User Manual
ST730 PProduct Desscription ST T730 Pro oductt Descrip ption - SigFox x IOT Devicce - Sun ntech Intern nationa al Ltd.. ST730 PProduct Desscription The ST7 730 is a batttery-powere ed mini traccker utilizing g GPS, WiFi and Sigfox technology y. With itss holder, it iss a waterpro oof (IP66 co ompliant) ha ard-cased device to bee used for va arious purpose ed like an assent tracke er or a perso onal trackerr. It works autonomoussly with its built-in battery. In addittion to 3-axxis acceleration sensor, the ST730 have variouss functional ities such as ultra-low power cconsumption algorithm ms and motio on checking g. Feature es; 1. Power On/O Off button The device e can be po owered up or down by b pressing the On/Offf button forr at least 2 seconds. u the device e will: At power up ‐ Flash 1 time all the LEDs ‐ Show th he battery status using g the batterry LED. This status will only show in the firstt minute after power--up. ‐ Send a “power up” message. ‐ In case the GPS is configured aas a location n source, it will w start the GPS acquisition. Afterr the GPS S fix, the GPS will go into deep sleep mode e. There is also a GPS acquisition timeout, after this timeout the G GPS will also o enter deep p sleep. At power do own: ‐ Flash tw wice all the LEDs During operation, if the e button is pressed forr less than 2 seconds, iit will show the batteryy g the battery y LED. status using 2. Tracking The device e will send a tracking m message at a defined interval. The ccustomer ca an configure ST730 PProduct Desscription what time interval and d the local location sou urce. The location sourcce can be GPS, Wifi orr both. In the case e of GPS as the locatiion source, the device will turn on n or wake-up the GPS receiver 30 0 seconds before sendin ng the message. If the time intervval is greater than 1 (?)) hour the GPS will be e turned on n 1 minute before. Th his is done to keep th he message transmissio ons at regula ar intervals aand increase the probability to get a GPS fix. In case of the Wifi as location sou evice will sca an for wifi aaccess points 5 secondss urce, the de before the transmission n. In case of both source es are config gured, the device will try to get a G GPS fix (usin ng the same rules) and it will only try t the wifi llocation source if 5 seco onds before the transmiission it wass not able to o get a GPS fix. 3. SOS button O and if tthis button is pressed, it will trigg ger the dev vice to send When the device is ON It w will also turn n on the GPS S. If it is ablee to get a fiix within the immediatelly a “SOS” message. timeout pe eriod it will send a locattion message e. If it is nott able to gett a fix it will try to scan for Wifi acccess points.. If it finds, it send a lo ocation messsage. If it ccannot get GPS or Wifii information n it does nott send any m messages. 4. 5. Sensors ‐ ometer Accelero ‐ Hall/Magnetic ‐ Tempera ature Geo fence The device e will monito or the locatiion based on o the GPS receiver and d check if th he device iss inside or outside the circular fencce. A circula ar fence is defined as a GPS coord dinate and a radius in meters. There e is a limit off 10 (TBD) circular fence es. In order to o save pow wer, the custtomer can configure th he time inteerval between the GPS acquisition. At the spe ecified time the device will wake-up the GPS rreceiver and d keep it on until there is a fix or a timeout is rreached. e configured d to be trigg gered by the accelerom meter or halll sensors. In The check can also be he check is done every ttime the acccelerometer or o hall senso ors are triggered. this case th The device will keep in n non-volatilee memory the status of the fences (if it is inside or outside e) is On. while the device At power-u up the device e will turn th he GPS on and will set the t fences reeference at the t first GPS fix. This will be used to o trigger the fences statu us change th hereafter. ST730 PProduct Desscription 6. Wifi fence The device e will monito or the availaable wifi acccess points and check iff the config gured accesss point mac address or the t SSID aree in reach. The custom o 10 (TBD) wifi fences. The fence is defined by mer can con nfigure up to b the MAC address or SSID name of the acce ss point, iff the event should be triiggered in the presence or absence e of that acce ess point an nd the time to t consider the presencee/absence of o the accesss point. The consum mer can con nfigure the ttime intervall to check fo or the acces s points. The check can also be trig ggered by th he accelerom meter or hall sensors 7. Settings The device e can be co onfigured byy using the Synctrak so oftware or b by RF. The RF possible configuratio ons are limitted and (TBD D) 8. Battery The batteryy status can n be checked d at power up, when th he device w will show it for 1 minute using the battery LED, and if the d device is ON N by pressing g the On/Offf button forr less than 2 seconds. The code of o the LED iss: ‐ between n 100% and 80%, the LEED flashes 5 times ‐ between n 80% and 60%, the LED D flashes 4 times ‐ between n 60% and 40%, the LED D flashes 3 times ‐ between n 40% and 20%, the LED D flashes 2 times ‐ below 20%, the LED D flashes 1 tiimes A “Low batttery” messa age can be cconfigured to t be sent when the baattery level reaches at a specified le evel. Also an “Exxternal powe er connected d” and an “External power disconneccted” can be e configured d. 9. urces Location sou There 3 loccation source es available: ‐ GPS – the device has h an interrnal GPS recceiver that is able to caalculate the geographicc coordina ates using both the GPS S and Glonasss constellations. ST730 PProduct Desscription ‐ Wifi – the device will w scan the available wifi w hotspots and send t he MAC add dress of the strongesst one to th he server. In the server side, the customer can use this infformation to find the e location of hotspot (ussing google maps servic ce, for exam ple). The wiffi location iss well suited for indo oor applicattion and loccations that have the p presence of several wifii hotspots. ‐ LBS – depending on n the techno ology and se ervice plan, the customeer can get an a estimated location n based on the t strength of the received commu unication. Th he source will give more precise estimations in areas wit h better RF coverage 10. Firmware up pdate The e device can n be updated d using the following me ethods: ‐ USB – th he FW can be b updated b by using the e USB port and a a specifiic update so oftware ‐ Wifi (TB BD) – the customer ccan configu ure a wifi network and d the requ uired accesss informattion (user and passwo ord). When the device finds that network, it will try to connectt and contacct an updatee server. Acccording to th he informati on send, the server willl determine if there is i any availaable FW upd date. If there e is, it will sstart the dow wnload. Thiss feature will only be available, if the battery level is abov ve a TBD th reshold. Chargin ng Accessary Chargerr adaptor ST730 PProduct Desscription Charge er cable GENERAL & GPRS SPECIFIC CATION Batte ery Rechargeable e 4.2V, Li-io on polymer 1500mAh Motiion Detectio on Built-in 3-axiis Acceleratio on sensor Stand dby time *with 1,500m mA/h Li-ion n battery Deep p sleep Report once a day Powe er Consump ption Sigfox : 17 m mA in Rx mo ode Operrating Curren nt 200m mA in Tx mod de @ 22.5dB Bm WiFi W : 12mA A in active mode GPS G : 40mA A in active mode Sleep p Current 15uA SigFo ox Frequenccy 902.1375 M Hz – 904.66 625 MHz SigF Fox Output Power WiFi Network RCZ2/4 22dB Bm WI-FI B/G/N Support(Op ptional) 2.4GHz only Temp perature Range -20°C ~ +60 0°C Userr Interface Power Button n , SOS Buttton Charger Ada ptor, Charge er Cable AT C Command LED Indicator Sigfox, GPS, Wifi, Charging status ST730 PProduct Desscription PC S Sync Track USB U cable Dime ension 75 7 x 50.5 x 2 22.5 mm 88.3 x 55.9 x 35.6 with magnetic holder Weig ght ?g(without holder) ?g ? (with mag gnetic holder) Apprroval ANATEL, CE, FCC, RoHS, Sigfox certifficate GPS REC CEIVER SPEC CIFICATION Rece eiver Type 56-chan nnel U-Blox 7 engine GPS&QZ ZSS L1 C/A, SBAS : W WAAS, EGNO OS, MASA, Upda ate Rate 10Hz Accu uracy Position 2.5 5m CEP SBAS 2.0 0m CEP 1) Acqu uisition 2) Cold staarts 29s 12s ( AssistNow Autonomou us) Supp ply Voltage Senssitivity Aided sttart <1s Hot starrt <1s Single vvoltage supp ply : 1.4V or 3.0V 3) Tracking -1 162dBm Reacqui sition -1 160dBm Cold staart -1 148dBm Back k-up Supply Voltage range : 2.5V V to 3.6V Ante enna type Patch An ntenna * 1) All SV @ –130 0 dBm * 2) De ependent on n aiding data a connection n speed and d latency ST730 PProduct Desscription * 3) De emonstrated d with a good active anttenna INSTALLLATION, CO ONFIGURATION AND PR ROTOCOL Most important point is to install the uni t horizontallly in order to o have the ttop cover to see the skyy For th he details off product han ndlings / insstallations, please refer to t the attachhed pictures.. b done beffore installatition. Note 1 : Configurration or Parrameter settting should be Config guration : Re efer to separa ate documentt and software e tool for con nfiguration. Protoccol : Refer to separate document for thee standard protocol ST730 PProduct Desscription uipment hass been teste ed and foun nd to comp ply with the limits for a Class B digital device,, This equ pursuan nt to part 15 of the FC CC Rules. Th hese limits are a designed d to providee reasonable e protection against harmful inte erference in a residentiall installation. uipment gen nerates, usess and can ra diate radio frequency en nergy and, iff not installe ed and used This equ in acco ordance with h the instru uctions, mayy cause ha armful interfference to radio comm munications.. Howeve er, there is no n guarante ee that inte rference will not occur in a particcular installa ation. If thiss equipme ent does cau use harmful interferencee to radio orr television reception, w hich can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the u user is encou uraged to try y to correct the interfere ence by one or more e of the follo owing measu ures: - Reorie ent or relocate the receiv ving antennaa. - Increasse the separration betwe een the equi pment and receiver. - Conne ect the equip pment into an a outlet on a circuit diffferent from that to whicch the receiv ver is conne ected. - Consult the dealerr or an expe erienced radiio/TV technician for help p. CAUTION : Changess or modifica ations not eexpressly app proved by th he party resp ponsible for compliance could vo oid the user ’s authority to t operate tthe equipme ent. EVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF TTHE FCC RU ULES. OPERAT TION THIS DE IS SUBJECT TO THE E FOLLOWIN NG TWO CO ONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE E HARMFULL INTERFE ERENCE, AND D (2) THIS DEVICE MUSTT CE THAT M ACCEPT ANY INTER RFERENCE RECEIVED, IN NCLUDING INTERFEREN MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERAT TION. FCC RF Radiation Exxposure Statement: This eq quipment co omplies with h FCC RF radiation exxposure limits set fortth for an uncontrolled environm ment. This equipment should be in nstalled and operated with a minim mum distancce of 20 cm between n the radiattor and your body. Th his transmitter must not be co-lo ocated or operating in conjuncttion with an ny other ante enna or tran smitter. ST730 PProduct Desscription empt RSSs. Operation This devvice complies with Indusstry Canada’ss licence-exe is subjecct to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause in nterference; and y interferencee, including interference e that may caause undesired (2) This device mustt accept any operatio on of the device. Informattion Le prése ent appareil est conform me aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicable aux aappareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploittation est autorisée aux deux condit ions suivantes : (1) l’app pareil ne doitt pas produire de brouil lage, et (2) l’utiliisateur de l’a appareil doitt accepter to out brouillage radioélectrique subi, m même si le bro ouillage est susceptible d’en compro omettre le fo onctionnement. Cet équipement estt conforme aux a limites d d’exposition aux a rayonnements énon ncées pour un environn nement non contrôlé et respecte less règles les radioélectriq ques (RF) de la FCC ligne es directricces d’exposition et d’exposition aux ffrequencies radioélectriq ques (RF) CN NR-102 de l’IIC. Cet équipem ment émet une u énergie RF R très faiblee qui est considérée con nforme sans évaluation du débit d’absorp ption spécifiq que (DAS). 10
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Author : hwj Create Date : 2017:09:08 16:44:07+09:00 Modify Date : 2017:09:08 16:44:07+09:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 11.0 (Windows) Format : application/pdf Title : Microsoft Word - ST730사용설명서_Prodcut description_FCC_0710_인증관련내용추가 Creator : hwj Document ID : uuid:8ac43f12-cb67-4131-b75b-c214215d898d Instance ID : uuid:30b09736-6395-4188-bfd4-24a07fd822b8 Page Count : 10EXIF Metadata provided by