floppy disk Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation USB Recovery Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top Floppy disk What should I do if I cannot boot my VAIO computer from the floppy disk drive? Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: What should I do if I cannot remove my floppy disk? What should I do if I cannot save data on my floppy disk? What should I do if my VAIO computer does not recognize the floppy disk? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Re c ove ry How can I reinstall the original software and drivers? Troubleshooting How can I restore my VAIO computer system to its factory default settings? H a rdw a re How do I create Recovery Media? Soft w a re What should I do if I cannot complete the recovery process? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t What should I do if I cannot create Recovery Media? Ba c k up / Re c ove ry What should I do if I cannot recover my VAIO computer from the recovery area? Se c urit y What should I do if my VAIO computer becomes unstable (Windows does not start)? Pe riphe ra l De vic e s What should I do if my VAIO computer becomes unstable (Windows starts)? © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top U SB What should I do if I cannot boot my VAIO computer from the floppy disk drive? Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: What should I do if I cannot charge the device connected to the USB port that supports USB charging? What should I do if I cannot print a document? What should I do if I cannot remove my floppy disk? What should I do if I cannot save data on my floppy disk? What should I do if my VAIO computer does not recognize the USB device? What should I do if my VAIO computer does not recognize the floppy disk? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Se c urit y BIOS Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Password Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Back | Back to Top BI OS What should I do if I forget the power-on password to start my VAIO computer? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Pa ssw ord What should I do if I forget the Windows password? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation What should I do if I forget the power-on password to start my VAIO computer? What should I do if the Enter Onetime Password message appears and Windows does not start after I enter a wrong power-on password three times consecutively? Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Pe riphe ra l De vic e s Floppy disk Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation USB Printer Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Back | Back to Top Floppy disk What should I do if I cannot boot my VAIO computer from the floppy disk drive? What should I do if I cannot remove my floppy disk? What should I do if I cannot save data on my floppy disk? Soft w a re What should I do if my VAIO computer does not recognize the floppy disk? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Back | Back to Top Print e r What should I do if I cannot print a document? Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Soft w a re N e t w ork / I nt e rne t Ba c k up / Re c ove ry Se c urit y Pe riphe ra l De vic e s © 2012 Sony Corporation Search VAIO User Guide VAIO Duo SVJ2021 Series H ow t o U se Troubleshooting H a rdw a re Back | Back to Top U SB What should I do if I cannot boot my VAIO computer from the floppy disk drive? What should I do if I cannot print a document? What should I do if I cannot remove my floppy disk? Soft w a re What should I do if I cannot save data on my floppy disk? N e t w ork / I nt e rne t What should I do if my VAIO computer does not recognize the USB device? Ba c k up / Re c ove ry What should I do if my VAIO computer does not recognize the floppy disk? Se c urit y Y ou m ight be look ing for t he follow ing t opic s: Pe riphe ra l De vic e s What should I do if I cannot charge the device connected to the USB port that supports USB charging? © 2012 Sony Corporation
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