Spectralink WRFP4-1G9 Kirk Repeater 1.9 GHz User Manual KIRK Repeater 1G9 141433 qxp

Spectralink Corporation Kirk Repeater 1.9 GHz KIRK Repeater 1G9 141433 qxp


Instructions for inst allation
and configuration of a KIRK
Repeater 1.9 GHz
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We recommend you to use the instructions in
point A.
Y ou can use instructions in point B as an alterna -
tive configuration method (if you do not have
access to the KIRK Programming Kit and a PC)
A .
To inst all a Repeater you will need a configuration
program, the Repeater programming kit and docu -
mentation of how to connect the cables.
The KIRK Programming Kit can be found at
.kirktelecom.com. Download of the program and
documentation is free of charge.
The documentation and program may also be requ -
ested from your dealer.
Pull the wire from the power supply through the wall
suspension and mount the wall suspension on the
wall. Connect the wire to the plug on the rear of the
repeater and "click" the it on the wall suspension.
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If you need to remove the repeater please sep arate it
from the suspension holder with a gentle push of a
For further information and technical support please
also refer our web address www.kirktelecom.com
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(if you do not have access to the KIRK
Programming Kit and a PC)
1 Turn on the base st ation and a subscribed
2 T urn on the KIRK Repeater for more than 1
second and less than 5 seconds (note 1). T urn
of f the KIRK Repeater and turn it on again. The
repeater is now in subscription mode. This is indi
cated by a flashing LED immediately af ter power
is switched on. In this mode the KIRK Repeater
is searching for a Fixed Part in subscription
mode. This mode is active for maximum 5 minut
es If the subscription procedure is not completed
within this time, the KIRK Repeater rest art s in
normal mode with previous subscription dat a.
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3For KIRK Wireless Server 500 & 600 only
S tart subscription mode in the base st ation.
The usual procedure is pressing the button on
the base st ation for some seconds. This is the
mode normally used when subscribing a handset
to the base st ation (note 2).
4The KIRK Repeater is synchronised with a base
st ation in subscription mode. This is indicated by
a fast flashing LED.
5 V erify that the KIRK Repeater is synchronised
with the requested base st ation. This is done by
pressing the Hook-key or INT-key on the hand
set. The LED on the KIRK Repeater (visible at
the front center of the repeater) should light up
steadily . If the LED does not light up af ter pres
sing the Hook-key or INT-key a few times, the
KIRK Repeater is probably synchronised with
another base st ation. If this is the case the subs
cription procedure has to be repeated from
step 2.
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6Select Radio Part Number (RPN). Hook off and
press a number on the handset in the range
2  7. When the number is accepted by the
KIRK Repeater this is acknowledged by the LED
flashing the number of times corresponding to
the digit. Digit s may be entered several times.
Only the last accepted digit is recorded (note 3).
If you are using more repeaters on the same
base st ation they must have dif ferent RPNs.
7Accept subscription identities by hook of f and
pressing the *-key. When the key is accepted by
the KIRK Repeater the LED indicates that the
key is turned of f for 2 seconds. Alternatively the
subscription can be accepted by pressing the
#-key (note 4).
8The KIRK Repeater now restart s with the new
subscription identities in normal mode. The LED
is turned on steady for 5 seconds and the KIRK
Repeater is then ready to use.
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Note 1: In normal operation mode the LED will
light up steadily for the first 5 seconds
af ter powering up. Af terwards the LED is
flashing when the KIRK Repeater is un-
synchronised and the LED becomes stea -
dy when synchronised to a base st ation.
Whenever a connection is est ablished via
the KIRK Repeater a short flash appears
on the LED.
Note 2: Subscription mode is indicated by broad -
casting DECT FP-Capabilities (bit a44=1)
Note 3: When the KIRK Base Station is a residenti -
al single cell base st ation the valid RPN is
in the range 2 7. When the KIRK
Repeater is used on PBX or public
systems the RPN may be in the range
0  255. In this case the KIRK Repeater
accept s up to 3 digit s to be entered. The
last 3 valid digit s are recorded only.
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Note 4: If the #-key is used to accept the subscrip -
tion identities an inspection tone is enab -
led. The KIRK Repeater will then, when
relaying connections, insert a short tone
every 2 seconds in the audio p ath to
handsets. This feature can be used for
inspection and verification of the KIRK
Repeater placement. When the operation
has been verified the inspection tone
should be disabled.
Performing step 2 only of the subscription
procedure will disable the inspection tone.
When the LED has started flashing in
subscription mode, just turn of f the KIRK
Repeater and then on again. The KIRK
Repeater is then back in normal mode
without af fecting the subscription identities
and the inspection tone has been
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Important Safety Instructions and Product
Before using your telephone equipment, you should
always follow basic safety instruction to reduce the
risk of fire, electrical shock and injury to persons,
and damage to property.
1Read and understand all instructions
2Follow all warnings and instructions including
those marked on the product
3Unplug this product before cleaning. Do not use
liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use damp
cloth for cleaning
4Do not inst all the telephone equipment in the
bathroom or near a wash bowl, kitchen sink, or
laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swim -
ming pool
5Slot s or openings in the cabinet back and bott -
om of the equipment are provided for ventilation
to protect it from over-heating. These openings
must not be blocked or covered.
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6The product should be operated only from the
type of power source indicated on the instructi -
ons. If you are not sure of the type of power
supply, consult your dealer or local power com -
7Do not overload wall outlet s and extension cords
as this can result in fire or electrical shock.
8Never push object s of any kind into this product
through cabinet slot s as they may touch danger -
ous volt age point s or short out p art s that could
result in fire, electrical shock, or injury . Never
spill liquid of any kind into this product.
9 T o reduce the risk of electrical shock or burns,
do not disassemble this product. Opening or
removing covers may expose you to dangerous
volt ages, dangerous electrical current, or other
risks. Incorrect reassemble can cause electrical
shock when the appliance is subsequently used.
If the product need rep air , consult your dealer .
10 Refer servicing to qualified service personnel
under the following conditions:
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AQ If liquid has been spilled into the product
BQ If the product has been exposed to rain or water
CQ If the product does not operate normally when
following the operating instructions in the manu -
al. Adjust only those controls that are covered
by the operation instructions. Improper adjust -
ment of other controls may result in damage and
will of ten require extensive work by qualified ser -
vice personnel to restore the product to normal
DQ If the product has been dropped or cabinet has
been damaged
EQ If the product exhibit s a distinct change in per -
11 A void using telephone during an electrical
storm. There may be a risk of electrical shock
from lightning
12 Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in
the vicinity of the leak
13 Do not place the unit near microwave ovens,
radio equipment, or non-ground connected tele -
visions. These appliances may cause electrical
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interference to the base or handset
14 The unit must be inst alled on a hard, plane sur -
face and connected to a functional 120 volt AC
power net adapter and plug the adapter into the
power outlet
15 The system will not operate in the event of a
blackout. Please keep a backup phone for emer -
Intrinsic safety
Do not inst all the unit in conditions where there is a
danger of electrically ignited explosions.
Exposure to sunlight, heat and moisture
Do not expose the unit to direct sunlight for long
periods. Keep away from excessive heat and moistu -
S p are p art s and accessories
Use only approved sp are p art s and accessories. The
operation of non-approved p art s cannot be guarante -
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ed and may even cause damage.
Power failure
In the event of a power failure, you cannot use the
wireless system to make or receive calls.
NOTICE: Before inst alling this equipment, users sho -
uld ensure that it is permissible to be connected to
the facilities of the local telecommunications comp a -
ny. The equipment must also be inst alled using an
accept able method of connection. The customer sho-
uld be aware that compliance with the above conditi -
ons may not prevent degradation of service in some
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated
by a represent ative designated by the supplier . Any
rep airs or alterations made by the user to this equi -
pment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the tele -
communications company cause to request the user
to disconnect the equipment.
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Users should ensure for their own protection that the
electrical ground connections of the power utility,
telephone lines and internal met allic water pipe
system, if present, are connected together. This pre -
caution may be p articularly import ant in rural areas.
CAUTIONS: Users should not attempt to make such
connections themselves, but should cont act the
appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrici -
an, as appropriate.
If your telephone equipment causes harm to the tele -
phone network, the telephone comp any may ask you
to disconnect the system from the line until the pro -
blem has been corrected or they may discontinue
your service temporarily. If possible, they will notify
you in advance, But if advance notice is not practi -
cal, you should be notified as soon as possible. Y ou
will be informed of your right to file a complaint with
the FCC.
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Your telephone company may make changes in its
facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that
could af fect the proper functioning of your telephone
system, If they do and it is possible, you will be noti -
fied in advance to give you an opportunity to maint a -
in uninterrupted telephone service. If you experience
trouble with this telephone system, disconnect it from
the network until the problem has been corrected or
until you are sure that the equipment is not malfu -
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limit s for a class B digit al device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limit s
are designed to provide reasonable protection aga -
inst harmful interference in a residential inst allation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not inst alled and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will
not occur in a p articular inst allation. If this equipment
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does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the
of f and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the seperation between the equioment
and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dif -
ferent from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
Power Outage: In the event of a power out age, your
cordless telephone will not operate. The cordless tele -
phone requires electricity for operation. Y ou should
have a telephone which does not require electri-city
available for use during power out ages.
Information to user: The users manual or instruction
manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator
shall caution the user that changes or modifications
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not expressly approved by the p arty responsible for
compliance could void the user s authority to operate
the equipment.
This limited, non-transferable warranty is provided to
the original purchaser . The product is warranted to
be free from defect s in materials and workmanship
under normal inst allation, use and service for a peri -
od of one (1) year from the date of purchase as
shown on the purchaser s receipt.
Our obligation under this warranty is limited to rep air
or replacement (at our option) of the product or any
p art(s) which are defective provided that the product
is returned to the original place of purchase or an
authorized service location during the warranty peri -
od. Product s returned must be accompanied by a
copy of the purchase receipt. In the absence of a
purchase receipt, the warranty period shall be one
(1) year from the date of manufacture. Rep air or
replacement of the product is your sole and exclusi -
KIRK_Repeater_1G9_141433.qxp 04-08-2005 12:46 Side 17
ve remedy.
If the product is rep aired, reconditioned component
part s or materials may be used. If the product is repla -
ced, we may replace it with a new or reconditioned
product of the same or similar design. The rep aired
product will be warranted for either (a) 90 days or (b)
the remainder of the original one (1) year warranty
period, whichever is longer .
This warranty does not apply to the defect s out side of
our control, including but not limited to act s of God,
fire, flood and damage while in transit to service facili -
ty . W e do not warranty that the product will be comp a -
tible with any telephone equipment, systems or p arty
This warranty shall be void of the product is damaged
as a result of defacement, misuse, abuse, neglect,
accident, destruction or alteration of the serial number ,
improper electrical volt ages or current s, rep air , alterati -
on or maintenance by any person or p arty other than
our authorized service facility , or any violation of
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instructions furnished by us.
This warranty is also void if this product is removed
from the country in which it was purchased by the
original purchaser , if it is used in a country in which it
is not registered for use, or if it is used in a country
for which it was not designed. Due to variations in
telephone systems and communications laws, this
product may be illegal for use in some countries. W e
assume no responsibilities for damages or penalties
incurred resulting from the use of this product in a
manner or location other than that for which it was
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Some states do not allow limit ations on how long an
implied warranty last s, so the above limit ations may
not apply to you.
This warranty is the sole and exclusive warranty pro -
vided for the product. There are no other express
warranties. This warranty gives you specific legal rig -
ht s, and you may also have other right s, which vary
from st ate to st ate.
The Repeater can be fitted with an external antenna
to increase the coverage area further. Professional
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inst allation is required for the external antenna.
The Repeater and the antenna used for this trans -
mitter are to be fixed-mounted on indoor permanent
structures providing a sep aration dist ance of at least
20 cm from all
persons during normal operation and must not be
co-located or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter .
The product must not be disposed of with unsorted
waste, but must be collected sp aretely .
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Appropriate RF safty/inst alla -
tion information
The Repeater is intended to be inst alled by
authorized personal. The Base Station shall
be inst alled in accordance with FCC rules.
The Repeater shall be placed at a location
in such a way, that there is at least 20 centi -
metres between the base transmitter and
the users body or any other nearby per -
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KIRK telecom A/S
Langmarksvej 34
DK-8700 Horsens
Tlf. +45 7560 2850
Fax +45 7560 2851
1414 33-HD, ed.1 . Reklame & T ryk A/S . 75 50 26 66
KIRK_Repeater_1G9_141433.qxp 04-08-2005 12:46 Side 23
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following
conditions:(1) this device may not cause
harmful interference,and (2) this device must
must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.

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