Srs Labs Sr560 Users Manual
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1290-D Reamwood Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089 U.S.A.
(408) 744-9040
Copyright © 1989, 1990, 1997, 1999
Stanford Research Systems
All Rights Reserved.
Revision 2.8
Introduction and Setup
Instrument Overview 1
Preparation for Use 2
Line Voltage 2
Line Fuse 2
Line Cord 2
Ventilation 2
Power-Up 2
Repackaging for Shipment 3
Use in Biomedical Applications 3
Warning Regarding Use with Photomultipliers 3
Accessories Furnished 3
Environmental Conditions 3
Symbols 4
SR560 Low Noise Preamplifier Specifications Chart 5
Operation and Controls
Front Panel Operating Summary 7
Power 7
Source 7
Filters 8
Gain Mode 9
Gain 9
Output 9
Reset 9
Status 9
Rear Panel Operating Summary 10
AC Power Input 10
Amplifier Power Output 10
Battery Charger 10
Blanking Input 11
RS-232 Interface 11
Battery Care and Usage 11
Recharging 11
Battery Care 11
Circuit Description
Differential Low-Noise Front End 13
Configurable Filters and Gain 13
Output Stages 13
Overload Detection 14
Microprocessor 14
Battery Charger and Pre-regulators 14
Power Regulators 15
Rear Panel Interfaces 15
Batteries and P.E.M. 16
Front Panel 16
Calibration and Repair
Offset Adjustment 17
Calibration 17
Front End Replacement 17
SR560 Offset Adjustment Procedure 18
Battery Replacement 18
Fuse Replacement 18
Noise Contours 19
Input Voltage Noise 20
Dynamic Reserve 20
Appendix A
Remote Programming A-1
Introduction A-1
Commands A-1
Appendix B
Noise Sources and Cures B-1
Intrinsic Noise Sources B-1
Johnson Noise B-1
'1/f' Noise B-1
Others B-1
Non-Essential Noise Sources B-1
Capacitive Coupling B-2
Inductive Coupling B-2
Resistive Coupling ('Ground Loops') B-3
Microphonics B-3
Thermocouple Effect B-3
SR560 - Component List
Front Panel Board C-1
Main Board C-2
Miscellaneous Parts C-13
PCB - SR560 Revision F (9/89) D-1
Schematics E-1 to E-10

Figure 1: SR560 Block Diagram
The SR560 architecture is diagrammed
above. The instrument provides DC-
coupled low-noise amplification of single-
ended and true differential input signals at
gains of 1 to 50,000. Two configurable R-C
filters are provided to selectively condition
signals in the frequency range from DC to 1
MHz. The user can choose high dynamic
reserve or low noise settings, and can invert
the output relative to the input. The SR560
normally operates with a fully floating
ground and can be viewed as an "in-line-
BNC amplifier" with the amplifier ground
isolated from the chassis and the AC power
supply. Opto-isolated input blanking control
and listen-only RS-232 interface lines are
provided for instrument control. Digital
noise is eliminated by shutting down the
microprocessor's oscillator except during
the short time required to alter the
instrument's configuration, either through a
front-panel pushbutton or through an RS-
232 command. Internal sealed lead-acid
batteries provide 15 hours of line-

independent operation. Rear panel banana
jacks provide access to the internal
regulated power supplies (or batteries) for
use as a bias source.
This instrument may be damaged if
operated with the LINE VOLTAGE
SELECTOR card set for the wrong applied
AC input source voltage or if the wrong fuse
is installed.
Line Voltage
When the AC power cord is connected to
the unit and plugged into an AC outlet, the
unit automatically switches the amplifier
power source from internal battery operation
to line operation. The internal batteries are
charged as long as AC power is connected.
The SR560 can operate from a 100 V, 120
V, 220 V or 240 V nominal AC power source
having a line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz.
Before connecting the power cord to a
power source, verify that the LINE
VOLTAGE SELECTOR card, located in the
rear-panel fuse holder of the unit, is set so
that the correct AC input voltage value is
Conversion from one AC input voltage to
another requires a change in the fuse
position and a new fuse. Disconnect the
power cord, slide the fuse holder cover to
the left and rotate the fuse-pull lever to
remove the fuse. Remove the small printed
circuit board. Select the operating voltage
by orienting the printed circuit board. Press
the circuit board firmly into its slot, so the
desired voltage is visible. Rotate the fuse-
pull lever back into its normal position and
insert the correct fuse into the fuse holder.
Line Fuse
Verify that the correct line fuse is installed
before connecting the line cord to the unit.
For 100 V and 120 V, use a 1 Amp fuse and
for 220 V and 240 V, use a 1/2 Amp fuse.
Line Cord
The SR560 has a detachable, three-wire
power cord with a three-contact plug for
connection to both the power source and
protective ground. The protective ground
connects to the accessible metal parts of
the instrument except for BNC shields.
To prevent electrical shock, always
use a power source outlet that has a
properly grounded protective-ground
Always ensure adequate ventilation when
operating the SR560. The unit will generate
heat while charging dead batteries.
All instrument settings are stored in
nonvolatile memory (RAM backed-up) and
are retained when the power is turned off.
They are not affected by the removal of the
line cord. If the power-on self test passes,
the unit will return to the settings in effect
when the power was last turned off. If an
error is detected or if the backup battery is
exhausted, the default settings will be used.
Additionally, if the RESET key is held down
when the power is turned on, the instrument
settings will be set to the defaults shown
Parameter Setting
SOURCE Channel A
ROLLOFF bypassed
HIGH-PASS 0.03 Hz, +6 dB/oct
LOW-PASS 1 MHz, -6 dB/oct
GAIN MODE High Dynamic
GAIN 20, calibrated
Repackaging for Shipment
The original packing materials should be
saved for reshipment of the SR560. If the
original packing materials are not available,
wrap the instrument in polyethylene
sheeting or equivalent and place in a strong
box, cushioning it on all sides by at least
three inches of high-density foam or other
filler material.
Use in Biomedical Applications
Under certain conditions, the SR560 may
prove to be unsafe for applications involving
human subjects. Incorrect grounding,
component failure, and excessive common-
mode input voltages are examples of
conditions in which the instrument may
expose the subject to large input currents.
Therefore, Stanford Research Systems
does not recommend the SR560 for such
Warning Regarding Use with
The front-end amplifier of this instrument is
easily damaged if a photomultiplier is used
improperly with the amplifier. When left
completely unterminated, a cable connected
to a PMT can charge to several hundred
volts in a relatively short time. If this cable
is connected to the inputs of the SR560, the
stored charge may damage the front-end
FETs. To avoid this problem, provide a
leakage path of about 100 kΩ to ground
inside the base of the PMT to prevent
charge accumulation.
Accessories Furnished
- Power cable
- Operating Manual
Environmental Conditions
Temperature: 10°C to 40°C
Relative Humidity: <90% Non-condensing
Temperature: -25°C to +65°C
Relative Humidity: <95% Non-condensing
Warning regarding battery
Batteries used in this instrument are seal
lead acid batteries. With usage and time
these batteries can leak. Always use and
store this instrument in the feet-down
position. To prevent possible damage to the
circuitboard, it is recommended that the
batteries be periodically inspected for any
signs of leakage.


Inputs Single-ended or true differential
Impedance 100 MΩ + 25 pF, DC-coupled
Maximum Inputs 1 VDC before overload; 3 V peak to peak max AC coupled;
protected to 100 VDC
Maximum Output 10 Vpp
Noise <4 nV/√Hz at 1 kHz
CMRR >90 dB to 1 kHz, decreasing by 6 dB / octave (20 dB / decade)
above 1 kHz
Frequency Response
1 to 50,000 in 1-2-5 sequence
vernier gain in 0.5% steps
Gains up to 1000, small signal
±0.5 dB to 1 MHz
±0.3 dB to 300 kHz
-3 dB at 1 MHz, 1 Vpp output
Gain Stability 200 ppm /°C
DC Drift 5 µV/°C referred to input (DC coupled)
Filters 0.03 Hz to 1 MHz, 10% typical accuracy
Distortion 0.01% typical
Power 100, 120, 220, 240 VAC (50/60 Hz), 60 Watts Max
Internal Batteries: 3 x 12 V, 1.9 Ah sealed
lead-acid (rechargeable)
±12 VDC in / out through rear panel banana jacks.
Battery Life 15 hours nominal
250-1000 charge / discharge cycles
Charge Time 4 hours to 80% of capacity
Mechanical 1/2 Rack-Mount width, 3 1/2" height, weight 15 lbs.
Dimensions 14-7/8" x 8-1/8" x 3-1/2"
Warranty 1 year parts and labor on materials and workmanship

Figure 2: SR560 Front Panel
The operation of the SR560 Low-Noise
Preamplifier has been designed to be as
simple as possible. The effect of each
keypress on the front panel is reflected in
the change of a nearby LED. The front
panel LED’s will remain lighted at all times
unless dip switch SW601 (accessible
through the bottom cover of the unit)
positions 3 and 4 are placed in the "off"
position. All front panel functions can be
controlled through the rear-panel RS-232
The SR560 is turned on by depressing the
POWER switch. When disconnected from
AC power, the unit will operate for
approximately 15 hours on internal sealed
lead-acid batteries. Up to 200 mA of
unregulated battery power is available at the
rear panel banana jacks as long as the
power switch is in the ON position. Battery
life will be reduced when the unit is
providing external power through the rear
panel jacks. When operating on batteries,
the front panel "BATT" indicator will be
lighted. As the batteries near exhaustion,
this indicator will change from green to red,
indicating that the unit should be connected
to AC power to charge the batteries.
When connected to an AC power source,
amplifier power is derived from regulated
line power, and the internal batteries are
automatically charged. When operating on
AC power, the front panel "LINE" indicator is
on to indicate the source of amplifier power.
Charging status is indicated on the rear
panel by the "CHARGE" and "MAINTAIN"
LED indicators.
There are two input connectors located in
the SOURCE section of the front panel.
The pushbutton located between them
selects either single-ended (A or B) or
differential (A-B) inputs.
The A and B inputs are voltage inputs with
100 MΩ, 25 pF input impedance. Their
connector shields are completely isolated
from chassis ground, but can be made

common with chassis ground by connecting
GROUND" banana jacks on the rear panel
of the SR560. When connected to AC
power, the chassis of the unit is always
connected to the grounding conductor of the
AC power cord. The inputs are protected to
100 VDC but the DC input should never
exceed 10 Vp. The maximum DC input
before overload is 1 V peak.
The COUPLING pushbutton selects the
method of connecting the A and B inputs to
the amplifier. The inputs can be AC (0.03
Hz - 3 dB) or DC-coupled, or the inputs to
the amplifier can be internally grounded with
the A and B input BNC’s left floating. This
feature makes for simple offset nulling,
particularly useful when operating the
amplifier DC-coupled at high gains. Please
OFFSET ADJUSTMENT for information on
the offset nulling procedure.
NOTE: When the coupling is set to AC, a
0.03 Hz cutoff high-pass filter is always
engaged. All high-pass filter modes can still
be selected while AC-coupled, but the 0.03
Hz filter will always be in, even if the filters
are set to DC. Because one of the two filter
sections is always used as a high pass
when AC coupling is selected, low-pass
filters are only available with a 6 dB / octave
The INVERT pushbutton allows the user to
invert the output of the instrument with
respect to the input when operating with
single-ended or differential inputs. The
INVERT LED displays the output sense
relative to the input for all SOURCE
The SR560 contains two identical 1st-order
R-C filters whose cutoff frequencies and
topology (high-pass or low-pass) are
controlled from the front panel. The
maximum bandwidth of the instrument is 1
MHz. The filters in the FILTER CUTOFFS
section can be configured in the following
six ways:
i. high-pass filter at +12 dB / octave
ii. high-pass filter at +6 dB / octave
iii. high-pass filter at +6 dB / octave,
and low-pass filter at -6 dB /
octave (band-pass)
iv. low-pass filter at -6 dB / octave
v. low-pass filter at -12 dB / octave
vi. no filters in the signal path
The filter settings are controlled by the
pushbuttons. Each time the ROLLOFF
pushbutton is pressed the instrument
configures the two R-C filters to conform to
the progression shown above. The four
ROLLOFF LED’s give a visual indication of
the current filter configuration. For the
HIGH-PASS filter the left pushbutton serves
to decrease its cutoff frequency. The two
pushbuttons for the LOW-PASS filter
function in an analogous manner.
When the FILTER CUTOFFS section is
configured solely as high-pass or low-pass
(i, ii, iv and v ), the cutoff frequency is
illuminated by one of sixteen LED’s in the
range from 0.03 Hz to 1 MHz, and the slope
of the rolloff is shown by one of the four
ROLLOFF LED’s. When the filter section is
configured as band-pass (iii), the cutoff
frequencies are illuminated by two LED’s.
The frequency setting on the left marks the
cutoff for the high-pass filter, and the setting
on the right is the cutoff for the low-pass
filter. The two 6 dB / oct ROLLOFF LED’s
are also illuminated. In this case the two
cutoffs can be set to the same frequency to
provide a narrow bandpass. When both
filters are removed from the signal path (vi)
all rolloff and cutoff frequency LED’s are
extinguished from the FILTER CUTOFFS
section and the DC LED is on.
NOTE: High pass filters are not available
for the four highest frequency settings. See
the note under Source: Coupling for
information on using filters with the amplifier
in AC coupled mode.
Gain Mode
The allocation of gain throughout the
instrument is set using the GAIN MODE
pushbutton The Gain Mode is displayed by
two indicator LED’s: HIGH DYNAMIC
RESERVE and LOW NOISE. For a given
gain setting, a HIGH DYNAMIC RESERVE
allocates the SR560's gain toward the
output stages after the filters. This prevents
signals, which are attenuated by the filters
from overloading the amplifier. The LOW
NOISE setting allocates gain toward the
front-end in order to quickly "lift" low-level
(nV range) signals above the instrument's
noise floor.
The instrument's gain is increased or
decreased using the GAIN pushbuttons.
Gain settings from 1 to 50,000 are available
and are displayed as the product of a factor
1, 2 or 5 and a multiplier (none (i.e. 1), 10,
100, 1,000 or 10,000). In addition to these
fifteen fixed gain settings, the user may
specify arbitrary gains through the UNCAL
feature. To set an uncalibrated or arbitrary
gain the user must press both Gain buttons
simultaneously, lighting the UNCAL LED. In
this mode by pressing the Gain Up or Gain
Down pushbuttons, the user may reduce the
calibrated gain in roughly 1% increments
from 100% down to 0% of the selected gain.
In contrast to other front-panel functions,
when in UNCAL the instrument's key-repeat
rate will start slowly and increase to a limit
as long as either Gain button is depressed.
Simultaneously pressing both Gain buttons
once again will restore the unit to the
previously calibrated gain setting, and turn
off the UNCAL LED.
The outputs of the instrument are located
within the OUTPUT section of the front
panel. Two insulated BNCs are provided: a
600Ω output and a 50Ω output. The
amplifier normally drives high impedance
loads and the instrument's gain is calibrated
for high impedance loads. When driving a
600Ω load via the 600Ω output (or a
50Ω load via the 50Ω output) the gain of the
amplifier is reduced by two. The shields of
all the front-panel BNC’s are connected
together and form the amplifier's floating
The OVLD LED indicates a signal overload.
This condition can occur when a signal is
too large or the dynamic reserve is too low.
Reducing the gain, reducing the input signal
and/or switching to the HIGH DYNAMIC
RESERVE setting should remedy this
condition. If an overload occurs with filter
settings of long time constants, the RESET
pushbutton will speed the SR560's recovery
from overload.
The ACT LED indicates communications
activity over the SR560's optoisolated RS-
232 port. Please refer to Appendix A:
Remote Programming for further details on
programming the instrument via RS-232.
The BLANK LED indicates the optoisolated
BLANKING input (on the rear panel of the
SR560) is active. The SR560 responds to a
blanking input by internally grounding the
amplifier signal path after the front end and
before the first filter stage.

Figure 3: SR560 Rear Panel
The SR560 rear panel is pictured in Figure
3. Various interface and power connectors
are provided, along with fuses and charger
status LEDs.
AC Power Input
The power entry module contains the
receptacle for the AC line cord and fuse.
The line fuse should be a 1 A slow-blow for
100/120 VAC operation, or a 1/2 A slow-
blow for 220/240 VAC operation.
Amplifier Power Output
The -12 V, +12 V, and AMP GROUND
banana jacks provide external DC power up
to 200 mA for use as a bias source
referenced to the amplifier's floating power
The CHASSIS GROUND banana jack is
provided to allow the amplifier's ground to
be referenced to the chassis. If the unit is
connected to an AC power source via a
three prong grounding plug, the chassis
ground is connected to the AC line ground
Battery Charger
The two 3 A slow-blow fuses protect the
battery supply and charging circuitry. If
these fuses are blown, battery power will be
unavailable, and charging of the batteries
will not be possible.
When both the positive and negative supply
batteries are dead, the red "CHARGE" LED
will be on brightly, and the batteries will be
charging at a fast rate. When the batteries
approach a fully charged condition, the
charging current will be reduced to complete
the charge and maintain the batteries.
Because the batteries charge at different
rates, the indicators on the rear panel can
reflect the charge status of the positive and
negative batteries independently. When
one set of batteries switches to the
"MAINTAIN" mode, the red "CHARGE" LED
will be reduced to half brightness, and the
yellow "MAINTAIN" LED will turn on at half
brightness. When both batteries switch to
"MAINTAIN", the red "CHARGE" LED will

turn off and the yellow "MAINTAIN" LED will
be on full brightness.
Blanking Input
The blanking input accepts a TTL-level
signal and grounds the amplifier signal path
after the front end for as long as the input is
held high. The response time of the
blanking input is typically "on" 5 µs after the
rising edge and "off" 10 µs after the falling
RS-232 Interface
The RS-232 interface connector allows
listen-only communication with the SR560
at 9600 baud, DCE. Communication
parameters should be set to 8 bits, no
parity, 2 stop bits. Data sent must be
delimited by <CR> <LF>. All front panel
functions excluding power and blanking, are
available over the RS-232 interface. For
more information on programming and
commands, see Appendix A: Remote
The SR560 can be powered from either an
AC power source or from three 12 V, 1.9
Amp-hour maintenance-free sealed lead-
acid rechargeable batteries. Integral to the
SR560 is an automatic battery charger,
along with battery protection and charge
indication circuitry.
During battery operation, the front panel
BATT LED will change from green to red to
indicate that the batteries are low and
require charging. For the longest battery
life, the batteries should be immediately
charged by plugging the unit into AC power
whenever the BATT indicator lights red.
Internal protection circuitry will disconnect
the batteries from the amplifier if the unit is
operated for too long in the low battery
condition. This protects the batteries from
permanent damage, which could occur if
they were to remain connected to a load
while dead.
The internal battery charging circuitry of the
SR560 will automatically charge dead
batteries at a quick rate until they are
approximately 80% charged. The charge
rate is then lowered to a level that is safe for
maintaining the batteries. During AC
operation, the batteries will be in this
"maintain" charge condition indefinitely, and
will suffer no degradation from prolonged
charging. The sealed lead-acid batteries
used in the SR560 differ in this respect from
nickel-cadmium batteries, which do suffer
shortened lifetimes due to overcharging.
The sealed lead-acid batteries will provide
the longest service life if they are not
allowed to discharge too deeply and if they
are charged immediately after use.
Battery Care
WARNING: As with all rechargeable
batteries, for safety reasons the chemical
recombination processes within the cells
require that the batteries be allowed to vent
non-corrosive gases to the atmosphere.
Always use the batteries in an area with
adequate ventilation.
As with all instruments powered by
rechargeable batteries, the user must take
some precautions to ensure long battery
life. Understanding and following the
precautions outlined below will result in a
long operating life for the batteries in the
The SR560's internal lead-acid batteries will
have a variable service life directly affected
should follow these simple guidelines below
to ensure longest battery life.

Recharge the batteries after each use. The
two-step fast-charge / trickle-charge
operation of the SR560 allows the charger
to be left on indefinitely. ALWAYS recharge
the batteries immediately after the BATT
indicator LED on the SR560 turns red.
Built-in protection circuitry in the unit
removes the batteries from the load once a
dead-battery condition is detected.
Avoiding deep discharge will provide the
longest battery life - upwards of 1,000
charge / discharge cycles.
When using battery power, operate the
SR560 at or near room temperature.
Operating at lower temperatures will reduce
the capacity of the batteries. As well, more
time will be required to recharge the
batteries to their rated capacity. Higher
temperatures accelerate the rate of
reactions within the cell, reducing cell life.
When not in use, the SR560 should be
stored in a cool, dry place with the batteries
fully charged. This reduces the self-
discharge of the batteries and ensures that
the unit will be ready for use when called
upon. A SR560 in storage should be
"topped off" every three months with an
overnight charge to maintain its batteries in
peak condition.
Warning regarding battery maintenance
Batteries used in this instrument are seal
lead acid batteries. With usage and time
these batteries can leak. Always use and
store this instrument in the feet-down
position. To prevent possible damage to the
circuitboard, it is recommended that the
batteries be periodically inspected for any
signs of leakage.
Two high-impedance inputs A and B allow
the instrument to operate in either single-
ended or true differential modes. Relays
K103 and K104 allow the inputs A and B to
be individually grounded, while K101 selects
AC or DC coupling. Inversion of the inputs
is provided by relay K105. The input
capacitances and R101 and R102 establish
the front end's input impedance at 25 pF
and 100 MΩ.
U106 is an NPD5564 low-noise matched
FET pair, which, along with U102 and U103
form the first differential amplifier stage.
U102 compares the currents in the drain
loads of U106, and U103 maintains the sum
of those currents at a fixed level by varying
the total current in both FETs. C109
provides open-loop compensation for U102,
and front-end gain is nominally established
by the sum of R118 and R112 over the sum
of R114 and R128. K102 is a gain switching
relay which selects a front end gain of 2 or
10. In the gain of 2 position, gain to the
next stage becomes 1 when R116 divides
with the input attenuator to the next stage.
For a gain of 10, relay K102 shorts the top
of R115 and R128 together, essentially
eliminating them from the gain loop. P103
allows adjustment of front-end offset, and
P104 allows for offset compensation when
in the low gain configuration. P102 allows
adjustment of the front-end common-mode
rejection ratio, along with P101, which
adjusts the CMRR in the low gain
In the second gain stage, U105 is
configured with a fixed gain of 10. By
switching the input attenuation of this stage
with DG444 U101, the overall gain of this
stage can be computer selected as 2, 5, or
10. C111 provides high frequency
compensation for U105. The output of this
stage passes through all three sections of
U104, a CMOS multiplexer that serves as
the blanking control. The three parallel
switches provide a low "on" resistance to
select either the output of the second stage
amplifier or ground as the input to the next
stage, the first filter section.
The two filter stages in the SR560 each
consist of 16 R-C filters which can be
configured as either high pass or low pass
by a relay. In the following description, part
references in parentheses refer to filter two.
Relay K201, (K301) selects either the high-
pass or low-pass configuration for all of the
sixteen filters. The output of one R-C
section is selected by multiplexer U202 or
U203, (U301 or U302) and passed on to
non-inverting buffer U202, (U303).
Approximately 80 pF input capacitance of
the multiplexers is included in the
calculation of the R-C time constants of the
filters. The four highest frequency stages
are not available as high-pass filters
because of unacceptable attenuation of the
signal that occurs when the filter
capacitance forms a divider with the input
capacitance of the multiplexers.
DG444 U205D, (U401A) is used to bypass
the filter sections entirely and U101D,
(U304D) is used to "reset" the filter stages
by discharging them through R228, (R329).
U201, (U305) is the third, (fourth) gain stage
with a fixed gain of 5. The input attenuator
U205, (U304) allows setting the gain of
these stages to 1, 2, or 5 under computer
The fifth gain stage consists of op-amp
U402 which is configured as a non-inverting
amplifier with a gain of 5. U401 is a DG444
that again serves to switch the input
attenuation of this stage for overall gains of
1, 2, or 5. Additionally, output offset
adjustment is provided by this stage.
U405B, half of an AD7528 dual 8-bit DAC is
used to provide a ±5 volt offset voltage at
the non-inverting input of U402. The front
panel offset control also sums at this
junction, and provides an offset voltage of
±5 V that is buffered by U407D.
Following amplifier U402 is the other half of
the 8-bit DAC U405A, which along with op-
amp U404 forms a digital gain vernier. This
vernier is used in calibration to compensate
for gain variances that occur with
configuration changes such as input
coupling and filter settings. This DAC also
provides the front panel "uncal" gain vernier
The sixth and final gain stage consists of
U403 and output buffer U406, configured for
a gain of 5 and with input attenuator U409
to select overall gains of 1, 2, or 5. The
LM6321, (U406) provides the output drive
capability for both the 600Ω and 50Ω
The overload detector constantly monitors
the front-end output, filter 1 output, U402
(after the second filter) output, and final
stage output for excessive signal levels.
Comparator U408 compares both positive
and negative signal excursions against a 5
volt reference and lights the front panel
overload indicator if any levels are
The system processor U503 is a CMOS Z80
processor running at 4 MHz. The system
clock consists of Schmitt trigger U506A and
an R-C network. The oscillator is designed
so that latch U508A can shut down the
clock oscillator completely, thereby
disabling all digital circuits in the amplifier so
that no digital noise will be present. The
processor and clock only run when a front
panel key is pressed and instrument
settings are to be changed, or while there is
activity on the RS-232 port.
The SR560 uses a 16 K x 8 CMOS
EPROM, (U504) containing system
firmware and calibration bytes, along with a
2 K x 8 CMOS RAM, (U505) which is
battery backed-up at all times to retain
instrument settings.
U507 generates port strobes for system IO,
and U510 provides a buffered data bus.
The buffered data bus is active only during
IO instructions to keep digital noise in the
amplifier to a minimum while the processor
is running.
U601 through U606 are control latches
providing the 48 DC control lines that
configure all of the instrument's hardware.
U607 is an input buffer and takes data from
the front panel and RS-232, as well as
providing a processor input indicating line
operation and address from SW601 for
ganged RS-232 operation. SW601
additionally controls power to the front panel
LED’s through positions 3 and 4.
The 17 volt AC line transformer provides
unregulated power for both amplifier
operation and battery charging. Diode
bridge D706 and filter capacitors C706 and
C707 generate unregulated DC that is pre-
regulated to ±12 VDC by U706 and U707 to
take the place of the batteries when the
instrument is operating on AC line power.
Relay U705 switches the amplifier from
battery to pre-regulated AC whenever the
AC line cord is plugged in.
Diode bridge D710 and C709 and C710
provide unregulated DC to charge the
batteries. U701 and U702 operates as "AC"
regulators, limiting peak battery charging
voltage. As there are two positive batteries
and one negative battery, U701 is a LM350
regulator that provides twice the current of
the LM317 negative battery regulator.
Charging is controlled by changing the set
voltage of the regulators based on battery
charge status. Flip-flop U703 determines
whether the charge regulators will be set to
15.5 volts for a quick charge or 13.8 volts
for a trickle or "maintain" charge by
grounding the bottom of P701 and P702.
C712 and R704 insure that the charger
always powers up in the "quick" charge
mode. P701 and P702 are provided to
adjust the open circuit trickle charge voltage
to 13.8 volts. D701 and D703 are blocking
diodes for the charging circuits while not
charging, and D707 and D708 are clamps to
guard against battery polarity reversal.
Comparators U708 and U709 are LP365
micropower comparators that monitor the
battery voltage. A resistive divider chain
sets the four trip points for each comparator.
D709 provides a stable 2.5 volt reference
against which levels are compared. For
each battery, three level indications are
provided, and are decoded by multiplexer
U704. The "trip" level is 14.5 volts. The trip
outputs control the state of U703 and switch
the battery charge voltage settings. The
"low" level is 11.3 volts and activates the
front panel low battery indicator. R730
provides some level hysteresis for the low
battery indication to prevent oscillation
around the trip point. The "dead" level is
10.7 volts and is used to disconnect the
load from the batteries before they are
damaged by an excessively deep
discharge. Q701 and Q703 are power
MOSFET switches used to disconnect
battery power from the amplifier. Dead level
hysteresis is provided by R724. R731 and
D711 provide un-interrupted battery power
to the system RAM so that stored
instrument settings are retained when the
power is switched off.
The +5 V and +10 V supplies are produced
with three-terminal regulators U801 and
U802, respectively. The -10 V supply is
constructed of op-amp U803 and Q801, a
N-channel MOSFET as the pass element.
The +10 V supply serves as the reference
for the -10 V supply through divider R807
and R806.
The power output banana jacks on the rear
panel (J801 and J803) are connected to the
pre-regulated voltages after the power
switch and before the regulators. This
output can provide up to 200 mA of power
for use as an external bias source, etc.
Under some conditions, these jacks may be
used to supply the unit with external DC
U506D and U506B generate the TTL level
input to the processor to indicate when the
unit is operating on the AC line.
Capacitors C801 through C821 are logic
supply bypass capacitors distributed
throughout the printed circuit board.
Two optically isolated rear panel interfaces
are provided on the SR560. The blanking
input accepts a TTL-level signal and
grounds the amplifier signal path after the
front end for as long as the input is held
high. The response time of the blanking
input is typically "on" 5 µs after the rising
edge and "off" 10 µs after the falling edge.
The RS-232 interface allows calibration and
control of the instrument at 9600 baud.
Data in and out on the connector are tied
together, echoing data back to the sender.
Hardware handshaking lines CTS, DSR,
and CD are tied to DTR. Refer to
Appendix A-1 for information on remote
programming of the SR560.
The batteries used in the SR560 are of
sealed lead-acid construction. There are
three 12 V, 1.9 amp-hour batteries, two of
which serve as the positive power supply,
and one of which serves as the negative
power supply. Powering the SR560 alone,
battery life should be greater than 20 hours.
The batteries should last for more than 1000
charge / discharge cycles, provided the
guidelines under the Usage section are
followed. Two 3A, fast blow fuses on the
rear panel protect the battery supplies and
amplifier against excessive currents.
The power entry module (P.E.M.) contains
the AC line fuse, RFI filter, and voltage
selection card. To change the operating
voltage of the unit, the voltage selector
printed circuit card must be pulled out and
reinserted into the P.E.M. with the desired
operating voltage visible.
The front panel contains the keypad
pushbuttons, LED indicators and serial shift
registers. The front panel pushbuttons are
decoded in a 3 x 4 matrix fashion. The front
panel LEDs are controlled by shift registers
U1 through U5, which allow the 5 eight-bit
control bytes to be serially shifted-in one bit
at a time. The red overload LED is
controlled directly from the output of the
overload comparator.
The battery LED is a dual-color LED that is
green when the unit is operating on battery
power, and turns red when the low_batt
signal is asserted.
The front panel output offset pot P1 is also
mounted on the front panel printed circuit

The SR560's front-panel offset adjustment
provides an easy way for the user to null the
amplifier's DC offset. Use the COUPLING
pushbutton to light the GND LED. Now,
regardless of the SOURCE setting, the input
to the amplifier is grounded internally.
Insert a small screwdriver through the front-
panel OFFSET hole and adjust the offset
potentiometer until the DC offset of the
amplifier (e.g. as viewed on a DVM) is zero.
Finally, return to the desired coupling.
There are four pots, which are used to
calibrate the instrument. The pots adjust
the front-end CMRR (Common Mode
Rejection Ratio) and offset. These pots are
located close to the front of the instrument,
and may be accessed by removing the
bottom cover.
These pots should be adjusted to optimize
the CMRR or null the offset when the front-
end FET is replaced. Two of the pots adjust
the CMRR and offset when the front-end
gain is x10, and two adjust the CMRR and
offset when the front-end gain is x2. The
x10 gain pots must be set first, followed by
the x2 gain pots.
First, the front panel offset pot must be set
to zero:
• Adjust front panel Offset pot to read
0 VDC on pin 14, U407.
Next adjust the offset and CMRR for the
case where the front-end gain is x10. View
the amplifier output on a scope and perform
the following adjustments:
• Couple = GND, Gain = 5 k, LOW
NOISE: adjust P103 to null DC and
Now use a function generator as the source
of a common mode signal:
• Apply 1 kHz 1 Vpp sine to both the A
and B inputs.
• Couple = DC, source = A - B: adjust
P102 to null sine wave output.
Now adjust the offset and CMRR for the
case where the front-end gain is x2. View
the amplifier output on a scope and perform
the following adjustments:
• Couple = GND (remove signal from
A and B inputs), Gain = 5 k, HIGH
DR: adjust P104 to null DC and
• Apply 1 kHz 1 Vpp sine to both the A
and B inputs.
• Couple = DC, source = A - B: adjust
P101 to null sine wave output.
NOTE: In the above procedures, the gain of
the front-end (x10 or x2) is determined by
the selection of LOW NOISE or HIGH
The most commonly damaged component
is the front-end FET (U106, National
Semiconductor Corp. P/N NPD5564). It is
located in an 8-pin DIP socket behind the
relays near the input BNCs. If the
instrument exhibits a constant overload,
excessive drift or noise, or large input bias
currents, it is likely that this component has
been damaged.
When replacing the FET, be certain that all
eight pins are inserted into the socket, and
observe the orientation of pin #1. After
replacement adjust the CMRR and offset
per the calibration procedure. More severely
damaged front-ends may require
replacement of op-amp, U102.
Required equipment:
Digital volt meter
4 BNC cables
1 BNC tee
Function generator
Small slotted screwdriver
Phillips screwdriver
Remove the bottom cover of SR560 to
expose the component side of pc board.
1. Turn off the SR560. Hold down the
"Reset" button, and turn the unit back on
(this sets the unit back to the default
2. Using a Digital Volt Meter, adjust the front
panel offset pot (located between "A''
and "B" input BNC's on front panel) to
read zero volts between pin 14 of U407
and ground (output BNC shield). Do not
use the chassis as ground.
There are 4 potentiometers located on the
bottom right side of the pc board
(Viewed from the component side, with front
panel facing forward). These are:
P101 = low gain CMRR adjust
P102 = high gain CMRR adjust
P103 = high gain offset adjust
P104 = low gain offset adjust
3. Set the SR560 coupling to "GND", and
the gain = 50,000.
4. Connect the oscilloscope to the 50 Ohm
output on the SR560.
5. Adjust P103 for zero volts on the 50 ohm
output, using the oscilloscope.
6. Set the SR560 gain = 1000 and Source
to "A-B''.
7. Set the function generator to square
wave, Freq = 1 KHz, amplitude =
500mV pp.
8. Using a BNC tee, and 3 BNC cables, put
the square wave into channels A and B.
9. Set the SR560 coupling to "DC".
10. Adjust P102 to null the square wave on
the oscilloscope.
11. Set the coupling to "GND" and gain =
12. Readjust P103 for zero volts on the
13. Set SR560 gain = 50 and coupling to
14. Set the oscilloscope to AC coupling.
15. Using the digital volt meter, measure the
voltage from pin 6 of U105 to ground
(output BNC shield).
16. Adjust P104 for zero volts on the meter.
17. Adjust P101 to null the square wave on
the oscilloscope.
You might have to readjust P104 and P101
several times. The end result should be
zero volts on pin 6 of U105, with the
smallest amplitude square wave that you
can achieve on the oscilloscope.
After three to five years or about 1000
charge/discharge cycles, the sealed lead-
acid batteries degrade. When the battery
operation time shortens, or if the unit stays
very warm for more than a day after it is
plugged into the line, the batteries may
require replacement.
The three batteries are a standard size
which are available from several different
distributors. All are 12 VDC with a charge
capacity of about 2.0 Amp-hours, and
measure 7.02" X 1.33" X 2.38". Two of the
batteries are wired in parallel to provide the
high current required for the positive supply.
When replacing the batteries, take care to
observe the polarities!
There are three fuses on the back panel of
the instrument. The fuse located inside the
power entry module will blow if the unit
draws excessive line current. Replace this
fuse with the value indicated for your line

The other two fuses are in-line with the
batteries. These fuses will blow if the rear
panel ±12 VDC supplies are shorted, or if
the unit sources or draws excessive current
to or from the batteries.
The noise contours (shown upper right) plot
the noise figure as a function of source
impedance and frequency. Noise Figure
(NF) is defined as:
• NF = 20 log (Output noise / (Gain X
Source Thermal Noise)
A low noise figure means that the output
noise is dominated by the thermal
(Johnson) noise of the source. A high noise
figure indicates that the amplifier's output
noise is dominated by the amplifier's own
noise, which is much larger than the thermal
noise of the source.
The NF gets worse for low source
resistances because the source's thermal
noise gets very small, while the amplifier's
input voltage noise stays relatively constant.
The NF gets worse for low frequencies and
low source resistances because the
amplifier's "1/f" noise is large relative to the
thermal noise of the source.
The NF gets worse for large source
impedances and high frequencies because
the signal is attenuated (hence the gain
reduced) by the shunting capacitance of the
Under no circumstances will adding source
resistance reduce the amplifier's output
noise! While this does improve the NF, it
does so by making the source so noisy that
the amplifier is quiet in comparison.

The amplifier's input voltage noise
approximates that of a 1000Ω resistor
(about 4 nV/√Hz). For source impedances
below 1000Ω, the output noise will be
dominated by the amplifier's input voltage
noise. A typical amplifier has an input
voltage noise vs. frequency as shown in the
figure below. Notice that the voltage noise
rises at lower frequencies (“1/f" noise).
The dynamic reserve of the amplifier is a
measure of how large a signal can be
present at the input to the amplifier without
causing an overload condition.
The definition of dynamic reserve is:
• DR (dB) = 20 log (Vin(f) w/o
overload / Vin for full scale)
A full-scale output voltage is 10 Vpp.
Signals at the output (or at any stage) which
exceed 10 Vpp cause an overload. The
dynamic reserve is greater than 0 dB only
when the filters are used to remove
unwanted signals.
The dynamic reserve is a function of
frequency and depends on the amplifier
configuration (gain, filters and dynamic
reserve setting). The figure below shows
the dynamic reserve (and maximum input
signal without overload) for a SR560 set to
a gain of 1000, the high pass filter set to 1
kHz and the low pass filter set to 10 kHz (for
a bandpass from 1 kHz to 10 kHz). The
dynamic reserve characteristic is shown for
both "High Dynamic Reserve" and "Low
Noise" gain modes.
There are several features to note. In the
bandpass region between 1 and 10 kHz the
dynamic reserve is 0 dB. The dynamic
reserve is 3 dB at the filter frequencies of 1
and 10 kHz. The dynamic reserve rises by
6 dB/oct (or 20 dB per decade) as the signal
moves away from the pole frequency, since
each RC filter attenuates the signal. If a
faster roll-off for interfering signals were
required, a 12 dB/octave HP or LP filter
could be used.
The HIGH DR characteristic offers 16 dB
more DR at low frequencies and 26 dB
more at high frequencies. The high
frequency DR is limited only by the
maximum 3 Vpp limit of the input stage.
The maximum DR in the low noise mode is
36 dB. Since there is no gain between the
HP and LP filters in the Low Noise gain
mode, the DR is the same at very high
frequencies and very low frequencies.
The input reference voltage noise for the
High DR gain mode is about 10 nV/√Hz,
compared to 4 nV/√Hz in the Low Noise
gain mode. The table (middle of next page)
summarizes the input referenced noise and
maximum dynamic reserve for all gains.

Gain Input Noise
(nV/√ Hz )
DR (dB 0)
60 0
40 0
25 6
10, LN 13 6
10, HDR
25 14
20, LN 11 6
20, HDR
25 20
50, LN 10 14
50, HDR
25 28
100, LN 4 14
100, HDR
20 34
200, LN 4 20
200, HDR
18 40
500, LN 4 28
500, HDR
15 48
1000, LN 4 34
1000, HDR 15 54
Gain Input Noise
(nV/√ Hz )
DR (dB 0)
2000, LN 4 40
2000, HDR
10 52
5000, LN 4 48
5000, MDR
8 54
4 54
4 52
4 54

A - 1
The SR560 is equipped with a standard DB-
25 RS-232C connector on the rear panel for
remote control of all instrument functions.
The interface is configured as listen-only,
9600 baud DCE, 8-bit, no parity, 2 stop bits,
and is optically isolated to prevent any noise
or grounding problems.
Up to four SR560 amplifiers can be
connected in parallel to the same RS-232
interface. Units sharing the same interface
must have a unique address as set on dip
switch SW601, accessible through the
bottom cover of the unit. To set an
instrument to one of the four available
addresses, adjust positions one and two of
dip switch SW601 as follows:
Pos. 2
of unit
The following commands are obeyed by all
SR560’s that are addressed to listen. The
LALL, LISN, and UNLS commands are
always obeyed and control the address
status of the SR560. Commands must end
with a carriage return and line feed <CR>
BLINK i Operates amplifier blanking.
i = 0 = not blanked, 1 = blanked
CPLGi Sets input coupling.
I = 0 = ground, 1 = DC, 2 = AC
DYNR i Sets dynamic reserve.
i = 0 = low noise, 1 = high DR,
2 = calibration gains (defaults)
FLTM i Sets filter mode.
i = 0 = bypass,
1 = 6 dB low pass,
2 = 12 dB low pass,
3 = 6 dB high pass,
4 = 12 dB highpass,
5 = bandpass
GAIN i Sets the gain.
i = 0 – 14 = 1, 2, 5, … 50 k gain
HFRQi Sets highpass filter frequency.
I = 0 – 11 sets frequency = 0.03
Hz to 10 kHz
INVT i Sets the signal invert sense.
i = 0 = non-inverted,
1 = inverted
LALL Listen all. Makes all attached
SR560’s listeners.
LISN i Listen command. Makes
SR560 with address i (0,1,2,3)
a listener.
LFRQ i Sets lowpass filter frequency.
i = 0 – 15 sets frequency
= 0.03 Hz to 1 MHz
ROLD Resets overload for ½ second.
SRCE i Sets the input source.
i = 0 = A, 1 = A-B, 2 = B
UCAL i Sets the vernier gain status.
i = 0 = cal’d gain,
1 = vernier gain
UCGN i Sets the vernier gain to i %.
i = 0 to 100
UNLS Unlisten. Unaddresses all
attached SR560’s.
*RST Reset. Recalls default settings.
A - 2

B - 1
Noise, random and uncorrelated fluctuations
of electronic signals, finds its way into
experiments in a variety of ways. Good
laboratory practice can reduce noise
sources to a manageable level, and the
lock-in technique can be used to recover
signals, which may still be buried in noise.
Intrinsic Noise Sources
Johnson Noise
Arising from fluctuations of electron density
in a resistor at finite temperature, these
fluctuations give rise to a mean square
noise voltage,
V2 = ∫4kT Re [Z(f)]df = 4 kTR∆f
where k = Boltzmann’s constant,
1.38 x 10–23J/°K; T is the absolute
temperature in Kelvin; the real part of the
impedance, Re[z(f)] is the resistance R; and
we are looking at the noise source with a
detector, or AC voltmeter, with a bandwidth
of ∆f in Hz. For a 1 MΩ resistor:
(V2) 1/2 = 0.13µV/√Hz
To obtain the rms noise voltage that you
would see across this 1MΩ resistor, we
multiply 0.3 µV/√Hz by the square root of
the detector bandwidth. If, for example, we
were looking at all frequencies between DC
and 1 MHz, we would expect to see a rms
Johnson noise of:
(V2) 1/2 = 0.13µV/√Hz * (106 Hz) 1/2 = 130 µV
‘1/f Noise’
Arising from resistance fluctuations in a
current carrying resistor, the mean squared
noise voltage due to ‘1/f ‘noise is given by,
V2 = AR2I2 ∆f/f
where A is a dimensionless constant, 10-11
for carbon, R is the resistance, I the current,
the bandwidth of our detector, and f is the
frequency to which the detector is tuned.
For a carbon resistor carrying 10 mA with
R = 1 k, ∆f = f = 1 Hz, we have:
Vnoise= 3µVrms
Other noise sources include flicker noise
found in vacuum tubes, and generation and
recombination noise found in
All of these noise sources are incoherent.
Thus, the total noise is the square root of
the sum of the squares of all the incoherent
noise sources.
Non-Essential Noise Sources
In addition to the “intrinsic” noise sources
listed above there are a variety of “non-
essential” noise sources, (i.e. those noise
sources which can be minimized with good
laboratory practice). It is worthwhile to look
at what might be a typical noise spectrum
encountered in the laboratory environment:
Noise Spectrum
Some of the non-essential noise sources
appear in this spectrum as spikes on the
intrinsic background. There are several

ways which these noise sources work their
way into an experiment.
Capacitive Coupling
A voltage on a nearby piece of apparatus
(or operator) can couple to a detector via a
stray capacitance. Although Cstray may be
very small, the coupled in noise may still be
larger than a weak experimental signal.
Capacitive Noise Coupling
To estimate the noise current through Cstray
into the detector we have
I = Cstray dV = jwcstray Vnoise
Where a reasonable approximation to Cstray
can be made by treating it as parallel plate
capacitor. Here, w is the radian frequency of
the noise source (perhaps 2 ∗ π ∗ 60 Hz),
Vnoise is the noise voltage source amplitude
(perhaps 120 VAC). For an area of A =
(0.01 m)2 and a distance of d = 0.1 m, the
‘capacitor’ will have a value of 0.009 pF and
the resulting noise current will be 400 pA.
This meager current is about 4000 times
larger than the most sensitive current scale
that is available on the SR510 lock-in.
Cures for capacitive coupling of noise
signals include:
1) Remove or turn off the interfering noise
2) Measure voltages with low impedance
sources and measure currents with high
impedance sources to reduce the effect
of istray.
3) Install capacitive shielding by placing
both the experiment and the detector in
a metal box.
Inductive Noise Coupling
Inductive Coupling
Here noise couples to the experiment via a
magnetic field:
A changing current in a nearby circuit gives
rise to a changing magnetic field which
induces an emf in the loop connecting the
detector to the experiment, (emf = dØB/dt).
This is like a transformer, with the
experiment-detector loop as the secondary
Cures for inductively coupled noise include:
1) Remove or turn off the interfering noise
source (difficult to do if the noise is a
broadcast station).
2) Reduce the area of the pick-up loop by
using twisted pairs or coaxial cables, or
even twisting the 2 coaxial cables used
in differential hookups.
3) Use magnetic shielding to prevent the
magnetic field from inducing an emf (at
high frequencies a simple metal
enclosure is adequate).
4) Measure currents, not voltages, from
high impedance experiments.

Resistive Coupling (or ‘Ground
Currents through common connections can
give rise to noise voltages.
Resistive Coupling
Here, the detector is measuring the voltage
across the experiment, plus the voltage due
to the noise current passing through the
finite resistance of the ground bus. This
problem arises because we have used two
different grounding points, which are not at
exactly the same potential. Some cures for
ground loop problems include:
1) Ground everything to the same physical
2) Use a heavier ground bus to reduce the
potential drop along the ground bus.
3) Remove sources of large currents from
ground wires used for small signals.
Microphonics provides a path for
mechanical noise to appear as electrical
noise in a circuit or experiment. Consider
the simple circuit below:
The capacitance of a coaxial cable is a
function of its geometry so mechanical
vibrations will cause the cable capacitance
to vary with time.
Since C = Q/V, we have:
C dV + V dC = dQ = i
dt dt dt
So mechanical vibrations will cause a dC/dt
which in turn gives rise to a current i, which
will affect the detector. Ways to eliminate
microphonic signals include:
1) Eliminate mechanical vibrations.
2) Tie down experimental cables so they
will not sway to and fro.
3) Use a low noise cable that is designed
to reduce microphonic effects.
Thermocouple Effect
The emf created by dissimilar metal
junctions can give rise to many microvolts of
DC potential, and can be a source of AC
noise if the temperature of the junction is
not held constant. This effect is large on the
scale of many low level measurements.

Front Panel Parts List
D 1 3-00884-306 RED LED, Rectangular
D 2 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 3 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 4 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 5 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 6 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 7 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 8 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 9 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 10 3-00885-306 YELLOW LED, Rectangular
D 11 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 12 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 13 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 14 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 15 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 16 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 17 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 18 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 19 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 20 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 21 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 22 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 23 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 24 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 25 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 26 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 27 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 28 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 29 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 30 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 31 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 32 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 33 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 34 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 35 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 36 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 37 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 38 3-00885-306 YELLOW LED, Rectangular
D 39 3-00885-306 YELLOW LED, Rectangular
D 40 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 41 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 42 3-00012-306 GREEN LED, Rectangular
D 43 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 44 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 45 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 46 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 47 3-00377-305 GL9ED2 LED, Rectangular, Bicolor

D 48 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
J 1 1-00035-130 20 PIN DIL Connector, Male
N 1 4-00651-425 270X9 Resistor Network SIP 1/4W 2% (Common)
N 2 4-00651-425 270X9 Resistor Network SIP 1/4W 2% (Common)
N 3 4-00651-425 270X9 Resistor Network SIP 1/4W 2% (Common)
N 4 4-00336-425 270X5 Resistor Network SIP 1/4W 2% (Common)
N 5 4-00298-425 470X5 Resistor Network SIP 1/4W 2% (Common)
P 1 4-00611-452 100K Pot, Multi Turn Trim, Mini
Q 1 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 2 3-00021-325 2N3904 Transistor, TO-92 Package
R 1 4-00057-401 220 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 2 4-00059-401 22K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 3 4-00041-401 150 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 4 4-00081-401 470 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
SW1 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW2 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW3 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW4 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW5 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW6 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW7 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW8 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW9 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW10 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW11 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
SW12 2-00031-201 D6-01-05 Switch, Momentary Push Button
U 1 3-00303-340 74HC164 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 2 3-00303-340 74HC164 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 3 3-00303-340 74HC164 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 4 3-00303-340 74HC164 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 5 3-00303-340 74HC164 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
Z 0 7-00223-701 SR560-XX Printed Circuit Board
Main Board Parts List
BT1 6-00050-612 GB1219-36 Battery
BT2 6-00050-612 GB1219-36 Battery
BT3 6-00050-612 GB1219-36 Battery
C 101 5-00098-517 10U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 102 5-00098-517 10U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 103 5-00098-517 10U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 104 5-00098-517 10U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 106 5-00069-513 .1U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 107 5-00069-513 .1U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 108 5-00013-501 33P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 109 5-00013-501 33P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 110 5-00159-501 6.8P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 111 5-00019-501 68P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 112 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 113 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 114 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 115 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 116 5-00005-501 150P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 201 5-00019-501 68P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 202 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 203 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 204 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 205 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 206 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 208 5-00010-501 270P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 209 5-00061-513 .001U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 210 5-00063-513 .0033U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 211 5-00065-513 .01U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 212 5-00067-513 .033U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 213 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 214 5-00194-542 .47U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 215 5-00194-542 .47U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 216 5-00193-542 2.2U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 217 5-00193-542 2.2U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 218 5-00213-546 4.7U Cap, Mini Electro, 100V, 20%, Rad
C 219 5-00213-546 4.7U Cap, Mini Electro, 100V, 20%, Rad
C 220 5-00033-520 47U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 221 5-00033-520 47U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 222 5-00031-520 220U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 223 5-00031-520 220U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 224 5-00232-520 470U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 225 5-00232-520 470U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 226 5-00192-542 22U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 227 5-00192-542 22U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 228 5-00008-501 22P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 230 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 301 5-00017-501 47P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 302 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 303 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 304 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 306 5-00008-501 22P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 307 5-00010-501 270P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 308 5-00061-513 .001U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 309 5-00063-513 .0033U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 310 5-00065-513 .01U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 311 5-00067-513 .033U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 312 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 313 5-00194-542 .47U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 314 5-00194-542 .47U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 315 5-00193-542 2.2U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 316 5-00193-542 2.2U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 317 5-00213-546 4.7U Cap, Mini Electro, 100V, 20%, Rad
C 318 5-00213-546 4.7U Cap, Mini Electro, 100V, 20%, Rad
C 319 5-00033-520 47U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 320 5-00033-520 47U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 321 5-00031-520 220U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 322 5-00031-520 220U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 323 5-00232-520 470U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 324 5-00232-520 470U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad
C 325 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 326 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 327 5-00192-542 22U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 328 5-00192-542 22U MIN Cap, Mini Electrolytic, 50V, 20% Radial
C 330 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 401 5-00017-501 47P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 402 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 403 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 404 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 405 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 406 5-00021-501 82P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 407 5-00107-530 1.8-6P Capacitor, Variable, Misc.
C 408 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 409 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 410 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 411 5-00002-501 100P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10%, SL
C 412 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 413 5-00061-513 .001U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 414 5-00061-513 .001U Capacitor, Mylar/Poly, 50V, 5%, Rad
C 415 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 416 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 417 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 418 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 502 5-00104-530 3.5-20P Capacitor, Variable, Misc.
C 503 5-00233-532 22P Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 10% NPO
C 703 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 704 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 705 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 706 5-00234-551 1000U Capacitor, Electrolytic,35V,20%, Ax
C 707 5-00234-551 1000U Capacitor, Electrolytic,35V,20%, Ax
C 708 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 709 5-00227-526 100U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 710 5-00227-526 100U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 711 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 712 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 713 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 714 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 715 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 716 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 717 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 718 5-00262-548 .01U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 801 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 802 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 803 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 804 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 805 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 806 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 807 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 808 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 809 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 810 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 811 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 812 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 813 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 814 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 815 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 816 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 817 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 818 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 819 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 820 5-00225-548 .1U AXIAL Capacitor, Ceramic, 50V,+80/-20% Z5U AX
C 821 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 822 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 823 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 824 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 825 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 826 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 827 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 828 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 829 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad
C 830 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 831 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
C 832 5-00023-529 .1U Cap, Monolythic Ceramic, 50V, 20%, Z5U
D 101 3-00368-301 1N753A Diode
D 201 3-00368-301 1N753A Diode
D 202 3-00368-301 1N753A Diode
D 301 3-00368-301 1N753A Diode
D 302 3-00368-301 1N753A Diode
D 401 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 402 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 403 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 404 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 405 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 406 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 407 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 408 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 501 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 502 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 503 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 505 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 701 3-00226-301 1N5822 Diode
D 702 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 703 3-00226-301 1N5822 Diode
D 704 3-00009-303 YELLOW LED, T1 Package
D 705 3-00011-303 RED LED, T1 Package
D 706 3-00062-340 KBP201G/BR-81D Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
D 707 3-00226-301 1N5822 Diode
D 708 3-00226-301 1N5822 Diode
D 709 3-00306-340 LM385BZ-2.5 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
D 710A 3-00391-301 MBR360 Diode
D 710B 3-00391-301 MBR360 Diode
D 711 3-00198-301 1N5231B Diode
D 801 3-00226-301 1N5822 Diode
D 802 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
D 803 3-00004-301 1N4148 Diode
J 101 1-00073-120 INSL Connector, BNC
J 102 1-00073-120 INSL Connector, BNC
J 404 1-00073-120 INSL Connector, BNC
J 405 1-00073-120 INSL Connector, BNC
J 601 1-00035-130 20 PIN DIL Connector, Male
J 805 1-00073-120 INSL Connector, BNC
JP801 1-00016-160 RS232 25 PIN D Connector, D-Sub, Right Angle PC, Female
K 101 3-00308-335 DS2E-ML2-DC5V Relay
K 102 3-00308-335 DS2E-ML2-DC5V Relay
K 103 3-00308-335 DS2E-ML2-DC5V Relay
K 104 3-00308-335 DS2E-ML2-DC5V Relay
K 105 3-00308-335 DS2E-ML2-DC5V Relay
K 201 3-00308-335 DS2E-ML2-DC5V Relay
K 301 3-00308-335 DS2E-ML2-DC5V Relay
N 701 4-00497-421 1.5KX4 Res. Network, SIP, 1/4W,2% (Isolated)
N 702 4-00501-425 1.0MX5 Resistor Network SIP 1/4W 2% (Common)
P 101 4-00353-441 100 Pot, Multi-Turn Trim, 3/8" Square Top Ad
P 102 4-00487-441 20 Pot, Multi-Turn Trim, 3/8" Square Top Ad
P 103 4-00617-441 100K Pot, Multi-Turn Trim, 3/8" Square Top Ad
P 104 4-00617-441 100K Pot, Multi-Turn Trim, 3/8" Square Top Ad
P 701 4-00011-441 10K Pot, Multi-Turn Trim, 3/8" Square Top Ad
P 702 4-00011-441 10K Pot, Multi-Turn Trim, 3/8" Square Top Ad
Q 102 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 103 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 104 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 105 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 106 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 107 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 108 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 109 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 110 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 111 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 201 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 202 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 301 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 302 3-00022-325 2N3906 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 501 3-00021-325 2N3904 Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 701 3-00310-329 MTP25N05 Voltage Reg., TO-220 (TAB) Package
Q 702 3-00887-325 MPS2907A Transistor, TO-92 Package
Q 703 3-00374-329 MTP20P06 Voltage Reg., TO-220 (TAB) Package
Q 801 3-00376-329 MTP5N05 Voltage Reg., TO-220 (TAB) Package
R 2 4-00616-453 49.9 Resistor, 2W, 1%
R 101 4-00306-407 100M Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 102 4-00306-407 100M Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 103 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 104 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 105 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 106 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 108 4-00169-407 249 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 109 4-00041-401 150 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 110 4-00141-407 100 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 111 4-00217-408 1.000K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 0.1%, 25ppm
R 112 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 113 4-00301-408 110 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 0.1%, 25ppm
R 114 4-00301-408 110 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 0.1%, 25ppm
R 115 4-00619-408 909 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 0.1%, 25ppm
R 116 4-00193-407 499 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 117 4-00528-408 499 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 0.1%, 25ppm
R 118 4-00217-408 1.000K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 0.1%, 25ppm
R 119 4-00544-407 165 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 120 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 121 4-00203-407 75.0K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 122 4-00021-401 1.0K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 123 4-00215-407 909 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 124 4-00141-407 100 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 125 4-00192-407 49.9K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 126 4-00034-401 10K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 127 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 128 4-00619-408 909 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 0.1%, 25ppm
R 129 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 130 4-00031-401 100 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 131 4-00528-408 499 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 0.1%, 25ppm
R 132 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 133 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 134 4-00102-401 75K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 135 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 136 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 137 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 201 4-00516-407 14.3K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 202 4-00164-407 20.0K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 203 4-00516-407 14.3K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 204 4-00168-407 22.6K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 205 4-00516-407 14.3K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 206 4-00168-407 22.6K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 207 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 208 4-00168-407 22.6K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 209 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 210 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 211 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 212 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 213 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 214 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 215 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 216 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 217 4-00325-407 845 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 218 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 219 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 220 4-00296-407 604 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 221 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 222 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 223 4-00140-407 10.2K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 224 4-00188-407 4.99K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 225 4-00158-407 2.00K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 226 4-00048-401 2.2K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 227 4-00048-401 2.2K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 228 4-00031-401 100 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 229 4-00305-401 4.3K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 301 4-00516-407 14.3K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 302 4-00164-407 20.0K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 303 4-00516-407 14.3K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 304 4-00168-407 22.6K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 305 4-00516-407 14.3K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 306 4-00168-407 22.6K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 307 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 308 4-00168-407 22.6K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 309 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 310 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 311 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 312 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 313 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 314 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 315 4-00325-407 845 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 316 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 317 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 318 4-00296-407 604 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 319 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 320 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 321 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 322 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 323 4-00600-407 15.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 324 4-00705-407 5.62K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 325 4-00158-407 2.00K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 326 4-00048-401 2.2K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 327 4-00048-401 2.2K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 328 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 329 4-00031-401 100 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 330 4-00065-401 3.3K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 401 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 402 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 403 4-00325-407 845 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 404 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 405 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 406 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 407 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 408 4-00317-407 422 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 409 4-00296-407 604 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 410 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 411 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 412 4-00296-407 604 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 413 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 415 4-00165-407 200 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 416 4-00555-407 590 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 417 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 418 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 419 4-00138-407 10.0K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 420 4-00188-407 4.99K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 421 4-00138-407 10.0K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 422 4-00186-407 4.22K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 423 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 424 4-00186-407 4.22K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 425 4-00141-407 100 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 426 4-00021-401 1.0K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 427 4-00021-401 1.0K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 428 4-00021-401 1.0K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 429 4-00034-401 10K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 430 4-00021-401 1.0K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 431 4-00022-401 1.0M Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 432 4-00022-401 1.0M Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 433 4-00138-407 10.0K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 434 4-00138-407 10.0K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 435 4-00138-407 10.0K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 436 4-00138-407 10.0K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 437 4-00057-401 220 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 438 4-00616-453 49.9 Resistor, 2W, 1%
R 439 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 440 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 441 4-00030-401 10 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 442 4-00021-401 1.0K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 501 4-00705-407 5.62K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 502 4-00027-401 1.5K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 503 4-00027-401 1.5K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 602 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 603 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 701 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 702 4-00088-401 51K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 703 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 704 4-00022-401 1.0M Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 705 4-00169-407 249 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 706 4-00042-401 15K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 707 4-00042-401 15K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 708 4-00376-407 2.87K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 709 4-00169-407 249 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 710 4-00058-401 220K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 711 4-00035-401 10M Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 712 4-00035-401 10M Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 713 4-00612-407 768K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 714 4-00278-407 10.7K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 715 4-00576-407 17.8K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 716 4-00386-407 30.9K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 717 4-00614-407 174K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 718 4-00613-407 147K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 719 4-00363-407 21.5K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 720 4-00383-407 12.7K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 721 4-00615-407 8.25K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 722 4-00207-407 806K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 723 4-00021-401 1.0K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 724 4-00032-401 100K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 725 4-00169-407 249 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 726 4-00169-407 249 Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 727 4-00582-407 2.15K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 728 4-00582-407 2.15K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 729 4-00309-407 3.32K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 730 4-00022-401 1.0M Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 731 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 801 4-00031-401 100 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 802 4-00034-401 10K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 803 4-00034-401 10K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 804 4-00192-407 49.9K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 805 4-00192-407 49.9K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 806 4-00192-407 49.9K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 807 4-00155-407 150K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 808 4-00062-401 270 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 809 4-00056-401 22 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 810 4-00087-401 510 Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 811 4-00063-401 3.0K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 812 4-00027-401 1.5K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 813 4-00094-401 6.8K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 814 4-00079-401 4.7K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 815 4-00142-407 100K Resistor, Metal Film, 1/8W, 1%, 50PPM
R 816 4-00092-401 56K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
R 817 4-00022-401 1.0M Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5%
SO102 1-00173-150 8 PIN MACH Socket, THRU-HOLE
SO106 1-00173-150 8 PIN MACH Socket, THRU-HOLE
SO504 1-00026-150 28 PIN 600 MIL Socket, THRU-HOLE
SO708 1-00570-150 16 PIN Socket, THRU-HOLE
SO709 1-00570-150 16 PIN Socket, THRU-HOLE
SW601 2-00008-207 SPSTX4 Switch, DIP
SW801 2-00023-218 DPDT Switch, Panel Mount, Power, Rocker
T 1 6-00067-610 SR560 Transformer
U 101 3-00371-340 DG444 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 102 3-00382-340 OPA37 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 103 3-00090-340 LF411 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 104 3-00385-340 74HC4053 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 105 3-00297-340 LT1028 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 106 3-00246-340 NPD5564 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 201 3-00382-340 OPA37 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 202 3-00270-340 74HC4051 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 203 3-00270-340 74HC4051 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 204 3-00189-340 LF356 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 205 3-00371-340 DG444 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 301 3-00270-340 74HC4051 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 302 3-00270-340 74HC4051 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 303 3-00189-340 LF356 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 304 3-00371-340 DG444 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 305 3-00382-340 OPA37 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 401 3-00371-340 DG444 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 402 3-00297-340 LT1028 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 403 3-00382-340 OPA37 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 404 3-00090-340 LF411 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 405 3-00241-340 AD7528JN Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 406 3-00383-340 LM6321 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 407 3-00243-340 LM837 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 408 3-00143-340 LM393 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 409 3-00371-340 DG444 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 501 3-00155-340 74HC04 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 502 3-00045-340 74HC32 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 503 3-00298-340 Z84C0008PEC Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 505 3-00081-341 2KX8-100 STATIC RAM, I.C.
U 506 3-00039-340 74HC14 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 507 3-00158-340 74HC154N Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 508 3-00049-340 74HC74 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 509 3-00277-340 74HC11 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 510 3-00259-340 74HCT373 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 601 3-00046-340 74HC374 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 602 3-00046-340 74HC374 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 603 3-00046-340 74HC374 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 604 3-00046-340 74HC374 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 605 3-00046-340 74HC374 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 606 3-00046-340 74HC374 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 607 3-00044-340 74HC244 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 701 3-00384-329 LM350T Voltage Reg., TO-220 (TAB) Package
U 702 3-00141-329 LM337T Voltage Reg., TO-220 (TAB) Package
U 703 3-00067-340 CD4013 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 704 3-00152-340 CD4051 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 705 3-00239-335 HS-212-12 Relay
U 706 3-00149-329 LM317T Voltage Reg., TO-220 (TAB) Package
U 707 3-00141-329 LM337T Voltage Reg., TO-220 (TAB) Package
U 708 8-00072-860 SR566 ASSY SRS sub assemblies
U 709 8-00072-860 SR566 ASSY SRS sub assemblies
U 801 3-00112-329 7805 Voltage Reg., TO-220 (TAB) Package
U 802 3-00307-340 LM2940T-10 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 803 3-00090-340 LF411 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
U 804 3-00250-340 PS2501A-2 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg)
Z 0 0-00014-002 6J4 Power Entry Hardware
Z 0 0-00017-002 TRANSCOVER Power Entry Hardware
Z 0 0-00042-010 4-40 HEX Nut, Hex
Z 0 0-00043-011 4-40 KEP Nut, Kep
Z 0 0-00048-011 6-32 KEP Nut, Kep
Z 0 0-00077-030 3/16"X5/16"NYLN Spacer
Z 0 0-00079-031 4-40X3/16 M/F Standoff
Z 0 0-00089-033 4" Tie
Z 0 0-00096-041 #4 SPLIT Washer, Split
Z 0 0-00109-050 1-1/2" #18 Wire #18 UL1007 Stripped 3/8x3/8 No Tin
Z 0 0-00111-053 1-3/4"#24B Wire #24 UL1007 Strip 1/4x1/4 Tin
Z 0 0-00122-053 2-1/4" #24 Wire #24 UL1007 Strip 1/4x1/4 Tin
Z 0 0-00126-053 3-1/2" #24 Wire #24 UL1007 Strip 1/4x1/4 Tin
Z 0 0-00128-053 4" #24 Wire #24 UL1007 Strip 1/4x1/4 Tin
Z 0 0-00136-053 8-1/2" #24 Wire #24 UL1007 Strip 1/4x1/4 Tin
Z 0 0-00153-057 GROMMET2 Grommet
Z 0 0-00209-021 4-40X3/8PP Screw, Panhead Phillips
Z 0 0-00231-043 1-32, #4 SHOULD Washer, nylon
Z 0 0-00233-000 HANDLE1 Hardware, Misc.
Z 0 0-00237-016 F1404 Power Button
Z 0 0-00240-026 4-40X3/8PF Screw, Black, All Types
Z 0 0-00242-026 8-32X1/4PF Screw, Black, All Types
Z 0 0-00243-003 TO-220 Insulators
Z 0 0-00249-021 6-32X1-1/2PP Screw, Panhead Phillips
Z 0 0-00256-043 #6 SHOULDER Washer, nylon
Z 0 0-00259-021 4-40X1/2"PP Screw, Panhead Phillips
Z 0 0-00268-052 6-1/2" #22 BL Wire #22 UL1007
Z 0 0-00284-025 10-32X1/2 Screw, Allen Head
Z 0 0-00299-000 1/8" ADHES TAPE Hardware, Misc.
Z 0 0-00312-000 FUSEHOLDER Hardware, Misc.
Z 0 0-00321-035 BLACK BANANA JACK
Z 0 0-00322-035 RED BANANA JACK
Z 0 0-00323-035 GREEN BANANA JACK
Z 0 0-00324-035 WHITE BANANA JACK
Z 0 0-00325-032 2-520182-2 Termination
Z 0 0-00327-050 8" #18 WHITE Wire #18 UL1007 Stripped 3/8x3/8 No Tin
Z 0 0-00328-050 8" #18 RED Wire #18 UL1007 Stripped 3/8x3/8 No Tin
Z 0 0-00329-050 8" #18 BLACK Wire #18 UL1007 Stripped 3/8x3/8 No Tin
Z 0 0-00330-050 5-1/2" #18 Wire #18 UL1007 Stripped 3/8x3/8 No Tin
Z 0 0-00333-052 6" #22 Wire #22 UL1007
Z 0 0-00334-052 1-3/4" #22 Wire #22 UL1007
Z 0 0-00350-053 2-1/4" #24 Wire #24 UL1007 Strip 1/4x1/4 Tin
Z 0 0-00355-050 20" #18 RED Wire #18 UL1007 Stripped 3/8x3/8 No Tin
Z 0 0-00466-050 23" #18 BLACK Wire #18 UL1007 Stripped 3/8x3/8 No Tin
Z 0 0-00523-048 5-5/8" #18 Wire, #18 UL1015 Strip 3/8 x 3/8 No Tin
Z 0 0-00524-048 8-1/4" #18 Wire, #18 UL1015 Strip 3/8 x 3/8 No Tin

Z 0 0-00666-050 23" #18 WHITE Wire #18 UL1007 Stripped 3/8x3/8 No Tin
Z 0 0-00667-050 20" #18 WHITE Wire #18 UL1007 Stripped 3/8x3/8 No Tin
Z 0 1-00124-178 4 PIN Connector Housing, Plug
Z 0 1-00125-179 4 PIN Connector Housing, Receptacle
Z 0 1-00126-176 .062" DIAM Terminal, Male
Z 0 1-00127-177 .062" DIAM Terminal, Female
Z 0 1-00128-171 20 COND Cable Assembly, Ribbon
Z 0 4-00541-435 130V/1200A Varistor, Zinc Oxide Nonlinear Resistor
Z 0 5-00027-503 .01U Capacitor, Ceramic Disc, 50V, 20%, Z5U
Z 0 6-00004-611 1A 3AG Fuse
Z 0 6-00074-611 3A 3AG Fuse
Z 0 7-00194-715 PS300-38 Bracket
Z 0 7-00201-720 SR500-32 Fabricated Part
Z 0 7-00222-701 SR560-XX Printed Circuit Board
Z 0 7-00232-709 SR560-4 Lexan Overlay
Z 0 7-00251-720 SR560-21 Fabricated Part
Z 0 7-00252-720 SR560-23-25 Fabricated Part
Z 0 7-00257-720 SR560-20 Fabricated Part
Z 0 7-00258-720 SR560-26 Fabricated Part
Z 0 7-00680-720 PS300-52 Fabricated Part
Z 0 7-00795-720 BATTERY PAN Fabricated Part
Z 0 7-00796-720 BATTERY RETAINR Fabricated Part
Z 0 9-00127-907 1/2" CLEAR Shrink Tubing
Z 0 9-00267-917 GENERIC Product Labels
Z 0 9-00792-917 EC WARNING Product Labels
Miscellaneous Parts List
U 504 3-00305-342 27C64-255 EPROM/PROM, I.C.
Z 0 0-00150-026 4-40X1/4PF Screw, Black, All Types
Z 0 0-00179-000 RIGHT FOOT Hardware, Misc.
Z 0 0-00180-000 LEFT FOOT Hardware, Misc.
Z 0 0-00185-021 6-32X3/8PP Screw, Panhead Phillips
Z 0 0-00204-000 REAR FOOT Hardware, Misc.
Z 0 0-00248-026 10-32X3/8TRUSSP Screw, Black, All Types
Z 0 0-00315-021 6-32X7/16 PP Screw, Panhead Phillips
Z 0 0-00326-026 8-32X1/4PP Screw, Black, All Types
Z 0 7-00122-720 DG535-36 Fabricated Part
Z 0 7-00217-735 PS300-40 Injection Molded Plastic
Z 0 7-00259-720 SR560-28 Fabricated Part
Z 0 7-00260-720 SR560-27 Fabricated Part