Strix Systems OWS2420-90 802.11 a/g Wireless Mesh Type Networking Device User Manual accessone userguide

Strix Systems, Inc. 802.11 a/g Wireless Mesh Type Networking Device accessone userguide

Users Manual IV

Access / One® NetworkManaging the Network 1235Rogue MonitorThe Rogue Monitor provides a snapshot in table form of all rogue devices detectedon a selected subnet.Figure 99. Rogue MonitorAlthough the displayed data is different, the organization of tables in all monitors isthe same. For information about how to define the sort criteria within the RogueMonitor table, see Figure 94. And similar to the Network Connect Monitor and theWireless Client Query Monitor, the Rogue Monitor also includes the informationbutton (i) in the top right corner of the window. Clicking on this button generatesthe RSSI Legend pop-up window (see Figure 96).ScanUse this command if you want to initiate an active scan for rogue devices. Activescans can take up to one minute to complete and network traffic will be disruptedduring the scanning process. Results from the scan are reported in the RogueMonitor table (see Figure 99).Ignore AllUse this command to refresh the Rogue Monitor table with all detected roguedevices ignored. All ignored devices are grayed out.Include AllUse this command to refresh the Rogue Monitor table with all detected roguedevices included.
Access / One® Network124 Managing the Network5The Apply Configuration FunctionThis function is used to apply any configuration changes that have been made ateither the network or subnet level. When BLUE, click on this tab to propagate andapply your changes to all nodes and wireless modules within your Access/OneNetwork or a specific subnet.Figure 100. Apply ConfigurationImportant Notes About Apply ConfigurationThe following notes are important considerations when using the ApplyConfiguration function.For changes to be applied at the network or subnet level, you mustreboot the network after clicking on the Apply Configuration tab,otherwise your changes will not be implemented.The Apply Configuration function is not available when configuringindividual modules, because configuration changes at the module levelare applied automatically when you click on the Update button.Apply Configuration
Access / One® NetworkManaging the Network 1255Enabling Communication Between Remote SubnetsYour Access/One Network can be configured to enable communication betweennetwork servers on remote subnets, allowing you to manage subnets from anynetwork server on the network, regardless of its location. For example, remotesubnets in New York and Los Angeles can be configured and managed from thesame Manager/One interface.ExampleLos Angeles and New York each have their own network:◗Los Angeles (LA):◗New York (NY): want both networks to be managed by the same Manager/One interface, andyou can assume that a network server in Los Angeles ( is the primaryserver for the Access/One Network.See also, “Starting a New Network” on page 32.It is recommended that you complete all of your configuration changesbefore using the Apply Configuration command to propagate yourchanges throughout the network. Once the Apply Configurationcommand has been initiated, you cannot make any further changesuntil the command cycle has been completed.It is strongly recommended that customers use an NTP (Network TimeProtocol) server to synchronize Access/One Network to one clock. Thiswill ensure that the system's internal Syslog time-stamping process ismaintained correctly. See also, “Enabling Windows 2000 Servers forNTP Requests” on page 33. Without an NTP server (no universal clock),each network server will use its own internal clock and stamp timesaccordingly.
Access / One® Network126 Managing the Network5ProcedureConfigure a single remote network server for each subnet (NY: on theLA server. Within a few minutes, Strix’s mesh topology feature will cause all of theremote subnets to automatically appear in each network server. Your Access/OneNetwork is now manageable from any of the network servers in the network.Removing the NS to NS FeatureTo remove the NS to NS communication feature, delete all of the remote serverentries on the LA server. When done, click on the Update button, then click on theApply Configuration tab and reboot the network (to apply your changes).Managing Remote Subnets from Manager/OneIn most cases, configuration of your Access/One Network will apply to all subnets tomaintain an homogeneous network. There are a few commands which can only beapplied at the subnet level. The following commands apply to the network levelonly (regardless of what view is currently displayed):◗Load Firmware on Network◗The Apply Configuration FunctionThe following commands apply at the network or subnet level (depending on whatview is currently displayed):◗Reboot Network (network only)◗Reboot... (subnet / network)The following commands are applicable only at the subnet level:◗Update Network Membership◗Update Node Names
Access / One® NetworkManaging Subnets and Nodes 1276Managing Subnets and NodesThis chapter covers management tasks at the subnet and node levels—you can onlymanage a subnet or node (you cannot configure subnets or nodes independent ofthe network). If you are managing your Access/One Network at the network level, ormanaging an individual module (for example, a wireless module or network server),go to the relevant chapter:◗“Managing the Network” on page 65.◗“Managing Modules” on page 133.The following graphic shows the subnet (subcloud) view in Manager/One’s mainwindow. The subnet view displays all nodes within the selected subnet and providesinterface features that are not available at the network level. All tasks in this chapterare performed at the subnet or node levels.Figure 101. Subnet (Subcloud) ViewIP AddressDetails Pane Subnet (Subcloud)ViewsDiscovery Options
Access / One® Network128 Managing Subnets and Nodes6Interface Features in the Subnet ViewThe interface features that are unique to the subnet view have already beendiscussed in Chapter 4, The Manager/One Interface. They are listed here for yourconvenience, and include:◗“A Choice of Layouts” on page 45.◗“The Details Pane” on page 56.◗“Inventory or Auto Discovered” on page 63.The Manage FunctionTo avoid repetition, this section only addresses the management commands at thesubnet and node levels that are different from the equivalent commands at thenetwork level, or management commands that are unique to the subnet and nodelevels. Therefore, the section headings included here are limited to the followingcommands in the Manage function only:◗Commands (at the Subnet Level)•Load Firmware...–Subnet–Network•Reboot...–Subnet–Network◗Commands (at the Node Level)•Update Node Names•Update Network MembershipAll other commands that are available at the subnet level but not listed here can befound in Chapter 5, Managing the Network. You can also find them in the Table ofContents and the Index.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Subnets and Nodes 1296Commands (at the Subnet Level)Load Firmware...This command allows you to load a new firmware image to each of the modulescontained in all network nodes within your Access/One Network or to a specificsubnet. However, before you can load a new image, your FTP server parametersmust be established correctly to let Manager/One know where to locate the newimage (BIN) file.To establish the correct FTP parameters and load new firmware at the network orsubnet levels, go to “Updating the Firmware” on page 35.SubnetChoose this option to load new firmware to all devices within the selected subnet.NetworkChoose this option to load new firmware to all subnets and devices within yourentire Access/One Network.Reboot...This command reboots each module in all nodes within your Access/One Networkor a selected subnet. Rebooting is required when configuration changes are made ora new firmware image is loaded. To monitor the progress of the reboot operation,the network server generates the request in stages. When each module reportsreceiving the reboot command and successfully reboots, the network serverperforms a final self-reboot. You can monitor reboot progress reports with the ViewAction Status command or from the Command Progress pane.Figure 102. Command Progress PaneSuccess
Access / One® Network130 Managing Subnets and Nodes6Whenever you initiate the Reboot... command, the system warns you that this actionwill affect multiple devices on the network (or subnet) and asks you to confirm therequest. If you want to proceed, click on the OK button to initiate the rebootprocess, otherwise click on the Cancel button to abort the command.See also, “Important Note About Rebooting” on page 4.SubnetChoose this option to reboot the selected subnet.NetworkChoose this option to reboot your entire Access/One Network.Commands (at the Node Level)Update Node NamesThe ability to assign names to your nodes is provided as a convenience to users whowant their nodes to have meaningful names (for example, based on the node’slocation).Figure 103. Node Name (Flat View)In Manager/One, the node name appears below the node in an editable text field.You can assign any name with up to 15 alphanumeric characters, but the name mustbe unique within your Access/One Network. If you attempt to enter a name thatalready exists (a duplicate name), Manager/One will prompt you for a new name.Name changes do not require a reboot, but may take between 10 and 15 secondsbefore the change is reported. Refresh your browser window frequently to ensurethat the latest information is displayed.Node Name
Access / One® NetworkManaging Subnets and Nodes 1316To change a name, simply enter a new name in the text field below the node andselect the Update Node Names command. When prompted, click on the OK buttonto apply your change.Update Network MembershipThe subnet (subcloud) displays all of the nodes residing in the network. Nodesalready assigned to the network (members) are GREY in color and the check boxbelow the node is checked.Figure 104. Network MembershipYou can add or remove nodes from the network by checking or unchecking thecheck box below the node, then selecting the Update Network Membershipcommand. This action forces a reboot of the nodes which have changed theirmembership status (nodes not admitted to a network, other than the default, will notbridge user traffic).IWS nodes that are BLUE do not have a check mark in the check box,and although they are currently not assigned to the network, they canbe admitted (become members). All nodes admitted to the network willbe rebooted. Nodes that are RED also do not have a check mark in thecheck box, but these nodes are unavailable and cannot be assigned tothe network.
Access / One® Network132 Managing Subnets and Nodes6Use this Space for Your Notes
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1337Managing ModulesThis chapter covers management and configuration tasks at the individual modulelevel (for example, wireless modules or network servers). It is generally sufficient toconfigure your Access/One Network as a whole without configuring specificmodules. If you are managing the network, a subnet or node, go to the relevantchapter:◗“Managing the Network” on page 65.◗“Managing Subnets and Nodes” on page 127.When a module is configured, the module’s manually configured parameters willalways override the global network parameters that are configured or defaulted atthe network level. It is presumed that if a module is manually configured, then themodule’s values take precedence over global network values.Manger/One at the Module LevelWhen you drill down to the module level in Manager/One you will notice that thefunction tabs and available commands change, depending on what type of moduleyou have selected (wireless module or network server). For example, If you arelogged in to a wireless module, Manager/One presents you with a Rogue Devicesfunction and Wi-Fi commands under the Configure function—none of these optionsbeing available if you are logged in to a network server (they are not required fornetwork servers).Also, and regardless of what type of module you are logged in to, the ApplyConfiguration tab is not available at the module level. The Apply Configuration tabis only applicable at the network level where you need to propagate yourconfiguration changes across the entire network.To avoid repetition, this chapter only addresses the commands at the module levelthat are different from the equivalent commands at the network level, or commandsthat are unique to individual modules. For your convenience, cross-references areincluded that will take you to the corresponding commands at the network level.
Access / One® Network134 Managing Modules7When you initiate a command at the module level, the configuration pages that aredisplayed contain the configuration settings that are currently applied to the selectedmodule only (not the network or any other module).The Manage FunctionThis function provides you with the tools you need to manage individual modulesand includes the following commands:◗Actions•Factory Defaults•Load Firmware/Configuration•Page Device•RebootIn most cases, the only difference between a configuration windowgenerated at the network level and the same window generated at themodule level is the inclusion of pre-configured module data (if any) inthe fields contained within the window.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1357ActionsThis area of Manger/One applies to all modules (wireless modules and networkservers) and contains commands that allow you to establish factory default settings,load firmware and/or configuration files, and page or reboot the module.Factory DefaultsThis command allows you to set the module’s configuration settings to their factorydefault state or remove the subnet and/or network configuration parameters from themodule.Figure 105. Device Configuration WindowMake your selection(s) from the available options:◗Set Device Configuration To Factory DefaultsEnable this option to reset the module to its factory default state.◗Remove Sub-cloud Configuration From DeviceEnable this option to remove any configuration settings that were applied tothe module at the subnet level.◗Remove Cloud Configuration From DeviceEnable this option to remove any configuration settings that were applied tothe module at the network level.After making your selections, click on the Factory Default button to apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module.
Access / One® Network136 Managing Modules7Load Firmware/ConfigurationThis command allows you to load a new firmware image and /or configuration fileto the module, restore a previous version (or backup file), or upload a backupfirmware image and /or configuration file. The following graphic shows the LoadFirmware/Configuration window with its options set for uploading a backupconfiguration file.Figure 106. Loading a New Firmware Image or Configuration FileGo to “Firmware Updates” on page 145 and establish the FTP server parameters toinform Manager/One where to locate the new firmware image or configuration file,and which file to use. The following options are available with this command:◗Action TypeChoose Download, Restore Previous Version, or Upload.◗File VersionDefine the file version, either Current or Backup (only available if you areuploading a file).◗File TypeDefine the file type, either Image or Configuration.Click on the Download Now,Restore Now, or Upload Now button (depending onwhich action you defined) to execute the command, then click on the Rebootbutton to reboot the module.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1377Page DeviceThis command allows you to page the module (device) that you are currently loggedin to.Figure 107. Paging a DeviceTo page the module, simply click on the Page Device button. When an IWS (IndoorWireless System) module is paged, the module’s LED blinks between GREEN andRED, indicating that communication with the module is successful. The module willbe paged until you click on the Disable Page button.RebootThis command allows you to reboot the module.Figure 108. Rebooting a ModuleClick on the Reboot button to reboot the module, or click on the Cancel button tocancel the request.
Access / One® Network138 Managing Modules7The Configure FunctionThis function provides you with the tools you need to configure individual modulesand includes the following commands:◗System•User Login•Network Management–General–SNMP–Trusted IP Addresses•TCP/IP Settings•Priority/One - Class of Service•Radius Accounting•Syslog•Date and Time•Operating Environment•Firmware Updates◗Wi-Fi (Wireless Modules Only)•Radio Parameters•Client Connect•Network Connect•Rogue ScanSystemThis area of Manger/One applies to all modules (wireless modules and networkservers) and contains commands that allow you to configure the module’s system-level parameters. Any configuration parameters that you apply to the module willsupersede the equivalent system-level parameters that were applied at the networklevel and propagated to the module from the Apply Configuration tab.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1397User LoginThis command allows you to establish the identity of this module, define its physicallocation within the environment based on latitude, longitude and elevation, and setup the module’s login parameters (username and password).Figure 109. Module Identity and User Management (Login) ParametersThe following options are available with this command:◗Module NameEdit the existing name or enter a new name for this module. If no name isdefined for the module, the system automatically sets the module’s factorydefault serial number as the name.◗Network NameThis field (not editable) shows the name of the network that this module isassociated with. If you need to change the network association for thismodule, go to “Update Network Membership” on page 131.◗LatitudeThis field allows you to define the specific latitude for where this module islocated (more relevant to OWS modules where physical location andenvironment can be extreme). This setting must be within the range of -90degrees/minutes to +90 degrees/minutes. The default is +0.000000.
Access / One® Network140 Managing Modules7◗LongitudeThis field allows you to define the specific longitude for where this module islocated (more relevant to OWS modules where physical location andenvironment can be extreme). This setting must be within the range of -180degrees/minutes to +180 degrees/minutes. The default is +0.000000.◗ElevationThis field allows you to define the specific elevation (in feet) for where thismodule is located (more relevant to OWS modules where physical locationand environment can be extreme). The default is +0 feet (sea level).◗User nameSelect a user name from the pull-down list (Admin or Guest). Any changesyou make to the password in the following field will affect logins to thismodule for the selected user name only.◗PasswordEnter a password (between 5 and 32 characters). All passwords are case-sensitive. Any change you make to the password will affect logins for thismodule only.◗Confirm PasswordRe-enter the password to confirm that you typed it correctly.◗Password EncryptionCheck this box if you want Access/One Network to encrypt your password foradditional security.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.The default for the user name and the password for all moduleswithin your Access/One Network is Admin (with a capitalized A)for both. We strongly recommend that you change the defaultpassword immediately after your initial login.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1417Network ManagementThis command generates three sub-commands (General, SNMP, and Trusted IPAddresses) that allow you to define parameters for how the module is managedwithin your Access/One Network. For the most part, these commands are the sameas their corresponding commands at the network level (with some minor exceptionsthat are documented here).GeneralUnless you are logged in to a network server, this command is the same as itscorresponding command at the network level. In this case, go to “General” onpage 73 to configure all options under this command. If you are logged in to anetwork server, the window generated by this command includes an additionaloption called Client Connect Privacy Tags.Figure 110. Client Connect Privacy Tags◗Client Connect Privacy TagsCheck the box for Preserve Tags on Egress to LAN if you want this module topreserve any client connect privacy tags that have been assigned to yourAccess/One Network. See also, “Client Connect” on page 101.
Access / One® Network142 Managing Modules7When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.SNMPThe only difference between the SNMP configuration window generated at themodule level and the corresponding window at the network level is the addition ofthe Description and Name identifier fields, specific to the module. For all otherSNMP configuration options, go to “SNMP” on page 75.Figure 111. Module Description and NameThe Description field provides a description of the module and is not editable. Ifdesired, you can enter a new name for the module in the Name field.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1437Trusted IP AddressesThis command is the same as its corresponding command at the network level. Toconfigure these options for the module, go to “Trusted IP Addresses” on page 143.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.TCP/IP SettingsThis command is similar to the TCP/IP Settings command used at the network level,with the addition of the IP Settings option. For all other TCP/IP configurationoptions, go to “TCP/IP Settings” on page 78.Figure 112. TCP/IP Settings (Module Level)◗IP SettingsChoose whether you want the system to use DHCP to obtain the module’s IPaddress automatically (default), or use a pre-configured static IP address. Ifyou choose the latter option, you must enter a valid IP address and SubnetMask in the appropriate fields.
Access / One® Network144 Managing Modules7When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.Priority/One - Class of ServiceThis command is the same as its corresponding command at the network level. Toconfigure these options for the module, go to “Priority/One - Class of Service” onpage 81.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.Radius AccountingThis command is the same as its corresponding command at the network level. Toconfigure these options for the module, go to “Radius Accounting” on page 84.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.SyslogThis command is the same as its corresponding command at the network level. Toconfigure these options for the module, go to “Syslog” on page 85.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1457Date and TimeThis command is the same as its corresponding command at the network level. Toconfigure these options for the module, go to “Date and Time” on page 88.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.Operating EnvironmentThis command is the same as its corresponding command at the network level. Toconfigure these options for the module, go to “Operating Environment” on page 91.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.Firmware UpdatesThis option is similar to the Firmware Updates command used at the network level,but without the FTP Update Aggressiveness options, and with the addition of the FileName field (for defining a new configuration file). For all other Firmware Updatesconfiguration options, go to “Firmware Updates” on page 91.Figure 113. Setting Up the FTP Server (Module Level)
Access / One® Network146 Managing Modules7◗File NameIf you are calling a file other than accessone.bin or accessone_m.bin for thismodule, enter the name of the file in this field.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.Wi-FiThis area of Manger/One applies only to wireless modules (not network servers) andcontains commands that allow you to configure the module’s Wi-Fi parameters. Anyconfiguration parameters that you apply to the module will supersede the equivalentsystem-level parameters that were applied at the network level and propagated tothe module from the Apply Configuration tab.The menu structure under the Wi-Fi option is slightly different, depending onwhether you are logged in to a single band wireless module or a dual band wirelessmodule. The differences between the menus are as follows:Figure 114. Single and Dual Band Wi-Fi Menu Structure◗Wi-Fi (single band radio)•Radio Parameters•Client Connect•Network Connect•Rogue Scan◗Wi-Fi (dual band radio)•802.11a Radio–Parameters–Client Connect–Network Connect–Rogue Scan•802.11g Radio–Parameters–Client Connect–Network Connect–Rogue Scan
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1477Radio ParametersThis command is similar to the Radio Parameters command used at the networklevel, but with fields that are relevant only to the selected wireless module. To avoidconfusion, the page generated by this command will be documented here in full. Allchanges made to this page will be applied only to the module you are currentlylogged in to (not to the entire network).Figure 115 shows an example of the Radio Parameters configuration page for802.11a radios operating in the 5.745 GHz to 5.825 GHz wireless band.Figure 115. 802.11a Radio Parameters (5.745 GHz to 5.825 GHz)
Access / One® Network148 Managing Modules7Figure 116 shows an example of the Radio Parameters configuration page for802.11g radios operating in the 2.400 GHz to 2.4835 GHz wireless band.Figure 116. 802.11g Radio Parameters (2.400 GHz to 2.4835 GHz)
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1497Figure 117 shows an example of the Radio Parameters configuration page for radiosoperating in the 4.940 GHz to 4.990 GHz wireless band.Figure 117. Public Safety Radio Parameters (4.940 GHz to 4.990 GHz)The following options are available with the Radio Parameters command:◗Active Country CodeThis field (not editable) shows the currently active country code.◗Config Country CodeThis field is not editable because this model of your Access/One Networkapplies only to the United States (which is the only country code available).◗Operating ModeThis option allows you to select the operating mode (either Client Connect orNetwork Connect) manually, or choose Automatic Selection if you want themodule to select its operating mode automatically.
Access / One® Network150 Managing Modules7◗Wireless ModeThis option allows you to select the wireless mode for this module. Thefollowing modes are available:•802.11a–This is the default standard 802.11a wireless mode.•802.11g–802.11g: This is the default standard 802.11g wireless mode.–802.11g Only: This mode restricts the module to the 802.11gwireless mode only and does not allow 802.11b compatibility.–802.11g Super: This mode provides support for the Atheros Super GFastFrames throughput enhancement technology, with data rates upto 108Mbps and compatible with the 802.11g (54 Mbps) wirelesstechnology. This translates to nearly double the throughput, but thereare some limitations, including:–Only one operating channel is supported.–All user devices must also be capable of running 802.11g SuperG and be configured for it. Super G is not an industry standardand so not all 802.11g user devices support this feature.–802.11b Only (No 802.11g): This mode restricts the module to the802.11b mode only and does not allow 802.11g compatibility.◗Allow Association Over Long DistancesThis option allows you to set a distance (up to 25 miles) for wirelessassociations over long distances (the default is 3 miles).◗WLAN Radio Client LimitsThis option allows you to restrict the number of clients that can associate withthe module. The default is 128. Setting this field to 0 (zero) prevents all clientaccess to the module.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1517◗Frequency/Rate/PowerThese options define the operating frequency, data rate and transmit powerfor the module. The fields for these options include:•Active Radio FrequencyThis field displays the active radio frequency that this module is currentlyusing.•Radio FrequencyThis option allows you to manually change the operating frequency fromthe frequencies available in the pull-down list. Alternatively, you canchoose the SmartSelect option which will instruct the system to select thebest frequency automatically.•Data RateThis option allows you to select the data rate for the wireless modulefrom the choices available in the pull-down list. All data rates arespecified in Mbps (Megabits per second). You can choose a specific datarate from the pull-down list, or choose the Best option, which willinstruct the system to select the best data rate for the wireless moduleautomatically. The available data rates are determined by which type ofwireless module (802.11a or 802.11g) you are logged in to.•Transmit PowerThis option allows you to select the level of transmit power for thewireless module from the choices available in the pull-down list (eitherFull, Half, Quarter, One Eighth, or Minimum). You can decrease thetransmit power to decrease the range of the module. The default value forthis parameter is Full (maximum power).Depending on the selected antenna(s) for your application—especiallyrelevant to the OWS—it may be necessary to configure the transmitpower. It is the installer's responsibility to ensure that the transmit poweris set correctly for the chosen antenna(s). Operation in a manner otherthan is represented in this document is a violation of FCC rules.For a complete listing of the maximum power settings allowed forantennas, go to “Power Settings for Antennas” on page 167.
Access / One® Network152 Managing Modules7◗802.11a Channel SelectorThese options extend the range of 802.11a wireless capability by allowingyou to select 802.11a wireless channels. Check the corresponding box toenable an 802.11a channel of your choice.◗802.11g Channel SelectorThese options extend the range of 802.11g wireless capability by allowingyou to select 802.11g wireless channels. Check the corresponding box toenable an 802.11g channel of your choice.◗802.11g (only)These options allow you to set up how your 802.11g wireless moduleperforms (not applicable to 802.11a radios). Options that are specific to802.11g radios include:•Protection ModeThis is a mechanism to let 802.11g devices know when they should usemodulation techniques to communicate with another 802.11b device,especially in wireless networks where there is a mixed environment thathas 802.11g and 802.11b clients (and the clients are hidden from eachother. The protection mode options are:–NoneThis assumes there are no wireless stations using 802.11b (11 Mbps)technology. If operating in a mixed 802.11b/g network with minimal802.11b traffic, choose this option to ensure the best performance foryour 802.11g stations.–AlwaysProtects 802.11b traffic from colliding with 802.11g traffic. Thismode is not recommended, especially if only a few wireless stationsare operating with 802.11b. Only use this mode in environmentswith heavy 802.11b traffic or where there is interference.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1537–AutoThis is the default mode and will enable protection for 802.11gstations if your Access/One Network finds an 802.11b client. In thismode, if the 802.11b client leaves the network the protection modewill revert to None automatically.•Protection RateSets the data rate at which the RTS-CTS (Request-to-Send and Clear-to-Send) packets are sent (either 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps, or 11 Mbps).The 11 Mbps data rate is the default.•Protection TypeThis option is only relevant when the Protection Mode is on. The optionshere are CTS-only or RTS-CTS. With CTS-only, the client is not requiredto send an RTS (Request-to-Send) to the AP. As long as the client receivesa CTS (Clear-to-Send) frame from the AP then the client is free to senddata. With the RTS-CTS option enabled, the client is required to send anRTS to the AP and wait for a CTS from the AP before it can send data (thisoption creates additional overhead and can cause performancedegradation). The default is CTS-only.•Short Slot Time802.11g defines the long slot time as 20 microseconds and a short slottime as 9 microseconds. 802.11b only supports the long slot time of 20microseconds. In an environment with 802.11g devices only, this option(Short Slot Time) must be enabled for better performance—givingprecedence to 802.11g traffic. Only disable this option in mixed(802.11b and 802.11g) environments. The default is enabled.•Short Slot PreambleShort slot preamble improves network efficiency by reducing thepreamble from 128 bits to 56 bits. 802.11g is required to support bothshort and long preambles (802.11b support for a short preamble isoptional). If this option is enabled, any 802.11b clients associated withthe network must support a short preamble. The default for this option isenabled.
Access / One® Network154 Managing Modules7◗Advanced SettingsThese advanced settings are preconfigured with the optimum settings for yourwireless module. Changing any of these settings may negatively affect themodule’s performance. For best results, leave these settings at their defaultvalues.•Beacon IntervalThe beacon is a uniframe system packet broadcast by the AP to keep themodule synchronized. Enter a value in this field between 20 and 1000(milliseconds) that specifies the beacon interval. The default value is 100.•Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM Period)Enter a value between 1 and 255 that specifies the Delivery TrafficIndication Message (DTIM). Increasing this interval allows the station tosleep for longer periods of time resulting in power savings (in exchangefor some degradation in performance). The default value is 1.•Fragment LengthEnter a value between 256 and 2346. This setting determines the size ofthe wireless frame. Wireless frames are reassembled by the wirelessmodule before being forwarded to the Ethernet port, but only if the frameis smaller than the Ethernet MTU (1536 bytes). The default value is 2346.•RTS/CTS ThresholdThis is a value that determines at what frame length the RTS-CTS functionis triggered. By default, the threshold is set at its highest value. A lowervalue means that the RTS-CTS function is triggered for smaller framelengths. A lower threshold value may be necessary in environments withexcessive signal noise or hidden nodes, but may result in someperformance degradation. Enter a value between 256 and 2346 to specifythe RTS/CTS threshold. The default value is 2346.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1557Client ConnectThis command is similar to its corresponding command at the network level. Theonly difference between the configuration windows is that the Client ConnectPrivacy Tags option is not displayed at the module level. To configure your ClientConnect options for a wireless module, go to “Client Connect” on page 101.Figure 118. Client Connect Configuration WindowWhen finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.
Access / One® Network156 Managing Modules7Network ConnectThis command is similar to its corresponding command at the network level, withthe addition of the Target MAC Address and Ignore RTD options. For all otherconfiguration options, go to “Network Connect” on page 109.Figure 119. Network Connect Configuration Window◗Target MAC AddressEnter the MAC address for the wireless module to enable peer-to-peerconnectivity based on the module’s MAC address. You only need to completethe MAC address (the first three fields are inputted automatically).◗Ignore RTDCheck this box to instruct the system to ignore the RTD (Round Trip Delay),which ensures that the backhaul will stay connected to an AP even if the RTDis zero. When RTD from a Client Connect is set to 0 (zero) a NetworkConnect will drop its wireless connection to that Client Connect and scan fora peer with a non zero RTD (that can ping the gateway). Ignoring the RTDwill keep the link up to that peer regardless, and eliminate self-healing. Thedefault is to ignore the RTD (enabled).
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1577When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.Rogue ScanThis option allows you to define which channels are scanned for rogue devices bythe defined country code (similar to its corresponding command at the networklevel, but without the option for defining a rogue list refresh period). To configurerogue scan channel selections for the module, go to “Rogue Scan” on page 114.When finished, click on the Update button to update this page and apply yourchanges, then click on the Reboot button to reboot the module. If necessary, youcan click on the Refresh button in the toolbar to reset all parameters on this page totheir original values.
Access / One® Network158 Managing Modules7The Monitor FunctionThis function provides you with the tools you need to monitor the performance ofindividual modules and includes the following commands:◗Reports•Radio StatisticsApplicable to wireless modules only.•Wireless NeighborsApplicable to wireless modules only.•Wireless Client MonitorApplicable to wireless Client Connect modules only.•SSIDs / VLANs ListApplicable to wireless Client Connect modules only.•Device InformationApplicable to all wireless modules and network servers.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1597ReportsThis area of Manger/One applies to all wireless modules and network servers andcontains commands that allow you to monitor the performance of individualmodules within your Access/One Network. It should be noted that the menustructure under the Reports option is slightly different, depending on whether youare logged in to a single band wireless module or a dual band wireless module. Thedifferences between the menus are as follows:Figure 120. Single and Dual Band Reports Menu StructureThe  Radio Statistics,Statistics (dual band radios only) and Wireless Neighborscommands are only available when logged in to a wireless module—not a networkserver.The  Wireless Client Monitor and SSIDs / VLANs List commands are only availablewhen logged in to a wireless module that is configured as a Client Connect—not aNetwork Connect or network server.The  Device Information command is available for all wireless modules, includingnetwork servers.◗Reports (single band radio)•Radio Statistics•Wireless Neighbors•Wireless Client Monitor•SSIDs / VLANs List•Device Information◗Reports (dual band radio)•802.11a Radio–Statistics–Wireless Neighbors–Wireless Client Monitor–SSIDs / VLANs List•802.11g Radio–Statistics–Wireless Neighbors–Wireless Client Monitor–SSIDs / VLANs List•Device Information
Access / One® Network160 Managing Modules7Radio StatisticsThis command is used to generate a statistical performance report relative to theselected wireless module. You can Clear the data or Recalculate the data that isdisplayed on this page, as required.Clearing the data resets all values to zero. If you recalculate (refresh) the data, thewireless module is polled and current operating data is displayed. Clicking on theRefresh button in the toolbar has the same effect as recalculating the data.The following graphic shows an example of the Radio Statistics report for an802.11a wireless module operating in the 5 GHz band with a data rate of 54 Mbps.Figure 121. Radio StatisticsClearRecalculate
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1617Wireless NeighborsThis command is used to generate a report that shows all wireless neighbors for themodule, including any rogue devices (if enabled). To generate the report, click onthe Scan button—it may take up to one minute to complete the scan for wirelessneighbors and return the results. To include rogue devices in the scan, simply checkthe Show Rogue Devices check box. The default is to include rogue devices.Figure 122. Wireless NeighborsThe table displayed in the Wireless Neighbors window can be customized to show adefined number of entries in the table, and the table can be sorted in eitherascending or descending order based on any selected column. For example, if youwant to sort the table by wireless technology, click in the column header forTechnology—the table is then sorted according to the wireless technology used byeach wireless neighbor. The default is to have the table sorted by BSSID indescending order. You can refresh the data on this page by clicking on the Refreshbutton in the toolbar. In addition, you can view the RSSI legend by clicking on theInformation button (i) in the toolbar.Scan for NeighborsShow Rogue Devices
Access / One® Network162 Managing Modules7Wireless Client MonitorThis command is used to generate a report that shows all Client Connects that arecurrently associated with the module you are logged in to.Figure 123. Wireless Client MonitorThe table displayed in the Wireless Client Monitor window can be customized toshow a defined number of entries in the table, and the table can be sorted in eitherascending or descending order based on any selected column. For example, if youwant to sort the table by the IP address of each client, click in the column header forClient IP Address—the table is then sorted according to the IP address designated foreach client. The default is to have the table sorted by Client BSSID in descendingorder. You can refresh the data on this page by clicking on the Refresh button in thetoolbar. In addition, you can view the RSSI legend by clicking on the Informationbutton (i) in the toolbar.If you know the username and password, you can also log in to a client by clickingon its IP address, or you can click on a client’s BSSID and view the BSSIDinformation associated with the client (see also, “AP Monitor” on page 119).The far right column offers a convenient tool for disconnecting from any of theclients in the table—simply click on the disconnect icon in this column todisconnect from the associated client.
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1637SSIDs / VLANs ListThis command is used to generate a report that shows all SSIDs and VLANs currentlyassociated with the module you are logged in to.Figure 124. SSID / VLANs ListThe table displayed in the SSIDs / VLANs List window can be sorted in eitherascending or descending order based on any selected column. For example, if youwant to sort the table by the priority assigned to each VLAN, click in the columnheader for Priority—the table is then sorted according to the VLAN priority. Thedefault is to have the table sorted by VLAN in descending order.You can refresh the data on this page by clicking on the Refresh button in thetoolbar. In addition, you can view the Wi-Fi legend by clicking on the Informationbutton (i) in the toolbar. The legend shows the meaning of the icon displayed in theType column.Client Connect (Virtual/Strix) is the system topology that enables your Access/OneNetwork to support and provide access to client devices using most wirelesstechnologies, including 802.11a or 802.11g. With Client Connect you cancustomize each network node to support the wireless technologies you need in thelocations you need them. Any mix of these technologies can be supported within asingle node or across the entire Access/One Network. To understand how SSIDs andVLANs are assigned to clients, go to “Client Connect” on page 155.
Access / One® Network164 Managing Modules7Device InformationThis command is used to generate a report that shows information about the moduleyou are logged in to. Figure 125 shows the Device Information window generatedwhile logged in to an 802.11a wireless module. Unlike most monitoring windows,pages generated by the Device Information command are not configurable.Figure 125. Device Information (802.11a Module)Figure 126 shows the Device Information window generated while logged in to anetwork server module.Figure 126. Device Information (Network Server)
Access / One® NetworkManaging Modules 1657The Rogue Devices FunctionThis function provides you with a rogue scanning tool that allows you to scan for allrogue devices. The scanning tool offered here is similar to the Rogue Monitor toolprovided at the network level, but applies only to rogue devices detected by thewireless module that you are logged in to.CommandsThis area of Manger/One applies to wireless modules only.ScanUse this command if you want to initiate an active scan for rogue devices. Activescans can take up to one minute to complete and traffic to and from the module willbe disrupted during the scanning process. Results from the scan are reported in theRogue Monitor table.Figure 127. Rogue Monitor TableThe table displayed in the Rogue Monitor table can be sorted in either ascending ordescending order based on any selected column. For example, if you want to sortthe table by technology, click in the column header for Technology—the table isthen sorted according to the wireless technology used by the rogue device. Thedefault is to have the table sorted by BSSID in descending order.
Access / One® Network166 Managing Modules7You can refresh the data on this page by clicking on the Refresh button in thetoolbar. In addition, you can view the RSSI legend by clicking on the Informationbutton (i) in the toolbar.In addition, you can click on a rogue’s BSSID and view the BSSID informationassociated with the rogue device. For example:Figure 128. BSSID Information for Rogue DeviceFor more information about rogue devices, go to:◗“Detecting Rogue Devices” on page 13.◗“Rogue Scan” on page 114.◗“Rogue Monitor” on page 123.◗“Rogue Scan” on page 157.
Access / One® Network167APower Settings for AntennasThe following tables show the maximum power settings based on the type ofantenna1 being used and the wireless band.Channels for IEEE 802.11b/g* Listed power level settings are average power.1. In order to comply with FCC regulations, for transmissions in the 5.725 - 5.850 GHzband using the 23 dBi Patch Panel antenna in the United States, a band pass filter mustbe used (K&L Microwave part number 6C50-5787.5/U120-n/n or equivalent), andalso for transmissions in the 2.4 GHz band in the United States using full power onchannels 1 or 11 (RF Linx Corporation part number 2400BPF-8-FB or equivalent).12 dBi Omni Antenna (2.4 GHz – 2.4835 GHz)ChannelIdentifierFrequency (MHz) FilterPower Level (dBm) *CCK ODFM1 2412 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)2 2417 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)3 2422 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)4 2427 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)5 2432 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)6 2437 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)7 2442 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)8 2447 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)9 2452 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)10 2457 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)11 2462 Yes Half (+24dBm) Half (+23dBm)
Access / One® Network168A* Listed power level settings are average power.16.4 dBi Sector Antenna (2.400 GHz – 2.4835 GHz)ChannelIdentifierFrequency (MHz) FilterPower Level (dBm) *CCK ODFM1 2412 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)2 2417 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)3 2422 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)4 2427 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)5 2432 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)6 2437 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)7 2442 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)8 2447 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)9 2452 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)10 2457 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)11 2462 Yes Quarter (+21dBm) Quarter (+20dBm)
Access / One® Network169AChannels for IEEE 802.11a* Listed power level settings are average power.* Listed power level settings are average power.12 dBi Omni Antenna (5.745 GHz – 5.825 GHz)ChannelIdentifierFrequency (MHz) FilterPower Level (dBm) *ODFM149 5745 No Half (+23dBm)153 5765 No Full (+26dBm)157 5765 No Full (+26dBm)161 5805 No Full (+26dBm)165 5825 No Half (+23dBm)23 dBi Patch Panel Antenna (5.745 GHz – 5.825 GHz)ChannelIdentifierFrequency (MHz) FilterPower Level (dBm) *ODFM149 5745 Yes Half (+23dBm)153 5765 Yes Full (+26dBm)157 5765 Yes Full (+26dBm)161 5805 Yes Full (+26dBm)165 5825 Yes Half (+23dBm)
Access / One® Network170AChannels for Public Safety (4.9 GHz)* Listed power level settings are peak power.11 dBi Radome Omni Antenna (4.940 GHz – 4.990 GHz)ChannelIdentifierFrequency (MHz) FilterPower Level (dBm) *ODFM30 4955 No Full (+30.7dBm)70 4975 No Full (+30.7dBm)
Access / One® Network171BTechnical SupportStrix has partnered with industry leading resellers and system integrators and hasequipped them with all of the training and support tools needed to service our end-user customers. Strix Partners may log in to the Partner Page for detailed supportinformation.Figure 129. Partner Login PageWarrantyOur Access/One Network ships with a standard warranty of one year for hardwareand software. See also, Access/One® Indoor and Outdoor Wireless System LimitedWarranty and Software License Agreement in the front matter In addition towarranty services, Strix offers technical support services for firmware and software,and advanced replacements for Access/One products.
Access / One® Network172BPriority AssignmentStrix recognizes our customers’ reliance on our products to gain a competitive edgein their respective industries. Therefore, Strix offers priority assignment of ourtechnical resources and expertise for those support situations where there is acritical impact to the customers’ business operations.Partner TrainingStrix provides training to our partners on product features and benefits, including:◗Wireless network design, including mesh implementation◗Network operation and management◗Wireless securityOur partners are experienced at installing, configuring, operating andtroubleshooting your Access/One Network.Partner ToolsOnce a VAR becomes a Strix partner, they have access to our Partners Web page,where they are equipped with sales tools, product documentation, competitivecomparisons, case studies and support instructions.IntegrationAccess/One Network fits easily into existing customer installations. The network isdesigned to be fully compatible in most switching/routing environments with nospecial software, servers, or power injectors required. IWS equipment may beinstalled on ceilings and walls, mounted above the ceiling, or placed on a desktopor cubicle divider. The OWS is usually mounted on a pole, though mounting optionsare dictated by the environment.GoalOur goal is to provide easy-to-deploy products that are backed by reliable andresponsive support.

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