Sportcraft 1 32 944 User Manual POOL TABLE Manuals And Guides 1008627L
User Manual: Sportcraft 1-1-32-944 1-1-32-944 SPORTCRAFT POOL TABLE - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your SPORTCRAFT POOL TABLE #1132944. Home:Toys & Games Parts:Sportcraft Parts:Sportcraft POOL TABLE Manual
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Open PDF In Browser | View PDF | TO ORDER PARTS, visit our website. WARNING! ADULT ASSEMBLY REQUIRED. MODEL#: 32 (no. de modelo / n ° de modelo) Assembly and Instructions 313 Waterloo Valley Road / Budd Lake, NJ 07828 / iNSPECT YOUR PLAYFIELD BEFORE ASSEMBLY! INSPECTEZ LA SURFACE DE JEU AVANT D'ASSEIVlBLER LA TABLE. ilNSPECCIONE SU SUPERFIECE DE JUGAR ANTES DE ASAMBLEA! • Your playfield/main table frame is NO'[' replaceable and the product will need to be returned to the original place of purchase if damaged. Please make sure to check it before beginning assembly. • Su campo de juego/marco de mesa NO es reemplazable e el producto debeda set devuelto a la tienda de set da_ada. Pot favor aseg0rese para inspeccionarlo antes de la asamblea que comienza. • La table de billard doit 6tre retourn6e chez le d6taillant si la surface de jeu est endommag6e, car celle-ci ne peut etre remplac6e. Assurez-vous de I'inspecter attentivement avant de proc6der & I'assemblage. • Please make sure you received 2 box(es). •Por favor aseg0rese que usted recibi6 2 caja(s). • Assurez-vous s'il vous plaft que vous avez re£;u 2 bofte(s). CONTACT INFORMATION (INFORMA CION DE CONTA C TO / POUR COMMUNIQUER AVEC NOUS) Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:00am to 5:00pm EST (Horas: lunes a viemes, 9:00am a 5.OOpmEST/Heures d'ouverture:du lundi au vendredi, de 9 h a 17 h HNE ReplacementParts: / 1-800-526-0244 (Piezas de recambiol Pieces de rechange): Technical Support: 1-800-526-0244 (Soporte t6cnico / Assistance technique) 0610 - D3 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) / (Siga a la pggina siguiente.) P. 1 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I EngJish ] [ Espan°J I IMPORTANT! i,'MPORTANTE'] 1 ! IMPORTANT!] PLEASE KEEP YOUR INSTRUCTIONS AND RECEIPT/PROOF-OF-PURCHASE! Please review the replacement parts guide and make sure that you have all your parts before beginning assembly. For questions that may arise or for missing/damaged parts, PLEASE CONTACT US AT 1-800-526-0244 BEFORE RETURNING THE GAME TO THE STORE. • Please keep your Proof-of-Purchase (or Store Receipt) with your manual. Your model number and proof-of-purchase will be required for you to receive customer service help and warranty parts service. I Frang ais I Please staple below. iIMPORTANTE! iPOR FAVOR GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCtONES Y SU RECIBtO/ PRUEBA-DE-COMPRA! • Avant Por favor consultar la guia de piezas de recambio y asegurarse que usted tiene todas sus piezasantes de comenzar la asamblea. Para preguntas o para piezas que no se ha,yan incluidos/da_adas, POR FAVOR PONGASE EN CONTACTO CON NOSOTROS AL 1-800-526-0244 ANTES DE DEVOLVER A LA TIENDA. Por favor guardar su prueba-de-compra (o su recibo de tienda) con su manual. Su nOmero de modelo y su prueba-de-compra seran requeridos para recibir la ayuda del servicio de consumidor y del servicio para las piezas conforme a la garantia. Por favor graparlo debajo. STAPLE YOU Proof=of=Purchase CONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS ET VOTRE RE(_U OU PREUVE D'ACHAT! is required C PT to order parts utilisez assurer de commencer I'assemblage, le guide des pi_ces pour vous que vous avez toutes les pi_ces. Si vous avez des questions ou qu'il vous manque des pi_ces, COMMUNIQUEZ AVEC NOUS EN COMPOSANT LE 1-800526-0244 AVANT DE RETOURNER L'ARTICLE AU MAGASIN. Gardez votre preuve d'achat avec le present guide d'assemblage. Vous aurez besoin de votre preuve d'achat et du numero de mod61e pour avoir droit au service a la client61e et pour commander des pi_ces sous garantie. Veuillez agrafer votre preuve d'achat ci-dessous. E - under warranty. GRAPA SU RECIBO AQU/La prueba-de-compra es requerido para ordenar piezas conforme a la garantia. AGRAFEZ VOTRE REQU lClLa preuve d'achat est exig6e pour commander des pieces sous garantie. ..... (Siga a la pagina siguiente.) 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P. 2 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] [ Espa_ol I Do Not Use or Keep Product Outdoors. For Indoor Use Only. No Wet/Humid Conditions. ,_ WARNING! ,_ This is not a child's toy. Adult supervision is required for children playing this game. Please read instructions carefully. Proper use of this set can avoid damage or injury. ,g_ CHOKING HAZARD -- Product contains small balls and/or small parts. Not for children under 3 years. I Frangais I No use y no guarde el produco _ _ al aire libre. Para el empleo de interior sGIo. Ningunas condiciones mojadas/hOmedas. _6_ Ne ni utitiser ni guarder le produit au grand air. Pour l'utitisation d'interieur seulement. Aucune condition humide. iADVERTENCIA! Esto no es un juguete de ni_os. La asamblea adutta es requerida antes det empleo. La supervisiGn adulta es requerida cuando los ni_os juegan este juego. Por favor leer las instrucciones con cuidado. El empleo apropiado de este juego puede evitar et da_o o la herida. A RIESGO DE ASFIXIA ,_ ATTENTION! Ce jeu n'est pas un jouet d'enfant. L'assembl_e d'un adulte est exig6e avant I'emploi. La presence d'un adulte est n_cessaire Iorsque des enfants jouent a ce jeu. Veuiilez lire les instructions attentivement. L'utitisation appropri6e de ce jeu peut pr6venir les dommages materiels et les blessures. A RISQUE D'ASFIXIATION - le produit contient des petites balies et-ou des petites pi_ces. N'est pas itldiq'ue _ur- erffants's_u_ 9-a_ r - el producto contiene pequePas peiotas y/o pequePas piezas. apropiado para ni_os menores de 3 aPos. No es .... LIMITED SportcrafL be Ltd. free from normal THE States and and WARRANTY "Company") defects use FROM (the in workmanship conditions DATE OF GARANTIA warrants FOR and A ORIGINAL the Product materials PERIOD OF PURCHASE to under 90 DAYS in the United purchase of the Product. Is Covered this Limited Warranty This Limited Warranty covers all defects in is void if the Product Damaged through improper usage, neg{igence, transportation damage, acts of nature, or accident misuse, (including abuse, failure to follow the instructions supplied with the Product) Used in commercial applications or rentals Modified or repaired by anyone not authorized by the Company This What The Warranty does not cover: Company Will Pay For Product, without charge for labor or parts. The Company's obligation to repair, replace or exchange the Product, however, shall be limited to the amount of the original purchase price of the Product. How To Obtain Warranty In order to enforce your follow these procedures: Service rights under this Limited Warranty, you must Department at 1-800-526-0244 from 9:00 A.M to 5:00 PM (EST) to notify Company of the nature of the problem. If you are instructed to return the Product to the Company the call the Company's Consumer Service model number of the Product THIS LIMITED PURCHASER WARRANTY IS AVAILABLE OF THE PRODUCT AND STATES CANADA THE AND COMPANY'S and a description of the IS LIMITED TO THE REPAIR JS EXPRESSLY WARRANTmES, EXPRESSED SOME DO MADE IN LIEU OF ALL OR LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN iMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS OR DO NOT ALLOW FOR EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. TO THAT EXTENT, THE ABOVE LIMITATmONS MAY NOT APPLY This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal have other rights that vary from state to state rights, If you have questions regarding this Limited Warranty the Product, you may call or write us: Consumer Service Department 313 Waterloo Valley Rd. Printed in China 32944 HD y Budd Lake, NJ 07498 1-530-526-0244 TO YOU. but you de su producto reparara o reemplazara el Producto con un nuevo Producto (ya sea con un modelo similar o equivalente) o causa la tienda original del Producto para cambiar el Producto con un Producto nuevo (sea con un modelo similar o equivalente) o reembolsa el precio de compra original del Producto, sin cargos por la mano de obra o las piezas. La obligaci6n de la Compa_ia de reparar, sustituir, o reemplazar el Producto, el precio de compra original del Producto sin embargo, CGmo obtener servicios de garantia Para hacer curnplir sus derechos de esta Garantia estos procedimientos: • • • • sera limitada Limitada, debe con seguir Debe haber completado y ha enviado la tarjeta de registro de Producto a la Compahia dentro de 10 dias de compra del Producto. Debe incluir LA COPIA ORIGINAL DE SU RECiBO DE LAS VENTAS durante problema el dia. GARANTiA el modelo UMITADA del producto ES DISPONIBLB Y ES VALIDA y una SOLO descripci6n SOLAMENTE Frais assumes par la compagnie Si au cours de la periode de garantie limitee de la compagnie, cette demiere juge qu'une piece ou une composante du produit est defectueuse, la compagnle, a son choix, reparera le produit ou remplacera le produit par un nouveau produit (soit du mGme modele ou dlun rnodele equivalent) ou exigera du detaillant du produit d'echanger le produit avec un nouveau produit (soit du mGrne modele ou d'un modele equivalent) ou de rembourser le prix d'achat original du produit, sans frais de rnain-d'ceuvre ou de pieces L'obligation de la compagnie de rGparer, remplacer ou echanger le produit, cependant, sera limitee au montant total du prix d'achat original du produit. Service EN ESTAOOS SE LIMITA A RBPARAR PRODUCTO POR DAI_IOS DE NINGUNA offert ESTA GARANTiA OTORGADA SUPERSEDE GARANTiA, EXPRESO 0 IMPLiCITO, INCIDBNTALBS. EN BSE ARRIBA NO SB APLICAN limitada te otorga derechos legales especificos, otros derechos que varian de un estado a otto of Si tJene alguna pregunta con respecto a esta Garantia operacion del producto, usted puede Ilamar o escribJr a: Consumer Service Department 313 Waterloo Valley Rd. Budd Lake, NJ 07498 t -530-526-0244 CETTB GARANTIE LIMITEE BST OFFERTB L'ACHBTBUR INITIAL BU PRODUIT BT BST VALIDE BT AU CANADA SEULEMBNT. RESPONSABILITI_ on the next page.) (Siga DE LA COMPAGNIE R#PARATION OU AU RBMPLACEMENT, PRODUIT DEFECTUBUX. LA COMPAGNIE DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS, TOUTES SORTES. GARANTIE EXPRIMEE REMPLACE SBULEMENT A AUX ETATS-UNIS SE LIMITE A LA A SON CHOIX, DE TOUT N'BST PAS RESPONSABLB ACCESSOIRES OU CONSECUTIFS EXPRBSSEMBNT TOUTB DE AUTRB OU IMPLICITE. CASO, LAS A USTED, pero usted LJmitada 0510 o la CERTAINS ETATS NE PERMETTENT PAS QU'UNE LIMITE SOIT IMPOSEB QUANT A LA DURI_E D'UNE GARANTIE IMPLICITB OU NE PBRMETTENT PAS QUB LES DOMMAGES ACCESSOIRES OU CONSECUTIFS SOIENT EXCLUS. IL BST POSSIBLE QU'A CET #GARD, LES RESTRICTIONS CI-DESSUS NB S'APPLIQUENT PAS A VOUS. Cette garantie limitee vous accorde certains droits legaux il est possible que vous ayez d'autres droits qui peuvent Fautre ou dlune province a rautre. specifiques, mais vader d'un etat Si vous avez des questions au sujet de la presente garantie fonctionnement du produit, communiquez avec ou eorivez a: Consumer Service Department 313 Waterloo Valley Rd. Budd Lake, NJ 07498 1-530-526-0244 TG 0510 limitee ou du TG-CA Imprim_ en Chine en China TG de la garantie OTRA ALGUNOS ESTADOS NO PBRMITEN LIMITACIONES EN LA DURACIC)N DB GARANTiAS IMPLiCITAS 0 NO PERMITBN LA BXCLUSIeN DE DANOS CONSBCUENTES 0 LIMITACJONES MBNCIONADAS le cadre Vous devez communiquer avec le Service a la clientele de la compagnle en composant le 1 800 526-0244, de 9 h a 17 h (HNE) pour aviser la compagnie de la nature du probleme. Si on vous demande de retourner le produit a la compagnie aux fins de service, vous etes responsable dlexpedier le produit a la compagn_e, vos frais, a r adresse indiquee par la compagnie. Vous devez emballer {e produit de sorte qu'il ne subisse pas de dommages supplementaires. Vous devez ega]ement inclure votre nora, votre adresse, votre numero de telephone (de jour), ]e numero de mode]e du produit et une description du probleme. CETTB A CUALQUIER darts Pour faire valoir vos droits conformement a ta presente garantie ]imitee, il faut suivre la methode suivante: Vous _tes tenu de remplir et d'expedier par la poste la fiche d'enregistrement de produit e ]a compagnie darts un delai de 10 jours suivant ]'achat du produit. Vous devez inclure LA COPIE ORIGINALE DE VOTRE RE_U DE CAISSE. LA DE LA COMPAI_iA 0 REEMPLAZAR, A SU DBCRBCIeN, CUALQUIER DBFECTUOSO Y NO INCLUIRA RBSPONSABILIDAD INDIRBCTOS, INCIDENTALES 0 CONSECUENTES CLASB. Impreso (Continued Ce qui n'est pas couvert Cette garantie limitee ne couvre: • aucun article courant comme des piles, des ampoules, des fusibles, des accessoires, des pieces decoratives, des outils ou des autres articles qui subissent une usure normale. • aucune depense que vous pouvez encourir pouHa livraison, Hnstallation, I'assemb]ee ou {e transport de votre produit. del AL COMPRADOR may also 0510 Ce qui est couvert La garantie limitee couvre tous les defauts de materiel et de fabrication, Fexcepfion de ce qui suit. Cette garantie limitee est nulle si le produit est : • endommage e cause d'une mauvaise utilisation, de negligence, d'abus, du transport, d'un imprevu ou d'un accident (y compris en cas de non respect des instructions d'utilisation) • utilise a des fins commerciales ou de location • modifi6 ou rGpare par une personne non autorisee par la compagnie notificar la Compahia la natura del problema Si estgl instruido a devolver el Producto a la Compa_ia para la manutenciGn, est& responsable para el envio del Producto. a su gasto, a la Cornpa_ia a la direcci6n situada debajo, en un embalaje que proteger& contra el remoto da_o Asimismo, debe incluir su nombre, direcci6n, nOmero de telGfono Esta garant{a tambien tiene or the operation Fiche d'earegistrement de produit L'acheteur doit remplir la fiche d'enregistrement du produit et la poster a la compagnie a Fadresse imprimee sur la carte, dans les 10 jours de la date d'achat du produit. Debe Ilamar al departamento de Servicio al Cliente de la Compa_ia al 1-800-526-0244 entre las 9:00 A.M y 5:00 P.M (hora del este) para ESTA LIMITEE Sportcraft Ltd. (la <>) garantit le produit contre tout d_faut de fabrication et de materiel si celui-ci est utilise dans des conditions normates, POUR UNE PI_RIODE DE 90 JOURS A PARTIR DE LA DATE D'ACNAT INITIALE, aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. GARANTIE, OTHER OR IMPLIED. NOT ALLOW o el transporte LA RESPONSABILIDAO ONLY. LIABILITY WARRANTY STATES Unidos no cubre ORIGINAL DEL PRODUCTO UNIDOS Y CANADA, ONLY TO THE ORIGINAL JS VALID IN THE UNITED REPLACEMENT, AT ITS OPTION, OF ANY DEFECTIVE PRODUCT AND SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY LIABILITY FOR INDIRECT, iNCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. THiS Estados Pagos de la Compafiia Si durante el periodo de la Garantia Limitada, la Compadia determina que alguna pieza o componente del producto tiene defectos, a su discreci6n, Io for servicing, you are responsible for shipping the Product, at your expense, to the address designated by the Company in packaging that will protect against further damage. You must also include your name, address, daytime telephone number, problem. en no y DE La garantia limitada no cubre: • NingOn articulo perecedero tales como batertas, focos, fusibles, accesorios, partes cosmeticas, herramJentas, y otros articu]os que se gastan con el uso normal. • Ning_n gasto que se puede incurrir para ]a entrega, la instalaciGn, la • You must have completed and mailed the Product Registration Card to the Company within 10 days of purchase of the Product. You must include THE ORIGINAL COPY OF YOUR SALES RECEIPT. must ORIGINAL, producto condiciones A PARTIR transporte, fen6rnenos naturales o accidentes (incluyendo el no seguir las instrucciones que se proporcionan con el producto) Se usa en aplicaciones comerciales o se alquila Alguna persona no autorizada por la CompaPia Io modifica o repara. asamblea (either the same or an equivalent model) or cause the odginal retailer of the Product to exchange the Product with a new Product (either the same or an equivalent model) or refund the original purchase price of the You COMPRA este bajo DIAS Esta garantia cubre todos los defectos de fabricaci6n y materiales, excepto Io que se indica a continuaciGn Esta garantia lirnitada no tiene validez si el producto: • Se dada por uso inapropiado, negligencia, real uso, abuso, daha de of your product. If during the Limited Warranty period, any part or component of the Product is found by the Company to be defective, the Company will, at its option, repair the Product, replace the Product with a new Product . DE Lo que la garantia Any expendable items such as batteries, light bulbs, fuses, accessories, cosmetic parts, tools and other items that wear out due to normal usage Any costs you may incur for delivery, installation, assembly or transport que Tarjeta de registro del producto La tarjeta de registro del producto se debe Ilenar por completo y enviar por correo a la Compadia a la direcci6n impreso sobre la tarjeta dentro de 10 dias a partir de la fecha de compra del Producto. • • Is Not Covered Limited garantiza GARANTIE La cobertura Except as provided below, materials and workmanship. is: What (la "Compai_ia") de fabricaci6n ni materiates POR UN PERIODO DE 90 LA FECHA Canad&. Product Registration Card The Product Registration Card must be filled out completely and mailed to the Company at the address printed on the card within 10 days from What Ltd. tiene defectos uso normales Canada. the date of your Sportcraft, LIMITADA a la pggina siguiente.) P. 3 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. TOOLS REQUIRED NECESARIAS / OUTILS NECESSAIRES HERRAMIENTAS @ Phillips and Slotted Destomilladores Do Not Use Drill No use el taladro Ne pas utiliser Tournevis de perceuse Philips Head Screwdrivers (not included) Phillips y de cabeza ranurada Allen Wrenches (included) Llave hexagonales (incluida) (no incluido) ou tournevis pour vis b t6te fendue Cl6 hexagonales (incluse) (non indus) PARTS GUIDE GU[A DE PIEZAS / GUIDE DES PIECES For re lacement Para las piezas de recambio, Pour obtenir des pieces missin or defective que faltan o defectuosas, de rechange, commandez arts - 9.5 MM / ,,_...._ _ D# (No. de secuencia/ N ° d'ordre) I TABLE VERIN LEG DE LEVELER CALAGE \ Quantity (Cantidad/Quantit_) & LEG COMPONENTS = ] I online or call: t -800-526-0244 EXAMPLE CONSUMER-INSTALL PART (Pieza de ejemplo instalada por el consumidor/ Exemple de piece e installer par le consommateur) _E order ordenar a la p4gina web o pongase en contacto. en ligne ou composez te numero sans frais: EXAMPLE PRE-INSTALLED PART (Pieza de ejemplo preinstalada/ Exemple de piece preinstallee) Shading (color/Fond ombrag_) No Shaalng (NingOn color/ Fond blanc) ['''_ ,. Part Number Part Number N ° de piece) (No. de pieza/ N ° de piece) (No. de secuencia/ N ° d'ordre) I COMPONETES DE MESA YPIERNA (Cantidad/Quantit_) I COMPOSANTS DE LA TABLE ( ET DES PIED APRON (X 4) 32944HD01 (X 2) - SIDE 32944HD02 APRON-END 32944HD03 (X 2) (X 4) (Siga a la p_gina siguiente.) 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P. 4 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. REPLACEMENT PARTS: PIEZAS DE RECAMBIO / PIECES DE RECHANGE Shaded box = pre-installed part ( Caja celereada = pieza preinstalada / Bofte celor_e = piece pr_install_e) ( ii : LBB 71:127: (X2) (X2) ( ( (X2) (X2) MAIN CABINETBILLIARD (Xl) I ADDITIONAL 32944HD09 PIECES / PIEZAS ADICIONALES / PI#CES COMPLC:MENTAIRES SUPPORT BOARD PUB TABLE POLE 0 (X 1) 32944HD14 (X 1) 32944HD15 (Siga a la p_gina siguiente.) 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P. 5 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. REPLACEMENT PARTS: www, sportcraft,com PIEZAS DE RECAMBIO /PIECES DE RECHANGE Shaded box = pre-installed part (Caja coloreada TABLE = pieza preinstalada / Bofte calorie = piece pr_installee) TOP TABLE 32944HD16 32944HD17 (X 1) (X 3) LEG FRAME -A TOP STOOL 32944HD18 32944HD19 (X 2) (X 2) (: SUPPORT BOARD - STOOL Oo oo oo oo LEG LEG A- 32944HD20 STOOL 32944HD21 (X 2) (X 4) LEG FRAME - B SUPPORT BOARD RAIL 32944HD22 32944HD23 (X 2) (X 3) LEG SUPPORT BOARD LEG B STOOL 32944HD24 32944HD25 (X 4) (X 4) (Siga a la p_gina siguiente.) 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P, 6 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. REPLACEMENT PARTS: PIEZAS DE RECAMBIO /PIECES DE RECHANGE Shaded box = pre-installed part (Caja coloreada = pieza preinsta/ada / Boite color_e = piece pr_installee) SMALL PRODUCT PARTS / PEQUEI_AS PIEZAS DE PRODUCTO / PETITES PIECES DE PRODUIT (x 2) ACCESSORIES & MAINTENANCE / ACCESORIOS Y MANTENIMIENTO BRUSH TRIANGLE / ACCESSOIRES ET PIECES D'ENTRETIEN I BILLIARD BALL SET - 2.25" - 2.25" 0000 0000 0000 (X 1) 32944HD36 (X 1) CUE-2PC-57" 32944HD37 CHALK (X 1) - GREEN 32944HD38 CUE TIP J (X 2) 32944HD39 SHIM (X 2) - 1 MM (X 3) 32944HD42 SCREW (X 10) SHIM 0 0 32944HD40 (X 3) (X 2) 32944HD41 SHIM - 2 MM 32944HD43 (X 3) - 3 MM 32944HD44 CAP 32944HD45 (Siga a la p_gina siguiente.) 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P. 7 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. REPLACEMENT PARTS: PIEZAS DE RECAMBIO / PIECES DE RECHANGE Shaded [ box = pre-installed HARDWARE WASHER- (X 10) part ( Caja celereada & TOOLS / FERRETERiA / Bofte celor_e = piece pr_install_e) Y HERRAMIENTA/QUINCAILLERIE ET OUTILS BOLT - ALLEN KEY -6X51 MM-4MM 6 X12 MM 32944HD50 32944HD53 BOLT - ALLEN -6X28MM-4MM 32944HD51 (X 37) BOLT - ALLEN -6X30MM-4MM SCREW - FLAT HEAD -4X32MM (X 9) = pieza preinstalada (X 4) KEY 32944HD52 KEY 32944HD54 (X 14) WRENCH -ALLEN KEY - 5 MM WRENCH -ALLEN KEY - 4 MM @ (X 1) (,, 32944HD57 32944HD56 BRACKET BOLT - ALLEN -9.5X66MM-5MM -C (X 2) KEY WASHER - 9.5 MM Q (x 8) 32944HD59 SPRING WASHER 9.5 MM (X 4) WASHER 8MM BOLT - ALLEN -6X17MM-4MM - 32944HD62 SPRING 32944HD60 (X 4) (X 14) - (X 4) KEY 32944HD63 WASHER- 32944HD61 WASHER- (X 24) 8 MM 32944HD64 BOLT - ALLEN KEY -8X22 MM-4MM 6 MM © (X 24) 32944HD65 SPRING WASHER MM (X 59) -6 32944HD66 (X 24) 32944HD67 METAL BRACKET © (x 55) 32944HD68 (X 4) 32944HD69 (Siga a Ia p_gina siguiente.) 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P. 8 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. Strong Adults Needed: 4 No Children Ningunos ni#os en el #rea de asamblea Ningunas mascotas en el #rea de asamblea Adultes forts requis Aucun enfant dans le secteur d'assembl6e Pas d'animaux domestiques dans la zone d'assemblage l EspaS°l I ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS: We recommend together that 4 adults to assemble INSTRUCCIONES work 4 strong adults. We suggest that you use the bottom carton as a clean flat work area to protect [ Frangais J DE ENSAMBLAJE Recomendamos que 4 adultos armar esta mesa. this table. The table will be assembled upside down and then turned over onto its legs. This is a very heavy table and turning it over will require • No Pets in Assembly Area Area Adultos fuertes necesarios I English • in Assembly the table. STEP 1: INSTRUCTIONS ayuden necesaria fuertes. la participaci6n Nous recommandons a I'assemblage La mesa puede armarse de manera invertida y despues darse vuelta para que se asiente sobre las piemas. Esta mesa es pesado y para darle vuelta ser_ D'ASSEMBLAGE de confier de cette table a 4 adultes. La table dolt _tre assemblee a I'envers, puis retournee sur ses pieds. La table etant tres Iourde, fl faut 4 adultes pour la retoumer. de 4 adultos Sugerimos que utifice el fondo de la caja como _rea de trabajo limpia y plana para la protecci6n de la mesa. PASO 1: Pour eviter d'endommager la table durant I'assemblage, travaillez sur une surface propre et de niveau et utilisez le carton de la bore comme tapis protecteur. ETAPE 1: Your playfield/main table frame is NOT replaceable and the product will need to be returned to the original place of Su campo de juego/marco de mesa no es reemplazable e el producto debe ser devuelto a la tienda de set da_ada. Por La table purchase if damaged. Please make sure to check it before beginning assembly. favor asegQrese para inspeccionarlo antes de la asamblea que comienza. remplacee. Assurez-vous de I'inspecter attentivement avant de proceder I'assemblage. (Siga a la pggina siguiente.) 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P, 9 de billard dolt 6tre retournee chez le detaillant si la surface de jeu est endommagee, car celle-ci ne peut 6tre (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] STEP 2: • Attach the Side Aprons (#2) and End Aprons (#3) to the Main Cabinet (#9) using eight Brackets (#59), fourteen Bolts (#63) and fourteen Washers (#66). See Fig. 2 and 2A. = (2) ® = (8) = (14) @ © @ 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P. 10 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. [ English ] STEP 3: Attach the Leg Bracket (#69) to the Leg Support Board (#25) using two Bolts (#51), two Spring Washers (#68), and two Washers (#66) through the outer holes. NOTE: Make sure to align each Screw with the outer hole. Then insert one Bolt (#60), one Spring Washer (#62), and one Washer (#61) into the center hole as shown in Fig. 3. Repeat the same for the other legs. @ _ = (4) @ <:> :t4/ @ _ =(4) @ _ =(4) @ = (4) @ @ --t_) @ O --t_/ @ I_ --t4/ 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P. 11 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] @ --/24/ @@ = (24) @ = (24) @ STEP 4: * Attach the Leg assembly six Washers , to table assembly Repeat the same step for the other three 32944 HD using six Bolts (#67), (#64), and six Spring Washers (Continued (#65). Legs. on the next page.) P. 12 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] STEP 5: • Before flipping the table, make sure all bolts are tightened. • Using four adults, lift the table by the rails and turn over, so the table stands upright. Do not lift by pockets, legs, or aprons, as this may result in table damage. • NOTE: DO NOT lift the table by the pockets. If you move the table, do not lift it by placing your hands beneath the pockets and do not lean or put pressure on them. Do not lean or sit on the end or side rails as this may damage the table. • NOTE: If the table height is uneven, place Shims 44) under the legs to adjust. See Fig. 5. (#42, 43, and CABINET DO NOT HOLD THE LEGS HOLD TABLE 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P. 13 DO NOT LEAN THE TABLE ON ITS LEGS @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] (__ @ ® = (1) : (3) : (9) 6(_ : (9) STEP 6: * NOTE: * Attach the Table Legs (#17) to the Pole (#15) using two Bolts (#54), two Washers (#66) and two Spring Washers (#68) per Leg. Repeat the same steps for the other Legs. * Carefully * Attach the Support Bolts (#51), three (#68). 32944 HD Before assembly, place carton on the floor. turn over the Leg assembly. Board (#14) to the Leg assembly using three Washers (#66), and three Spring Washers (Continued on the next page.) P. 14 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. J English ] ® @ @ ® = (1) = (9) = (3) = (4) @ ® = (4) = (4) @ @ STEP 7: • Attach the Support Rails (#23) to the table top (#16) using three Screws (#53) per Support Rail. Repeat for the other Rails. • Carefully • Attach the Table top assembly to the Leg assembly from under side using four Bolts (#52), four Washers (#66), and four Spring Washers 32944 HD turn over the Table top assembly. (#68). (Continued on the next page.) P. 15 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] © @ // = (4) = (10) @ = (2) = (10) @ O :/10> STEP 8: • Attach the Leg Frame - A (#18) to the Leg Frame - B (#22) using one Bolt (#51), one Washer (#50), and one Spring Washer (#68). See Fig. 8. • Then attach the Legs, A and B, of the Stool (#21 and 24) to the Leg Frame assembly using four Bolts (#51), four Washers (#50), and four Spring Washers (#68). See Fig. 8A. • Repeat Stools. 32944 HD the above steps for the other (Continued Leg Frames on the next page.) and Leg P. 16 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] oo oo oo oo = (2) @ --/8>@ = (24) @ @ = (10) = (16) = (24) @ STEP 9: • Attach the Support Board - Stool (#20) to the Leg assembly using eight Bolts (#51), eight Washers (#66), and eight Spring Washers (#68). See Fig. 9. • Insert Screw Caps (#45) into the Screws. See Fig. 9. Then attach Top assembly stool to the Leg assembly from underneath using four Bolts (#54), four Washers (#66), and four Spring Washers (#68). Repeat the above steps for the other Stool. 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P. 17 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] [ Espafi°l TABLE MAINTENANCE/MANTENIMIENTO Keep your table covered. If there is dust on the playfield table and do not use the table outside. TABLE Mesa Table I I Fran9 ais I DE LA MESA/ENTRETIEN DE TABLE or the aprons, use a vacuum or use the brush provided Cubra su mesa. Si hay ei po/vo sabre e! campa de ]uego o los guamiciones, sabre la mesa y no utilice la mesa afuera. DO NOT lift the table by placing your hands under the pockets, NO levante la mesa por Sosteniendo hiE SOULEVEZ sur celles-cL . JAMAIS Sobre laS buchacas la table en plagant and do not sit, lean or put pressure y na sientese, Vos mains Saus les poches, Do not sit on the use un vacio o el cepillo proviso #ara quitarlo. No si_ntese Gardez la table €ouverte: S'il y a de la poussi&re sur la surface de jeu et les Ceintures de la table, &liminez,la faurnie. Ne vaus assayez pas Sur la table et n'utilisez pas la table _ I'exterieur. POCKETS Buchacas Poches to remove. ni incltnesel ou la brosse on the pockets. ni haga presi6n ne vaus appuyez avec un aspirateur Sobre las buchacas. pas sur les pochesl et n'exercez pas de pressian Check that all the edges fit properly into the grooves of the caps. When moving the table, lift the table off of its legs and place it down squarely on the legs, do not drag the table (and do not lift by the pockets). LEGS Piernas Pattes Aseg_Irese que las pernos de pierna son bien apretados. En maviendo la rues& levante la mesa de sus piernas directamente Sobre las piemas, no arrastre la mesa (y no levante par las buchacas)i Assurez-vous que les rebards S'embattent bien dans les rainuresl Si vous devez d_placer I"endrait vaulu. Ne la tratnez pas sur le Sol et ne la soulevez pas par les paches. Fre_ Asked uestions 1) Q: How can I tell which left or right? Prequntas table rail is the 1) A: The left and right of a table are determined by the player's starting position. See illustration below. 1 = Left Q: A: a level in three (B). A = long side of table B = short side of table courantes une fats (_L: R: El izquierdo y el derecho de una mesa son determinados por la posici6n de partida del jugador. Ver la ilustraci6n abajo. R: C'est la position du joueur au bris qui determine le c6te gauche et le c6te droit de la table (voir illustration ci-dessous). 1 = Gauche 2 = Droit 3 = Extr6mite Q: Comment P: &C6mo nivelo mi mesa? R: Placez R: Colocar un nivel en tres posiciones differents diferentes lado largo (quizas no hasta que sobre la mesa y paralela al de la mesa (A). Ajustar curios incluidos) bajo de cada piema el nivel sea burbujeado en las different Then repeat the side of the table et d_posez4a 1) Q: Comment distingue-t-on le c6te gauche et le c6te droit de la table ? 2) 2) locations on the table parallel to the long side of the table (A). Adjust shims (may not be included) under each leg until the level is bubbled in all three locations. See illustration below. same for for the short Questions 1 = Izquierdo 2 = Derecho 3 = Extremo How do I level my table? Place (_ soulevez,la P: &C6mo puedo determinar cual carrile de mesa es el izquierdo o el derecho? 2 = Right 3 = End 2) frecuentes la tablel y ColSquela abajo tres posiciones. Ver la ilustraci6n debajo. Entonces repetir el mismo s61o paralela al lado corto de la mesa (B). A = lado largo de mesa B = lado corto de mesa un sur peut-on niveler la table ? niveau a trois la table, endroits de fa£on qu'il soit parallele aux Iongues bandes de la table (A). Reglez la hauteur de chaque patte avec des cales, jusqu'a ce que la bulle du niveau soit bien centree, et ce, pour les trois positions du niveau (voir illustration ci-dessous). Rep6tez ensuite en pla_ant le niveau parallele aux bandes courtes de la table (B). A = long c6te de table B = c6te court de table 2 A I ii E_ 3 A ,, I A 2 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) H 3 I 1 (Siga a la pggina siguiente.) P. 1 8 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] BILLIARD RULES - 8 BALL 8 Ball is a simple game enjoyed by players of all skill levels. It is a Called Shot Game, meaning that players must announce their intended shot in advance in order for it to count. In 8 Ball, one player shoots at solid balls (numbers 1 though 7), while the opponent shoots at striped balls (numbers 9 through 15). The player who pockets his or her ball group first and then sinks the 8 ball is the winner. THE BREAK: The balls are racked as shown in the illustration. A flip of a coin determines which player gets to break. In subsequent games, the loser of the previous game gets to break. The cue ball must be placed behind the head string and the shooter must either: (a) pocket a ball, or (b) drive four balls to the rails. If the shooter fails to make a legal break, the opponent has the option of accepting the balls in this position or re-racking the balls and shooting the opening break again. If any table. of the solids balls are pocketed on the break: the shooter stays on the However the table is still Open which means that the choice stripes or solids is not yet determined. The choice of stripes or is determined by the first called shot made after the break. If the 8 ball is pocketed on the break: the shooter stays on the table with the option of spotting the 8 ball and continuing play, or re-racking the balls and breaking again. If the shooter scratches on the break: if the cue ball is pocketed on the break: (a) all balls pocketed remain pocketed, except the 8 ball which is spotted, (b) the table is open, (c) the opposing player has the cue ball in hand and may place it anywhere behind the head string and shoot at any ball that is not behind the head string. PLAYING THE GAME: After the break, regardless of whether any balls were pocketed on the break, the table is Open, with the choice of stripes or solids determined by the next legally pocketed ball. In the course of play, a shooter must callch shot in advance, by indicating the ball to be made and the pocket into which it will be made. banks, It is not necessary to indicate details such as cushions, caroms, etc. Failure to make the shot as called results in a loss of turn. If the shot is made as called, then any other balls pocketed remain pocketed. However, if the called shot is not made and any other balls are pocketed, then the shooter's ball(s) that were pocketed would be spotted and any of the opponent's balls would remain pocketed. In order to execute a Legal Shot, the first ball hit must be one of the balls in the shooter's group (stripes or solids) and the object ball must be pocketed or the cue ball or any object ball must come into contact with a rail. (Note: It is legal for the shooter to bank the cue ball off a rail before hitting the object ball.) A player who legally pockets a ball committing a Foul. Once a player's pocketed, the player may play the clearly indicate the intended pocket, player who legally pockets all of his winner. continues play until missing or ball group (stripes or solids) is 8 ball. Again, the player must even if it appears obvious. A ball group and the 8 ball is the FOU LS: 1. Failure to execute a legal shot as defined above. 2. A scratch shot (shooting the cue ball into a pocket or off the table). 3. Moving or touching any ball by means other than legal play. 4. Shooting 32944 HD an intentional jump shot over another (Continued ball by scooping on the next page.) P. 19 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] the cue stick under the cue ball. A jump shot executed by striking the cue ball above center is legal. Using the 8 ball first in a combination shot when the table is not 5. open. FOUL PENALTY: Opposing player gets "cue ball in hand." This means that the player can place the cue ball anywhere on the table (does not have to be behind the head string except on the opening break). SPOTTING BALLS: Whenever an object is to be spotted, the object ball is spotted long string as close to the foot spot as possible. on the LOSS OF GAME: A player committing any of following infractions loses 1. 2. the the HEAD OF TABLE game: Fouls when pocketing the 8 ball. Pockets the 8 ball on the same stroke as the last of his group of balls. 3. Scratches 4. his legal object ball. Jumps the 8 ball offthe any time. 5. 6. when the 8 ball is HEAD STRING table at Pockets the 8 ball in a pocket other than the one designated. Pockets the 8 ball when it is not the legal object ball (except the break). BILLIARD OBJECT RULES CENTER STRING on - 9 BALL OF THE GAME: FOOT STRING Nine-Ball is a popular game enjoyed by players of all skill levels. In 9 Ball, the shooter must make contact with the lowest numbered ball first. The player who sinks the 9 ball is the winner. 9 - BALL THE BREAK: Balls numbered 1 through 9 are racked in a "diamond" shape with the 1 Ball at the top of the diamond and on the foot spot and the 9 Ball in the center. See the illistration. The cue ball must be FOOT OF TABLE placed behind the head string and the shooter must make contact with the 1 Ball first and either: (a) pockets a ball, or (b) drives four balls to the rails. If the shooter fails to make a legal break, the opponent has the option of accepting the balls in this position or re-racking the balls and shooting the opening break again. If the cue ball is scratched on the break, the incoming player may not play a "Push Out" (see PUSH OUT), but places the "cue ball in hand" anywhere on the table. PLAYING THE GAME: After the break, the next shot may be played as a "Push Out", or, if the breaker pockets one or more balls, he continues to shoot until he misses, fouls, or wins the game. Once a player misses or fouls, the 32944 HD (Continued on the next page.) P. 20 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] opponent begins to shoot until missing, committing a foul, or winning. The game ends when the 9 Ball is pocketed on a legal shot. PUSH OUT: The player shooting immediately following a legal break may play a Push Out in an attempt to move the cue ball into a better position. In a Push Out, a ball does not have to make contact with any ball or rail and is not considered a foul unless other foul rules apply. The player must announce the intention of playing a Push Out before the shot, or it is considered normal play. Any ball pocketed on a Push Out does not count and remains pocketed (except the 9 Ball). Following a Push Out, the incoming player: a) must shoot from that position or b) may pass the shot back to the other player. FOU LS: 1. Failure to execute a legal shot as defined above. 2. Failure to make first contact with the lowest numbered the table. ball on 3. A scratch shot (shooting the cue ball into a pocket or off the table). 4. Moving or touching any ball by means other than legal play. 5. When the object ball is not pocketed, failure to drive the any ball to a rail after the cue ball has made contact with the object ball. 6. Shooting an intentional jump shot over another ball by scooping the cue stick under the cue ball. A jump shot executed by striking the cue ball above center is legal. 7. Driving any ball offof the table. The object balls are not re-spotted (except the 9 Ball). FOUL PENALTY: Opposing player gets "cue ball in hand." This means that the player can place the cue ball anywhere on the table. Balls pocketed on the foul are NOT re-spotted (except the 9 Ball). Any player that commits a foul three consecutive times on three successive shots without making 32944 HD a legal shot in between loses the game. (Continued on the next page.) P. 21 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. 5POR TL-_Ir'RAF Budd T Lake, NJ 07828 Printed in China / lmpreso en China / lmprime en Chine
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