Aqua Plus


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Carpet Extractors


Smart cleaning.
A Nilfisk-Advance Brand


CRI Certified Extraction for a Deeper Clean.

Carpet Extractors

The AquaPLUS™ AXP™ battery-powered walk-behind carpet extractors
feature Advance’s patented LIFT ™ low-moisture technology for a clean
that is CRI-certified. AquaPLUS extractors meet CRI seal of approval
standards for soil removal and dry times in both LIFT and deepcleaning restoration mode, giving you the confidence that your carpets
will be truly clean and ready to use fast.
AquaPLUS extractors with LIFT (Low-moisture, Indirect spray, Fast
dry time, True cleaning) feature a patented spray system for faster dry
times. The single-spray nozzle design eliminates streaking and the
possibility of water overlap that can lead to delayed drying. The fast
dry time of the AquaPLUS extractors make them ideal solutions for
daytime cleaning. No other extractors will give you that certified deep
clean and get people back on your carpets in less than 30 minutes.
Extractors that receive the CRI Seal of Approval for deep cleaning
extractors, have met the highest standards in the industry for

Ideal applications include:
•	 Hospitals / Healthcare Facilities
•	 Schools and Universities
•	 Churches and Religious Facilities
•	Hotels

their ability to remove soil and water and to preserve carpet
appearance. The CRI-certified AquaPLUS extractors will help
protect your carpet investment as well as meet green-cleaning
standards outlined in the new GS-42 guidelines. The patented
AXP system provides the flexibility to clean with any detergent,
including those that are green certified. At just 69 dB A, AquaPLUS
meets LEED-EB’s IEQ credit guidelines for quiet operation. With LIFT
technology and CRI-certification, the AquaPLUS extractors are the
“greenest” carpet extractors in
the industry.

•	 Commercial Cleaning

The unique Deep Treat™ single-pass, pre-spray feature on the

•	 Government Buildings
	 and Installations

AquaPLUS AXP, eliminates clumsy hand-held spray bottles and allows
the proper application of pre-spray chemical, minimizing chemical use
and costs. Fast dry times, battery-operation, and a pre-spray feature
contribute to increased productivity in your facility.

•	 Airports, Train Stations,
Bus Depots
•	Casinos
•	 Office Buildings
•	 Health Clubs

A Nilfisk-Advance Brand

Large recovery tank
opening allows for more
complete and thorough
cleaning out of the tank

control paddle

Onboard battery

AXP™ Detergent dispensing
allows for any brand of
green-certified detergent

Dual laminar flow vac shoes allow for more
efficient recovery of solution.

Single spray jet
eliminates streaking

Debris hopper is easy to
remove and empty



Tools-free removable brushes make for easy
clean-up after use.


Single touch button control sets proper
operation of all functions. Simplifies training
and consistent use by all operators.

Dual vac motors pull more water out of the
carpet. Recovery tank lid design allows easy
access to batteries.

Safety: With low sound level and quick dry time, the AquaPLUS™
is safe for daytime cleaning.
Sustainability: Dual counter rotating brushes don’t wear down
carpet fibers as extensively as a vacuum would, preserving the life
of the carpet.
Air Quality: Carpets that dry within 30 minutes of extraction
reduce the risk of mold and other airborne allergens.
Environmental Impact: The AXP™ Onboard DetergentDispensing System minimizes the use of both chemicals and water.
LIFT ™: Low-moisture technology utilizes a patented indirect spray
feature that provides superior cleaning while increasing per tank
productivity and reducing water consumption. Operators
will experience faster dry times and true cleaning with
LIFT technology.


Technical Specifications
Solution System			
	 Solution Capacity	
20 gal (76 L)		
	 Solution Pump	
100 psi diaphragm demand 		
	 Flow Rates	
		 Restoration Mode	
0.81 gpm (3.1 L/min) 		
		 LIFT ™ Mode	
0.26 gpm (1 L/min)		
		 Deep Treat™ Pre-Spray Mode	
0.92 gpm (3.5 L/min) 		
	 Recovery Capacity	
16 gal (61 L)		
Vacuum System			
	 Vacuum Motor	
Dual 3 stage bypass		
93 cfm (44 L/sec)		
70 in H2O (17.4 km/hr)		
	 Vacuum Shoes	
Dual 13.5 in (34 cm) Dual pivoting laminar flow 45 lb down pressure	
Brush System			
Dual 24 in (61 cm) Dual counter rotating with debris hopper 		
	 Brush Motors	
Dual 1/2 horsepower permanent magnet		
	 Brush Speed	
950 RPM		
Sound Level	
69 dB A		
Electrical System	
24 V (4) X 6 V batteries		
250 Ah wet-acid (optional 255 Ah AGM)		
Machine Speed	
220 ft/min (4 km/hr) 		
	 LIFT ™ Mode	
90 ft/min (1.6 km/hr) 		
	 Restoration Mode	
50 ft/min (0.9 km/hr) 		
	 Light Deep Treat™ Mode	
150 ft/min (2.7 km/hr)		
	 Heavy Deep Treat™ Mode	
100 ft/min (1.8 km/hr) 		
Coverage Rate	
10,800 ft2/hour (LIFT ™ Mode) 6,000 ft2/hour (Restoration Mode)		
CRI Approval	
Bronze for Deep Cleaning Extractors in both Restoration Mode and LIFT ™ Mode		
Machine Dimensions	
L = 56 in (142 cm) x W = 27 in (69 cm) x H = 43.5 in (110 cm)		
Machine Weight	
650 lb (295 kg) with batteries / 370 lb (168 kg) without batteries		
Shipping Weight	
680 lb (308 kg)		
Part Number	
56317005 AquaPLUS™ AXP™ with 251 Ah wet batteries
56317007 AquaPLUS™ AXP™ with 255 Ah maint-free (AGM) batteries 			
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
LIFT ™ Technology for Cleaner, “Greener” Carpet Extraction.

Optional accessories:
•	 Anti-Microbial Brushes
•	 255 Ah AGM
•	 Tool Caddy

•	 Carrying Bag
•	 Battery Watering System
•	 Electronic Float

Smart cleaning.
Our products are designed using innovative technology that
increases productivity and drives down the cost to clean.

14600 21st Avenue North
Plymouth, MN 55447-3408
Phone 800-850-5559
Fax 800-989-6566
240 Superior Boulevard
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5T 2L2
Phone 800-668-8400
Fax 800-263-5111

Maintain peak performance with Nilfisk Genuine OEM Parts.
©2012 Nilfisk-Advance, Inc. Form L1986A 1-4-12

A Nilfisk-Advance Brand


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