Suntech STU640 Tracker User Manual MANUAL rev
Suntech International Ltd. Tracker MANUAL rev
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User Manual
ST640 User Manual Suntech International Ltd. ST640U User Manual 1. Intro oduction This doccument desccribes features, protocolss and detail operation of o ST640. If there is another operation description document for special bu uyer to custo omize or mo odel and the conttents of the document is different with this, cu ustomizing document sh hould be applied for special buyer. 2. Ove erview Device consists of WCDMA, GPS and event parts. The main purpose of device re eports gettin ng GPS position and other informs of vehicle to t server periodiccally. Device can c control or o check con nnected lines and suppo ort additiona al functions. 2-1. Op peration Mode The devvice has 3 op peration mod des, driving, parking and d emergencyy. ** Driv ving ** Park king : Drivving status when ignition n is on. : Parking statu us that startss if ignition is i off during more than T1. ** Eme ergency : On nce panic bu utton is On or o any otherr status as pe er designed.. The device sends emergencyy reports until A1 times or receiving g server ackn nowledge. 2-2. Re eport AVL reports GPS and some info ormation at predefined interval, depe ending on the current modes. VL sends so ome alerts, for example, moveme ent at the parking con ndition, chan nging of Also, AV connectted input line e and so on. Device distinguishe es all reportts with 6 tyypes, Status report, emergency, event, alert, alive and comman nd response. Device can c store rep ports when reporting ro oute (For exa ample, WCD DMA conditio on) is not su uccessful. Storage capacity is up to 2,00 00 status rep ports, 50 em mergency re eports, 50 alert reports (include eports) and 1500 bytes as comman nd response e. In case off status repo orts, oldest report is event re erased and new rep port is bufferred when the buffer is fu ull and new status reporrt enters (FIF FO). When re eporting con ndition is reccovered, devvice starts se ending all bu uffered reports. Also, thiis capacity can increase if it is neede ed. Each typ pe of reportss has priorityy, and priority is as belo ow. Emergen ncy Comm mand Respo onse Alertt Status Report Alive (Lowest) ST640U User Manual Emergen ncy is the firrst to be sen nt after recovvering WCDMA conditio on. 2-3. Se etting Param meter Parametters of devicce can be ch hanged by WCDMA or SMS, and so ome control can be realiized also in the sa ame way. Detail protocols are described in Chapter 4. 2-4. Features Key fea atures are described here; - Powerr Down Device can process two step ps of powerr-down, Slee ep and De eep Sleep, ffor reducing g power consumption when the vehicle is parked. - LED In ndicator LED indicates WCDM MA and GPS S states. It’s helpful to ch heck error ca ause. - Eventss Device has h 2 outputt lines, 3 inp put lines and d ignition line. - Updatte Firmware e by Over Th he Air (FOTA A) When Firmware off device has some errror or has to be chan nged for a new service to be impleme ented, devicce can updatte internal ROM file by over the aiir (FOTA), remotely via WCDMA. Custome ers do not need to visit every vehicle to downlo oad the new w firmware. Method of FOTA de escribes at “S SunTech_OTA A_UA_Protoccol” documen nt in detail. - Parkin ng Lock Device can check whether the vehicle mo oves off the preset park king bounda ary or startss driving n. In the ca ase that it notes the unauthorize ed moving or driving, it sends without ignition on ncy report im mmediately. emergen - Over speed Device can c check sp peed of vehicle and send d alert of ovver-speed to server. - GPS Antenna Che ecking Device can c alert when GPS ante enna is disco onnected. ST640U User Manual It’s applicable only for f models that have extternal antenna. - Main Power Checcking The devvice can re ecognize the e main pow wer and infform to serrver when main power line is disconnected or ma ain power drrops below preset value. It’s applicable only for f battery model. - Batterry Error Alerrt Device can c alert abo out battery error related d on charging. It’s applicable only for f battery model. 3. Prottocol Construction All comm mand and re eports are sttring and follows below format. Every filed is disting guished by semi colon. m device is ended by ‘\ \r’ (0x0D). All report string from and message e format (frrom server to t device) Comma HDR DEV_ID VE ER Field 1 Field 2 … Field n Field Definition ns HDR String “ST640” + Command type DEV_ID 6 char. Device e ID of AVL VER Rema ark “02” Field 1 ~ n Protoccol Version. This is fixed with “02”. String Conte ents Device ID I is unique number of each device that consistts of 6digits.. If the co ommand has invalid vallue or DEV_IID of the co ommand tha at is sent byy WCDMA or o SMS is not mattched with DEV_ID of the e unit. Report message fo ormat (from device to server) HDR DEV_ID SW W_VER Field 1 Field Definition ns HDR String Field 2 … Field n Rema ark “ST640” + Report type ST640U User Manual DEV_ID 6 char. Device e ID of AVL VER “001” Software version that the devvice has. Field 1 ~ n String Conte ents 4. Com mmands When the device iss received a command,, it respond ds with response string and changes some parametters or acts related operration. 4-1. Ne etwork Parrameters Se etting HDR DEV_ID B__SEVER_IP nition ● Defin VER AUTH B_SE EVER_IP Definitions HDR “ST640N NTW” VER AUTH USER R_ID SMS_NO USE ER_PWD SEVER_IP SEVER_PORT PIN_NO : Set S network parameters and PIN num mber. Field DEV_ID AP PN 6 cha ar. “02”” ‘0’ /‘1’’/’A’ Unit Rem mark Com mmand type Device ID Proto ocol Version WCD DMA authenttication 0 : PA AP(‘NO’ in Synctrack) 1 : CHAP(‘YES’ in n Synctrack) A : Automatic WCDMAset. In n this case, parameters iin APN, USER_ID and USER_PWD fiieldshould b be empty. APN String Acce ess Point Nam me USER_IID String ID fo or WCDMA Access USER_P PWD String Passw word for WC CDMA Accesss SEVER__IP String Serve er IP Addresss SEVER__PORT String Serve er Port B_SEVE ER_IP String Back kup Server IP P Address B_SEVE ER_PORT String Back kup Server Po ort SMS_N NO String Phon ne number what the devvice sends SMS report to o. This can be use ed for backu up in the arrea that if WCDMA dition is not good. Or,, it can be used main n report cond meth hod when IP P and Port arre empty. ST640U User Manual For no n use, it should be emp pty. PIN_NO String PIN Number to release PIN lock if it is enabled[comm mand] ST640N NTW;850000 0;02;0;interne et;;;111.111.1 111.111;8600 0;;;; [respon nse] ST640N NTW;Res;8500 000;010;0;intternet;;;;8600;;;; ST640N NTW;Res;8500 000;010;A1;;tim;tiim;;8600;;;; ** If ne etwork does not require User ID and d Password, these fields should be e empty. Autom matic WCDM MA Set It the device is sett to ‘Automa atic WCDMA ASet’, the de evice set WC CDMA param meters autom matically dep pending on inse erted SIM. For exa ample, if Airrtel SIM is inserted, the e device set AUTH to 0, APN to “”, USER_ID and USER_P PASS to emp pty. And th he device rep ports respon nse string affter adding real WCDMA A parameterrs when auto omatic WCD DMA set is seleccted. 4-2. Re eport Param meter Settiing HDR DEV_ID ANGLE_RPT ● Defin nition VER T1 T2 HDR “ST640R RPT” T1 SND D_DIST T4 SMS_T T1 SMS_T T2 SMS__PACK_NO : Set S paramete ers related on o report interval. Definitions VER A1 RPT_TYPE Field DEV_ID T3 Unit Com mmand type 6 cha ar. Device ID “02”” String Rem mark Proto ocol Version Sec Interrval for sending status re eport in park king mode Rang ge : 0 ~ 86400 If 0, report in parking will be sent on nly one time when vehiccle starts parking. T2 String Sec Interrval for sending status re eport in drivving mode Rang ge : 0 ~ 60000 ST640U User Manual If 0, report in driving will be sent on nly one time when vehiccle starts driiving. T3 String Sec Interrval for sending status re eport in eme ergency mod de Rang ge : 0 ~ 9999 If 0, emergencyy report will be sent on nly one time when emergency state e occurs. A1 String Num mber of attem mpts for em mergency rep port until the e device gets acknowledg ge from servver If 0, no emergen ncy report w will be sent. SND_D DIST String Me eter Dista ance intervall for sending g status repo ort. Rang ge : 0 ~ 60000 (60km) If 0, status reporrt related on n moving disstance is disa abled. If no ot 0, stats report is send when n traveled distance reach hes predefin ned SND_DIS ST. T4 String Sec Interrval for sending keep alive string SMS_T1 String Min Interrval for sending status re eport in park king mode SMS_T2 String Min Interrval for sending status re eport in drivving mode SMS_PA ACK_NO String ANGLE E_RPT String Repo ort No in on ne SMS messsage Deg gree Repo ort STT messsage if it’s greater than ANGLE_RPT. 0 : Disable Rang ge : 1 ~ 179 RPT_TY YPE String Set the t type of reporting. 0: FIF FO : First in First Out. 1: LIF FO : Last In First Out. [comm mand] ST640R RPT;850000;0 02;180;120;6 60;3;0;0;0;0;0;;0;0 [respon nse] ST640RPT;Res;85000 00;010;180;1 120;60;3;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 ** If re eport intervval is set biig number, network ma ay disconne ect WCDMA A connection n because WCDMA commu unication is not progressed for a long time. So,, unit may not n receive ccommand byy WCDMA. T4 T is for protectting against this disconn nection by se ending shorrt data with short term. ** Alive e report can be sent only when the device has no data to send during T4 interval. 4-3. Ev vent Parameter Settin ng ST640U User Manual HD DR DE EV_ID VER IGNITIO ON T1 T2 IN1_T TYPE IN2 2_TYPE IN3_TYPE IN1_CHA AT IN2_CHAT IN N3_CHAT OUT1__TYPE OUT T2_TYPE OU UT1_ACTIVE OUT2_ACT TIVE PULSE1 1_NO PULS SE1_ON PULSE1_OFF PULSE2_N NO PULSE E2_ON PULLSE2_OFF IN4_T TYPE IN5 5_TYPE IN4_CHAT IN5_CHA AT BA AUD ● Defin nition : Set S paramete er related evvent. Field Definitions HDR “ST640E EVT” DEV_ID VER Unit Rem mark Com mmand type 6 cha ar. Device ID “02”” Proto ocol Version T1 String Sec Delay for enterin ng idle mode e after ignitiion goes to off T2 String Sec Delay for enterin ng active mo ode after ign nition goes to t on IN1_TY YPE ‘0’ ~ ‘7’ 0 = Falling Edge 1 = Rising Edge 2 = Both Edge (Falling & Rissing) 3 = Panic Button Button 4 = Call1 5 = Call C 2 Button 6 = Reserved Button 7 = Anti-Theft 13 = Disable Immobilizerr if it’s acttivated by jammer detector. ault = ‘3’. Defa Onlyy the device that includ ded voice op ption (audio o circuit) can be set to ‘Ca all1 Button’ o or ‘Call2 Buttton’. IN1_CH HAT String 100 0ms Input1 chattering g time. ge : 0 ~ 9999 Rang Defa ault = 3 sec. If 0, input1 is no ot checked. ST640U User Manual OUT1_TYPE ‘0’ ~ ‘5’ 0 = GPIO 1 = immobilizer 2 = Immobilizer & Auto actiive Auto acctive means immobilizer is activated automatically when the veh hicle starts p parking. 3 = Pulse 4 = LED Out for indicating ccall status. Refer 7-2-3. 5 = Buzzer OUT1_A ACTIVE ‘0’ or ‘1’ 0 = Open when out1 is activve 1 = GND when out1 is activve PULSE1 1_NO String Pulse e number when out1 typ pe set to pu ulse. Rang ge : 0 ~ 9999 If pu ulse no is 9999, pulsing rruns perman nently. PULSE1 1_ON String 100 0ms Activve time of pu ulse1 Rang ge : 0 ~ 9999 It should be set with even number. PULSE1 1_OFF String 100 0ms Inacttive time of pulse1 Rang ge : 0 ~ 9999 It should be set with even number. BAUD ‘0’ ~ ‘4’ It’s available whe en extra events support RS232. Baud d-rate 0 = No use 1 = 4800bps 2 = 9600bps 3 = 19200bps 4 = 38400bps 5 = 115200bps e device doe es not suppo ort RS232, itt should be 0. If the ST640U User Manual [comm mand] ST640E EVT;850000;0 02;1;60;0;3;2;2;30;20;20;1 1;0;1;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 [respon nse] ST640EV VT;Res;85000 00;010;1;60;0 0;3;2;2;30;20;;20;1;0;1;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0 ** If IG GNITION is set to ‘0’, device doesn n’t check driiving or parrking state o of the vehicle. It reports status string with idle mode always, and cannott support pa arking lock and the serrvice that en nters sleep or o deep sleep automatically y when the vehicle is pa arked. ** If IG GNITION is set s to ‘2’, the device checks driving g or parking state of the e vehicle witth voltage range of vehicle e’s battery. We W named it i as ‘Virtual Ignition’. Virtual ignition can ope erate when the device installed into re eal vehicle and it may be b need adjustment of voltage rang ge for speciial vehicle. For F setting method, please refer 6.3. ase of pulse,, ** In ca pulse time may have tolerance about dozenss of ms. ** Imm mobilizer, LED D Blink line and Buzzer type cannot set both OU UT1 and OUT2 simultane eously. ** In ca ase that a evvent is set to o “door senssor”, active state means door is opened. ** If de evice has the e Handsfree kit, each timee the volume upp button is presssed once, the sppeaker volume is i turned up as below. 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> >5 ->0 -> 1 -> - 2 ->3 -> 4 -> 5 - > 0 -> 1 -> …. (0 : Volume e mute, 5 :Maxx Volume) Type of no supporte ed event line e is fixed to “No Use”. able is for exxample of 4 line event model. Below ta Field Definitions HDR “ST640E EVT” DEV_ID VER IGNITIO ON Unit Rem mark Com mmand type 6 cha ar. Device ID “02”” Proto ocol Version ‘0’ ~ ‘2’ Ignition using state 0 : Not N use ignittion 1 : Use U ignition Line 2 : Virtual ignitio on(power) 3 : Virtual ignitio on (motion) T1 String Sec Delay for enterin ng idle mode e after ignitiion goes to off T2 String Sec Delay for enterin ng active mo ode after ign nition goes to t on 10 ST640U User Manual IN1_TY YPE ‘0’ ~ ‘5’ 0 = Falling Edge 1 = Rising Edge 2 = Both Edge (Falling & Rissing) 3 = Panic Button 4 = Call1 Button 5 = Call C 2 Button 6 = Reserved 7 = Anti-Theft Button 13 = Disable Immobilizerr if it’s acttivated by jammer detector. Defa ault = ‘3’. Onlyy the device that includ ded voice op ption (audio o circuit) can be set to ‘Ca all1 Button’ o or ‘Call2 Buttton’. IN1_CH HAT String 100 0ms Input1 chattering g time. Rang ge : 0 ~ 9999 Defa ault = 3 sec. If 0, input1 is no ot checked. OUT1_TYPE OUT1_A ACTIVE ‘7’ 7 = No Use ‘0’ or ‘1’ PULSE1 1_NO ‘0’ PULSE1 1_ON ‘0’ PULSE1 1_OFF ‘0’ BAUD ‘0’ 0 = No use [comm mand] ST640E EVT;850000;0 02;1;60;0;3;2;2;30;20;20;1 1;0;1;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 [respon nse] ST640EV VT;Res;85000 00;010;1;60;0 0;3;8;8;30;0;0 0;6;6;1;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0;8;8;0;0 0;0 ** In case of even nt 4 line model, IN2_TYPE, IN3_TY YPE, IN4_TYP PE, IN5_TYPE E, OUT1_TYP PE and OUT T2_TYPE should be ‘No Use e’. e of non use ed event line es are set to o ‘No Use’ and ‘0’ autom matically alth hough these filed of Type and chat time and is set to o other value e. comma 4-4. WCDMA Parameter Settting HD DR DEV_ID VER SM MS_LOCK SMS_MT1 SMS_MT T2 SMS__MT3 11 ST640U User Manual SMS__MT4 IN N_CALL_LOCK CALL__MO1 CALL_MO2 nition ● Defin CALL__MT1 CA ALL_MT2 CALL_MT3 CALL_MT T4 CALL__MT5 : Set S paramete ers related SMS or Call. Field Definitio ons HDR “ST640WC CD Unit Remark Command tyype MA” DEV_ID VER SMS_LO OCK 6 char. Device ID “02” Protocol Version ‘0’ or ‘1 1’ Lock of Rece eiving Comm mands by SM MS Disable (0) / Enable (1) If enabled, only mmands com th hat receivess from SMS_MT1 ~ MT3 numbe er can be acccepted. SMS_M MT1 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for SMS commands SMS_M MT2 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for SMS commands SMS_M MT3 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for SMS commands SMS_M MT4 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for SMS commands IN_CALLL_LOCK ‘0’ or ‘1 1’ Lock of Incoming Call Disable (0) / Enable (1) If I enabled, only call fro om CALL_MT T1 ~ MT5 number can c be accep pted. CALL_M MT1 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for call CALL_M MT2 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for call CALL_M MT3 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for call CALL_M MT4 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for call CALL_M MT5 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for call CALL_M MO1 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for outgo oing call from device CALL_M MO2 String Up to o 20 char. Phone numb ber for outgo oing call from device [comm mand] ST640W WCDMA;850 0000;02;0;;;;;0 0;;;;;;; [respon nse] ST640W WCDMA;Res;8 850000;010;0 0;;;;;0;;;;;;; ** Whe en SMS or Call C numberss are not set,, that field should be em mpty. 12 ST640U User Manual 4-5. Se ervice Param meter Settting HDR DEV_ID VE ER PARKING_LO OCK SPEED D_LIMIT PW WR_DN CON_TYPE ZIP GROUP_SEND MP_CHK ANT_CHK BAT__CHK M__SENSOR CALL GEO__FENCE DATA_LOG ANTITHFFT_CNT1 ANTITHFT_CN NT2 JAM_DET JAM_CHK_DIST JA AM_CHK_TM ● Defin nition : Set S paramete ers related re eport. Field Definitions HDR “ST640S SVC” DEV_ID VER PARKIN NG_LOCK Unit Rem mark Com mmand type 6 cha ar. Device ID “02”” Proto ocol Version ‘0’ or ‘1’ Parkiing lock ena able (1) / disable (0) If 1, the deviice checks vehicle po osition in parking perio odically. Whe en the vehiccle goes off some boun ndary or starts moving over some velocity, the device reports parking lock eme ergency. SPEED__LIMIT String Km m/h Overr speed limitt If 0, the device does not che eck over spe eed. If 1 and the ve ehicle runes over prede efined value,, device repo orts speed alerts once. PWR_D DN ‘0’ ~ ‘2’ Powe er saving typ pe 0 : Disabled slee ep and deep sleep servicce 1 : Enabled deep p sleep 2 : Enabled sleep CON_T TYPE ‘0’ ~ ‘2’ Conn nection Type e with Server 0 = KEEP_CON 1 = KEEP_DISCO ON 2 = KEEP_NOP ail explanatio on is below. Deta ZIP ‘0’ or ‘1’ Use Zip ble (0) / Ena able (1) Disab 13 ST640U User Manual GROUP P_SEND ‘0’ or ‘1’ Grou up Send for stored data 0 : Disable 1 : Enable. One packet can include up to o 5 reports. up send is exxplained below. Grou MP_CH HK ‘0’ or ‘1’ Main n Power Discconnection C Check Disab ble (0) / Ena able (1) ANT_CHK ‘0’ or ‘1’ GPS Antenna Co onnection Error Check Disab ble (0) / Ena able (1) BAT_CH HK ‘0’ or ‘1’ Back kup Battery Error Check Disab ble (0) / Ena able (1) M_SEN NSOR CALL ‘0’ ~’’4’ ‘0’ or ‘1’ Motiion Sensor Motion Collision Shock Disable Disable Disable Enable Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable Enable Disable Disable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Supp port Call with headset Disab ble (0) / Ena able (1) GEO_FENCE ‘0’ or ‘1’ Supp port Geo-fen nce Disab ble (0) / Ena able (1) DAT_LO OG ‘0’ or ‘1’ Log out with RS2 232 0 = No Use 1 = Enable getting saved log g data by RS S232 [comm mand] ST640S SVC;850000;02;1;120;0;0;;0;0;1;1;1;0;0;;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 [respon nse] ST640SV VC;Res;850000;010;1;120 0;0;0;0;0;1;1;1 1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0 ** Funcction of M_S SEMSOR can n be used with the mode el that has motion senso or. If shock or collision n detection is enabled, device will re eport to servver when ge ets any shock or collision n. parame eter has bee en customizzed, This ta able should be disrega arded and you should d follow ** If this custom mized operration docum ment. 14 ST640U User Manual CON_T TYPE 1. N : The devicce keeps TCP P connection n always and d can receive es a comman nd by WCDM MA. KEEP_CON 2. KEEP_DISC CON : The de evice conneccts TCP conn nection when the data iss sent. Afterr sending, the device discconnects WC CDMA and TCP T connecttion if it estim mates there is no data for f sending within 3minutes. In this case,, it cannot re eceive a com mmand by WCDMA. 3. P : The device doesn’t se end any repo ort after be installed. Wh hen the device enters KEEP_NOP emergencyy mode or receive ‘Startt Report’ com mmand by SMS or RS23 32, it starts report depen nding on report parameters. It may be used for saviing WCDMA A fee. Curren nt version cannot supporrt this option. Group Send The de evice stores data if the vehicle is in no WCDM MA area. An nd, the vehiccle moves to t WCDMAa available area, device starts sending sto ored data. ed, the devicce makes 5 reports to on ne bundle and send the ese 5 reportss at one If group send option is enable time. Group send is usefful to speed up sending. nsor M_Sen 1. T device sending a evvent when ig gnition is ON N and have a motion. Collision: The 2. Shock: The e device sen nding a even nt when ignittion is OFF and have a m motion. on procedurre Jammiing detectio JAM_CHK_DIST & JAM_CHK_TM M are assisst for jammin ng detection n to avoid fa alse detection. At leasst, we recommend use JA AM_CHK_DIS ST for safetyy. If you use two assiist functions, it can dete ect two case of jamming as follows. *Case of o jamming WCDMA on nly. Jammin ng detected ->JAM_CHK K_DIST -> JA AM_CHK_TM -> Triggere ed by JAM_D DET mode. *Case of o jamming WCDMA& GPS. Jammin ng detected ->JAM_CHK K_TM -> Trig ggered by JA AM_DET mod de. JAM_CHK_DIST : if 0, skip this function. 0 skip this fu unction. JAM_CHK_TM : if 0, ble all of asssist functionss, just trigge ered by HAM M_DET mode e after detectted jamming g. If disab In this case, it’s possible to falsse detection n in weak WC CDMA or strrong radio a area. 4-6. Ad dditional Pa arameters 15 ST640U User Manual HDR DEV_ID ● Defin nition VE ER SVR_TYPE Definitions HDR “ST640A ADP” VER SVR_TY YPE UDP__ACK DEV__PORT : Setting addittional param meter requestted. Field DEV_ID B_SVR_T TYPE 6 cha ar. “02”” ‘T’ / ‘U’ ‘ Un nit Remarrk Comm mand type Device e ID Protocol Version Server Protocol Type T : TCP U : UD DP B_SVR__TYPE ‘T’ / ‘U’ ‘ Backup p Server Protocol Type T : TCP U : UD DP UDP_A ACK ‘0’ ~ ‘3’ ACK from Server when UPD is used. 0 : No use K when the server receivves reports except alive. 1 : ACK 2 : ACK K when the server receivves reports except STT and d alive reporrt. 3 : ACK K when the server receivves emergen ncy report. Comm mand responsse doesn’t need ACK. DEV_PO ORT String Device e’s port for re eceiving com mmand from m UDP serverr. It can be used only when UDP P server is ussed. If ‘0’ or empty, the e device wou uld use port 9000. If not zero, the device can receive com mmands with port DEV_PORT. Reserved ‘0’ Reserved ‘0’ Reserved ‘0’ Reserved ‘0’ Reserved ‘0’ Reserved ‘0’ [comm mand] ST640A ADP;850000;;02;U;T;2;900 00;0;0;0;0;0;0 [respon nse] ST640ADP;Res;850 0000;022;U;T T;2;9000;0;0;0 0;0;0;0 16 ST640U User Manual This co ommand can n be applied from softwa are version 22. ACK in n case of UD DP UDP iss protocol that doesn’tt check whe ether the da ata is transm mitted succe essfully. So, the device checks comple etion of send ding with AC CK dependin ng on UDP_A ACK type. ACK is sent by servver when the data is recceived. If the ACK is not sent during more than 2 minutes after sending, the devicce recognize es the data was w not reached to server and sends th he data again. ples of ACK report are as a below. Examp String Format : “ST T640ACK;850 0000” Zip Forrmat : 0x15 0x85 0x00 0x00 It is reccommended d ACK_TYPE is set to ‘1’ to t confirm all a data can be transmittted safely. Reporrt Type CK=0 UDP_AC UDP_ACK=1 CK=2 UDP_AC UD DP_ACK=3 Alive STT Event, Alert, Etc. Emerg gency 4-7. Se et Paramete ers of Main n Voltage HDR DEV_ID VER CHR_STOP__THRES_12 OPE ERATION_STO OP_THRES_1 12 ● Defin nition CHR__STOP_THRES S_24 OPERATION_S STOP_THRES S_24 IG GNDET_H DECIDE_B BAT_24 IGNDET_LL : Set S some value of main voltage. Field Defin nitions Re emark HDR “ST640MBV” Co ommand type 17 ST640U User Manual DEV_ID 6 char. VER “0 02” CHR_ST TOP_THRES__12 Strring De evice ID Pro otocol Versio on Vo oltage value to stop ba ackup batterry charging in 12V veh hicle. CHR_ST TOP_THRES__24 Strring Vo oltage value to stop ba ackup batterry charging in 24V veh hicle. DECIDE E_BAT_24 Strring Vo oltage value to check w whether the vehicle’s ba attery is 12V or 24V. OPERA ATION_STOP__THRES_12 Strring Vo oltage value to t protect ve ehicle batterry. The device operation stop ps if car batte ery voltage is lower an this value e in vehicle tthat has 12V V power. tha OPERA ATION_STOP__THRES_24 Strring Vo oltage value to t protect ve ehicle. The device operation stop ps if car batte ery voltage is lower an this value e in vehicle tthat has 24V V power. tha on, the veh hicle can re ecognize In case of virtual ignitio IGNDET T_H Strring driiving state when ve ehicle powe er is more than IGN NDET_H. De efault = ‘0’ IGNDET T_L Strring In case of virtual ignitio on, the veh hicle can re ecognize parking state when vehicle e power is le ess than IGN NDET_L. De efault = ‘0’ [comm mand] ST640M MBV;850000 0;02;10.5;22;1 19;8.00;18.00 0;0;0 [respon nse]ST640MBV;Res;850000;122;10.5;2 22;19;8.00;18 8.00;0;0 T_H and IGN NDET_L are ‘0’, device ch heck parking g and driving g automatica ally. IGNDET 4-8. Se et Paramete ers of Motion Sensorr HDR DEV_ID VER CHR_STOP__THRES_12 OPE ERATION_STO OP_THRES_1 12 OPERATION_S STOP_THRES S_24 VI_ON_THRES VI_ON_DELLAY VII_OFF_DELAY VI_OFF_PERC CENT nition ● Defin CHR__STOP_THRES S_24 VI_ON_PE ERCENT DECIDE_B BAT_24 IG GNDET_H IGNDET_LL VI_OF FF_THRES : Set S motion sensor param meters 18 ST640U User Manual Field Definitions HDR “ST640M MSR” DEV_ID VER SHOCK K_DELAY Un nit Remarrk Comm mand type 6 cha ar. Device e ID “02”” Protocol Version String Sec. Delay for f entering shock detecction mode after ignition off 0 – Dissable Range : 1 ~ 21600 0 (5hour) Recom mmend : 600 ( 10 min.) MOTIO ON_THRES String Ste ep Detection level of shock violattion. Range : 0.04 ~ 2.0 Recom mmend : 0.04 SHOCK K_THRES String Ste ep Detection level of shock violattion. Range : 0.04 ~ 2.0 Recom mmend : 0.04 COLL_T THRES String Ste ep Gravityy for collision report. Range : 0.1 ~ 2.0 Recom mmend : 0.7 VI_ON__THRES String 1/255G Thresh hold value fo or Motion Virtual Ignition n On Range : 3~50 Default : 5 VI_ON__DELAY String Sec. Delay time for Mo otion Virtual Ignition On Range : 3~999 Default : 10 VI_ON__PERCENT String Percen nt for Motion n Virtual Ignition On. Range : 30~100 Default: 70 VI_OFFF_THRES String 1/255G Thresh hold value fo or Motion Virtual Ignition n Off Range : 3~50 Default : 5 VI_OFFF_DELAY String Sec. Delay time for Mo otion Virtual Ignition Off Range : 3~999 Default : 10 VI_OFFF_PERCENT String Percen nt for Motion n virtual Igniition Off. Range : 30 ~ 100 Default : 70 19 ST640U User Manual [comm mand] ST640M MSR;;02;600;0.04;0.04;0.7 7;5;10;70;5;10 0;70 [respon nse] ST640M MSR;Res;8525 588;128;600;0.04;0.04;0.7 70;5;10;70;5;1 10;70 * For the shock le evel, we reccommend it to set to 0.04. if it's over than 0.04, the se ensor will be b more insensitive as it fo or shock dete ection. 4-11. Control Com mmand HDR ● Defin nition DEV V_ID VER CMD_ID : Controls som me functions. Field Definitions HDR “ST640C CMD” DEV_ID Un nit Comm mand type 6 cha ar. VER Device e ID ‘01’’ CMD_ID Remark Protoccol Version String Contro ol command d content Caution n : If it’s nott correct the e Unit ID, ignored. 4-11-1.. Status Re equest ● Defin nition : Location polll, request of the status report. Field Definitions CMD_ID “StatusR Req” Unit Remark Statuss request If rece eived, the de evice sends sstatus string instantly. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;StatusRe eq [respon nse] ST640ST TT;850000;01 10;20090724 4;07:12:16;00 0129;+37.479 9995;+126.88 85815;000.029;000.00; 7;1;0 0;15.33;10000 00;2;0002 20 ST640U User Manual 4-11-2.. Reset ● Defin nition : Reset all of parameters. Field Definitions CMD_ID Unit “Resett” Remark Reset meters with factory value and reboot the Initialize all param e. device [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;Reset [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;850000;010;Reset 4-11-3.. Preset ● Defin nition Field : Reset all of parameters. Definitions CMD_ID Unit “Prese et” Remark Reporrt parameter setting valu ues and current device status. Respo onse include es network, report, evvent, WCDM MA and service e parameterrs. It includess status of device, also. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;Preset [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;Presset; 111;8600;;;;1234; NTW;;0;internet;;;1 RPT;6 60;180;120;60 0;3;0;0;;;; EVT;1 1;60;0;3;2;2;30 0;20;20;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; WCDMA;0;;;;;0;;;;;;;;; 1;120;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0 SVC;1 DEV;0 0;0;0;0 [respon nse] event 4 line model 111;8600;;;;1234; NTW;;0;internet;;;1 RPT;6 60;180;120;60 0;3;0;0;;;; EVT;1 1;60;0;3;8;8;30 0;0;0;6;6;1;0;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 0;0;0;0; WCDMA;0;;;;;0;;;;;;;;; 1;120;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0 SVC;1 21 ST640U User Manual DEV;0 0;0;0;0 ** Afte er power on, device send ds response string of pre eset once. ** DEV V filed inform ms current sttatus of device as below w. OUT1 OUT2 PWR_DN 0 = Disable 0 = Disable 0 = Normal 1 = Enable 1 = Enable 1 = Sleep 2 = Deep sleep Field Definitions CMD_ID Unit BAT__CON Backup batteryy is disco onnected. 1 = Backup batte ery is conneccted. Remark “PresettA” Reporrt all parame eters includin ng additiona al parameter.r. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;PresetA [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;PressetA; NTW;;0;internet;;;1 111;8600;;;;1234; RPT;6 60;180;120;60 0;3;0;0;;;; EVT;1 1;60;0;3;2;2;30 0;20;20;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; WCDMA;0;;;;;0;;;;;;;;; SVC;1 1;120;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0; ADP;U U;T;2;9000;0;0;0;0;0;0; DEV;0 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 ** Thiss command can be app plied from software verrsion 22. ** DEV V filed inform ms current sttatus of device as below w. OUT1 OUT2 PWR_DN 0 = Disable 0 = Disable 0 = Normal 1 = Enable 1 = Enable 1 = Sleep 2 = Deep sleep TRACKING 0 = Stop Trackin ng Antii-Theft Reserve ed BAT__CON Backup batteryy is disco onnected. 1 = Backup batte ery is conneccted. Resserved 0 = Dissable 22 ST640U User Manual 1 = Start Trackin ng 1 = Ena able 4-11-4.. ACK of Em mergency ● Defin nition : Stop emerge ency report. Field Definitions CMD_ID “AckEme erg” Unit Remark Ackno owledgement of emerge ency report. The device will sto op emergen ncy reports if it is in emergency state. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;AckEmerg [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;AckE Emerg 4-11-5.. Enable1 ● Defin nition : Active Outpu ut1. Field CMD_ID Definitions Unit “Enable e1” Remark Enable e Output1 [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;Enable1 [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;Enab ble1 [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;Enab ble1NoUse (in ( case that IN type is sset to ‘No Use’). ** Outp put1 line go oes to active status. ** If OU UT1 set with h immobilize er, output1 line goes to active statuss gradually w with pulse in n driving mode. ** If OUT1 set witth pulse typ pe, output1 line generates pulse an nd returns iinactive statte after pulssing out automa atically. 4-11-6.. Disable1 23 ST640U User Manual ● Defin nition : Inactive Outp put1. Field Definitions CMD_ID “Disable e1” Unit Remark Disablle Output1 [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;Disable1 [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;Disa able1 [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;Disa able1NoUse (in case thatt IN type is set to ‘No Use’). ** Outp put1 line go oes to inactivve status. 4-11-9.. Request IMSI ● Defin nition : Request the unique SIM ID. Field Definitions CMD_ID Unit “ReqIM MSI” Remark Reque est IMSI (unique SIM ID)) If rece eived, device e sends IMSII of using SIM M. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;ReqIMSII [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;ReqIIMSI;724031 1111553779 4-11-10 0. Requestt ICCID ● Defin nition : Request the ICCID. Field Definitions CMD_ID “ReqICC CID” Unit Remark Reque est ICCID (se equence num mber that is displayed on n SIM) If rece eived, device e sends ICCID D of using SIM. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;ReqICCID [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;ReqIICCID;89550 02300000842 256668 4-11-11 1. ReqVer ● Defin nition : Request softw ware version n. 24 ST640U User Manual Field Definitions CMD_ID Unit “ReqVe er” Remark Reque est device ve ersion Device e reports Model, Buye er, Protocol and S/W release version. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;ReqVer [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;ReqV Ver;ST640E_SAMPLE_STB BASE_001 4-11-12 2. Erase All ● Defin nition Field CMD_ID : Erase all of data in buffe er. Definitions Unit “EraseA All” Remark Erase saved all rep ports and diisable outpu uts. evice is delivvered to This iss needed to initialize just before de a custtomer. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;EraseAll [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;ErasseAll 4-11-13 3. Initialize e Traveled Distance ● Defin nition Field CMD_ID : Initialize the travel distan nce. Definitions Unit “InitDisst” Remark Set tra aveled distan nce to 0. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;InitDist [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;InitD Dist 4-11-14 4. Initialize e Message Number 25 ST640U User Manual ● Defin nition : Initialize the message sequence num mber. Field Definitions CMD_ID “InitMsg gNo” Unit Remark Set message num mber to 0. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;InitMsgN No [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;InitM MsgNo 4-11-23 3. Reboot ● Defin nition : reboot unit. Field Definitions CMD_ID Un nit “Reboot”” Remark Reboo ot device. [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;Reboot [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;Reboot 4-11-24 4. Requestt SIM IP Ad ddress ● Defin nition : Request of th he local IP address in SIM card. Field Definitions CMD_ID Un nit “ReqSIMIIP” Remark SIM ca ard IP reque est [comm mand] ST640C CMD;850000 0;02;ReqSIMIIP [respon nse] ST640CMD;Res;8500 000;010;ReqSIMIP;172.16 6.18.6 4. Trou uble Shoo oting (LED Indicatorr) 4.1 Blue e LED: Indicates WCDM MA status. WCDM MA Blink Coun nt Norma al Remarkss 26 ST640U User Manual Server Com. Error er or network k parameter is wrong. 1. Serve 2. Serve er is closed. 3. Temporary netwo ork barrier WCDM MA Com.. 3 Error 1. Network parametter is wrong.. bout network using. 2. SIM iss blocked ab 3. Temporary netwo ork barrier k network sig gnal 4. Weak 5. netwo ork antenna connection is not firm. No Network ected. 1. Network antenna is disconne o network antenna is brroken. 2. Network antenna or socket of 3. Device is broken. SIM PIN Locked P is enable ed. 1. SIM PIN Cannott Attach h 6 NW 1. Weak k network sig gnal. 2. Network antenna connection is not firm. No SIM e is no SIM or o SIM is nott inserted prroperly. 1. There 2. SIM or o SIM socke et is broken. 4.2 RED D LED: Indica ates GPS sta atus. GPS Blink Cou unt Remarks 27 ST640U User Manual Norma al No Fix 1. If power on, GPS chipsett is trying tto find position during some minutes. S antenna la ays on weak or no GPS ssignal positio on 2. GPS 3. GPS S antenna co onnection is not firm. GPS Ch hipset Error GPS An ntenna Errorr 1. GPS S antenna is disconnecte ed. 2. GPS S antenna or socket of GPS G antenna a is broken. 3. Uniit is broken. 28 ST640U User Manual FCC In nformation n to User This equ uipment hass been tested and found d to complyy with the lim mits for a Class B digita al device, pursuan nt to part 15 5 of the FCC C Rules. Thesse limits are designed to o provide re easonable prrotection against harmful inte erference in a residentia al installatio on. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio freque ency energy and, if not installed an nd used in accordance w with the insttructions, use harmful interference to radio communicattions. However, there iss no guaran ntee that may cau interfere ence will no ot occur in a particula ar installatio on. If this equipment does cause harmful interfere ence to radio or television reception, which can n be determ mined by turrning the eq quipment off and on, the usser is encou uraged to trry to correct the interfe erence by o one or more of the following measures:: eceiving ante enna. — Reorient or relocate the re eparation be etween the equipment and receiver. — Inccrease the se — Co onnect the eq quipment in nto an outlett on a circuitt different frrom that to w eceiver is which the re con nnected. — Co onsult the de ealer or an experienced radio/TV tecchnician for help. This devvice complie es with part 15 of the FC CC Rules. Op peration is subject to the condition that this device does not cau use harmful interference e. anges or mo odifications not expresssly approved d by the pa arty responssible for com mpliance Any cha could vo oid the user''s authority to t operate this equipme ent. RSS-GEN Sectio on This devvice complie es with Indusstry Canada licence-exem mpt RSS standard(s). Op peration is su ubject to the follo owing two conditions: (1 1) this devicce may not cause interfe erence, and (2) this devvice must accept any a interfere ence, includin ng interferen nce that mayy cause undesired opera ation of the device. Le prése sent appareiil est conforrme aux CN NR d'Industrrie Canada applicables aux appare eils radio exempts ts de licence.. L'exploitatio ion est autorrisée aux de eux condition ns suivantes::(1) l'appareiil ne doit pas pro oduire de brouillage, et (2) l'uti tilisateur de e l'appareil doit accep pter tout brouillage radioéle ectrique subi bi, même si le e brouillage est susceptiible d'en com mpromettre le fonctionn nement. 29 ST640U User Manual IMPOR RTANT NO OTE: FCC RF F Radiatio on Exposure Statem ment: This eq quipment co omplies with h FCC radiation expossure limits set forth ffor an unco ontrolled environm ment. This equipment should be installed an nd operated with minim mum distancce 20cm between n the radiato or & your bo ody. This transmitter mu ust not be co-located o operating in conjunction with an or ny other anttenna or transmittter. RSS-10 02 RF Exp posure L’antenn ne (ou les antennes) do oit être instaallée de faço çon à mainte enir à tout iinstant une distance minimum m de au mo oins 20 cm entre la sourrce de radiat ation (l’anten nne) et toute e personne physique. Cet app pareil ne do oit pas être e installé ou u utilisé en n conjonctio on avec une e autre ante tenne ou émetteu ur. 30
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