Stemco 6049999 ACTIVE TRACBAT (MILEAGE COUNTER) User Manual users manual
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users manual
HOW IT WORKS Aclive Trachal® PRO is an adyauced mrlerrge Counlel’ ihal relies on eairh's graviiy for counllng wheel revolulions. The TracBal® PRO unil monilors ils orieniarion ro earth's gravilarional pull and uses lhrs Icfcrmcc Io recognize and counr rcvolurions. INSTALLING TI-m UNIT In order in prevenr inadverlenr counrirrg during shipmeul, a new Acuye TracBal® FRO unil will he delivered in “Ship Mode" To woke lhe device, shalre ir yigoiously for 4 seconds The display will lrun on and a rimer will hegin counlirrg down, luslall lhe Aenve TracBal® PRO unir before lhe omer reaches zero lapproxrmarely z minules) This will prevenl couuls induced hy handlrng vihrarions A uuir should never he iuslulled on a wheel without firsl wnking il up. READING THE DISPLAY The display will mm on when lhe vehicle Is al resl. Numbers will aulomalically orrenl lo read uprrghr. Thrs is also indicarcd hy lhe icon display, e.g mile. km, acre. The mileage reading is always in lhe same drreclron as rhe icon In order lo conserve power lhe display ruins on any iii-he a vihi-alion is delecred. This means lhal lhe display will he off while rhe yehicle is moving. As soon as all vihrarion or morion srops lhe display will Iczcuvate in also“! 5 seconds DISPLAY MODES The Aclrre Truchnl® PRO uniI dimes equipped wilh lhree display modes: LIFE, TRIP (if programmed), and REV To loggle lhe display herweeu L]FE,TR1P and REV Modes. use the palm of your hand in cover rhe round bubble on lhe face of rhe unit for al leasl l second, and ihen uncover ir. lf rhe unil is in hnghr sunlighl, rhe huhhle may have lo he covered wiih your palm lo block more lrghl from reaching lhe sensor TRIP mode is displayed wllh Ienth rcsoluiron and is iudicaled hy display of TRIP icon (unly if unll ls programmed for TRIP). To resel lhe TRl'P drsplay, loggle helween LIFE, TRIP and REV. Modes 5 limes, quickly Nole lhar rhe unil cauuol loggle fosler lhan every l 5 seconds To yrew rhe revolurions of lhe unir simply repeal lhe process lhal is used lo view mp and lhen a screen rhar shows (REV xxx) wlll show up lhe xxx is lhe number of rerolulrons per- KM or Mile ihal lhe unit rs programmed for. an umrs wiLhouI TRIP rherc are only lwo screams all olhcrs have Linea screens (LIFE, TRIP, and REV), As with (he TRLP mode the uml will reruin ro lhe nuleage afrer [0 seconds if lefl in lhe revolurions screen RF INTERROGATlON This unrl can he read remolely by a Acrrve RF Readers The Aclive TracBar® PRO hroadcasis ns infoimurion auromiarieally roughly every 35 Seconds. On gore hosed sysrerns die urrrr is acovared by a road loop Low BATTERY INDICATOR (LOBAT) When the hauery reachee a minimum li ii, a “ma AT' icon will appear helow rhe mileage reading. The uuil should he replaced al this point. lf lhe hauery Is allowed lo eomplerely discharge, mileage will nor he lost CEKTlFlCATlONS This rmir complies wilh Parr [5 of rhe FCC Rules. Operalion is subject ro rhe following rwo condiuons: (I) lhis device may nor cause harmful inlerrerence. and (2) rhis dcvicc musl accepl any inlerference received, including rulerrerence ihai may cause undesired operalron, FC FCC ID# SRA-604 9999 This equipmenr equipmem has been res-led and louocl ro comply wrrh lhe Iimils fur a Class B digilal deyice, pursuaul lo Parr [5 of ihe FCC Rules. These limirs are designed lo provide reusonahle prorccriori sgarnsr harmful inlerrcrence in a residenrial insrallalion. This equipmenl generares, uses and can radiale radio frequency energy and, irnol insralled and used in accordance wiIh lhe lnsuucuons, may cause harmful rnleriercnce lo radio conununicalious However, lhere is no guaranlee rhal inrcrfercircc Will iioi occur in a panicular insiallariorr. Ir ihis equipmenr does cause harmful mlerference to radio or lelevision reeepuon, which can he rIelerrniued hy ruining lhe equipmenl oil and on, lhe user is encouraged lo lry lo correcl lhe inlerference by one or more of lhe following measures: 77 Reonenr or relocare lhe recerving arirenna. , Increase lhe sepiuamm herween rho equipmenr and receiver. fl Connecr lhe equipmenl info an oullel on a circurr dificrenl from lhal lo which lhe receiver |S connected -- Consull lhe dealer or an experienced radio/TV lechniciao for help. None: The manufaciurer rs nor responsihle for any radio or Tv inrerierence caused by unauthorized modificarions m rhis equipmenl. Such modificarlons could void rhe user's aurhorrry ro operale lhe equipmenl PRODUCT LIMITATIONS [I is imponaru lo irore ihal ths unir is designed lo recognin rrhrarions and acceleralions common (a wheel rotation. therefore, h will nol counl nonnmoly when held in a pcrsun's hand, which allows mcvemznl in any diremon Funhermare, [his unit should no! he used as n mlnung shah counter for mnchlnoly. unlcss lhe machm: shafi mules slower Ihan I250 RPM and has n slow accelerauon profile slmllar m a wheel end. Al all umes \hc um! should rotate xbmll an xxls pcrpendlcular lo grflvltntlonal forces. This unll Contains a lelnm-Thlonyl Chlurlde battery and should he dlsposed of accordmg no local mgulmlom. The battery onnlnlns les< than 1 gram nf lllhinm and is lheloforo classified as a nonhazardous pmducl LllhiumrThlonyI Chlorlde bananas conlaln no polsonous materials and do nut presenl onvlmnmenlnl hazards when pmpcrly dlsposed or, Slemco-USA Slemco-Canada P (1 Box I989 5900 Amhlcl' Dnvc‘ Unil54 & 5 Longvicw, TX 75606-1939 Mlsslmngn, ON LAW 2N3 (903) 75879981 (905) 205-9922 1—80075277349’1 377-232-911 l FAX: 1780078744297 FAX 87124474555
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