Summer Infant 979T Baby Monitor (Camera Part) User Manual 29790 Baby Pixel Guide 11x23 9 18 17

Summer Infant, Inc. Baby Monitor (Camera Part) 29790 Baby Pixel Guide 11x23 9 18 17

Users Manual

Download: Summer Infant 979T Baby Monitor (Camera Part) User Manual 29790 Baby Pixel Guide 11x23 9 18 17
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Document ID3604881
Application ID4c7T0E+3TSFQS3JzPuby6Q==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize236.42kB (2955261 bits)
Date Submitted2017-10-13 00:00:00
Date Available2017-10-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-09-18 16:15:14
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Document Lastmod2017-10-13 17:26:27
Document Title29790 Baby Pixel Guide 11x23 9-18-17
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CC 2017 (Macintosh)

© USING THE HANDHELD (coniinued)
Camera Options Menu
Press the MiNIl button Touch
the CAMERA icon in the
touchscreen Scan view
cam add camand delete
cam icons will appear on the
bollorn or lhe screen
view Cam
Add Cam
Delele cam
Scanning Cameras
When using multiple
cumslus,go inic scan
mode byiouching the
scitrl icon Scanning
cameras will begin Scan
icon will appear in the
lower rlgnrsirdnd carrier
or the screen cycling
through each active
camera every 3 seconds
To stop scanningrap ihe
anywhere on the screen
Selecl Camera
Touch the SELECI
CAMERAlcon Touch
NUMBER icon to selecl on
available camora (bluc
color rhdrcares
poweredson wltlTlnsrurTge,
or paired cameras)
Selecled camera’s view
will appear on the
handheld screen All roan
shawrng camera number
will appear in the lower
rlgntrnand corner or the
screen ior 3 seconds
Camera number on
indicator bar will change
to selected camera
Adding a Camera:
Follow insiruciions and
warnings to set up and
turn on addilianal
camcra Touch the ADD
CAMERA icon in the
camera opiions menu
synced cameras are
shown as colored icons
Nonssynced cameras are
shown in gray Touch
camera to add once
gray camera number icon
has been pressed add
button and signal burian
light up When camera is
syliccd.5lgnal bar stays
on and check mark icon
appears Touch ihe check
mark icon io exit out at
odd camera mode
(here rnuo
ear up re 4 c new: and operares on audio and v.aeu
uutoscanio v. weu twierutrrrarrdde mororahon Tourderanudorh
can re nice. rzywurcicaso consacs cbl Consumer Frc‘ar‘ror's room by pr
urn/conracr rer nelarlsi
Deleiing a Camera:
Touch the butt:
CAMERA icon Desselect
camera lo delele Touch
the CNECK icon
Time and Temperaiure
Press the MENU buiion Touch
lhe rlMurtMP icon in the
touchscreen Touch the arrows
to seiihe time Select either
Fahrenheit or Celsius Select
eiiher Ian or 24hr clock
setting Press CHECK icon to
accept changes
This device complies wish pan is oi she FCC Rules Operasion is subiecs so she iollowing swo conditions: (1) This device may nos cause
harmiul inserierence, and (2) this device muss acceps any inserierence received, including inserierence shas may cause undesired
CAUTION: Changes or modlllcdtions not expressly approved by Summer lniant may void the Users authority to operate this equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tossed and round so comply wish the limits ior a Class B digital device, pursuant to part is oi the FCC
Rules. These limiss are designed to provide reasonable prosection against harmiul inserierence in a residential installation. This
equipmens generates. uses and can radiate radio ireauency energy and. it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause nurmlul interlerence to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. it this equipment does cause harmiul interierence to radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the
equipment oil and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interierence by one or more ol the iollowing measures,
. Reorlenl or relocate the receiver
. increase she separation between the equipment and the receiver
- Connect the equipment into on oullel on a circuit dillerenl irom that
to which she receiver is connected.
' Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
CAUTION: 1. To comply wish FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, a separation dissance oi as leass 20 cm muss be maintained
between she antenna oi this device and all persons, 2. This sronsmitser muss nos be co-iocased or operasina in conjunction wish any osher
antenna or lrunsmitter.
Summer lniant. inc. Monitor Warranty Policy
Summer lhians, inc. wrll repair or replace (at our opsion) your unis tree oi charge ior l2 monshs irom she dose oi purchase it she unis is
deiecsive in workmanship or materials. To claim your repairireplacemens. she producs must be resumed so Summer lnians along wrsh a
copy oi she original purchase receipt, in the absence oi the purchase receipt. she warranty will be 12 months irom she dose oi manuiacsure
This warranty does not opply to normal wear or damage irom misuse, abuse, improper storage and handling, installation, accident.
unauthorized repair or alteration Please contact our Customer Service Department by phone at 40l76717655l or via email at ior details, For sale and use in she USA. The warranty is null and void ii used outside its intended territory.
No picture or sound \ndeo keeps coming on when screen should be oh
. Make sure ihe camera and handheld moniior unit are turned on . Follow inslruciions to iurn oi Vox ieaiure
. Make sure the camera and handheld monitor unil are paired Handheld i, beeping
. Make sure the AC adapters are plugged in . .. no Meow... Oh came“,
. Make sure ihe ouileis are working . y bone“, .5 yaw. chmge page“,
Sound but no picture
. Press the Zoom/video button once to iurn on video mode
0 Check To make sure nothing ls blockll’lg the camera
. Tesi receplion by moving the handheld unii and/or camera io diirerenr
- Make sure the camera and handheld monitor unil are paired
Piclure but no sound
0 Power the handheld completely omihen turn handheld back Ol’i
. Turn upiho volume using Volume Control
Picture noi clear
. Position the handheld unii closer to the camera.
. Move the handheld unil awayirom other eleclronic devicescoraless
. Adyusl lhe brighiness using the Brightness Conirol
. Tesi receplion by moving the handheld unii and/or camera io dinereni
. Place camera b to 5 rs irom crib ior optimized rocus. Make sure to rollovv
instructions and warnings ior camera placemenl
Squeuling sound coming irom speaker on Handheld Unii
- Move the handheld unil and camera iurrher away irom each other
r Turn the volume down using volume Control
. Power the handheld completely air, remove and resinseri the battery
then iurn handheld back on
it you heed to order a replacement part or want to order an
Extra Camerayau can contact our Customer Relations Departs
ment at 401-671-6551 or vra email at
. Exlra Camera 1/29970
- Camera AC Adapter #2958005
. handheld AC Adapter: #295504 3
. handheld rechargeable leMH battery pack #29580“)
Temporaiure lisied os Ll or NH
. noom iemperaiure is ouiside or the thermomeier limits The ihermomeier
is ereciiye in between art e TUO‘T mic e over it you receive a raise
error message. please CONGCY Our consumer relations
Camera isn‘t syncing wiih handheld
. Deleie camera and add ii back
sleepZonew irequeni oloris
. Aaiusi size at boundary box or zoom out so there is room ior your child to
move 0 Ilfile wlthoul selling on alerts
. Checkror obiects casiing shadows inio lhe SleepZone boundary area
sleepzonew not sounding alerts
. Cneckio make sure that SleepZone ieaiure is aciivaled and that moiion
is occurring across the boundary box
a increase volume 0' SIeepZol’le Glens
ll you experience a problem that is not holed in this manual.
please do not return the product to the store. Our Customer
Service Depurlmenl may have a simple solution In your problem.
Please Conlacl in GI 401-671-655I or email us al
Summer lniant stands behind all oi its products, li you are nos
compleseiy sasislied or have any questions. please consacs our
Consumer Relasions Team as 401-671-6551 or
5mm, Mum I“ a mi 7 Summer lniant, inc,
1275 Park East D...“ Colors and styles may vary.
summer Woonsockes. RI 02395 igfijg;§‘':ggutl°n
intant' 401-671-6551 MADE IN CHINA 9/T7
Tools required for wall moun ' Screwdriver and drill (not included) For adult use only
Adult assembly required. Keen small bans away l'rnnr children when mains-lint;
snuucuurlou HAZARDe Children have smMGLED in bards. Keep this card but all roach ofchildran (more lhari Eleet :u.9 m: away
rrorn the crib). use enclosed Securlly Cllps to help secure com away tram baby’s reach. never use amusim cunts wrth AC Adapters. only
use the All: Marmara nrmiden.
When art as Adapter is plugged inn: an electrical outlet. up riurl lauaii the exposed end.
Test monltur before first use. periodically. and when chan my location or the camera.
Dl not use monitor near water (such as bathtub, sink, etc. .
Keep monitbraway horn heat snumes (such as stories. radiators. eh).
Maire sure there is proper ventilation amund all monitor campanenls. up not plaice on Salas. cushions, beds. em. which may block
T s Pwduzrtis nota lay. Do not allow a than to play with rt.
Th 5 product contains small parts. Adult assembly required. Exercise care when unpacking and assembling the product.
use only the d 'ginal rechargeable battery provided. Please contact Summerlntani.lnc.tor replacement battery. contact inrarmasiun
can be round on the pools pogo criticise instructions or on the battery itselr.
no not short-circuit supply terminals.
Only the recommended battery or equivalent are to be mommies and size.
Remove battery when producsis shared rarlong periods or time or when potseryis exhausted.
space at exhausted battery properly.
ISEDO Warning
This device carnal-es wuss Innovation. Science. and Ecooornvc Develoornenl Canada iicerrceeexemm
R5 ~ slandard(5) Overanori is 5ubiecl so [he tollowtng two conditions
(1) sure device may not cause interrerende, and
(2) this device must adcept any interference. including inserterersde that may cause undesired operation
or the device.
LB present apparall ass carsrarrrsa aux CNR d-irsauetries Canada applicabias aux apparails radio Bxamuls
as scarred. L'BXDIDItinun ass aumrlsea aux daux munitions suivantas . (1 ) l'appara' “B
m pas produira dB isrrauinesge. at (2) m lsa|aur as I'apparail dais simmer taut bmulllaga raniuelactriqua
sub memes e. la bmu raga ass susmpttbla fl'an campmmetsrss la functiunnamanl
The device is mmpllance with RF sansum guldslinas. users can oblaln Canadian inturrrsaslars an RF
exposure and camp ancefl'he minimum distance from body In use me deviae l5 20cm.
Le Drésern appare est corsrorrrie
Aflrés examen de de materiel aux contormise ou aux limrles d'inlensike de champ RE
195 ullllsalaur‘s pduvens sur I'exnasillon aux radiarredueriaes es lo. aunrdrmlse and compliance d-aoaudrir
[es intormaticns correspondantas La distance minimale uu corps a u
seer la dispossrir set as 20cm.
no liar OPEN
Redd instructions eAll the salary arid operating instructions sianld be not helure the pmduct is operated.
itchiri lnslructions -Ths ssisty and operating instructions should is retained inrlUtUre rsierencs.
Need Warhlrlus -All warnings oil the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.
Follow instructions VAII alteratrrrg inst Use instructions should he iulluwest
Cleaning . Unplug this product truth the wall outlet helsire cleaning in llnt use liquid cleaner: or iorirsul cleaners. Use a damp cloth inr cleaning
Attachments - Do not use attachments nul recommended iylhs product manuiaclliiei as they maycsusc hazards
WIIEI arid MDISNIE - DI) MI llSE IllIS WWWI near W618i - i0! EXAMDIe. Mal a Will tub. W35" bowl. kllCllEll SINK. Oi laundry mil; Ill a WEI basement. Di lIEiT a swimming pool. arid the IIKEr
Accessories . no not place this prouuct an an unstable cart. stantt. triitatt. bracket. or tattle. Tile product miytall. causing seliuUs irrluryto a shirt or attult. anti serious damage to the product use
only with a can.stand.trlpml.hranket.artaitle recommended |1ytiie nanulnturor. or said with the product Ally nursing at the product should inllow trio manlllactulel's lllstillcti'ulls. arid shoulri
Use s inuuriting accessury rscumnendet try the inariuiastursr
Velllllallflll - SIOIS amt opeillilgs In "It? cabinet are illnillllfill lfli Velllllallflll allll l0 ensure TEIlilJIE vperatlorl 0' the [lint-Ill“ amt II) PWIEL’I II tram overheating. and these openings Mll51 MI I)! blocked
or covered. The openrngs shiuiu never in blocked try placrng the product an a but. said. rug. or tttter srrniiar sunsets This piodllct should not he placed rn a bulltslrl installation such as a bookcase
or rock unless pinnerventi'latinil is provision oi the manlilactUiar‘s instructions have heart adhered to
Power Sources - This pruduct should he upsislssl only lrurii the type ui pawn s ice indicslssl an the marking lahsl ll yuu arr llnl sure at the type ul pawn supply to your home. cullslllt your
product dealer or local power similarly. For products lhtieillten tn operate irom ery power. or other sources. reler totile npelallrlu instructlvils.
Powermm Pmtectliin . Pawersuitply Wills should he must so that they are riot likely to he walked on or priciest try rttrrrs itiacert visit or against their. payrrig itam'cUlar assertion to cunts at
nlUgs. canvenlence reneptdcles. anti tile pnintwheie they sxitlrum the product.
Power Lines -in uutsisls snlsnnisystsrrr should not is locslssl in tile vicinity oi Warhead puwsr lines at ulhcr electric lighl ui power circuits. ur where i can isll lrlIo sUcil pawn liries orcircuils.
Wllell lllSlAIIlllfl an uutsme alliBNla system. Emmi! care SliOIlIll l]? laKEll ID keep irom touching SllDll FOWEV IlllES Di EIICIIIIS as contact will! "will mlfllll he “Ill.
Overloadlilg . no not overtaast wall outlets. extensruri carts. ul integral convenience receptacles as thrs can result in a risk at tire or electric shock.
Dbiectahd Liquid Entry . Never push uhiocts al airy kinit into this pimilict through uionings is they miytuucri dangerous voltage prints or shineiiut parts that could result in tire uroloctric shock
liner spill liquid at any kind on tile pruduct
Servicing - Do not attempt to servrce this product yourseli as opening or remwrilg cover: may tkpase you in «menu: voltage or other hazards. Kelsi all servlclhq lo quaIlllEfl service personnel.
Damage iequrririg Service . unplug this irattuttlrorri tile wall nUtlet and rotor servrcirig to qualrlrtst service neisuhnel urtittr the lailowirtg tirurtrons
a)WltEll tile power-supply suit or plug is damaged.
in ii liqurit has been spilled. ul ibiests have lalleh into the product.
c) it the product has then exposed in rain ur waiter.
til it tile product dues lint upeiate normally by iollowing the operating instructions. Adiustlrlg only time controls that are covered by the operating instructions as all improper adjustment at
other calltmls may result in damage arid will pitch require (manslve walk try a gusliiicd technician to resinie sho pruductla its normal operation.
er Il‘lhe product has been urnnneu or damaged in any way. amt
hwrrcn the product euiiltits a distinct change in sustaining -this indicated it need ini service.
Replacement Part: -Whrn rsplicernerit pans are required, he sure the service lechnicisri has used rrplsrsnenl itsris specified try the nsriuisctirer or have tile ssrris shsncirristcs as the urigiriil
part. Unauthorized SlthlllllllflllS "MY [ESUII Ill illE. EIECIIIC SlIDCk. DI other hazards.
Salely cho k . Upon cnmpletlorl oiariy source or repairs ti; this pmriuct. ask the service technician to nerlnrm solely checks to determine that tile product is in planer operating condition.
Wall or in g Mounting -Tho pmducl should to mounted in iwall or ceiling only as recommended by the mailUlactllrer.
rlesl-Thspruuuctshrulrt tissilusirt awayirrn heat sources such as ridislurs heal registers slaves urnlhsr pinuucts iincluuing snipliiiersi that produce heat
Do NOT ExPasE'lo MIN on MclsTUKE
5 0” touchscreen CoIot vtdeo monIt‘ot
(“SET P(con nued @
Power on the Camera and Volume Moanlile’" Night Vision Boos! Brightness Sieeplcnem Viliuai
Handheld Use the up down arrow the Moorttttottvt NtontVtston Boost tonturo IS to netp ptOthC hattct Press the MEN“ button Boundary
Press the power htahtttaht button on buttons to tnctease and ytewtha or your baby, terttporartty when the rootn ts aark Ptess and touch the IRIGHYNESS the steechnetM yeuyme
3:15;“ 5:35;; 3W1; "gm“ $3373 the cannon: and hats) tor 3 seconds dectease the yotume hota the MOONLI'E button to tttumtnute a smutt IFD ttght on the tcon tn the touchscreen meme; 0 Wywt boundmy
A gtesn Itght wttt appear near the camera A Moonm: tcon wttt appear tn the tower ttghtrhand menu press etthet the meg WW You, ween wew
tens corner at the screen wntte button ts pressea When you tetease the ptus ot mtnus tcon to
button, the camera wttt returtt to ttotmat otack & wntte ttth’tI vtston aatust ottghtness
Moortttto wttt automattcatty turn on attcr sayorat socortas
Depehatrtg on how tar you have otacea the camera rtom the crto,
you can opttonatty aatust the MOONLITE brtghtness
ana ts aestgneo to hetp atert
you wtth o sourta on your
hanaheta tt' any obrect
crosses through thts bounaoty
box to use steepZone,tttst
Dtess the MENU button Press
the suspzous tcon Press the
MINUS/PLUS tcon on the
tower Iét'trhuttd stae or your
screen to aotust between the
two box stze opttons e smott
or targe you can use camera
steetIrtg and the zoom button
to posttton the box arouna
yout baby Choose atert
yotume teyet by pressth one
ot the atert tcons on the ttght
stae ot the screen Press
CHECK to cornptete
steepzone setup
thank you tor purchastng the Baby PtxetW Dtgttat CoIottheo Pm: and "BIG the power button on
Monttor by Summct thrant F’Icusc road the rottowthg
tnsttucttons ana worntngs cotetutty keep thts tnsttuctton
manual for I'u'ute tetetence
the handheld untt tor 3 Seccnds the
hannhata wttt autarnattcntty sync
wtth the camera trhe hattttttettt nut:
and ‘rs camera G's outtea u‘ ttte «acruty
JdUTt‘llW Camera Steering
I’tess ona hota the camera steertha button thts teature attows you
to conttot the camera ytewtng posttton temotety by tttttng the
handheta backward and totwatu and stae to Stde the camera wttt
repttcate the oosttton ot the nonuheta unttt you tetease the button
rsrttttyeby ‘cascr: ttrho honattetu 0rd
Eamon: are notosttea wrl't cash otnot tot
any reason see Addtng a cam": tn rte
Change the Handheld
Charge tar 7 hours betore
ttrst use
congratulations! you are now ready
to use your Baby PtketW Dtgttot Cotot
ytnoo Mortttort
Install the Camera Screen Icons
For best otcture tocus atace camera o to 5 tr trom crta Ptuu tn
camera PIcce camera on o ttot suttace such as a tabtetaa or
shett or mount the camera on a watt usth the screw and watt
anchor proytaea
Ptess the MENU outtoh
touch and hota the
IALKIACK tcon tn the
touchscreen you can
speak wttn your baby
Moonmem Brightness
Press the MENU buIIot‘t
Touch the MOONLIYE tcon trt
thetauchscteen Press
etther the ptus or mtnus tcon
x tcon aha boundoty box wttt
stay ytstbto whtto tn the
steepzone mode to extt out
loam Touchscreen Camera Sleert‘ng to odtust the moon‘tght ot- steep7one moae press
top the camera steettng button once tout camera steettna uttows bttghtness Cautton Do not and mtd We x mm yo, 1
\ N‘GNI‘QW wttt appear on the screen touch or hota the arrows to reposttton state dttecIIy 0' Momma seconas
/ .. LEDtot totott ca o toasot
temperature we “me“ “me p g p I ’ Recommended to pIug tn
V W , your hanaheta when ustng
U U -.i ® ”5969"” l\ the steepZone teature tc
. Q " ReIease the button when extend battery We
Cameta SeIecttort
c 7 I g none tatktng to the baby the
Buttoty Ltto Ptuggcd tn H tcon wttt reauce down _ .
I "‘9’“ I W“ WW" to the smatter tatkback thhlltghl
Ptess the MiNU button
touch the NIGNHIGHY
tcon the IALKuAcK tcon wttt
rematn on the screen tor tn
Funciicn Builcns
Secure lhe Camera Cold
NEVER place lhe camera or
cold: wttntn :— t at tn.
ems. Secute the cord to your
watt ustng the o secuttty cttps
tnctuotea to keep the cora
away trom oaoy s reach
700m then
Camera steertng
Video On/OII Power Save
to conserve battery power,
press and hota the VIDEO
Sound Activaled Lighls
the IFD ttuht bat an the top otthe
handheta wttt ttght up as tt ptcks urs
notses eyen tn power saye mode
When battery ts tow, the tttst LED
ttashcs tca ana ttanahcta beeps
seconds you can begtn
tatktng agatn oy orasstno ann
hotatnu the tcon wtthth that
ttme to extttoIksback mode
press the menu button once
at watt to seconds to
automottcatty extI Iatkrbuck
tcon tn the touchscreen
touch the In"!
the camera wttt emtt a
sort btue gIow touch the
and the camera v/tII emtt
ChIIdten have strongIed
tn cords Keep IhIs cord
out of the reach of
children (mote than 3 ft.
(0.9m) away).
e yotume button tor 3 seconds to turn art Nab a warm rest atow thhtttonts ate comtorttna to ttttte ones,
the honoheto s ytoeo the ospoctatty toaatats who become scaroa tn a pttch brack room
ween W,tt go (my rm teqyuye touch the on" NIGHYLIGNY ICON to turn on
. . Vax On/OII
Touch Scleen Funclion
Moontttew Bttgntness
camera obttohs
ttme / temp Setttngs
Screen Bttghtness
Vox on / art
attows you to preserve battery
ttte when not ptuggea tnto A/C
auaoter the ouata teatute wttt
rematn acttyatea attowtng you
to monttor sounds you can turn
the screen back on by pressth
the ytaeo button or tabptng
the screen at rttoytttg the
honaheta When honaheta ts
not mugged tn screen wttt
automottcatty turn ott otter an
ItVox teature ts on ytaeo wttt
turn an automattcatty whcn
souna ts uetecteu
I’tess the MENU/POWER
button to access the
touchscreen menu
teatutes screen Press
ana hata thc
tor 3 seconds to turn on
the Vox teatutewhen on,
wttt turn on your screen
when tt ts power saye
moac ana the camera
Dtcks up a souna to turn
Vex made ott,ptess the
MENU button Press the
vox tcon tutn VDX atert
on or art yoy tcon ts
atsptayeo on thatcatot
bar when acttye
sumtnntntattt Inc t yrsrxotksuntsttye t weettseeker tstums r so Alt ssst

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