Suunto 25002D HEART RATE TRANSMITTER User Manual T6 manual en 11 5

Suunto Oy HEART RATE TRANSMITTER T6 manual en 11 5

User manual

41. GENERAL INFORMATIONSuunto t6 is your personal tool for better performance in sports. It measures the timebetween your heartbeats with the accuracy of milliseconds and records it for deeperanalysis. The Suunto Training Manager PC software uses the heart rate variationdata to analyze the effect of your training and to calculate several other bodyparameters. Relating this information with your current fitness level, the software alsoindicates the scale of training load that you need for different training effects.For the first time, in field conditions Suunto t6 tells you whether your training reallyimproves your condition and helps you adjust your training programs accordingly.When you set the target effect for your training, you can use the software to calculatethe time and heart rate to reach it. During a training session, Suunto t6 helps youreach the target by offering several control functions such as heart rate limits, realtime average heart rate, and a customizable display of stopwatch, lap time, intervaltimer and altitude. Together with versatile timing, altimeter and logbook functions thismakes Suunto t6 a perfect performance monitor for all kinds of sports at allperformance levels.Suunto t6 can be upgraded with different wireless accessories such as speed anddistance sensors for running and cycling.NOTE: Read this Instruction manual carefully and make sure you understand theuse, displays and limitations of this instrument before using the device. Also read theguidebook ‘How not to rely on luck when optimizing the training effect’ to learn how toget the best benefits out of using the Suunto t6. You find the guidebook on the CDdelivered with the Suunto t6.
51.1. CHECKLISTMake sure the package contains the following items:• Suunto t6• Transmitter belt (Suunto ANT-transmission compatible)• PC-interface cable• CD containing the Suunto Training Manager, t6 User Manuals and Training GuideBook• Suunto t6 User Manual• Suunto t6 Pocket GuideShould any of these be missing from the package, contact the representative whosold you the package.
61.2. SUUNTO T6 FEATURESThe Suunto t6 has the following features.Time mode• Time, calendar, alarm, adjustment of units and general settingsAlti/Baro mode• Altitude, vertical speed, cumulative ascent and descent• Temperature, air pressure, weather memoryTraining mode• Heart rate, stopwatch with split times, interval timer, logbook and other trainingcontrol functionsSPD/DST mode (available only when the wrist unit is paired with an external speedand distance sensor)• Speed, distance, automatic lap time by distance, interval training by distance,speed limit alarmPC-Software• Upload and store the logs on your PC• Follow up the training effect and several physiological parameters based on therecorded heart rate interval data• Create training plans and monitor your• Upload your logs and publish them on the Web• Share and compare your training experiences with others• Download training plans published by other users
71.3. CARE AND MAINTENANCEOnly perform the procedures described in this manual. Never attempt to disassembleor service your Suunto t6. Protect your Suunto t6 from shocks, extreme heat andprolonged exposure to direct sunlight. If not in use, store your Suunto t6 in a cleanand dry environment at room temperature.Your Suunto t6 can be wiped clean with a lightly moistened (warm water) cloth. Ifthere are stubborn stains or marks, you can apply mild soap to the area. Do notexpose your Suunto t6 to strong chemicals such as gasoline, cleaning solvents,acetone, alcohol, insect repellents, adhesives and paint, as they will damage theunit’s seals, case and finish. Keep the area around the sensor free of dirt and sand.Never insert any objects into the sensor opening.1.4. WATER RESISTANCEYour Suunto t6 is water resistant up to 100 m/330 ft. and the transmitter belt to 20m/66ft. according to ISO 2281 standard ( This means that you can useSuunto t6 for swimming and other water sports activities but it should not be used forscuba diving or freediving.To maintain water resistance and to ensure that the warranty remains valid, it isstrongly recommended to have all service, except for battery change, to be done byauthorized Suunto service personnel.NOTE: Do not push the buttons while swimming or in contact with water under anycircumstances. Deliberate or unintentional pressing of the buttons while the unit issubmerged could cause the unit to malfunction.NOTE: Despite the fact that both the Suunto t6 and the transmitter belt are waterresistant, the radio signal does not carry in water making communication betweenSuunto t6 and the transmitter belt impossible.
81.5. REPLACING THE BATTERYYour Suunto t6 operates on a 3-Volt lithium cell, type: CR 2032. The life expectancy isapproximately 12 months in the Time mode or 300 hours of heart rate transmission inideal operating temperatures.The low-battery warning indicator   is activated on the display whenapproximately 5–15 percent of the battery capacity is still available. When this occurs,you should replace the battery. However, extremely cold weather may activate thelow battery warning indicator, even though the battery is still fully operational. If thebattery warning indicator is activated in temperatures above 10°C (50°F), replace thebattery.NOTE: When the low-battery indicator is on, the HR transmission becomes automati-cally disabled.To replace the battery:1. Insert a coin into the slot located on the battery compartment cover on the backsideof Suunto t6.2. Turn the coin counterclockwise until it is aligned with the open position marker.
93. Remove the battery compartment cover. Ensure that the O ring and all surfaces areclean and dry. Do not stretch the O ring.4. Remove the old battery carefully.5. Place the new battery into the battery compartment with the positive side facing up.Make sure to gently slide the battery underneath the contact plate on the side,ensuring that it does not break or bend out of place.6. With the O ring in the correct position, replace the battery compartment cover andturn it with the coin clockwise until it is aligned with the close position marker.NOTE: Replace the battery with extreme care to ensure that your Suunto t6 remainswater resistant. Careless battery replacement may void warranty.NOTE: Heavy use of the backlight, especially in the Night Use setting, will signifi-cantly reduce battery life.1.6. REPLACING THE BATTERY OF THE TRANSMITTER BELTThe transmitter belt operates on a 3-Volt lithium cell, type: CR 2032.The average expected battery life of the transmitter belt is 300 hours of use in idealoperating temperatures.When your Suunto t6 is not receiving a signal, when the transmitter belt is active, youmight need to replace the battery.NOTE: When the low-battery indicator is on, the HR transmission becomes automati-cally disabled.
10To replace the battery:1. Insert a coin into the slot located on the battery compartment cover on the backsideof the transmitter belt.2. Turn the coin counterclockwise until it is aligned with the open position marker, oreven slightly further for easy opening.3. Remove the battery compartment cover. Ensure that the O ring and all surfaces areclean and dry. Do not stretch the O ring. 4. Carefully remove the old battery.5. Place the new battery into the battery compartment with the positive side facing up.NOTE: Suunto recommends that the battery cover and the O ring are changed simul-taneously with the battery to ensure that the transmitter remains clean and waterresistant. Replacement covers are available with replacement batteries.NOTE: Battery covers of the transmitter belt and the wristop computer are not inter-changeable.
111.7. HEART RATE TRANSMITTER BELT1.7.1. Activating the heart rate transmitter beltTo activate the transmitter belt:1. Attach the transmitter to the elastic strap.2. Adjust the strap length to fit snugly and comfortably. Secure the strap around yourchest, below the chest muscles. Lock the buckle.3. Raise the transmitter a little off your chest and wet the grooved electrode area onthe backside. The electrodes must be wet during the exercise.4. Check that the wet electrode areas are firmly against your skin and the logo is in acentral upright position.5. Wear the Suunto t6 as you would wear an ordinary watch.6. in the Training mode, long press ALT/BACK to connect the Suunto t6 to the heartrate transmitter belt. Wait for acknowledgement that the transmitter belt has beenfound.7. Activate the stopwatch in the Training mode.NOTE: We recommend you to wear the transmitter against your bare skin to ensureflawless operation. 1.7.2. WarningsPersons who have a pacemaker, defibrillator, or other implanted electronic device usethe transmitter belt at their own risk. Before starting the initial use of the transmitterbelt, we recommend an exercise test under a doctor’s supervision. This will ensurethe safety and reliability of the pacemaker and transmitter belt when being usedsimultaneously.Exercise may include some risk, especially for those who have been sedentary. We
12strongly advise consulting your doctor prior to beginning a regular exercise program.1.8. WIRELESS SPEED AND DISTANCE SENSORSBefore taking the wireless speed and distance sensor into use, pair it, see section3.4.8. Pair.1.8.1. Activating the wireless speed and distance sensorFor information on activating the wireless speed and distance sensor refer to the UserManual for your wireless speed and distance sensor.
142.1.1. Mode indicatorOn the left side of the display there is a mode indicator that shows you the currentlyactive mode. The mode indicator displays the modes from the top down in thefollowing order: TIME, ALTI/BARO, TRAINING and SPD/DIST. The active mode isindicated by the moving segment next to the indicator bar.2.1.2. Battery level indicatorOn the upper side of the display there is a battery level indicator. The indicator isactivated when approximately 5–15 percent of the battery capacity is still available.When this occurs, you should replace the battery. 2.1.3. Alarm symbolsSuunto t6 can display 2 different alarm symbols: Time alarm and HR limits or Speedlimits alarm. When you set a time alarm, its symbol is displayed in the lower righthand corner of the display. When you set a HR limits alarm, its symbol is displayed inthe upper left hand corner of the display.2.1.4. Key LockThe key lock prevents you from accidentally pushing the buttons.To activate the key lock:Press ENTER.Press START/STOP within 2 seconds. The buttons are locked and  is displayed in theupper right corner. If you try to press a button, the message “unlock press enter” isdisplayed.
15To deactivate the button lock:Press ENTER. The text “now press start” is displayed.Press START/STOP within 2 seconds.2.2. MENUS2.2.1. Basic menu structureThe menus are organized hierarchically under the modes. When you select a modewith UP/DOWN, first the icon of the mode is displayed, then its main display opens. Ifthe stopwatch is on, switch between the modes with DOWN/LIGHT. When you scrollfrom one mode to another quickly, only the icons of the modes are displayed. Whenyou press ENTER in the mode’s main display, the mode’s menu opens. The menushave several functions, all of which have sub-functions or settings.2.2.2. Press and long pressThe buttons may have different functions depending on how long you press them.“Press” means that the button is pressed quickly, “long press” means that the buttonis pressed for more than 2 seconds. If a function requires a long press, it is alwaysmentioned.2.2.3. Navigating in the menusTo navigate in the menus:1. Scroll the menu items with UP/DOWN buttons. The name of the new mode is dis-played for a short while before the main display opens. The indicator bar on the leftside of the display tells you what the currently active mode is.2. Press ENTER to open the selected menu. Three menu items are displayed at thesame time. The menu item that is currently active and can thus be selected is
16displayed in reversed color. 3.  To move deeper in the hierarchy, select a menu item and press ENTER.4. To return one step up in the hierarchy, press ALT/BACK. Remember that if you onlypress ALT/BACK, the changes made in the menu are not saved. First you have toaccept the changes with ENTER.5. If you want to return to the main display of the active mode, press either ENTER(saves the changes) or ALT/BACK (discards the last change) for more than 2seconds.
173. MODES3.1. GENERAL INFORMATIONSuunto t6 has four different modes: TIME, ALTO/BARO, TRAINING and SPD/DIST.You can switch between the modes with UP/DOWN. If the stopwatch is on, switchbetween the modes with DOWN/LIGHT. The mode indicator on the left side of thedisplay indicates the active mode.3.2. TIME MODEThe Time mode includes normal watch functions such as time, date and alarm. In theTime menu, you can define the measuring units for the data displayed in other modesand adjust the general settings.3.2.1. Main displayWhen you select the Time mode, the main display opens. It has three rows.DateThe first row displays the currentdate.TimeThe second row displays thecurrent time.ShortcutsThe third row displays alternativelythe weekday, seconds or dualtime. Change the displayed infor-mation with ALT/BACK.
183.2.2. AlarmYou can set three different time alarms. When the alarm is set, the time alarm symbol appears on the main display.Activating alarmsTo activate an alarm:1.In the Time menu, Alarm is the first menu item. PressENTER to select it. 2.Scroll to the alarm you want to set and press ENTER.3.Press either the UP or DOWN button to change thealarm status to On. Press ENTER.4.Set the correct hour with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.5.Set the correct minutes with UP/DOWN and pressENTER. The alarm is now set and you return to the Alarmmenu.If the alarm is set to 12-hour format, the letter A isdisplayed for AM. PM is not separately indicated.Deactivating alarmsTo deactivate the alarm:1. In the Time menu, Alarm is the first menu item. Press ENTER to select it.2. Scroll to the alarm you want to deactivate and press ENTER. The alarminformation is displayed and the On/Off field is activated.3. Press either the UP or DOWN button to change the alarm status to Off and longpress ENTER. The alarm symbol disappears from the main display.
19Acknowledging alarmsWhen you hear the alarm, you can acknowledge it by pressing any of the Suunto t6buttons. If you do not acknowledge the alarm, it will automatically stop sounding after30 seconds.3.2.3. TimeThe current time is displayed on the second row of the Time mode’s main display.The dual time enables you to keep track of another time, for example, another timezone. The dual time can be displayed as a shortcut on the third row of the Timemode’s main display. Scroll to the dual time with ALT/BACK.Setting the time and the dual timeTo set the time and dual time:1. In the Time menu, scroll to Time and press ENTER.2. Scroll to either Time or Dual time and press ENTER.3.  Change the hour with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.4. Change the minutes with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.If you are setting the time, the seconds are activated.With dual time you can only set the hours and minutes.The seconds are synchronized from the current timesetting.5. Press DOWN to zero the seconds. If you want to setspecific seconds, press and hold UP and the secondsstart running. When the seconds are correct, pressENTER. You return to the Time menuNOTE: When you set the seconds for the Time, they are automatically updated in theDual time as well.
203.2.4. DateThe current date is displayed on the first row of the Time mode’s main display. Thecurrent week day can be displayed as a shortcut on the third row of the Time mode’smain display. Scroll to the week day with ALT/BACK.Setting the dateTo set the date:1.In the Time menu, scroll to Date and press ENTER. 2.Change the day with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. 3.Change the month with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.4.Change the year with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.You return to the Time menu.
213.2.5. GeneralThe general menu contains several general settings for your Suunto t6.Setting the tonesTones are the sounds that indicate that you have successfully pressed a button. Youcan set the tones on or off.To set the tones:1. In the Time menu, scroll to General and press ENTER. 2. Scroll to Tones and press ENTER. The On/Off field is activated.3. Change the value of the field to either On or Off with UP/DOWN an press ENTER.Setting the iconsWhen the Icons function is on and you scroll to a mode, the mode icon appears onthe display for a while before the main display opens. When it is off, the main displayopens straight away.To set the icons:1. In the Time menu, scroll to General and press ENTER.2. Scroll to Icons and press ENTER. The On/Off field isactivated.3. Change the value of the field to either On or Off withUP/DOWN and press ENTER.Setting the lightWith the light setting you can adjust the backlight of theSuunto t6 display. It has three possible settings:•Normal: The light switches on when you press DOWN/LIGHT for more than 2 seconds or when an alarm isactivated. The light stays on for 6 seconds after the last press of a button.
22•Off: The light does not switch on from any button or during any alarm.•Night Use: The light switches on when you press any ofthe buttons and stays on for 7 seconds after the lastpress of a button.To change the light settings:1.In the Time menu scroll to General and press ENTER.2.Scroll to Light and press ENTER. The current lightsetting is displayed in reversed color.3.Select a suitable light setting with UP/DOWN and pressENTER.SensorWith this function you can calibrate the air pressuresensor of your Suunto t6. Normally there is no need forthis but if a certified reference barometer verifies that yourSuunto t6 does not display correct values, you can adjustthe offset with this function.To change the sensor settings:1.In the Time menu scroll to General and press ENTER.2.Scroll to Sensor and press ENTER. The current settingis displayed.3.Change the sensor settings with UP/DOWN and pressENTER.NOTE:  You can return the original calibration by selecting ‘DEFAULT’ as the sensorcalibration value.
233.2.6. UnitsThe Units menu includes the unit and format settings used with all Suunto t6functions. They have an effect on how the information is displayed in the modes.Setting the time formatThe time format setting defines the format in which the time is displayed. The possibleformats are:•12h: using 12 hour time format (i.e. 1.57 pm) •   24h: using  24 hour time format (i.e. 13.57) To change the time format:1. In the Time menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER. 2. Time is the first menu item. Press ENTER to select it.3. Select the desired time format with UP/DOWN andpress ENTER.
24Setting the date formatThe date setting defines the format in which the date isdisplayed. The possible formats are:•d.m: day before the month (i.e. 22.3.)•m.d: month before the day (i.e. 3.22.)•Day: only the day is displayed (i.e. 22)To change the date format:1.In the Time menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER.2.Scroll to Date and press ENTER.3.Select the desired date format with UP/DOWN andpress ENTER.Setting the heart rate formatThe heart rate setting defines the format in which the heart rate is displayed. Thepossible formats are:•Bpm: beats per minute.•%: percentage of a maximum heart rate. You can setyour maximum heart rate for the Suunto t6 using theSuunto Training Manager.To change the heart rate format:1.In the Time menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER.2.Scroll to Hr and press ENTER.3.Select the desired Hr format with UP/DOWN and pressENTER.
25Setting the temperature unitThe Temp setting defines the unit in which thetemperature is displayed. The options are:•°C: Celsius•°F: Fahrenheit To change the temperature unit:1. In the Time menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER.2. Scroll to Temp and press ENTER.3. Select the desired temperature unit with UP/DOWNand press ENTER.Setting the barometric pressure unitThe Pres setting defines the unit in which the barometricpressure is displayed. The possible formats are: •  hPa: hectopascal (i.e. 1100 hPa) •  inHg: inches of mercury (i.e. 32.50 InHg).To change the barometric pressure unit:1. In the Time menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER.2. Scroll to Pres and press ENTER.3. Select the desired pressure unit with UP/DOWN andpress ENTER.
26Setting the altitude unitThe Altitude setting defines the unit in which the altitudeis displayed. The options are: •m: meters•ft: feet To change the altitude unit:1.In the Time menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER. 2.Scroll to Elev and press ENTER.3.Select the desired altitude unit with UP/DOWN andpress ENTER.
27Setting the ascent/descent rate unitThe Ascent/Descent rate setting defines the format in which rates of ascent anddescent are displayed. The possible formats are: •m/h: meters per hour•m/min: meters per minute•m/s: meters per second•ft/h: feet per hour•ft/min: feet per minute•ft/s: feet per secondTo change the vertical speed unit:1. In the Time menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER.2. Scroll to Asc and press ENTER. The vertical speed unitfield is activated.3. Select the desired vertical speed unit with UP/DOWNand press ENTER.
28Setting the distance unit The DST setting defines the format in which the distanceis displayed, if you have paired a Wireless Speed andDistance Sensor. The possible formats are:•km: kilometers•mi: milesTo change the distance unit:1.In the Time menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER.2.Scroll to DST and press ENTER.Select the desired distance unit with UP/DOWN andpress ENTER.Setting the speed unitThe SPD setting defines the format in which the speed isdisplayed, if you have paired a Wireless Speed andDistance Sensor.  The possible formats are:•km/h: kilometers per hour•mph: miles per hour•min/: Either minutes per kilometer or minutes per miledepending on the distance unit selection.To change the speed unit:1.In the Time menu, scroll to Units and press ENTER.2.Scroll to SPD and press ENTER.Select the desired speed unit with UP/DOWN and pressENTER.
293.3. ALTI/BARO MODEThe Alti/Baro mode has two alternative displays: Altitude and related parameters inAlti Use and weather data such as barometric pressure and temperature in Baro use.With the Use selection you can select whether you use this mode as an altimeter oras a weather station. The Alti/Baro mode also contains the weather memory and thereference setting needed to relate the current weather state to your current altitude.3.3.1. Use (Alti/Baro)With this function you can set Suunto t6 to display either barometric or altitude-relatedinformation. It also defines whether the Training logbook records altitude profile ornot.When the Alti use is active, Suunto t6 assumes that all the barometric pressurechanges are due to altitude changes. The logbook in the Training mode recordsaltitude data. Alti is intended for measuring the altitude whenever you are on themove. However, since substantial barometric pressure changes can take place duringa day, you should compare the changes reported by Suunto t6 to well-knownreferences. If these differ from each other too much, the reason is the weatherchange and you should set a new reference value as advised in section 3.3.4.Reference altitude and barometric pressure. A general rule is that a 10 m change inaltitude equals 1,2 hPa in the barometric pressure at sea level and 0,5 hPa at 8000m.When the Baro use is active, Suunto t6 assumes that all the barometric pressurechanges are due to weather changes. The training logbook does not record altitudedata. Baro use is practical for following and predicting weather trends when staying ina constant altitude.
30To change the Use setting:1. In the Alti/Baro menu, scroll to Use and press ENTER.2. Select alti or baro with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. 3.3.2. Alti useWhen you select Alti, the following main display opens. It has three rows:Vertical speed:The first row displays the verticalspeed i.e. how fast you are currentlymoving up or down in a straightvertical direction, in the unit of yourchoice. For more information onsetting the vertical speed unit, seesection 3.2.5. Units.Altitude:The second row displays your altitudefrom the sea level.Shortcuts:The third row displays alternatively the ascent, descent or time. Change the displayedinformation with ALT/BACK.•Ascent: Displays the total ascent i.e. vertical movement upwards during an activelog in the unit of your choice.•Descent: Displays the total descent i.e. vertical movement downwards during anactive log in the unit of your choice.•Time: Displays the current time
313.3.3. Baro useWhen you select Baro, the following main display opens. It has three rows:Temperature:The first row displays thetemperature in the unit of yourchoice.Sea level barometric pressure:The second row displays thebarometric pressure at sea levelin the unit of your choice.Shortcuts:The third row displays alternatively the absolute barometric pressure, the barometricpressure graph, or time. Change the displayed information with ALT/BACK.•Absolute barometric pressure (abs): Displays the actual pressure in your currentlocation•Barometric pressure graph: Displays a graphical presentation of the barometricpressure development during the last 6 hours in 15-minute intervals.•Time: Displays the current time.NOTE: If you are wearing your Suunto t6 on your wrist, the outdoor temperature isnot measured correctly. This is because the sensor is in direct contact with your skin.You have to keep your Suunto t6 away from the body’s temperature for at least 15minutes before the outdoor temperature measurement is accurate. When you mea-sure the water temperature, less time away from the body is required.
323.3.4. Reference altitude and barometric pressureTo ensure that the altimeter shows correct readings, you first need to set an accuratereference altitude. To do this, go to a location whose altitude you have checked, forexample, with the help of a topographical map, and set the reference altitude tomatch the map reading. If you do not have accurate altitude information, you can use the current sea-levelbarometric pressure as the reference value. Suunto t6 has a factory-set referencealtitude that corresponds to the standard barometric pressure (1013 hPa/29.90inHgat sea level).Setting the reference altitudeTo set the reference altitude:1.In the Alti/Baro menu, scroll to Refer and pressENTER.2.Altitude is the first menu item. Press ENTER to select it.3.Change the altitude with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
33Setting the sea level barometric pressureTo set the sea level barometric pressure:1. In the Alti/Baro menu scroll to Refer and pressENTER.2. Select Sea level with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.3. Change the pressure with UP/DOWN and pressENTER. The sea level barometric pressure is now setand you return to the Reference menu.
343.3.5. MemoryWith this function you can view weather information regarding the last 48 hours. Thefollowing information is displayed:• Maximum sea level air pressure, time and weekday.• Minimum sea level air pressure, time and weekday.• Maximum temperature, time and weekday.• Minimum temperature, time and weekday.• Sea level air pressure and temperature in relation to time in 1-hour intervals for thelast 6 hours, then in 3-hour intervals.NOTE: If the Use function has been set to Alti, the barometric value in the memory isalways the same.To view the weather information:1.In the Alti/Baro menu scroll to Memory and pressENTER.2.Scroll the information with the UP and DOWN buttons.3.Press ENTER to stop viewing the information.
353.4. TRAININGThe Training mode contains thefunctions you need during a train-ing session. It displays stopwatchand heart rate data, offers a num-ber of control functions for reach-ing ideal training intensity andrecords data for further analysis.The logbook gives an overview ofyour performance during individ-ual training sessions and the his-tory function sums up yourtraining over a longer period oftime.Heart rateThe first row displays your current Heart RateStopwatchThe second row displays the stopwatchShortcutsThe third row displays alternatively 6 different functions. Change the displayedinformation with ALT/BACK.• Laptime/Timer: Displays current laptime or timer •Time: Displays the current time•Avg: Average heart rate since the beginning of the recording or lap
36•Altitude: Altitude in selected units•Speed: Speed in selected units (only if paired with a wireless speed and distancesensor)•Distance: Distance from the beginning of the recording or lap (only if paired with awireless speed and distance sensor)3.4.1. StopwatchWith the stopwatch you can time your activities and record lap times. You can startthe stopwatch, stop it, and then restart it without having to reset it. To use the Stopwatch:Press START/STOP to start the Stopwatch.To store lap/split times, press the UP/LAP button.Press START/STOP  to stop the Stopwatch.To reset the Stopwatch, long press the UP/LAP button. NOTE:  When the Stopwatch is on, the UP/LAP button is dedicated for taking laptimes and the DOWN/LIGHT button switches between modes.3.4.2. ConnectConnect is the first item in the training menu. Press ENTER and choose Connect toconnect your Suunto t6 to the HR transmitter belt or a wireless speed and distancesensor. Suunto t6 displays the message ‘SEARCHING’, while connecting to device.After this, the device informs you the device has been found. If the connection fails,Suunto t6 displays the message ‘NO DEVICES FOUND’. Make sure the HR transmitterbelt snugly fits around your chest and the electrode area is wet or that the wirelessspeed and distance sensor is switched on.
37NOTE: You can also connect your Suunto t6 to your HR transmitter belt or a wirelessspeed and distance sensor by long pressing ALT/BACK in the Training mode.3.4.3. LogbookWith this function you can view and erase logbook information. Logbook informationis recorded whenever the stopwatch is activated in the Training and Speed/Distancemodes. The maximum length of a log is 99 hours.To view logbook information:1. In the Training menu scroll to Logbook and pressENTER.2. View is the first menu item. Press ENTER to select it.3. Scroll to the desired date with UP/DOWN buttons andpress ENTER.4. Scroll the information with the UP/DOWN buttons.The information is displayed in the following order:• Total duration and amount of laps• Average heart rate• Minimum and maximum heart rate• Heart rate inside the set limits and elapsed time• Heart rate over the high limit and elapsed time• Heart rate below the low limit and elapsed time:• Distance and speed (if paired and connected to wireless speed and distancesensor)• Cumulative ascent and average ascent speed• Cumulative descent and average descent speed• Highest altitude and corresponding log time
38• Lowest altitude and corresponding log timeInformation on split and lap times is displayed in the following order:• Split time, lap time and lap number• Heart rate and average heart rate• Distance and speed (if paired and connected to wireless speed and distancesensor)• Current altitude and cumulative ascent and descentTo erase logbook information:1. In the Training menu scroll to Logbook and press ENTER.2. Scroll to Erase with UP/DOWN buttons and press ENTER.3. Select the file to be erased and press ENTER.4. Confirm file deletion by pressing ENTER again. Press ALT/BACK to return withoutaccepting file deletion.NOTE: To check the available memory for your logbook scroll to Logbook in the Train-ing menu and press ENTER. The available memory capacity is displayed on the bot-tom row.NOTE: When the stopwatch is on, you cannot view or erase the logs.
393.4.4. HR limitsWith this function you can set limits for your desirable heart rate for your training andreceive an alarm to notify when your heart rate is above or below the set limits. Youcan toggle between HR limits on and off, by long pressing ENTER. If HR limits areactive, number 1 is displayed on the right hand side of the Training mode display.Refer to section 4 for more information on alarms and limits. • Low limit signal: -  -  -  -  -  -   • High limit signal: -------------To set the limits:1. In the Training menu scroll to Hr Limits and pressENTER.2. Press UP/DOWN to select On and press ENTER.3. Set the desired high limit with UP/DOWN and pressENTER.4. Set the desired low limit with UP/DOWN and pressENTER.NOTE: The maximum heart rate limit is 240 and the mini-mum heart rate limit is 30. The maximum limit cannot belower than the minimum and vice versa. If the maximumrate is scrolled above 240, it continues from the minimumrate upwards.NOTE: In the log, the training session is divided into dif-ferent zones according to your HR limits.
403.4.5. TimersThe timer functions enables you to create and follow different timers for intervaltraining, warm-up or countdown to start. Refer to section 4 for more information ontimers. Time IntervalsThe interval timer enables you to set and follow different timed intervals. This functionis useful in timing intervals between your periods of activity and rest. In additionalerting at selected time intervals, Suunto t6 records lap information for each interval.If time intervals are active, number  is displayed on the right hand side of theTraining mode display.To set the interval timer:1.In the Training menu scroll to Timers and pressENTER.2.Interval is the first menu item. Press ENTER to select it.3.Press UP/DOWN to select On and press ENTER.4.Set the number of intervals with UP/DOWN and pressENTER.5.Set the interval time for interval 1. Set the minutes withUP/DOWN and press ENTER. Set the seconds with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.6.Repeat for all intervals. The intervals are now set andyou return to the Training menu.NOTE:  Interval 1 can be set to alert in a range between 0.05 and 59.59. For interval2 the range is between 0.00 and 59.59.
41NOTE: After the timer reaches zero for interval 1, Suunto t6 automatically switches tointerval 2 and starts the countdown of the interval. If interval 2 is set to zero, it goesback to countdown for interval 1.NOTE: If interval timer rounds are set to “- -”, the timer will run continuously, as longas the stopwatch is running.Warm-upThe warm-up timer starts after the Stopwatch has been activated. When the warm-uptime ends, a signal beeps, lap information is recorded and the time interval starts, ifactivated. If warm-up is active, number  is displayed on the right hand side of theTraining mode display.To set the warm-up timer:1. In the Training menu scroll to Timers and pressENTER.2. Scroll to Warm-Up with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.3. Press UP/DOWN to select On and press ENTER. 4. Set the minutes with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.5. Set the seconds with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.NOTE: Warm-up can be set to alert in a range between0.00 and 59.59.
42CountdownThe countdown functions as a start timer. It measures remaining time and uponreaching zero, it alerts you at start  and automatically starts the timer/log. Ifcountdown is active, number  is displayed on the right hand side of the Trainingmode display.To set the countdown timer:1.In the Training menu scroll to Timers and pressENTER.2.Scroll to Countd with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. 3.Press UP/DOWN to select On and press ENTER.4.Set the minutes with UP/DOWN and press ENTER. 5.Set the seconds with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.NOTE: Countdown timer can be set to alert in a rangebetween 0.00 and 59.59.
433.4.6. ReferWith this function you can update the reference altitude. It is identical to the Referfunction described section 3.3.4. Reference altitude and barometric pressure. 3.4.7. HistoryHistory is a cumulative of all logs. With this function you can view and reset thehistory information recorded in the Suunto t6 memory. The bottom row of the Historydisplay shows the date for when the History was reset last.To view history information:1. In the Training menu scroll to History and pressENTER.2. View is the first menu item. Select it by pressingENTER.3. Scroll the information with the UP/DOWN buttons.The information is displayed in the following order:•Total heart rate over the low limit.• Hr inside (lower limits): Heart rate inside the lowerheart rate limits.• Hr inside (upper limits): Heart rate inside the upperheart rate limits.•Hr over: Heart rate over the highest heart rate limit set in the history HR limits. •Distance in the selected units (if paired with wireless speed and distance sensor). • Ascent: Total ascent in selected units. • Descent: Total descent in selected units.•High point: Highest measured point and date.
44NOTE: History HR limits are used for displaying time spent within each history HRzone. They are not used as alarms as with HR limits described in 3.4.2To reset history information:1. In the Training menu scroll to History and press ENTER. Suunto t6 displays themessage ‘RESET HISTORY?’.2. Press ENTER to confirm the history reset. Press ALT/BACK to return withoutresetting the history.NOTE: You can set the History HR limits using the Suunto Training Manager PC soft-ware.3.4.8. PairWith this function you can pair the Suunto t6 with the transmitter belt, a wirelessspeed and distance sensors or both.Transmitter beltTo pair the transmitter belt:1. Remove the battery from the transmitter belt.2. Touch between the - and + metal plates in the battery compartment with a metalinstrument.3. Select Pair in the Training menu of your Suunto t6.4. Select Hr belt. The message ‘TURN ON NEW DEVICE’ is displayed.5. Insert the battery in the battery compartment and wait for acknowledgement. After30 seconds either ‘PAIRING COMPLETE’, or, if pairing failed, ‘NO DEVICES FOUND’ isdisplayed.6. If pairing is succesful, close the battery compartment cover. If pairing fails and nodevices can be found, remove the battery and repeat steps 2-6.
45Removing the battery, shortcutting the transmitter belt and putting the battery backagain activates the ID transmission of the transmitter belt.NOTE: The transmitter belt is already paired with the device when it leaves the fac-tory. However, if you use either another device or transmitter belt or if you encounterproblems with the heart rate measurement, you need to pair it again.Wireless speed and distance sensorTo pair the wireless speed and distance sensor:1. Select Pair in the Training menu.2. Select SPD SENS. The message ‘TURN ON NEW DEVICE’ is displayed.3. Turn the wireless speed and distance sensor on. After 30 seconds either ‘PAIRINGCOMPLETE’, or, if pairing failed, ‘NO DEVICES FOUND’ is displayed.NOTE: You can only connect one wireless speed and distance sensor at a time.3.4.9. Use (Alti/Baro)With this function you can select whether altitude information is recorded in thelogbook memory with other information. Refer to section 3.3.1 Use (Alti/Baro).
463.5. SPD/DST MODEThe Speed/Distance mode is available when you pairyour Suunto t6 with an external speed and distancesensor. These sensors are designed, for instance, forrunning and cycling and they will be available at yourSuunto dealer.This mode displays the speed and distance informationof your activity and offers a combination of distance-based training tools. You can, for instance, set alarmlimits for your target speed or pace, record automatic laptimes at regular distances and define the work andrecovery cycles of interval training by distance.The use of the stopwatch is identical and sychronizedwith the Stopwatch used in the Training mode. When theStopwatch is on, the UP/LAP button is dedicated fortaking lap times and the DOWN/LIGHT button switchesbetween modes.3.5.1. Main displayWhen you select the Speed/Distance mode, the main display opens. It has threerows.SpeedThe first row displays your current speedDistanceThe second row displays the distanceShortcut: You may select 5 different functions to be displayed on the bottom row with
47ALT/BACK.• Average speed: Average speed since the beginning of recording or lap• Lap distance•Time• Heart rate: Displays the heart rate if the transmitter belt is in use.• Stopwatch3.5.2. ConnectConnect is the first item in the SPD/DST menu. Refer to section 3.4.2 for moreinformation on connecting your HR transmitter belt and wireless speed and distancesensor.NOTE: You can also connect your Suunto t6 to your HR transmitter belt or a wirelessspeed and distance sensor by long pressing ALT/BACK in the SPD/DST mode.3.5.3. AutolapWith this function you can set the Suunto t6 to record laptimes automatically by setting the lap distance. After thestopwatch is started, the Suunto t6 alerts and records laptimes and other data after every completed lap. If autolapis active, number  is displayed on the right hand sideof the SPD/DST mode display. Refer to section 4 formore information on autolaps. To set the autolap:1. In the Speed and distance menu scroll to Autolap andpress ENTER.2. Select On with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.
483. Set the lap distance with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.NOTE: Autolap can be set to alert in a range between 0.0 and 99.9. 3.5.4. Distance intervalsWith this function you can set distance intervals forinterval training. After the stopwatch is started, the Suuntot6 alerts and records lap times and other data after everycompleted interval. If distance intervals are active,number  is displayed on the right hand side of theSPD/DST mode display. Refer to section 4 for moreinformation on distance intervals. To set a distance intervals:1.In the Speed /Distance menu scroll to Interval and pressENTER.2.Press UP/DOWN to select On. Press ENTER.3. Set the first interval with UP/DOWN and press ENTER.4. Set the second interval and so on.NOTE:  Distance interval 1 can be set to alert in a range between 0.1 and 9.9. Fordistance interval 2 the range is between 0.0 and 9.9.NOTE:  After distance interval 1 has been completed, Suunto t6 automaticallyswitches to  distance interval 2. If distance interval 2 is set to zero, it goes back to  dis-tance interval 1.
493.5.5. Speed limitsWith this function you can set speed limits to alarm you when you go above or belowthe limits. If speed limits are active, number 2 is displayed on the right hand side ofthe SPD/DST mode display. Refer to section 4 for more information on speed limits.To set speed limits:1. In the Speed /Distance menu scroll to Spd Lim andpress ENTER.2. Press UP/DOWN to select On. Press ENTER.3. Set the high speed limit with UP/DOWN and pressENTER.4. Set the low speed limit with UP/DOWN and pressENTER.NOTE: HR limits and speed limits cannot be used at thesame time. Suunto t6 alerts you according to the limitsactivated last. Long pressing ENTER toggles between Onand Off.NOTE: Speed limits can be set to alert in a rangebetween 2.0 and 150.
503.5.6. Calibrating wireless speed and distance sensorTo calibrate the wireless speed and distance sensor, firstcover a known distance using the stopwatch. Thencomplete the following steps: 1.In the Speed /Distance menu scroll to Spd Sens andpress ENTER.2.Press UP/DOWN to select Calibrate. 3.Set the covered distance with UP/DOWN.4.Press ENTER to finish calibration. The devicecalculates the calibration and displays the calibrationfactor on the second row of the display.Alternatively, you can provide the calibration factormanually by scrolling with the UP/DOWN buttons.More info on calibrating your wireless speed anddistance sensor can be found in the manual for thewireless speed and distance sensor.3.5.7. pairThis function is identical to the Pair function described section 3.4.8. Pair.
514. USING SUUNTO T6 IN TRAINING4.1. USING HR AND SPEED LIMITS IN TRAININGHR and speed limits, set and measured with your Suunto t6, can be utilized to betterunderstand and improve your exercise routines. Suunto t6 assists you in staying within your predetermined HR or speed limits duringyour training session. Suunto t6 alerts you whenever your heart rate or speed gooutside the preset zone using alarm signals - a slow beeping signal when you gobelow the lower limits and fast when exceeding the upper limits.The limit currently active and in use is displayed with a number on the right hand sideof the display. When HR limits are active, Suunto t6 displays the number 1 on theright side of the display. Speed limits are marked with number 2. HR limits and speed limits cannot be active at the same time. When one limit isactivated the other is switched off. Long pressing ENTER turns on the last active limit.
524.2. MAKING THE MOST OUT OF YOUR TRAININGYou can make the most out of your training by choosing the most suitable trainingfunction in your Suunto t6. The figure below illustrates different training possibilities.Note that only one method of training can be activated at a time.The following numbers correspond to the numbers displayed on the right side of thedisplay, indicating the active interval or limit in use:  Countdown measures the time to start. Upon reaching zero, it starts the stopwatchand starts recording a log.  Warm-up is meant for distinguishing a seperate warm-up period in the beginningof the training. Data measured during warm-up is stored in the memory. Suunto t6offers you the possibility to start your training session with a warm-up and move on tonormal  training or time interval training.  Time intervals can be used to perform interval training.  Autolap can be used for recording preset distance laps automatically.  Distance intervals can be used to perform interval training based on distance.
545. SUUNTO TRAINING MANAGERSuunto Training Manager  is a software designed for athletes who want to enhancethe functionality of their Suunto t6 wristop computer. You can use it to transferinformation such as training logs from the Suunto t6 memory. When you havetransferred the data, you can easily view and organize it, design training programsand sessions, send them to the Web and add them in the calendar.You can always download the latest version of Suunto Training Manager or Please check for updates regularly asnew features are continuously developed.5.1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS5.2. INSTALLATIONIn order to use Suunto Training Manager you will need to install both the SuuntoTraining Manager software and appropriate Suunto USB drivers.5.2.1. Installing Suunto Training ManagerTo install Suunto Training Manager:1. Insert the Suunto Training Manager CD-ROM into the drive.2. Wait for the installation to begin and follow the installation instructions.NOTE: If the installation does not start automatically, click Start --> Run and typeD:\setup.exe.
555.2.2. Installing USB drivers for Suunto sport instrumentsThese instructions assume that you are installing Suunto Sports Instrument drivers ona clean system, i.e. one that does not contain any Suunto Sports Instrument drivers. Ifthis is not the case, uninstall the previously installed drivers before proceeding withthe installation. See section 5.4 Uninstalling Suunto Sports Instrument drivers formore information.WINDOWS 98The installation is in two parts. First you install the drivers for the Suunto Sportsinstrument and then for the virtual USB serial port.To install the Suunto Sports Instrument:1. The drivers are located on your PC software installation CD-ROM. Insert the CD-ROM into your computer.2. Attach the Suunto Sports Instrument PC interface cable to the computer USB port.The Add New Hardware Wizard is activated.3. Click Next.4. Choose Search for the best driver for your device. (Recommended) and click Next.5. Select  Specify a location and browse for the driver folder on the installation CD-ROM. Click Next. The located driver is shown on the screen.6. Click Next to install the located driver.7. Click Finish to finish the first part of the installation and proceed to the serial portinstallation.To install the USB serial port:This should follow automatically once the Suunto Sports Instrument installation iscomplete and take a couple of seconds. Do not interrupt the installation before bothparts of the installation are finished.
56Once the installation of the serial port is completed, check that it has been successful.Select Start - Settings - Control Panel - System - Device Manager. Then select View -Devices by connection.The device should have been installed as Suunto USB Serial Port (COMx), attachedto Suunto Sports Instrument.WINDOWS 2000The installation is in two parts. First you install the drivers for the Suunto Sportsinstrument and then for the virtual USB serial port.To install the Suunto Sports Instrument:1. The drivers are located on your PC software installation CD-ROM. Insert the CD-ROM into your computer.2. Attach the Suunto Sports Instrument PC interface cable to the computer USB port.The Found New Hardware Wizard is activated.3. Click Next. The Install Hardware Device Drivers window opens.4. Choose Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) and click Next.The Locate Driver Files window opens.5. Select Specify a location and browse for the driver folder on the installation CD-ROM. Click Next. The Driver Files Search Results window opens.6. Click Next to install the located driver. 7. Click Finish to finish the first part of the installation and proceed to the serial portinstallation.To install the USB serial port:This should follow automatically once the Suunto Sports Instrument installation iscomplete. Repeat steps 3-6 to install the USB serial port. Then click Finish to closethe wizard. Do not interrupt the installation before both parts of the installation are
57finished. Once the installation of the serial port is completed, check that it has been successful.Select Start - Settings - Control Panel - System - Hardware - Device Manager. Thenselect View - Devices by connection.The device should have been installed as Suunto USB Serial Port (COMx), attachedto Suunto Sports Instrument.WINDOWS XPThe installation is in two parts. First you install the drivers for the Suunto Sportsinstrument and then for the virtual USB serial port.To install the Suunto Sports Instrument:1. The drivers are located on your PC software installation CD-ROM. Insert the CD-ROM into your computer.2. Attach the Suunto Sports Instrument PC interface cable to the computer USB port.The Found New Hardware Wizard is activated.3. The Install Hardware Device Drivers window opens.4. Choose  Install the software automatically  (Recommended) and click Next. TheLocate Driver Files window opens.5. A Hardware Installation warning sign may be diplayed: Suunto Sports Instrumenthas not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatibility with Windows XP. Ifso, click Continue Anyway. 6. Click Finish to finish the first part of the installation and proceed to the USB portinstallation.To install the USB serial port:This should follow automatically once the Suunto Sports Instrument installation iscomplete. Repeat steps 3-6 to install the USB serial port. Then click Finish to close
58the wizard. Do not interrupt the installation before both parts of the installation arefinished. Once the installation of the serial port is completed, check that it has been successful.Select Start - Settings - Control Panel - System - Hardware - Device Manager. Thenselect View - Devices by connection.The device should have been installed as Suunto USB Serial Port (COMx), attachedto Suunto Sports Instrument.5.3. SUUNTO TRAINING MANAGER FEATURES-ULLA5.4. UNINSTALLING USB DRIVERS FOR SUUNTO SPORT INSTRUMENTSWindows 98To uninstall Suunto Sports Instrument drivers:1. Select  Start - Settings - Control Panel - Add/Remove Software. A window thatshows the currently installed programs opens.2. Select  Suunto USB Drivers and then click Add/Remove. This will bring up theSuunto Uninstaller screen, which asks if it is OK to delete the drivers.3. Select Continue to finish the uninstallation.Windows 2000To uninstall Suunto Sports Instrument drivers:1. Select  Start - Settings - Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs. A window thatshows the currently installed programs opens.2. Select Suunto USB Drivers and then click Change/Remove. This will bring up theSuunto Uninstaller screen, which asks if it is OK to delete the drivers.3. Select Continue to finish the uninstallation
59Windows XPTo uninstall Suunto Sports Instrument drivers:1. Select  Start - Settings - Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs. A window thatshows the currently installed programs opens.2. Select Suunto USB Drivers and then click Change/Remove. This will bring up theSuunto Uninstaller screen, which asks if it is OK to delete the drivers.3. Select Continue to finish the uninstallation.
606. is an Internet community for all Suunto sports instrument users. Itis a service that adds a new dimension to your sport and to the way in which you useyour sports instrument. In SuuntoSports you can share your best experiences and thedata measured during your activities with other sports participants. You can compareyour performance with other Suunto users and learn from their activities. membership is free and open for all sports participants. However,to be able to send your data to SuuntoSports, you need a Suunto sports instrument.You will also need the PC software delivered with the product to transfer the data fromyour PC to SuuntoSports. Before becoming a registered member, you can also log inas a guest to check what has to offer.6.1. GETTING STARTEDTo join Install Suunto Training Manager and ensure that your computer is connected to theInternet. 2. Click the text in the SuuntoSports.comwindow, located in the lower left corner of Suunto Training Manager. 3. Click   to open the registration page.4. Click Register and follow the instructions to become a member and to register yourSuunto t6. After the registration, you will automatically enter the SuuntoSports.comhome page that introduces the site structure and functional principles. If needed,
61you can update your personal and equipment profiles in the My Suunto section.You can also enter SuuntoSports directly from NOTE: is continuously developed and its content is subject tochange.6.2. includes three sections for different levels of privacy. My Suunto isyour personal area that other users do not have access to, Communities includesfunctions for groups, and Sports Forums contain information that members havepublished for all SuuntoSports visitors. This is a short description of the functions andbasic principles of SuuntoSports. To learn about the functions and activities in detail,visit the site, try them and, if needed, use the step-by-step instructions that you find inthe Help. The Help is available on each page and its icon is located on the right sideof the bar that divides the screen.The information published on contains internal links that help yournavigation within the site. For example, if you view a resort description, you can followthe links and view the personal information of the one who sent the resort informationand the logs and travel reports related to the offers several possibilities for searching for information on thewebsite. You can search for groups, members, resorts, logs or just type in your ownkeywords to find what you need.
626.3. MY SUUNTOMy Suunto contains your personal information. You can write an introduction ofyourself to other members, register your wristop computer, list your sports activities,and manage your membership profile. When you upload Suunto t6 logs with Suunto Training Manager, they are displayed on your MySuunto front page. You can decide whether you want to make your logs public to allmembers, to limited groups or to keep them just for your own use. In My Suunto, youcan also compare your logs with the ones that the others have published.My Suunto section contains a personal event calendar that helps you plan youractivities and keep a logbook of your training, development and favorite locations. 6.4. COMMUNITIESCommunities are meeting places for smaller groups of SuuntoSports members. In theCommunities section, you can create and manage communities and search for othercommunities. For example, you can create a community for all your friends withsimilar interests, share your logs and results, and discuss and plan activities. Theinformation published in a community is only visible to the members of thecommunity. Communities can be either open or closed. To participate in the activitiesof a closed community, you first have to be invited or you have to apply formembership and be accepted.All communities have a home page that lists the latest group activities such as news,discussions, events and recent logs. Community members can also use group-specific bulletin boards and calendars, create their own link lists and group activities.All registered SuuntoSports users become automatically members of the ‘World ofSuuntoSports’ community.
636.5. SPORT FORUMSSuunto users are active in many different sports. has severalSports Forums that collect information to inform and inspire participants of theseactivities. All forums include sport-specific news, bulletin boards, event calendars,ranking lists and discussions. In the forums you can suggest links to sports-relatedwebsites and read travel reports written by other members.Sport forums introduce interesting locations and resorts related to different sports.You can rank the resorts and suggest your own favorites. You can also view rankinglists from the SuuntoSports database by your own criteria, for example, the memberswho have visited the highest places, collected the most vertical climb or published thebiggest number of logs, the communities with the most members, etc.
647. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral• Operating temperature -20 °C to +60 °C / -5 °F to +140 °F• Storage temperature -30 °C to +60 °C / -22 °F to +140 °F• Weight 56 g• Water-resistant to 100 m / 330 ft.• User replaceable battery CR2032• Compatible with certain wireless Suunto ANT devicesThermometer• Display range -20°C - +60°C / -4°F - + 140°F• Resolution 1°C / 1°FAir pressure• Display range 300 hPa - 1100 hPa / 8.90 InHg - 32.50 InHg• Resolution 1 hPa / 0.01 InHgAltitude• Display range -500 m - 9000 m / -1600 ft. - 29 995 ft.• Resolution 1m / 3ft.Calendar Clock• Resolution 1 s• Programmed until 2099Stopwatch • Stopwatch range 99 hours• Lap time range 99 hours• Lap / split times 100/log
65• Resolution 0.1 sHR• Display range 30 bpm - 240 bpmMinimum and maximum values:• HR limits: min 30 bpm max 240 bpm• History HR limits (set with Suunto Training Manager): min 30 bpm max 240 bpm• Maximum HR for percentage display (set with Suunto Training Manager): max 240bpmTimerMinimum and maximum values:• Interval 1: min 0.05 max 59.59• Interval 2: min 0.00 max 59.59• Warm-up: min 0.00 max 59.59• Countdown: min 0.00 max 59.59SPD/DSTMinimum and maximum values:• Speed limits: min 2.0 max 150• Autolap: min 0.0 max 99.9• Distance interval 1: min 0.1 max 9.9• Distance interval 2: min 0.0 max 9.9Transmitter belt• Water resistance: 20 m / 66ft• Weight: 61g• Frequency: 2.465 GHz Suunto ANT compatible
66• Transmission range: up to 10 meters• User replaceable battery CR2032
678. DISCLAIMERS8.1. USER’S RESPONSIBILITYThis instrument is intended for recreational use only. Do not use it for obtainingmeasurements that require professional or industrial precision.8.2. COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK AND PATENT NOTICEThis publication and its contents are proprietary to Suunto Oy and are intended solelyfor the use of its clients to obtain knowledge and key information regarding the opera-tion of Suunto t6 products. Its contents shall not be used or distributed for any other purpose and/or otherwisecommunicated, disclosed or reproduced without the prior written consent of SuuntoOy. Suunto, Wristop Computer, Suunto t6, Replacing Luck, and their logos are registeredor unregistered trademarks of Suunto Oy. All rights are reserved. Suunto t6 is manu-factured for Suunto Oy. While we have taken great care to ensure that information contained in this documen-tation is both comprehensive and accurate, no warranty of accuracy is expressed orimplied. Its content is subject to change at any time without notice. The latest versionof this documentation can always be downloaded in CEThe CE mark is used to mark conformity with the European Union EMC directives 89/336/EEC.
688.4. LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND ISO 9001 COMPLIANCEIf this product should fail due to defects in materials or workmanship, Suunto Oy will,at its sole option, repair or replace it with new or rebuilt parts, free of charge, for two(2) years from the date of its purchase. This warranty is only extended to the originalpurchaser and only covers failures due to defects in materials and workmanship thatoccur during normal use while in the period of the warranty.It does not cover battery, battery replacement, damage or failures resulting fromaccident, misuse, neglect, mishandling, alteration or modifications of the product, orany failure caused by operation of the product outside the scope of its publishedspecifications, or any causes not covered by this warranty.There are no express warranties except as listed above.The client can exercise the right to repair under the warranty by contacting SuuntoOy’s Customer Service department to obtain a repair authorization.Suunto Oy and its subsidiaries shall in no event be liable for any incidental orconsequential damages arising from the use of or inability to use the product. SuuntoOy and its subsidiaries do not assume any responsibility for losses or claims by thirdparties that may arise through the use of this device.Suunto's Quality Assurance System is certified by Det Norske Veritas to be ISO 9001compliant in all SUUNTO Oy's operations (Quality Certificate No. 96-HEL-AQ-220).8.5. AFTER SALES SERVICEIf a claim under warranty appears to be necessary, return the product, freight prepaid,to your Suunto dealer who is responsible for having your product repaired. Includeyour name, address, proof of purchase and/or service registration card, as required inyour country. The claim will be honored and the product repaired or replaced at nocharge and returned in what your Suunto dealer determines a reasonable amount of
69time, provided that all necessary parts are in stock. All repairs that are not coveredunder the terms of this warranty will be made at the owner's expense. This warranty isnon-transferable from the original owner.If it is not possible to contact your Suunto dealer, contact your local Suunto distributorfor further information. You can locate your local Suunto distributor DISCLAIMERThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC limits for class B digital devices. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled or used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. There is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular instance. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to otherequipment, try to correct the problem by relocating the equipment.Consult an authorized Suunto dealer or other qualified service technician if youcannot correct the problem. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device cannot cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation. Repairs should be made by authorized Suunto service personnel. Unauthorizedrepairs will void warranty.Tested to comply with FCC standards.For home or office use.FCC WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Suunto Oycould void your authority to operate this device under FCC regulations.

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