Spectrum 898 Security Keypad Transmitter User Manual Manual

Kwikset Corporation Security Keypad Transmitter Manual


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Date Submitted2000-02-28 00:00:00
Date Available2000-03-09 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-02-24 09:43:14
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Document TitleManual
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060 TITAN Remote Keypad Control
Installation and Programming Instructions
Made! Number: 898
The Acemone wtrelaet Keypad control provides moral trey result-a:
- Operates several AooessOne locksets. ~ battery Saver - Amara-neatly starts unit oil it power is tell open.
- Two permanent Personal ldentttlmtlon Nunrbers (PIN). - Low battery wanting - wtten indicator does not light, reptaoe battery
- Ternporery PtN tor special purpose eoeees. ~ Uses standard 9 volt battery (imludedi,
- Any PIN can be up to 8 digits long. - Programming retained during battery change.
- Lighted Keypad tor ease or use at nigtt. - securtly Look Out - Atter three lnooneot PlN entries ltte Keypad wil shut oil.
. Action LED tor visual oonttmlattoh or operations. ~ Quick, Easy Wireless installation- Mounts with only two screws.
VourADoessOne heypad in essentially an Aeoesebne transmitter that requires a code to be entered so you can operate AooessOne Deadpdlts and
Light Modules. Like your transmitter the keypad is unable 0! operating mumple Awelsone deem": and ngm Modules. The transmitter In me
Keypad exhibits the same rolling oode reohnology round in the Aooaasone transmitter. The roltng oode technology arranges the transmitted slgtai
every lime the keypad is used to activate an AooessOne produet. This technology provides over 4.3 billion changing uerarnisslon slgnab which
makes the unit impervious to code grabbers.
The Acoestone Keypad is capable or responding to two unique Personal identifiondon Numbers (Ple). These PiNs can range lromt to a digits in
length. These Ple must also be urllque to each other. Tile rlrst or these PiNs is called the Master PIN. The seoorldary PiN is called the Auxiihry PM.
The keypad is supplied irbm Kwikset with both PiNs preset The Master PIN is preset to t-ze and the auxiliary PIN ie preset tn esp. Howsvsn the
auxiliary PlN is disabled upon shipment and can only be used alter it has been enabled. Also. the Auxiliary PlN must be enabled berore it can be
arranged. The ability to enable or disable the auxiliary PiN allows you to provide other parties temporary control or your Acoessione products. The
auxiiery PlN is eetily enabled 1: descrbed below Upon rirst purohaslng your Keypad. you will want to lirst change your Master Pm, and then teach
your AoeessOne products to recognize the signals sent by the keypad.
Ch!" I PM
in order to change a PM, you must first enter a valid PlN into the keypad. it you have torpotten either PlN, you will “V"
need to reset your Ple to me lectory Diesels (see section below) and then choose new PiNs. The Meals! and
Auxiliary Ple are preset lrotn the rectory to 1-24 and we respectively To change a PIN:
. Open the Keypad oouer by rotating upwerd
. Push any button on the keypad to turn Keypad on
. Enter the PIN you wish to change by entering the numbers on the keypad
Alter entering the Pin correctly. the Action LED will illuminate GREEN.
Simultaneously push and hold the ~t' a 1 buttons , ltlertort LED will begin to tlash RED.
Alter 5 seconds. the Action LED will begin to llash GREEN.
. Enter a new PIN (up to 8 digits long)
. Push LOCK to commit the new PM to memory, the Acton LED will extinguish lo oontlnn that
the new PlN was teamed.
Noie: Tu change the Auxiliary PIN. It must be enabled.
Enlfling or Dillllllni Anxilllry PM
in order to use the Auxiliary PIN to activate your AooessOne produols, or to strange the Auxuiary PlN, The Aufliary PlN must first be enabled.
oorwersety. use or the Auxiliary PlN may be selectively disabled providing temporary eooeas capabilities. The Aux-lorry PIN can only be disabled or
enabled by first odneotly entering the Master PlN. The prooedure is as toitows;
t. Open the Keypad oover by roosting upward
2. Push any button on the keypad to turn Keypad on
3. Enter the Master PIN by entering the numbers on the keypad (it you lust purchased, or reset your keypad, the Master PiN will be 1-2-3).
4. Alter entering the Master PIN oorreolty, the Aotion LED wll illuminate GREEN.
so. To enable the Atoritiery PlN, push the UNLOCK and “2" brntohs simultaneously The Action LED will hash GREEN 2 times and the operanohal
status or the Auxiliary PIN will have been ohanged.
5b. To disable the Auxiliary PIN, push the LOCK end “2- buttons simultaneously. The Action LED will trash RED 2 times and the operational status
or the Auxiliary PlN will have been changed.
it you target either PIN at any time. you can reestablish new Ple using this simple process, first, you will need to reset the Ple re the tummy
presets. Tits process is as toltows:
1. Open the Keypad cover by rotating upward
2. Push any button on the keypad to turn Keypad on
3. Push and hold the LOCK and ‘5' buttons simultaneously, the Action LED will begin to flesh RED
4. Alter 5 seconds. the unit will shut down
At this point. the "latter PIN will have been reset to 1-2-3 and the Auxiliary PIN will have been reset in 4-5—5. Also, the Auxiliaty PIN will have been
disabled. All Accessone products Ihei respond to the keypad command: will have to be reprogrammed to recognlze the new keypad slgnuls (due to
resetting the Ple). This prevents an intruder 1mm simply changing your PM in any arbitrary number and gaining access to your home.
Upon entering a valid PIN, your keypad will be able (0 panel!“ cumin ucflom ml! are lnllluied by {he “FuncHDn
keys'. These amlons are available lor 15 seconds olier emerlng a Wild PIN, Emering a valid PIN causes lire .
Action LED around me LOCK, UNLOCK, LIGHT billions to illuminere GREEN. These actions and rneir “W" LOCK
corresponding keyls) include: LED
UnIoDk url Aoceeeone Deedboli UNLOCK
Lock an Accessone Deudboll LOCK LIGHT
Toggle ofl/Dll an massons Liw Module (zone I) LIGHT
Toggle 00/0" en muons Light Module (1m 2) LIGH‘NLOCK (slmulmmously)
Toggle tin/Ml an masons Ligm Module (was 3) LIGHT+UNLOCK (simultaneously)
Enable ine Auxiliary PIN UNLOCK+'2' (simultaneously, avallabls after entering Musler PIN)
Dlsable (he Auxlllary PIN LOCK+'2' (flmumneously. available after entering Mush! PIN)
change a PIN ‘l'v'z‘ (hold simiarleously for 5 second: anal entering old PIN)
PRQBWING Klypld lnd'lhlummrl Te Mew Infill!!! (Mr m
Vol-r Aoceesone producle (Daemon and Light Modulei will not respond lo slgmls irom your Accessone keypad until my have been programmed
lo recognize me keypad. ‘I'Ns process is similar lo programming enyAcoeeeOne produci lo recognize e Hummer. As lar as Aoeeeecme prodime
are concerned, we keypad Is perceived as simply anoiner type or imnsmlder. Once an Acceeeone producr is programmed lo recognize a keypad
(or iransmiiierl, ail omer dansmillere (or keypedei will have been erased from memory. and will
have to be reprogrammed within me some programming wda
Amlon on Alamo". Ell-riot Indlcmr .I
AccollDlll Lotllm
Place ine swirdr oi ine Accesscne receiver
module Imo ille program mode llig. 2i. Beeps ivribe, RED ilpni slays on.
More, ell kowads and irarrsrnmera must be programmed berore mild-mg our or we program rrrode.
Koypnds (Relerence llg. 4.)
Open keypad cover, press any keypad
button lo ium keypad on.
11) Press LOCK am UNLOCK Beeps thine limes, illuminates GREEN
(2) Press LOCK Beeps twice. illumlnales RED
Point mmmer iowarde reoeiver (fig 4).
U) Press LOCK and UNLOCK Hews three times, lllumlmtes GREEN
(2) Pm: LOCK Be“): Moe, Ilurrllnaies RED
WM! door opon, ml locking/unlocking function of law!“ Ind mmmm
Programming Remote Lighting Medin- lo ngnb- Accumu- mm lid Turulrdmn (Reference figure 4.)
1b 5!"leny programming, inaieli me Acoeeeone ngm Module on a oonvenienlry ecoeseble wail
eockel, wiinom ine lignilrla device plugged [mo ine ilgm module. The LED will illuminate GREEN lo “GHT'NEG
conilrm power. W
l. Press and hold me module ouiion uniil lne LED illumineles RED.
2. Emer your Mesier lor Auxiliary ii enabled) PIN in me keyped.
cl. Simuimrraouely press me LOCK nnd UNLOCK bulions on me keypad lcr Accessone Trenemnren.
The LED on me ilgrn module wil lliuminele GREEN.
4, Press me LIGHT button on me keypad (orAcceewne Transrnider). The LED will illumimre RED
io confirm mar (nls keypad (orAcoeseone Tmrlsmlner) is now recognized oy lire iigri module.
5. A total combinalicn or 12 AcoessOne Keypads ior AceessOne iransmmerei may be added lo me
iigm module by repealing slaps 2 Ihrough 4 for each additional keypad or irensmmer.
5. 1b exli ine program mode, simply press ine module Dalton and me LED will snui oil. reiumlng inc
iigm module lo ns prevlous sale.
Note: ll an error occurs during pmgmrmnlng. a sewenoe of red and green Ilgms will flash.
when lbs bananas in your mesons keypad are law, me Actlcm LED wll ”ash RED when he kaypnd Is turned on. Replace me bananas lmmedl-
31er In order to “old a lock-om slllllflon.
1mm mounting Iocnlkm In sight 0! door and Al least 5 teem above floor,
clear of moving door pans. Keypad must mount an i ll“ vemall sumoe
allowing enough room tor keypad owe! to an up, See figure 5.
2. Drill n xix“ dammer hole W deep In a location slightly above owner
01 deslved keypad location. Push plug lmn hole unfll llnsh wllh wall.
9. Threafl Mumlng scrsw lnlo vluu ( ll will not (mead dawn flush).
ll Remove battery oover and uenariee from ksypad. Mount keypeu onto
mounting W Mark screw hole Came! In hungry manual and
remove keypad from wall,
5. Whats marked, drlll a x/x' diameter hols W dew. Push plug into
hole umll flush with wall.
Moum keypad onto moumlng screw. and mraad in me seoooo screw
mougn m battery oomomnem. Install bmerles and replace battery
me demo oomph-- wilh pm |5 01 mo soc Ruin. 090mm“ I; sum w mo To" Fm mmfllm mbmsfiw
Mow-m m whims: a) mg was. may nu “use new manor-nee. m1 (2) Consumer sew“
mu ue/bl mun team my men-me. new-u, mlud’ng Immune. m-u my
came unduly-d war-lien l 800 327-LOCK U. A A Canada
My mndflullons lo m- unn, unleu ”may am“ by mm Cow-tum, ”WM: TITAN mm“ Wlmless Kewifl COM
could void me unr‘s uulwny lo oomn. m. equlpmwl. Model Numen 398 Al KPD
leksel corporanon
516 see: Santa Ann Street
Anehelm. Cnlllomlu 92503-4250

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