Spectralink PP4-2G4 2.4GHz communication system / PP4-2G4 User Manual

Spectralink Corporation 2.4GHz communication system / PP4-2G4 Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document ID178853
Application IDo6k0EB1kRDio8UedRJ3mgA==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize71.9kB (898773 bits)
Date Submitted2001-11-12 00:00:00
Date Available2002-03-11 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-11-08 12:20:29
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-11-08 12:22:35
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 5.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

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Kirk z-Jam 1407 3501
25/09/01 10:41 Pagez
Congratulations on your new wireless handset
The handset will provide you with the greatest possible degree of flexibility and mobility due to high battery
capacity. practical weight, size and design.
Construction 4
Battery installation
Key lunctions
Turning the handset ON/OF F .
Making a call
6.1 Receiving calls
32 During conversant:
6.2.1 Volume regulation
3.2.2 Microphone mule
8.2.3 Translerring the call to anoiher handset .
Set ups.
Menu structure
8.1 Using the alphanumeric keyboar .
8.2 Key lunctrons.
8.3 Prolile set up.
8.4 Profile lunctions
Charge your
handset 14—16
hours prior to first
use for best
85 Menu subscription and loom
8.5.1 Create subscription
l 4 Remove subscription
8.8 53113 28
8.7 Redial. 27
0.0 Book. . 29
0.0 Extem 31
5.10 MSF Functions,
8.11 Mail/Text message
10.1 Error tree
10.2 Error inlonnation .
10.8 Warranty.. .
1“ Technical inlormation ,
10.5 Salety Instructions...
Kn—k 243040 1407 3501 25/09/01 10:41 Page 3 $
Display wnth backlight
1. Construction MENU key
Lelt arrow key, Fledial menu
Key tor internal calls
lrem standby text
Keyboard LOCK
Flight arrow key, save number.
Telephone book menu tram
(MAIL key) standby lerl
W~ an
SlLENT (Memm also used as turn ON key MUTE microphone, Volume upldown
MUTE ringer when ringingv
Long key press turns OFF.
2. Battery Installation
Before using the telephone it is important that you connect the battery to the connector in the battery box. Assem-
ble the battery cover as described below and place the handset into the charger.
1. Push the battery cover 5 mm towards the headset plug using your thumbs.
2. Lift oft battery cover,
3. It the battery is not already installed, place battery plug Place the battery plug in the slot
in the slot in the battery box. with red wire closest to the mark *
4. insert battery with the label readable and replace cover. (see figure)
Kirk 2-30” 1407 3501 28/09/01 10:41 Page 4 $
3. Charging
It takes approximately 3 1/2 hours to charge the handset from iully discharged to its lull capacity, Place the hand-
set in the charger. The display shows the charging status in line 3. For correct charging the room temperature has
to be between 0°C and 25°C and therefore the handset must not be placed in direct sunshine. The battery has a
built-in heat sensor which will stop the charging ii the battery temperature is too high.
It is necessary to recharge the battery when the display shows "BATTERY LOW", or if it can not be turned on. The
LED flashes at a low lrequency while charging and lights constant y when the charging has finished. The display
goes back to normal mode when fully charged. ”W254
IIllIIIII - - ..
When the handset is placed in the charger the vibrator will not work and the B-answer function is inactive even it
chosen. It the battery is fully discharged, it will be a moment before charging starts.
4. Key Functlons
The handset has 21 keys:
Two keys are placed at the right side for volume control. Press upper or lower key to change the volume. Each
key-press turns volume one step upldown.
' - Go to menu structure or exit menu structure. (Escape or »N0«)
" < CO/C - Menu: left, Cursor left, after a digit: delete last digit. Long press: delete all.
From standby text: Redial menu.
" > III - Menu: right, Cursor right, Alter a digit: Store number in telephone book.
From standby text: Telephone book read.
“0K", 181 - Confirmation (»YES«) or jump to next level in the menu. In off hook: Mute,
Long key press turns the handset OFF.
Kirk 2-30“ 1407 3601 25/09/01 10:41 Page 5 $
“ALT". A -If residential systems: Internal calls off hook, and internal recall it already oft hook.
“H", B - It oft hook: Recall. If on hook: Ftead message.
“fl" - On hook/off hook and turn ON.
" * o“ - ' Long = pause (-), extra long: change from pulse to DTMF (a "T" appears in the display).
“0-9" » Digits or letters in alphanumeric mode (names and messages)
“ # “ - or, Choose uppercase or lowercase letters in alphanumeric mode.
5. Turnan the handset ON/OFF
ON: Press fl »key lor 1/2 second.
When the handset is turned on the M symbol is shown in the lower left corner of the display, it the handset is
subscribed to a system. (For subscription, see 8,5.1)
OFF: Press the “0K“ (MUTE) key for 3 seconds
Please note: When the handset has been outside the coverage area, it can take up to 30 seconds before the hand»
set is back on the system after re-enterlng the coverage area.
Ki rk
z-zam 1407 3501 25/09/01 10:41 Page 6 $
6. Making a cell
For making or receiving calls the handset has to be subscribed to a system (but shown in display) (see chap. 8.5.1)
Press the fl-key, the 4” -icon in the display will flash until connection is established
Dial the number
Press the number to dial (long press on »*« will make a pause, if necessary)
Press the fl-key, the 0” -icon will flash until the connection is established
Telephone book:
Press the > —key III to enter the telephone book
Search for the number either by using the < -key or the > -key or by pressing the first letter in the name by using the
digits t — 9 (see chap, 842)
Press the fl-key, the (‘ -icon will flash until connection is established
Radial / CLIP (CLIP = Calling Line identification Presentation) stack:
Press the < vkey 0/0 to enter the redial/CLIP stack
Search for the number by using the < -key or the > ‘keyt redialled numbers are marked with REDIAL or name and
clip numbers are marked either with CLlP or the name of the person who called and the LED is on.
Press the fi-key, the 4” —icon will flash until the connection is established
Using the handset on residential systems:
Internal call postdiel:
Press the ALT-key (A), the (’ -icon in the display will flash
Dial the number of another handset on the base station. the 4" -icon will flash until the connection is established
Internal call preoial:
Press the number of another handset on the base station
Press the ALT-key (A), the f -icon will flash until the connection is established
Kirk 2—30” 1407 3501 28/09/01 10:41 Page 7 $
6.1. Recelvlng cells
It the phone rings, the call can be answered by pressing the fi-key,
When ringing the LED flashes fast, and the display shows the CLIP (if presented). It it is an external call (or if no
CLIP) the display shows “lNCOMING CALL"
it is possible to stop the ringing signal without answering the call. Press lg! (0K) and the ringing signal is muted.
Display shows: »RINGER MUTED«
6.2 During conversation
6.2.1 Volume regulation:
Use the two keys placed at the right side of the handset tor volume control.
6.2.2 Mlcrophone mute:
Press the 0K-key(181), MIC. MUTED is showed in the display,
Press the OK—key (18!) to enable the microphone again.
6.2.3 Tmns'erring the call to another handset:
Press Fl, and dial new number,
Press the fl-key and the call is transferred to the other handset
Kuk 2-3040 1407 3501 25/09/01 10:41 Page a $
7. Set ups
The handset has two user-defined profiles (set ups), and a mode where all sounds are disabled (SILENT). Pres-
sing “I” followed by “OK‘ will show the chosen profile. A new profile can be selected by using the arrow keys. To
select the chosen profile press "UK”. To escape (without storing anything) press " I ” again,
A quick way of choosing a profile, is to press "I" and then 1, 2 or if (1 is the INDOOR, 2 is the OUTDOOR profile
and it is SILENT). To change the set up in a profile. press "I " followed by “GK" twice All settings have to be defi-
ned under each of the two profiles. The display shows if the SILENT mode or PROFILEZ is chosen,
8. Menu structure
Pressing the I -key, enters or exits the menu structure. It has to be used if a “NO" or “CLEAR" is wanted in the
menu structure.
Pressing the OKkey. jumps to a lower level in the menu. When the lowest menu level is reached, it will store the
setting and jump to a higher level. It has to be used if 3 "YES" is wanted.
The phone book and redial menu can be accessed directly. The phone book by pressing the > -key (III) and the
redial menu by pressing the < -key (0/0).
Kirk z-3nao 1407 3601 za/ne/in 10:41 Page 9 $
8.1 Using the alphanumeric keyboard
The normal dialling keys (0-9) are used for writing the name to be placed in the phone book. By pressing the keys
a certain number of times the related letters or digits will appear in the display. Spaces are made by using the 0-
key Key it changes between uppercase and lowercase letters, The arrows will move the cursor Left arrow is also
used for deleting (hold for 1 sec.) = delete. New letters can be inserted.
Change of key press and pauses lasting more than 1 second automatically moves the cursor to next position.
8.2 The key lunctlons
Kirk z-aoao 1407 3601 28/09/01 10:41 page 10 $
1 8
8.3 Profile set-up
In the following you will find a description of how to set up one of the 2 profiles. To enter the Profile Set-up menu
press “I ”, Then press "OK" and use > or < to find the profile you wish to change and confirm with ‘OK". You are
now able to switch between the different settings Press ‘OK" when you find the setting you wish to change (or
see). Change the setting according to your needs, confirm with "OK" and automatically you go to the next setting.
Press “I " to finalize profile setup.
Profile set-up (fig)
Kirk z-zum 1407 3601 za/u9/01 10:41 Page 11 $
8.4 Profile functlons
BACKLIOM‘. Can be turned on/off using the > and <, Confirm with (OK).
Rmusmous: Scroll through the 9 different ringenones using > and <, Confirm with (OK).
Rmoen voL: Turn the volume up and down using > or <. Confirm with (OK),
Kev cucx: Turn the volume up and down using the > and  and <. Confirm with (OK),
B-mswsn: Can be turned on/off using the > and <. Confirm with (OK). When turned on, the telephone automatical-
ly goes off hook when ringing. If subscribed to a KIRK system it automatically goes on hook when calls are termi»
Sum- vor.: Stan volume can be adjusted using the > and < Confirm with (OK),
Our or= RANGE: The out of range tone can be turned orflofi using the > and <1 Confirm with (OK) Vtfith the Out of
Flange tone turned on, a beep will appear when the telephone is moved out of range of the base station
8.5 Menu subscription and login
/Password is factory set —» 0000
um um
mm: mm :
rmwmrs mmmuu
4 v 4 n
lurk 243040 1407 3601 23/09/u1 10:41 Page 12 $
8.5.1 Create subscription
To make subscriptions, the system must allow subscriptions to be made. Some systems also require an Access
Code (AC). it more than one system currently permits subscription, you will need to know the ID of the system to
which you wish to subscribe. Access Codes and system ID's will be provided by the system administrator.
if the handset is already subscribed to 4 systems, you will have to remove a subscription belore creating a new
(see 8.5.3).
Choose the SUBSCRIPTION CREATE menu to subscribe to a new system. (see 8.5)
Use the < and > keys to scroll between the IDS of the different systems available.
Choose the system you wish to subscribe to. When a subscription is available, enter the free system using < or >
and the Ac (il required) using the keyboard, and press (OK).
If subscription was successful, the standby text and $0 is shown in the display. If not, subscription has failed and
the procedure must be retried.
8.5.2 Login
The handset can be subscribed to 4 different systems enabling you to use the same handset on 4 different
if you would like to change to another system, use the login menu to connect to another system number.
The actual chosen system is shown with the red LED on.
To change to another system use < or > and press OK to conlirm.
To be able to log on to a system, subscription to the system has to be established. (See 8.5.1).
Kirk 2-3040 1407 3501 25/09/01 10:41 Page 13 $
8.5.3 Auto Iogln
The handset can be subscribed to 4 different systems, It Auto login is chosen from the menu, the handset automat-
ically selects the “closest system’fi The selected system is marked with an "A”,
Please note: Auto login should only be used in separate systems without overlaps.
8.5.4 Remove subscription
Subscriptions can be removed from the system in use and from the 3 other systems (if connected). Removing a
subscription requires a password. Password is factory set at 00004 It the system in use is removed, it is necessary
either to select one of the remaining systems or to subscribe to a new one, If one of the systems not chosen is
removed, the handset remains connected to the system in use.
Kirk 2-3040 1407 3501 25/09/01 10:41 Page 14 $
8.6 Battery capacity
In the battery menu it is possible to see the remaining battery capacity. For reading the correct capacity, the hand-
set has to be removed from the charger ior at least one hour Press “ I " and use the > or < keys to reach the Bat-
tery Menu. Press ‘OK" to enter the menu, and you can see the current status of the battery capacity. Press “OK"
to return to the menu system or press “I" to quit.
The indication on the display is not necessarily an exact reflection on the remaining speech time.
I h i. ,
8.7 Redlal
The handset has maximum 10 redial numbers and 10 Caller lD’s placed in the same stack. Each number is only
represented once, Enter the redial menu by pressing "< "( CO/C) from the standby text, Repeated presses at the
“<" button turn backward through the dialled numbers and CLlP numbers (from newest to the oldest» Right arrow
moves in the opposite direction, It is also possible to reach the redial menu in the main menu. Numbers are named
“REDlAL”, "CLIP“ or with the name.
The LED will flash slowly if a new number (unanswered call) has arrived in the CLIP stack. if no number (no clip) is
represented by a call only the LED will flash slowly altemards.
If you want to delete a "CLlP" or a "FlEDlAL" you scroll to the name/number and press »OK« twice.
The name/number is now deleted, If a number is stored, it is moved to the telephone book,
Kirk z-aadc 1407 3501 23/09/01 10:41 Page 15 ¢
The Radial and CLIP stack Menu (fig)
mm ALL?
8.8 Book
Storing a number (max 24 digits) in the telephone book is done by pressing the number to be stored (in on hook).
then press the “"—> key followed by the “OK" key. It is possible to store up to 80 numbers with name in the phone
book. Typing oi the name and a confirmation is required. After storing the telephone will go back to standby mode,
If the display shows “MEMORY FULL”, it is
necessary to delete one or more numbers from
the telephone book.
(See menu structure page 30)
mar rm
Kirk z-znac 1407 3501 23/09/01 10:41 Page 15 $
Read BOOK numbers: The telephone book is entered by pressing ">"(lIl ). For quick-search: press the first letter
of the name (using 1-9)(see chap, 82). Call the displayed person by pressing the .—. key, It is also possible to
reach the telephone book menu in the main menu.
8.9 External services
External sewices are facilities placed in the main system, and only available if the handset is subscribed to a KIRK
Kirk 2-30“ 1407 3501 29/09/01 10:41 Page 17 $
8.10 MSF-functions
MSF Functions are special functions, which are based on MSF (Message Service Function). The functions require
special software in the main system.
Mall/Text Messages
Available in systems configured with the possibility of sending text messages
At the reception of a text message the envelope icon E appears in the display. The envelope icon is indicating
one or more unread messages
The text message is shown in the display, and when the message is read the envelope icon will disappear,
If the message contains a callback number. this will be displayed on the bottom line of the display. As long as the
callback number is in the display, it is possible to activate the number by pressing the n ~key.
1st letter in the display, in front of the timestamp, shows the message status: read (Ft), unread (N) or locked (L).
Mails include a maximum of 72 letters or digits (2 display screens of 36 each). Call back no. is max 24 digits (or
letters tor E-mail).
14 messages can be "stored" in the handset. When receiving a new message. the oldest unlocked will be deleted.
Locked messages will not automatically be overwritten, but can manually be deleted. Maximum 7 messages can
be locked.
kuk 2-304!) 1407 3501 23/09/01 10:41 Page 15 $
Read a mall
Press the “Ft'- (MAIL) key tollowed by the l-key or enter the mail menu [in on hook condition).
I! the message includes more than 36 letters or digits, the message will run over 2 display screens.
Use the > -key to scroll,
To see the under oi the mail. press the ./-key.
To leave the mail, press the MENU-key,
Reply a mall
Open the mail by pressing the Rvkey tollowed by the /vkey. press the J—key again and use the < >-keys to find the reply leature, press
the ./-key and you are then able to reply the mall. Alter writing your reply press the J-key to confirm.
Forward a mo"
Open the mail by pressing the Fl-key lollowed by thel-key, press the l-key again and use the < >-keys to tind the lorward leature.
press the J—key twice and you are then able to write the number on the receiver, Conlirm with the l-key.
Delete a mall
Open the mail by pressing the R-key lollowed by the J-key, press the J-key again and use the < >-keys to find the delete feature.
press the l-key and the mail is deleted.
Lock/unlock I mall
Open the mail by pressing the FHtey lollwed by the J-key, press the ./»key again and use the < >-keys to find the lock/unlock leature,
press the l-key and the mail is locked/unlocked.
Write a mall
To write a new mail press the R (main-key, oonlirm with the l-key and write your message. To send the mail press the l-key, type the
number oi the receiver and confirm with the J-key.
ll one or more mails are stored do as lollowed: Press the R (main-key followed by the >-key eonlirm with the ./-key and write your mes-
sage. Press the /-key, type the number ol the receiver and oontirm with the J—key. The message is send.
In case a sent message is not recerved. the sender wrll get a message in the display,
Kirk 273040 1407 3501 23/09/01 10:41 Page 19 $
Menu structure
mm. 4mm um
w- m
mc'. . Cllm.
9. Shortcuts
"lNDOOFlS PROFILE": Press: ‘1.
"OUTDOORS PROFILE“: Press: - 2. (Display shows PROFILE 2)
"SILENT”: Press: - it. (No sounds) (Display shows SILENT)
"KEY LOCKED": Press: 1 *. (Display shows KEY LOCKED)
“PHONE BOOK": Press > (III) key in standby.
Name search in phone book: Press the first letter in name and > (ED) afterwards
Store a number: Press > (ED) after the number (In on hook).
“FlEDIAL “and ‘CLIP": Press < (CO/C) key in standby.
“MAlL”: Press R( E ) key in on hook.
MUTE temporarily the ringer: Press “OK"(iXi) when the telephone is ringing.
MUTE the microphone: Press “0K"(l2l) when the telephone is on hook.
RECALL: Press we ALT key if resldential system, else press the “R"-key.
Pause(-): Hold " for one second.
Change from pulse to DTMF(T): Hold * for 2 seconds.
Kirk Z-Bun 1407 3601 28/09/01 10:41 Page 2m $
10. Information
10.1 Error tree
The telephone lreezes. Remove and replace the battery pack, Press f- to turn on the telephone,
The telephone does not ring. Check whether the ringer is SILENT or HINGER VOL. is OFF.
The telephone cannot find a system ID at Check whether the system is set to allow subscriptions.
The telephone cannot subscribe even it Check if Access Code is necessary,
system ID has been found,
Not possiole Io turn on the telephone Check it battery is connected. If yes. charge the battery,
10.2 Error lmormetlon
Improper lunction of the handset might be related to the installation at the Wireless system or failures related to the
main system. Before declaring a handset for repair be sure that the main system is operating properly.
10.3 Warranty
The handset is covered by a normal warranty~solution, except for the battery, The lifetime of the battery depends
on the general use of the handset.
The handset is not covered by a general warranty if:
- The handset is exposed to water or metal dust
~ The handset is mistreated
~ The handset is exposed to unauthorised break-in
Kirk 2-3040 mm 3601 25/09/01 10:41 page 21 $
10.4. Technical inlormatlon
Acoustics: TBR 10
Safety: EN 60950/UL1950/CAN 22-950
Size and weight
Size: 143 x 48 x 26 mm
Weight: 121 9 including battery i 10 9
Active talking time 10 hours
Stand-by time 90 hours
10.5. Surety Instructions
Important Selety Instructions and Product Information
Before using your telephone equipment, you should always follow basic safety instruction to reduce the risk of fire.
electrical shock and injury to persons. and damage to property.
Plead and understand all instructions
Follow all warnings and instructions including those marked on the product
Unplug this product before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use damp cloth for clea-
Do not install the telephone equipment in the bathroom or near a wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a
wet basement, or near a swimming pool
Slots or openings in the cabinet back and bottom ol the equipment are provided for ventilation to protect it from
over-heating. These openings must not be blocked or covered.
The product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the instructions. If you are not
sure of the type of power supply, consult your dealer or local power company.
Kirk 2-3040 1407 3501 ze/oe/iu 10:41 Page 22 $
7 Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result in fire or electrical shock.
8 Never push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage
points or short out parts that could result in fire, electrical shock, or injury. Never spill liquid of any kind into this
9 To reduce the risk of electrical shock or burns, do not disassemble this product. Opening or removing covers
may expose you to dangerous voltages, dangerous electrical current, or other risks. Incorrect reassemble can
cause electrical shock when the appliance is subsequemly used. if the product need repair, consult your dealer.
10 Refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:
A0 If liquid has been spilled into the product
BO If the product has been exposed to rain or water
00 ll the product does not operate normally when iollowing the operating instructions in the manual, Adjust only
those controls that are covered by the operation instructions, Improper adjustment of other controls may result
in damage and will often require extensive work by qualified service personnel to restore the product to normal
DO If the product has been dropped or cabinet has been damaged
EQ If the product exhibits a distinct change in periormance
11 Avoid using telephone during an electrical storm. There may be a risk of electrical shock from lightning
12 Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak
13 Do not place the base or charger near microwave ovens, radio equipment, or nonground connected televisi-
ons. These appliances may cause electrical interference to the base or handset
14 The charger must be placed on a hard, flat suriace and connected to a functional 120 volt AC power netadap-
ter and plug the adapter into the power outlet
15 This telephone will not operate in the event oi a blackout. Please keep a backup phone ior emergencies
intrinsic safety
Do not use the handset in conditions where there is a danger oi electrically ignited explosions.
Kuk z-aoao 1407 3501 28/09/01 10:41 Page 23 $
Exposure to sun|ight, heat and moisture
Do not expose the cordless phone to direct sunlight for long periods. Keep the cordless phone away from excessi-
ve heat and moisture.
Battery disposal
Defective batteries must be returned to a collection point lor chemical waste disposal.
Spare parts and accessories
Use only approved spare parts and accessories. The operation of non-approved parts cannot be guaranteed and
may even cause damage.
Power failure
In the event of a power failure or flat battery, you cannot use the handset to make or receive calls
Battery Precautions
To reduce the risk of tire, injury or electrical shock, or property damage, and to properly dispose oi batteries, please
read and understand the following instruction.
1 Only use type KIRK 8474 3411 in the handset.
DO NOT use other rechargeable batteries or non-rechargeable batteries. The batteries could shortvcircuit and the
battery shell may be damaged causing a hazardous condition.
2 Always follow basic saiety precautions when using and disposing of batteries. Do not dispose of the batteries
in a fire, cells may explode. Do not expose batteries to water. Check with local codes for special disposal
erk 2-304!) 1407 3501 28/09/01 10:41 Page 24 $
4 Periodically clean the charge contacts on both the charger and handset
5 Exercise care in handling batteries in order not to short the batteries with conducting materials such as rings,
bracelets, and keys. The batteries or conducting material may overheat and cause burns of fire
6 Do not open or mutilate the batteries. released electrolyte ls corrosive and may cause damage to the eyes or
skin. The electrolyte may be toxic oi swallowed.
7 During charging batteries heat up. This is normal and not dangerous
8 Do not use non-KIRK charging devices. This could damage the batteries
NOTICE: Before installing this equipment. users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities
at the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method oi
connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation
of service in some situations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier Any repairs or
alterations made by the user to this equipment. or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications com—
pany cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone
lines and internal metallic water pipe system, It present, are connected together. This precaution may be particular»
ly important in rural areas.
CAUTIONS: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate
electric inspection authority, or electrician. as appropriate
If your telephone equipment causes harm to the telephone network the telephone company may ask you to
disconnect the system from the line until the problem has been corrected or they may discontinue your service
temporarily If possible, they will non‘fy you in advance, But if advance notice is not practical. you should be notified
as soon as possible. Vou will be informed oi your right to file a complaint with the FCC.
Kuk 273040 14m 3601 za/oe/u 10:41 Page 25 ¢
Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operafions, or procedures that could affect
the proper functioning of your telephone system, If they do and it is possible, you will be notified in advance to give
you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service. If you experience trouble with this telephone
system, disconnect it from the network until the problem has been corrected or until you are sure that the equi-
pment is not malfunctioning
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 ol the FCC Flules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation This equipment generates. uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, it not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installafion, If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the seperation between the equioment and receiver.
~ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help,
Power Outage: in the event of a power outage, your cordless telephone will not operate The cordless telephone
requires electricity for operation, You should have a telephone which does not require electricity available for use
during power outages.
Information to user: The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall cauti—
on the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This limited, non-transferable warranty is provided to the original purchaser. The product is warranted to be free
from defects in materials and workmanship under normal installation, use and service for a period of one (1) year
Kirk z-zoao 14a7 3601 23/09/01 10:41 Page 25 $
from the date of purchase as shown on the purchaser's receipt.
Our obligation under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement (at our option) of the product or any partis)
which are defective provided that the product is returned to the original place of purchase or an authorized service
location during the warranty period. Products returned must be accompanied by a copy of the purchase receipt. In
the absence of a purchase receipt, the warranty period shall be one (1) year from the date of manulacture. Repair
or replacement of the product is your sole and exclusive remedy.
II the product is repaired, reconditioned component parts or materials may be used. If the product is replaced, we
may replace it with a new or reconditioned product of the some or similar design. The repaired product will be war-
ranted for either (a) 90 days or (b) the remainder of the original one (1) year warranty period, whichever is longer.
This warranty does not apply to the defects outside of our control, including but not limited to acts of God, tire, tlo~
ed and damage while in transit to service facility. We do not warranty that the product will be compatible with any
telephone equipment, systems or party lines,
This warranty shall be void of the product is damaged as a result of delacement, misuse, abuse. neglect, accident.
destruction or alteration of the serial number, improper electrlcal voltages or currents, repair, alteration or mainten-
ance by any person or party other than our authorized service facility, or any violation of instructions furnished by
This warranty is also void it this product is removed from the country in which it was purchased by the original pur-
chaser, if it is used in a country in which It is not registered Ior use, or it it is used in a country for which it was not
designed. Due to variations in telephone systems and communications laws. this product may be illegal lor use in
some countries. We assume no responsibilities lor damages or penalties incurred resulting Irom the use of this pro-
duct in a manner or location other than that for which it was intended.
Kirk z-zom 1407 3501 25/09/01 10:41 Page 27 $
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply
to you.
This warranty is the sole and exclusive warranty provided for the product. There are no other express warranties.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.

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