Summer Infant 892T Baby Monitor User Manual 28920 Monitor IB 1 23 14

Summer Infant, Inc. Baby Monitor 28920 Monitor IB 1 23 14

Users Manual

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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize133.01kB (1662672 bits)
Date Submitted2014-03-03 00:00:00
Date Available2014-03-03 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-23 19:33:05
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Document Lastmod2017-10-23 19:33:05
Document Title28920 Monitor IB 1-23-14
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS5.1

ll you experience a problem that is not noted in this manual,
please do not return the product to the store. Our Customer
Service Department may have a simple solu ‘on to your problem.
Please contact us at 1-800-268-6257 or email us at
FCC lnlormolion
This device complies Wltl’l part 15 ol the FCC Rules Operation is subiect to
the iollowing two conditions: (i ) This device may not cause harmiul
and (2) this device must accept any interlerence received, including
interlerence that may cause undesired operation.
CAUTION: Changes or rnodiiications not expressly approved by Summer
Inrant may void the users authority to operate this equipment.
NOTE This equipment has been tested and lound to comply with the limits
lor a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 ol the FCC Rules, These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmlul
interterence in a residential installation This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio rreouency energy and, it not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmtul interierence to radio
communications However, there is no guarantee that interierence will not
occur in a particular installation, ilthis equipment does cause harmlui
interierence to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment all and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interierence by one or more at the ioiiowing measures:
- Reorlent or relocate the receiver
- increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dill‘erenl trom that
to which the receiver is connected,
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician tor help
CAUTION: ‘l To comply With FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, a
separation distance al at least 20 cm must be maintained between the
antenna 01 this device and all persons. 2 This transmitter must not be
co-locoied or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
Summer lnlant. inc. Monitor Warranty Policy
Summer intant, inc will repair or replace (at our option) your unit tree or
charge tor 12 months tram the date or purchase it the unit is delectlve in
workmanship or materials. To claim your repair/replacement, the product
must be returned to Summer lniant along with a copy at the original
purchase receipt in the absence or the purchase receipt, the warranty will
be l2 months irom the date at manuiacture This warranty does not apply to
normal wear or damage irom misuse, abuse, improper storage and
handling, installation, accident, unauthorized repair or alteration Please
contact our Customer Service Department by phone at tesuuezoaeom
or Via email at lor details.
/ We LOVE our consumers‘
., / Gcr to know us at.
Summer Inlanr Stands behind all or its products,
Summer Inlunt. Iris,
l275 Park East Drive
Wocnsczkel, RI 02595 USA
ltvou an: not completely sir-died or have any qucmons,
please canracr our Consumer Relation: Team at
I-EUU-lél-bll7 or mm:ummerinfant,mm/mnuct
@ 2014 Summer lnlont, llic
Colors and styles may vary
Please retain inroimation
tor luture reterence
connect with us I. n.
//\/ Please read the
d lollowing instructions
ul I II I Ier and warnings carefully.
Keep this instruction manual
lor future reference.
Tools required lor wall mount:
Screwdriver and drill (not included)
For technical support see back page.
For adult use only.
Adult assembly required.
Keep small parts away from
children when assembling.
STRANGLED in cords. Keep this cord out of reach
of children (more than 3 feet (0.9 m) away from the
crib). Use enclosed Security Clips to help secure cord away
from baby’s reach. Never use extension cards with AC
Adapters. Only use the Ac Adapters provided.
0 STRANGULATION HAZARD - Children have STRANGLED in cords.
Keep this cord out of reach of children (more than 3 feet (0.9 m)
awa from the Cl‘lbl). Use enclosed Security Clips to help secure
cor away from ba '5 reach. Never uselextenSion cords wrth Ac
Adapters. Only use t e AC Adapters prowded.
- When an AC Adapter is plugged into an electrical outlet, do not
touch the exposed end.
- Test monitor before first use, periodically, and when changing
location of the Camera.
- Do not use monitor near water (such as bathtub, sink, etc.).
- Kme monitor away from heat sources (such as stoves, radiators,
e c. .
' Make sure there is proper ventilation around all monitor .
components. Do no place on sofas, cushions, beds, etc. which
may block ventilation.
- This product is not a toy. Do not allow children to play with it.
- This product contains smallparts. Adult assemhl required.
Exercise care when unpacking and assemblingt e product.
I Use onl the original rechargeable battery provided. Please
contact .ummer nfant, Inc. for replacemen battery..Contact
informationlcan be found on page 8 of these Instructions or on
the battery itself.
0 Clean battery and product contacts prior to battery installation.
e Do not short-circuit supply terminals.
0 Only the recommended battery or equivalent are to he used,
volts and size.
- Remove battery when product is stored for long periods of time
or when battery is exhausted.
0 Dispose of exhausted battery properly.
e Keep all batteries away from children.
Do nor OPEN
t) Read instructions rAll tiie saiety and operating instnrctions should he read before the product is
2i detain instructions . the saiety and operating instructions should be retained tortuture reierence.
3) iteeo Warnings -rtii warnings on tire product and in the operating instrucaons sirould tre adhered to.
t) Follow instnrctions rAll operating and use instructions should he ioliowed
5) cleaning - Unplug this product from the wall outtet betore cleaning. Do not use llduld cleaners or aerosol
cleaners. Use a damp cloth tor cleaning.
5) Attachment: - no not use attachments not recommended by tire product manufacturer as they may
cause hazards
7) Water and Moisture - Do not use tiris product near water - ior example, near a bath tub, wastr howl,
kltchett sink, or laundry ttth, in a wet basement; or near a swimming pool; and the like.
or Accessories - Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket. or table The product
may tall, causing serious injury to a child or adult, and serious damage to the product. Use only with a
can. stand, tripod, bracket, or table recommended by the manulacturer, or sold with ttre product. Atty
mounting oi the product sirould tollow tire manufacturer‘s instructions, and sirould use a mounang
accessory recommended by the manuiacturer.
9) Verltllatlart - Slots arld openings III the cahlrlet are provided tur iterltllafiorl arld to ensure reliable
operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, and these openings must not he blocked or
covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, soia, rug, or other
sirrlllar surlaces. Thls product should rlat he placed in a bulIt-in lrtstAllatlurt such as a bookcase or lack
unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacturer‘s instructions have been adhered to.
lot Power sources -This product should be operated only irom the type oi power source indicated on the
marking lapel. It you are not sure or the type at power supply to your home, consult your product dealer
or local power company For products intended to operate irom haltery power, or ottrersoorces, reier to
the operating instructions
til Powelrcord Protection , Powerrsupply cords should he routed so that they are not likely to he walked on
or pincired by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs.
convenience receptacles. and the point where ttrey exit irom the product,
In Power Lines -An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity oioveriread power lines or
ottrer electric light or power circuits, or where it can tall into suotr power lines or circuits When installing
an outside antenna system. extreme care should be taken to keep Irorrl touchlrlg such power llrles or
circults as Contact wlth them mlght De Iatal.
ill Overloading ' Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or lrltegral convenience receptacles as this
Earl result in a risk at lire or electrlc shock.
ttt Uhlect and Llpuld Entry - Never push ohyeots or any kind into this product through openings as they may
touch dangerous voltage points or shonrottt parts that could result in a tire or electric shock iiever spill
iiguid oi any kind on tire product.
tel servicing . Do not attempt to service this product yourseii as opening or removing covers may expose
you to dangerous voltage or otirer hazards iteier all servicing to ouaiilied service personnel.
tel damage negviring service , Unplug this product trom the wall outlet and reter servicing to gualitied
service personnel under the following conditions
atWhen tiie powerrsitpply cord or plug is damaged,
o) it liquid has been spilled, or objects have tailen into tire product,
cl ii the product has been exposed to rain or water,
d) it the product does not operate normally by toiiowing the operaong instructions, rtdiustrng only those
controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper adyustment oi other controls
may result in damage and will oiten reouire extensive work by a ouaiilieo technician to restore tire
WWUCI t0 IIS normal opeladorl.
el lithe product has been dropped or damaged in any way, and
ownen the product exhioiis a distinct change in pertormance . tiris indicated a need tor service
In Replacement Parts -wtren replacement parts are required, be sure tire service technician has used
replacement parts specified try the mariuiacturer or have the same characteristics as the original pan.
unauthorized substitutions may result in tire. electric shock, or other hazards.
to satety Check . upon completion or any service or repairs to this product, ash the service technician to
pcrtorm saiety directs to determine that ttre product is in proper operating condition.
tel Wall or Ceiling Mounting -rne product should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only as recommended by
the manufacturer.
Ni heat -IIIE PIMIACI should I78 srtuated away from heat SWICES such as radiators, heat lEgIStEVSi Still/ES.
or other products tinciuding amplitierst tirat produce heat
- Pan/scan: Remotely control the camera to see more olthe baby's room and help
keep a mobile bab in view. The an ana scan teatures allows you to move the
camera leit and rig t, and up on down
~ n I zoom: The zoom option enables you to get a closer view on screen Pressing
the oom button once wtll move the image on the monttorscreeh to 2x normal vtew
Pressing the button again returns the image to normal vtew,
- Two-way communication: Calm hub with the sound at our voice or use as a
convenientwa to remind each othero somethina neeae irom the nursery By
speaking into the monitor your voice is protected t tough the camera, so you can give
comtort anct reassurance, or gentle reminders, irom another room
~ Night Vision: Automatic night vision enables monitoring in low-light and darkened
room conditions The camera uses tnirarea LED’s totransmtt a clear, black and white
image tor continuous, overnight monitorin Parents have peace at mind knowing they
can see and hear their baby, day and nig t
- Sound llgltts: The 5 sound activated LED lights will illuminate on the video units
depending on the level at baby’s sounds it baby is tvst cooing, only one or two lights
Will illuminate, irom green to amber on the light bar. it baby is crying, several lights Will
illuminate, irom amber to tea on the light bar this ieature is particularly helptul ii there
is a lot ot notse tn the room parent is locatea,
~ Power-save Mode: While operating on battery power, the video screen Will go to
sleep, to conserve battery power Audio and sauna lights continue to tunction normally
thh a simple, one-touch otthe Video on/oii button, Video resumes on screen
- Video Oil-0“ Button: This button turns the Video made on tram Video sleep mode. It
ts ideal iora quick view at baby tn the middle oi the night To monitor tn auctio only
mode, simply press the quick view button again to turn the vtdea screen att
- Kick Stand: The monitor has a builtin kickstana tor tabletop convenience Simply
ttip out the kick-stand and place the monitor on a stable, level suiiace
No picture or sound
~ Make sure the camera and monitor are paired (see page 5)
- Make sure the camera and monitor are turned on
- Make sure the AC adapters are plugged in
' Make sure the outlets are working
Sound but no picture
- Press the Video OnrOlt Button once to turn on Video mode
~ Check to make sure nothing is blocking the camera
~ Test reception by moving the monitor ona/or camera to diiierent locations
- Make sure the camera and monitor are paired (see page 5)
me but no sound
~ Power the monitor completely oii, remove and reinsert the battery, then
turn monitor back on
- Turn up the volume using Volume Control
~ Make sure the camera and monitor are paired (see page 5)
Picture not clear
- Position the monitor closer to the camera
~ Move the monitor awaytram other electronic devices, cordless phones, etc
~ Adiust the brightness using the Brightness Control
- Test reception by moving the monitor and/or camera to dttierent locations
saueaiing sound coming rrorn speaker on Monitor
' Move the monitor and camera tunnel away horn each other
- Turn the volume down using Volume Control
- Power the monitor completely otr, remove and ierlnsert the battery, then turn
monitor back on
it you need to order a replacement part or want to araeran Extra Camera, you can
contact our Customer Petations Department at 1-m-m-mr or online at
' Extra Camera: #29200
' Rechargeable LithluInriON 3.7V battery: #0230002
- Camera AC Adapter #UZDDD-US
' MonitoiAC Adapter #2545043
To register your product, Vlstt:
6 www.surrtrrterirtlattt.cotniproduct-registratiort/product-registration-torm
(Side View):
Power a. Low lottery lED
[tight vvill illuminate amber
when battery is low) Vitieo unlou
Battery lite/
st ttai Strangtll
In isotort , r,‘ , \,
inIr/-- —,,t _ ,
'""“‘ ‘ Voiu'rtte ‘ i
l t
, t1
ac ‘ K'chkstand
Adapter ,‘ i
Menu Control
CAMERA: Camera itiack View):
Power an LED
'lEDs (tor
Povier otti AC'Adapter luck
0" Switch
STRANGLED in cords. Keep this card out of
reach of children (more than 3 feet (0.9 m)
away from the crib). Use enclosed Security
Clips to help secure cord away from baby’s reach. Never
use extension cords with AC Adapters. Only use the AC
Adapters provided.
resting I tial Set-up:
Belore using the monitor, charge the
battery lor 4-5 hours. To set up the system,
you will need two adults One adult should
view the picture on the monitor while the
other is in the nursery to adiust the camera.
Olten the duality oi the reception can be
improved by slightly repositioning the
camera or the monitor it may help to
place an object in the crib to simulate the
position and Size oi your baby.
Step 1: To test reception, determine a
location tor the camera that will provide the
best view or your baby in the crib (note: do
not mount camera in permanent location
until initial set up test completed) Plug At:
adapter into wall outlet and turn camera
power on
Step 2: Press and hold POWER/MENU button
on monitor ior Scseconds until the Summer
logo appears on screen Video should
immediatelyoppear on screen it video
does not appear, go to “Pairing Monitor
a Camera" section on page 5 li video
appears, the initial set up test is complete
arid you can install camera, instructions
installing Camera:
Place the camera on a ilat surlace, such as a bureau
orsheli (Fig A) or mountthe camera on a wall Place
the camera or cords Within s—reet or the crib. Secure
the cord to the wall using the 6 security clips included
to keep the cord away trom baby’s reach
/ i
To Wull-Mounl:
Slop 1: Pre-drlll a hole in the wall, a 3/16" (4 8mm)
drill bit (Fig ci
Step 2: insert the wall anchor (included) into the
hole and with a hammer, tap gently on the end until
the wall anchor ls l‘lush with the wall
Step 5: insert the screw (included) into the wall anchor and tighten screw
until only vi" (6.2mm) ot the screw is exposed
Step 4- sert camera At: adapter into the camera's AC adapter iack.
Slop . lide the back 0! the camera down onto the screw until the
camera is secure to the wall.
Step 5: Plug the Ac adapter into a standard electrical outlet
Step 7: Secure the card to the wall using the 6 security clips included to
keep cord away horn baby's reach (Figures 3 a D)
SETUP 8t USE (continued):
To use plugged-in:
Step I: Place the monitors in the rooms irorn which you want to monitor
your baby (le , bedroom or living room), Plug the monitor AC adapters
into the AC adapter locks and other ends into standard electrical outlets
Step 2: Press and hold POWER/MENU button ior Scsecohds to power up
until the Summer logo or video appears on screen.
Step 3: For audio and no video, press the VlDEO ON/OFF button top at
the unit.
Step I: To turn the monitor oiicompietely, press and hold the POWER
button tor Scseconds.
to use in portable/battery mode:
Step I: Belore using the monitor in portable mode (battery), charge the
battery lor 475 hours,
Step 1: To charge the battery, plug the monitor adapter into the monitor
AC adapter rock (as shown on page 3) Plug the other end into a
standard electrical outlet.
Step 3: Alter initial 475 hour charge, to achieve optimal battery lite,
charge the battery overnight and use in battery-mode during daytime
monitoring, ior up to ochours or continuous use.
When battery is low, the PowercOn LED will also illuminate amber
indicating that the battery needs to be charged
P rig Monitor and Camera:
The monitor and the camera are paired at the factory lor privacy reasons
it the monitor and camera are not paired With each other ror any reason,
iollow steps to pair
Step 1: Move the monitor to the some area as the camera With both the
monitor and camera powered on
Step 2: Press the "POWER/MENU” button and use the right arrow to
highlight the CAM MENU (It)
Step 5: Using the up arrow on the tram of the monitor to highlight
”ADD CAM” (4- It) and press the ZOOM/SELECT button to enter the ADD
CAM menu.
Step 4: The next available camera will automatically be highlighted
(l 2 a 4). Press ZOOM/SELECT to begin pairing.
Step 5: Within zo-seconds, press the CODE button once on the underside
oi the camera head The green power LED will begin to llash
Step 6: Once successiuily paired, the green power LED will stop flashing
and video will appear on the monitor screen
it this is unsuccesslul, you should repeat steps above making sure the
camera and monitor are close enough to each other lor pairing
Note: This product accepts up to 4 cameras and operates on
audio and video autocscan to view each camera on an Ecsecand
rotation. To order an additional camera (item #29200), please
Contact our Consumer Relations Team by phone at: 1-800-268-6237
or online at www.5ummerinlant com/contact for details.

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