Summer Infant 36044R Baby Monitor User Manual 36044 manual eng 18Nov2018

Summer Infant, Inc. Baby Monitor 36044 manual eng 18Nov2018

Users Manual

Download: Summer Infant 36044R Baby Monitor User Manual 36044 manual eng  18Nov2018
Mirror Download []Summer Infant 36044R Baby Monitor User Manual 36044 manual eng  18Nov2018
Document ID4100228
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize95.42kB (1192734 bits)
Date Submitted2018-12-10 00:00:00
Date Available2018-12-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-11-26 17:30:25
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Document Lastmod2018-11-26 17:30:25
Document Title36044 manual eng (18Nov2018)
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5.0 inch high definition color video monitor
i ndi ca t or
l i ght .
Po w e r o n t h e N u r s e r y C a m e r a &
Pa re n t H a n d h e l d
Men u Op t i on s
Handhe ld Sc re e n Brightne ss (c o ntinue d)
Clo c k
Sle e pZo ne ® Virtual Bo undary Bo x
Vide o O n/ O f f P o we r S av e M o de
P ress t he MENU/SEL ECT but t on t o a ccess t he menu opt i ons.
1 . P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T.
T h e Sl e e p Z o n e ® f e a tu re cre a te s a vi r tu a l
b o u n da r y b o x w i th i n y o u r s cre e n .
T his fe a t ure he lp s c ons e r v e b a t t e r y life b y a ut oma t ic a lly t ur ning of f t he s c re e n w he n
t he ha nd he ld is not p lug g e d int o a n A / C a d a p t e r ( a ft e r 2 minut e s , or 3 0 s e c ond s if
V O X or S le e p Z one ® is on) .
1. Pres s an d h o ld th e c am era POWER
b utto n fo r 3 s ec o n d s .
Use t he L EFT/RIGH T ARR OW but t ons t o hi ghl i ght t he M enu i t ems.
6 . P re s s th e R IG HT/ LE F T A R R OW b u tto n s to
a dju s t th e s cre e n b r i g h tn e s s .
P ress MENU/SEL ECT t o confi r m a sel ect i on.
7. P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T to co n f i r m .
A small green indicator light will appear
above the lens.
To exi t menu, t a p t he power but t on once. M enu a l so exi t s a ft er 8 seconds of
2. P re s s th e R IG HT A R R OW b u tto n to
h i g h l i g h t th e Se tti n g s i co n .
T h i s f e a tu re a l e r ts y o u w i th a s o u n d o n
y o u r h a n dh e l d i f b a b y cro s s e s th e vi r tu a l
b o u n da r y o r a n o b je ct e n te r s th e
b o u n da r y a re a y o u 've s e t.
3 . P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T.
i na ct i vi t y.
1 . To a cti va te , p re s s th e Sl eepZo n e ® b u tto n
( a u to m a ti ca l l y s e t to a de f a u l t a re a ) .
VOX M enu
HD night
vision boost
zoom, virtual boundary camera
6 levels
to baby & white noise
temp display & clock
up to
800 ft.
screen wake-up
K eep t hi s i ns tru c ti o n m a nu a l fo r f u t u re re f e re n c e .
Ple ase read the f o l l o w i ng i nstr u c t io n s an d w ar n in gs c are f u lly .
2. Pres s an d h o ld th e h an d h eld POWER
b utto n fo r 3 s ec o n d s .
3 sec.
Vo lume
NOTE: The handheld unit and the camera are
synced at the factory for privacy reasons.
Set t i ngs M enu
P re s s VOLUM E b u tto n to
i n cre a s e / de cre a s e s o u n d l e ve l .
Lul l a bi es/ Whi t e N oi se M enu
C har g e for 7 ho u rs b e f o re f i rs t u s e .
(If the handheld and camera are not
synced with each other for any reason, see
"Adding a Camera" section.)
A fte r t he i ni t i a l c ha r g e , re c ha r ge w h e n
necessary fo r 7 ho u rs. We re c o m m e n d
cha r gi ng ove r ni g ht.
Congratulations! You are now ready to use
your Baby Pixel ® Zoom HD ™ Digital Color
Video Monitor!
C harge t h e Handheld
NOTE: While powered off, you will not see
an indicator that the handheld is
charging. LED will light up for 5 seconds to
let you know it is charging, then shut off.
Sc re e n I c o n s
N OT E: For be st pi c tu re f o c u s,
p la c e camera 6 to 8 f t. f ro m
crib .
L ullab ies & Wh ite No is e
1. Pl ug i n nu rse ry c a m e ra .
2. Pl ace cam e ra o n a f l a t
s u r face, such a s a d re sse r o r
s h el f .
3. Or, mount the c a m e ra o n a
wa ll usi ng t he sc re w a nd w a l l
a nchor provi d e d .
Fl i p out t he ki ck-st a nd a nd pl a ce
t he moni t or on a st a bl e, l evel
sur fa ce.
Im p rove R ecep t i on
2. P re s s th e R IG HT A R R OW b u tto n a n d
h i g h l i g h t th e Se tti n g s i co n .
3 . P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T.
3 ft.
• U s e th e ZOOM b u tto n to b r i n g th e i m a g e
cl o s e r.
6 . U s e th e LE F T/ R IG HT/ UP / DOWN A R R OW
b u tto n s to a dju s t ti m e .
• P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T to co n f i r m .
7 . P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T to co n f i r m .
Fl i p up a nt enna t o i mprove recept i on.
50 AM
Sleep Zo n e ®
Re mo te Came ra Ste e ring
1. P ress MENU/SEL ECT but t on.
2. P ress t he RIGH T ARR OW but t on t o
hi ghl i ght t he Set t i ngs i con.
• A dju s t th e s i ze o f th e Sl eepZo n e ® w i th
th e LE F T/ R IG HT A R R OW b u tto n s .
3. P ress MENU/SEL ECT.
• Adjust the Baby Boundary ALARM volume
with the UP/DOWN ARROW buttons.
NOTE : A l l b u tto n s e x ce p t f o r Sl eepZo n e ® ,
P OWE R , a n d M E NU/ SE LE C T w i l l b e co m e
i n a cti ve .
Mo o n lite ®
• To s h u t o f f Sl e e p Z o n e ® , p re s s th e
Sl eepZo n e ® o r M E NU/ SE LE C T b u tto n .
Children have strangled in
cords. Keep this cord out of the
reach of children (more than
3 ft. (0.9m) away in all directions).
D igital Zo o m
1. P re s s th e ZOOM b u tto n to zo o m i n .
Men u/Selec t
4. P ress t he RIGH T ARR OW but t on t o
hi ghl i ght t he bri ght ness i con.
5. P ress MENU/SEL ECT.
U p /Do wn /L eft/R igh t
Talk -Bac k
6. P re s s th e LE F T/ R IG HT A R R OW b u tto n to
s e l e ct ° F o r ° C .
7 . P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T to co n f i r m a n d e x i t
te m p e r a tu re s e tti n g s .
3 . P re s s ME N U / S E L E C T.
(When the battery is low, the first LED
flashes red and the handheld beeps.)
4 . P re s s t he L E FT / R I G H T A R R OW
b ut t ons t o s e le c t a d if fe re nt lulla b y
or w hit e nois e . P re s s ME N U / S E L E C T .
1 . P re s s a nd hold t he TA L K - BAC K b ut t on t o t a lk t o y our b a b y .
Po wer/V id eo
Reassure and soothe baby with the sound of your voice and the press of a button.
5 . P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T.
Vo lum e
2 . P re s s t he R I G H T A R R OW
b ut t on t o hig hlig ht Lulla b ie s
a nd W hit e N ois e ic on.
Talk -bac k to B aby
4. P re s s th e R IG HT A R R OW b u tto n to
h i g h l i g h t th e Te m p e r a tu re i co n .
Zo o m
L ullabie s and W hite No is e
1 . P re s s t he ME N U / S E L E C T
b ut t on t o e nt e r t he me nu
s c re e n.
• There are two box size options to choose
Re m o te l y co n tro l th e ca m e r a a n g l e f ro m th e h a n dh e l d.
U s e th e UP / DOWN/ LE F T/ R IG HT A R R OW b u tto n s to m o ve th e ca m e r a a n g l e u p , do w n ,
a n d s i de to s i de .
Ha n d h el d S creen B r i g h t n es s
N OT E : W he n V O X fe a t ure is on, V O X is
t e mp or a r ily s us p e nd e d w he n lulla b ie s /
w hit e nois e a re in us e . V O X re a c t iv a t e s
w he n lulla b ie s / w hit e nois e t ur n of f.
T he LE D lig ht b a r on t he s id e of t he
ha nd he ld w ill lig ht up a s it p ic k s up nois e s ,
e v e n in p ow e r s a v e mod e .
• P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T to co n f i r m .
Read all war ni n g s pr i or t o u si n g t h i s pr o d u c t .
T he V O X ic on w ill a p p e a r a t t he t op of t he
s c re e n.
S o und-Ac tiv ate d L ights
R ec ep tio n
Function Buttons
4 . P re s s ME N U / S E L E C T t o c onfir m.
• A dju s t th e ca m e r a vi e w w i th th e
Zo o m (6 levels )
B attery L ife/Plugged I n
3 . P re s s t he L E FT / R I G H T A R R OW b ut t ons t o
hig hlig ht V O X on
or V O X of f
2. To a dju s t th e b a b y b o u n da r y a re a ,
p re s s a n d h o l d th e Sl eepZo n e ® b u tto n f o r
3 s e co n ds .
1 . P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T.
C am era Selec tio n
N E V ER place t he c a me r a o r c o rd s w it h in
3 - fee t of th e c r i b . S e c u re the c o rd t o y o u r
w a ll usi ng t he 6 se c u ri ty c l i p s in c lu d e d t o
k e e p t he cord a w a y f ro m b a b y’ s re ac h .
2 . Us e t he L E FT A R R OW b ut t on t o hig hlig ht
t he V O X ic on a nd p re s s ME N U / S E L E C T .
Te mpe rature D isplay
wa ll m ou nt
S e c u re t h e C amera C ord
• T he a ud io fe a t ure w ill re ma in a c t iv a t e d ,
a llow ing y ou t o monit or s ound s .
3 sec.
4. P re s s th e R IG HT A R R OW b u tto n a n d
h i g h l i g h t th e C l o ck i co n .
Tem p erature
t a ble t o p
1 . P re s s t he ME N U / S E L E C T b ut t on t o e nt e r
me nu s c re e n.
2 . To t ur n V I D E O O N , p re s s t he
P OW E R / VI D E O b ut t on.
T im e
Install the Nursery Camera
• T he s c re e n w ill g o d a r k .
5 . P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T.
T he V O X fe a t ure , w he n on, w ill t ur n on
y our s c re e n w he n it is in p ow e r s a v e mod e
a nd t he c a me r a p ic k s up a s ound .
• I f V O X fe a t ure is on, v id e o w ill t ur n on
a ut oma t ic a lly w he n s ound is d e t e c t e d .
Sl eepZone ® M enu
Ca mera M enu
The handheld will automatically sync with
the camera.
1 . To t ur n V I D E O O FF a nd c ons e r v e b a t t e r y
p ow e r, p re s s t he P OW E R / VI D E O b ut t on.
Vo ic e -Ac tiv ate d S c re e n Wak e -up
( V O X)
• A zo o m i co n w i l l a p p e a r b r i e f l y i n th e
s cre e n ’s b o tto m r i g h t co r n e r.
• T h e zo o m i co n w i l l a p p e a r a t th e to p o f
th e s cre e n .
• T h e re a re 6 l e ve l s o f zo o m .
T he t a lk - b a c k ic on w ill a p p e a r b r ie fly in t he s c re e n’ s b ot t om r ig ht c or ne r.
2 . R e le a s e t he b ut t on t o e nd t a lk - b a c k mod e .
• A lulla b y / w hit e nois e w ill p la y .
T he lulla b y ic on w ill a p p e a r a t t he t op of
t he s c re e n.
O nc e y ou c hoos e t he lulla b y or w hit e
nois e s ound t ha t y ou lik e , t his w ill re ma in
t he a c t iv e s ound unt il y ou ma k e a
d if fe re nt s e le c t ion.
• Sl e e p Z o n e ® ca n o n l y b e u s e d o n o n e
ca m e r a a t a ti m e .
• Lulla b ie s / w hit e nois e c a n b e t ur ne d on
a nd of f b y p re s s ing t he b ut t on on t he
b a c k of t he c a me r a .
Yo u ca n a l s o a cce s s Sl e e p Z o n e ® f e a tu re
th ro u g h th e ME N U .
N OT E : Lulla b ie s / w hit e nois e w ill t ur n of f
a ut oma t ic a lly a ft e r 2 0 minut e s .
1. P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T b u tto n to e n te r th e
m e n u s cre e n .
Lulla b ie s / w hit e nois e c a n a ls o b e t ur ne d
of f t hroug h t he lulla b ie s / w hit e nois e me nu.
2. P re s s th e R IG HT A R R OW b u tto n to
h i g h l i g h t Sl e e p Z o n e ® . a n d p re s s
M E NU/ SE LE C T b u tto n to co n f i r m .
1 . N a v ig a t e t o t he lulla b ie s / w hit e nois e
me nu.
To e x te n d b a tte r y l i f e , w e re co m m e n d
p l u g g i n g i n y o u r h a n dh e l d w h i l e u s i n g th e
Sl e e p Z o n e ® f e a tu re .
2 . P re s s t he R I G H T A R R OW b ut t on t o
s e le c t t he N o S ound ic on.
3 . P re s s t he ME N U b ut t on.
Summer Infant (USA), Inc. | 1275 Park East Drive | Woonsocket, RI 02895 | 401-671-6551
M o o n lit e ® Night Vis ion B oost
T he Moonl i t e ® Ni g ht V i si o n B o o s t f e at u re h e lp s p ro v id e b e t t e r v i ewin g o f y o ur b ab y ,
te mporari l y, w he n the ro o m i s d ar k .
1. Press and hold the MOONLITE ® button to illuminate a small LED light on the camera.
• A M OONLIT E ® i c o n w i l l a ppe ar in t h e lo w e r r igh t - h an d c o r n e r o f th e s c reen wh ile
bu tton i s pre sse d .
• When you re l e a se the b u tto n , t h e c am e r a w ill re t u r n t o n o r mal b lac k & wh ite
n ight vi si on.
• D ependi ng o n ho w f a r y o u h av e p lac e d t h e c am e r a f ro m t h e c rib , y o u c an
optional l y ad ju st the MO O N L I TE ® b r igh t n e s s .
C a m e r a Op t i o n s M e n u
1. Press the MENU/SELECT button.
B y d efault, C am era Op tio n s will b e
h igh ligh ted in th e m en u n avigatio n b ar.
A d d i n g a Ca m er a ( con t i n u ed )
Se le c ting a Came ra (c o ntinue d)
• If sync i s successful : vi deo wi l l a ppea r
from t he newl y a dded ca mera wi t h a bl ue
ri ng a round t he ca mera i con.
4. U s e th e LE F T/ R IG HT A R R OW b u tto n s to
h i g h l i g h t th e ca m e r a y o u w a n t to s e l e ct.
Sy n ce d ca m e r a s a p p e a r i n b l u e . C u r re n t
vi e w i n g ca m e r a i s o u tl i n e d.
2. Press MENU/SELECT to confir m.
F o ur C am era Op tio n I c o n s will ap p ear in
th e Men u B ar.
5. P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T.
• Moonl i t e ® wi l l a u to m a ti c a l l y t u r n o f f af t e r s e v e n s e c o n d s .
V iew C am
Sc an
Ad d C am
Delete C am
No te: I f o n ly o n e c am era is s y n c ed to th e
h an d h eld , V I E W C AM an d SC AN will b e
gray ed o ut an d n o t availab le.
M oo n lit e ® Brightness Adjustment
V i de o f ro m th e s e l e cte d ca m e r a w i l l
a p p e a r o n th e s cre e n .
• If sync i s unsuccessful : a sma l l ca mera
wi t h a n X wi l l a ppea r over t he ca mera
i con.
Repea t st eps from t hi s sect i on t o sync,
ma ki ng sure t he ca mera a nd ha ndhel d
a re next t o ea ch ot her.
• T h e ca m e r a n u m b e r ( 1- 4) i co n w i l l b r i e f l y
a p p e a r i n th e s cre e n 's l o w e r r i g h t co r n e r.
• T h e ca m e r a n u m b e r i co n a t th e to p o f
th e s cre e n w i l l ch a n g e to th e s e l e cte d
ca m e r a .
NOTE : If u s i n g Sl e e p Z o n e ® , i t w i l l
de a cti va te w h e n y o u s e l e ct a di f f e re n t
ca m e r a o r u s e Sca n Mo de .
1. Press the MEN U b u tto n.
Adding a Camera
Del et i n g a Ca m er a
Sc anning Came ras
2 . Press t he RIGH T ARR OW but t o n t o
highl i g ht t he S e tti ng s i c o n.
Yo ur d igital vid eo m o n ito r ac c ep ts up to 4 ca mera s t ot a l .
Selec t th e o n e y o u wan t to view, o r us e au t o-sca n mode t o cycl e t hrough ea ch
c am era o n a 10-s ec o n d ro tatio n .
1. P ress MENU/SEL ECT t wi ce t o ent er t he
Ca mera Opt i ons M enu.
Sca n Mo de cy cl e s th ro u g h e a ch a cti ve ca m e r a e ve r y 10 s e co n ds .
3. Press M EN U/SEL EC T.
1. Plug in c am era. A s m all s o lid green ligh t
ab o ve th e len s will in d ic ate p o wer.
2. Use t he RIGH T ARR OW but t on t o
hi ghl i ght t he Del et e Ca mera i con.
NOTE : Sca n Mo de i s o n l y a va i l a b l e i f m o re th a n o n e ca m e r a i s s y n ce d w i th th e
h a n dh e l d.
3. P ress MENU/SEL ECT.
I f n o t, p res s an d h o ld th e POWER b utto n
fo r 3 s ec o n d s un til th e green ligh t
ap p ears .
2. On th e h an d h eld , p res s M EN U / S ELECT
twic e to o p en th e C am era Op tio n s Men u.
1. P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T tw i ce to e n te r th e
C a m e r a O p ti o n s Me n u .
3. Pres s th e RI G HT ARR OW b utto n to
h igh ligh t th e Ad d C am era ic o n .
2. U s e th e R IG HT A R R OW b u tto n to
h i g h l i g h t th e Sca n C a m e r a s i co n .
4. Pres s M EN U / S ELECT .
3. P re s s M E NU/ SE LE C T to co n f i r m .
4 . P ress t he RIGH T ARR OW but t o n t o
highl i ght t he M o o nl i te ® i c o n.
4. Use t he L EFT/RIGH T ARR OW but t ons t o
hi ghl i ght t he ca mera you wa nt t o del et e.
5 . Press M ENU/SEL EC T .
5. Pres s th e LEF T / RI G HT ARR OW b utto n s to
h igh ligh t th e d es ired c am era.
I c o n s fo r Sy n c ed C am eras :
6 . Press t he L EFT /RIGH T A RR OW b u t t o n s t o ad j u s t M o o n lit e ® b r igh tn es s .
7 . Press t he MEN U/SEL EC T bu t t o n t o e x it .
5. Press MENU/SELECT button to delete camera.
The Ca mera i con wi l l t ur n gra y once
di sconnect ed.
T h e s ca n s ta tu s b a r w i l l a p p e a r o n th e
r i g h t s i de o f th e s cre e n .
• A re d i co n i n di ca te s ca m e r a s th a t h a ve
lost a signal.
• B lue ic o n s in d ic ate s y n c ed c am eras .
• Gray ic o n s in d ic ate c am eras n o t y et
s y n c ed .
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Summer Infant may void the users authority to operate this equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiver
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
CAUTION: 1. To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation distance of at least 7.9 in. (20 cm) must be maintained between
the antenna of this device and all persons. 2. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Summer Infant (USA), Inc. Monitor Warranty Policy
Summer Infant (USA), Inc. will repair or replace (at our option) your unit free of charge for 12 months from the date of purchase if the unit is defective in
workmanship or materials. To claim your repair/replacement, the product must be returned to Summer Infant along with a copy of the original purchase
receipt. In the absence of the purchase receipt, the warranty will be 12 months from the date of manufacture. This warranty does not apply to normal wear
or damage from misuse, abuse, improper storage and handling, installation, accident, unauthorized repair or alteration. Please contact our Consumer
Relations Team by phone at 401-671-6551 or via e-mail at for details. For sale and use in the USA. The warranty is null and void if
used outside its intended territory.
This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s
licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause interference.(2)This device must accept any
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
L’émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique
Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :(1)L’appareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage; (2)L’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le
This equipment complies with IC RSS‐102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and
operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux radiations IC CNR‐102 établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être
installé et utilisé avec une distance minimale de 20 cm entre le radiateur et votre corps.
• A b lue rin g in d ic ates c urren t viewin g
c am era.
6. Pres s M EN U / S ELECT .
We're here to help!
If you have issues or questions not addressed in this Owner’s Guide, contact us at
401-671-6551 or
Do not return the product to the store.
S el ect i n g a Ca m er a
1. P ress MENU/SEL ECT t wi ce t o ent er t he
Ca mera Opt i ons M enu.
• A s y n c in g ic o n will ap p ear n ext to th e
c o rres p o n d in g c am era n um b er.
2. Use t he RIGH T ARR OW but t on t o
hi ghl i ght t he Sel ect Ca mera i con.
3. P ress MENU/SEL ECT.
• C a m e r a N u m b e r i co n i n th e i n di ca to r
b a r ch a n g e s to s h o w w h i ch ca m e r a i s
cu r re n tl y b e i n g vi e w e d.
• P re s s a n y b u tto n to s to p s ca n n i n g .
Caution : Do no t sta re d i re c tl y at M o o n lit e ® LE D f o r p ro lo n ge d perio d s o f tim e.
Tools required for wall mount: Screwdriver and drill (not included). For adult use only.
To order replacement parts or extra cameras, contact our Consumer Relations
Team at 401-671-6551or visit
• Camera AC Adapter: #29580-05
• Handheld AC Adapter: #29580-13
• Extra Camera: #36054
• (8) Rechargeable Ni-MH AAA size 1600mAh 4.8V batteries: #36044-10
Adult assembly required. Keep small parts away from children when assembling.
• STRANGULATION HAZARD - Children have STRANGLED in cords. Keep this cord out of reach of children (more than 3 feet (0.9 m) away from the crib). Use
enclosed Security Clips to help secure cord away from baby’s reach. Never use extension cords with AC Adapters. Only use the AC Adapters provided.
• When an AC Adapter is plugged into an electrical outlet, do not touch the exposed end.
• Test monitor before first use, periodically, and when changing location of the Camera.
• Do not use monitor near water (such as bathtub, sink, etc.).
• Keep monitor away from heat sources (such as stoves, radiators, etc.).
• Make sure there is proper ventilation around all monitor components. Do not place on sofas, cushions, beds, etc. which may block ventilation.
• This product is not a toy. Do not allow children to play with it.
• This product contains small parts. Adult assembly required. Exercise care when unpacking and assembling the product.
• Use only the original rechargeable battery provided. Please contact Summer Infant (USA), Inc. for replacement battery. Contact
information can be found on the back page of these instructions or on the battery itself.
• Do not short-circuit supply terminals.
• Only the recommended battery or equivalent are to be used, volts and size.
• Remove battery when product is stored for long periods of time or when battery is exhausted.
• Dispose of exhausted battery properly.
• Keep all batteries away from children.
Summer Infant (USA), Inc.
1275 Park East Drive
Woonsocket, RI 02895
Summer Canada, Ltd.
200 First Gulf Blvd., Unit C
Brampton, Ontario,
Canada L6W 4T5
905 456-8484
© 2018 Summer Infant (USA), Inc.
Colors and styles may vary.
Please retain information
for future reference.
Made in China. 11/18
Read Instructions - All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the product is operated.
Retain Instructions - The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference.
Heed Warnings - All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.
Follow Instructions - All operating and use instructions should be followed.
Cleaning - Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Attachments - Do not use attachments not recommended by the product manufacturer as they may cause hazards.
Water and Moisture - Do not use this product near water - for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub; in a wet basement; or near a swimming pool; and the like.
Accessories - Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The product may fall, causing serious injury to a child or adult, and serious damage to the product. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table
recommended by the manufacturer, or sold with the product. Any mounting of the product should follow the manufacturer's instructions, and should use a mounting accessory recommended by the manufacturer.
Ventilation - Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, and these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing
the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surfaces. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacturer's instructions have been adhered to.
Power Sources - This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your product dealer or local power company. For products
intended to operate from battery power, or other sources, refer to the operating instructions.
Power-Cord Protection - Power-supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where
they exit from the product.
Power Lines - An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna system,
extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be fatal.
Overloading - Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or integral convenience receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.
Object and Liquid Entry - Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.
Servicing - Do not attempt to service this product yourself as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
Damage Requiring Service - Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:
a) When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged,
b) If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the product,
c) If the product has been exposed to rain or water,
d) If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjusting only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often
require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to its normal operation,
e) If the product has been dropped or damaged in any way, and
f) When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance - this indicated a need for service.
Replacement Parts - When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire,
electric shock, or other hazards.
Safety Check - Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the product is in proper operating condition.
Wall or Ceiling Mounting - The product should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only as recommended by the manufacturer.
Heat - The product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat.

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