Strattec Security 5908934 Reader for Vehicle Keyless Start System User Manual Manual

Strattec Security Corporation Reader for Vehicle Keyless Start System Manual


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Mirror Download []Strattec Security 5908934 Reader for Vehicle Keyless Start System User Manual Manual
Document ID1087696
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Document DescriptionManual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2009-03-30 00:00:00
Date Available2009-03-31 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-03-19 09:07:20
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleManual
Document CreatorHP 9100C Digital Sender

Balm hm'nainuillu installation, |Isasu ravioli tllll must lmllt instructions at=
htlo/laltomtarinlstrlltloccllm. Fur nucstiuas cumming installation or narlnrmancu.
nhislr call l-Mn-W-M’lfl.
1h- muss slam SYSTEM sunnlomonls a standard automotive ignition switch with a radio
contrnIIld secunr nass‘ua slarl systrln, Til: usu lli a security lard within 3 int ul tllc
Systurn ill llndur anlunna, till driver ls allt ta conlml lho ICC. IE". and Sill functions Iy
use lll an illuminalud nusilhlltloll.
Tho systcm is dosimad In It- wind in umllal Ill tho alisling iglitinn swilcll.
INSTA LEA“ U N INSIR UCTI [INS KEYLESS START SYSTEM "lira switching lunctiorls ul tle lultilln svilcllnyllicll in a standard automotive systam arc
PM" ”I‘m "m" I?" ‘Eflifiifi’mm"§fi?§fiii”ilfimi fiiil‘i’fi’Is’fi'li'SLVJ
“m MW thmslcm power to ma accessory, inlition, and stanor circuits,
m IIIIlVliHM llul [ED m lulu Illl Iii! um baud-uni Hail-ital er lint aw! in lulu control Infila Elma-ll arr-ll I.“- m an: lilh Mach. my. in no
ash-ll MGIWUHFMIIIIIIMM) pmhmmnnfllmflm-‘Ifln
“Ila Hui ii in "mm In fiIIed
mum nu mull numb-
tilt-l Bllll'mlif-M Sewrnywlilnuu Ml Inmaclinshut
Z all may!!!
Notes to tlln lnslallun
I ll this ls lhl first tune you hav- Installod thd Fulfill"; RIVER KEYlESS SIM SYSTEM into a vulticlc. ll ls tucnmrundod that lira cumuluta system should it: lumpurarily nomad
up and last-d nutsidu of tho vohiclo |rinr In lilal inslallau'an and lardlriling into the which. Either a standard 12 volt marry or a 12 WE nowr supply is amuato In omr tIlc
syslcm. Fuses shalld he lnurtad as mans! illtn Ila supply circuit. This illicit-lop lustlll at [In systaln will allow lilo inslallsr la moms lamiliar llitll lha operation of tits syslum
as wall as llla rum lasing. and load unlirnmllts.
2. Follow good lutnmntiva wirlnn procticu for installation nllhl systnm. Wamlng. rue Kayla“ Entry Symm mull u insiallad by a trained pmlassional
3. All wins on tho snitch harms. mail harm, and ralay Iamss aru nrinlsi to shun tlla cunnuctinn ln/lrnrn iniarmatioat In addition, a lit! chart ls lnclllm ln Illa llsmctlons tn
slum the llllnnz lninrmatlnn.
l, Tlnl smcm uses tile llculscll lITM typa connectors for connuctian to tho mam and anlunna harnussas. All cnnmlors arc luyud with dillorant uniquc housing configurations. lhc
Ilsulscll counccturs may Ire discunnactud and rlcanncclsd as nomad tn mutll lilo harness and antenna virus as nomad. n. lull remove tho indiyldllal wins Irom tho lluutsch
lmusmz shells ulllllss lhc virus am damapd and rcquiru ruoair.
l Thu KEVLESS 511m SYSTEM is dcsimd to In installed into a vuhicln that utilizas a standard 4 nusltion and 4 terminal 12 Vlli: autnmutive rated itnitiun slutcll. such is lit:
flannllz Film Ixnlllon Snitch oarl numlllr Film, For relarsnco. the A switch nosiliuns utiliaali hy turning lhc llry clockwise arm
0 Accessory (Accessory tornunal has m in thls position)
0 lucked/ llll (Kay may he rcmnvud in this nultlon, no war to any terminals in tlus nositiun)
0 Innrtlon / Accessory (Ignition and Acczssnry torrniaals have m In this posrlion)
0 Start (mnmlnlary positron only, Ignition and Sliil ternunals hm ml Ill lhls ousltnln)
“All" IIVEI IHVVSIIIES. I" I lllllflllflfl IlflIVE I IEIUJHIIII “1117 I ”Null“
©1003 Full“ HIV“ Illllllmllsy IllE. ALL KIflflS RESERVE.
l (Cuntinuetl)
The 4 tennilals are
0 lamry (nirnnt In Iatlnry ciruun . aims manual)
0 Amssary (llfllls, raiin. ntnr plinrnntiulsi
0 Igniiinn (ignitinn uninr tn cuilassarnlly)
0 Start (nrninilss nmr In startut circuit, clnnani in neutral salst svritnn nr stariar salnnin)
It is Manly mnininlndei "Ill stannaril i|iritinn switch and wiring snnulii Its liunt intact in In use! as a incl-nu
systuin tn tnl lisylass starl systnm.
nil IEVLESS SilllT SYSTEM will rmirs mess in tile Iaitary. asmry. ixnitinn, ariil starlnr circuits. “5
ii is alsn mammalian liial a hathry kill nr similar with sinulil ha installlil tn allurr tlis systnn in It: amnion rim
il “I! nlicla is stnrln lnr III mums length ll tiiris. as tls system nmrs a small ariniuiit iii pimr while tltn nhisln
. . , _" _ d . . ‘ ,,
limit-lg'ntlllnmlsi/ssLmr’rflflt In Imam lay mum mu un/ mu dini- miss mi urr mum tn a in y "mm! Rivet Part “um" Flilslll
Z, hula ann iiiuntily llrl rzircuil tnrrriirials nl tha hack iii the initinn snitch assarnIly.
MC » Amsury Innninal
Ilill , ignitinn ierrninal
ST ~ Starlar eriiiinal
BAT — llmsry "llrminal
3, [indicated cimuil runuirsii lor Systlrn Pniiar:
m systmi ruuiru a indiutsil unsuritclal (wlslm hit) 3 am llsal circuit tn mr ml naar and Far radar cultill modulus. and pruuiiil unlur in til switch LEII. m
Minion unwitchlil (nunstant int) 3am; ins-l circuit sinuln rrirt is ussd in other functins, il in! purist in His circuit is inlarruptail nil! llu symrn is an and the which
is rllliiilll. it will ms! "I! systuin tn Insa mm “in! will turn rill rainy: and tile amiatan iimuils tin! the ruins an mantis;
Pusiilnl tn FIR leader lulu-n: - WWW!!!
IllPllmlll — Fur anlimIVpruur systlm operation the FAR lull-r Antonia slilulil ha nrnultnl as fnllnirs.
i, lnalncalrnnr... illu im- ‘.' .,.._.\ :~ . n» n... r.-
2. Vllian this suurily will is prasontsn it must la within time (3) mt nl tlin Flll Ind-r Alton! \
lnr systsm nuntiun.
3. The antsnn an Ia rnuuntrrl al any any” as mm in lllirri nulirnum pnflurniam; lira innniing nusiiinn
is dolsrrninan by trying nut nitlmat pnsiiinns when first testing thl sysiarn.
l. llnurii tlil llls'l—hlmflll switch in an int-rinr lustinn in ills islticln. Tlin switch has inn Mina! tn mnunt intn a 7/3 incn diammr llllll. lines tnu suiiclr has lean nininitnil, nialis
ttie lullnriu rrirs nnrwctinns.
lan rrirs connects tn lhn my huuar Pill m.
lllanli iriirs cunnuts in tins system munil.
Gray rnru mun-ct: in this iilncli tuner Flil #5.
llsil irirn snnnncls tn “1! 3m lusoil un-svn'inlrsil positive,
2. DIME:
l'liu tan and imitates m Efllmllfl in in: ruling virus III the min
wire liarriass. All inns arl mm in shirt in ennmtinn inlnrrnaiinri.
Th: m1 wira is iznnnnctnil in tlie unswilnliail nailicmil nunsiant lint]
ainn fused circuit.
Tn: him win is nnnriautlii in tlts nnicll WM; lralli-atriy a minim
munn llint snnuln Ira ussil lnr all M m systlrl mun! inns.
iv mm "in Inn (1) wulml mulls in 1 flat swim III sell thrusting
scrm. lluriu insll ‘ m wiring namsus all: and iomnnmily hum
“in mutual limiulu. m- win lambs: column (Brunch) It: kind in insun
ennui niianiziimi vim rummfl in m tnltmi modal-s.
lllPuiTIIliT - Hale sum in: [In Far Rum Ufiu Anlunna [mind an m FAR Hum
cumml mndnll is ml! mm m bani am! lumllliinn, mi smuilli he pnsiiinnmi any
lrnm maial surfaces.
Relay pack wirinl (nim- ralui to (ill ruby nick living dimm).
I. Ilpmtmn: Thu syslam nus six-Mani autumniivl mod Farm 6 Nays in ”W
in)! cum»! loads. A schematic ni tile ruliy is 51mm aim vim Ilia “-
is vimd hum “II win utry sidn. rm mhy nil numhui, pin-ins, and
Ind minus (40 ms in! ll NAIL pin) in nrinlad on In: sins iii ihu inlays, Thu
reiiys in an! m int-rm! aim nv rusirtnr snullms. le Rt LAY
FUR All IEUVS: Pins 30 Ill! Eli an cunnmad In IH' IZVIIC. fin If) is nullud , W m ”w -<
Iw iy Ill sysilm in point tha tail; pin 87 is m WI cumin nuipui which is N“ g— Nr ' H , W“
unihlud um Ihl tail is wound, Pin m is nu! used, M" E 34 ~ , ii ” " ‘
‘ ‘\*.s as» Jim. Mi Aw; i,-
~——-——- “w.” .,..
\ aim-(u,
~ “I
e . c- ',
Farm c Rainy
H .
may Pinuuis
STEP 6 (Continued)
1 anr tn any wnnectinn tn the main harness, the individual relay circuits may he tested hy ninineriierily switching the yellnrr. men. nr hiue wires tn (round. this will activate the
relay culls l and eeahle the relay tnad circuits iin pin 87 iii the relays.
The yellnvr, green. nr hlun wires (lrnm relay cnil nln 85) are then connected tn the same cnlnr and inarliinz irl trim irnin ihe main harness. Wire Ienrths may he shnrtened nr
lengthened as needed.
3. IMPtiimttL A test Iamn nr nther meihnd shuuld III used to veniy nruuer nueretinn and sequencing at the relays irith the system nrinr tn hard-hing the relays tn the ACE. IBM. and
STAIN“ circuits It is imnnrtent tn run this test tu ensure that any neutral transmissinn saiety interluclis and clutch interlocks are cnmnletely tunetinnal, and that the relays will
tunctiun correctly when the yellnn, men. ui hlue wires are switched tn yrnund.
A, All at the red inns (tn iZVliEi lrnm the relay each may he snliced tutelhei tn a larger me sintle hattery wire. This circuit shnuId cnntain a tuse ni circuit hrealiei with adequate
canacity tn handle the cnmhined ICB/ lGil / Sill leads,
Ilternatiiety, the 3 red relay cell irires (these are the smaller ill mange irires at nin its nl the relay hacks) may he cnnnected tn the dedicated lire new circuit. with the cnmhined
IEC / IGN / STll red iriies cnnnected tn a him current fused nr circuit hreaiter nrntected circuit
1 Wire the main harness,
a) The 2 red viliBS him the main harneu (i each irum the near and tar reader mndulesi should he terminated tn 1 shine rare and rnuted tn the dedicated 3 am cnnstant hnt lused
iii the 2 htact vines shnuId he terminated tn an adequate gnund enint.
c) the blue, green and yeilnii wires are cnnneciel tn the mating wires nn the relay harness. These wires are switched hy the cnnlinl unit tn zrnund in nider tn snritch the
ceiiesnnndinz relays The inres shnuld never he tied diiecfly tn 11 vnltsvrithnut a lead, as this will short the nutput transistnrs and damage the unit,
d) The near and tar reader antenna cahles shnuld he rented at this time,
2. units huili min a date cnde ntJiin znue ni later contain Iieutseh IiTM tyne discennectahie whats in the antenna cahlese Fur cnnvenience, these antennas have keyed 2 and 3 pin
lieutsch IiTlt cnnneclnis which can he discnnnected and thee recuniiected tn aid in the yiire rnuiinz.
Mnunt the Near Reader Antenna
1. The near reader antenna may he mnunied at any nude. and shnuld he snaced Vi inch aiinve any metal er steel surface tn nneiatr ninnerty,
2. The ileai leader antenna is used when the security card cnin cell battery is depleted vi the unit is ntheirrise innneiahle, A nun |iirrieied iti'lli haehuu tnnsennder II|| allnvr the
system tn he nuernted.
3, in use this ieature. hold the security card with the etched airnir in the middle til the cnil. While hnldinz the security card in this ensitinn, neerete me nushhutthn in the seine
manner as the mural nneratien, It is Int needed in held the security card in mis nesitinn in turn the vehicle nit. inn may need in nrient the security card it dilferent anues ini
the system tn start, as the tune antenna has annrnximntely ‘fi inch renye linm the nail tn the security card
4. The hattery in the security card snnuld he renlaced as seen as unssihle.
Near header Antenna llneralinn
l. Ermine lla samrily curl “u Incalnl witIiii 3M iil lha amiila.
2A Pussrril ihl wish-limo! llr rim hall Willi nr missing an! haliliiiz will any-nu ln thl null null wary 0.5 snows. ill amt-human |rossls will lnmr lin muiity mill in
iiiili ill! in find ulna (II mill! in lerlu in ii ml min. ii ill call LEI'i iliilks IM liil mum ms Ill mm, thick lhll m Fl! "dorm autumn is hill unsitimil
firmly on a mi |lala irr ain‘lau, illhc shimmy m is (Ii iil mp. lira security uiil LEII will Mi hlillL
a) [rim lll‘F slain; This iiill Maria liiil ll ABE mi, Thu push-hum! lslliiiy
h) hill ADC min: This will amnu lain ll lfiii mm. Th lat-Mill Iiii iiillil witIiV' hill! ml iii! sun" llnlM ills hat pl "pull.
:1 lriiil Ifill Mlx This will 1mm unit to IlllAilll llllli' lnr as bill as lull" is urinal. lliiil will In lafl in IE! mm mm alumni Thu wish-hull.“ will my iiilllllillllli.
im‘nlial sunur matur has bun aw.
ii) Fmiri mu "mlx am: a mull has bun initiaw this will manna unit ll IlFFslala nil push-lullan will rll law In illaiaiiimil aiii the “queue may in "mail
3. Prussia; lhu ||isl»hiiluiii liir las lhl m hall swarm nriiir la in aligns cum will bring Iiiil ln [IFF slain.
lilil'i: ll lha murky can! is rime! iiat hi my iniIl Illa which is rllllllill. lhu systari hill minim hi run, and may ha himil all but mural Ill restart-l iiiilil lhu soundly uni
IS Ill ram.
Sammy liarii Ilanrry minimum:
Til saciirily card ms 1 slamiarii CIZlm hmury. lha upset-l lilo irl th- hamfy isl yui il iili'lilli ununlilii.
in than! llll hall-11, a TE Hill! drivni is iiuilail in mm llla all having aural. Th balmy musl ha ilsamii imu liia "using with lha ansilive 1+) siil: ilnyrliiards.
Warranty Slalaiiiull
m SMITH: laying sun Syrian is miaramnil in h lru lriili Mauls iii malarial and/Iriilmlaiislin and iii iiarliiriii as mnixail alaii urnurly irislallad. ml and maimairisil
in mama-co hill! the instalialiiiii insimcfiiiiis. Fliilir! la flier! ln all/ll Mai] man in imiliitliiiri iminit‘iirliis Will nil all mtillld warranty nilimiols. Should II]
will) aim dwlfulm' willl'li'fi maths lrliii Hall 01 with“, illlhly) will ll miles! FM. iiiir lamry villiiiiil slam amiiliaii lilu Marlin partial is mum! hi our laullry
lniismizliua avg-s mni .
Sl'likl'l'il: Security Barnum will ml is will! ilr Iaiur charm, lass ur communal imp ll aiiy hind or annular causal hy dalemd nits lr clams ilcurreii in line
realism-iii iir ruair ll Hamlin parts Ily lbs Partisan circles handling. including that by lieinil commits. Illi illlll‘lllll‘ installation or iisu mayimil all iiarrliilias.
it“: “Pull—lili- Muir-_u—-h_--_-r-in~_-n-i-t
h: h— m w ., h n, it m “In“ In a m a. mi- L‘uhllsariari I1! ca dlsflflslm‘ mar/mum saulemam aux
a“ ll' m g fl h It! la Mb.” an * (1) It“ - new mnmimns SillViIllESv (1) line flair pas prodmre m;
I.“ I -'II II m l a nu m i (1) I lulu - M Dmrliliafle, at (2) run/[saw nu 11150051!” flail m air;
n, mm mm, n- m - ., a acceprar mar mainline ladiflfletlfl'fluu run, mlme
a w "— si ca maul/lags as! Sllsfllpllbie do mmpmmsme Ir
Iancliannsmsril flu dispasml
Fill: Irma-ram Stalin-iii (Part 15.105 (ii)
This lllllllllll Ias nun laud alil fluiiii in comply with m limils lot a class I din'ial men. amsnaiil in Part IS vl (ha rcc hulls mass liillis an iles‘liilil iii II‘Iiiill mas-halls
mutton! lniiisl harlml inlarllraiiu iii a rusiihiilial ilslallalila. This mini-iii murals ms aial m radial: radii lriiqllrm mm and, H ml ilsiailad and IBM in acclnlam
Iilh lll insliiiclills. may mass Iarlillrl imriarma lii railiii mun-infirm. "mar. lhm is iiii piaranlu ml i mama riill m star in a nrliciilai iiistlIIaliiiii. Il lliis
nuimnl inns ulna lamlul inurllrlm in min in lolarislun nuptial, with m in lllnrmiiill by tuning lha llllilllllll all and on. ihii (in! is lnmirianl ill try ll ennui lla
marl-ram by m ll ill lollniria maxim:
- limiaiil iii "Inn-iii iha mowing aiilsliia.
- liimasa lha unaniinii llllimn lie lllliillllm alil ruii'mr.
- Emmi Ilia miamaiil iiiln an onlin n a circlil Miami him that In whim (In rmivar is tnnlllclld.
- Buns-ill m ilaalur ur an ururiaiiud radio/iv lucliiiu'aii lur nip,
Tho Main liarnsss. Relay llarnass, anil Switch Harness Wiis Tablas m an lilo iiilliiiviiig yam.
uni-55551... E iii-é
5335555553555, HERE-l.
5-555EEEEEEEIEaisslé slugs. Elli
i|iu.!fl..§si-l..i§a5.35155 In.
...|.._.!... IEHH Essa sis-Es. i:..:. E.
55.5. nun, EB! i§.-!§ai.isi.§i..g Imnflllufllll
E5152- i E!
nus-Elna: Esra!- aisBiEE-iiszEullasEi!!=
mmm m mm
u an

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Page Count                      : 6
Creator                         : HP 9100C Digital Sender
Create Date                     : 2009:03:19 09:07:20
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Subject                         : install
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