Spin Master Toys Far East 44319TX Fighter Jet User Manual

Spin Master Toys Far East Ltd. Fighter Jet Layout 5

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users manual

®INSTRUCTION GUIDEThe Air Hogs®F-14 Tomcat®is a revolutionary radio controlled jet that is a true backyard flyer. You can hand toss or takeoff from the ground using the landing gear. The F-14 Tomcat®uses digital proportional control which provides hobby likeflight performance.Controller/ChargerAntennaON/OFF/CHARGESwitchThrottleCharge Door(to accessCharge Nozzle)ChargeLEDPowerLEDLeft/RightToggleSteeringTrim KnobMain WingPropellerF-14 Tomcat®VerticalStabilizersPropellerFuselage WheelsMain WingNose WheelFuselage11. Open the battery door with a screwdriver.2. If used batteries are present, remove these batteries from the unit by pulling up on one end of each battery.3. Install new batteries as shown in the polarity diagram (+/-) inside the battery compartment.4. Replace battery door securely.5. Check your local laws and regulations for correct recycling and/or battery disposal.Controller/ChargerBatteryCompartmentDoor6 x AA1.5-VAlkalineBatteriesIMPORTANT TIP: TURN YOUR CONTROLLERON TO ENSURE THAT THE BATTERIES AREINSTALLED PROPERLY. THE RED LED LIGHTON THE FRONT OF THE CONTROLLERSHOULD TURN RED.After each flight, store the jet in the package toprevent damage.REPAIRSCONTROLLER/CHARGER BATTERY INSTALLATIONIf the wings on your jetget damaged they canbe easily repaired withclear tape as shown.ADDING WHEELS TO THE F-14 TOMCAT®RepairAttach the front and rear wheels to the jet as shown. The wires on the wheelsslide into the slots on the jet and clip into place.BatteryCompartmentYourF-14 Tomcat®jet has a preinstalledrechargeablebattery in thejet’s fuselage.Becausethe Controller’sAA batteriesare used for2 functions –charging andcontrolling,they will need tobe replacedevery so often.AntennarePLICA SERIESContents:1 x Air Hogs®F-14 Tomcat®1 x Remote Control/Charger, 1 x Instruction Guide3 x Landing Gear, 2 X Spare Props
PRE-FLIGHT ENVIRONMENT CHECKCHARGING YOUR F-14 TOMCAT®Set the controller/charger switch to CHARGE. 4.Carefully push the chargenozzle all theway into the jet’scharge port located on thebottom of the jet.FLYING INSTRUCTIONSFully extendcontroller/chargerantenna. Push the controller/chargerswitch toON.Power light willturn RED.12355. During the chargingprocess, the greencharge light will turnON. When the jet iscompletely charged,the green charginglight will turn OFF. 6. Remove chargenozzle gentlyfrom the jet’scharge port.Store chargenozzle andclose thecharge door. 5Important Charging Information:• Before taking your initial flight, charge the jet for a complete charge cycle on your charger.• Depending upon the length of future play, you will not need to complete a full charge before each flight.NOTE: A shortened charge results in a shorter playtime (may take up to 30-40 minutes to fully charge).Green Charge Light1. Location – Fly in a large wide open, grassy location that is free of buildings, trees, overhead wires, and otherobstructions. Do not fly near people or animals.2. Weather – Fly on mild, sunny days. Do not fly in electrical storms, rain, sleet, snow or other adverse weather conditions. Do not fly if the temperature is below 7°C/45°F. In very cold temperatures, the jet will become fragile and the engine performance will decrease.3. Wind Conditions – Do not fly in strong winds. Strong winds may overpower the aircraft and make it difficult to control.5NOTE:We recommend that you start flying by hand launching to get used to the controls.When preparing for take-off, check the direction of the wind.Always launch  the jet against the wind for best take-off and flight results.Use your left hand to apply at leasthalf throttle on the controller/charger.Gently toss the jet forward into thewind and parallel to the ground. Refrain from using the directional toggle while launching the jet.1. Push the ON/OFF switch on thebottom of the jet to the LEFT toturn the jet OFF.2. Set the controller/chargerswitch to OFF.3. Flip the charge door open to reveal the charge nozzle. 6If you are takingoff from theground, makesure you are on asmooth pavedsurface, and putthe throttle all theway forward forfast acceleration.4Push thejet’s ON/OFFswitch to theright to turn the jet to ON.24
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize391.72kB (4896553 bits)
Date Submitted2011-09-05 00:00:00
Date Available2011-09-05 00:00:00
Creation Date2011-08-26 10:35:48
Producing SoftwareQuarkXPress(R) 8.0
Document Lastmod2011-08-30 18:05:24
Document TitleLayout 5
Document CreatorQuarkXPress(R) 8.0
FCC ID Filing: PQN44319TX

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