Super Nova Co NVT412 User Manual 8
Super Nova Co Ltd 8
Exhibit E User's Manual SUPER NOVA CO., LTD. FCC ID.: M65NVT412 Car Alarm (Transmitter) R7 0 OP~RA NAL UAL 1 BUTTON ® : A . Ann ———— press again to disami B . Keep prws 2" —— panic ( puss again to off) C. When ignilion on —— door lock Remote sian —— was again in oll’ 2 BUTTON ® : A. 2” —- long starter B. Keep press 3 BUTTON G) :A. Car Finder B. When arming -‘ keep press 2” to bypass shock sensor C. When ignition on —— keep press 2” (u anti-car jacking t arm IChirp defeat disarm. " —— 2nd channel oulput (auxiliary OIP for trunk) C. When ignilion on —— door unlock 4 BUTTON ® : A. Chirp defea B. Keep press 2 king lighls flash 3 limes, shock uring arming , par til disarm Sc arm again (become nonnal again) @ Button (3 prnss 2 seconds d sensor temporal)! no fmiclion nn f W/JUMl-‘ER mil NORMAL UAR. noon 5 FOR WM'E UGHT UEJW GAIL DOOR SD‘SOR D CANT-1L MST noon AMHNG maxim-1 ENSOR'Au—JC! wuui mow BAY ALERT UNIX]. DOME LIGHT OFF am— Im CANCEL lGNll‘lON noon LOCK mm v M... __ N0 SOFTWARE GW SENSOR SOFTWARE GFAR SB‘JSOK 1< Snxus change must unplug dumping again FUNCTION PROGRAMAMULE DETAIL BROWN -——'———— ACC BLUE —————— INGITLON ORANGE ————— STARTER 33mm; ruse . RED —————4' +12VDC BLUE XNGITION 2 BROWN/YELLO\V—_—— ACC 2 4 i LACK GROUND — “1an me KEEN/WHY“? ————(+)PARKXNG LIGHTUZ Amp) WHITE/RED ——-———"—— (+ SIREN PINK ——-———— PEDAL BRAKE a) YELLOW “STARTER DISABLE BROWN_.__—_— HOOD mwr (7) BROWN/WHITE ——‘DOOR 1'N'PUT(-} ORANGE ——_DO0R1NPUT(+) BROWN/BLACK —'—' (-)500mA AUXJLlARY OUTPUT (TRUNK) RED/BLACK p) PACER waD 11' ON AT LEAST 4 ROUNDS AND C011. DETECTION—m. wkms wmx (NSULA‘HNG TAPE WHITE ————1-——1 CHOOSE om»: ONLY OR TACHOMEI'ER I COIL (- W'HKTEIELUE ——G ALTERNATOR DETEUHON BLUE N/C . + GREEN ——-——’COM jUNLOCK STARTER SOLonlu PURPLE/WHITE N10 lGNlTlON COIL CHARGE MOTOR ] LOCK LED ovum"): swrrcu SHOCKSENSOR (~) Luz ——-x BLUE— x mm UREEN—(-)UNLOCK GREEh— (flux LOCK GREEN —— («x-wNLocR IUN’LFN'HITE runvmwnnz yummwmn cur—x GMT—‘X wun‘x— (41.00: wum —-1~)Locx WHITE —‘ (~)(v)LOCK FulI‘LE mus umu 3,0, 1“ 1 (almww. poo»: mm. n‘:l'.(-)Tluc.(3l‘l( men ICC» mu Acwmwx mun; mumm- RS760Q REMOTE Glifi‘l STARTER I. TRANSMITTER OPERATION: 1. ARM/DISARM/T’ANIC 2. S'l’AR’WS'l'Ol’ILONG START 3. CAR FlNDEll/ANTI CAR JACKING/SHOCK SENSOR BYPASS 4. CHTRI’ DEFEAT ARM/CHIRP DEFEAT DISARM 1L OPERATTON: A. REMOTE ARMING Press the first button once for regular arming. Press the fourth button once for mute arming. The alarm nill be activated five seconds later after the warning srgnals, which tn regular mode include both a brieftone and a [lash of the parking lights, or in mute mode a flash ofthe parking mu.— lights only. 4. Tire alarm will be triggered immediately by arty attempt to open a door, trunk, hood, or to remove a tire,...etc. 5. When the alarm is triggered in regular mode, the siren will sound continuously 60 seconds, and the pager will sound also. When the alarm is triggered in rrrute mode, the siren will remain silent, but the parking lights will flash for 60 seconds and the pager will sound. If there is an attempt made to remove a tire, shock or break the glass, or to tow or othenvise move the vehicle, the alarm will sound intermittently for 20 seconds. B. REMOTE DISARM [NC 1. Press tin: first button once again to disantt the alarm. ‘ 2. The parking light will flash and siren sound twice to indicate that the alarm has been deactivated. LED will be off, starter killer reset and central door lock unlocked. ' 3. lithe alarm was triggered since its last activation, when disarrned it will indicated that it has been triggered by 4 ntore siren chirps. 4. 2 stage disarm —- Normal arrnirtg -- press disarm button, alarm disarnted. During alarm triggering -- press disarm button, alarm stop triggering but remain in arm condition, user re-press disarm button to disarm. C. REMOTE ENGINE START/STOP l. Press 2nd button, the siren will sound and parking light flash one time for indication. After this indication, the ignition wire will be turned on and engine started automatically. 2. Alter starting successliilly, the parking light will keep on continuously. 3. If the first attempt for remote starting is failed, the system will try to start engine again, up lo 3 times. ' 4. Engine cranking time can be choice by following ways Press 2nd button once -- the cranking time will be 0.8, L2 & 1.6 sec. 5. Press 2nd button for 2 sec. —- this can prolong the engine cranking tin There are two choices of warming times; ID and 20 minutes. 6. Remote start will not be allowed if; A. Doors, hood. or trunk are llt)l closed properly. D, The gear is not in PARK or NEUTRAL position ( Automatic transmission only). C. The car key is turned to the ON position. 7. While the which: is in WAltMlNG mode. Pressing the 2nd button again, the engine will stop running irrnnediately. ie to 1.2, l.6 & 2 sec. D. ENTERING VEHICLE \\'IIlLE ENGINE RUNNING 1. Remote start “hile alarm activated —— \\'hilc the engine is running, press the lst button. The alarm will be deactiVated and the doors will be unlocked. The siren sound and’parking light finish twice to signal that you may enter the vehicle. If a door is not opened within 30 seconds, the doors will be locked again, and the alarm will reactivate. ifthc car key is not at the ”ON" position before driving the vehicle (if, for example, it is hot-wired), the engine will stop running immediately after the foot. brake being depressed, While the engine running, the engine will stop after door opened il‘ alarm is not deactivated by pressing, 1 st button again. 2. Remote start at normal condition --v li'the car key is not at the "ON" position before driving the vehicle, the engine will stop immediately alter the foot brake being depressed. Er AUTOMATIC REARMING: if you deactivate the alarm system, but do not open a door within 30 seconds, the alarm will automatically reactivate itself. F. AUTOMATED POWER LOCKING 1. 5 seconds after ignition on, the door will be locked passively for safety reason and unlocked when ignition turned off, but within 5 seconds ifthe door is opened, this feature will be canceled to avoid someone being locked out. 2. During ignition onI alter door been opened and closed, depress the pedal brake, central door lock will keep locked immediately. It is good for re-locking the door after passenger‘s getting on”. G. CAR FINDING ., . Press 3rd button once, siren chirp once and parking lights flash 6 times to show car position. H. ANTI-CAR JACKING This feature is used to immobilize the vehicle in an emergency situation. When the vehicle is power on, it may be activated by pressing 3rd button for 2 seconds. It will cause the parking lights to flash 2 times for indication, Alter 30 seconds of these flashes, the siren will sound every two seconds for 10 times to pro-warn user, Alter lO siren sounds, the siren sound and parking light flash continuously, starter disable (or ignition disable), until ignition off. Siren and parking, lights stop but starter is still disable unless press 3rd button again. I. VALET DIODE(KEYLESS ENTRY) When ignition on, press over-ride switch 5 times, the parking lights will flash 3 times, means illC alarm system is on“, but the function oflocking, unlocking, auxiliary output remain working, This is called valet mode. When ignition on, ptcss over-ride switch 5 times again, siren will sound 3 times meaning the alarm urns back to normal function J. POWER INTERRUI’T ALARM MEMORY When arming, cut ofl‘ power supply form battery, alarm still keep memory ofarniing, whenever power is on again, alarm trigger innncdiatcly, siren sound, parking lights flash, starter killer (ignition killer) still in arm mode. When in normal status, poncr oll‘ihen on again, alarm still in normal status, never cause trouble in .nce garage K. PANIC Hold lst button for ov lights flashing until user press lst button again, er 2 seconds, panic mode will be activated. Siren keeps sounding and parking L. AUXILIARY OUTPUT Auxiliary (—) output (2nd channel output) send SOOmA ground signal to connected accessory. M. SMART LED Arming -- LED slow flashing Disarming -- LED off Door intnision when arming -— LED quick flashing N. SHOCK SENSOR BY PASS When arming, press button G) (or over 2 seconds, parking lights flash 3 times means shock sensor by pass. Shock sensor trigger temporary eliminate (Door sensor trigger still work) until alarm were disarmed and armed again This feature is used when the user try to avoid alarm noise disturbing the neighborhood, 0. PAC ER OUTPUT Pager (+) output (1 Amp) can be connected to alarm pager to become 2 way service. P. DEFECTTVE ZONE BY PASS \\'hen door sensor keeping triggering for over 5 minutes ( door keep opened or hood sensor defected), the alarm siren and parking lights will stop working until the signal off. lfsignal on again, door sensor (hood sensor) remain working. During zone by pass, the starter killer will still work to protect the car. R. SCAN DETERRENT The microprocessor oFthis system will block out any disarming codes generated by an illicit scanner. S. OVER-RIDE S\VlTCl'I 3 functions ofthe over-ride switch: A. lgnition on, press over-ride switch to over-ride alarm when in arming, D, lgni | n on, keep pressing 5 seconds to enter code learning mode C. ignition on, press 5 times to enter valet mode. T. DETECTXON OF ENGXNE START Coil detection -- To encircle high-tension lead 5 turns. Alternator detection —- To connect to the “+" ngenerator. (lfdiesel engine car, it must use the alternator detection.) U. UPGRADE TO CODE IlOI’PING This system can be upgraded to "code hopping" to ochr better protection Ol'conrse. this special request must demand before production IIl. PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION PIN FUNCTION OPEN CLOSE REMARK PI PASSIVE ARMING --- " at P2 DOME LIGHT DELAY ‘ -.- {41 P3 IGNITION LOCK .._ ‘ JPI SIREN/HORN SIREN HORN __ JI’Z CENTRAL DOOR LOCK OUTPUT LOCK 3 SEC. 0.5 SEC. UNLOCK 2 SEC. P10 DIESEL ENGINE DIESEL GASOLINE #3 Fit WARMING TIME 20 MIN. IO MIN PIZ SOFTWARE GEAR SENSOR * --- #4 Remark: I. Last door arming Ignition oft‘, door opened and closed. There will be one flash to indicate the starting oI'last door arming. 20 seconds later, alarm activated passively, this feature is programmable by P1 jumper, 2. Dome light delay Normal car »- Door sensor alert in 5 seconds after alarm activated, Car with dotne light delay -- Door sensor delay detecting until dome light oil‘, This Feature is programmable by P2 jumper. 3. Diesel engine car - To iltstall to diesel engine car, you mtlst make the Pit] open. Ifso, the main board will pre-warm the healer before automatically staring engine. 4. Software gear sensor A. Dcl‘ore getting off, press 2nd button to duplicate the engine running to main board. B, Take ol'l'car key, the engine slop alter door opened and closed. This procedure can make sure that the gear is at NEUTRAL position. ‘ 5. Program "pin I’l & I‘Z -- can be programmed any time. Program the rest pin -- tnust be selected before alarm power on, VI. CODE LEARNING OPERATION: l. Ignition on, press over-ride switch 5 seconds until siren cltirps 5 times, parking lights ON means system in code learning mode 2, Press any button of new transmitter for learning, siren chirps 2 times means waiting for 2nd new transmitter to learn, Press any button annd new transmitter for learning, siren chirps 3 times means waiting for 3rd new transmitter to learn. 4. Same procedutc can be maximum up to 4 transmitters. ll'nithin lO seconds no new trnnstnitter's signal send out for learning, system turn to normal state. 6. Every time learning new transmitter, former code(old transmitter) will be erased. hence old transmitter must also learn again when new transmitter neetl to learning, u- Notice: The Changes or mod'xficat'mns not expressI compliance could voi FCC ID: MGSNVTA I7. THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OPERATIONS IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLL T CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE AND TERFERENCE RECEIVED (1)'l‘I'IlS DEVICE IVLAY NO (2)THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY IN INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MA (1 the user‘s authority to operate Th y approved by the party responsible for 5 equipment. OF THE FCCRULES. OWING TWO CONDITIONS: Y CAUSE UNDESRI'ED OPERATION.
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