Spheris Digital PXT51515 Wireless Digital Display User Manual 01

Spheris Digital Ltd. Wireless Digital Display 01


User Manual 2

Download: Spheris Digital PXT51515 Wireless Digital Display User Manual 01
Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Spheris Digital PXT51515 Wireless Digital Display User Manual 01
Document ID2715171
Application IDs3y/2jEyp3RAneirL/cdcA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize291.94kB (3649192 bits)
Date Submitted2015-08-14 00:00:00
Date Available2015-08-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-07-22 11:25:55
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2015-07-22 11:26:02
Document Title01
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: Administrator

To access your UPnP/DLNA server content from the device:
1. Go to the “My Local Pictures" menu (Main Menui
2. Choose "My Network Devices"
The device will automatically scan ior devices on the network and display a list oi those
supporting UPriP/DLNA (Nate: Make sure your Wish connection is coniigured properly
oeiore entering this menui.
Once a uPnP/DLNA server is iound you will see it on the devrce rnenu, just select it then
enter the menu to browse its content and launch a slide show 01 the selected iolders.
when Playing a Slide Show a! a UPnP/DLNA the pictures are pulled out {mm the server In
streaming mode so it is necessary to keep the UPnP/DLNA server running so that the
device can play the slide show without interruption, Also, WirFi needs to oe constantly
Note: Some UPnP/DLNA servers need special configuration in order to work properly with
the device. Do not hesitate to check our KNOWLEDGE BASE in the www.mkstarxum weo
site where some explanations are provided or directly contact us by email at inioepix-
9. How to Use the Web Site
-How to select the weather iorecast ior speciiic cities and countries
The web site allows you to determine which weather forecasts will be displayed on your
device, Under "Weather Forecast", each city will be listed by country. By accessing “My
weather", you can choose to display several cities and countries in the same directory.
your weather iorecasts will be accessiole on your device by selecting “My weo alounis"
lmoin menui.
-How to "Image your contacts
You can use the www.pinsLar.com web Site to add Contact: and create a Contact list
directly accessiole from your device. it will allow you to send email to your friends from
your photo trame, Without having to enter email addresses on the irame. you can easily
niodiiy, add or delete a contact on this list.
Moreover, you can create groups, and instantly send your ravorite photos to all members
oi a speciiic group.
-How to litter your emails
you may choose to iilter through all incoming emails to oetter control who is allowed to
send pictures to your PIXrStartpholu name. you can choose one or the rollowine options;
Anyone who knows your Pix-Stor‘ email address can send pictures to your photo
c Refuse all incoming emails except those coming irom your “white list" (authorized
e Accept all incoming emails except those coming irom your “black list"
(unautharized indwiduals)
10. How the slide-show works, 4 DISPLAY MODES
The slidershaw can run in 4 diiierent modes: the “Normal" mode, the “Collage 4 pix."
mode, the “Collage 5 pix." mode and the “Smart Fill" mode.
By oeiault "Collage 5 pix." is activated. When a slide show starts, whether automatically
or launched irom any menu oi the device, it will display 5 pictures at a time in a nice
“collage" type arrangement on the screen.
You can easily change this coniiguration, when a slide show is playing:
1. Press MENU button
1. A menu bar with icons Will show up irom the left oi the screen,
3. Go down to the 2nd icon from the BOTTOM named "slide show Options" and
press MI to enter
4. Go to “Display Mode" then choose one oi the other 4 available modest
From the main menu:
1. Go to " change Settings" by pressing n
1. Enter the ”Slidecshaw" subcmenu.
3. Go to "Display Mode” then choose one of the other 4 availaple modes.
The "Normal" mode shows 1 picture at a time on the screen in full mode.
The "Collage 4 pix" and “Collage 5 Dix" are ooth a collage oi 4 and 5 pictures.
The “Smart Fill" mode shows I picture at a time on the screen but ii the picture is slightly
smaller than the screen. it will automatically make it iull screen by stretching it a little
(NOTE: in this mode pictures are stretched ONLY IF the picture size ratio is close to 4:3 to
aVOId too much oistortiom,
11. How to Change the Device Configuration
You can change most oi the deyice coniiguration parameters irom the CHANGE SEWINGS
menu accessible irom the Main menu, Once inside this CHANGE SETTINGS menu. you can
LANGUAGE: The language oi the user interiace;
DATE 8 TIME: Adjust the date and time;
AUTO art/or Adjust the auto switch on and sWitch on configuration;
suuzrsnow: AthlsL all the parameters and options oi the slidecshow;
PHOTOcMAIL: AthAsL the parameters regarding photmmail and others;
Wl-Fl: (onflgure the WI'FI connection a show related Informallon;
ABOUT: Show iniormation about the device and memory use;
FACTORY RESET: Reset the device to iactory settings,
When a slide show is running, press the MENU button on the remote. On the leit side a list
of icons Will be displayed. Choose the 2"“ one from the bottom called “OPTIONS".
Here you can adjust:
PLAV MODE: Normal, repeat recent photos, play only recent photos;
SORTING MODE: Normal, Newest iirst, eldest, iirst, Random;
DISPLAY MODE: Slidershcw mode, normal, collage or smart iill;
CLOCK SE‘I'I'INGS: Configure the way date and time is shown on the slideshow;
DISPLAY DETAILS: Show the details 0' the picture in the slide-show
srr As WALLPAPER: Set the current picture as your wallpaper oi the main menu;
TRANSITIONS: The type of transitions you want petween pictures;
INTERVALS The time intervals oetween 2 pictures;
BRIGHTNES . Adjust screen brightness,
DAILY INFORMATIO Activate calendar showing eyery n hours automatically
VlDEO-MAiL OPTIONS: Adjust options on how videwclips are played
12, Send pictures to the device by Bluetooth
This deyice is sluetooth compatiole, which means that it can receive pictures sent by
pluetooth ironi a Mobile phone or a computer,
There is no sluetooth hardware embedded in the unit but it supports Bluetooth usa
dongles. Just plug a Bluetooth usa dongle to its use port and aiter a couple oi seconds a
logo indicating that the Bluetooth is ready will show up on the top oi the main user
irou can now use your mopile phone or any other aluetooth compatible device to scan and
pair your devlce Wllh the Plx-Star, ll necessary please use (he PlN code ‘0000’ during lhe
pairing process.
By default, the unli. stores by default all the photo files it receives by email msvde Its
INBOX iolder that you (an iind inside the menu Mv LOCAL PiCTURES, then sub-menu
13, Play Web Radios on the Device
Your iranie also gives you the possibility to listen to web radios and musics when
displaying a slide show.
- How to listen to a web radio?
We?“ the main menu:
it Go to .My Radios, Games a Reminders.
2. Select the wep radio oi your choice according to its country or genre,
From the slide show:
1. Press the Menu outton
2. Go to "Music On/Oii" lFourth icon irom the bottom)
3. select “Play"
4. Go to “Recent Radios" and choose the web radio you want to play.
Note 1: From the slide show, you can only select a radio you have already listen to
recently. ii you want to listen to a new web radio, you need to go through the Main Menu
Not all Web Radios available on the internet are currently in the deince database. it you
want to add a web radio that is not currently inside the device you can log into your
account at www,pixV§Lar,com, on the left side you can lind a “Suggest a web radio" link,
here you only need provide a iew pieces at iniormation and coniirm. We will then try to
add in some web radios are not supported. it depends on the iormat oi their stream and
also whether they provide a suitable streaming URL.
- How to listen to audio files?
From the main menu:
1. Go to “My Radios, Games a Reminders"
1. Go to "My Audio" and select the iiles oi your choice
NOTE: The rrame only plays audio iiles from an so card or a uss source.
When a slide show is playing you can manage the audio:
1‘ Using the UP and DOWN keys to adjust the volume
L The name oi the songr web radio will be displayed Press >- to pause it and use
the left and right keys to skip the song.
14. Use USB Speakers with the frame
Your irame also gives you the opportunity to plug uss speakers in the device to enioy a
better sound when playing web radios or music iiles.
Just plug in your USB speaker to its usa port at the back of your frame You can purchase
usa speakers online at a reasonable prices
15. My Games for the Brain
Your mean is not only a poweriul photo frame it's also very entertaining with a
selection of games to exercise your Brain and simply have runl
, Sliding Puzzle
, 1043
- Sudaku
- Mine Sweeper
, shake
'Find the Fair
- Chess Checkmate
, Get the Number
To access these games:
it Go to “My Radios, Games a Reminders“ Main menu)
1‘ Click on “My Games for the Brain"
3. select the game you want to may
once inside the game‘s menu oi your choice, you have several possibilities:
, “Play game"
- check the Highscores
. Choose the level in "Options“
. Check the game's rules in “Help".
16. My Reminders
Pi’XrStar is also the companion oi your daily actiVities it includes alarms/reminders to
remind you oi things that you've scheduled.
where to find them:
1. Go to “My Radios, Games a Reminders“ Main menu),
2. Click on “My Reminders",
3. From here, you can 'Create a new reminder' as well as delete or edit a reminder by
clicking on ll.
There are two types oi alarms/reminders:
. "Reminder . one time only" (no repetitioni. You need to deiine a time and a date
iMM/DD/wvvi ior this kind oi reminders.
- Alarm - with repetition: You need to deiine the time oi the alarm and the ireouency
oi the repetition.
For both types, an alarm bell will g0 oil at the time and date you have previously set.
lr your irame is in sleeping mode a pop up displaying the reminder Will appear, but
without any sounds The irame Will automatically go to sleeping mode alter about 00
Remark: ii the irame is completely turned oii (outton on/oii at the back oi the irame),
N0 alarm or message will come up.
17, Technical Specifications
images . JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF
“rm“ “WWW (includm animated film
Memory card 50 / SDHC i 50x: / MM:
050 use memory sticks
Up to 20,000 pictures no.4 inch
storage capaaty versioni and 15,000 pictures (15 inch
vermil) in the device's local memory.
Max. 7w {or i0.4 inch versuon and izw
far 15 inch verswn,
Energy consumption
Data proinded ior reierence purposes only.
The manuiacturer reserves the right to modiiy the specifications without any prior notice.
18. Glossary of Menu Icons
e PROBLEMI Not connected to a Wi-Fi network
€® Check the WIrFi connection configuration and ensure the WI'FI
H network IS available.
f? Connected to a WitFi network with WEAK signal.
3? Connected to a WirFi network with STRONG signal.
_ PROBLEM The lrame cannot aecess the internet
Q; This usually happens when WirFI is not properly coniigured or the
W intemet connection of your WI'FI gateway is down.
fl Connection to the Internet is working properly.
The device is ready to receive / send email and synchronize web
Notlflcatlon that the Pixtstar" photo frame has received new
photo email.
SD/SDHC/MMC card detected and ready (0 use
P14? i. “1
USB device delected and ready to use
19. Glossary of the Slide show Menu Bar Icons
When a slide show is playing on your pixstar you can press the MENU button on the
remote control to display the slide show menu.
Send photo email
Next photo
Play slide show (when Pausedi
Pause slide show iwhen Playing)
Previous photo
Rotate photo
Music on/oif
Delete this photo
Photo thumbnail
More options iconrigure the slide show)
close and go back to Main Menu
20. File Manager
- How to create a new rolder in a directory
Choose a location where you want to add (his (older, press the “Menu" bulmn on the
remote control, and then select "New folder". A pop up Will appear and ask you to choose
a name Var this new folder.
- How to copy a tile in another folder
Select the tiles you want to copy by pressing the central outton on the remote control mil
when the file is selected using arrow keys.
Press the “Menu” button on the remote control, and select “copy selection to Folder".
Ari interiace will open that help you select the destination «older.
- How to delete a file
Select the fuels] you want to remove with the central button 0f the remote control M),
press “Menu" and “Delete files",
21. Warranty
The warranty does not cover damage caused it you lor any unauthorized personl tried to
repair the irame.
lithe irame is emitting smoke, noise, or an unusual smell, immediately turn it on and
unplug it. lr you do not use the digital irame tor a while, make sure to unplug the power
The warranty concerns the digital photo rrame and the iollowing accessories;
- The power supply umt
. The remote control
In case or any oi these accessories stop working you may contact the iollowing email
address for a diagnostic or m replace them: SUPPORTQPlX-STAKCOM
Warranty period
This digital rrame is under warranty ror 14 months, The warranty period begins on the
date the iranie is purchased. The warranty must be proyen by presenting the original
invoice or receipt on which the date and model purchased appear.
A detective digital irame must oe returned complete to your distributor with an
Ir this digital trame presents a defect during the warranty period, the authorized Mters
Sales Seryice will repair any detective component or manuiacturing detect. The Alters
Sales Service will unilaterally decide whether to repair or replace the digital rrame, in
part or in whole.
The initial purchase date will determine the starting date for the warranty period.
It the digital iranie is repaired or exchanged oy our Afterssales Service, the warranty
period is not extended.
Damage or deiects caused by improper use or handling of the digital frame, or by the use
or accessories, which are not original or not recommended in these instructions, are not
covered by the warranty
The warranty does not cover damage caused by outside elements, Like lightning, water, or
fire, or any other damage caused during transport.
No warranty coverage may be claimed ii the digital lrame's serial number has been
modiiied, removed, erased, or made illegible
No warranty coverage may be claimed ii the digital i ame has been repaired, altered, or
modiiied by the buyer or any repair personnel not om ally qualified and authorized.
The manuiacturer does not guarantee the technical properties described in this manual.
The hardware and accessories described in this manual are subject to change without
advance notice. For this reason, the manuiacturer reserves the right to change the related
documents, components, options, and characteristics without advance notice.
22. Declaration of Conformity
We, Spheris Digital Ltd, deciare under our sole responsibiticy tnet the products
PXTsiownow, pxmswnme are in caninrinity witn tiie provisions pi tne Launcii
Directive an Radia Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment.
The product is marked With the cc making
Environmental protection
Van are suggested ip return ypur irame at tne end or its tive to the puptic coiiecting paints
set up (or recycting, reusing etectricai and eiectronic devices.
Tne iciidmng sympoi on tne product, tne instructipn manual or tne package indicates met
tnis product is sumected to tne European Directive zooms/Eu
Spneris Digitai Ltdc \nfc@gvXcSlarchm wwwcgvXcs‘arccom
This devtee complies with I’m 15 or the FCC Rules Operalton is suhteet to lhe following
[we cundllluns'
(1):!“ dance may not eause harmful interretenee, and
a) this deviee must aeeept any interreienee reeeived, including interference that may eanse
undesired opeiarlon.
NOTE 1: This equipment has been lested and found to comply with the limils for a class B
dlgllifl deviee, pursuant to pan IS of the FCC Rul These limits are designed lo provide
reasennhle protection against harmful interleren in a residential installalion. This
equipment generates, uses and can rutltate radio frequency energy und, il' not installed and
used in accordance wllh the Imh'ucnum. may ca ,e harmful Interference |u Fad“)
communications. llawevu‘, there is no guarantee mat interreienee will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful lnlelference to radio or television
reeeption, whieh ean be determined hy turning the equipment off and on. the user is
eneouraged to Iry to eorreet the inTcrfcrcncc by one or more orrhe following measures
, Reonent or reloeate the reeeiving amelmzl
, increase the separation hetween the equipment and teeeiver,
, Conneet the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different fiom that to whteh the teeetvet is
- Consult the dealer or an experieneed radio/IV reehnieian far help
NOTE 2; Any changes or modifications to this utiit not expressly approved hy the party
responsthle (or eernplinnee eoulrl void the users authenty to operate the equipment,
This deviee must he installed to pxovldc a separation distanee or at least 20 cm from all
persons nnd must not he eolloeated or operating in cunjuncllon with any other antennn or
This dcvmc comphcs wnh Indumy Canada llccnccrcxcmpi RSSVZIO standards), Upcration
1s mum m [ha Iblluwmg my uundmum (1) [his device my nu! came mmrerence, and (2)
[ms deuce mm accem .my mlerfcrence, Includmg Interference um may cause mdemd
opemlion oflhe devlce.
Cm apparcll est conforms au(x) xlandard(s) dc l'mdusmc canadlcnnc RSS-ZN. Sou
foucuanncmcm est scum aux dcux ccndiuou; summcs: (1) m apparcll m: don pas
provuqucr d'lnlcrl'ércnccs u (2) cu appzrcxl dmt Acccplcr [cum mmrfércncc. y compns callus
pouvnnl causcr m mauvms thncuonncmcm do rappmu.
Undur Induslry Canada mgulatzm, mm mm transmiller may only opcmlu 145mg an
ummna afu Inzcgml Ammrm and maximum -2 m gain approwd/or 1hr lransmmcr by
Imllutr)’ Canada To reduce pan/mild nuliu mm/mm to mm mm, [he «menu/1 rype and
m- gum xhuuld be so Lhnxen that the WWW ixolmpiLu/Iy mmm pvwv {a 1‘ 7p } it no!
mm than that nermaryfi» mom/u! mmmummnm
RF Expnsurc Shlcmcnt:
This dcvicc my be msmllcd Io provide a scparanon dxsmncc am lcas! 20 cm from head and
body at all penurn and mm nm b: culloumed ur uperaung m cunjuncuon wuh any mm
antenna or lmn\m1ucr
Th: mrurmanun 1mm nhuv: plovldm [he u\er wnh [he mrmmmmn Headed m mak: l‘nm or
he: aware of 10‘ exposure. and whal m do Io asVsure thal Khis radio operates with the [C R?
exposule limils of ths radiuv

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