Summer Infant 962T Baby Monitor (Camera Unit) User Manual 29620 SideBySide Quick Start Guide 24Nov2016

Summer Infant, Inc. Baby Monitor (Camera Unit) 29620 SideBySide Quick Start Guide 24Nov2016

Users Manual

Download: Summer Infant 962T Baby Monitor (Camera Unit) User Manual 29620 SideBySide Quick Start Guide  24Nov2016
Mirror Download []Summer Infant 962T Baby Monitor (Camera Unit) User Manual 29620 SideBySide Quick Start Guide  24Nov2016
Document ID3247576
Application IDiHjt6pR8TLFw6fs978faCg==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize36.05kB (450681 bits)
Date Submitted2017-01-05 00:00:00
Date Available2017-01-05 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-12-20 08:36:47
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-12-20 08:36:47
Document Title29620 SideBySide Quick Start Guide (24Nov2016)
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS6 (Macintosh)

USING THE HAND HE LD (c on ti nu e d) 3
N igh t li gh t
T h e n i gh tl ig h t ca n be t u r n e d
o n o r o f f f ro m th e ca me r a
by pre s s in g t h e
ON / O F F / N ig h tl i gh t bu tt o n .
P res s t h e nig ht lig ht bu t to n on th e
h a n d h el d to ac tiv at e t he s o ft glo w
n ig h tl i ght on t he c a me ra . The l ight
w il l g l o w b lue . Blue l i ght a ct s a s a
soot h i n g soft g low ni ght li ght .
N ig h tl i ghts are c omfo rti ng t o li t tl e
o n es , e spe cial ly toddl ers who
b e co m e scared in a pi t ch bla ck
roo m .
Pre s s th e nig htlig ht bu tto n a ga in t o cha nge th e ni ghtli ght col or to red .
R e d l i g ht he lp s sooth e in fa nts t o sl ee p. This color is prom inent in th e
su n s et, n ature s v e r y o wn wa y o f t el l ing y our littl e one it’s tim e to g o to
sl ee p. A n added bon u s: y o u ng baby ’s f in d red lig ht soothi ng as it i s a
f a m i l i ar c olor to t hem – i t ’s t he o nl y co lo r li ght y our bab y was abl e to s ee
i n t h e w omb.
Z oom
P res s t h e zoom butt o n to t o ggl e
b e tw e en N o zoom, zo o m 1x , z o o m
2x an d zoom 3 x. T he zo o m le vel i s
i nd i cate d as an icon o n t h e
t op- r i g h t hand c or ner.
Talk-b ac k
P re s s an d hold the t al k-ba ck bu t to n to a c tivate the tal k-b ack f eat ure.
R e l e as e the button t o en d ta l k-ba ck mo d e.
S plit /Q u a d Sc re e n V i ew i n g
Pres s th e Sp lit /Quad Sc re en bu tto n
t o v i ew more than one roo m a t o nce .
A ud i o i s o n l y t r ansm i t ted fro m o n e ro o m
in t h i s m ode . Manual l y pres s le ft/right or
u p/ d o w n ar row butt o ns to he ar o th er
room s . T he room w i t h the a udi o w il l
ha v e a b lue box aro u nd i t .
N o te : Zoom and Pan /T il t are n o t
a c ces s i b le w hil e i n s pli t-sc ree n m o de.
Pres s came r a c ontro l bu tto n
t o ex i t
Sp l i t/ Q uad sc re e n mo de .
S o un d A cti va te d L ig ht s
T h e L ED l ig ht bar on the to p o f t h e
h a n d h el d w ill lig ht u p a s it pic ks u p
n oi s e s . S ofte r sounds w il l li gh t u p
t h e am b er L E D s. L ou de r no is es w il l
l igh t up the re d LE Ds .
V ideo O n/Of f
Tu r n o f f the handheld’s vide o by
p re s s i n g the VI DE O but to n. The
sc ree n w ill g o dar k. Th is f ea t u re
a ll o ws you to p re serve ba t tery li fe
wh en n ot p lug g e d i nto A/C
a d apt er. The audi o fe at u re w il l
remai n a ctiv at ed a ll o wi ng y ou to
mo n i to r sounds. P ress t h e bu t t on
a gai n to re sume v id eo m o ni to ri ng.
A dj usti n g Bri ght n ess
A d j us t t he handhe ld s cree n
b r i g h tn e ss b y pre ssing t h e
” bu t to n, an d
b rig h tn ess i s se lec ted fro m the
m en u. Use the l eft
and ri gh t
ar ro w b uttons to ad j u st t he
b rig h tn ess.
Se lecti n g C a m e r a t o V i e w
St ep 1 : P ow e r on th e Ha ndhe ld an d pres s th e “P OW ER/ MENU
St ep 2 : U sing the “D OWN
St ep 3 : U se the “L EF T
” button.
” bu t to n , se lect “V i ew Cam”.
” buttons to se lect an availab le
ca m er a (blue c olor indi ca tes po we red-o n, wi thin-ran ge, or paire d
ca m er as ).
St ep 4 : P ress “CA M E R CON TROL
” bu tton to confir m s electi on.
St ep 5 : T he v ide o wi ll appea r o n t he ha ndhel d s creen.
Sca nn i n g C a me r a
St ep 1 : P ow e r on th e Ha ndhe ld an d pres s th e “P OW ER/ MENU
St ep 2 : U sing the “D OWN
” button.
” bu t to n , se lect “S CAN” and press
” bu tto n.
St ep 3 : S canni ng c a m era s wi ll be gi n, i t will cycle through e ach activ e
ca m er a e v e r y 8 seco n ds.
St ep 4 : To stop scan nin g, pres s the “ POWER/ ME NU
” button.
For unders ta n d in g ad di t i on a l Me n u f e a t ure s i nc lu di n g : de le t e c a me r a , a n d a dd ca m er a,
ples e refe r to the u ser’ s g ui d e .
Summer Infant, Inc.
1275 Park East Drive
Woonsocket, RI 02895
1 800 268-6237
FCC Caution:
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment .This equipment should be installed and operated with
minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body.
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
ISEDC Warning
This device complies with Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada
licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Innovation, Sciences et Développement
économique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est
autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement
The device is compliance with RF exposure guidelines, users can obtain Canadian information on RF
exposure and compliance.The minimum distance from body to use the device is 20cm.
Le présent appareil est conforme
Après examen de ce matériel aux conformité ou aux limites d’intensité de champ RF,
les utilisateurs peuvent sur l’exposition aux radiofréquences et la conformité and compliance d’acquérir
les informations correspondantes. La distance minimale du corps à utiliser le dispositif est de 20cm.

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