Steren Electronics BL-775-102 QUADCOPTER 2.4GHz User Manual steren kd822 r2

Steren Electronics International, LLC QUADCOPTER 2.4GHz steren kd822 r2

Users Manual

Download: Steren Electronics BL-775-102 QUADCOPTER 2.4GHz User Manual              steren kd822                    r2
Mirror Download []Steren Electronics BL-775-102 QUADCOPTER 2.4GHz User Manual              steren kd822                    r2
Document ID3537442
Application ID9liCy6d1TFY5xKgnH8Grdg==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize416.27kB (5203340 bits)
Date Submitted2017-08-31 00:00:00
Date Available2017-08-31 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-08-21 17:34:08
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 11.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2017-08-21 17:34:08
Document Title美国steren kd822 说明书 r2
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows)
Document Author: viola-xx_yang

sullaole lor M years old and aooye
~ . 4 all Rc QUAD-COFTER
~— 5 1mm lLArEsT s—Axls FLIGHT SYSTEM l4 WAvs FLlPsl
31-775402 Battle drones its“
rnrs RC drone rs nor a my lnougn ll rs,usl a mrrrr Re A axle drunc‘ rl slrll epuld bl:
dangerous Please lly lne model RC drone accordmg lo lne manual lnslmcllan and RS
nolrees Any mndlllcallan‘ malpperalron er unlamrlrarrly lo lne nelr eeuld orrng aoeul
unekpecled danger or accldenl please pe prudenl
NOTE lor any Rc dvoner nelmev manuraclure nor dealers ls responslple lor any
losses eaused oy maloperalren or rmproper assemoly er aeerdenls owrrrg lo aonormal
apraslon or rnapproprlale enylronnlenl rnls producl ls sullaple lor Myeals old and
alloys Please only operale llre nelr rrr salely envlmnmenL onee seld We wrll nol
nold any LG‘SDOnflslbllléle's rcr properly loss and personal lnlury caused by malonelallonr
drsassem y an mo lrealrorr
rms medal Rc drone roourres nlgn dperallon skllls and ls consumable Aller llspaekage
rs opened and me nelr rs llown yaryrng degree or aorasrons oeeor Mallonelron or
dlssallsraelery orougnl aeeul dunng usage Wlll nol oa onlllled lo replacemenl nor
relurn ln case pl operalron and reparr rnslruelrorl, please conlacl os and cor
agancles lor lecnnlcal supporl and aflar sale serylee
R c model and A axle arreralls are produels wrln dangel‘ I| mosl oe away
(AJHOV lrom lne crowd wnen llylrlg Mrsassemple delecl poor perlormanee ol lne
idedmnlc eonlrel or rmproperoperalren ooold lead lo unexpec‘ed rrrerdenl lrke
plane damage or personal lrllury Please pay allenllon lo lllgnl salety and make sure ll ls
well underslooe lnal responsrorluy wrll lall err lne player lor aeerdenls eaused oy nrmsell
lnern olede dremerer scram Frame wldm 149mm
rrame lenelm 149mm Frame nergnl oonm
sale 3 ryooonnn Mam molorlyp 7le does
rolal welghl was cnaroelrme nooo wall/rules
Gymscnpe: aorlern Plrgm lrne ses mlrluIs
lne 4 molors wrlnrrr llre nelr grye llre nelr slaole llrglrl and enaole ll re perlerm llre aelrorrs
, wrln llle modolarroed 5|mclufer ll‘s easy In rnslall and eonyenrenl lo drsassemlole ror reparr
as Wlln lno e akls gyroscope and poslllen eonlrol syslam allmmaledr lno hell can no easlly
slopped and aceuralely aloll
once lully charged lne a NappmAlr LlsPo pallery glyes approklmalely 575 rnlnules lllgnl
lnanks lor enoesrng our predoell lms ls a 4 akle arrerall wnlen rs eapaolc ol Hylng
ln conllned space and ouldoor ln order lor you lo maneuyer lne R c nellcppler more
oonyenrenlly and paslly‘ please lly u only aller lnls rrrslroelrorr manual rs earclully readr
ln lne meanllme. lnrs manual snall pe properly kepl lor more necessary adluslmenl
and reparr work
Surlaole lor nrdeor or ouldoor wnren under Grade 3 wrnds
Mlslzkes made due lo neglrgence
ol lnese eperalron rnslruelrons may
cause properly loss and seyere
numarr ln‘ury
Ammam l
Mlslakes made due lo
ncglrgenee ol operallpn
rnslruclron may cause
Please do nol lly lne R c
nelreopler under any
spesllred lorprdden
lrom ooslacles wnell llylng rnls producl ls sullaole lor lndocr
and aulduar lwrrrd seale mosl oe onder 4) use nrlly‘ lor
lndoorr please make sure ll ls clear or obstaclesr lor allmoarr slay away
lrem erewd and pels eh; do nol lly l| rn rmpreper envlranmenl‘such as
areas wlln neal saucer power llne and power source elmomerwlser nre
or eleolrre snoek loss ol lerluneor persenalrmory eould eeeur doe lo
crashr emergency landrrlg or enlwmlng.
The rnlerror or nell conslsls ol many preclse eleclronlc and meenanlc
compancnlsr lnerclore molslure and walcr must ee preyenlcd and ll L9
sllall nol pe perlormed rn bammam or rn ralny days lo ayord preakdown
of lne cemponenls lnal may cause uncxpeeled acclflcnr‘
® nrrer
please do nol lear aparl or modrly lne Rc nelr al wrll and only apply
aulnenlle componenls lo updale replace or lrk RC nell lo ensure
rls salely Please only maneuyer rl wrlnrn rls lrmrl Any lllcgal porpose ol
use concernrno lls salely snall peslopped
wnen rrrslall oauerres make sure lne eleelrre pelarrlres are Lmrzcl‘ do nol
mlk new pallerles wlln old ones For long llnle slorape please lake lnem
eul re preyenl oallery leakage
Please dlspose aoandoned callerles ln accordance lo me laws and
regolalrens ol lne oorrespondrng regron lo preyerrl pollulronle lne
® rner
8 RM R c nelr rs lorrndeor and ouldoor use anly‘ musl slay away
rllncn slay away vrom damp condlllon.
Use lne produel properly
Allenl ions lo binary
lnslrucllon lor LI o pallery
LlsPn pallery rs eomparalryely more dangerous llran olner pallerres Please make
sure oelcw lnslrucllon ls carelully read and rrgorously lollowed prlor lo uslno rneln
our snall nol oe responsrole lor any damages caused oy rmproper eperalron el _
lne parlery .
The pallery can only oe enarged oy aulnenlre enarger olnerwrse rl may
lead lo llre or ekploslon. no not rlllr dlsassemhler bum or connect them lo we K
wrong pole Ayord eonlael lrom melal or snarp rlem olnerwlse ll may cause slrorl
elreull or llre
Be eaouous wlrerr enarorng lne oallery and make sure rl rs wrllrrrr slglrl and oeyerrd
lne reacn or cnlldren lo ayold any danger
Please do nol enarge llre oallery ll rl oeeomes wlrerr durlrlg
usage ornerwlse ll wlll lnrlale, delorm ol eyen cause we wnlcn could cause
properly damage and personal lnlury
Please drspcse apandoned pallerles ln accordance lo llle law and regulallon or
lne eorrespondrng regrorr lo preyerrl pollolron le lne enyrronmenl
Mosl or me Rc alrerall are made ol FA lloerl plaslle and eleclronlc malerlals
lnerelore ll slrould slay away lronr near Source‘ surr slrrrre lo preyenl
dercrnlallon eyen damage caused by nlgll lemperarure
rnrs produel rs surlaole lor l4 years old or aoeye l| rs nel easy lo learn lo lly
4 akle Rc nelr al llre beglnnlng lry nol lolly ll alone and make sure wrm
ekperrenee adull rnslruelrng
mmllp mummy
Slay away from neal source
No| lo do ll alon. - Q
u eeoalrey a ry oodmnn x 1
packward drreclron olade '2pos
use enargerk 2
lmhlllli all men
us- nurse.
l sullapla lor l: M klspolymer pallery pack
3 aperalron sleps
{QC .‘
a cnarglng slaluses oonresporldlng [0 LED
Sup cperalron LED slalus Chum smug
Carmen! me use eaole lo ‘ ,
l lnecompuler LED ‘5 " 9" Poweron
Z slep l e connecllne oallery pln LED '9“ "9“ ‘5 °" ”WWW
“7 “55 “ME LED rsrn red Saluraled
A nooers reedrng almmmr‘
(1) pump enarlnrro lne enaroerskould pc pulrrr dry and ycnulalcd place and rar away rrem nealsouree and
rnlammaole and explosye suoslanee
(2) Orlynsedloenagrno lrron orlrpelymeroallery pack rlnol. lne chargz'm oallery may oe damaged
(3) Neverledye lne eneger llrsuuewlsed durrng lne process or enangrno rn order-o ayprd rrsk ol aeerden-s
(A) Neverrmmeeralely cnarge yad'bsllery pack as seen as -ne lrgnl rs nnrsned, or wnen rls lemperalure
doesnl eool dawn alhe'wlwme canon, wrll lake a rrsk rn fiwplllng‘ even a Are
{5) emurs lns eereelnsssol oelenly oslore eannsenan lne hA‘kry‘achArger
rol Avuld drop and yrolenee none on process or slrarorrro drop and y elema wrll resull rn lvllsrml . ran errcorl
lrl rorllre sake or solely please use ongrnal cnargrng eourpmerrlorre oallely Dick
please enonge new one rn lrme wnerr llre llyrno nnre rs oeeomrng snonen due lo lollo nme usage
(a) ll lrsrearned rnlneenarderrore lnnvllmzaflevsatl'aledr lneoallery mayenlonraneallydrsename
wnen lne enager deleelslnallneyollaoe or rndryrdual eells rs lowu man we raled yollaoe llle recnage
urlrl saluraled Fleunenfly enargrno and drscnagrno wrll snorlen lne lrlelrme or youroallery pack ll rs
anyrsed lnal please col onlne power and look on lne oallenyallerlne enamrno rs saluroled
s Mulnlenanoe er ealleny pnek
m rne oanary peek snauld oe pcl rn my and vennlaleo place rne sloage emperalors olerrorrenmenl rs
rano.d lrnr-r lee -e 25‘:
rzl Please avold lreooem Lla’glllq and axmsilve ersnrerorrro llre nalla’y eack rn elder lo prolong rls lrl. Lycla
(3) ll samusllo mornlarrrllre eallery paekoelereloneermsoraoe rlrolrslo ckargellre oollelylollre leyel
or soapys saluronerr
m lllne sloraoe lenn rs oyer l momn rl rs adyrsed lo menlnlyekeeklneyoluge or eyery eell olrne oallsy pack
rneyolageoleyelyeellsnonlo oe nol less man all olnerwse please rslerolne aooyeonels 13)
(s) Fromtheylzwpalmmvmudlan new oauery packsnoulo oemouyaled oelore usage rnalrsloenameand
drsenaroe eolrmes, oul drsenaree rs nel less lnan lne leyel alm‘A saloalron rnrspreeesswrll nake-ne
enlleny lrlelrme longer and yellnge more slaole
' v
speed swrlen
i 40K/7DK/IDD‘U
name swrlen
power swrren
UR lumlng
Pull lrre lell slrek le lower len corner and Hg?“ slrek lo
lower rronl corner srrnullaneously
After 3 seeends LED llghl on me um nead le flashy
meadnsme aaluslrnp rs complele you can eonlrol lne
qua eoplernew
rm, meye lerl t an up
[r rrrps purer , W ,
‘ ‘ ‘ down
WWW , r me e rronl ~ 9“
®m M Indlcalor hem Forwaroraackwam (? ‘W r,“
on neldrmrenere UR smewam fly
14- d)
(power rnerealor lronl rs red‘ low power rs nasnrno slowlyand rlasnrno rasl wnen searenrno lne rreoueney)
rne model rs usrno rne lasr slx-axls gym syslem and aula «reoueney ad‘usllng syslem normally lne user
don l need lo adruslrng lne lnmmer user can use mmmer wnen larled rn aumrad‘ustlng
7.5mm m: emu anumla
1 inerdcn thilalrzcrafl Connechng lne power ol alrcraflrman pul lne alrcrafl on a llal
gvmm or la 2‘ sees resl
2 power en lne remole lne rndrealor lrgnl rs rlasnrngpull lne lnrollle lo lne rep and back
lo lne lowesr lnen rne remole rndrealor hghl rs solrd \lghllngylhal means lne arrerarl nas
sueeesslully eenneoled wrln me lamaleranfl you can prepare ror your rlyrng aelron.
3 Nares wnen Hylng Thrume dawn lne rnrollle suek lo lne lowesr posruon promplly rl rne
:lrcrafl r: erasnrng m lne rolor oloek down Olhelwlserme reeeryed erreurl board wrll oe
"mm: or up»: mumrm um lsmvn
H u 3: / Sir-"197;”
, a near.
5W mézl'rrxmm.;;zw
H/ a
affirm Awe jun: #113:er ""W‘"
\’ (Im ddmoer
Am r u r
Pllar lo ngmy please praelree lrrs: so es lo eeouarnl yoursellwrln lne op rrons Eelcle rl rs
well underslood now lo maneuver lne llrenl. please do nel lly lne R c nelr Please read
rnslrueuon manual and keep prachcmg unlrl me oesre llyrng skrlls are mastered
1pul lne R c nelr in an open area wrln r1; :arl laerng lne player
2 preelree nperalrno all me mmmng slreks on lne remole lsee delerled operalron rn oelow
prelure) and repeal the praelree fol lnrollle slreks, UR lurnrng |rimmcvy and we llyrne
3 praelree fol ngm ls cvucla‘r please keep praelrernp unlil all me eperalrons can be done on
nearrng lne oroers lor each moyemenl wrlnoul lnrnkrng
ln rrered compel lunelrons
slowly rarse lne lnrollle slrek and keep me oranes nyrno smoolnly rn rne arr lnen rne eomoal mode
rs ready.
1.The rrrsl/Seeend hlLthe drone neaa rs lurnrng 
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