Stemco 8150200 2.4 GHz DSS TRANSMITTER User Manual

Stemco LLC 2.4 GHz DSS TRANSMITTER Users Manual

Users Manual

Download: Stemco 8150200 2.4 GHz DSS TRANSMITTER User Manual
Mirror Download []Stemco 8150200 2.4 GHz DSS TRANSMITTER User Manual
Document ID1167570
Application ID9NRLxDIPrBoioxxpyapUCA==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize58.98kB (737308 bits)
Date Submitted2009-09-10 00:00:00
Date Available2009-09-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-08-14 00:10:29
Producing SoftwareXerox WCP C2128
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUsers Manual

HOW IT wmucs
The Aclm: All an ~ominually monirors lrro pressure and .- nuls precise readings in lhe mmnle reading syslem The umr also
provides a qultk' rsual road" wuh lrghls rndlearrng under or overrlnflauun
The Acrive AirBal is sully ruslalled in less rhan m mrnules or. any dual lire wheel and The sleps are as follows
I Dereamrne loeauorr or die valve slems opposue orone auollrer rr required. more lnner valve slem musl he accessible lhrough oulcr
wheel hand holel
z. Mruml rlre AirBal sensor (0 he bracker ensur iug proper orienlauon. (Scusol \ alve slcmls) should he on dre same side as lhe hrackel
momrllng holes.)
3 Determine which wheel lflCalifln each AirBal will he mslalled on
4. Record lhe localion using lire Aer‘dI senal number lon lire sensorl for rurure reference
5. Plan rhe placemenr of he Arrhal sensor before rnsralliog lo rasure hosclsl are nor rwrsled, kmked. or resling nu sharp edges For
dual rue appllcalrons lccam die hose wuh lhe U—shaped end lo align wuh rhe ourer valve stem. more. Be sure lo locale bracket away
from huh cap srde fill plug lfpresenl.’
6, Remove rhe rwo huh cap bolls rdenlrrred for mounung.
7 lnslall dre AirBal sensor and hrackel assembly in lhe previously delerrnined locallon. Make sure rho hub cap mounlmg bolls are
long errorrgh lo properly engage lhe hub threads when placed drrough die bmckcl. II nol, mplace wuh longer bolls Use lock washers.
s Tlghlon lhe hub cap moruallng bolls lo me mauulaclurus specs.
9. Check lhat dre valve slenusl are clean and in good condruon, Remove plain or "fluv/rlhmugh" caplsl il’ plesenl Clean valve slernls)
(ilreuuiredl wilh a wrre brush. Verify lhal rhe valve rs funcnonrng properly.
lo, Connecr lhe Ail-Ba! hoselsl lo lhe valve sl=m(s) finger lighl. (Noll: Do nor eross-duead, as lhread damage may occur )
l l Flmsh conneeung hosols) by haldmg rhc ruling m nae deslred oriemauon wuh one hand (lo prevent lwisring or kinks), and rrghlen
rhe ruling uul unlil lhe hose can no longer he turned l u: ro l full lunr pasr unger nghll,
[2 perlomr a leak check by welling lhe mungs wuh soap and waler or leak check fluid (whichever is available), Wail a few seconds
and watch closely for bubbles ar lhe fillings. lf buhhles appear. re-righren die frurng lf huhbles do nor appear, perform a linal
mspeclrnn or he hose placemeru and brackel mounring lo ensure all sleps have been eomplered.
I3 Verify and/or adjusr inflalion pressure (Aeral lrghls nol blmkmg) Lt Aeral lighl rs bluudng once, add an lo lhe low fuels)
lhrough rhe filler porl on the sensor using a lire gage lo verify if lhe lighl is hlinlong rwice, rhe lire pressure rs ron highs Blwd arr from
lhe valve and re-chcck Wan 3 seconds lo allow lhe smrsor lo slabllizz.
14 lnslallauon rs now complete and can he repealed on remarnlng wheel localrons.
has and can he read remolely by a Aeuve RF Readers. The Acrive AllBal broadcasrs ils rnrouuariau arnamalically roughly every 15
Seconds. orr gale hasod sysronrs lhe nail is acnvaled by a road loop.
This unu conrplies wuh Pan [5 of rhe FCC Rules, cps-anon is subject lo lhe following lwo condilions: (1) his device may
nor cause hannhrl inrerfereuce, and (2; rhis devrce musl accepl any lnlcrforenee received, rncludrng rulerference rhar may cause
undesired operanan.
Fc FCC ID: SKA—8150200
Thls equipmenl cquipmenl has been lesled and found lo comply wuh rhe limirs for a Class B digiral devrec, pnrsuanl lo
Pan 15 or lire FCC Rules. These lirnhs are designed lo provide reasonable prorecuon againsl harmful rnlerrerence rn a residenlial
lnsrallalron Thrs equrpmeul generareas uses and can radrare radio frequency Energy and. if nor inslallcd and used in accordance wuh
lhe iuslrucrions, may cause harmful uuerfereuce lo radro conunumcauons However. lhere ls no guaranlee lhat urnerference wrll nor
uccur in a parlioular- insrallarion. lfrhrs equipmenl does cause harmful rnlerrerence lo radro or lelevrsion recepuon,
which can be dcrcrrnined by naming dae cqurpmcnl off and on, rhe user is encouraged I0 lry lo eorrecl lhe inlerference by one or more
of lhe followlng mensrues
fl Reoriem or reloeafe lhe receiving anlenna
,, increase lhe separauon belweeu ure equrpmenl and reeerver.
,, Connect the equipmenr imo an under on a cilvull diffeaeul from dual lo which rhc
receiver is connecled
,, Consull she dealer or an expencncnd radio/TV rochnrcran for help
Num’ The manufaclurer rs not responsible for any radro or Tv inrerference caused by uuaulhorrzed modifrcmlcrrs lo llris enurpmenr,
Such modihealions oould vord lhe user's aulhorily lo operale lhe equipmenl.
The anlcnna(s) used for rhis nansmnler musr he insnalled lo provide a separalion disnuaee of al lcasl 20 cm from all persons and mrrsl
nor be eo-localed ol- opemling in conjuncuon will. any orher anreuna m' rransmiuer Users and rnslallers musl be provided wuh anreana
insrallalron rnsuueuons and uansmruer operaling eondiuons for salisfying R! exposure compliance.
This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical xpeclficatians/Le pre‘sent
materiel ext conforme aux specifications techniques applicables d'Industrie Canada
IC: 74l3A-8150200
lmponant NutL-s
This unit cumains a Li|hium-Thiunyl Chloride balmy and should be disposed uI accordmg m local
regulalmn$ The hamcry mums lcss man | gram of lithium and is therefore clusslficd as a nonhuarduus
pmmm. LiminmrThianyI Chlondc lmllcrics conlain no pclsonuus mnlcnnls and do not
pmsem mmmmal hazards when pmpu‘ly dispmed of.
Swmcu-USA Stemm-Canadn
PO‘ Box IOXD 5900 Ambler Drivc. Unixs A & 5
bungvxcw TX 75606-1959 Mississauga. ON LAW IN}
(903) 75 - 9B] (9057 206—9922
1780052778492 877-232-9] l I
FAX: 1430037474297 FAX: 877-24474555

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 2
Create Date                     : 2009:08:14 00:10:29
Producer                        : Xerox WCP C2128
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: SRA-8150200

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