Steren Electronics BL-775-103 QUADCOPTER 2.4GHz User Manual
Steren Electronics International, LLC QUADCOPTER 2.4GHz Users Manual
Users Manual
® S TEREN /07 El— 7757 [03 [Introduction » / I Thanks you for choosing us! Please careiully read this manual before operating your Quadcopter. Please keep this manual for future reference. NOTE: All instructions, warranties and other collateral documents are subject to change at sole discretion of our company. [Par/(age Contents » / I w“ @ Quadcopter Q Remote Control ii ® Extra Set of Propellers Phone Holder 6’ Battery GB Blade Guards «3 Landing Gears Screwdriver and screws ® ® USB Charger ® Decorative Parts 02 / Discover the world through flight [Remote C antral Fund on >> / I @ 2.4GHz amen/Ia @ 3597/1}; - , - my" Jaym'ck @ Power swrrrn Qme/Hack ® Ikey remm/ Aide-[made Flying head/er: mode @fiwwy Q Len/amic/pup .' H”! E and down, rig/rt Fine-tum”: //€/l‘ "1’” Q Aura Launch 9 1:0 Um; , Left/R71! Q High/Lew! Fed @nm-ngmg swarm; ey 0 Auta and Functions ,r ® Forward Marin/art: Trim To install batteries use the included screwdriver to open the batter cover. Rotate counter-clockwise to loosen screwl Insert 4 AA batteries into remotet e-attach battery Coven Rotate screw clockwrse to refasten. New alkaline batteries strongly recommended Install batteries Before you use your drone, install the Ian A (See page 8) A /03 I: Charge Battery of Quadcapter >> / I Connect the USE cable to the power supply port and make sure that the port connection is tight and correct . Char in Lightg g fiecharger the quadcopter battery using the USB . ote: Please unplug the USB charging cable promptly after the charging of the battery Is completed to avoid depleting the battery power . « cm me is approximately 100 Minn! me is about 9 i m ute » NOTE: Always charge your quadcopter under adult supervision and out of reach of children‘ Insert the battery into the quadcopter, and place it on a [lat surface. Press once and the power indicator light turns on, indicating that the power is on. Do not move the quadcopter during the syncing process to ensure the gyroscope stays balanced‘ Push the ower switch Push the throttle joystick to its to the N position, highest position and the remote Will beep‘ Next, move it to the lowest position again. The remote will beep a second time and the quadcopters lights will stop flashing The quadcopter and remote control have been synced together. You are now ready to fly NOTE: If you are not going to use your guadcopter for an extended period of time, please take the batteries out of your remote control, otential battery leakage could occur and possibly damage the remote or create a fire hazard. 04/ I: Flying Instruct/ans » / I Before flying your quadcopter, it is highly recommended that gou familiarize yourself completely with its controls. Read through the instruction manual completely eiore attempting your first flight. Push M» on the throttle raymck lo “(end and pull dawn to descend Push the aireeiiuir-i iaysuckrorware m flyforwlvd and mowers to fly backward. Turning Arierun pm. me throttle joystick m me right to right and ieir to turn ieir. Pum the directlonal joystick m me right to fly right m led! me fly ieir. « Practice Tips )> Use these recommended practice exercises to become a better quidcomer pilm: .nemian; Raise me quadcopter min; are throttle joystick. Graduilly lower the quadcnptev m It mm; mmy m the youndc -Divectlon: Muve me meeomer m a crarr per-em m, the ‘ eiiurrei raymck. Move forward, bukward, left, right And heck to rts onll lvnsflmm nFlying: Once you have mmerea lire vrevioux three exercises, draw a circle on lhe gmumt vnczise iiyirrg within me marries a ore circle. mrmw the circle a: your Skill: prngress, [How to launch the drone » / I Huld bath Jo rireks down m to the lent me right for 1-3 seconds the molar mu stlrl lo route. (See mare i How [a use auto take off » Press the am like an buttons The dmne will take off to one fixed height ind [her Stan and wait for omen from lhe cuntroller.i$ee Picture 21 Picture 2 /05 [How to use auto land >> / I A Press the auto take off button and the drone will take olf slowly until it lands on a flat suriace. The motors will stop s inning. During take-on, you can move the right joystick to control the direction o landingiSee icture 3) TIP: Auto land (an only be performed ii the drone is at a height oi less than tom (32 it.) from the ground. Using at a hei ht above tom (:1 ft.) increases the risk oi the drone ielling from n considerable heig t and becoming damaged, Picture 3 Haw to land and shut off the drone » Pull the leit joystick to land the drone on the iloor and hold to the lowest position ior 3 seconds to stop the motor: from rotating. What is altitude hold » Altitude: hold means "to hover". You can use your left joystick to ily the drone “on“? down at one height, iree the joystick and the drone will hover at that ; eig . [How to emergency shut off drane » / I Hold both joysticks down and to the left and right ior 1 second, the motor will stop immediately.(5ee Picture 4) Fine- tuning » Picture 4 li your quadcooter is leaning to or iavouring one side, you may need to use the Vine-tuning Veature to balance it. lithe quedtopter is driitinx ierwcrds or bakalrdSi Push the iorwcrd lithe quedtopier is turning to the leit or Firm, push the line-tuning ibaskward trim outloii up until it streiihtens out. outloii in the opposite directions unti it strsiihtens oul. lithe quadcuoter driits leit or rilht, Rush the leit/h’sht trim butlen HIM liihe tnm outtons do not correct the problem, you may need to until it still] tens oui. recalihnte your duadcopter. To do so, Plate the eucdtopter on a ilat suriace. ho d ooth ihe ‘oys ks down and to the film as depicted in ihe mug: shove. r e lights on the ouadeopier wi'll ilssh. once the lights stop lihklng ior rive seconds, receiiorarioh is complete. 06/ [Speed Selection >> / I Your quadcopter can ily at 3 diirerent speeds. To select a speed, press the speed select button on your remote. The remote will beep once while at low speed, twice at medium speed and three times at high speed I: Headless Mode » / I a While in headless mode, the quadcopter will respond according to the direction pushed K" on the remote (iorward on the remote will make the quadcopter fl forward, etc, To l i‘ - b enter headless mode, land the quadcopter on a llat surfaces Press he headless mode ®.3.® l button, the remote will beep continuously and the lights will ilashJo exit headless rnode, i _ Sim ly press the button again. The remote will beep again and the lights will remain on n return to normal. ‘i l E One-key Return » / I With one-key return, no matter what direction the ouadcopter laces, sirn ly pull the directional joystick back and the quadco ter will ii back to the remote o enter one-key return, Ipress and hold the head ess mode uttdn her 3 seconds, it will beep and the lig ts will flash Tu exit one-key return, press the button afiain or press iorward on the directional joystick. The remote will beep again an all lights will remain on and return to normal, E Flips and Roll: ii / I Vour quadcopter can periorm impressive ilips and rolls mid-air. in order to do this,_pres_s the flip button on your remote during iiight. Move the directional ioystitk in any direction and the aircrait wi l perform a cainciding flip. CAUTION: Please ensure that your ouadcopter is at least 3m (10 it) horn the floor or ceiling beiore performing a flip, /07 Landing Gear/Crash Guards Installation >> To install the landing gea , piece into the slots on the bottom of the qua 'nsert each landing gear To install the crash guards, insert the uards Copter. into the slots at the end of each arm. r install |tailleddecorative parts at every corner at the a e NotezBeginners are advised to install the protective irame in order to prevent damage resulting from operation errors t [Changlth/ades >> / I it the blades break or fall 0" of your quadcapter during a crash, you will need to repair them, Use the screwdriver included in the package to remove the screw and detach the propeller. Rotate counter-clockwise to loosen. Remove the Game ed blade from the motor. You can now attach a new laded This product is equipped with a Wi-Fi signal transmission system and cameras You can monitor FRV in real time with an Androidw or lOS device, using the downloadable app. To download the awro aoo, scan the QR code on the right: Pair the remote with the quadcopter. Enter the Wi-Fi settings on our smart device and connect the network "BJ mm Open the app and you will be brought tot e main menu, You can press play and you willEe able to fly your quadcopter. To take photo, press the Phone buttons Tcl take video, press the video button Press the video button again to stop taking video. You can look at the photos and videos you've taken by clicking the gallery button. You can use your smartphone as the remote control by pressing the show control interlace button and the buttons will appear as shown in the diagram below. 08/ [Troubles/mating >> / ' "u Drone's LEI) llgm blink tonfinunuxl lm mare man 4 semndx aner quadmp er IX turned an. Na respnnse m mm. Na lemme alxer me Dmlle mmed an. Molar doe: Rm lemma m we meme may sums but doun'l lake ell. Drone Ix maklng a land vlbrmml none. Drone shll wanders lorwm mer mm adjustmem. Carmel lly alter (run. unable In Sync m remat! mmmller 1, Remule mum Rm bull depleted. z. Bitterlex are insulled a! lumen pallrityl Battery has been applaud, l. aem mm Midas. 1. Drone balmy u devluede Bent or damaged mmr hlades‘ Favwivd vim I: ma mm 1, Male! lell am. 2. Gear lomnede Repeat power Slquante and my“, (See page 1) I. Replace baneries. 1. Remmll biuerlex a curred polinlyv ReeRarge Drone binary l Realm dzmzled blade. 1. Revlaee banefy Rzplxe Damaged ulaae ‘ l. Lower lamul vim, 2, Reullbliu me Drone. l Rzlnnill mom. 2. "men gm /U§ [War/1mg; ii / ' head the entire Owner's Manual to become iamiliar with the ieatures oi this product berore operating. Fil lure to operate the gradual correctl can result in damage to theproduct, personal property or cause serious injury. This is a sophist’ ted obby roduct. t must be operated with caution and requires some basic mechanical ability. Failure to operate th product in a sa e and responsible manner could result in 'ur or damage to the product or pro erty. This product is not intended ior use by children without direct adult su ervision. his manual tontains instructions or saiety, operation and maintenance. it is essential to read and io law all the instruttions and warnings in this manual prior to assembly, set up or use, in order to operate correctly and avoid damage or serious injury. Q Age recommendation: Not suitable far children under 14 years oi age, This is not a toy. Q Always operate in open spaces away irom obstacles, people and hazards. ® Always iollow directions and warnings for this and any optional equipment careiully (chargers, rechargeable battery pac s, etc.). 0 Always keep small parts and electrical parts out oi the reach oi children. @ Avoid water exposure to all equipment, not speciiically designed and protected ior this purpose. Moisture can cause damage to electronics. Q Never place any portion oi the model in your mouth as it could cause serious injury or even death. 9 Never operate your model with low batteries. [Salsa/Nate: ii / I 0 ii this is your iirst time ilying a quadcopter, read the manual careiully. These saiety instructions are intended not only ior the protection of your ouadcopter but also to protect your own saiety. improper operation can cause injury or property damage. Q This product is suitable ior indoor and outdoor use. Please make sure you choose a ilight area with no obstacles and maintain a saie distance from people and pets. bo not operate near power lines. ® RIC models are composed of many precise electrical components. it is important to kee the model and associated equipment away irom moisture and other contaminates. The introduction o exposure to water or moisture in any form can cause the model to maliunction or crash. Do not operate in the rain. a) To avoid a potential iire hazard irom batteries do not reverse polarity or puncture batteries. uatte charfiinE should be done under adult supervision at all times, in a location out oi reach oi children. o not mix i- ad and Alkaline batteries. Q) Make sure that batteries are installed correctly to ensure correct polarit . ll you do not plan to use your ouadcopter for an extended period of time, remove the batteries irom t e controller to avoid battery leakage, which may damage the controller. Please dispose depleted batteries according to local laws and or inances. a; Li-Polymer batteries have higher operational risks com ared to other batteries. it is imperative to iollow proper operational guidelines. The manuiacturer and ealer assume no liability ior accidental damages caused by improper usage. Do not use any other charger other than provided, to avoid potential iire or explosion. Do not crush, disassemble or burn. t9 RIC models are made irom carious plastic which is susceptible to damage when exposed to extreme heat and cold temperatures. Do not to store the model near any heat source or adverse temperatures. Specifications and colours of content may vary irom the photo. 70/ [Batten/D pasa/ GUI 9/ es >> / I WARNING! To reduce the risk of fire or burns: Do not disassemble, crash, puncture or short external connector contacts. Use only with provided charger and controller. Do not dispose of in fire or water. Do not expose to high temperature above 140'F (60 C) . "NOTE: Symbols not appearing in word! Store between 30'F (OH and 14U‘F (60C) . “NOTE: Symbols not appearing in word! Keep away from children. See operation instructions of this battery to ensure it operates properly. Li-lon batteries must be disposed of properly WARNING: Changes or modifications to this unit are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance and could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 5 digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules The limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined [2 turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference y one or more of the following measures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. .lncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected, -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help, Tested to comply with FCC standards . FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE . This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules tOperation is subject to the following two conditions (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2) This device must accept any interference received , including interference that may cause undesired operation . FCC |D:2ABDSBL-775-103 MADE IN CHINA /// % STEREN®
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