Stryker Medical 6516 Power-PRO IT User Manual 2

Stryker Medical Power-PRO IT Users Manual 2


Users Manual 2

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Document ID2055843
Application ID6B2W9IxgcgjmgpPAOsQ4xQ==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize71.94kB (899253 bits)
Date Submitted2013-08-28 00:00:00
Date Available2013-08-28 00:00:00
Creation Date2013-08-28 07:42:11
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Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleUsers Manual 2
Document CreatorTOSHIBA e-STUDIO455

Service Information
Tools Required:
- 130 Torx Driver
The set retaining post is shipped preconiigured tor en X-ireme cot. It the cot fastener has been configured for an
H-lrarne eat. you must adjust the co! retaining post to accommodate the cat fastener.
Prune tire:
1. Using a T30 'l'arx driver. remove the two socket head sap screws (A) that hold the brackets (B) to the bats trams
(C) (Figure 53). Save hath screws for reinstallation.
2. Turn the bottom bracket 180'.
3. Using a T30 Torn driver. reinstall the two socket heed cep screws that were remtwed in step 1.
4. Verity proper operation at the unit before returning it to servtee.
To determine if your cat is an X-frarno or H-irame not. lock for an arrow or groove on the hollbm bracket at the not
retaining posl.
The cot retaining post 15 set for an Xrirame out if the arrow on the bottom bracket of the retaining post points
inward the head end at the cot or ii the aware in the helium brackel is located on the Inside oi the patient Ieit
side of the base tube.
- the cm retaining past Is setter an H-trame not it the armw on the bottom bracket of the retaining pest points
toward the foot and at the not or ii the groove in the bottom bracket is located on the outside oi the patient lei!
side a! the base tube.
Figure 53
Rain!" 70 Table ni Otirltenls
86 5515710900] REVA wwwallykercum
Service information
Tools Required:
- T30 Tom Driver
' 6132” Hex Wrench
- Torque Wrench (imlir)
1. Raise the not to the tull upright position.
Turn the cot onto the patient left side.
Note: Locate the arrow or groove on the bottom
bracket. The replacement retaining post bracket
will need to be assembled In the same orientation. Figure 54
3. Using a T30 Torx driverl remove the two socket
head can screws (A) that secure the current cot retaining post to the base tube (B) (Figure 54). Discard the
screws and cot retaining post.
4. Insert Ihe button head cop screw 10) through the retaining post can (D) and post tube (5), and then into the top
pin bracket (F) (Figure 54).
5. Using a 5(32" hex wrench. tighten the button head cap screw (0) completely to secure the retaining post can (D)
and post tuba (E) to the top plrt bracket (F)(Fl|uro 54). Using a torque wrench, torque the screw to 1007140 into.
6. Assemble the cot retaining post across the base tube. Align the holes at the brackets and insert two socket head
cop screws (A) Into the threaded holes at the bottom pin bracket (6) (Figure 54).
7. Using a T80 Torx driver. tighten the two socket head cop screws completely.
8. Verity proper operation of the unit beiore returning It to service.
Note: Adjustment at the rail clamp assembly may be required in order to compensate tor any vorlatlon In cot ratalnlng
poet position depending on the ambulance cot manuiecturer and model number.
Tools Required:
- T25 Torx Driver
' 5’32” Hex Wrench
- Torque Wrench (In-lit)
1. Using a T25 Torx driver or 5/82" hex wrench. remove the button head cup screw that secures the retaining past
cap and post tube to the tap pin bracket. Discard the screw.
2. Using a 5132' he; wrench, install and tighten the button head can screw (0004-508—000) oompletelyto secure the
retaining post cap and tube to the top portion of the retaining port assembly, Using a torque wrench. torque the
screw m1uD-140in-Ib.
Note: It you cannot torque the screw to 100-140 In-Io, then you must replace the entire cot retaining post. See
'Cot Retaining Post Replacement".
3. Verify proper operation at the unit beiore returning it to service
eutum To Tattle at Cflflkelill
wwwstrykercom Miflritiflrflul HEVA 37
Service Information
Tools Required:
T25 Torx Driver
3M" Comblnatlon Wrench
7/8" Combination Wrench
(2) Saw Horse
fiaise the cut to the full upright position.
Using two saw horses. support the liner amt ecllvete llle manual release handle to relieve any hydraulic oil
Using a T25 Torx driver, remove the seat pan from the liner to access the hydraulic assembly.
Disconnect all connections to the main cable aslembly.
Using a 3] " combinatlun wrench, remove the nut that secure: the solenold to the A valve (A) or B valve (8) (Flgure
55). Save the nut lar relnslellerlon.
Remnve the solenoid from the valve. Save the solenoid Ior reinstallation.
Using a 7/ " combination wrench. remove the A valve or B valve from the hydraulic subassemhty,
Nuke: Hydraulic oil will leak lrom the valve and meniluld. Ley dawn towels to catch the oil.
Reverse steps to reinstall.
Check lunctionallty by running the cot up and down several limes. ti necessary. add hydraulic all. See "Filling the
Hydraullcs Assembly Reservoir" on page 83.
Verlly proper nperetiun of Ihe unil helare returning H to service.
Figure 55
Rain"! To Tabla a! Con Innis
SSIS IDS om REV A wwwsllykerconl
Service Information
Tools fiequlved:
~ T27 Torx Driver
7116" Comblnatlon Wrench
113' Hex Wrench
- 718' Hex Wrench
‘ (2’ Saw Horse
Raise the cot to the lull unrlg ht posltlon.
2. Using two sew horses, support the IIIth and actlvate the manual release handle to relreva any hydraulic oll
8. Using a T2? Ton: driver. remove the two button head cap screws (A) that secura‘tha manual release cable bracket
to the bottom ol the hydraulic subassembly (Flgure 56).
4. Uslng a 115" hex wrench, place the hex wrench through the stem at the groave In the valve body to hold the valve
stem In positron.
Using a 7MB" combination wrench, remove lha Nylock hex nut (5) "cm each 0! I110 valve stem: (Flgure 56).
Uilng a 7/8' comblnatlon wrench, remove the valve (0 or D) to be replaced (Flgure 57),
1 Reverse slaps to rolnstall.
a Chaok lunctlonallty by runnlng the Get up and down several times. ll necessary. add hydraulic all, See ‘Filling
the Hydraulics Assembly Reservoir” on page 83.
9, WM); proper operatlon ol the unit bolero relurnlng It to ssrvlca
Figure 53 Flume 51
Holum To Table 0! Conlanls
www slryltm mm 5516 IOQ-ODI REV A 89
Seruica Information
Tools Required:
- 9/16" Combination Wrench
' 3M" Combination Wrench
- 1|Il6“ Combination Wrench
~ 13i18" Combination Wrench
. 8/8" Combination wrench
- l/s” Hex Wrench
- (2) Saw Horse
FPO cedure:
Raise the cot lo the fuil upright position.
2. Using two saw horses, support the iilior and activate the Figure 58
manual release handle and manually compress ram to
remove the tension on the base cross tube connecting
3. Using a 5/ " and 9/13" combination wrench. remove the
rod altachment pln (A). washer (B). and Nylock hex nut
(0) mar secure the hydraulic cylinder In Ine base (Figure
4. Activate the manual release handle and fully compress
the hydraulic cylinder
6. Using a 11/18" and 13/16" combination wrench, remove
bnth hoses (D) from the hydraulic cylinder (E) (Figure
Nora: Hydraullo all will leak 1mm lite hoses and cylinder.
Lay down towels to catch the oil.
6 Keep the hose ends high and upright to minimize the
amount or riuld lost.
7. Using a 116‘ hex wrench and 3/8” combination wrench
remove the two socket head set screws (F) and Flberlcck
hex nuts (G) that secure the hydraulic cylinder to tne
base (Figure 60).
Reverse steps to relnstalL
9. Chock iunctlonallty by running the not up and down
several times. If necessary, add hydraulic oil. See
"Filling the Hydraulics Assembly Reservoir“ on page
10. Verity proper operation oi the unit before returning it to
Figure 60
Re lurn TD Table 01 Conlenls
90 6515-1084101 REV A WNW SIIWSVCDM
Service Information
Tools Required:
- 13/16" Combination Wrench
» 11/16' Combinauon Wrench
' (2} Saw Horse
Pm sedure:
Balsa the not to Iha full upright posllion.
Uslng two sew houses, supper! Ihe llttev and amlvale (he manual release handle In relleile any hydraullc on
3. Using 11f16" and 13116" combination wrenches, remove the damaged hose (A a: B) (Figure 61}
- Pay ellemlon ID Ihe roullng oi the hydraulic hose lov relnslellallon.
‘ Hydraulic oil will leak item the hoses Ind cylinder. Lay down towels to catch the oil.
Reverse steps lo reinstall.
check luncllonellly by running the out up and down several limes. Ii necessary, add hydmullc all. See "Filling the
Hydlaulics Assembly Reservoir‘l on page 83.
B. Vorily proper operation al the unit balore reluming it lo selvice‘
Figure 61
Rel-1m To Thhla ol Onnlellls
wwvnsuyksvcom 5515409401 HEVA
Service Information
Tools Required:
T20 Torx Driver
- T25 Tarx Driver
1. Raise the cat to lull up position.
. Remove the halteryand save for rel nste Iletlan.
3. Using in T25 Torx driver. remove the six
outer button head cap scram (A) irant the
lace ptete (Figure 62). Save ell screws ler
4. Using a T20 Torx driver. remove the tour
inner delta screws (a) item the lace plate to
remove the lace plate (Figure 82) Save all
screws and the face plate lor reinstallatlon.
5. Using a T20 Tarx driver. remove the tour
delta screw: (0) thal secure the electronics
assembly to the tent and enclosure and pull
the electronics assembly out (Figure 83].
Save all parls lur reinslallation.
E. Unplug the black and red wire: that connect
the cot connector cable assembly (D) to the
control board (E) (Figure 64);
7. Using a T20 Torx driver. remove lire (we delta
screws (F) item the bottom plate oi the loot
end enclosure (G) to remove the enclosure
(Figure 64). Save all parts (or reinstallation.
8. Remove Ihe terminal block and discard.
9. Reverse steps to reinstall
10. check lunotionellty by running the out up and
down several times.
11. Vatily proper operation of the unit before
returnlna It to service.
Figure 3:
Figure 84
Return Th Table 0' con tom:
92 astemeom REV A \wlwalrvkemom
Cot Assembly
Cot Assembly
Cot Assembly
cross m amber
wflh hem P
Cot Assembly
Relurn To Table 0' ConurIL:
06 6516'109'00‘ HEV A WWW fltvvkeroom
Cot Assembly
Ont Assembly - 6516-001-010 Rev E (Romance Only)
Purl No.
0016 <1 02-000
0025-079- 00 D
0036- 574- 000
6062-090 - 043
0500 - 001-127
8500-0 01-120
55007001715 5
65104014 17
65 10001-127
Perl Name
Socket Head Cap Screw
Button Head Cap Screw
Bolton Head Cap Screw
Bullon Head Cap Screw
Socket Head Sal Screw
Flbarlock Hex Nul
FlbIrlock Hex Nul
Nyluck Hex Nu!
Nylock Hex Nul
Hivet‘ Dome Head
filval, DDMB H030
Crest-Ta-Creel Sprlng
Nylon Cable 119
Lilli]. WEEE
Sellal Number Tag
Label, 11“
Label, Do Not Lubrleale
Magnul Slider
Hall Elects Slldor
Outer Hall Bumper
Hod Attachment Pin
Mom Mount Casting
Lllllr Grass Brace
Feet End Assembly (page 119)
Base Assembly {page 98)
Crass Brace Assembly (page 124)
Lanel, PowerrPHOV'" IT
Label Weight Capacity
Label, Wernlng
Breaker, Tle Dawn, Head End, ngm
Bracket, Tle Dawn, Head End Left
$00k“ W8 ldmant
Powerplem Assembly (page 117)
Outer Hail Subasserrlbly,
Right (page 118)
Outer Hall SUhflSSOMbIY,
Lell [page 1M)
Label Power-PRO” ITSpecIfI‘callon 1
Sultan Head Cap Screw
asmrwaruur Ham
Helm" To Table 01 Conlerlle
Base Assembly
6506001012 Rev A (Hafamrlco Only)
Helum To Tabla o! Comm
96 651 S'IDWJUW HEVA ‘ mm 5|lyke'cor"
Base Assembly
Base Assembly
Base Assembly
Base Assembly - 6505-0014112 Rev A (Relevance Only)
Item Purl No. Purl Nlme my.
A 0003-353-000 Hex Head Cap Screw 2
B 0008-2115000 Hex Head Cap Screw 4
O 0004-519-000 Flal Head Socket Screw 4
D 0004-659-000 Sucker Head Cap Screw 2
E 00011-581000 Eunon Head cap Screw 12
F 0007-036-000 Truss Head Screw E
G 0014-1 15-000 Washer 2
H 0016-0514100 Square Nut 18
J 0018-060-000 Toploek Hex Jam Nul 4
K 0025-133-000 Dome Head Rival 10
L 00310834100 Tuba Plug 4
M 0004-8114-0130 Burmn Heen cap Screw 4
N 0081-244-000 Flange Bearing 4
P 6060-0024710 Molded Wheel Assembly (page 105) 4
H 00I0-049-000 Nyleck Hex Nut 4
Y 6090-001-009 Caster Nut 4
U 6500-801-02‘ Outer Lill Tube Anembly (page 109) 2
V 6500-301-022 lnner Lift Tube Assembly (gage 110) 2
W 6500-001-034 lnner Ulr Tube Assembly. Lllrer Pivot,
nghl (page 111) 1
V 650070017035 Inner Lill Tube Assembly. Litter Pivot.
Lei! (page 112) 1
M 5500-001-058 Inn-r Tube Base Frame 1
AB 6500-001-090 crass Tuba, Heed End 1
AC 6500-1101-3011 Base Strap. Rim 1
AD 650070017125 Ease Dead Swp 2
AE 6500-0014509 Base Srrap, Lair 1
AF 6500-001-120Plastlc Exlmsinn Spacer 1
AG 650070017171 Cress Tube (minder Mount 1
AH 65004301132 Cross Tube Stlllener Bar 1
M 6600001464 Cyllnder Maunl Plval, my 1
AK 85110-001465 Cylinder Mounl Pivot. Bottom I
AL 5500-001-225 “D" Washer 4
AM 8500-001-165 Flange Beerlnu 14
AN 6500-001-157 Flange Hearing 2
AP 6500-00147? Suflpall Llnk 2
AR 6500-00147? Caster MauM Cwer 1
AT 6500-001—178 PIesric Exrrusion Spacer 2
AU 6500-001-179 Top X-Frarrle Guard. Lower 2
AV 6500-001-180 Top X-Frame Guard, Upper 2
AW 6500-0014510 Base Slrep clamp 2
AV 6500-00l-183 Plasllc Extruslon Spacer 2
BA 6095-001-007 Caster Mount Bell 4
55 6500001462 Flange Bearing 4
BC 65001001134“ Base Tube Pivot Posl 2
ED 6500-001-228 Base Tube Fivol Bearlng 4
BE 5500-001-227 Base Tube Pivnl Post 2
BF 6500-001-228 Inner Lill T|.I|)B Sleeve 2
BG 6500-001-229 Fool Base Tube 2
BH 6600001230 Plastic Exlrusion Spacer 1
BJ 0014-0024100 Flat Washer 4
BK 0014040000 Flat Washer 4
BL 0016-002-000 Flberlock Nul 4
Helurn To Table 1.11 Conlenls
www sluylreremn Silfi [09-001 REV/l 101
Dual Wheel Lock Option
5056-602-010 HOV A (Florsvence Only)
Item Pnrl Nol Pun Namo my.
A 3086-2004310 Adjusmbla Gamer Lock
Assembly [page 104) 2
RBlurn To Tabla 01 Conlenla
astan HEVA
wwmnym cum
Caster Horn Assembly
EDB 2-002-Ul2 Rev C (Reference Only)
Item Purl No. Part Name
A 6082-002-039 Bearing Retainer
5 0081421000 Bearing
C 6062-002-042 Caner Horn Plats. L9H
D 8082-0024343 casler Ham Plate, nghl
wwwslrykercom 651640970!” REVA
Raw”! T0 Table 0' Conlerm
Adjustable Caster Lack Assembly
5086-200-0I0 Rev A (Reference only)
Flllunl Tn Table 0! Conmnu
Part No.
6060-100- 032
6060 300-080
6080-200- 041
0004-098 - 0 DO
0016 4' IS-OOD
Part Na me my.
Caster Horn
SemI-Tuhufar Hive!
Pedal, Adjustable Caster Lock
Octagonal slam. Adi Castor Lock
Hex Socket Bullon Head Cap Screw
Oenlelluck Nut
Wheel Assembly - 6060-002-010
Part N n.
60 50-0 DE» 045
Rev B
Furl Name my.
6“ Molded thol 1
Bearlng Spacer I
Bearlng 2
Wheel Bushing 2
Rllum To Table 01 Conlenu
\vvrwslrykcrcam SSWGVIOSVOUI NEVA 105
No Steer-Lock Option
8506-037—000 Rw A (Hofaroncs Only)
Item Pan No. Part Nlme ON.
A 6500-00147? Caster Mcum Cover 4
8 60824102012 Caster Horn Assembly (page 103) 2
c 6500-001-23D Flaws Extmsion - Spacer 1
Halum To Yahla nl CDIIWIIL‘
www anvlnamom
Optional Steer-Lock - 6506-038-000
Rev A
_Q~— — _ Q
' RTorque imam
lo 10€115 H-I
Torque inem
' to 100:15 fl-Ib
é\—‘[nrq ue Item
to 100tl5 be
mTorqua item
to 100115 be
Item Purl No. Part Name Oly.
A 0004-587-000 Butlcn Head Cap Screw 2
B 01104-592000 Bullon Head Cap Screw 2
O 0059-211-000 Cable T16 3
D 6500-00141? Caster Mnum Cover 1
E 65004102-243 Steer-Lock Pedal Cullav, Foo! End 1
F 6500-0022;“ Sissy-Lock Cabll Support Blackm I
G 6500-002-21t5 Gusher Moum Cover 1
H 0500-0024411 Skier-Lock Overmolded Pedal.
Fool End 1
J 5500-00224? Star-Lock Houslng Cover. Head End1
K 65001002443 Labal, Slam-Lack Padal. Foot End 1
L 6500-002-243 Steer-Lock Houslng Cover. Head End I
M 6500-002-255 Steer-Lock Cash! Horn Walmam.
LBfl 1
N 65170-002460 Steer-Lock Caslsr Horn Warmenl,
Him 1
P 6506-002-265 Steer-Lock Sub Assembly Head End
(page 106) 1
Helum To Table 01 leonls
www allykemmn [151640971101 REVA 107
Steer-Lock Subassembly, Head End
6506-002—265 Rev A (Heleronce Only)
Item Pall No.
6500-0 02-230
6500 - 002-236
6500- 002-237
Hnlum m Table or Comm;
ma ssmrlnerom REV A
PM Name
Dome Head Rivet
Slic Pin
Flange Bearlnn
Steer-Lack Plungal Houslng
Steer-Lock Plunger Housing
Steer-Luck Mechanlsm Houslng
SleenLack Meohanlsm Houslng
Steer-Lock Oufiom Flange Bushing
Slur-Lock Lock Pawl
Steer-Lock Plunger Bumn
Steer-Lock Cross Tuba
Steer-Lack Pedal. Head End
Star-Lock Podal. Head End
Compmulon Sprlng
Steer-Lack Push-Pull Flex Rod
www sIkacl Mun
Outer Lift Tube Assembly, Base Pivot - 6500-301-021
Rev A
Pm No.
Part Nlme
Hal? She‘l Baarlng
Seaflng Carrier. Lower
Baaring Carviov, Middle
Omr Llll Tuba Weldmsm
Return Tn Table at Conlanls
651671097001 REV A
wwwsuykel cam
Inner Lift Tube Assembly, Base Pivot - 6500~301-022
Return To “able 0! Conlbrll!
Part No-
6 EDD-OOH???
35004101 4351
Part Name
Ha‘f Shell flaming
Baring Carrier, Lower
Bearing Carrler. Mlddlo
Lm Tubs Weldrmam. Base Pival
savanna! REVA
Rev 8
www sum: com
Inner Lift Tube, Litter Pivot - 6500-001-034
Palienl Righl Assembly Rev F
Ilern Fan No. Fan Name Qty.
A »0004«534-000 Button Head Cap Screw 2
5 0055400075 Nut 2
0 65000011355 Inner LII! Tuba Weldmem 1
D 35300-001425 Dead Stop 1
Ralurn To fable «I Conleflls
wwwsllvkeumm as‘s-ms-om REV A ll)
Inner Lift Tube, Litter Pivot - 6500-001-035
Patient Len Assembly Rev F
Item PM No. Perl Name my.
A 0004-6344100 Button Head Cap Screw 2
B 0055-100v075 Nut 2
C ssuo-aovosa Inner Lin Tubs Weidmam I
D 6500-001-125 Dead Stop 1
Rslum To Table 0! Cnnmnu
I12 Dam-iOD-Dm REVA wwwslrykerouru
Outer Rail Subassembly, H
6515-1301-1127 Rev B (Ralerence Onlfi
Item Pan No. Fan Name 01y.
A 0001-004—011 Frat Head Cap Screw 2
B 0004»591»000 Sucks! Head cap Screw 8
c 0004-613-000 Socket Hand Gap Screw 4
D 000498-000 Bullon Hsau Cap Screw 2
E Dow-028.000 Fiber‘ock Hex Nul 10
F 63500-001096 Doad Slop. Llller, Internal 1
G 6500-001-102 Base/thlsv Imerlnce Bracket 1
H 65130-001414 Outer Rail Ex|rusian l
J 65130-001417 Sidamil Clamp 2
K 6500-00124: LV. P019 Backer Plate 1
L 6500-0111-2411 I.V. CHp Backer Plate 1
M 6500-001—245 Sensor Houslng Sacha! Plats 2
N 6500002028 Ha” Sunsov Assembly (page 115} 1
P 65100-002430 Llltor Supper! Blackm 2
R 6500-1102431 Inner thter Sup porl Snacks: 2
T 05104101415 Sldsmi‘ Bracket 3
Return To Table of came-1|-
wwslrykel cam EEIG IUSHJUI REV A 1|!
Outer Rail Subassembly, Left
6516-0014125 Rev B (Relorenco Only)
Item Part No. Part Name my.
A 0001-004-011 Flel Heed Cap Screw 2
B com-591.000 Sacke1 Head Cap Screw 6
C 0004:613-000 Socket Head Cap Screw 4
D 00041-048000 Bum" Head Oep Screw 2
E 00164320000 Flberlock Hex Nut 10
F 6500-0010230 Dead Stop‘ Liner. Internal 1
G 15500-001402 Base/Liner Interface Bmckm 1
H 32500-001415 Outer Hell Exlwslon 1
J 6500.001-117 S‘davail Clamp 2
K 85110-001243 LV. Pale Backer Plate 1
L 6500-0014“ N. Clip Backer Plate 1
M 6500-1301245 Sensor Houslno Becker Male 2
N 6500-0024129 Empty Sensor Housing (page 116’ 1
P 6500-00243!) Utter Support Bracket 2
R 6500-002-13l Inner LlItIr Suppl)” Bracket 2
T 6510-001-115 Sldera‘l Bracket a
Ralum Tn Table 0' Conlenls
m 551 5-1 Da-um REV A www snvkewum
Hall Sensor Assembly
6500-0027025 Rev A (Holeroncs Only)
ItIm Part No.
B 6500700142“
0 6500»DD1»1 80
D 65004101499
Part Name
Button Held Cap Screw
Sensor Hous‘ng
Hall Emacm Sensor
Senior Housing Cover
Relurn To Tame o! Comenls
wwwxlryxarcnm 651 G-mB-om REV A
Sensor Housing Assembly
5500-0024329 Rev A (Reference Only)
Item Purl No. Fan Na me my.
A 00047593000 Butlcn Head Can Sam 1
E 6500-001-124 Sensor Housing 1
C 8500-001-199 Sense! Houslng Cover |
www SIP/key our"
Powerplant Assembly
6516—0014114 Rev B (Relerence Onlm
Item Pan No. Pam Name my.
A 000475777000 Bullan Head Cap Screw 2
B 0004-589-000 Button Head Cap Screw 4
C ODI5-052-000 Hex Jam NU! I
D 0016402000 Nylack Hex Nut 2
E 6500001030 Hydraulics (page 118) 1
F 0500-001-105 Liner Support cross 11106 I
G GSOO-OOMGQ R00 Endl Cylinder 1
H 6500002494 Momr Mount 1
J 0500-0011212 Mom! Mount Cross Bar 1
K 55110-002294 Motov Mount 1
Return ro rablu a! Damon‘s
www ilvvkcv Cum $516409 00‘ REV A ll?
Hydraulic Subassembly - 6500-001-030
Item Pan No. Part Name my.
A 5500-001-210 Cap Sid! H039 1
B 6500-001-211 Had 5N9 Hose 1
C 6500-001-213 cyilndsr 1
D 15500-001214 Manllold Assumbly I
E SSOO-OOLZTO Pressure Compensated Flow Conlrul 1
F 8500-001»252 Manifold Gap Side Hose Filling 1
G 6500-001-253 Manlicrd Hod Side Hose Fiilinu 1
H 6500-001—284 A Value Soianold 1
J 65004101465 3 Value SD‘SVIOM 1
K 6500-1101286 A Vaive 1
M 6500-001-288 Locking Manuel Valve 1
N 65011-001280 Non‘Locklng Manual Valvs 1
P 6500-001-290 Pressure Swnich 1
R 6500-0011291 Reservoir 1
T 8500-001-293 Hydraulic Fluld 1
U 8500001495 Motor 1
V 6500-001-296 Cyflndar Cap Side Hose Filllng 1
W 6500-001-297 Cyilnder Rod Side Hos. ining 1
Y 6500-001-295 Hydrau‘ic FiH Plug I
Raxum To Tabla ol Comm
113 fifilE-ICIQ-Um REV A www anymmum
Foot End Assembly
3500-1024115 Rev A (Reference Oniy)
fielum To 'Iable of Cunlanli
v-Wwysl'Ykflcnm 55m [OE-00V REV A 119
Foot End Assembly
Imus Mu smou-
AND mou‘su ms Ann
Youvi mm mm
‘ IIIGWII um um M
rmLGM ms Am
Ralum 'RI Tabla DI Conlenls
120 6516409 DD1 REV A \vww £|kachonl
Foot End Assembly
6516409700] HEVA
Foot End Assembly
Batu"! TD Table 0| Ounlenls
Foot End Msemhly- 0500-1024115 Rev A (R
Eg<$1 34
6500-0 01-139
6500 - 001458
65000024 59
nee Only)
Part Name
Socket Head Cap Screw
Button Head Cap Screw
Button Heed Cap Screw
Tluss Head Screw
Nylnck Hex Nut
Dome Heed Rlvel
Semi-Tubular Rivet
Compression Sprlng
Upper Lining Bar
Lower Lill Bar
M-lchlned Extruded Bracket
Battery Enclosure Face Plate
Foot End Enclosure Top Plats
Foot End Enclosure Bolton Plala
Battery Release Button
Battery Release Look
Manual Release Anlualur Pivot
Manual Release Actuator Lever
Transiflon Gep
Manuel Release Pivot Pln
Slngle Spring
nghl Panel ORB
Pull Handle‘ Dutslde
Manual Release Cable Assembly
Hall E1fecti Gablo
Wire Rout. Cllp
Lower Houslng Button, Foot End
Control Board
Cot Dongle
Cable Assembly
Cot Connector Cable Assembly
Bulton Assembly (page l25)
65154097001 REV A
www suyke rcom
Label, SMRT Power
6500-027—000 Rev B (Relennce Only)
6500-028-000 Rev E (Flamrenca Only)
Item Part No. Purl Name my.
5 6500-001-355 Laban SMRT'" Pawav 1
Rllum To Tabl. of Cements
mvw sflykmcom 65671091101 FEVA I23
Cross Brace Assembly
SS10~001~DI3 Rev A (He1erence Only)
Item Part No. Plan Name
A 0025-133er Wile!
B 6500-00140? Lmer Cross Blaca
G 85004101409 Tmnd Supper! Bmckm
Return To Tam nl Conlanls
r24 ems—1594101 REV A
mm alvykarcul u
Button Assembly - 6500-101-016
REV 13
Rem Fur! Nu. Pm Name my.
A 37J102-1 Socket Head Cap Scww 3
B 6500401430 Switch 1
c 6500-0014359 Button Upper Houslng, Pam End 1
"alum To Table 0! Contents
www suymr com Bila-Im-um REV A I25
Non-Power—LOAD Compatible Option
6516-043-000 Rev B (Reference Only)
Ilem Purl No. Pen Name (My.
A 0004-5894100 Bullon Head Cap Sen-1w 5
B 0004-5934100 Button Hsad Cap Scle 4
c 0004-595-000 Sockei Head can Screw 2
D 0004-596-000 Bulwn Haad cap Screw 2
E 0016-02860!) Flharlock Hex Nut 2
H 65001002020 Haadaaclion (page 129) 1
J 0007-5564100 Truss Head Machine Scraw 2
K 8500-00‘035 Front Whafil 2
L 6500-1302406 Load Wheel Spacer 2
Reluln Io Ttble DI Clint-m!
I26 SEIE-IOS-DUI REV A wvmjilykmcunl
Power-LOAD Compatible Option - 6516-144-000
Rev A
luln Tn Tabla a! Conlsnls
65161097001 HEVA
Power-LOAD Compatible Option - 6516-144-000
Re‘um To Talus nl comm
95% dip In Ur) (>95% dip ln Ur) typical commercial or hospital environment.
:2 kV common mode
Volloge dips, short
Interruption s, and
voltage variations Ior 0.5 cycle {or 0.5 cycle If the user or the charger require: continued
on power supply 40% U. 40% I), nperalion during power meln Interruptions, it
Input Ilnas (60% dip In Ur) (80% dip in U1) is recommended that [he dsvlcs be powered
IEC 8100074711 [or 5 cycles Ior 5 cycles Irom an unlnlelrupted power supply or a
10% ur 10% uY battery.
(30% die in U') (30% dip in U.)
for 25 cycles lor 25 cycles
<5% ur (5% U1
(>95% dip in u,) 995% dlp In u1 )
for 5 seconds In! 5 second:
Power lrcquenny magnetlc fields should be
at levels chereotaristlc of a lynical location In
a typlcal commercial or hospital environment.
Applies lo:
- Cot
I SMRT'” charger (6500-201-010)
Non: U. is [he alternellng current mains vollnge prlor lo appllcatlon ol the test level.
Power Ire quency
m agnetic field
ENIIEC 61000-4-3
Hakim To Table at Conlonls
154 EilE-lDEdDOI FIEVA w-mv stlykorconl
EMC Information
Guidance and manufacturer's deal-ration - electromagnetic Immunity
The Model 8516 Power-PRO” IT cot is intended for use In the electromagnetic environment specified below. The
customer or user oi the Model 5516 Power-Filmm IT out should assure that It Is used in such an environment.
IMMUNITY test 5.125332“ Compliance ieval Eludvumagnetic environment - guidance
Portable and mobile FiF communications
equipment should he used no closer to any
part 0! the modoi 6516 Power-PROM IT cot.
including cabins, than the recommended
severallon distance calculated from (he
Conducted RF 3 Vrms equation appropriate ior m. frequency at the
ENIIEC 81000443 150 kHz to 80 MHZ transmitter.
Recommended separation dlotanco
Apbiias lo:
. SMHT‘“ Charger (6500-2014110)
Return to Table 0' Gumanlo
www slrykeroom
EMC Information
Guidance and menutacturar’n declaration - electromagnetlc Immunity
The Model 6516 Power-PRO” IT cot Is intended Ior use in the electromagnetic environment soecilied below. The
customer or user at the Model 6516 PowerAPFto'" IT cot should assure that It is used in such an environment.
E Nll EC 3080‘
test level
IMMUNITY text Compliance level Electromagnetic environment - guldance
Portable and mobile HF communications
equipment should be used no closer to any
part at the Model 6516 Power-PRU" IT
cot, Including cables. than the recommended
separation distance calculated from the
oquntion applicable to the frequency of the
Recommended separation dlstartce:
20 Wm 20 VI"!
so MHz to 2.5 GHz D-t1-2it‘lP)
Radlsted FIF
ENIIEO 61000— 4— 3
80 MHz to 800 MHz
300 MHz to 2.5 cm
where P Is the maximum output power rating
of the transmitter In watts (W) according to
the transmitter manufacturer and d is the
recommended separation distance in metres
Field strengths trom tlxed FIF transmitters. as
determined by an electromagnetic site survey.
ashould be less than the compliance level In
each lreovency range. °
Interference may occur in the Vicinity of
equipment wilh the following symbol:
NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHI. the hlgner trequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply In ail situation: Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorptlon
and rellecuen trom structures, objects and people.
‘ Field strenglhe from leed lrensmllwrs, such as base stations tcr radio (cellulerlcordless) telephones and land
mohile radios. amaleur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast. and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with
accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to Iixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey
should be considered. It the measured field strength In the location in which the Model 5513 Poitier-linom IT cat is
used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the Model 8518 Power-PROV” IT oot should be observed
to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed additional measures may be necessary, such as
re-orieming or relocating the Model 6516 Power-PRO"l IT cut.
I’Orrrer the Irequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths are less than 20 Wm.
Return To Table or Contents
155 dSl 6459-001 REV A ilnvw sltykct mm
EMC Information
Recommended separations distances between portable and mahlra RF
communication equipment and the Model 6516 Power-PRO” IT cot
The Model 6518 Power-PRO" IT out Is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF
disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user at the Model 6516 Power-PRO" IT not can ttelp prevent
electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications
equipment (transmitters) and the Model 65“; Power-PROm iT cot as recommended below. according to the maximum
output power oi the communications equlpment.
Sept ratlen distance necerdlng to lrequeney ot transmitter
800 MHz to 2.5 all:
150 kHz to an MHz 50 MHztosoo MHz
magma D=(0.13)NP) estoesmv)
ems —m_
Rated me Kimu m output
power M transmitter
For transmitter: rated at a maximum output power not listed above. the recommended seperetlnn distance din male rs
(In) can be estimated using the equation appilcebie to the irequency oi the transmitter. whele P is the maximum
output power rating of the transmitter in walls (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
NO‘IE 1: At 80 MHz and 600 MHz, the separation distance tor the higher irequency range applies.
NOTE 2: these guidelines may not apply In at! situations. Electromagnetic propagation is eitected by absorption and
reflection lrom stmetures, objects and peapie.
Return To hole at Oolltente
fifi‘isluflrDDi REV A 157
www etryltteumrn

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