Spin Master Toys Far East 44308RX49 RC Airplane User Manual
Spin Master Toys Far East Ltd. RC Airplane
User Manual
Tall Wing Fuselage Wing LED nght Flm wrngw Plane eé ‘Ai 9 , . , Charger/Fr htpontroller; »-1 lnsrruntlo’nv heet ' ‘ ' Green “Power ON" LE D Antenna Left/Rrght Toggle LE D Light OFF/CHARGE/ON Propeller “Charging" LED Throttle Propeller Guard “99” Charger/Flight Controller Experience Radio Controlled flight with the Air Hogs” RC Fire Wing’M‘The Fire Wing'M makes llying lun & easy! Just choose the direction ou want to fly and squeeze the throttle trigger. The bright LED lights will allow you to easily maneuver in any lighting] he Fire Wing‘M is ultra light and features aero namlc directional control and damage- rsststant high densitxloam. The Fire Wing'”I also includes an integrated C arger/Flight Controller unit for convenient poriablllty and easy andling in the field. BATTERY INSTALLATION 1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the battery compartment door on the Charger/Flight Controller. 2. Open the battery door and install 4 AA 1.5-V al aline batteries Snot included). Be careful to align the positive l+ and negative (A) polarities Wlll’l the corresponding markings inside the battery compartment as shown. 3. Close the battery compartment door and re-tighterr the hold down screw. Four AA 1 .5-V Alkaline Batteries Battery Door ChargerIFlight Controller lMPOHTANT TIPS: TURN VOUR CHARGER~FLIGHT OONTROLLEE ON AND SQUEEZE THE THROTTLE OR MOVE THE DIRECTION TQGGLETO TESTTHE GREEN LED GLOWJO ENSURE THAT THE BATTERIES ARE INSTALLED PROPEELV. WHEN THE swrrcr-r ls IN THE MIDDLE CHARGE POSITIONJHE RED LED SHOULD BLINKTD PRESENT CHARGING rN PROGRESS After each flight, store the plane in the package to prevent damage. Your Fire Wlng'“ Pierre has pre-installed rechargeable batteries in the lane’s fuse age. Because the Flight Controller’s AA batteries are used for 2 tunqlions ~ charging and controlling, they will need . to be replaced If the wln s on your p ane get damaged they can be after every ' 15 to 20 easrly repaired flights. with clear tape as shown. CHARGING YOUR PLANE l lm ortant charging Information: . Before taking your Initial flight, 0 arge the plane for a complete charge cycle on your charger, - Depending u on the length of tuture play, you will not need to complete a tull charge before each (light. NOTE: A s ortened charge results in a shorter play time (may take up to 1/2 hour to lully charge). 1. Push the plane‘s 2. Flip the charge ON/OFF switch door open to up to turn the reveal the p ane OFFt charge nozzle. 3. Push the charge . Set the nozzle all the oharger/tlrght way into the , controller plane‘s charger ' Holes In nus switch to the port located on "tusl gllgn middle the bottom or - , ' wvlttggm h CHARGE the planet " °‘ posltion, 6. Remove charge nozzle gently lrom the plane's charge port. Store char e nozzle and closet 5 charge noon {it During the charglng process, the red L D will blink. When the Fire Wing’"I is fully charged the light will switch to olt PRE-FLIGHT ENVIRONMENT CHECK 1. Location - Fly in a large wide open, grassy location that is tree ol FLYING tNDOORS? buildings, trees, overhead wires, and other obstructions. Do not lly NOTE: Always et a parent's permission near eople or animals, to fly your Fire trig” indoors. 2. Went er — Fly on mild. sunny days. Do not lly In electrical storms, rain. Location — Fly in a wide open room, tar sleet, snow or other adverse weather conditions. Do not fly it tho trorn breakable items — an empty double temperature is below 7°C!45°F. In very cold temperatures, the plane will car garage or unfinished basement are become lra lie and the engine performance will decrease. great options, Avoid flying near vents 3. Wind Con ttions — Do not fly In wind. Winds may overpower the piano and/or tans, as they may overpower the and make it ditficult to control In wind conditions, it may appear as plane and make It difficult to control. though you have no control over the p ane, 2 5 “(or Push the f 9 char%erlcohntrgl§r } ‘\$\/ switc to e .. . position. \l\‘ 3 When Fully extend the . controller antenna, gt? {5139 ch, check l the directlon of l the wind. 1 The room l LEDgoth Pull the Launch the plane into 1 will 9th plane's the wind and parallel to = when you ON/OFF the WWW» : squeeze switch down TIP; Always launch your plane the throttle to the ON into the Wind tor the best trigger or position to take off and flight results. movelthe start the dlrectlon engine, toggle, The wind will blow against your lace, if cu are facing the correct irectlon. CONTROLLlNG PLANE FLIGHT Charger/Flight Controller To maintain altitude, slowly pulse the throttle trigger inward‘ Too much throttle can cause the plane to stall. To ACCELERATE upwards increase the pressure on the throttle trigger. Direction LEFT TURN Move the direction toggle to the LEFT. RIGHT TURN Move the directional toggle to the RIGHT, Charger/Flight Controller T0 LAND Select a soil grassy area, and slowly release pressure on the throttle trigger. Throttle Trigger ONCE THE PLANE HAS LANDED Turn the charger/(light controller 2 OFF by pushing the switch to the left position. THY n plane OFF t) ushin ttl/epwitchg to the UP position. PROBLEM CAUSE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE SOLUTION Plane will noi slarl or has low flower. 1. Plane not charged. 2. Battery power is drained, 3. Plane ms noi sel lo OFF during charging. 4, Charger/F“ I'll Commllsr was rial Sal IO "Charger Flight Comroller OFF", 1. Charge plane lor a complete char e clfls‘ 2. Replace rho Charger/Flight oomro Ier alierles ailer zo llighls. 9. The plans won'i acoepl a charge in "19 ON poslllofl. Always set I0 "OFF" belcre Eharging, 4.Tha Charger/Flighi Controller will NOT char 3 in Ihe “OFF or ON” posiiiorl. Always sei lhe Charger/Fug l Conlroller lo "CHARGE" beiole alleriipllng IO charge. 1. Controller is nol ON. 2. Conlrollar antenna is nol extended. a. Il's a wiridy clay or you're Iiylng by a vent/inn. Plane will not lurn. 1, News more power. 2. The IDLIF AA balleries in 1112 Charger/Flighl Conlrollel are firained. Plane is llyirig loo low. ll Sel Controller lo "Controller ON" 2. Fully extend oonrrolier arilema belore ii ing, 3. Do r’iol riy in winds, Windy oondil‘rorls wil limit and prevenl your willy lo conlrui lhe plane. lr flying indoors, do nor by near a van an. i, Squeeze the Throiilo Trigger. 2, install new baneriesl Plane is living loo high. 1. Need lo decrease power. I 1. Genlly release pressure on the Throhle Trigger. Ballery insiallalioh should oo periormod or an aauiuuse only ballenes recommended in ltie inslruclloh shaell Be caralul I0 IIYSIEII IhE ballerle5 wlih the surreal poiarliy. as Indicaled, - Do nor mix oirl anu new balleneo. o rlol mix alkaline. slandard or rschargeable batierlw aliery insiallalion should he done by an aouii. On-mchar sable bananas are nol I!) be reohar ed, Rechar eia a balleries are IO be removed Irvm be by belcre being charge (ll removable). , - Rechargeable ballerios are only lo be charged under adull supervision IMPORTANT BATTERY INFORMATION REQUIRED BATTERIES: Charger/Flighl Conlrollor takes 4 AA Alkaline Ballarlos (nol Inclndud). g! removable). . - nly ballerres oi lire same or equrvalenl lype as recommended are lo be useo. _ , ' Batteries are lo I); Inserted Willi me OOVVECI polarily. - Exhausled balierles are to be removed imm me my. - The sup ly iamrinah> are not re ho shormimuiled. - Ii])ilfere diypes oi halieries, or new and used nalierlos are nor to a more A - Exhausted bananas are lo be removed, ag lhey will adversely alleol iris performance A CAUTION: PLEASE HEAD BEFORE CHARGING OR USING BATTERY. _I_our p ane rs“ equ ppedWwi a rum Po ymer oa—“filrsry; p “Fraser‘s so pa allenlion to the lollowing cautions lor sale use: - Dye riol dispose ihe ballory iri lire or heal. _ > Do riol use of lam/ll lho ballery near a heal source such as lire or healer. - Do “OI sirlke or throw lho battery against hard sunaoe; - Do noi immerse lho bailery In walar, Keep me ballery in a cool dry environmeni. RSS-310 OF INDUSTRY CANADA ~ When charging, only use lhe ballory charger spocilically for mar purposs. - Du nol over-charge lhe banery. ‘ D0 "01 Owned the baller ID all elenlrlcal millet. > Do nm direclly solder lhe allery or pierce lhe ballery with a nail or Dlhsl sharp obiacls. ‘ . v Do not iranspprror store the bailery logelher WiII’i metal oblscls such as hrchlaces. hairpins. elc. ' D0 [WI disassemble or aller lhe ballery ' Charge (he baiiery every 5 monthsl - Turn all your equi em power swlrch alter use, . . - As lor a user oar e please recycle ills b‘allery by covering lira ierrrilnais wilh insulaiion rape or inserting lrrio an indiViduai milling. VALID FOR CANADA DNLV -— This rial/Ice complies will! RSS-SIU OI indusiry Canada. OpElalion Is subieol ID Ilia Iollcwil'ig lwo commons: (‘lJ This device may nor cause irileriorerioel (2) This device musl aoospl . any lnrefloienou, Including irilerierslice ihal may cause undesrruo operaiion DI the devioe. This 031993 II radiommmunioau‘ori dwles complies Willi Induslry Canada Siaridard SSS-310. Gamer Frequency: 27 150 MHZ 49,360 MHZ Field slienglh. 63.6 dEuV/m at 3m 75.7 dBiN/m al Gm This device oompliss Willi pail I5 OI the FCC rules. Opermian is Sublet] (0 Ilia iollowiri iivo oonoliions: i.This evice may "OI cause harquI interference, and 2. This device musl accepi any inleriererrce received. rnoiuurrlg inlerierenco lhal mav‘oavse undesired o eraliofl llo E: This equlpiriohi as neon railed am lound lo ocii‘alv wflli ihe limits rm 5 Class B o'igriai donors. puisuam lo Pail 15 or the FCC Rules. . . These irmrls are designed to provrrle reasonable proleclron againsl harmful hirer lemme in a residenlial irislalalrorr. This equrprrreni genemles. uses and can radialu mill) irequenry energy and. ii nor irislalled and used in moraines Wlili [he illsiluolioris, may cause harmlul irllerleierloe to radio corri- muri ca ioris. CAUTION: Change: or modilioaliorls linl expresoly unproven w lilo party responsible lor cumnllsnre ovvlll voiil lira user's alllilvrilv m opzrale lhe zqrripmenl, srh'rr MEI” rill 150 from 31901 West Tommi. oil Msv loo mm CuslomiCilr l-GIIB‘SZZ-BSJD wmrmmsizrmrcvsiurrimn figurms‘ualsnx. was from sun lmmalinrial Drive. Sure loo walirnsvilic, sum Mxmrl‘o sfarizslilrrirlnd,Ririlill3,1|/F,Cilirizohzm Gallic" Plan. 77 Mow RIL. iMSIlILWI .K¢Y|¢9Ii, NK Spin Misltrioysllll Llo.. Morawriralir lurio Rm (mm mourn. sre 5M. iirrriull rrnuliorrl tiller rlrmis Savior: 0m BS max imrii ukoormafismmsler.mn MADE ll‘I CHINA Isl" rrrnru- 35 we ll! Silly~ GQIWBOMM Biihmrrn- mm. sum Audi-Vern! vambru ml imam 355ml E-imrl : Jvmvfl’wmmusuwum- rzoollssi siirirllml . mmsirrrrmrslerirnrtet allemiutl aux miaes en garde ci-a res: a cheveux. etc. - Ne disposez pas de la pi e pans la leu ou dans un enptoll ehau . - Ne desaxsemplez pas el n‘allérez pas la pile. - Ne laissez pas la pile pips p'une eputce de enaleut lel pu‘un leu up une - Citatqez Ia ptlea tops Ies six mots. nitaullerelte. ~ Planet I'tnletrupteur tie volte equlpemenl hers lepsion (OFF) apiizs ulilisalipn. - Ne ltappez ni ne Ianpez la pile epnlte des surlaees Glues. v A I'inslav de lpule pile epuisee, veuillez rpcyeler en ppuvtanl Ies homes avec - ilQ'i'mmergez pas la pile ttaps l’eau. Gardez la ptle dans up euvironnemenl sec (in tube» iselapl ou placeHa dans up sap en polyethylene mpivittuel. e vats. CM?! 10 D STRIE CRNADA VALABLEAU CANADA SEULEMEM - Ce dlsppsflii w epulptme in CNR'31D Fléqvenee pmeuselli 50 MHz d'inpuslna Canada Le loncfippnemenl pp cpmrpleur esl spiel aux detlx pptlriltlpns 41560 MHZ suivapis : (1) ii ne pas ptpdllite cle ptoulllage at (Z) I’ulillsaleut flu disppsrtll poll élip ptéi 5 acceplet tpul Dimming? rampéiecillque lepu. meme Si CE hmuliizgp esi Force lie champ'63.fi dBuV/rn at 3 m susceplible de conlptomellre le lomlipnpemept du dispesilil. Ce disppsilli lie 75,7 llBuV/m al 3m radtpepmmunieatipn de categorie ll taspeele la nurme Gilli-3m d‘lmtusltle Canatla. ATTEMTIDN z'lput ehangnment up muililieplipn me no ptpduil putt expressemem appmuvee par la partie mspunsanle pa la coplprm le rieque d’pnnuler l'pulprisalipn de I’utiiisaieur a taito lonelipnnei eel épulpemnpl. Dpnllenltme ne lilhlum» ltuunxotttmssmmmmttlrs plymbtadaplepvpiernu E: ”leukaemia: amine, l’alelamnmmemm Wilmil’é‘? "5455.1 aux rautemms, -- pelledepewan err-mtrsiumms lummeemme — mmwumatwsdewlremmp Spiral/last"Lid..¢501mnlSI!eci\‘l¢1i,anip_Wl/Wl!$¢amfll Aiiimgseeslunsmtwenl pseeuu-pumnrmslw- wommmammuum w Smite mnmalwit pemmaae wmnspmlielrrwowwsmemm malnuede mulufleSMn swim, in «new»: (WWW wen Mme fax museums we: mew-mum". Opt/Ml .l sex nmaslelmm mew eynlammu teaspmp mm; =' MW “W‘f‘m‘lliflm‘fllmml SIN) Mam! IM . PME "0153. mtmmmal Dllve Sulki D tlamswk. NY MZZLUSA 530!me pthpfll Mnmlld [713mm pu Slim Mamlllfl. SmpMaslet ivy: iuéasl mull. ammta. umcmmm Eplam Plan, TTMopyM. mlprmwnupimespesbwliu an mania ism i‘nmsllatwli . KpMflnnJlX _ Fflfiz.alili7|. Lem-1m! "lemma peuvenl panel. sw. Mme! my: UKW..NMW\Wank.Fle19 ma, Butane w. Wilts. six slu. Untied Censmzces may“. ms at ppuvairvpus m mw ltquum semen mete 00108qu cnumamtsmtuespitmmrm plump-mm pp me llNE. Spin Maw: hill“ » 35 ma 6, Silly . 911i)? Epilogue hilapcuud > Flam ”BMW” ENNWH sm‘ct‘pfls nerumllomlzomm’Afipt/Gmfl Mlsfiiptnmtmpw nppttm am am S|Inl|l=mt|1 wuplrtmlsle'jt (impllvmvspinnuiunlrb. 1443”,thJontwueusm 44305
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