M17 Service Manual Tennant Rider Floor Sweeper Scrubber
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M17 (Battery) Sweeper - Scrubber Service Information Manual ES® Extended Scrub System Tennant True® Parts IRIS® a Tennant Technology Pro-Panel™ Controls Insta-Fit™ Adapter North America / International For the latest Parts Manuals and other language Operator Manuals, visit: www.tennantco.com/manuals 9017358 Rev. 00 (08-2016) *9017358* INTRODUCTION This manual is furnished with each new model. It provides necessary operation and maintenance instructions. Read this manual completely and understand the machine before operating or servicing it. This machine will provide excellent service. However, the best results will be obtained at minimum costs if: • The machine is operated with reasonable care. • The machine is maintained regularly - per the machine maintenance instructions provided. • The machine is maintained with manufacturer supplied or equivalent parts. PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Please dispose of packaging materials, used components such as batteries and f uids in an environmentally safe way according to local waste disposal regulations. Always remember to recycle. MACHINE DATA Please f ll out at time of installation for future reference. Model No. Serial No. Installation Date - INTENDED USE The M17 is an industrial rider machine designed to wet scrub and sweep both rough and smooth hard surfaces (concrete, tile, stone, synthetic, etc). Typical applications include schools, hospitals / health care facilities, off ce buildings, and retail centers. Do not use this machine on soil, grass, artif cial turf, or carpeted surfaces. This machine is intended for indoor use only. This machine is not intended for use on public roadways. Do not use this machine other than described in this Operators Manual. Tennant Company PO Box 1452 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Phone: (800) 553-8033 or (763) 513-2850 www.tennantco.com DFS (Dual Force Sweeping), PerformanceView, Pro-ID, Pro-Check, Perma-Filter, ShakeMax, Zone Settings, SmartRelease, QA Controls, 1−Step, Dura−Track, Touch−N−Go, Duramer, are trademarks of Tennant Company. Specif cations and parts are subject to change without notice. Original Instructions, copyright 2016 TENNANT Company, Printed in U.S.A. CONTENTS Contents Page SAFETY PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1 GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Component LoCator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 eLeCtriCaL SChematiC, maSter . . . . . . . . . 2-4 eLeCtriCaL SChematiC SymboLS . . . . . 2-7 operationaL matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 SpeCifiCationS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 faStener torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 maChine dimenSionS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16 GeneraL maChine dimenSionS/ CapaCitieS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17 GeneraL maChine performanCe AND power type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 tireS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 SCrubbinG Side bruSh SoLution fLow rate (option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 eC-h2o SyStem (option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 eLeCtriCaL ComponentS . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 MAINTENANCE AND SUPERVISOR CONTROLS MaInTenance charT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 yellow Touch poInTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 lubrIcaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 HOPPER CHAINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 HYDRAULICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 baTTerY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 cIrcuIT breakerS, fuSeS, and relayS . . 3-17 elecTrIc MoTorS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 HOPPER DUST FILTER/PERMA-FILTER . . . . . 3-19 MAIN SCRUB BRUSHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 MAIN SWEEP BRUSHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-25 SIDE BRUSHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26 SQUEEGEE BLADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 SKIRTS AND SEALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39 BELTS, BRAKES AND TIRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41 puShIng, TowIng, and TranSporTIng . 3-42 MachIne jackIng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44 ec-h2o Module fluSh procedure . . . . . 3-45 STorage InforMaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 freeze proTecTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 preparIng The MachIne for operaTIon afTer STorage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49 prIMING THE ec-H2O SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Contents Page SUPERVISOR CONTROLS PRO-PANEL SUPERVISOR CONTROLS . . . . . . 3-53 ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE . . . . . . . . 3-54 SUPERVISOR SETTING SCREEN / SCREEN ICONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55 ADDING / EDITING PROFILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 ENABLING THE LOGIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58 DISABLING THE LOGIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59 CHANGING BATTERY TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-60 EXPORTING CHECKLISTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-61 CHECKLIST SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62 DISABLING / ENABLING THE PREOPERATION CHECKLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-63 CHANGING THE REAR VIEW CAMERA SETTINGS & PROGRAMMING THE ZONE CONTROL BUTTONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-64 SETTING / CHANGING THE DATE AND TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-66 TROUBLESHOOTING ONBOARD DIAGNOSTICS . . . . . . . . . 4-2 SELF-TEST MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 CONFIGURATION MODE . . . . . . . . 4-4 FAULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 PROPEL DIAGNOSTIC MODE . . . . . 4-11 CURTIS 1232SE CONTROLLER DIAGNOSTICS . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 DIAGNOSTIC LED OPERATION . . . 4-13 DIAGNOSTIC CODES . . . . . . . . 4-14 INPUT DISPLAY MODE . . . . . . . . . 4-22 MANUAL MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24 MOTORS MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 STATUS LED - POWER STEERING (OPTION) . . . . . . . . 4-29 SUBSYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING 4-30 BACK-UP ALARM/LIGHT . . . . . . . . 4-30 LIGHTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32 MAIN SCRUB BRUSHES . . . . . . . . 4-34 SIDE SCRUB BRUSH . . . . . . . . . . 4-36 POWER-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-38 3 CONTENTS Contents Page TROUBLESHOOTING PROPEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40 REAR SQUEEGEE LIFT . . . . . . . . . 4-42 SCRUB HEAD LIFT . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44 SIDE SWEEP BRUSHES . . . . . . . . . 4-46 SIDE SWEEP BRUSH LIFT . . . . . . . . 4-50 SOLUTION CONTROL, CONVENTIONAL 4-52 MAIN BRUSH . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-52 SIDE BRUSH . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-54 SOLUTION CONTROL, ECH2O . . . . . 4-56 SEVERE ENVIRONMENT - SPOT CLEANING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-58 ES (EXTENDED SCRUB) DETERGENT PUMP . . . . . . . . . 4-60 WATER PUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-62 SPRAY NOZZLE . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-64 SCRUB VACUUM FAN . . . . . . . . . 4-66 SWEEP VACUUM FAN . . . . . . . . . 4-68 HOPPER LIFT PUMP . . . . . . . . . . .4-70 HOPPER ROLL ACTUATOR . . . . . . . 4-74 MIDDLE SWEEP ACTUATOR . . . . . . 4-78 MIDDLE SWEEP BRUSH MOTORS . . . . 4-80 SHAKER MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-82 DRY VACUUM FAN . . . . . . . . . . 4-84 Service ServIce ProcedureS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 rear Squeegee LIfT acTuaTor . . . . . . . 5-2 removaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 InSTaLLaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 rod adjuSTmenT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 SIde BruSh LIfT acTuaTor . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 removaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 InSTaLLaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 aduSTIng SIde BruSh SPrIng TuBe aSSemBLy . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 vacuum fan aSSemBLy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 removaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 InSTaLLaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 SIde BruSh moTor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 removaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 InSTaLLaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9 maIn BruSh LIfT acTuaTor . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 removaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 InSTaLLaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 maIn ScruB head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 removaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 InSTaLLaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13 maIn ScruB BruSh moTor (cyLIndrIcaL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14 removaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14 InSTaLLaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15 4 Contents Page Service ServIce ProcedureS (con't) InSTrumenT PaneL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 removaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 InSTaLLaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 LogIc Board rePLacemenT . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 removaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 InSTaLLaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18 STeerIng WheeL TImIng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19 PAGE'S INTENTIONAL BLANK . . . .5-20 - 5-22 rear Brake adjuSTmenT . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23 MAIN SWEEP BRUSH MOTOR REPLACEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-24 MAIN SWEEP BRUSH PATTERN PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25 ROLL OUT ACTUATOR REPLACEMENT. . 5-27 ROLL OUT ACTUATOR PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28 CALIBRATION OF POWER STEERING AND WIRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31 COMPONENT TESTING recovery Tank LeveL SenSorS . . . . . . . . 5-32 SoLuTIon Tank LeveL SenSor . . . . . . . . . 5-34 ProPeL moTor (and encoder) . . . . . . . . 5-36 ProPeL moTor caBLeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38 ThroTTLe SenSor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40 SIde BruSh LIfT acTuaTor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42 maIn BruSh LIfT acTuaTor . . . . . . . . . . . 5-43 rear Sqge LIfTacTuaTor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 vacuum fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45 SIde SWeeP BruSh moTor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-46 ec-h2o PumP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47 ec-h2o PreSSure SWITch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48 hOPPER LIFT PUMP MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-49 rOLL OUT ACTUATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-50 MAIN SWEEP ACTUATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-51 MAIN SWEEP BRUSH MOTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52 SHAKER MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53 DRY VAC FAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-54 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS The following precautions are used throughout this manual as indicated in their descriptions: WARNING: To warn of hazards or unsafe practices that could result in severe personal injury or death. CAUTION: To warn of unsafe practices that could result in minor or moderate personal injury. FOR SAFETY: To identify actions that must be followed for safe operation of equipment. The following information signals potentially dangerous conditions to the operator. Know when these conditions can exist. Locate all safety devices on the machine. Report machine damage or faulty operation immediately.. WARNING: Batteries emit hydrogen gas. Explosion or fire can result. Keep sparks and open flame away. Keep covers open when charging. WARNING: Flammable materials can cause an explosion or fire. Do not use flammable materials in tank(s). WARNING: Flammable materials or reactive metals can cause an explosion or fire. Do not pick up. WARNING: Raised hopper may fall. Engage hopper support bar. WARNING: Lift arm pinch point. Stay clear of hopper lift arms. WARNING: Electrical Hazard − Disconnect Battery Cables and Charger Plug Before Servicing Machine. − Do Not Charge Batteries with Damaged Power Supply Cord. Do Not Modify Plug. If the charger supply cord is damaged or broken, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard. This machine may be equipped with technology that automatically communicates over the cellular network. If this machine will be operated where cell phone use is restricted because of concerns related to equipment interference, please contact a Tennant representative for information on how to disable the cellular communication functionality. FOR SAFETY: 1. Do not operate machine: - Unless trained and authorized. - Unless operator manual is read and understood. - Under the influence of alcohol or drugs. - While using a cell phone or other types of electronic devices. - Unless mentally and physically capable of following machine instructions. - With brake disabled. - Without filters in place or with clogged filters. - In dusty environments without the vacuum fan on. - If it is not in proper operating condition. - With pads or accessories not supplied or approved by Tennant. The use of other pads may impair safety. - In outdoor areas. This machine is for indoor use only. - In areas where flammable vapors/liquids or combustible dusts are present. - In areas that are too dark to safely see the controls or operate the machine unless operating / headlights are turned on. - In areas with possible falling objects unless equipped with overhead guard. - With the rear bumper door / step in the lowered position. 2. Before Starting Machine: - Check machine for fluid leaks. - Make sure all safety devices are in place and operate properly. - Check brakes and steering for proper operation. - Check parking brake pedal for proper operation. - Adjust seat and fasten seat belt (if equipped). WARNING: This machine contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 1-1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 3. When using machine: - Use only as described in this manual. - Use brakes to stop machine. - Do not pick up burning or smoking debris, such as cigarettes, matches or hot ashes. - Go slowly on inclines and slippery surfaces. - Do not scrub on ramp inclines that exceed 11% grade or transport (GVWR) on ramp inclines that exceed 13% grade. - Reduce speed when turning. - Keep all parts of body inside operator station while machine is moving. - Always be aware of surroundings while operating machine. - Do not access the video / help screens while the machine is moving. (Pro-Panel) - Use care when reversing machine. - Move machine with care when hopper is raised. - Make sure adequate clearance is available before raising hopper. - Do not raise hopper when machine is on an incline. - Keep children and unauthorized persons away from machine. - Do not carry passengers on any part of the machine. - Always follow safety and traffic rules. - Report machine damage or faulty operation immediately. - Follow mixing, handling and disposal instructions on chemical containers. - Follow site safety guidelines concerning wet floors. 4. Before leaving or servicing machine: - Stop on level surface. - Set parking brake. - Turn off machine and remove key. 5. When servicing machine: - All work must be done with sufficient lighting and visibility. - Keep work area well ventilated. - Avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose clothing, jewelry and secure long hair. - Empty both solution and recovery tanks. - Block machine tires before jacking machine up. - Jack machine up at designated locations only. Support machine with jack stands. - Use hoist or jack that will support the weight of the machine. - Do not push or tow the machine without an operator in the seat controlling the machine. - Do not push or tow the machine on inclines with the brake disabled. - Use cardboard to locate leaking hydraulic fluid under pressure. 1-2 - Do not power spray or hose off machine near electrical components. - Disconnect battery connections and charger cord before working on machine. - Do not use incompatible battery chargers as this may damage battery packs and potentially cause a fire. - Inspect charger cord regularly for damage. - Do not disconnect the off−board charger’s DC cord from the machine receptacle when the charger is operating. Arcing may result. If the charger must be interrupted during charging, disconnect the AC power supply cord first. - Avoid contact with battery acid. - Keep all metal objects off batteries. - Use a non−conductive battery removal device. - Use a hoist and adequate assistance when lifting batteries. - Battery installation must be done by trained personnel. - Follow site safety guidelines concerning battery removal. - All repairs must be performed by a trained service mechanic. - Do not modify the machine from its original design. - Use Tennant supplied or approved replacement parts. - Wear personal protective equipment as needed and where recommended in this manual. For Safety: wear hearing protection. For Safety: wear protective gloves. For Safety: wear eye protection. For Safety: wear protective dust mask. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 6. When loading/unloading machine onto/off truck or trailer: - Drain tanks before loading machine. - Lower scrub head and squeegee before tying down machine. - Empty debris hopper before loading machine. - Stop on a level surface, set parking brake and leave the key in the ON position until all tie-down straps are secure. - Block machine tires. - Tie machine down to truck or trailer. - Use ramp, truck or trailer that will support the weight of the machine and operator. - Do not load/unload on ramp inclines that exceed 20% grade. - Use winch. Do not push the machine onto/off the truck or trailer unless the load height is 380 mm (15 in) or less from the ground. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 1-3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following safety labels are mounted on the machine in the locations indicated. Replace damaged / missing labels WARNING LABEL - Flammable materials can cause explosion or fire. Do not use flammable materials in tank. WARNING LABEL - Flammable materials or reactive metals can cause explosion or fire. Do not pick up. Located on solution tank cover, recovery tank cover and detergent tank (option). FOR SAFETY LABEL - Do not operate machine with the rear bumper door / step in the lowered position. Do not carry passengers on any part of the machine. Located on electrical panel. Located on rear bumper door / step. FOR SAFETY LABEL - Authorized Service Mechanic Only. Located on circuit board cover and electrical panel. 1-4 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING LABEL - Batteries emit hydrogen gas. Explosion or fire can result. Keep sparks and open flame away. Keep covers open when charging. WARNING LABEL - Lift arm pinch point. Stay clear of lift arms. Located on both lift arms. Located on bottom of battery compartment cover. FOR SAFETY LABEL - Read manual before operating machine. WARNING LABEL - Raised hopper may fall. Engage hopper support bar. Located on electrical panel. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Located on hopper support bar. 1-5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1-6 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION Contents 2 Page GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Component LoCator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 eLeCtriCaL SChematiC, maSter . . . . . . . . . 2-4 eLeCtriCaL SChematiC SymboLS . . . . . 2-7 operationaL matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 SpeCifiCationS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 faStener torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 maChine dimenSionS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16 GeneraL maChine dimenSionS/ CapaCitieS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17 GeneraL maChine performanCe AND power type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 tireS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 SCrubbinG Side bruSh SoLution fLow rate (option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 eC-h2o SyStem (option) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 eLeCtriCaL ComponentS . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 2-1 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPONENT LOCATOR Components A interface module and touch panel B Curtis® aC propel Controller C power Steering assembly* D aC drive assembly E Main Sweep Motors F ec-h2o pump* G bLdC (brushless dC) brush motors H Spray wand* I dual Vacuum fans J iriS™ Shunt assembly* K ec-h2o module* L backup alarm/flashing Light*, Circuit breaker #16, m2 relay M recovery tank full Switch, eS half-full Switches* N rear Squeegee Lift actuator O brake adjustment rods P Scrub head Lift actuator Q brake pedal interlock Switch R Control modules, m1 Contactor Circuit breakers (1-9) S K A J I B H C D E F G A T L Seat Switch T battery rollout Switch * optional equipment M S R Q N 2-2 O P M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) GENERAL INFORMATION COMPONENT LOCATOR Components U battery V detergent metering pump* W bLdC (brushless dC) Side Scrub brush motor X Side Scrub brush Lift actuator Y Electrical Sweeping motor Control Box Z U Y Z throttle Sensor AA Shaker Sweep System BB Sweeping, filter V X CC Hopper Lift Cylinder and Roll-Out Actuator DD Hopper Lift Pump & Reservoir EE Sweeper, hopper FF Side Sweep brush motors W * optional equipment AA CC DD EE BB M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) FF 2-3 GENERAL INFORMATION ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS (1 of 3) + OPTIONAL TELEMETRY CABLES: -- 15 M1 RED-1 1 1 RED 2 BLU-1 2 2 BLU 2 BLK/WHT-1 3 3 BLK 3 4 PUR-1 4 4 PUR 4 6 NOT USED 5 5 BRN NOT USED 6 6 WHT T1 T2 BLK 3 4 3 4 W1 2 10/TAN J1-22 CLOSED = PARK BRAKE SET 7/PUR B+ P1-C BLU P1-B YEL 14/YEL P1-D BLK 58/GRY P1-A RED 8/GRY 8/GRY 8/GRY CAN+ 2 WHT/PAIR #2 1 1 J1-4 BLK/PAIR #1 3 3 J1-1 RED/PAIR #1 4 4 J4-4 SWITCHED B+ 2/RED-TAN 18/GRY J4-17 KSI CAN GND B+ POST P1-1 19/WHT HORN P2-1 CANCAN+ P1-1 20/TAN 0.5A 2 19/WHT ALARM P2-1 J4-16 21/PNK J4-15 DET. PUMP/SPOT CLEAN PUMP 1 23/ORA J4-14 GND. POST 19 SWITCHED/FUSED B+ 11 LED1 25/GRN J4-12 9 26/BLU J4-11 LED2 2 MTR-3 LEFT SCRUB MTR MTR-4 OPEN1 MTR_1/U MTR_2/V MTR_3/W HALL_1 HALL_2 HALL_3 +5VDC OPEN2 GND RIGHT SCRUB MTR MTR-5 OPEN1 MTR_1/U MTR_2/V MTR_3/W HALL_2 +5VDC OPEN2 GND 209/WHT J10-1 2 200/TAN 3 203/ORA J10-3 1E 32/BRN J9-1 2E 33/ORA J9-2 3E 34/YEL J9-3 4E 125/GRN 5E 3 1E 2E 3E 129/WHT 6E J9-4 J11-4 J11-5 J11-6 205/GRN 204/YEL J9-6 208/GRY J9-7 J9-8 130/TAN J9-9 131/PNK 132/BRN 4E 5E J10-2 J9-5 4 2 J1-5 DRV2 36VDC J1-13 6 13/BLK 13/BLK: CABLE AUD. ALARM MAIN_CONT. SPOT_PUMP +12VDC J4-13 J4-5 38/GRY B J4-1 37/PUR C SW-5 B+ GND A 113/BLK-WHT OUT 133/ORA 38A J9-10 LONG_SPOT_LED DIGITAL GND. SHORT_SPOT_LED HALF_1 SHORT_SPOT HALF_0 LT_MTR_1_1 LONG_SPOT J4-3 J4-8 J4-7 113/BLK-WHT DIGITAL GROUND (GND. AT INPUT = ENABLE SPOT SCRUB) 35/GRN SHORT SPOT SCRUB 36/BLU LONG SPOT SCRUB LT_MTR_1_3 EXTRA_1 HALL_2_LF HALL_3_LF 11 8 5 4 1 9 12 6 13/BLK 2 13/BLK 10 FOR SPOT CLEAN INDICATOR LIGHTS LT_MTR_1_2 HALL_1_LF 113/BLK-WHT SPOT CLEAN SW. SW-6 EXTRA_2 J4-2 J4-6 +5VDC_LF GND_LF RT_MTR_2_1 VAC FAN #1 105/GRN RT_MTR_2_2 RT_MTR_2_3 VAC FAN #2 CHASSIS GND. STRAP @ FRAME 105/GRN 105/GRN HALL_1_RT HALL_2_RT HALL_3_RT +5VDC_RT GND_RT SCRUB MODULE FRONT CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL 105/GRN STATIC GROUNDING (PART OF MAIN HARNESS) GROUND HALL_3 J4-9 J4-10 1 1 P2-1 13/BLK HALL_1 27/PUR 28/GRY SCRUB UP/DOWN 4 6E J1-1 SCRUB MODULE 1 J1-2 SOL. TANK PRESS.SENSOR 12 SHORT SPOT CLEAN J1-3 HORN SOL.SENSOR 10 LONG SPOT CLEAN J1-4 P 19/WHT 19/WHT 13/BLK: CABLE POWER/GND TO CURTIS. CAN- CAN+ MAIN H20 DRIP ALARM-1 19/WHT GND GND FLYBACK SPOT CLEAN LEDS INTERNAL TO SW-6 2-4 CAN_+12V HORN-1 MTR-2 2 MAIN NO DRIP VALVE 19/WHT THERMISTOR POD HARNESS 211/PNK J4-18 P1-1 19/WHT SV-3 0.5A J1-6 J1-8 2 J1-2 CAN-/GRN 8/GRY 19/WHT 2.5A-REAR DRV1 5 3 4 J1-7 I/O GND BLK/PAIR #2 213/BLK-WHT 8/GRY 16/BLU: CABLE CB-6 W/WHT USER INTERFACE MODULE J1-3 100A-REAR 2/RED-TAN V/GRN W 58 INTERFACE MODULE FUSE-2 U/ORA ISOLATED GROUND POST = STAND OFF CAN+/YEL +12VDC 8/GRY U V 17 8/GRY DIGITAL_GND 8/GRY TO: OPTIONAL BACK UP LIGHT/ALARM HARNESS. THROTTLE SENSOR CAN- M1 TO FUSE-1 BUS BAR 94 J1-34 CAN TERM L 7/PUR CLOSED = BATT. ROLLED OUT 15 J1-3 94/YEL CAN+/YEL SW-1 PIN 15 KEY SWITCH GND J1-31 REV J1-4 15/GRN J1-21 CAN TERM H CAN-/GRN 4/YEL PIN 30 BRAKE 2 FWD 11/PNK J1-33 8/GRY S-17: BATT. ROLL OUT (N.C.H.O.) V W INTERLOCK 8/GRY S-11 PARK BRAKE SW. (N.C.H.O.) THROTTLE CURTIS 1232SE CONTROLLER CAN H 8 5 4 1 FWD/REV SW. DRV4 CAN L D-1 SW-3A 6 8/GRY DRV3 E-STOP B 9/WHT J1-9 118 17/PUR KSI SW-4: SEAT SWITCH 118/GRY J1-23 B PULLED LOW = PRECHARGE COMPLETE J1-35 A 17/PUR PROPEL SYSTEM 3/ORA A 17/PUR AUX1 CONTACTOR COIL MTR-1 8/GRY J1-1 5/GRNJ1-10 T2: YEL MAIN CONTACTOR M3A U B+ V GRN B2: BRN T1: YEL M1A A- ORA B1: PUR RX B+ SW-2 E-STOP SWITCH PHASE A J1-29 THROTTLE 99/WHT BRAKE IN 1 TX J1-16 J1-28 U A+ 118/GRY 6 5 1 70/TAN 8/GRY J1-25 1 61/PNK 3 CABLE: POWER/GND TO CURTIS. 150A-REAR +12V PHASE B J1-32 RX FUSE-1 M1 TO FUSE-1 BUS BAR 58/GRY 4 J1-11 3 2 M4 AC PROPEL MOTOR 2/RED-TAN TX M3 W WHT 24/YEL 62/BRN 58/GRY 2 YEL YEL 59/WHT 61/PNK GND +12V M2 AC PROPEL MOTOR PIN OUT (FACING MOTOR) INTERNAL TO AC PROPEL MOTOR (INCLUDES ENCODER TEMP SENDER AND BRAKE SOL.) AMER ENCODER 66/BLU 3/ORA 22/RED-TAN PROGRAMMING PORT TORQUE SENSOR INTERNAL TO 1 STEERING MOTOR M1 3 SENDER, TEMP PROPEL MOTOR CONTROL 22/RED-TAN CB-4 M1B MAIN CONTACTOR 2.5A-REAR 58/GRY 79 13/BLK 1 1/RED 58 79/WHT B-/BLK M1 OPT. POWER STEERING HARNESS WHT M1/GRN TEMP1 5 MTR-24 M2 6 POWER STEERING M2 M2/BLU 4 5 M2+ 3 CAL_2 6 M1- 2 CAL_1 3 12 1 4 14 YEL-2 BLU YEL-1 RED 1 2 2 M3B AUX1 CONTACTOR CALIBRATION INPUTS: (ADD SWITCH) SW/B+ 1 WHT-1 2 6/BLU 6 19/WHT 19 SWITCHED/FUSED/+36VDC B- B- OPT. POWER STEERING 30A-FRONT 6/BLU CABLE: BATT. TO MACHINE: TO: TELEMETRY IN-LINE FUSE. B+ SHUNT HIGH SHUNT-1 13/BLK-WHT 13 POWER STEERING MODULE B+ B+/RED 1 CB-15 1 SHUNT LOW CABLE: BATT. TO MACHINE: 1/RED 13/BLK TELEMETRY SHUNT IN-LINE (OPTIONAL) 36 VDC 13 134/YEL M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) GENERAL INFORMATION ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS (2 of 3) CAN- CAN+ CB-1 2/RED-TAN 40/TAN OR 40/BLU J5-1 2/RED-TAN EXTEND LIMIT SW. RETRACT LIMIT 1 2 1 41/PNK J6-18 2 42/BRN J6-17 SQGE UP/DN ACTUATOR MTR-6 2 1 19A VAC FAN #1 MTR-7 2 1 19A VAC FAN #2 MTR-8 43/ORA J7-1 44/YEL J7-2 45/GRN J7-3 47/PUR J7-4 J6-15 BLK 3-5A RED 2 48/GRY ES PUMP MTR-9 CB-5 2/RED-TAN J6-13 49/WHT J6-14 53/ORA J6-7 2.5A-REAR 0.5A GND HALF_2 INPUT_0 TO: B+, @M1 13/BLK J6-10 A 102/BRN N.O. B 13/BLK REC. TANK FULL (GROUND ON INPUT = REC. FULL) SW-8 HALF_4B+ INPUT_1 HALF_5B+ GND_DIGITAL HALF_5 PCB_SEL_0 FLYBACK SPARE_INPUT0 J6-6 13/BLK 13/BLK HALF_4 55/GRN J6-11 OUTPUT_1 SV-5: AUTO FILL REC VALVE M17 SWEEP HARNESS CAN+/YEL J5-2 HALF_3B+ 53/ORA J6-5 CAN-/GRN J3-1 SW-7 HALF_3 PCB-SEL_1 EXTRA: NOT LOADED J3-2 HALF_2B+ J6-12 54/YEL OUTPUT_0 SV-4: AUTO FILL SOL. VALVE CB-2 J3-3 LED_DRIVE0 SPARE_INPUT1 J6-9 A 101/PNK N.O. B 13/BLK REC. 1/2 TANK FULL (OPT. ES SYSTEM) (GROUND ON INPUT = REC. 1/2 FULL) J6-2 J6-8 13 J6-1 J6-3 M17 SWEEP HARNESS TO: MAIN HARNESS J6-4 CAN- CAN+ CAN- CAN+ LED_DRIVE1 19 118 13 105 1 3 BLK 3 3 2 GRN 2 2 3 2 1 2-4A MTR-11 NOT USED RETRACT LIMIT EXTEND LIMIT SW. 2-4A RETRACT LIMIT 2 J5-3 163/ORA J5-2 164/YEL J4-18 165/GRN J4-9 1 166/BLUJ4-16 PARTIAL: SIDE SWEEP HARNESS 2 2 1 25A HOPPER ROLL ACT. 1 1 MTR-12 J5-1 162/BRN HOPPER LIFT PUMP EXTEND LIMIT SW. 161/PNK MIDDLE SWEEP UP/DN ACT 2 2 167/PURJ4-17 2 MIDDLE SWEEP MTR_1(FRONT) 168/GRY J7-2 114/YEL J7-1 RED BLK MTR-13 MTR-28 PUMP_DN HALF_2 HALF_2B+ HALF_4 HALF_5 3A RETURN_6_7 PARTIAL: SHAKER MTR. HARNESS 174/YEL INPUT_1 INPUT_3 INPUT_2 INPUT_4 INPUT_5 J4-12 SHAKER LED +5V_REF FLYBACK DIGITAL GND. J4-18 4 4 3A 3A MTR-17 RETRACT LIMIT RETRACT LIMIT 5 5 175/GRN J4-17 6 6 176/BLU J4-11 7 7 177/PUR J4-12 8 8 179/WHT J4-1 9 9 178/GRY J4-2 LEFT SWEEP MTR. 2 LEFT SWEEP UP/DN ACT 2 2 MTR-18 2 1 1 2 EXTEND LIMIT SW. 2-4A BRN 174/YEL 1 MTR-16 EXTEND LIMIT SW. 2-4A 1 1 RIGHT SWEEP UP/DN ACT 19/WHT 19 19/WHT 19/WHT 2 150/RED-TAN 3 MTR-25 BLK 1 4 M4A RED CB-18 193/ORA M1 M2 25A RED WHT 2 MTR-26 150 BLK 1 RED 3 194/YEL M1 40A-SWEEP 4 BLU CB-19 4 2 MTR-27 BLK 2 182/BRN 3 3 13/BLK WHT 1 2 2 3 3 13/BLK J4-5 SHIELD CANCAN+ INPUT_2 152/BRN P1-4 SW-19 HALF_2 J4-14 154/YEL 155/GRN P1-4 SW-20 P1-1 J4-15 156/BLU P1-4 J4-8 171/PNK SW-21 J4-1 158/GRY J4-2 159/WHT J4-10 160/TAN J4-6 157/PUR 3 2 4 1 2 3 2 4 1 2 3 P1-2 CAN-/GRN J5-1 CAN+/YEL J4-15 13/BLK J3: 4 POS, AMP, MINI UNIVERSAL J4: 18 POS, MOLEX, MINI FIT, JR. J5: 3 POS, MOLEX, GUARDIAN J6: 2 POS, MOLEX, GUARDIAN J7: 3 POS, MOLEX, GUARDIAN GND.= HOPPER UP GND.= HOPPER ROLL IN P1-2 13/BLK GND.= HOPPER ROLL OUT SHAKER SW. 13/BLK P1-2 158/GRY 10 9 SHAKER SWITCH LIGHT/LED IS INTERNAL TO SW-21 POTENTIOMETER-1 INSIDE MTR-11 4 POT+ 6 POT5 WIPER HOPPER ROLL POSITION 13/BLK SW-22 CLOGGED FILTER SWITCH. N.O.: CLOSED = CLOGGED. CAN- CAN+ 118 J5-3 J5-2 ISOLATED GROUND POST = STAND OFF GND.= HOPPER DOWN J5-4 118/GRY J3: 2 POS, MOLEX, MINI FIT SR. J4: 20 POS, MOLEX, MINI FIT JR. J5: 4 POS, AMP, MINI UNIVERSAL GND1 GND2 J3-1 13/BLK J4-20 13/BLK 13/BLK 13/BLK PARTIAL: SHAKER MTR HARNESS HALF_2B+ PRECHARGE 1 SW-18 P1-1 J4-3 HALF_0 HALF_1 3 2 4 J4-13 13/BLK INPUT_0 J4-7 189/WHT 4 4 5 5 NOT USED S-23 6 6 13/BLK 6 13/BLK THERMAL SENTRY N.C. / OPEN=HOPPER FIRE AUX_CONT. J4-6 190/TAN 4 NOT USED 5 4 S-24 6 OPT: DRY VAC SW. 5 N.O. / CLOSED = ON VAC1_REF VAC1_RPM_IN NOT_USED2 13/BLK J4-19 SWEEP VAC FAN 105/GRN 184/YEL 186/BLU J4-9 J4-4 VAC2_REF VAC2_RPM_IN HOPPER 105/GRN TO: MAIN HARNESS 105/GRN 105 SHAKER MTR. M2 RED BLU VAC FAN #2 MTR.(BTM.) NOT_USED1 INPUT_1 2 M2 OUTPUT_1 13/BLK 181/PNK J4-10 25A 1 RED CB-20 195/GRN M1 3 150/RED-TAN WHT J4-14 1 25A BLU VAC FAN #1 MTR.(TOP) 191/PNK 1 RED 1 TO: SW/B+, @M4 40A-SWEEP J4-13 SWEEP AUX. CONTACTOR (SWITCHED, FUSED, B+) 40A-SWEEP FLYBACK PARTIAL: SIDE BRUSH HARNESS BLU BRN 2 3 3 172/BRN J4-16 174/YEL 1 OUTPUT_0 MTR-15 RIGHT SWEEP MTR. BLU 153/ORA MAIN SWEEP/LIFT MODULE B+_A 105 118/GRY J3-2 174/YEL J4-5 CAN-/GRN 174/YEL 174/YEL 118 13/BLK 151/PNK CAN+/YEL 150/RED-TAN 174/YEL 15A-SWEEP 19 HOPPER DOWN SWITCH. CLOSED = HOPPER DOWN J4-4 P1-1 INPUT_7 CB-17 CAN- CAN+ J6-1 GND.= SHAKER ON/OFF INPUT_6 ANALOG_1 174/YEL J4-7 HALF_6 SHAKER_OUT SHAKER MOTOR GND HOPPER/SWEEPER MODULES 25A PUMP_GND 1 MIDDLE SWEEP MTR_2(REAR) 169/WHT J7-3 HALF_7 3 3 105/GRN BLK RED 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 170/TAN J4-11 MTR-14 2 NOT_USED1 PUMP_UP 3 1 1 CAN+/YEL TO: GND. POST MTR-10 BLU J3-1 105/GRN 150/RED-TAN 35A 4 1 B+ 118/GRY 4 NOT USED J6-2 CAN-/GRN 19/WHT 60A-SWEEP 173/ORA J3-2 CAN+/YEL CAN+ CB-16 CAN+/YEL J3-3 CAN-/GRN CAN- CAN-/GRN J3-4 CAN+/YEL SHIELD CAN-/GRN NOT_USED 1 M17 CAN ADAPTOR HARNESS PRESWEEP=H2O=SIDE SWEEP WATER PICKUP MODULE M4B SWEEP AUX. CONTACTOR CABLE: BATT. TO SWEEP NET 118/GRY: +36V = KEY ON, MAIN PRECHARGE ACTIVE <0.5VDC = MAIN PRECHARGE COMPLETE, MAIN CONTACTOR TURNED ON, START SWEEP SYSTEM PRECHARGE. 1 HALF_1 53/ORA 150A IN-LINE FUSE-3 CABLE: BATT. TO SWEEP 0.5A 2/RED-TAN CANCAN+ GROUND 1 SHIELD HALF_0 13 J3-4 WATER PICK UP MODULE J6-16 NOT_USED GROUND 60A-REAR B+ GROUND 2 DRY VAC MTR. 105/GRN 13/BLK 1 1 187/PUR J4-8 2 2 188/GRY J4-3 3 3 13/BLK STATIC GROUNDING (PART OF SWEEP HARNESS) D_VAC_REF D_VAC_RPM_IN SIDE SWEEP/VAC MODULE PARTIAL OPT: DRY VAC HARNESS 13/BLK M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 13/BLK 2-5 GENERAL INFORMATION ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS (3 of 3) 2 13 CAN- CAN+ CB-3 2/RED-TAN J5-1 103/ORA 35A-REAR B+ POST J2-4 CAN_+12V J2-3 CAN GND CB-7 2/RED-TAN CAN- 104/YEL CAN+ 1 2.5A-REAR 104/YEL J4-4 GND. POST 1 MTR-19 0.5A 104/YEL 0.5A 104/YEL 2 1 3 3 106/BLU J4-10 2 2 107/PUR J4-9 SIDE PUMP SV-6: SIDE H2O VALVE 2 115/GRN J4-7 1 108/GRY J4-8 SIDE SCRUB MTR OPEN1 MTR_3/W MTR_2/V MTR_1/U HALL_1 HALL_2 HALL_3 +5VDC OPEN2 GND SIDE ACTUATOR J6-3 2 110/TAN J6-2 1 111/PNK J6-1 1E 135/GRN J4-12 2E 136/BLU 3E 137/PUR J4-16 4E 138/GRY J4-15 5E J4-13 6E 139/WHT J4-11 J4-14 13/BLK 13/BLK J4-6 INPUT_0 SIDE_ACT0 SIDE_ACT1 MTR_3 6 2 112/BRN 8 5 4 1 SIDE SCRUB ON/OFF SW. J4-5 SPARE_IN0 J4-1 J4-2 NOT_USED0 MTR_2 SW-12A (GROUND ON INPUT = ENABLE SIDE SCRUB) SIDE_H2O_VALVE SPARE_IN1 109/WHT CAN+/YEL J5-2 SIDE_PUMP 4 3 CAN-/GRN J2-1 SIDE SCRUB MODULE EXTEND LIMIT SW. BRN RETRACT LIMIT BLK BLU MTR-20 RED MTR-21 FLYBACK J2-2 MTR_1 J4-3 NOT_USED1 HALL_1_SIDE HALL_2_SIDE HALL_3_SIDE +5VDC_SIDE OPEN GND_SIDE CB-8 1 1 46/BLU J4-1 2.5A-REAR 46/BLU J4-2 0.5A 51/PNK J4-5 46/BLU ECH20 SIDE BR. VALVE J4-6 J4-7 VCC_1 VCC_2 CAN- SIDE BR. VALVE CAN+ NOT USED #1 CAN+/YEL 6 6 13/BLK J4-13 GND_2 J4-12 GND_3 2/RED-TAN CAN-/GRN J4-10 J4-14 GND_1 NOT USED #2 J4-11 ECHO MODULE SV-7 3 2/RED-TAN 4 SIDE SCRUB MODULE MTR-22 CB-9 2A 50/TAN 52/BRN (A) 2.5A-REAR (B) 2 2 J4-4 SW-13 PUMP ECHO/FAST PUMP 50/TAN C-2 52/BRN + J4-9 PRESS_IN 60/TAN - NC PRESS NC, OPENS @ 20PSI +/-2PSI = FAULT CAPACITOR, 0.01UF, 200V 50/TAN NO COM 50/TAN 5 5 J4-3 FLYBACK J4-8 OPEN1 (ECHO sparger) (ECHO cell) 8EA/GRY J5-1 7EA/PUR J5-2 3EA/ORA J5-3 4EA/YEL J5-4 MOD-7 SPGR_A SW-14 SPGR_B CELL_A FLUSH_GND CELL_B FLUSH_SW J5-6 9EA/WHT J5-5 13EA/BLK EC-H20 FLUSH SW. OPT. INTERNAL EC-H2O MODULE HARNESS EC-H20 MODULE OPT. EC-H2O HARNESS 77/PUR P1-23 77/PUR 2A P1-22 P1-7 P1-6 13/BLK-WHT B+ B+ SHUNT LOW SHUNT- 1/RED 1/RED 79/WHT SHUNT HIGH SHUNT+ 79 IN-LINE FUSE-3 P1-21 GND 13 13/BLK 13/BLK P1-20 GND OPT. TELEMETRY DIRECT TO BATTERY B+ 1 CAN- CAN+ P1-19 GND CAN- CAN+ TELEMETRY MODULE P1-11 CAN-/GRN 2 2 P1-3 1 CAN+/YEL 1 OPT. TELEMETRY HARNESS 6/BLU CB-10 SW-15 2 63/ORA 15A-FRONT 6 10 D-2 64/YEL 1 4 64/YEL 5 8 9 13/BLK 13/BLK MTR-23 64/YEL SPRAY NOZZLE PUMP SPRAY NOZZLE SWITCH 13/BLK 76/BLU 76 TO: PRESWEEP HARNESS FROM: MAIN HARNESS LIGHT SWITCH CB-11 SW-16 65/GRN 65/GRN 3 1 65/GRN 7 5 15A-FRONT 4 2 LEFT HEADLIGHT (LED) LT-2 76/BLU CB-12 67/PUR FROM: MAIN HARNESS LIGHT SWITCH LT-1 RIGHT HEADLIGHT (LED) 13/BLK 2.5A-FRONT 8 6 CB-13 68/GRY 68/GRY OHG FLASH/STROBE LIGHT 13/BLK 2.5A-FRONT OPT. OHG WARNING LIGHT HARNESS LIGHT SWITCH = 2-1, 6-5 = 2-3, 6-7 = 3-4, 7-8 3 3 76/BLU 4 4 92/BRN LT-4 13/BLK 6 6 13/BLK LOW = FWD. OR REV. (SPECIAL ONLY) ALL LIGHTS OFF/DN WARN. LIGHT ON/CENTER HEAD & WARN ON/UP 13/BLK M18 HEADLIGHT HARNESS LT-3 93/ORA OPT. LIGHTS 6/BLU OPT. SPRAY WAND 6 94 15 CB-14 2.5A-FRONT LT-3 1 17/PUR CB-21 2.5A LOCATED INSIDE LIGHT ASSEMBLY ALARM-2 90/TAN P2-1 85/GRN-WHT 87 P1-1 M2B 30 13/BLK REVERSE ALARM 85/GRN-WHT 90/TAN LT-5 NOT USED (FOR SPECIALS) 5 5 2 2 15/GRN 1 94/YEL 17/PUR 17 +36VDC FROM CONTROLLER OPT. BACK UP ALARM/LIGHT 13/BLK FLASH/STROBE LIGHT LOW = REV. 92/BRN RED TAILLIGHT (LED) WHT, BACK UP LIGHT (LED) 90/TAN OPT. LIGHT KIT OPT. LIGHT / ALARM HARNESS 2-6 86 M2A 85 15/GRN OPT. REVERSE RELAY M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) GENERAL INFORMATION ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC SYMBOLS IGN ST + Battery Circuit Breaker DPDT Switch Key Switch Fuse Pressure Switch Connected Diode Motor Not Connected Single Continuation Tab Connector Double Continuation Tab Energized 3 Phase AC Induction Motor Relay Coil Adaptor Harness Motor Encoder N.C. Relay Contacts Sensor (Variable Resistor) N.O. Relay Contacts Momentary Switch N.O. Horn or Alarm Contact Switch N.C. Light Solenoid Valve Notes Assembly AC Plug + - Capacitor M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 2-7 GENERAL INFORMATION OPERATIONAL MATRIx Output Pin(s) Enable Input Disable Input Vacuum fan, Scrubbing water pu module: fan #1 J7-1, J7-2 fan #2 J7-3, J7-4 1-Step on interface module 1-Step off interface module Squeegee Selected interface module Squeegee off interface module recovery tank full water pu module, J610 Low Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module rear Squeegee down main Scrub brushes 2-8 water pu module: J6-17, J6-18 Scrub module: Left motor J10-1, J10-2, J10-3, J9-1, J9-2, J9-3, J9-4, J9-5 right motor J11-4, J11-5, J11-6, J9-6, J9-7, J9-8, J9-9, J9-10 1-Step on interface module 1-Step off interface module Squeegee Selected interface module Squeegee off interface module reverse propel Curtis pmC, J1-33 High recovery tank full water pu module, J610 Low Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module interface module 1-Step on interface module 1-Step off Main Scrub Selected interface module Main Scrub Deselected interface module fwd/rev throttle Command Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc recovery tank full water pu module, J610 Low Solution tank empty Scrub module, J4-1 ≈ < 0.73 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) GENERAL INFORMATION OPERATIONAL MATRIx (cont'd) Output Pin(s) Enable Input Disable Input Scrub head down Scrub module: J4-9, J4-10 1-Step on interface module 1-Step off interface module Scrub Selected Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC Scrub Deselected interface module water pu module, J610 Low Side brush extend/ down (option) Side Sweep brushes Side Scrub module: J4-7, J4-8 Scrub module: Left motor J3-2 CB-17, J4-17 right motor J3-2 CB-17, J4-16 recovery tank full Solution tank empty Scrub module, J4-1 ≈ < 0.73 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module 1-Step off interface module 1-Step on interface module Side brush Selected Side Scrub Side brush Deselected Side Scrub module, J4-6 module, J4-6 Ground Not Grounded recovery tank full water pu module, J610 Low Solution tank empty Scrub module, J4-1 ≈ < 0.73 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module interface module 1-Step on interface module 1-Step off Side Sweep Selected interface module Side Sweep Deselected interface module fwd/rev throttle Command Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Can-bus to interface module Circuit fault M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 2-9 GENERAL INFORMATION OPERATIONAL MATRIx (cont'd) Output Pin(s) Enable Input Disable Input Side Scrub brush motor (option) Side Scrub module: motor J6-1, J6-2, J6-3, J4-11, J4-12, J4-14, J4-15, J4-16 1-Step on interface module 1-Step off interface module Side brush Selected Side Scrub Side brush Deselected Side Scrub module, J4-6 module, J4-6 Ground Not Grounded fwd/rev throttle Command Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC Solution Control (Conventional) Scrub module: main Valve J4-17, CB-6 Side Scrub module (option): Side pump J4-10, CB-7 Side Valve J4-9, CB-7 2-10 1-Step on Main Scrub Selected fwd/rev throttle Command Side Scrub Selected (option) interface module interface module Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc recovery tank full water pu module, J610 Low Solution tank empty Scrub module, J4-1 ≈ < 0.73 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module 1-Step off interface module Main Scrub Deselected interface module neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc Side Scrub Side Scrub Deselected Side Scrub module, J4-6 (option) module, ≈ Grounded J6-10 ≈ Not Grounded recovery tank full water pu module, J610 Low Solution tank empty Scrub module, J4-1 ≈ < 0.73 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) GENERAL INFORMATION OPERATIONAL MATRIx (cont'd) Output Pin(s) Enable Input Disable Input Side Sweep Brushes Down Side Sweep module: LH Side Actuator J4-11, J4-12 1-Step on interface module, Can-bus 1-Step off interface module, Can-bus Side Sweep Selected interface module, Can-bus Side Sweep Deselected interface module, Can-bus 1-Step on interface module, Can-bus 1-Step off interface module, Can-bus ec-h2o Enabled interface module, Can-bus ec-h2o Disabled interface module, Can-bus Main Scrub Selected interface module, Can-bus Main Scrub Deselected interface module, Can-bus fwd/rev throttle Command Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc recovery tank full water pu module, J610 Low Solution tank empty Scrub module, J4-1 ≈ < 0.73 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc ec-h2o System fault (see ec-h2o system troubleshooting) ec-h2o module to Can-bus Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module flush mode ec-h2o module, J5-5 and J5-6 = Closed System over pressure (≈ > 20 psi) ec-h2o module, J4-9 = Not Grounded Severe environment mode Scrub module, J4-8 Low or J4-7 Low RH Side Actuator J4-1, J4-2 Solution Control ec-h2o (option) ec-h2o module: Side br . Valve J4-5, CB-8 pump J4-4, CB-9 Sparger J5-1, J5-2 e-Cell J5-3, J5-4 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 2-11 GENERAL INFORMATION OPERATIONAL MATRIx (cont'd) Output Pin(s) Enable Input Disable Input eS (extended Scrub) pump (option) water pu module: water pump J6-13, J6-14 1-Step on interface module, Can-bus 1-Step off interface module, Can-bus Main Scrub Selected interface module, Can-bus Main Scrub Deselected interface module, Can-bus eS Enabled interface module, Can-bus eS Disabled recovery tank 1/2 full water pu recovery tank full module, J6-9 = Ground water pu module, J610 = Ground Solution tank not full Scrub module, J4-1 ≈ < 1.34 Vdc Solution tank full Scrub module, J4-1 ≈ > 1.34 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module interface module, Can-bus NOTE: 45 seconds/10 seconds Off until recovery tank is less than 1/2 full and solution tank is not full. eS detergent pump: (option) NOTE: Does not operate on 1 solution level LED. 2-12 Scrub module: detergent pump J4-14, CB-6 interface module, Can-bus 1-Step on interface module, Can-bus 1-Step off Main Scrub Selected interface module, Can-bus Main Scrub Deselected interface module, Can-bus eS Enabled interface module, Can-bus eS Disabled interface module, Can-bus fwd/rev throttle Command Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc recovery tank full water pu module, J610 = Ground Solution tank empty Scrub module, J4-1 ≈ < 0.73 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) GENERAL INFORMATION OPERATIONAL MATRIx (cont'd) Output Pin(s) Severe environment pump: (option) Scrub module: detergent pump NOTE: Short and Long J4-1, CB-6 cycle duration times can be adjusted in configuration mode. Main Sweep brushes Main Sweeper module: Front J7-1, J7-2 Rear Enable Input Disable Input 1-Step on interface module, Can-bus 1-Step off interface module, Can-bus Severe environment Enabled Scrub module, J4-8 Low or J4-7 Low Severe environment Disabled Scrub module, J4-8 Not Low and J4-7 Not Low fwd/rev throttle Command Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc Configured for 1%, 2%, or 3% mix ratio interface module, Can-bus Configured for 0% mix interface ratio module, Can-bus water pu module, J610 = Ground Solution tank empty Scrub module, J4-1 ≈ < 0.73 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module Sweeper module: J4-4 and J4-6 = Not Grounded 1-STEP On interface module, Can-bus 1-STEP Off Main Sweep Selected interface module, Can-bus Main Sweep Deselected Can-bus to interface module fwd/rev throttle Command Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module J7-1, J7-3 Main Sweep Actuator recovery tank full Main Sweep/ 1-STEP On Lift module: actuator J4-16, J4-17 Main Sweep Selected M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) interface module, Can-bus 1-STEP Off interface module, Can-bus Main Sweep Deselected Can-bus to interface module Sweeper module: J6-1 = Not Grounded 2-13 GENERAL INFORMATION OPERATIONAL MATRIx (cont'd) Output Pin(s) Enable Input Disable Input Dust Vacuum fan Sweep/Vac module: Vacuum J4-3, J4-8, CB-20 1-STEP On Sweep/Vac module: J4-7, J4-15 = Grounded 1-STEP Off Sweep module: J4-7, J4-15 = Not Grounded Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc Low battery Voltage Curtis pmC module, J1-1 ≈ < 32 Vdc Circuit fault Can-bus to interface module propel back-up alarm/ Lights (option) Filter Shaker Curtis PMC Curtis PMC Dust Vacuum Selected fwd/rev throttle Command Parking Brake Off Dust Vacuum Deselected Parking Brake On fwd/rev throttle Command Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc fwd/rev Switch input Curtis pmC, J1-22 or J133 ≈ battery Voltage brake Switch input Curtis pmC, J1-11 ≈ Battery Voltage rollout battery Switch Curtis pmC, input J1-11 ≈ Battery Voltage Curtis® propel Control fault See Curtis pmC diagnostics . reverse Switch input Curtis pmC, J1-33 ≈ battery Voltage forward Switch input Curtis pmC, J1-22 ≈ battery Voltage reverse throttle Command Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0.2-5 vDC neutral - ready State Curtis pmC, J1-6 ≈ 0 Vdc Curtis® propel Control fault See Curtis pmC diagnostics . J1-4, CB-21 Main Sweep/ Filter Shaker Button On Lift Module J4-15, J4-11, Main Sweep Deselected CB-17 Dust Vacuum Deselected Filter Shaker Button Off 1-Step On Sweep Function Enabled 1-Step Off 2-14 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) GENERAL INFORMATION FASTENER TORQUE SAE (STANDARD) Sae Grade 1 4 (.112) (5) 5) - Sae Grade 2 Carriage bolts thread Cutting thread rolling Sae Grade 5 Socket & Stainless Steel Sae Grade 8 .5) headless Socket Set Screws Square head Set Screws (4) 4) - 5 (.125) (6) 6) - 6 (.138) (7) 7) - (20) 20) - (9) 9) - ( 8 (.164) (12) 12) - (40) 40) - (17) 17) - 10 (.190) (20) 20) - (50) 50) - (31) 31) - Inch Pounds thread Size (9) 9) - ( 4-5 5-6 7 - 10 7 - 10 10 - 13 6-8 17 - 19 5/16 (.312) 7-9 9 - 12 15 - 20 15 - 20 20 - 26 13 - 15 32 - 38 3/8 (.375) 13 - 17 16 - 21 27 - 35 36 - 47 22 - 26 65 - 75 7/16 (.438) 20 - 26 26 - 34 43 - 56 53 - 76 33 - 39 106 - 124 1/2 (.500) 27 - 35 39 - 51 65 - 85 89 - 116 48 - 56 162 - 188 Foot Pounds 1/4 (.250) 5/8 (.625) 80 - 104 130 - 170 171 - 265 228 - 383 3/4 (.750) 129 - 168 215 - 280 313 - 407 592 - 688 1 (1.000) 258 - 335 500 - 650 757 - 984 1281 - 1489 METRIC thread Size 4 .8/5 .6 8 .8 Stainless Steel 10 .9 12 .9 Set Screws m3 43 - 56 ncm 99 - 128 ncm 139 - 180 ncm 166 - 215 ncm 61 - 79 ncm m4 99 - 128 ncm 223 - 290 ncm 316 - 410 ncm 381 - 495 ncm 219 - 285 ncm m5 193 - 250 ncm 443 - 575 ncm 624 - 810 ncm 747 - 970 ncm 427 - 554 ncm m6 3 .3 - 4 .3 nm 7 .6 - 9 .9 nm 10 .8 - 14 nm 12 .7 - 16 .5 nm 7 .5 - 9 .8 nm m8 8 .1 - 10 .5 nm 18 .5 - 24 nm 26 .2 - 34 nm 31 - 40 nm 18 .3 - 23 .7 nm m10 16 - 21 nm 37 - 48 nm 52 - 67 nm 63 - 81 nm m12 28 - 36 nm 64 - 83 nm 90 - 117 nm 108 - 140 nm m14 45 - 58 nm 102 - 132 nm 142 - 185 nm 169 - 220 nm m16 68 - 88 nm 154 - 200 nm 219 - 285 nm 262 - 340 nm m20 132 - 171 nm 300 - 390 nm 424 - 550 nm 508 - 660 nm m22 177 - 230 nm 409 - 530 nm 574 - 745 nm 686 - 890 nm m24 227 - 295 nm 520 - 675 nm 732 - 950 nm 879 - 1140 nm M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 2-15 GENERAL INFORMATION MACHINE DIMENSIONS 1370 mm (54 in) 1245 mm (49 in) 1405 mm (55.3 in) 1700 mm (67 in) 2096 mm (82.5 in) 1480 mm (58.25 in) Wheel base 1163 mm (46 in) Track (at rear wheels) 1041 mm (41 in) 2850 mm (112.1 in) 2-16 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL MACHINE DIMENSIONS/CAPACITIES Item Dimension / Capacity Length 2850 mm (112.1 in) Width (Body) 1370 mm (54 in) Width (Body with side scrub brush) 1405 mm (55.3 in) Wheel base 1163 mm (46 in) Height (top of steering wheel) 1480 mm (58.25 in) Height (with overhead guard) 2096 mm (82.5 in) Track 1041 mm (41 in) Disk brush diameter 510 mm (20 in) Cylindrical brush diameter (scrubbing) 230 mm (9 in) Cylindrical brush length (scrubbing) 1015 mm (40 in) Cylindrical brush diameter (sweeping) 203 mm (8 in) Cylindrical brush length (sweeping) 915 mm (36 in) Disk brush diameter for scrubbing side brush (option) 330 mm (13 in) Disk brush diameter for sweeping side brush 480 mm (19 in) Scrubbing path width 1015 mm (40 in) Scrubbing path width (with scrubbing side brush) 1220 mm (48 in) Squeegee width (rear squeegee) 1245 mm (49 in) Sweeping path width - main sweep 915 mm (36 in) Sweeping path width (with dual sweeping side brushes) 1700 mm (67 in) Solution tank capacity 285 L (75 gallons) Recovery tank capacity 346 L (91 gallons) Solution capacity (ES) 435 L (115 gallons) Detergent tank capacity (option) 17.6 L (4.6 gallons) Demisting chamber 61 L (16.1 gallons) Hopper capacity (light litter) 85 L (3.0 ft3) Hopper weight capacity 136 Kg (300 lbs) Hopper minimum ceiling dump height 2134 mm (84 in) Hopper maximum dump height 1525 mm (60 in) Dust filter area 5.1 m2 (54.9 ft2) Weight (Empty) 1515 Kg (3335 lbs) Weight (with standard 510 AH batteries) 2165 Kg (4770 lbs) GVWR 3245 Kg (7150 lbs) Protection Grade IPX3 Values determined as per IEC 60335-2-72 Measure Cylindrical scrub head Measure Disk scrub head Sound pressure level LpA 75 dB 75 dB Sound pressure uncertainty KpA 3 dB 3 dB Sound power level LWA + Uncertainty KWA 94.63 dB + 2.98 dB 94.63 dB + 2.98 dB Vibration - Hand-arm <2.5 m/s <0.5 m/s2 <2.5 m/s2 <0.5 m/s2 Vibration - Whole body M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 2 2-17 GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL MACHINE PERFORMANCE Item Measure Aisle turnaround width (less side brush) 3003 mm (118.25 in) Travel Speed (Forward) 9 Km/h (5.5 mph) Travel Speed while scrubbing (Forward) 6.5 Km/h (4 mph) Travel Speed while sweeping (Forward) 6.5 Km/h (4 mph) Travel Speed lifted hopper (Forward) 3.25 Km/h (2 mph) Travel Speed dry vacuum (Forward) 3.25 Km/h (2 mph) Travel Speed (Reverse) 5 Km/h (3 mph) Maximum ramp incline for loading - Empty 20% Maximum ramp incline for scrubbing 11% Maximum ramp incline for sweeping 11% Maximum ramp incline for transporting (GVWR) 13% Maximum ambient temperature for machine operation 43° C (110° F) Minimum temperature for operating machine scrubbing functions 0° C (32° F) POWER TYPE Type Quantity Volts Ah Rating Weight Batteries (Max. battery dimensions): 406 mm (15.98 in) W x 963 mm (37.91 in) L x 775 mm (30.51 in) H 1 36 510 @ 6 hr rate 661 kg (1458 lb) 1 36 750 @ 6 hr rate 963 kg (2124 lb) 1 36 930 @ 6 hr rate 988 kg (2178 lb) Type Use VDC k W (hp) Electric Motors Scrub brush (disk) 36 1.125 (1.50) Scrub brush (cylindrical) 36 1.125 (1.50) Side scrub brush 36 0.90 (1.25) Main sweep brush 36 0.75 (1.00) Side sweep brush 36 0.06 (0.08) Vacuum fan (sweep) 36 0.85 (1.10) Vacuum fan (scrub) 36 0.6 (0.80) Propelling 36 2.25 (3.00) Type VDC amp Hz Phase VAC Charger (Smart) 36 80 50-60 1 200-240 Charger (Smart) 36 120 50-60 1 380-415 Charger (Smart) 36 150 50-60 1 480-600 Charger (Opportunity) 36 240 50-60 1 480 2-18 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS TIRES Location Type Size Front (1) Solid 150 mm wide x 350 mm OD (5.8 in wide x 13.8 in OD) Rear (2) Solid 125 mm wide x 380 mm OD (5 in wide x 15 in OD) SCRUBBING SIDE BRUSH SOLUTION FLOW RATE (OPTION) Item Measure Solution pump 36 Volt DC up to 1.51 LPM (0.40 GPM) ec-H2O SYSTEM (OPTION) Item Measure Solution pump 36 Volt DC, 5A, 6.8 LPM (1.8 GPM) open flow Solution flow rate (machines without optional scrubbing side brush) Up to 3.79 LPM (1.0 GPM) Solution flow rate (machines with optional scrubbing side brush) Up to 2.65 LPM (0.70 GMP) - To main scrub head M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Up to 1.14 LPM (0.30 GPM) - To scrubbing side brush 2-19 GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS (For Reference Only) Component measure Contactor Coil, m1 102 Ω +/- 10% relay Coil, m2 0 .822 kΩ +/- 5% Contactor Coil, m3 160 Ω +/- 10% actuator, Scrub head lift 1 - 3 amps continuous actuator, Side brush/sweep lift 1 - 3 amps continuous, internal limit switches actuator, rear squeegee lift 2 - 4 amps continuous, internal limit switches actuator, Main sweeper lift 2 - 4 amps continuous, internal limit switches actuator, Hopper roll out 2 - 4 amps continuous, internal limit switches Hopper, Lift pump 35 amps motor, Vacuum fan(s) 14 - 20 amps continuous (15 - 16 amps average) motor, propelling (5 .4 mph transport speed) 38 - 64 amps continuous motors, main cylindrical brush down pressure #1 12 - 18 amps/motor (default 13 amps) down pressure #2 18 - 28 amps/motor (default 26 amps) down pressure #3 28 - 35 amps/motor (default 35 amps) down pressure #1 12 - 18 amps/motor (default 14 amps) down pressure #2 18 - 28 amps/motor (default 25 amps) down pressure #3 28 - 35 amps/motor (default 35 amps) motor, Side Sweep brush 5 - 8 amps motor, Side Scrub brush 12-40 amps pump, ec-H2O 4 - 6 amps pump, Spray nozzle 2 - 3 amps pump, Side brush 0 .5 - 2 amps pump, detergent metering/ Severe environment 0 .5 - 1 .5 amps Valve, ec-h2o Side brush 129 Ω +/- 5% Valve, Conventional Side brush 108 Ω +/- 10% Valve, Conventional main brush 108 Ω +/- 10% Valve, autofill 218 Ω +/- 10% 2-20 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE SECTION Contents 3 Page MAINTENANCE MaInTenance charT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 yellow Touch poInTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 lubrIcaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 HOPPER CHAINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 HYDRAULICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 baTTerY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 cIrcuIT breakerS, fuSeS, and relayS . . 3-17 elecTrIc MoTorS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 HOPPER DUST FILTER/PERMA-FILTER . . . . . 3-19 MAIN SCRUB BRUSHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 MAIN SWEEP BRUSHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-25 SIDE BRUSHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26 SQUEEGEE BLADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 SKIRTS AND SEALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39 BELTS, BRAKES AND TIRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41 puShIng, TowIng, and TranSporTIng . 3-42 MachIne jackIng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44 ec-h2o Module fluSh procedure . . . . . 3-45 STorage InforMaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 freeze proTecTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 preparIng The MachIne for operaTIon afTer STorage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49 prIMING THE ec-H2O SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51 SUPERVISOR CONTROLS PRO-PANEL SUPERVISOR CONTROLS . . . . . . 3-53 ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE . . . . . . . . 3-54 SUPERVISOR SETTING SCREEN / SCREEN ICONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55 ADDING / EDITING PROFILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 ENABLING THE LOGIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58 DISABLING THE LOGIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59 CHANGING BATTERY TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-60 EXPORTING CHECKLISTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-61 CHECKLIST SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62 DISABLING / ENABLING THE PREOPERATION CHECKLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-63 CHANGING THE REAR VIEW CAMERA SETTINGS & PROGRAMMING THE ZONE CONTROL BUTTONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-64 SETTING / CHANGING THE DATE AND TIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-66 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-1 MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE 4 17 5 24 3 22 20 19 7 18 23 2 21 11 13 12 2 1 21 1 17 10 17 21 3-2 6 14 9 8 15 16 7 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE CHART The table below indicates the Person Responsible for each procedure. O = Operator. T = Trained Personnel. NOTE:Check procedures indicated (■) after the f rst 50 hours of operation. Interval Daily Weekly 50 Hours Person Resp. Key Description Procedure Lubricant/ Fluid No. of Service Points O 22 Hydraulic reservoir Check hydraulic fluid level O 1 Side and rear squeegees Check for damage and wear. Check deflection. HYDO 1 - 4 O 2 Main brushes and pads Check for damage, wear, and debris - 2 O 3 Recovery tank Clean tank, top sensor, and check cover seal - 1 O O 4 Solution tank Check cover seal - 1 3 ES machines only: Recovery tank Clean tank and level sensor - 2 O 4 ES machines only: Solution tank Clean tank and level sensor - 1 O 5 Vacuum fan inlet filter, screen, and debris tray Clean - 1 O 6 Cylindrical brushes only: Debris trough Clean - 1 O 7 Sweeping side brush(es) Check for damage, wear, debris - 1 (2) O 8 Scrubbing side brush Check for damage, wear, debris - 1 O 9 Scrubbing side brush squeegee Check for damage and wear - 1 O 10 Hopper dust filter Shake to clean T 11 Battery cells Check electrolyte level - 1 DW Multiple T 1 Side and rear squeegees Check leveling - 4 O 1 Main brushes (cylindrical) Rotate brushes from front to rear - 2 O 12 Scrub head skirts (disk) Check for damage and wear - 2 O 23 Sweeping skirts Check for damage and wear - 4 O 7 Sweeping side brush(es) Check brush pattern 2 LUBRICANT/FLUID DW SPL GL HYDO Distilled water. Special lubricant, Lubriplate EMB grease (Tennant part number 01433-1) SAE 90 weight gear lubricant Tennant True premium hydraulic fluid or equivalent NOTE: More frequent maintenance intervals may be required in extremely dusty conditions. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-3 MAINTENANCE The table below indicates the Person Responsible for each procedure. O = Operator. T = Trained Personnel. NOTE:Check procedures indicated (■) after the f rst 50 hours of operation. Interval 100 Hours 200 Hours 500 Hours Person Resp Key T 11 Description Procedure Lubricant/ Fluid No. of Service Points Battery watering system (option) Check hoses and connections for damage and wear - Multiple - 2 T 10 Hopper seals Check for damage and wear T 10 Hopper Clean hopper, dust filter and Perma-Filter T 13 Brakes Check adjustments - 1 T 11 Battery terminals and cables Check and clean - Multiple T 14 Cylindrical brush drive belts Check for damage and wear - 2 T 18 Sweeping brush drive belts Check for damage and wear - 2 T 15 Drive wheel pivot Lubricate SPL 1 T 15 Steering chain Lubricate and check for damage and wear. GL 1 16 Steering gear chain Lubricate and check for damage and wear GL 1 T 24 Hopper chains Lubricate and check for damage and wear. GL 2 T 17 Hopper lift arm pivots Lubricate SPL 3 T 19 Scrub vacuum fan motor(s) Check motor brushes - 1 (2) O 21 Tires Check for damage and wear - 3 1 T 24 Hopper chains ■ Check tension. - 2 800 Hours T 22 Hydraulic hoses Check for wear and damage - Multiple 1000 Hours T 7 Sweeping side brush motors Check motor brushes (Check every 100 hours after initial 1000 hour check) - 2 T 8 Sweeping main brush motors Check motor brushes (Check every 100 hours after initial 1000 hour check) - 1 T 22 Hydraulic reservoir Change hydraulic fluid HYDO 1 2400 Hours LUBRICANT/FLUID DW SPL GL HYDO Distilled water. Special lubricant, Lubriplate EMB grease (Tennant part number 01433-1) SAE 90 weight gear lubricant Tennant True premium hydraulic fluid or equivalent NOTE: More frequent maintenance intervals may be required in extremely dusty conditions. 3-4 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE YELLOW TOUCH POINTS This machine features easy to find yellow touch points for simple service items. No tools are required to perform these maintenance operations. LUBRICATION FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. STEERING GEAR CHAIN The steering gear chain is located directly above the front tire. Check for damage or wear and lubricate the steering gear chain after every 200 hours. DRIVE WHEEL PIVOT The drive wheel pivot is located directly above the drive wheel. Lubricate the drive wheel pivot after every 200 hours. STEERING CHAIN The steering chain is located on the steering column directly under the control panel. Check for damage or wear and lubricate the steering chain after every 200 hours. HOPPER CHAINS The hopper chains are located on the left hand side of the machine. Check for damage or wear and lubricate the hopper chains after every 200 hours.. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-5 MAINTENANCE HOPPER LIFT ARM PIVOTS Lubricate the hopper lift arm pivots after every 200 hours of operation. HOPPER CHAINS The hopper chains are located on the left hand side of the machine. Check the tension of the hopper chains after the first 50 hours of operation then every 500 hours after that. With the hopper in the lowered position; the longer arm chain (A) should not move more than 25 mm (1 in) and the shorter lintel chain (B) should not move more than 12 mm (0.5 in). A B 3-6 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE HYDRAULICS Check the hydraulic fluid level at operating temperature daily. The hydraulic fluid level should be between the MIN and MAX markings on the hydraulic reservoir. The hopper must be down when checking hydraulic fluid level. ATTENTION! Do not overfill the hydraulic fluid reservoir or operate the machine with a low level of hydraulic fluid in the reservoir. Damage to the machine hydraulic system may result. Drain and refill the hydraulic fluid reservoir with new TennantTrue premium hydraulic fluid after every 2400 hours of operation. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-7 MAINTENANCE HYDRAULIC HOSES HYDRAULIC FLUID TennantTrue premium hydraulic fluid (Extended Life) Part Number Capacity ISO Grade Viscosity Index (VI) 1057707 3.8 L (1 gal) 1057708 19 L (5 gal) ISO 32 VI 163 or higher If using a locally-available hydraulic fluid, be sure the specifications match Tennant hydraulic fluid specifications. Substitute fluids can cause premature failure of hydraulic components. Check the hydraulic hoses after every 800 hours of operation for wear or damage. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, use cardboard to locate leaking hydraulic fluid under pressure. High pressure fluid escaping from a very small hole can almost be invisible, and can cause serious injuries. ATTENTION! Hydraulic components depend on system hydraulic fluid for internal lubrication. Malfunctions, accelerated wear, and damage will result if dirt or other contaminants enter the hydraulic system. 00002 Consult a physician immediately if injury results from escaping hydraulic fluid. Serious infection or reaction can occur if proper medical treatment is not given immediately. Contact a mechanic or supervisor if a leak is discovered. 3-8 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE BATTERY CHECKING THE ELECTROLYTE LEVEL The flooded (wet) lead-acid battery requires routine maintenance as described below. Check the battery electrolyte level weekly. NOTE: Do Not check the electrolyte level if the machine is equipped with the battery watering system. Proceed to the BATTERY WATERING SYSTEM (OPTION). FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake (if equipped), and remove key. The lifetime of the battery depends on proper maintenance. To get the most life from the battery: – Do not leave the battery partially discharged for long period of time. – Only charge the battery in a well ventilated area to prevent gas build up. Charge batteries in areas with ambient temperatures 27°C (80°F) or less. – Maintain the proper electrolyte levels of the flooded (wet) battery by checking levels weekly. The following steps do not apply if Opportunity charging (See OPPORTUNITY CHARGING section. – Do not charge the battery more than once a day and only after running the machine for a minimum of 15 minutes. – Allow the charger to completely charge the battery before reusing the machine. 08247 FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, keep all metal objects off batteries. Avoid contact with battery acid. The level should be slightly above the battery plates as shown before charging. Add distilled water if low. DO NOT OVERFILL. The electrolyte will expand and may overflow when charging. After charging, distilled water can be added up to about 3 mm (0.12 in) below the sight tubes. Before Charging After Charging NOTE: Make sure the battery caps are in place while charging. There may be a sulfur smell after charging batteries. This is normal. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-9 MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE-FREE BATTERIES Maintenance-free batteries do not require watering. Cleaning and other routine maintenance is still required. CHECKING CONNECTIONS / CLEANING After every 200 hours of use check for loose battery connections and clean the surface of the batteries, including terminals and cable clamps, with a strong solution of baking soda and water. Replace any worn or damaged wires. Do not remove battery caps when cleaning batteries. 3-10 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE CHARGING THE BATTERY IMPORTANT: Before charging, make sure that the machine and charger settings are properly set for the battery type. 6. Connect the charger connector to the battery cable. NOTE: Use a charger with the proper rating for the batteries to prevent damage to the batteries or reduce the battery life. NOTE: Do not opportunity charge standard batteries since doing so can shorten battery life. 1. Drive the machine to a flat, dry surface in a well-ventilated area. 2. Stop the machine and turn off the machine power. 7. Turn on the battery charger if required. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 3. Lift the battery compartment top cover open and engage the support. NOTE: Make sure the batteries have the proper electrolyte level before charging. See CHECKING THE ELECTROLYTE LEVEL. 4. Plug the charger AC power supply cord into a properly grounded outlet. 5. Disconnect the battery cable from the machine connector. WARNING: Batteries emit hydrogen gas. Explosion or fire can result. Keep sparks and open flame away. Keep covers open when charging. NOTE: If there are charger fault codes when the battery is plugged into the battery charger, the fault codes will appear at the bottom of the charger display. Refer to the battery charger manual for fault code def nitions M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-11 MAINTENANCE 9. If necessary, press the navigation buttons to access additional screens. Press the charger stop / start / enter button to enter selection. The charger will return to the default screen. Refer to manufacturers operator manual for additional information. 8. Observe the charger display. CHARGE appears on the display when the battery is charging. This is the charger default screen. Charger Display: A B C D E G NOTE: If the charger cable must be disconnected from the battery before they are fully charged, press the charger stop / start / enter button to stop charging. Be sure STOP appears on the display and the red stop charge light is illuminated before disconnecting the battery charger cable. F A. Charge profile number B. Charger rating (Volts and Current) C. Battery voltage (Volts) D. Charger current (Amperes) E. Ampere hours charged F. Time charged (hours / minutes / seconds) G. Charging phase (Phase 1 / Phase 2 / Phase 3 / Maintenance) 3-12 10. The charger status indicators will illuminate from left to the right as the battery is charging. COMPLETE will appear in the display, all the charger status indicators will be illuminated, and the Tennant charger will stop charging when the battery is completely charged. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE 11. After the batteries have completely charged, disconnect the charger connector from the battery cable connector. BATTERY CHARGER USB PORT The battery charger USB port is for maintenance computer access to the charger by authorized service personnel only. Do Not plug cell phones or other unauthorized electronic devices into the battery charger USB port. Do Not plug anything into the USB port while the battery is charging. 12. Reconnect the battery connector to the machine connector. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine do not disconnect the off-board charger’s DC cord from the machine receptacle when the charger is operating. Arcing may result. If the charger must be interrupted during charging, disconnect the AC power supply cord first. 13. Close the battery compartment top cover. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-13 MAINTENANCE OPPORTUNITY CHARGING (OPTION) Opportunity charging is used to extend machine run time and productivity by allowing batteries to be charged during breaks, lunch, between shifts, or whenever there is an “opportunity” to charge. 5. Connect the charger connector to the battery cable. IMPORTANT: Before charging, make sure that the machine and charger settings are properly set for the battery type. NOTE: The machine must be equipped with a battery capable of being opportunity charged. Do not opportunity charge standard batteries since doing so can shorten battery life. 1. Drive the machine to a flat, dry surface in a well-ventilated area. 2. Stop the machine and turn off the machine power. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 6. The battery will be opportunity charged during the break. 7. When ready to start using the machine again press the charger stop / start button to stop the charger. 3. Lift the battery compartment top cover open and engage the support. NOTE: Make sure the batteries have the proper electrolyte level before charging. See CHECKING THE ELECTROLYTE LEVEL. 4. Disconnect the battery cable from the machine connector. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine do not disconnect the off-board charger’s DC cord from the machine receptacle when the charger is operating. Arcing may result. If the charger must be interrupted during charging, press charger stop / start button to stop charger. 8. Disconnect the charger connector from the battery cable connector. 3-14 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE 9. Reconnect the battery connector to the machine connector. The yellow charging indicator will go out and the green charge complete indicator will be illuminated when the battery equalization charge is complete. 10. Close the battery compartment top cover. WEEKLY EQUALIZATION CHARGE The opportunity charger is programmed to automatically provide a full equalization charge at a designated weekly interval. IMPORTANT: The weekly equalization charge must be completed in its entirety. If it is interrupted during charging, it must be allowed to complete the equalization charge the next time it is started or it could damage the battery or severely shorten the battery life. NOTE: Sunday is the default day for the charger to conduct a full equalization charge to the battery. The default day can be changed to another day if necessary. Consult a Tennant service representative about changing the default day. Allow the charger to fully complete the equalization charge. The yellow charging indicator will be illuminated and the charging status will be displayed in the graphic display. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-15 MAINTENANCE BATTERY WATERING SYSTEM (OPTION) The optional battery watering system provides a safe and easy way to maintain the proper electrolyte levels in the batteries. 4. Connect the battery watering system hose to the battery fill hose. Check the battery watering system hoses and connections for damage or wear after every 100 hours. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 1. Lift the battery compartment cover open and engage the support. 5. Turn on the water supply. The indicator inside the flow indicator will spin. The indicator stops spinning when the batteries are full. 2. Fully charge batteries prior to using the battery watering system. Do not add water to batteries before charging, the electrolyte level will expand and may overflow when charging. See CHARGING THE BATTERIES. 3. Connect the battery watering system hose to the water supply source. NOTE: Water quality is important to maintain the life of the battery. Always use water that meets battery manufacturer requirements. 6. Disconnect the battery watering system hose from the water supply hose. 7. Turn off the water supply. 8. After adding water, return the battery watering system hose to the storage location for future use. NOTE: The water supply to the battery water system must always be 7.57 LPM (2 GPM) or more. Use the purger to conf rm the water supply pressure. Refer to manufacturer Operator Manual for additional information. 3-16 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES, AND RELAYS CIRCUIT BREAKERS Circuit breaker 21 is located inside the optional light assembly mounted on top of the recovery tank. Circuit breakers are resettable electrical circuit protection devices designed to stop the flow of current in the event of a circuit overload. Once a circuit breaker is tripped, reset it manually by pressing the reset button after the breaker has cooled down. Circuit breakers 1 through 9 are located under the operator seat behind the battery compartment side cover. If the overload that caused the circuit breaker to trip is still present, the circuit breaker will continue to stop current flow until the problem is corrected. The chart below shows the circuit breakers and the electrical components they protect. Circuit breakers 10 through 15 are located behind the steering shroud access panel. Circuit breakers 16 through 20 are located in the hopper compartment. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Circuit Breaker Rating Circuit Protected CB1 60A CB2 - CB3 35A Side brush scrub module (Option) CB4 2.5A Key switch CB5 2.5A Water pick up module CB6 2.5A Scrub module CB7 2.5A Side brush scrub module (Option) CB8 2.5A ec-H2O power module (Option) CB9 2.5A ec-H2O pump module (Option) CB10 15A Spray nozzle (Option) Water pickup module Not used CB11 15A Lights (Option) CB12 2.5A Lights (Option) CB13 2.5A Strobe light / Flashing light on overhead guard (Option) CB14 2.5A Strobe light / Flashing light on overhead recovery tank (Option) CB15 30A Power steering (Option) CB16 60A Lift module CB17 15A Sweep module CB18 40A Sweep vacuum 1 CB19 40A Sweep vacuum 2 CB20 40A Dry vacuum (Option) CB21 2.5A Alarm / Flashing light (Option) 3-17 MAINTENANCE FUSES ELECTRIC MOTORS Fuses are one-time protection devices designed to stop the flow of current in the event of a circuit overload. Never substitute higher value fuses than specified. Inspect the carbon brushes on the scrubbing vacuum fan motors after every 500 hours of operation. Inspect the carbon brushes on the sweeping and scrubbing side brush motors after the first 1000 hours of operation and every 100 hours after the initial check. Refer to the table below for carbon brush inspection intervals. Carbon Brush Inspection Hours Side brush motors - Sweeping (Option) 1000* Side brush motor - Scrubbing (Option) 1000* Scrubbing vacuum fan motor 500 *Inspect carbon brushes every 100 hours after the initial 1000 hour change. The fuses are located in the control box behind the circuit breaker panel or inline on harnesses and cables. Fuse Rating Fuse-1 150A Propelling Fuse-2 100A Scrub module power Fuse-3 2A Fuse-4 150A Circuit Protected Telemetry (inline, Option) Sweep (inline) RELAYS Relays are electrical switches that open and close under the control of another electrical circuit. Relays are able to control an output circuit of higher power than the input circuit. The relays are located in the control box behind the circuit breaker panel. Refer to the table below for the relays and circuits controlled. Relay Rating M1 36 VDC, 200 A M2 36 VDC, 5 A M3 36 VDC, 100 A Auxiliary line contactor M4 36 VDC, 200A Sweep contactor 3-18 Circuit Controlled Main contactor Backup alarm / light (Option) M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE HOPPER DUST FILTER / PERMA-FILTER 3. Remove the dust filter from the hopper. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine, and remove key. REMOVING / REPLACING THE HOPPER DUST FILTER Shake the dust filter at the end of every shift and before removing the filter from the machine. Inspect and clean the filter after every 100 hours of operation. Replace damaged dust filters. NOTE: Clean the f lter more often if used in extremely dusty conditions. 4. Clean or discard the dust filter element. Refer to CLEANING THE DUST FILTER. 1. Remove the hopper cover from the hopper. 5. Clean dust and debris from the dust filter tray. See CLEANING THE HOPPER DUST FILTER. 2. Remove the dust filter cover. 6. Reinstall the dust filter. 7. Reinstall the dust filter cover. 8. Reinstall the hopper cover. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-19 MAINTENANCE CLEANING THE HOPPER DUST FILTER INSPECTING / CLEANING THE PERMA-FILTER Use one of the following methods to clean the dust filter: Inspect and clean the Perma-Filter after every 100 hours of operation. SHAKING-Press the f ltershakerswitch . TAPPING-Tap the filter gently on a flat surface. Do not damage the edges of the filter. The filter will not seal properly if the edges of the filter are damaged. AIR-Always wear eye protection when using compressed air. Blow air through the center of the filter and out toward the exterior. Never use more than 550 kPa (80 psi) of air pressure with a nozzle no smaller than 3 mm (0.13 in) and never hold the nozzle closer than 50 mm (2 in) to the filter. THERMO-SENTRY The Thermo-Sentry, located inside the hopper, senses the temperature of the air pulled up from the hopper. If there is a fire in the hopper, the Thermo-Sentry stops the vacuum fan and cuts off the air flow. The Thermo-Sentry automatically resets after cooling down. 3-20 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE MAIN SCRUB BRUSHES 3. Open the main brush access door and side squeegee support door. The machine can be equipped with either disk or cylindrical scrub brushes. Check scrub brushes daily for wire or string tangled around the brush or brush drive hub. Also check brushes or pads for damage and wear. DISK BRUSHES AND PADS Replace the pads when they no longer clean effectively. Replace the brushes when they no longer clean effectively or when the bristles are worn to the yellow indicator. 4. Turn the brush until the spring handles are visible. Cleaning pads must be placed on pad drivers before they are ready to use. The cleaning pad is held in place with a center disk. Both sides of the pad can be used for scrubbing. Turn the pad over to use the other side. Cleaning pads need to be cleaned immediately after use with soap and water. Do not wash the pads with a pressure washer. Hang pads, or lay pads flat to dry. 5. Squeeze the spring handles and let the brush drop to the floor. Remove the brush from under the scrub head. NOTE: Always replace brushes and pads in sets. Otherwise one brush or pad will be more aggressive than the other. REPLACING DISK SCRUB BRUSHES OR PAD DRIVERS 1. Raise the scrub head. 2. Turn off the machine. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-21 MAINTENANCE 6. Set the brush spring open on the new brush to make installation easier. REPLACING DISK SCRUB PADS 1. Remove the pad driver from the machine. 2. Squeeze the spring clip together and remove the center disk from the pad driver. 7. Push the new brush under the scrub head, align the brush drive socket with the brush drive hub, and lift the brush up onto the brush drive hub until the brush locks onto the hub. 8. Ensure the brush is securely mounted on the brush drive hub. 3. Remove the scrub pad from the pad driver. 9. Close and secure the squeegee support door and close the main brush access door. 4. Flip or replace the scrub pad. Center the scrub pad on the pad driver and reinstall the center disk to secure the pad in place on the pad driver. 10. Repeat procedure for the other brushes. 5. Reinstall the pad driver onto the machine. 3-22 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE CYLINDRICAL SCRUB BRUSHES 3. Remove the idler plate from the scrub head. Rotate the brushes from front-to-rear after every 50 hours of operation. Replace the brushes when they no longer clean effectively. NOTE: Replace worn brushes in pairs. Scrubbing with brushes of unequal bristle length will result in diminished scrubbing performance. REPLACING CYLINDRICAL SCRUB BRUSHES FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 4. Remove the brush from the scrub head. 1. Open the main brush access door and side squeegee support door. 2. Lift the idler plate retainer handle and unhook the retainer ring from the idler plate hook. 5. Position the brush with the double row end towards the scrub head opening. Guide the new brush onto the drive hub. 6. If rotating the brushes, always rotate the front with the back so that they wear evenly. They may be rotated end for end as well. A B Before M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) B A After 3-23 MAINTENANCE 7. Slide the idler plate up into the scrub head. 8. Secure the idler plate into place with the idler plate retainer. NOTE: Do not switch the left or right idler plates or the brushes will need to be readjusted by trained personnel. 9. Close and secure the squeegee support door and close the main brush access door. 10. Repeat for the brush on the other side of the scrub head. 3-24 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE MAIN SWEEP BRUSHES 3. Remove the knob and the main sweep brushes idler plate. Check the brush daily for wear or damage. Remove any string or wire tangled on the main brush, main brush drive hub, or main brush idler hub. Rotate the brush end-for-end after every 50 hours of operation, for maximum brush life and best sweeping performance. Refer to REPLACING OR ROTATING THE MAIN BRUSH. Replace the brushes when they no longer clean effectively. REPLACING THE MAIN SWEEPING BRUSH 1. Raise the sweeping main brush and turn off the machine. 4. Pull the brushes from the main sweep compartment. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 2. Open the main sweeping brush compartment access door. 5. Replace or rotate the main brushes end-forend. 6. Slide the brushes into the main sweep brush compartment and all the way onto the drive hubs. 7. Reinstall the main sweep brushes idler plate. 8. Close the main sweeping brush compartment access door. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-25 MAINTENANCE SIDE BRUSH(ES) Check the side brush(es) daily for wear or damage. Remove any tangled string or wire from the side brush(es) or side brush drive hubs. 4. Place the side brush underneath the side brush assembly and align the channel in the retainer with the retainer pin in the side brush hub. REPLACING THE SWEEPING SIDE BRUSHES Replace the brushes when they no longer clean effectively. 1. Raise the side brush assembly and turn off the machine. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 2. Reach into the center of the brush and remove the cotter pin and washer holding the brush and the retainer to the hub. 5. Lift the side brush, retainer, and washer up onto the side brush hub and reinstall the cotter pin into the hub. ADJUSTING THE SWEEPING SIDE BRUSHES Check the side brush pattern after every 50 hours of operation. The right side brush bristles should touch the floor between 10 o’clock and 3 o’clock and the left side brush bristles should touch the floor between 9 o’clock and 2 o’clock when the brushes are in motion. 3. Remove the side brush and retainer from under the side brush assembly. 350327 3-26 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE TO ADJUST SWEEPING SIDE BRUSH STANDARD PANEL 1. Turn on the machine. 5. Press the left (-) button to raise the brush or the right (+) button to lower it to obtain the correct brush pattern. The indicator bars increase as the brush gets lower. 2. Press and hold the sweeping side brush button until the side brush height adjustment screen appears in the LCD display. 6. Press the sweeping side brush button to save the setting and return to the side brush adjustment text prompt. NOTE: The Contrast Control and Conf guration Mode buttons are used for selecting and adjusting the side brush height. 3. Press the desired sweeping side brush button to select it. The selected side brush will lower and spin. 7. Repeat previous instructions to adjust the other sweeping side brush. 8. Recheck the brush patterns. Adjust brush height as necessary. NOTE: Contact a Tennant service representative if there is a f at pattern (full circle) after the sweeping side brushes have been adjusted. 4. Observe the brush pattern M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-27 MAINTENANCE TO ADJUST SWEEPING SIDE BRUSH - PROPANEL 1. Turn on the machine. 2. Press and hold the sweeping side brush button until the side brush height adjustment screen appears in the display. 3. Press the yes button. 5. Observe the brush pattern. 6. Press the up button to raise the brush or the down button to lower it to obtain the correct brush pattern. The indicator moves up / down to show the change in brush height. Press the home button to save the setting and navigate back to the main operating screen. Press the back button to navigate back to the previous screen. 7. Press the back button to return to the “select side to adjust” screen. 8. Repeat previous instructions to adjust the other sweeping side brush. 9. Recheck the brush patterns. Adjust brush pressure as necessary. 4. Press the desired sweeping side brush button to adjust it. The selected brush will lower and spin. 3-28 NOTE: Contact a Tennant service representative if there is a f at pattern (full circle) after the sweeping side brushes have been adjusted. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE REPLACING THE SCRUBBING SIDE BRUSH (OPTION) 3. Squeeze the spring handles and let the side brush drop to the floor. Replace the pads when they no longer clean effectively. Replace the brushes when they no longer clean effectively or when the bristles are worn down to the yellow indicators. 4. Remove the side brush from under the side brush assembly. 1. Raise the side brush assembly and turn off the machine. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 2. If necessary, remove the scrubbing side brush squeegee assembly to make access to the scrubbing side brush easier. 5. Set the brush spring open on the new brush to make installation easier. 6. Place the new side brush underneath the side brush assembly and lift the side brush up onto the side brush hub until the brush locks onto the hub. 7. Reinstall the scrubbing side brush squeegee assembly. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-29 MAINTENANCE SQUEEGEE BLADES 3. Loosen both squeegee mounting handles. Check the squeegee blades for damage and wear daily. When the blades become worn, rotate the blades end-for-end or top-to-bottom to a new wiping edge. Replace blades when all edges are worn. Check the deflection of the squeegee blades daily or when scrubbing a different type of surface. Check the leveling of the rear squeegee every 50 hours of operation. REPLACING (OR ROTATING) THE REAR SQUEEGEE BLADES 1. If necessary, lower the rear bumper door / step. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 2. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the rear squeegee assembly 4. Pull the rear squeegee assembly from the machine. 3-30 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE 5. Loosen the rear retainer latch and remove the latch and the retainer from the squeegee assembly. 7. Place the rotated or new squeegee blade onto the rear squeegee assembly. Be sure the squeegee is securely attached on each tab on the rear squeegee assembly. 8. Insert the hinge end of the retainer into the hooks in the rear squeegee assembly. 6. Remove the rear squeegee from the squeegee assembly. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-31 MAINTENANCE 9. Install the retainer along the rest of the squeegee assembly, align the tabs on the squeegee assembly into the slots in the retainer, and tighten the latch onto the other end of the squeegee assembly. 11. Loosen the front retainer latch and remove the latch and the retainer from the squeegee assembly. 12. Remove the front squeegee from the squeegee assembly. 10. Turn the rear squeegee assembly over to access the front of the squeegee assembly. 3-32 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE 13. Install the rotated or new squeegee blade onto the squeegee assembly. Be sure the holes in the squeegee blade are hooked onto the tabs. 14. Install the front squeegee retainer onto the rear squeegee assembly. 15. Reinstall the rear squeegee assembly onto the machine 16. Raise the rear bumper door / step if it was lowered to access the rear squeegee assembly. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-33 MAINTENANCE LEVELING THE REAR SQUEEGEE Leveling the squeegee ensures the entire length of the squeegee blade is in even contact with the surface being scrubber. 1. Lower the squeegee and drive the machine several meters (feet) forward and slowly bring the machine to a stop. 6. Turn the squeegee tilt adjust knob counterclockwise to decrease the deflection at the ends of the squeegee blade. Turn the squeegee tilt adjust knob clockwise to increase the deflection at the ends of the squeegee blade. 2. Check the squeegee deflection over the full length of the squeegee blade. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 3. Lower the rear bumper door / step. 4. If the deflection is not the same over the full length of the blade, use the tilt adjust knob to make adjustments. DO NOT disconnect the vacuum hose from the squeegee frame when leveling squeegee. 5. To adjust the squeegee leveling, loosen the tilt lock knob. 7. Tighten the tilt lock knob. 8. Drive the machine forward with the squeegee down to recheck the squeegee blade deflection if adjustments were made. 9. Readjust the squeegee blade deflection if necessary. 10. Raise the Rear bumper door / step when finished leveling the rear squeegee. 3-34 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE ADJUSTING THE REAR SQUEEGEE BLADE DEFLECTION Deflection is the amount of curl the overall squeegee blade has when the machine moves forward. The best deflection is when the squeegee wipes the floor dry with a minimal amount of deflection. 4. To adjust the overall squeegee blade deflection, loosen the lock knobs on both sides of the machine. NOTE: Make sure the squeegee is level before adjusting the def ection.SeeLEVELINGTHE REAR SQUEEGEE. 1. Lower the squeegee and drive the machine several meters (feet) forward and slowly bring the machine to a stop. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 2. Look at the amount of deflection or “curl” of the squeegee blade. The correct amount of deflection is 12 mm (0.50 in) for scrubbing smooth floors and 15 mm (0.62 in) for rough floors. 5. Turn the adjustment knobs clockwise to increase deflection or counterclockwise to decrease deflection. 6. Retighten the lock knobs. 7. Drive the machine forward again to recheck the squeegee blade deflection. 3. Lower the rear bumper door / step. 8. Readjust the squeegee blade deflection if necessary. 9. Raise the rear bumper door / step when finished adjusting the rear squeegee blade deflection. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-35 MAINTENANCE REPLACING OR ROTATING THE SIDE SQUEEGEE BLADES 5. Remove the squeegee blade from the side squeegee assembly. 1. If necessary, raise the scrub head. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 2. Open the main brush access door and side squeegee support door. 6. Install the rotated or new rear squeegee blade onto the side squeegee assembly. 7. Hook the retaining band onto the retaining band retainer tab on the side squeegee assembly. 3. Unhook the retaining band latch from the side squeegee assembly. 8. Fasten the retaining band latch onto the side squeegee assembly. 4. Remove the retaining band from the side squeegee assembly. 9. Close and secure the squeegee support door and close the main brush access door. 10. Repeat for the side squeegee on the other side of the scrub head. 3-36 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE REPLACING OR ROTATING THE SCRUBBING SIDE BRUSH SQUEEGEE BLADES (OPTION) 3. Remove the retaining band, squeegee blades, and spacer from the squeegee frame. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. Check the side brush squeegee blades for damage and wear daily. Replace or rotate a blade if the leading edge is torn or worn half-way through the thickness of the blade. 1. Loosen the side brush squeegee assembly handle and remove the squeegee assembly from the machine. NOTE: Observe which squeegee slots were installed on the squeegee frame before removing the squeegee. 2. Loosen the retaining band latch. NOTE: The squeegee blade(s) have slots for adjusting the squeegee blade def ection. Install / reinstall squeegees so the def ection is approximately 12 mm (0.50 in) for smooth f oors and 15 mm (0.62 in) for rough f oors. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-37 MAINTENANCE 4. Install the rotated / new squeegee blades, spacer, and retaining band onto the side brush assembly. Be sure the holes in the squeegee blade are hooked onto the tabs. 5. Fasten the side brush retaining band latch. 6. Reinstall the side brush squeegee assembly onto the side brush assembly. 3-38 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE SKIRTS AND SEALS FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. RECOVERY TANK SEAL Check the recovery tank cover seal for damage and wear daily. SWEEPING RECIRCULATION SKIRTS Inspect the recirculation skirts for damage and wear after every 50 hours of operation. SOLUTION TANK SEAL Check the solution tank cover seal for damage and wear daily. SWEEPING SIDE SKIRTS The side skirts are located on both sides of the main sweeping brushes. The side skirts should be just touching the floor. Check the skirts after every 50 hours of operation for damage and wear. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-39 MAINTENANCE SCRUB HEAD SKIRTS (DISK SCRUB HEADS ONLY) Check the scrub head skirts for damage and wear after every 50 hours of operation. HOPPER SEALS Check the seals for damage and wear after every 100 hours of operation. HOPPER DUST FILTER SEAL Check the hopper dust filter cover seal for wear or damage every 100 hours of operation. Clean dust and debris from the seal as necessary. 3-40 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE BELTS BRAKES CYLINDRICAL BRUSH DRIVE BELTS FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. The brush drive belts are located on the cylindrical brush scrub head. Check the belts for damage and wear after every 200 hours of operation. The foot brake and the parking brake operate the linkage that controls the brakes on the rear wheels. The foot pedal should not travel more than 25 mm (1 in) to engage the brake. Check the brake adjustment after every 200 hours of operation. SWEEPING BRUSH DRIVE BELTS FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. The sweeping brush drive belts are located on the left side of the main sweep head. Check the belts for damage and wear after every 200 hours of operation. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TIRES FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. The machine has three solid rubber tires: one in front, and two in the rear of the machine. Check tires for damage and wear after every 500 hours of operation. 3-41 MAINTENANCE PUSHING, TOWING, AND TRANSPORTING THE MACHINE PUSHING OR TOWING THE MACHINE FOR SAFETY: When servicing the machine, do not push or tow the machine without an operator in the seat controlling the machine. If the machine becomes disabled, it can be pushed from the front or rear, but it can only be towed from the front. Only push or tow the machine for a very short distance and do not exceed 3.2 kp/h (2 mph). It is NOT intended to be pushed or towed for a long distance or at a high speed. ATTENTION! Do not push or tow machine for a long distance or damage may occur to the propelling system. TRANSPORTING THE MACHINE 1. Raise the squeegee, scrub head, and brushes. 2. Raise the hopper enough to clear ground and remove the rear squeegee if backing up onto a ramp grade of 14% or greater. FOR SAFETY: When loading/unloading machine onto/off truck or trailer, drain tanks before loading machine. 3. Position the back end of the machine at the loading edge of the truck or trailer. 4. If the loading surface is not horizontal or is higher than 380 mm (15 in) from the ground, use a winch to load machine. If the loading surface is horizontal AND is 380 mm (15 in) or less from the ground, the machine may be driven onto the truck or trailer. FOR SAFETY: When loading machine onto truck or trailer, use winch. Do not drive the machine onto the truck or trailer unless the loading surface is horizontal AND is 380 mm (15 in) or less from the ground. 5. Back the machine onto the trailer or truck. 3-42 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE 6. To winch the machine onto the truck or trailer, attach the winching chains to the holes in the front jacking brackets located on both sides of the machine, between the hopper and the main scrub head. 10. Connect the tie-down straps to the holes in the rear jacking brackets at the front of the machine. 7. Position the machine as close to the front of the trailer or truck as possible. If the machine starts to veer off the center line of the truck or trailer, stop and turn the steering wheel to center the machine. NOTE: Do not position the front of machine against the trailer. The hopper / sweeping assemblies could be damaged due to contact of the front of the machine with the trailer during transport. 11. Turn off machine and remove the key after the machine is secured. UNLOADING THE MACHINE 1. Set parking brake and turn key to the ON position. NOTE: The drive wheel dynamic brake system is active when the key is in the ON position. 2. Unstrap machine and remove the blocks. FOR SAFETY: When loading/unloading machine onto/off truck of trailer, stop on a level surface, set parking brake and leave the key in the ON position until all tie-down straps are secure. NOTE: The drive wheel dynamic brake system is active when the key is in the ON position. 8. Place a block behind each wheel to prevent the machine from rolling. 9. Lower the hopper, scrub head, and rear squeegee. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3. If the loading surface is not horizontal or is higher than 380 mm (15 in) from the ground, use a winch to unload machine. If the loading surface is horizontal AND is 380 mm (15 in) or less from the ground, the machine may be driven off the truck or trailer. FOR SAFETY: When unloading machine off truck or trailer, use winch. Do not drive the machine off the truck or trailer unless the loading surface is horizontal AND 380 mm (15 in) or less from the ground. 3-43 MAINTENANCE MACHINE JACKING Jack stand locations at the front of the machine. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. Empty the hopper, recovery and solution tanks before jacking the machine. Jacking point locations at the front of all machines. Jacking point location at the rear of all machines. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, block machine tires before jacking machine up. Use a hoist or jack that will support the weight of the machine. Jack machine up at designated locations only. Support machine with jack stands. 3-44 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE ec-H2O MODULE FLUSH PROCEDURE 4. Connect the drain hose to the ec-H2O outlet hose. This procedure is only required when the red indicator light begins to flash and there is an audible alarm. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, and set parking brake. 1. Open the right shroud to access the ec-H2O assembly. 2. Press the connector button to disconnect the outlet hose from the ec-H2O manifold. 5. Place the drain hose into a empty container. NOTE: Look for arrows on the hose near where the hose is coming from the bottom of the ec-H2O assembly to determine which hose is the outlet hose. 6. Pour 2 gallons (7.6 liters) of white or rice vinegar into the solution tank. 3. Remove the drain hose from the ec-H2O compartment. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-45 MAINTENANCE 7. Turn on the machine. 8. Press and release the ec-H2O module flush switch to start the flush cycle. NOTE: The module will automatically shut off when the f ush cycle is complete (approximately 7 minutes). The module must run the full 7-minute cycle in order to reset the system indicator light and alarm. 9. Pour 2 gallons (7.6 liters) of cool clean water into the solution tank. 10. Press and release the flush switch to rinse any remaining vinegar from the module. After 1-2 minutes, press the flush switch to turn off the module. 11. Disconnect the drain hose from the ec-H2O manifold hose. 12. Reconnect the outlet hose to the ec-H2O manifold hose. 13. Return the drain hose to storage location in the ec-H2O compartment. 14. Close the right shroud. 3-46 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE STORAGE INFORMATION The following steps should be taken when storing the machine for extended periods of time. 3. Machines equipped with optional detergent tank only: Pour 1.9 L (1/2 gal) of Propylene Glycol Based / Recreational Vehicle (RV) antifreeze into the detergent tank. 1. Charge the batteries before storing machine to prolong the life of the batteries. Recharge batteries once a month. 2. Disconnect batteries before storing. 3. Thoroughly drain and rinse the solution and recovery tanks. 4. Store the machine in a dry area with the squeegee and scrub head in the up position. ATTENTION: Do not expose machine to rain, store indoors. 5. Open the recovery tank cover to promote air circulation. 4. Turn on the machine. 5. Press the 1-STEP button. 6. If storing machine in freezing temperatures, proceed to FREEZE PROTECTION. NOTE: To prevent potential machine damage store machine in a rodent and insect free environment. FREEZE PROTECTION FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, and set parking brake. 1. Completely drain the solution tank, recovery tank, and detergent tank. 2. Pour 7.6 L (2 gal) of Propylene Glycol Based / Recreational Vehicle (RV) antifreeze into the solution tank. Standard Panel 6. Repeatedly press the solution increase button (+) until the solution flow is at the highest setting. Standard Panel M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Pro-Panel Pro-Panel 3-47 MAINTENANCE 7. Standard control panel machines with severe environment switch option only: Press the bottom of the severe environment switch to activate the severe environment scrubbing system. Prop-Panel machines with severe environment button option only: Press and hold the severe environment button to activate the severe environment scrubbing 9. Drive the machine to circulate the antifreeze completely through all the systems and clear out any remaining water. 10. Machines with scrubbing side brush option only: Press the side brush switch to turn off the side brush. 11. Stop the machine. 12. Machines with spray nozzle option only: Operate the wand for a few seconds to protect the pump. 13. Press the 1-STEP button to turn off the system. 14. Turn off the machine. 15. The remaining antifreeze does not need to be drained from the solution tank, recovery tank, or detergent tank. Standard Panel Pro-Panel 8. Machines with scrubbing side brush option only: Press the scrubbing side brush button to activate the side brush. Standard Panel 3-48 Pro-Panel M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE PREPARING THE MACHINE FOR OPERATION AFTER STORAGE 6. Press the 1-STEP button. All antifreeze must be completely cleaned from the scrubbing system before the machine can be used for scrubbing. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, and set parking brake. 1. Completely drain all antifreeze from the solution tank. 2. Rinse out the solution tank. Refer to DRAINING AND CLEANING THE SOLUTION TANK in the OPERATION section for instructions how to clean the solution tank. 3. Pour 11.4 L (3 gal) of cool clean water into the solution tank. Standard Panel 7. Repeatedly press the solution increase button (+) until the solution flow is at the highest setting. Standard Panel 4. Machines equipped with optional detergent tank only: Pour 1.9 L (1/2 gal) of cool clean water into the detergent tank. Pro-Panel Pro-Panel NOTE: The ec-H2O systems on machines equipped with ec-H2O must be primed before the machine is ready for operation. See PRIMING THE ec-H2O SYSTEM for additional instructions. 5. Turn on the machine. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-49 MAINTENANCE 8. Standard control panel machines with severe environment switch option only: Press the bottom of the severe environment switch to activate the severe environment scrubbing system. Prop-Panel machines with severe environment button option only: Press and hold the severe environment button to activate the severe environment scrubbing 10. Drive the machine until all water and antifreeze is emptied from the tanks. 11. Machines with scrubbing side brush option only: Press the side brush switch to turn off the side brush. 12. Stop the machine. 13. Machines with spray nozzle option only: Operate the wand for a few seconds to clean the antifreeze from the pump. 14. Press the 1-STEP button to turn off the system. 15. Turn off the machine. Standard Panel Pro-Panel 9. Machines with scrubbing side brush option only: Press the side brush switch to activate the side brush. Standard Panel 3-50 Pro-Panel M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) MAINTENANCE PRIMING THE ec-H2O SYSTEM Prime the ec-H2O system if the machine has been stored for a long period with no water in the solution tank / ec-H2O system. NOTE: Look for arrows on the hose near where the hose is coming from the bottom of the ec-H2O assembly to determine which hose is the outlet hose. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, turn off machine, and set parking brake. 1. Fill the solution tank with clean cool water. See FILLING THE SOLUTION TANK section of this manual. 4. Remove the drain hose from the ec-H2O compartment. 5. Connect the drain hose to the ec-H2O outlet hose. 2. Open the right shroud to access the ec-H2O assembly. 3. Press the connector button to disconnect the outlet hose from the ec-H2O manifold. 6. Place the drain hose into a empty container. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-51 MAINTENANCE 7. Turn on the machine. 8. Press and release the ec-H2O module flush switch. Allow the system to drain water into the container for 2 minutes. 9. Press the ec-H2O module flush switch to shut off the system. 10. Disconnect the drain hose from the ec-H2O manifold hose. 11. Reconnect the outlet hose to the ec-H2O manifold hose. 12. Place the drain hose back into the ec-H2O compartment. 13. Close the right shroud. 3-52 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SUPERVISOR CONTROLS SUPERVISOR CONTROLS 3. Press the login button. PRO-PANEL SUPERVISOR CONTROLS The supervisor controls feature allows a supervisor to program the machine scrubbing settings for operator use. The lockout functionality will prevent the operator from changing or saving the settings. The supervisor controls feature will lower machine variability for consistent, repeatable cleaning results, machine quality assurance regardless of user experience, and reduce user training requirements. There are two types of user modes that will interface with the operator home screen: Operator Mode - Capable of machine operation with permissions and restrictions controlled by the supervisor. 4. Use the keypad to enter the factory assigned supervisor login number 1234 into the display above the keypad. Press the enter button when finished entering the supervisor login number. Supervisor Mode - Capable of machine operation with full use of all controls, along with configuring permissions and restrictions for the operator mode. A new machine from the factory will automatically start in the supervisor mode with a preassigned default supervisor profile. The factory-assigned supervisor login number is “1234”. This login number is not required until it is enabled. The default supervisor profile name and login number can be changed as described in this section. If the new assigned supervisor mode login number is forgotten, use the recovery login code 836626826. ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE - FIRST TIME USE ONLY 1. Turn on the machine. The main operating screen will appear in the display.. Press the backspace button if necessary to delete and reenter a number. 5. The supervisor machine operation screen should appear in the display. Press the settings button to access the supervisor settings screen. 2. Press the help button to access the help screen. 6. Proceed to ADDING / EDITING PROFILES. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-53 SUPERVISOR CONTROLS ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE 1. Turn on the machine. The login screen will appear on the display. 2. Use the keypad to enter the supervisor login number into the display above the keypad. Press the enter button when finished entering the supervisor login number. Press the backspace button if necessary to delete and reenter a number. 3. The supervisor machine operation screen should appear in the display. Press the settings button to access the supervisor settings screen. 3-54 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SUPERVISOR CONTROLS SUPERVISOR SETTING SCREEN / SCREEN ICONS Use the supervisor maintenance screen to setup / change user passwords, user machine settings, and other machine setup items. Use the below menu buttons to access the various supervisor setup menus / screens. Press the video help button to access the various machine help videos. Press the Add / Edit Profiles button to add, delete, and / or change machine user and supervisor profiles. See ADDING / EDITING PROFILES. Press the Battery Type button to change the type battery being used in the machine. See CHANGING BATTERY TYPE. Press the Enable Login button to activate a required login number at machine start up for all user profiles to operate machine. Press the Disable Login button to deactivate a login number at machine start up for all user profiles to operate machine. See DISABLING LOGIN Press the Calibrate Touch button to calibrate the touch screen if the touch points become misaligned. Press the Export Checklists button to access the Export Checklists menu. See EXPORTING CHECKLISTS. Press the up arrow button to navigate up through the menu items. Press the down arrow button to navigate down through the menu items. Press the home button to navigate back to the main operating screen. Press the back button to navigate back to the previous screen. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Press the Checklists Setup button to access the Checklist Setup menu. See DISABLING / ENABLING THE PREOPERATION CHECKLIST. Press the Camera Settings button to access the Camera Settings screen. See CHANGING REARVIEW CAMERA SETTINGS. Press the SYSTEM TIME button to access the date / time screen. See SETTING / CHANGING THE TIME AND DATE. 3-55 SUPERVISOR CONTROLS ADDING / EDITING PROFILES 1. Turn on the machine, log into the supervisor screen, and press the settings button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 4. Press the Operator button to add a new operator, or Supervisor button to add a new supervisor. 2. Press the Add/Edit Profiles button to access the Add/Edit Profiles screen. NOTE: The default supervisor cannot be deleted from the prof le list. Press the Operator button to add / edit / copy / delete an operator profile . 3. Press the Add Profile button to access the Add Profile screen. Press the Supervisor button to add / edit / copy / delete a supervisor profile. 5. Use the keypad to enter the new user / supervisor name. Press the enter button. Press the Add Profile button to access the screens and menus to add a new profile. Press the Edit Profile button to edit an existing profile. Press the Copy Profile button to copy an existing profile. Press the Delete Profile button to delete an existing profile. Press the home button to navigate back to the main operating screen. Press the back button to navigate back to the previous screen. 3-56 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SUPERVISOR CONTROLS 6. Use the keypad to assign the new user / supervisor a login number. The new login number can be any combination of numbers ranging from 3 to 8 digits in length. Press the enter button. The “maximum speed” screen will appear. Press the backspace button if necessary to delete and reenter a number. 8. Select the controls the new user should have access to use. Green represents unlocked controls and gray represents locked controls. Press the flashing save button to save the new profile. Press the help button to access the help screen. 7. Set the maximum speed for the machine. Press the back button to return to the user access page. Press the increase arrow button to increase the maximum speed. Press the decrease arrow button to decrease the maximum speed. 9. The new user profile is now saved to the operator profile list. Multiple operator and supervisor user profiles can be added. Press the back arrow button to return to the previous screen to add more user profiles or to enable login. Press the mph button to set the machine speed to miles per hour. Press the km/h button to set the machine speed to kilometers per hour. Press the enter button to set the maximum speed for the machine. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-57 SUPERVISOR CONTROLS 10. To enable the login number at start up, press the Enable Login button. ENABLING THE LOGIN 1. Turn on the machine, log into the supervisor screen, and press the settings button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 2. Press the Enable Login button. The Enable Login button will change from Enable Login to Disable Login. See DISABLING LOGIN for instructions how to disable login. 3. Press the yes button to enter the Default User screen. 11. Now at machine start up, a login screen will display. The new user will need to enter their assigned login number to operate machine. 12. When the user is done operating the machine, it is recommended the user log out by pressing the help button, and then pressing the logout button. Turning the key to the off position is another way to also logout. 4. Press either the Operator button or Supervisor button to select the desired default user. 13. Use the Edit Profile button, Copy Profile button, and Delete Profile button to manage the current user profiles. 3-58 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SUPERVISOR CONTROLS DISABLING THE LOGIN 1. Turn on the machine, log into the supervisor screen, and press the settings button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 5. Select a pre-assigned user profile. Turn off the machine to apply the setting. 2. Press the Disable Login button. 6. At start up, the home screen is now set without a login requirement for the operator profile as the default. 3. Press the yes button to enter the Default User screen. 4. Press either the Operator button or Supervisor button to select the desired default user. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-59 SUPERVISOR CONTROLS CHANGING BATTERY TYPE Changing the battery type allows the machine to be programmed for the correct battery type if the battery has been changed. 4. If a battery sub list appears on the screen, press the button for the applicable battery from the list. IMPORTANT: Before charging, make sure that the charger setting is properly set for the battery type. NOTE: Use a charger with the proper rating for the battery to prevent damage to the battery or reduce the battery life. 1. Turn on the machine, login to the main operation screen, and press the setting button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 2. Press the Battery Type button to access the battery selection screen. 3. Press the button for the applicable battery from the list. If necessary, use the up arrow button and the down arrow button to navigate through the list of batteries. 5. If Are You Sure appears on the screen, press either the yes button or the no button. NOTE: If yes button is pushed the supervisor settings screen will reappear in the display. If the no button is pushed the applicable battery sub list will reappear in the display. CALIBRATING THE TOUCH 1. Turn on the machine, login to the main operation screen, and press the setting button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 2. Press the Calibrate Touch button to recalibrate touch. If the touch points become misaligned. 3-60 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SUPERVISOR CONTROLS EXPORTING CHECKLISTS Exporting the checklists allows the checklists to be exported from the machine and to a flash drive. 4. Export the Pre-Operation Checklists from the machine to the memory stick. 1. Turn on the machine, login to the main operation screen, and press the setting button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 2. Plug the flash drive into the USB port. Press the Export New button to export the newly completed Pre-Operation Checklists from the machine. Press the Export All button to export all completed Pre-Operation Checklists from the machine. 3. Press the Export Checklists button to access the export screen. Press the home button to navigate back to the main operating screen. Press the back button to navigate back to the previous screen. 5. Remove the flash drive from USB port and turn off the machine. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-61 SUPERVISOR CONTROLS CHECKLIST SETUP Checklist setup allows the checklist to be setup / changed to meet machine usage demands. 1. Turn on the machine, login to the main operation screen, and press the setting button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 2. Press the Checklist Setup button to access the Pre-Operation checklist setup screen. Press the up arrow button to scroll up through Pre-Operation Checklist items. Press the check box button to select a new checklist item to add to the checklist. Press either the video help button to view the video related to a particular PreOperation Checklist item. Press the Enter button to add the selected Pre-Operation Checklist items(s) to the Pre-Operation Checklist. Press the help button to access the PreOperation Checklist help screen. 3. Press the Select Questions button to access the Pre-Operation Checklist master list screen. Press the back button to return to the PreOperation Checklist Master List screen. 4. Press the Every 24 hours button or the Every Time button to set the interval the operator must complete the Pre-Operation Checklist. A check mark appears in the chosen interval. Press the down arrow button to scroll down through Pre-Operation Checklist items. 3-62 Press the home button to navigate back to the main operating screen. Press the back button to navigate back to the previous screen. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SUPERVISOR CONTROLS DISABLING / ENABLING THE PRE-OPERATION CHECKLIST Disabling / enabling the Pre-Operation checklist allows the Pre-Operation checklist to be disabled if it is not necessary for the operator to complete the checklist prior to operating the machine and enabled if it is necessary for the operator to complete the checklist prior to operating the machine. 3. Press the Disable Checklist button / Enable Checklist button to disable / enable the PreOperation Checklist. 1. Turn on the machine, login to the main operation screen, and press the setting button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 2. Press the Checklist Setup button to access the Pre-Operation Checklist setup screen. Press the home button to navigate back to the main operating screen. Press the back button to navigate back to the previous screen. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-63 SUPERVISOR CONTROLS CHANGING THE REAR VIEW CAMERA SETTINGS PROGRAMMING THE ZONE CONTROL BUTTONS Changing the rear view camera settings allows the time the rearview camera remains on when the rearview camera button is pushed to be changed. The rearview camera can be set to any time between 5 seconds and 2 minutes. Programming the zone control buttons allows the parameters for the zone control buttons to be changed / updated to meet scrubbing / sweeping demands. 1. Turn on the machine, login to the main operation screen, and press the setting button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 2. Press the Camera Settings button to access the rear view camera settings screen. 1. Turn on the machine, login to the main operation screen, and press the setting button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 2. Use the brush pressure increase (+) button and the brush pressure decrease (-) button to set the zone brush pressure. 3. Use the solution increase (+) button and the solution decrease (-) button to set the zone solution flow level. Press the increase button to increase the time the rear view camera remains on when the operator presses the rearview camera button. Press the decrease button to decrease the time the rear view camera remains on when the operator presses the rearview camera button. Press the home button to navigate back to the main operating screen. Press the back button to navigate back to the previous screen. 3-64 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SUPERVISOR CONTROLS 4. Press and hold the zone control button until the “name preset” screen appears. 6. Use the key pad to enter the name for the zone control button. 5. Press the yes button to set the zone settings. Press the no button to return to the main operating screen. Press the home button to navigate back to the main operating screen. Press the back button to navigate back to the previous screen. Press the enter button to set the zone button name. Press the backspace button if necessary to delete and reenter a number. Press the space button to place space between letters / numbers. Press the pound button to toggle between the number keypad and the letter keypad. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 3-65 SUPERVISOR CONTROLS 7. Press the enter button to set the zone button settings. The main operating screen returns to the display with the zone button named. The brush pressure and solution flow setting also briefly appear in the display. Press the date button to change the system date. Press the time button to change the system time. SETTING / CHANGING THE DATE AND TIME Setting / changing the date and time allow the system date and time to be set / changed. 1. Turn on the machine, login to the main operation screen, and press the setting button to access the supervisor settings screen. See ENTERING THE SUPERVISOR MODE. 2. Press the System Time button to access the date / time screen. Press the toggle button to toggle between hours, minutes, and AM / PM on the time screen and the month, day, and year on the date screen. Press the increase button advance the time / date parameters. Press the decrease button to reverse the time / date parameters. Press the home button to navigate back to the main operating screen. Press the back button to navigate back to the previous screen. 3. Press the home button when finished setting / changing the system date and time to return to the main operating screen. 3-66 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING SECTION Contents 4 Page TROUBLESHOOTING ONBOARD DIAGNOSTICS. . . . . . . . . . 4-2 SELF-TEST MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 CONFIGURATION MODE. . . . . . . . . 4-4 FAULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 PROPEL DIAGNOSTIC MODE . . . . . 4-11 CURTIS 1232SE CONTROLLER DIAGNOSTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 DIAGNOSTIC LED OPERATION . . . 4-13 DIAGNOSTIC CODES. . . . . . . . . 4-14 INPUT DISPLAY MODE . . . . . . . . . 4-22 MANUAL MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24 MOTORS MODE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 STATUS LED - POWER STEERING (OPTION) . . . . . . . . 4-29 SUBSYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING 4-30 BACK-UP ALARM/LIGHT . . . . . . . . 4-30 LIGHTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32 MAIN SCRUB BRUSHES . . . . . . . . 4-34 SIDE SCRUB BRUSH . . . . . . . . . . 4-36 POWER-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-38 PROPEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40 REAR SQUEEGEE LIFT . . . . . . . . . 4-42 SCRUB HEAD LIFT . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44 SIDE SWEEP BRUSHES . . . . . . . . . 4-46 SIDE SWEEP BRUSH LIFT . . . . . . . . 4-50 SOLUTION CONTROL, CONVENTIONAL 4-52 MAIN BRUSH . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-52 SIDE BRUSH . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-54 SOLUTION CONTROL, ECH2O . . . . . 4-56 SEVERE ENVIRONMENT - SPOT CLEANING . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-58 ES (EXTENDED SCRUB) DETERGENT PUMP . . . . . . . . . 4-60 WATER PUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-62 SPRAY NOZZLE . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-64 SCRUB VACUUM FAN . . . . . . . . . 4-66 SWEEP VACUUM FAN . . . . . . . . . 4-68 HOPPER LIFT PUMP . . . . . . . . . . .4-70 HOPPER ROLL ACTUATOR . . . . . . . 4-74 MIDDLE SWEEP ACTUATOR . . . . . . 4-78 MIDDLE SWEEP BRUSH MOTORS . . . . 4-80 SHAKER MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-82 DRY VACUUM FAN . . . . . . . . . . 4-84 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-1 1.Turn Key Off. TROUBLESHOOTING SELF TEST MODE Self Test Mode is an onboard diagnostic utility that tests for open or shorted output circuits. Once completed, open and/or shorted output pins are displayed on the LCD (liquid crystal display). 3. Press and release the configuration mode button to scroll through a list of utilities until “SELF TEST” appears on the LCD. CONFIG MODE SELF TEST 1. Key switch Off. Press and hold the configuration mode button. MANUAL MODE INPUT DISPLAY STP001 PROPEL DIAG MODE 1.Turn Key Off. SELF TEST MOTORS MODE Tennant Quantum UI ver X.X 4. Press and release the brush pressure button to activate the self test. “SELF-TEST STARTING” will appear on the LCD. ****SELF-TEST*** STARTING 2. Key switch On. Release the configuration mode button when “CONFIG MODE” appears on the LCD. STP002 CONFIG MODE Operational Matrix: Operational Matrix: 4-2 Scrub Head Down Enabled Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Fwd/Rev Propel • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF Scrub Head M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) • Squeegee/Vac ON • Squeegee/Vac OFF Down • Recovery Tank Full TROUBLESHOOTING 5. The controller sequentially tests each output circuit as shown below. 6. The self test results are displayed in “JX-X,X” format. JX = Connector, “-X,X” = Control board output pins as shown on the electrical schematic. LCD MESSAGE ****SELF-TEST*** STARTING Testing L Main Scrub Brush... Testing R Main Scrub Brush... Testing Side Scrub Brush... Testing R Side Sweep Brush... Testing L Side Sweep Brush... Testing F Main Sweep Brush... Testing R Main Sweep Brush... Testing Dust Vac Motor 1... Testing Dust Vac Motor 2... Testing Pick-up Vac Motor 1... Testing Pick-up Vac Motor 2... Testing Filter Shaker... Testing Main Scrub Actuator.. Testing Side Scrub Actuator.. Testing Main Sweep Actuator.. Testing L Side Sweep Actuator.. Testing R Side Sweep Actuator.. Testing Squeegee Actuator.. Testing Main Water Valve... Testing Detergent Pump... Testing Side Pump... Testing Ec-H2O WaterSystem... Testing Ec-H2O Side Valve... Testing Ec-H2O Pump... Testing ES Pump. Testing Side Valve.. Testing Solution Auto-Fill Valve.. Testing Recovery Auto-Fill Valve.. Testing Horn... Testing Alarm... Test Propel CAN Communication... M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) S1: SELF-TEST "Done or" S2:L Main F/L Scrub Br J10-1,2,3 S3:L Main F/L Scrub Br J10-1,2,3 S4:R Main R/R Scrub Br J11-4,5,6 S5:R Main R/R Scrub Br J11-4,5,6 S6:Side Scrub Br J6-1,2,3 S7:Side Scrub Br J6-1,2,3 S8:L Side Swp Br J4-17 S9:L Side Swp Br J4-17 S10:R Side Swp Br J4-16 S11:R Side Swp Br J4-16 S12:L Main Swp Br J7-1,2 S13:L Main Swp Br J7-1,2 S14:R Main Swp Br J7-1,3 S15:R Main Swp Br J7-1,3 S16:Dust Vac 1 J4-5,10 S17:Dust Vac 1 J4-5,10 S18:Dust Vac 2 J4-4,9 S19:Dust Vac 2 J4-4,9 S20:Pickup Vac 1 J7-1,2 S21:Pickup Vac 1 J7-1,2 S22:Pickup Vac 2 J7-3,4 S23:Pickup Vac 2 J7-3,4 S24:Filter Shkr J4-11,12 S25:Filter Shkr J4-11,12 S26:Main Scrub Act J4-9,10 S27:Main Scrub Act J4-9,10 S28:Main Scrub Act J4-9,10 S29:Side Scrub Act J4-7,8 S30:Side Scrub Act J4-7,8 S31:Side Scrub Act J4-7,8 S32:Main Swp Act J4-16,17 S33:Main Swp Act J4-16,17 S34:Main Swp Act J4-16,17 S35:L Side Swp Act J4-11,12 S36:L Side Swp Act J4-11,12 S37:R Side Swp Act J4-1,2 LCD MESSAGE S38:R Side Swp Act J4-1,2 S39:Squeegee Act J6-17,18 S40:Squeegee Act J6-17,18 S41:Squeegee Act J6-17,18 S42:Main Water Vlv J4-17 S43:Main Water Vlv J4-17 S44:Detergent Pmp J4-14 S45:Detergent Pmp J4-14 S46:Side Scrub Pmp J4-4,10 S47:Side Scrub Pmp J4-4,10 S48:EcH2O Cell J5-3,4 S49:EcH2O Cell J5-3,4 S50:EcH2O Spargr J5-1,2 S51:EcH2O Spargr J5-1,2 S52:EcH2O Sde Vlv J4-1,2,5 S53:EcH2O Sde Vlv J4-1,2,5 S54:EcH2O Pump J4-4 S55:EcH2O Pump J4-4 S56:ES Pump J6-13,14 S57:ES Pump J6-13,14 S58:Side Valve J4-9 S59:Side Valve J4-9 S60:Sol AF Vlv J6-7,12 S61:Sol AF Vlv J6-7,12 S62:Rcvr AF Vlv J6-7,11 S63:Rcvr AF Vlv J6-7,11 S64:Horn J4-16 S65:Horn J4-16 S66:Alarm J4-15 S67:Alarm J4-15 S68:Main Scrub S69:Side Scrub S70:Water Pickup S71:EcH2O Module S72:Main Sweep S73:Side Sweep S74:Propel Ctrl Note: LCD Message's above can be seen as an open or a short. 4-3 1.Turn Key Off. TROUBLESHOOTING 3. Press and release the brush pressure button to enter Configuration Mode. “C1:Disk/Cyl” will appear on the LCD. CONFIGURATION MODE Configuration Mode is an on-board diagnostic utility that configures controller software to operate optional equipment and to electronically adjust certain output functions. C1:Disk/Cyl 1. Key switch Off. Press and hold the configuration mode button. STP001 1.Turn Key Off. Tennant Quantum UI ver X.X 4. Press and release the configuration mode button to scroll through a list of utilities as shown below. C5:SE/None 0-1-2-3% Mix Ratio 2. Key switch On. Release the configuration mode button when “CONFIG MODE” appears on the LCD. STP002 C1:Disk/Cyl C8:Side Scrub C14:Main Press #3 28-35.0 A C15:Main Water Low/Med/High C16:Propel H.M. XXXX.X Hr C17:Change Propel H.M. C18:Scrub H.M. XXXX.X Hr C19:Change Scrub H.M. C20:Reset C9:Reset C21:Battery Type C10:Transport C22:Dust Vac C11: Scrub Sped C23:Side Sweep Matrix: Operational C2:Ec/ES/None C3:Set Det Level 1%/2%/3%/None C4:Autofill/None CONFIG MODE C5:SE/None 0-1-2-3% Mix Ratio C6:SE Short Time 30s (Default) C7:SE Long Time 3600s (Default) Operational Matrix: 4-4 Scrub Head Down Enabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Squeegee/Vac ON C13:Main Press #2 18-28.0 A C12:Main Press #1 Disabled 12.0-18.0 A Enabled C24:Diag Mode Disabled/Enabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF Scrub Head • Fwd/Rev Propel M17 Service Information 9017358 • Squeegee/Vac OFF Down(08-2016) • Recovery Tank Full • Low Batt Voltage TROUBLESHOOTING 5. Use the table below for further description of each Configuration Mode utility. LCD TEXT DESCRIPTION LCD TEXT C24:Diag Mode Disabled/Enabled DESCRIPTION Enable technical data during normal machine operation. Scroll through LCD data by pressing the contrast or configuration mode buttons during normal operation. Cycle key 1x to enable, 2x to disable. C1:Disk/Cyl Configure scrub head type C2:Ec/ES/None Configure ec-H2O, ES or none C3:Set Det Level Set ratio of detergent for ES option to 1%, 2%, or 3% C4:Autofill/Non Enable Autofill eature (w/ ES option) C5:SE/None Enable Severe Environment feature for machines equipped with ec-H2O * C9:Reset Press.? mode. Press the brush pressure button after “No” changes to “Yes” following step 7. This completes the reset process. C6:SE Short Time Set Severe Environment Short On-Time. Default 30 seconds. C7:SE Long Time Set Severe Environment Long OnTime. Default 3600 seconds. ** C10, C11, and C12 Main Press (Main Brush Pressure) adjustments set the maximum brush motor amp draw for each down pressure setting; 1 LED, 2 LEDs, or 3 LEDs. C8:Side Scrub Configure unit for side scrub brush. C9:Reset Press.? Reset down pressures to factory default settings. C10:Transprt Spd Adjust maximum forward transport speed. C11:Scrub Spd Adjust maximum scrubbing speed. Exit Config Mode 6. Press and release the brush pressure button to enable the change. A “<” symbol will appear on the bottom line of the LCD indicating the configuration utility is now enabled. C5:SE/None 0-1-2-3% Mix Ratio C12:Main Press #1** Set max down pressure #1 (12-18 Amps, Default 14D, 13C) C13:Main Press #2** Set max down pressure #2 (18-28 Amps, Default 25D, 26C) C14:Main Press #3** Set max down pressure #3 (28-35 Amps, Default 35 Amps) C15:Main Water Set conventional solution flow range; Low, Med, or High C16:Propel H.M. View propel hourmeter. C17:Chge Propel HM Change Propel hourmeter. C18:Scrub H.M. View scrub hourmeter. C19: Chge Scrub HM Change hourmeter. C20:Reset C22:Dust Vac Resets scrub head type, solution configuration, down pressure targets, flow range, side option, travel speeds, autofill option, SE option to default settings. Configure battery type. Configure dust vacuums C23:Side Sweep Configure side sweep motors C21:Battery Type M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 7. Press and release the contrast or configuration mode buttons to change settings. Turn key Off to save selection. 4-5 TROUBLESHOOTING M17 FAULT CODES Fault Code Number Fault Code (Displayed in LCD) Fault Code (Displayed on Pro-Panel Screen) 0xFFF0 E Stop Emergency Stop Fault 0xFF11 Low Battery Low Battery Warning 0xFF12 Low Battery Very Low Battery Warning Cause(s) Action(s) 1. E-Stop Pressed. 2. E-Stop wiring problem. 1. Release E-Stop button and power cycle machine. 2. If that does not clear the fault, check connections. 1. Battery pack voltage too low. 1. Charge battery pack. 1. Battery pack voltage too low. 1. Charge battery pack. 1. Power cycle machine. 2. Check breaker supplying power to board. 3. No communication with a network module - Check CAN Line reference (2.2v ea line) and 5VDC voltage regulator and to Motor Encoders. 0xFF20 M Scrub CAN Main Scrub CAN Communication Fault 1. Control boards are not communicating properly. 2. Board lost power (wiring issue) 3. Breaker supplying power to board tripped. 4. Control board may be damaged. 0xFF21 WPickup CAN Water Pickup CAN Communication Fault 1. Control boards are not communicating properly. 2. Board lost power (wiring issue) 3. Breaker supplying power to board tripped. 4. Control board may be damaged. 1. Power cycle machine. 2. Check breaker supplying power to board. 3. No communication with a network module. 1. Power cycle machine. 2. Check breaker supplying power to board. 3. No communication with a network module - Check CAN Line reference (2.2v ea line) and 5VDC voltage regulator and to Motor Encoders. 0xFF22 S Scrub CAN Side Scrub CAN Communication Fault 1. Control boards are not communicating properly. 2. Board lost power (wiring issue) 3. Breaker supplying power to board tripped. 4. Control board may be damaged. 0xFF23 EcH2O CAN EcH2O CAN Communication Fault 1. Control boards are not communicating properly. 2. Board lost power (wiring issue) 3. Breaker supplying power to board tripped. 4. Control board may be damaged. 1. Power cycle machine. 2. Check breaker supplying power to board. 3. No communication with a network module. 0xFF24 S Sweep CAN Side Sweep CAN Communication Fault 1. Control boards are not communicating properly. 2. Board lost power (wiring issue) 3. Breaker supplying power to board tripped. 4. Control board may be damaged. 1. Power cycle machine. 2. Check breaker supplying power to board. 3. No communication with a network module. 0xFF25 M Sweep CAN Main Sweep CAN Communication Fault 1. Control boards are not communicating properly. 2. Board lost power (wiring issue) 3. Breaker supplying power to board tripped. 4. Control board may be damaged. 1. Power cycle machine. 2. Check breaker supplying power to board. 3. No communication with a network module. 0xFF26 Propel Comm Propel CAN Communication Fault 1. Control boards are not communicating properly. 2. Board lost power (wiring issue) 3. Breaker supplying power to board tripped. 4. Control board may be damaged. 1. Power cycle machine. 2. Check breaker supplying power to board. 3. No communication with a network module. 0x0010 Parking Brk Parking Brake 1. This flashing indicator alerts the manual parking brake is engaged locking the brake pedal. The parking brake should be released before machine operation. 1. Release parking brake. 0x0101 L Scrub Opn Left Scrub Motor Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0106 L Scrub Srt Left Scrub Motor Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0107 L Scrub FET Left Scrub Motor FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0111 R Scrub Opn Right Scrub Motor Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0116 R Scrub Srt Right Scrub Motor Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0117 R Scrub FET Right Scrub Motor FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0120 S Scrub Flt Side Scrub Motor Generic 0x0121 S Scrub Opn Side Scrub Motor Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0122 S Scrub Vlt Side Scrub Motor Voltage Loss 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 4-6 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING M17 FAULT CODES Fault Code Number Fault Code (Displayed in LCD) Fault Code (Displayed on Pro-Panel Screen) 0x0127 S Scrub FET Side Scrub Motor FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0129 S Scrub Tmp Side Scrub Motor Overheat 1. Motor temperature too high (over 104F). 1. Check motor temp repair or replaced. 0x0131 M Swp 1 Opn Main Sweep Brush Motor 1 Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0136 M Swp 1 Srt Main Sweep Brush Motor 1 Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0137 M Swp 1 FET Main Sweep Brush Motor 1 FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0141 M Swp 2 Opn Main Sweep Brush Motor 2 Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0146 M Swp 2 Srt Main Sweep Brush Motor 2 Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0147 M Swp 2 FET Main Sweep Brush Motor 2 FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0151 R Sweep Opn Right Sweep Brush Motor Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0156 R Sweep Srt Right Sweep Brush Motor Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0157 R Sweep FET Right Sweep Brush Motor FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0161 L Sweep Opn Left Sweep Brush Motor Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0166 L Sweep Srt Left Sweep Brush Motor Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0167 L Sweep FET Left Sweep Brush Motor FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0171 FltShkr Opn Filter Shaker Motor Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0176 FltShkr Srt Filter Shaker Motor Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0177 FltShkr FET Filter Shaker Motor FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0230 MSwpAct Flt Main Sweep Actuator Generic 0x0231 MSwpAct Opn Main Sweep Actuator Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0237 MSwpAct FET Main Sweep Actuator FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0240 RSwpAct Flt Right Sweep Actuator Generic 0x0247 RSwpAct FET Right Sweep Actuator FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Cause(s) Action(s) 4-7 TROUBLESHOOTING M17 FAULT CODES Fault Code Number Fault Code (Displayed in LCD) Fault Code (Displayed on Pro-Panel Screen) 0x0250 LSwpAct Flt Left Sweep Actuator Generic 0x0257 LSwpAct FET Left Sweep Actuator FET Fault 0x0260 LiftAct Flt Hopper Lift Actuator Generic 0x0261 LiftAct Opn 0x0267 Cause(s) Action(s) 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. Hopper Lift Actuator Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. LiftAct FET Hopper Lift Actuator FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0270 RollAct Flt Hopper Roll Actuator Generic 0x0271 RollAct Opn Hopper Roll Actuator Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0277 RollAct FET Hopper Roll Actuator FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0278 RollAct Stl Hopper Roll Actuator Stall 1. Over current. 2. Binding issue. 1. Check amp references. 2. Check system for binding. 0x0301 M Water Opn Main Water Valve Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0306 M Water Srt Main Water Valve Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0307 M Water FET Main Water Valve FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0311 Horn Opn Horn Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0316 Horn Srt Horn Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0317 Horn FET Horn FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0321 Alarm Opn Alarm Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0326 Alarm Srt Alarm Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0327 Alarm FET Alarm FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0331 S Scrub Opn Side Scrub Valve Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0336 S Scrub Srt Side Scrub Valve Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0337 S Scrub FET Side Scrub Valve FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0341 SAF Vlv Opn Solution AutoFill Valve Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 4-8 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING M17 FAULT CODES Fault Code Number Fault Code (Displayed in LCD) Fault Code (Displayed on Pro-Panel Screen) 0x0346 SAF Vlv Srt Solution AutoFill Valve Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0347 SAF Vlv FET Solution AutoFill Valve FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0351 RAF Vlv Opn Recovery AutoFill Valve Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0356 RAF Vlv Srt Recovery AutoFill Valve Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0357 RAF Vlv FET Recovery AutoFill Valve FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0501 Vac 1 Opn Pickup Vac 1 Electrical Open Alert 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0504 Vac 1 OC1 Pickup Vac 1 Over Current 1 Fault 1. Current draw higher than expected. 1. Verify vacuum load, damage and/or usage conditions. 0x0505 Vac 1 OC2 Pickup Vac 1 Over Current 2 Fault 1. Current draw higher than expected. 1. Verify vacuum load, damage and/or usage conditions. 0x0507 Vac 1 FET Pickup Vac 1 FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0511 Vac 2 Opn Pickup Vac 2 Electrical Open Alert 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0514 Vac 2 OC1 Pickup Vac 2 Over Current 1 Fault 1. Current draw higher than expected. 1. Verify vacuum load, damage and/or usage conditions. 0x0515 Vac 2 OC2 Pickup Vac 2 Over Current 2 Fault 1. Current draw higher than expected. 1. Verify vacuum load, damage and/or usage conditions. 0x0517 Vac 2 FET Pickup Vac 2 FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0520 DstVac1 Flt Dust Vac 1 Underspeed Fault 1. Motor running too slow. 1. Verify vacuum load, damage and/or usage conditions. 0x0530 DstVac2 Flt Dust Vac 2 Underspeed Fault 1. Motor running too slow. 1. Verify vacuum load, damage and/or usage conditions. 0x0601 SdePump Opn Side Scrub Pump Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0606 SdePump Srt Side Scrub Pump Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0607 SdePump FET Side Scrub Pump FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0611 DetPump Opn Detergent Pump Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. 0x0616 DetPump Srt Detergent Pump Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0617 DetPump FET Detergent Pump FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0621 ES Pump Opn Extended Scrub Pump Open Warning 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue with circuit to motor. 1. Check connections, board gets power from key switch and battery. If connections check out, replace control board. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Cause(s) Action(s) 4-9 TROUBLESHOOTING M17 FAULT CODES Fault Code Number Fault Code (Displayed in LCD) 0x0626 ES Pump Srt Extended Scrub Pump Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wire harness and repair as needed. 0x0627 ES Pump FET Extended Scrub Pump FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0701 Ec Flsh Flt EC-H2O System Flush Needed 1. The ecH2O module needs a manually triggered flush. 1. Press switch on ecH2O module.. 0x0702 Ec Press Sw EC-H2O Pressure Switch Active 1. The system pressure switch is detecting a trip or unconnected. 1. System pressure too high, check connections. 2. Verify functionality of scrub head switch and parking brake switch; maybe connectors were accidentally wired to incorrect switches. 0x0704 Ec CAN EC-H2O CAN Communication Fault 1. Control boards are not communicating properly. 2. Board lost power (wiring issue) 3. Breaker supplying power to board tripped. 4. Control board may be damaged. 1. Power cycle machine. 2. Check breaker supplying power to board. 3. No communication with a network module. 0x0711 Ec Pump Opn EC-H2O Pump Open Fault 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue on the ecH2O pump. 1. Control board is not detecting pump current. Check connections for voltage and verify pump is operating or not. 0x0716 Ec Pump Srt EC-H2O Pump Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check wiring for shorted condition. 2. Replace pump. 0x0717 Ec Pump FET EC-H2O Pump FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0720 Ec Cell Flt EC-H2O Cell Generic Fault 1. Generic fault with the EC-H2O cell. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0727 Ec Cell FET EC-H2O Cell FET Faults 0x0730 Ec Spgr Flt EC-H2O Sparger Generic Fault 0x0737 Ec Spgr FET EC-H2O Sparger FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0751 Ec Vlv Opn EC-H2O Valve Open Fault 1. Wiring, connector or control board issue on the ecH2O valve. 1. Control board is not detecting pump current. Check connections for voltage and verify pump is operating or not. 0x0756 Ec Vlv Srt EC-H2O Valve Short Fault 1. Shorted load condition 2. Some higher current draw than hardware design limit. 1. Check valve and wiring. 2. Replace if out of specifications. 0x0757 Ec Vlv FET EC-H2O Valve FET Fault 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Check voltage references. 2. Replace Control Board. 0x0790 SolTnkEmpty Solution Tank Empty 1. Solution Tank Empty. 2. Wiring, connector, or solution tank switch issue. 1. If tank is not empty, check the tank switch and wiring. 0x0791 RcvTnk Full Recovery Tank Full 1. Recovery Tank Full. 2. Wiring, connector, or recovery tank switch issue. 1. If tank is not full, check the tank switch and wiring. Clogged Filter Warning 1. Filter clogged with dust and debris. 1. Engage filter shaker. 2. Clean filter. Hopper on Fire 1. Hopper on fire. 1. Put hopper fire out. 0x07A2 Hopper not in Home position 1. Hopper not completely lowered. 1. Completely lower hopper. 2. Check system for binding. 0x1003 Down Pressure Unattainable 1. Touchscreen control board problem. 1. Replace Touchscreen board. 0x07A0 0x07A1 0x2000 4-10 Hopper Fire Pascal Flt Fault Code (Displayed on Pro-Panel Screen) Touchscreen Error Cause(s) Action(s) 1. FET detection includes motor, actuator, detergent pump, vacuum and battery watering pump. 2. Replace board. 1. Control board problem. 2. Power/battery issue on startup. 1. Generic fault with the EC-H2O sparger. 1. Use trouble-shooting tree to diagnosis. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 1.Turn Key Off. TROUBLESHOOTING PROPEL DIAGNOSTIC MODE Propel Diagnostic Mode (Propel Input Mode) is an onboard diagnostic utility that displays Curtis 1232SE controller inputs on the instrument panel LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). The input data is transmitted to the M12 controller through a CAN-bus (Controller Area Network). 3. Press and release the configuration mode button to scroll through a list of utilities until “PROPEL DIAG MODE” appears on the LCD. CONFIG MODE SELF TEST 1. Key switch Off. Press and hold the configuration mode button. MANUAL MODE INPUT DISPLAY STP001 PROPEL DIAG MODE 1.Turn Key Off. PROPEL DIAG MODE MOTORS MODE Tennant Quantum UI ver X.X 4. Press and release the brush pressure button to enter Propel Diagnostic Mode. “P1:Curtis Online...” will appear on the LCD. P1: Curtis Online/ Error 2. Key switch On. Release the configuration mode button when “CONFIG MODE” appears on the LCD. STP002 CONFIG MODE Operational Matrix: Operational Matrix: Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Squeegee/Vac ON • Squeegee/Vac OFF • Recovery Tank Full M17 Service Information 9017358•(08-2016) 1-STEP Scrub ON Scrub Head Down Enabled • 1-STEP S 4-11 Scrub Head • Fwd/Rev Down TROUBLESHOOTING CONFIG MODE 5. Press and release the configuration mode button to scroll through a list of Curtis 1232SE controller inputs. 6. The table below describes how each input operates. SELF TEST M17 Propel Diagnostic Mode MANUAL MODE CODE P1: Curtis Online/ Error P1:Curtis Online/ Error P2:Throttle XXXX.X V P5:Speed XXXX.X Mph DESCRIPTION P1 INPUT DISPLAY Curtis/ M17 controllers CAN-bus P1:Curtis Online/ Error connection status P2 MODE P2:ThrottlePROPEL DIAG Displays foot throttle commanded XXXX.X v voltage (0-5V). P3 P3:Brake Pedal On/O˜ P4 P4:Direction Fwd/ Displays directional switch input Rev (Fwd/Rev). P5 P5:Speed XXXX.X Mph P3:Brake Pedal On/Off P4:Direction Fwd/ Rev LCD MESSAGE Displays brake pedal command (On/O˜ ). Displays propel speed from motor encoder located in drive assembly. PDM003 PDM004 Operational Matrix: Operational Matrix: Scrub Head Down 4-12 Enabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Fwd/Rev Propel Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF Scrub Head • Squeegee/Vac ON • Squeegee/Vac OFF Down • Recovery Tank Full • Low Batt Voltage • Load Current FaultInformation 9017358 (08-2016) M17 Service TROUBLESHOOTING Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostic LED Operation PMC002 CAN TERM H CAN H 35 34 22 23 12 ENC PHASE A 33 11 32 21 10 SW7 SW6 20 9 RX 30 19 8 18 +5V COIL RETURN BRK POT HI +12V 28 17 6 SW1/ANA1 THR POT HI 27 16 5 26 15 4 25 14 3 24 13 2 1 DRIVER SW16 3 POT LOW SW2/ANA2 SW3 29 7 DRIVER 7 SW4 SW5 31 TX BRK WIPER DRIVER 6 SW8 CAN L ANA OUT ENC PHASE B CAN TERM L PROP DRIVER 1 THR WIPER DRIVER KSI DRIVER 2 DRIVER 4 I/O GND 24 13 1 35 23 12 Status LEDs Types of LED Display Display Status Neither LED illuminated Controller is not powered on, has a dead battery, or is severely damaged. Yellow LED flashing Controller is operating normally. Yellow and red LEDs both on solid Controller is in Flash program mode. Red LED on solid Watchdog failure. Cycle KSI to restart. Red LED and yellow LED flashing alternately Controller has detected a fault. 2-digit code* flashed by yellow LED identifies the specific fault; one or two flashes by red LED indicate whether first or second code digit will follow. *The red LED flashes once to indicate that the first digit of the code will follow; the yellow LED then flashes the appropriate number of times for the first digit. The red LED flashes twice to indicate that the second digit of the code will follow; the yellow LED flashes the appropriate number of times for the second digit. Example: Battery Undervoltage (Code 23) RED YELLOW RED YELLOW (first digit) (2) (second digit) (3) M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-13 TROUBLESHOOTING Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostic Codes, continued TROUBLESHOOTING CHART CODE 12 FAULT CONDITION EFFECT OF FAULT Controller Overcurrent ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. 13 Current Sensor Fault ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. 14 Precharge Failed ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. POSSIBLE CAUSE SET/CLEAR CONDITIONS 1. External short of phase U, V, or W motor connections. 2. Motor parameters are mis-tuned. 3. Controller defective. Set: Phase current exceeded the current measurement limit. Clear: Cycle KSI. 1. Leakage to vehicle frame from phase Set: Controller current sensors have invalid o˜ set reading. U, V, or W (short in motor stator). Clear: Cycle KSI. 2. Controller defective. 1. External load on capacitor bank (B+ connection terminal) that prevents the capacitor bank from charging. 2. See Monitor menu » Battery: Capacitor Voltage. Set: Precharge failed to charge the capacitor bank to the KSI voltage. Clear: Cycle interlock input or use VCL function. 15 Controller Severe Undertemp ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. 16 Controller Severe Overtemp 1. See Monitor menu » Controller: Set: Heatsink temperature above +95°C. ShutdownMotor; Clear: Bring heatsink temperature Temperature. ShutdownMainContactor; 2. Controller is operating in an extreme below +95°C, and cycle interlock or KSI. ShutdownEMBrake; environment. ShutdownThrottle; 3. Excessive load on vehicle. FullBrake; 4. Improper mounting of controller. ShutdownPump. 17 Severe Undervoltage Reduced drive torque. 1. See Monitor menu » Controller: Set: Heatsink temperature below -40°C. Temperature. Clear: Bring heatsink temperature 2. Controller is operating in an extreme above -40°C, and cycle interlock or KSI. environment. 1. Battery Menu parameters are misadjusted. 2. Non-controller system drain on battery. 3. Battery resistance too high. 4. Battery disconnected while driving. 5. See Monitor menu » Battery: Capacitor Voltage. 6. Blown B+ fuse or main contactor did not close. Set: Capacitor bank voltage dropped below the severe undervoltage limit with FET bridge enabled. Clear: Bring capacitor voltage above severe undervoltage limit. PMC003 Terms: KSI = Key Switch Interlock FET = Field-Effect Transistor 4-14 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostic Codes, continued TROUBLESHOOTING CHART, continued CODE FAULT CONDITION POSSIBLE CAUSE EFFECT OF FAULT 18 Severe Overvoltage ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. 22 Controller Overtemp Cutback 1. See Monitor menu » Controller: Temperature. Reduced drive and brake torque. 2. Controller is performance-limited at this temperature. 3. Controller is operating in an extreme environment. 4. Excessive load on vehicle. 5. Improper mounting of controller. 23 Undervoltage Cutback Reduced drive torque. 24 Overvoltage Cutback Reduced brake torque. 1. See Monitor menu » Battery: Capacitor Voltage. 2. Battery menu parameters are misadjusted. 3. Battery resistance too high for given regen current. 4. Battery disconnected while regen braking. SET/CLEAR CONDITIONS Set: Capacitor bank voltage exceeded the Severe Overvoltage limit with FET bridge enabled. Clear: Bring capacitor voltage below Severe Overvoltage limit, and then cycle KSI. Set: Heatsink temperature exceeded 85°C. Clear: Bring heatsink temperature below 85°C. 1. Normal operation. Fault shows that the batteries need recharging. Controller is performance limited at this voltage. 2. Battery parameters are misadjusted. 3. Non-controller system drain on battery. 4. Battery resistance too high. 5. Battery disconnected while driving. 6. See Monitor menu » Battery: Capacitor Voltage. 7. Blown B+ fuse or main contactor did not close. Set: Capacitor bank voltage dropped below the Undervoltage limit with the FET bridge enabled. Clear: Bring capacitor voltage above the Undervoltage limit. 1. Normal operation. Fault shows that regen braking currents elevated the battery voltage during regen braking. Controller is performance limited at this voltage. 2. Battery parameters are misadjusted. 3. Battery resistance too high for given regen current. 4. Battery disconnected while regen braking. 5. See Monitor menu » Battery: Set: Capacitor bank voltage exceeded the Overvoltage limit with the FET bridge enabled. Clear: Bring capacitor voltage below the Overvoltage limit. Capacitor Voltage. 25 26 +5V Supply Failure None, unless a fault action is programmed in VCL. 1. External load impedance on the +5V supply (pin 26) is too low. 2. See Monitor menu » outputs: 5 Volts and Ext Supply Current. Set: +5V supply (pin 26) outside the +5V +/-10% range. Clear: Bring voltage within range. Digital Out 6 Overcurrent 1. External load impedance on Digital Output 6 driver (pin 19) is too low. Set: Digital Output 6 (pin 19) current exceeded 15 mA. Clear: Remedy the overcurrent cause and use the VCL function Set_DigOut() to turn the driver on again. Digital Output 6 driver will not turn on. PMC004 Terms: KSI = Key Switch Interlock FET = Field-Effect Transistor M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-15 TROUBLESHOOTING Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostic Codes, continued TROUBLESHOOTING CHART, continued CODE 27 FAULT CONDITION Digital Out 7 Overcurrent Digital Output 7 driver will not turn on. 28 Motor Temp Hot Cutback Reduced drive torque. 29 Motor Temp Sensor Fault MaxSpeed reduced (LOS, Limited Operating Strategy), and motor temperature cutback disabled. 31 Coil1 Driver Open/Short ShutdownDriver1. 32 EMBrake Open/Short ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake. 33 Coil3 Driver Open/Short ShutdownDriver3. 34 POSSIBLE CAUSE EFFECT OF FAULT Coil4 Driver Open/Short ShutdownDriver4. SET/CLEAR CONDITIONS 1. External load impedance on Digital Output 7 driver (pin 20) is too low. Set: Digital Output 7 (pin 20) current exceeded 15 mA. Clear: Remedy the overcurrent cause and use the VCL function Set_DigOut() to turn the driver on again. 1. Motor temperature is at or above the programmed Temperature Hot setting, and the requested current is being cut back. 2. Motor Temperature Control Menu parameters are mis-tuned. 3. See Monitor menu » Motor: Temperature and » Inputs: Analog2. 4. If the application doesn’t use a motor thermistor, Temp Compensation and Temp Cutback should be programmed O˜. Set: Motor temperature is at or above the Temperature Hot parameter setting. Clear: Bring the motor temperature within range. 1. Motor thermistor is not connected properly. 2. If the application does not use a thermistor, Temp Compensation and Temp Cutback should be programmed O˜. 3. See Monitor menu » Motor: Temperature and » Inputs: Analog2. Set: Motor thermistor input (pin 8) is at the voltage rail (0 or 10V). Clear: Bring the motor thermistor input voltage within range. 1. Open or short on driver load. 2. Dirty connector pins. 3. Bad crimps or faulty wiring. Set: Driver 1 (pin 6) is either open or shorted. Clear: Correct open or short, and cycle driver. 1. Open or short on driver load. 2. Dirty connector pins. 3. Bad crimps or faulty wiring. Set: Electromagnetic brake driver (pin 5) is either open or shorted. Clear: Correct open or short, and cycle driver. Set: Driver 3 (pin 4) is either open or shorted. Clear: Correct open or short, and cycle driver. Set: Driver 4 (pin3) is either open or shorted. Clear: Correct open or short, and cycle driver. 1. Open or short on driver load. 2. Dirty connector pins. 3. Bad crimps or faulty wiring. 1. Open or short on driver load. 2. Dirty connector pins. 3. Bad crimps or faulty wiring. Terms: KSI = Key Switch Interlock FET = Field-Effect Transistor VCL = Vehicle Control Language PMC005 4-16 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) er. TROUBLESHOOTING Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostic Codes, continued TROUBLESHOOTING CHART, continued CODE 35 FAULT CONDITION PD Open/Short ShutdownPD. ed. 36 Encoder Fault ShutdownEMBrake. 37 Motor Open ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. 38 Main Contactor Welded ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. d o B+. n n n 39 41 1. Motor phase is open. 2. Bad crimps or faulty wiring. Set: Motor phase U, V, or W detected open. Clear: Cycle KSI. 1. Main contactor tips are welded closed. 2. Motor phase U or V is disconnected or open. 3. An alternate voltage path (such as an Set: Just prior to the main contactor closing, the capacitor bank voltage (B+ connection terminal) was loaded for a short time and the voltage did not discharge. Clear: Cycle KSI external precharge resistor) is providing a current to the capacitor bank (B+ connection terminal). Set: With the main contactor commanded closed, the capacitor bank voltage (B+ connection terminal) did not charge to B+. Clear: Cycle KSI. Throttle Wiper High 1. See Monitor menu » Inputs: Throttle Pot. 2. Throttle pot wiper voltage too high. Set: Throttle pot wiper (pin 16) voltage is higher than the high fault threshold (can be changed with the VCL function Setup_Pot_Faults()) Clear: Bring throttle pot wiper voltage below the fault threshold. Set: Throttle pot wiper (pin 16) voltage is lower than the low fault threshold (can be changed with the VCL function Setup_Pot_Faults()). Clear: Bring throttle pot wiper voltage above the fault threshold. Throttle Wiper Low Pot2 Wiper High FullBrake. PMC006 1. Motor encoder failure. 2. Bad crimps or faulty wiring. 3. See Monitor menu » Motor: Motor RPM. Set: Proportional driver (pin 2) is either open or shorted. Clear: Correct open or short, and cycle driver. Set: Motor encoder phase failure detected. Clear: Cycle KSI. 1. Main contactor did not close. 2. Main contactor tips are oxidized, burned, or not making good contact. 3. External load on capacitor bank (B+ connection terminal) that prevents capacitor bank from charging. 4. Blown B+ fuse. ShutdownThrottle. 43 1. Open or short on driver load. 2. Dirty connector pins. 3. Bad crimps or faulty wiring. SET/CLEAR CONDITIONS Main Contactor Did Not Close ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. ShutdownThrottle. 42 POSSIBLE CAUSE EFFECT OF FAULT 1. See Monitor menu » Inputs: Throttle Pot. 2. Throttle pot wiper voltage too low. 1. See Monitor menu » Inputs: Pot2 Raw. 2. Pot2 wiper voltage too high. Set: Pot2 wiper (pin 17) voltage is higher than the high fault threshold (can be changed with the VCL function Setup_Pot_Faults()). Clear: Bring Pot2 wiper voltage below the fault threshold. Terms: KSI = Key Switch Interlock FET = Field-Effect Transistor VCL = Vehicle Control Language M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-17 TROUBLESHOOTING Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostic Codes, continued TROUBLESHOOTING CHART, continued CODE 44 45 FAULT CONDITION 1. See Monitor menu » Inputs: Pot2 Raw. 2. Pot2 wiper voltage too low. Pot Low Overcurrent 1. See Monitor menu » Outputs: Pot Low. 2. Combined pot resistance connected to pot low is too low. EEPROM Failure ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; ShutdownInterlock; ShutdownDriver1; ShutdownDriver2; ShutdownDriver3; ShutdownDriver4; ShutdownPD; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. 47 HPD/Sequencing Fault ShutdownThrottle. 49 Parameter Change Fault ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. 51 Throttle SRO Fault ShutdownThrottle/brake. Shutdown Motor. 52 PMC007 4-18 SET/CLEAR CONDITIONS Pot2 Wiper Low FullBrake. ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake. 46 POSSIBLE CAUSE EFFECT OF FAULT HPD Fault ShutdownThrottle/brake. Shutdown Motor. 1. Failure to write to EEPROM memory. This can be caused by EEPROM memory writes initiated by VCL, by the CAN bus, by adjusting parameters with the programmer, or by loading new software into the controller. Set: Pot2 wiper (pin 17) voltage is lower than the low fault threshold (can be changed with the VCL function Setup_Pot_Faults() ). Clear: Bring Pot2 wiper voltage above the fault threshold. Set: Pot low (pin 18) current exceeds 10 mA. Clear: Clear pot low overcurrent condition and cycle KSI. Set: Controller operating system tried to write to EEPROM memory and failed. Clear: Download the correct software (OS) and matching parameter default settings into the controller and cycle KSI. 1. KSI, interlock, direction, and throttle inputs applied in incorrect sequence. 2. Faulty wiring, crimps, or switches at KSI, interlock, direction, or throttle inputs. 3. See Monitor menu » Inputs. Set: HPD (High Pedal Disable) or sequencing fault caused by incorrect sequence of KSI, interlock, direction and throttle inputs. Clear: Reapply inputs in correct sequence. 1. This is a safety fault caused by a change in certain parameter settings so that the vehicle will not operate until KSI is cycled. For example, if a user changes the Throttle Type this fault will appear and require cycling KSI before the vehicle can operate. Set: Adjustment of a parameter setting that requires cycling of KSI. Clear: Cycle KSI 1. Both throttle and brake inputs are Set: Throttle and brake inputs applied at active at the same time. the same time. 2. Faulty throttle and/or brake inputs. Clear: Release throttle and brake pedals. Action: Throttle Shutdown. 1. Throttle is pressed before key switch is turned on. 2. Throttle is pressed before operator presses the seat switch. Set: Throttle is pressed before key switch is turned on or throttle is pressed before operator sits on the seat switch. Clear: Release throttle and properly sequence key switch, seat switch and then throttle. Action: Throttle Shutdown. Terms: KSI = Key Switch Interlock FET = Field-Effect Transistor VCL = Vehicle Control Language M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostic Codes, continued TROUBLESHOOTING CHART, continued CODE 53 54 55 56 FAULT CONDITION Emergency Stop Fault CAN Startup Fault CAN Operational Fault PMC008 ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; ShutdownInterlock; ShutdownDriver1; ShutdownDriver2; ShutdownDriver3; ShutdownDriver4; ShutdownPD; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. SET/CLEAR CONDITIONS 1. E-Stop Switch is Open (Pushed-In) and 2. The Keyswitch voltage is greater than the "Low Voltage Switch Check Threshold" parameter (22 V) and 3. The timer set to the "E-Stop Switch Powerup Check Delay" parameter (3.0 sec) has expired and 4. The "E-Stop Reporting" parameter = On Note: When the E-Stop Switch is Open, the throttle is shutdown immediately but the fault is not reported unless the above conditions are met. An initial heartbeat is not received over the CAN Bus upon power up from the Tennant Master Controller within the "Master Heartbeat Startup Period" parameter (15.0 sec) Set: No signal thru CAN BUS. Clear: Restore CAN communication and cycle Keyswitch. Action: Speed Limit is set to "Fault Max Speed" parameter (311 rpm) After the initial heartbeat, subsequent heartbeats are not received over the CAN bus from the Tennant Master Controller within the "Master Heartbeat Timeout Period" parameter (2.5 sec). Set: No signal thru CAN BUS. Clear: Restore CAN communication and cycle Keyswitch. Action: Speed Limit is set to "Fault Max Speed" parameter (311 rpm) The CAN engine has been set to a "nonoperational" state by the Tennant Master Controller. An NMT message of the following types will set this fault: CAN Transmission Stopped "Enter Pre-Operational State" (Command Specifier = 0x80), "Stop Remote Node" (Command Specifier = 0x02), "Reset Communication" (Command Specifier = 0x82). VCL Run Time Error 68 POSSIBLE CAUSE EFFECT OF FAULT 1. VCL code encountered a runtime VCL error. 2. See Monitor menu » Controller: VCL Error Module and VCL Error. This error can then be compared to the runtime VCL module ID and error code deÿnitions found in the speciÿc OS system information ÿle. Set: E-Stop is open or low voltage. Clear: E-Stop Switch is closed (PulledOut) and cycle key-switch off/on. Action: Shutdown Throttle Set: Tennant Master Controller set to nonoperation. Clear: Master Tennant controller resets Curtis controller via the NMT message "Reset Node" (Command Specifier = 0x81) or cycle Keyswitch Action: Shutdown CAN PDO transmission Speed Limit is set to "Fault Max Speed" parameter (311 rpm) Set: Runtime VCL code error condition. Clear: Edit VCL application software to ÿx this error condition; ˝ash the new compiled software and matching parameter defaults; cycle KSI. Terms: KSI = Key Switch Interlock FET = Field-Effect Transistor VCL = Vehicle Control Language CAN = Controller Area Network M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-19 TROUBLESHOOTING Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostic Codes, continued TROUBLESHOOTING CHART, continued CODE 69 71 FAULT CONDITION POSSIBLE CAUSE EFFECT OF FAULT SET/CLEAR CONDITIONS External Supply Out of Range None, unless a fault action is programmed in VCL. 1. External load on the 5V and 12V supplies draws either too much or too little current. 2. Fault Checking Menu parameters Ext Supply Max and Ext Supply Min are mis-tuned. 3. See Monitor menu » Outputs: Ext Supply Current. Set: The external supply current (combined current used by the 5V supply [pin 26] and 12V supply [pin 25]) is either greater than the lower current threshold. The two thresholds are deÿned by the External Supply Max and External Supply Min parameter settings. Clear: Bring the external supply current within range. OS General 1. Internal controller fault. Set: Internal controller fault detected. Clear: Cycle KSI 1. Time between CAN PDO messages received exceeded the PDO Timeout Period. Set: Time between CAN PDO messages received exceeded the PDO Timeout Period. Clear: Cycle KSI. Set: No motor encoder movement detected. Clear: Either cycle KSI, or detect valid motor encoder signals while operating in LOS mode and return Throttle Command = 0 and Motor RPM= 0 ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; ShutdownInterlock; ShutdownDriver1; ShutdownDriver2; ShutdownDriver3; ShutdownDriver4; ShutdownPD; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. 72 PDO Timeout ShutdownInterlock; CAN NMT State set to Pre-operational. 73 Stall Detected ShutdownEMBrake. 87 PMC009 4-20 1. 2. 3. 4. Stalled motor. Motor encoder failure. Bad crimps or faulty wiring. Problems with power supply for the motor encoder. 5. See Monitor menu » Motor: Motor RPM. Motor Characterization Fault 1. Motor characterization failed during Set: Motor characterization failed during characterization process. See Monitor the motor characterization process. ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; menu » Controller: Motor Clear: Correct fault; cycle KSI. ShutdownEMBrake; Characterization Error for cause: ShutdownThrottle; 0=none FullBrake; 1=encoder signal seen, but step size ShutdownPump. not determined; set Encoder Step Size manually 2=motor temp sensor fault 3=motor temp hot cutback fault 4= controller overtemp cutback fault 5=controller undertemp cutback fault 6=undervoltage cutback fault 7=severe overvoltage fault 8=encoder signal not seen, or one or both channels missing 9=motor parameters out of characterization range. Terms: KSI = Key Switch Interlock FET = Field-Effect Transistor VCL = Vehicle Control Language M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostic Codes, continued TROUBLESHOOTING CHART, continued FAULT CONDITION CODE 88 89 1. The motor encoder output signal does not match the commanded direction. Set: Motor phase cables U, V, and W possibly installed incorrectly. Clear: Correct faulty cable installation and cycle KSI. Motor Type Fault 1. The Motor_Type parameter value is out of range. Set: Motor_Type parameter is set to an illegal value. Clear: Set Motor_Type to correct value and cycle KSI. 1. The VCL software in the controller does not match the OS software in the controller. Set: VCL and OS software do not match; when KSI cycles, a check is made to verify that they match and a fault is issued when they do not. Clear: Download the correct VCL and OS software into the controller. 1. Vehicle movement sensed after the EM Brake has been commanded to set. 2. EM Brake will not hold the motor from rotating. Set: After the EM Brake was commanded to set and time has elapsed to allow the brake to fully engage, vehicle movement has been sensed. Clear: Activate the throttle. 1. Limited Operating Strategy (LOS) control mode has been activated, as a result of either an Encoder Fault (Code 36) or a Stall Detect Fault (Code 73). 2. Motor encoder failure. 3. Bad crimps or faulty wiring. 4. Vehicle is stalled. Set: Encoder Fault (Code 36) or Stall Detect Fault (Code 73) was activated, and Brake or Interlock has been applied to activate LOS control mode, allowing limited motor control. Clear: Cycle KSI, or if LOS mode was activated by the Stall Fault, clear by ensuring encoder senses proper operation, Motor RPM = 0, and Throttle Command = 0. Emer Rev Timeout ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle. 1. Emergency Reverse was activated and concluded because the EMR Timeout timer has expired. 2. The emergency reverse input is stuck On. Set: Emergency Reverse was activated and ran until the EMR Timeout timer expired. Clear: Turn the emergency reverse input O˜. Illegal Model Number 1. Model_Number variable contains illegal value (not 1234, 1236, 1238, or 1298). 2. Software and hardware do not match. 3. Controller defective. Set: Illegal Model_Number variable; when KSI cycles a check is made to conÿrm a legal Model_Number, and a fault is issued if one is not found. Clear: Download appropriate software for your controller model. VCL/OS Mismatch ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; 92 EM Brake Failed to Set ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle. 93 94 98 SET/CLEAR CONDITIONS Motor Phase Fault ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. 91 POSSIBLE CAUSE EFFECT OF FAULT Encoder LOS (Limited Operating Strategy) Enter LOS control mode. ShutdownMotor; ShutdownMainContactor; ShutdownEMBrake; ShutdownThrottle; FullBrake; ShutdownPump. PMC010 Terms: KSI = Key Switch Interlock FET = Field-Effect Transistor EMR = Emergency Reverse M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-21 1.Turn Key Off. TROUBLESHOOTING INPUT DISPLAY MODE Input Display Mode is an onboard diagnostic utility that displays controller input conditions. Input Display Mode displays LCD text messages for hard-wired switch, sensor, and touch panel button inputs. 3. Press and release the configuration mode button to scroll through a list of utilities until “INPUT DISPLAY” appears on the LCD. CONFIG MODE SELF TEST 1. Key switch Off. Press and hold the configuration mode button. MANUAL MODE INPUT DISPLAY STP001 PROPEL DIAG MODE 1.Turn Key Off. INPUT DISPLAY MOTORS MODE Tennant Quantum UI ver X.X 4. Press and release the brush pressure button to enter Input Display Mode. “I1:Solution Tank Level:X XV” will appear on the LCD. 2. Key switch On. Release the configuration mode button when “CONFIG MODE” appears on the LCD. I1:Solution Tank Level: X XV STP002 CONFIG MODE Operational Matrix: Operational Matrix: 4-22 Scrub Head Down Enabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Fwd/Rev Propel Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF Scrub Head M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) • Squeegee/Vac ON • Squeegee/Vac OFF Down • Recovery Tank Full • Low Batt Voltage TROUBLESHOOTING 5. Press and release the configuration mode button to scroll through a list of hard-wired switch and sensor inputs. I1:Solution Tank Level: X XV I1:Solution Tank Level: X XV I6:Roll Switch Off/On I11:Hopper Temp I2:Recovery Tank Not Full/Full I7:Lift Switch Off/On I12:Hopper Position I3:Hlf Recvr Tank I8:Pressure Switch Open/Closed I13:Filter Input (clogged filter input) I4:Seat Switch: Seated I9:Flush Button I5:Shaker Switch Off/On I10: SE Switch Off/On IDM003 6. Press any other touch panel button to display a corresponding LCD text message. The message confirms that the control board received the input. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-23 1.Turn Key Off. TROUBLESHOOTING 3. Press and release the configuration mode button to scroll through a list of utilities until “MANUAL MODE” appears on the LCD. MANUAL MODE Manual Mode is an onboard diagnostic utility that manually activates machine functions and displays output current in “XX.X Amps” format. This mode bypasses interlocking inputs and should be used for diagnostic purposes only. CONFIG MODE SELF TEST 1. Key switch Off. Press and hold the configuration mode button. MANUAL MODE INPUT DISPLAY STP001 PROPEL DIAG MODE 1.Turn Key Off. MANUAL MODE MOTORS MODE Tennant Quantum UI ver X.X 4. Press and release the brush pressure button to enter Manual Mode. “M01: Left Brush, 00% XX.XA” will appear on the LCD. M01: Left Brush 00% XX.XA 2. Key switch On. Release the configuration mode button when “CONFIG MODE” appears on the LCD. STP002 CONFIG MODE Operational Matrix: Operational Matrix: 4-24 Scrub Head Down Enabled Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF Scrub Head • Fwd/Rev Propel • Squeegee/Vac ON • Squeegee/Vac OFF Down • Recovery Tank Full TROUBLESHOOTING 5. Press and release the configuration mode button to scroll through a list of output functions. Press the brush down pressure button to activate the function displayed on the LCD. NOTE: “XX.X A” format indicates that the actual amperage value will vary. See the “Specifications” section of this manual for approximate amp draw values. NOTE: “R” or “E” in the lower left corner of the LCD indicates Retracted or Extended actuator position. NOTE: “XX%” refers to the duty cycle of the circuit load when activated. NOTE: “OK” indicates that the displayed function is not open or shorted. M01: Left Brush XXA XX.XRPM M01: Left Brush XX.XA XXXRPM M13: Side Pump XX.XXV XX% % X.XXA M02: Right Brush XX.XA XXXRPM M14: Ec Pump XX.XXV XX% % X.XXA M15: ES Pump XX.XXV XX% % X.XXA M16: Det Pump XX.XXV XX% % X.XXA M03: Side Brush XX.XA XXXRPM M04: Main Swp Act. XXX.X% XX.XA M25: Side Scrub Act XXX.X% XX.XA M26: Sqe Act XXX.X% XX.XA M27: Dust Vac 1 XXXXX RPM M07: Left Swp Br XXX% XX.XA M17: Water Valve SSSSSS FF X.XXA M18: Side Valve SSSSSS FF X.XXA M19: Ec Valve SSSSSS FF X.XXA M08: L Swp Act XXX.X% XX.XA M09: R Swp Br XXX% XX.XA M20: Sol AF Valve SSSSSS FF X.XXA M21: Recvr Valve SSSSSS FF X.XXA M28: Dust Vac 2 XXXXX RPM M29: Filter Shaker XXX% XX.XA M30: Roll Act H Pos XXX.X V X.XX M31: Lift Pump D XXX% XX.XA M32: Set Roll Home X.XXX (X.XXX) M33: Set Roll Max? X.XXX (X.XXX) M10: R Swp Act XXX.X% XX.XA M22: Ec Sparger XXX% XX.XXA M34: Set Roll Min? X.XXX (X.XXX) M11: Wtr Vac 1 XXX% XX.XA M12: Wtr Vac 2 XXX% XX.XA M23: Ec Cell XXX% XX.XXA M24: Scrub Act XXX.X% XX.XA M35: Fact Set Roll? X.XXX (X.XXX) M05: Main Swp Br1 XXX% XX.XA M06: Main Swp Br2 XXX% XX.XA M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Exit Manual Mode Yes 4-25 1.Turn Key Off. TROUBLESHOOTING 3. Press and release the configuration mode button to scroll through a list of utilities until “MOTORS MODE” appears on the LCD. MOTORS MODE Motors Mode is an onboard diagnostic utility that allows trained service personnel to operate various motors independently for service testing purposes only. CONFIG MODE SELF TEST 1. Key switch Off. Press and hold the configuration mode button. MANUAL MODE INPUT DISPLAY STP001 1.Turn Key Off. PROPEL DIAG MODE MOTORS MODE MOTORS MODE Tennant Quantum UI ver X.X 4. Press and release the brush pressure button to enter Motors Mode. “MM1: Run Main Scrub Brushes” will appear on the LCD. MM1:Run Main Scrub Brushes 2. Key switch On. Release the configuration mode button when “CONFIG MODE” appears on the LCD. STP002 CONFIG MODE Operational Matrix: Operational Matrix: 4-26 Scrub Head Down Enabled Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF Scrub Head • Fwd/Rev Propel • Squeegee/Vac ON • Squeegee/Vac Down M17 ServiceOFF Information 9017358 (08-2016) • Recovery Tank Full • Low Batt Voltage • Load Current Fault 1.Turn Key Off. TROUBLESHOOTING 5. Press and release the configuration mode button to scroll through a list of motors. Press the brush down pressure button to activate the selected motor(s) and the 1-STEP button to deactivate the selected motor(s). NOTE: Once MM1 or MM2 is activated, the down pressure button can be used to adjust the down pressure setting and the 1-STEP button must be used to turn the motor(s) off. 1.Turn Key Off. MM1:Run Main Scrub Brushes MM1: Main Scrub MM2: Side Scrub MM3: Main Sweep MM4: Side Sweep MM5: All Sweep MM6: Run Ec-H2O Exit Motors Mode Operational Matrix: M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Scrub Head Down Enabled Disa • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1• Squeegee/Vac ON • Sq 4-27 • Re • Lo • Lo TROUBLESHOOTING 4-28 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING POWER STEERING STATUS LED (OPTION) 1. Remove the front panel below the steering wheel to gain access to the power steering components. 2. Observe status LED and use the table below to determine derate level. LED DESCRIPTION Off Normal Operation, Up to 100% of Maximum Torque Output No LED may also indicate a power supply failure to the power steering control module. Turn steering wheel completely to one side and hold pressure for 30 seconds to see if the LED flashes for derate as listed below: Purple, Blinking Derate Level 1, Up to 75% of Maximum Torque Output Yellow, Blinking Derate Level 2, Up to 50% of Maximum Torque Output Red, Blinking Derate Level 3, Up to 20% of Maximum Torque Output M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-29 TROUBLESHOOTING Back-Up Alarm/Light ON J1-5 DRV2 E-STOP FWD REV J1-13 J1-4 CAN TERM H J1-21 CAN TERM L J1-34 B- GND 15/GRN J1-23 J1-35 J1-16 Opt. Reverse Relay 86 M2A 13/BLK P1-1 J1-3 DRV3 90/TAN Cable 17/PUR DRV4 INTERLOCK 13/BLK W/WHT KSI J1-11 FWD/REV Switch V/GRN 36VDC CAN + J1-33 U/ORN W B+ CAN - 2 REV 11/PNK J1-22 RX BRAKE IN 6 8 5 4 1 J1-6 J1-10 10/TAN FWD DRV1 5/GRN TX U V M17 Curtis 1232SE Controller (0-5 vdc) THROTTLE E-Stop Switch (N.C.) J1-9 THERMISTOR B J1-8 A J1-7 J1-1 Seat Switch (N.O.) 9/WHT I/O GND B+ J1-31 J1-29 PHASE A Cable +12V PHASE B 8/GRY J1-28 J1-25 J1-32 Switched B+ From Buss Bar Switched B+ FU1 150A B- From Stando˜ Battery - Note: Key Switch ON 85 P2-1 Back-Up Alarm M2B 85/GRN-WHT White Back Up Lights (LEDs) 87 30 CB-21 (2.5A) 17/PUR Operational Matrix: Enabled Battery Positive + Battery Negative PMC011 4-30 Back-Up Alarm/Lights Disabled • Fwd Switch Input • Rev Switch Input • Rev Throttle Command • Neutral - Ready State • Curtis 1232SE Fault M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Back-Up Alarm/Light Failed to Turn ON STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable back-up alarm/lights Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? See Go to Step #2 “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Correct Fault Condition Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key On Enable back-up alarm/lights See “Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostics” Is there a pertinent Curtis 1232SE fault displayed? Key Off See “Propel Diagnostic Mode” section of this manual Check the “P4:Direction Fwd/Rev” input from the directional switch Check the “P2:Throttle” (0-5 vdc) input from the directional pedal Are the P2 and P4 inputs operating properly? Go to Step # 4 Correct Faulty Input Condition Key Off Remove M2 relay from connector (see component locator) Connect an Ohmmeter between relay terminals 30 and 87 (should test open or “O.L.”) Apply battery voltage to relay terminals 86 (+) and 85 (-) using fuse-protected jumper leads Does the relay “click” and do the N.O. (normally open) terminals 30 and 87 close? Go to Step #5 Replace Relay Key Off Disconnect back-up alarm/light from main harness Apply battery voltage to back-up alarm/light using fuse-protected jumper leads Does the back-up alarm/light turn On? Go to Step #6 Replace BackUp Alarm/ Light Key On Reconnect back-up alarm/light to main harness Enable back-up alarm/light Backprobe using a voltmeter between 15/GRN and 17/PUR at the Curtis 1232SE controller connection Is there battery voltage applied? Repair or Replace Wire Harness Replace Curtis 1232SE Controller • • 4 • • • • • 5 • • • • 6 • • • • • VALUE(S) YES NO Terms: Backprobe = To insert voltmeter probe(s) into the back of a connector to contact a terminal(s) while the circuit operates or should be operating. VDC = DC Voltage M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-31 TROUBLESHOOTING Lighting ON Note: Key Switch ON B- From Stando˜ M1B CONTACTS FU1 150A 22/RED-TAN 13/BLK M3B Auxiliary Contactor (near base of steering column) Red Taillights (LED) 6/BLU CB11 (15A) 65/GRN 3 1 7 5 4 67/PUR 2 8 68/GRY 76/BLU Light Switch Position Lights OFF/Down = 2-1, 6-5 Warning Light ON/Center = 2-3, 6-7 Headlight and Warning ON/Up = 3-4, 7-8 CB12 (2.5A) CB13 (2.5A) 93/ORA 13/BLK 6 92/BRN 13/BLK OHG Flash/ Strobe Light CB14 (2.5A) Battery Positive + Headlights (LED) 13/BLK Flash/Strobe Light Battery Negative ELC001 4-32 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Lighting Failed to Turn ON STEP ACTION 1 • • • • 2 YES NO Key On Light switch On Firmly press circuit breaker #11 to reset Is circuit breaker #11 tripped? Reset and Test Lighting Operation Go to Step #2 • • • • Key On Light switch On Firmly press circuit breaker #12 (Option) to reset Is circuit breaker #12 tripped? Reset and Test Lighting Operation Go to Step #3 3 • • • • Key On Light switch On Firmly press circuit breaker #13 (Option) to reset Is circuit breaker #13 tripped? Reset and Test Lighting Operation Go to Step #4 4 • • • • Key On Light switch On Firmly press circuit breaker #14 (Option) to reset Is circuit breaker #14 tripped? Reset and Test Lighting Operation Go to Step #5 5 • • • Key On Light switch On Test voltage applied to the lighting subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) VALUE(S) 4-33 TROUBLESHOOTING Main Scrub Brushes ON 1/RED + 13/BLK - 1/RED 36 Volt 3/ORA 13/BLK CB4 2.5A BUS BAR Switched B+ From M1B FUSE-2 100A 16/BLU 4/YEL Front/Left Brush MTR 3 203/ORA 209/WHT 134/YEL 133/ORA 132/BRN 131/PNK 130/TAN Rear/Right Brush Encoder 204/YEL 2 1 MTR 3 208/GRY 205/GRN 213/BLK-WHT 200/TAN 2 J9-5 GROUND J9-4 +5 VDC J9-3 HALL 3 J9-2 HALL 2 J9-1 HALL 1 J10-2 LT MTR 2 211/PNK 129/WHT 125/GRN 34/YEL 33/ORA 32/BRN Encoder To: Interface Module J4-18 KSI (Key Switch Interlock) 8/GRY To: Interface Module M17 Scrub Module KEY SWITCH 1 P1-1 (B+) Post P2-1 (B-) Post J10-3 LT MTR 3 J10-1 LT MTR 1 J9-10 GROUND J9-9 +5 VDC J9-8 HALL 3 J9-7 HALL 2 J9-6 HALL 1 J11-5 RT MTR 2 CAN +12V J1-4 CAN GND J1-3 CAN (-) J1-2 CAN + J1-1 Twisted Pair J11-6 RT MTR 3 J11-4 RT MTR 1 Battery Positive + Battery Negative MSC001 4-34 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Main Scrub Brushes Failed to Turn ON STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable main scrub brushes subsystem Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Motors Mode” section of this manual Activate the main scrub brushes in Motors mode Do the scrub brushes turn On? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J10-1, 2, 3 or J11-4, 5, 6 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • • Proceed to Step #5 for disk scrub head models Key Off Remove cylindrical brushes from scrub head Check for worn out brushes (see maintenance section) Check brushes for entangled debris Check brush idler plugs and bearings for excessive wear, damage, seizure, etc. Check main brush drive belts for excessive wear, damage, etc Do any of the above conditions exist? Repair or ReGo to Step #5 place Necessary Cylindrical Scrub Head Components Proceed to Step #6 if both brush motors fail to turn On Lower main scrub head Turn key off Swap motor leads between left and right motors Does the same motor fail to turn on? Repair or Replace Main Scrub Brush Motors Go to Step #6 Key Off Reconnect main scrub brush motors to correct main harness connectors Key On Enable main scrub brush motors Test voltage applied to the main scrub brush motor subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • • • • 5 • • • • • 6 • • • • • • VALUE(S) YES NO Terms J5-5 = T12 Scrub Module Connector #5, Pin #5 J5-4 = T12 Scrub Module Connector #5, Pin #4 J5-2 = T12 Scrub Module Connector #5, Pin #2 J5-1 = T12 Scrub Module Connector #5, Pin #1 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-35 TROUBLESHOOTING Side Scrub Brush ON /Down Battery (-) Switched B+ From Buss Bar 13/BLK 2/RED-TAN M17 Side Scrub Module CB3 35A 103/ORA Side Scrub Brush Actuator Extend Limit Sw. MTR CAN+ J2-1 CAN- J2-2 2 115/GRN J4-7 Side Actuator 108/GRY J4-8 Side Actuator 1 2 1 MTR Twisted Pair GRN 6 Enable J4-6 112/BRN 2 OFF 8 5 4 1 Side Scrub 139/WHT 138/GRY 137/PUR 136/BLU 135/GRN Encoder YEL ON Retract Limit Sw. Side Scrub Brush 13/BLK B(-) J5-2 J5-1 B(+) 110/TAN 3 109/WHT 111/PNK J4-11 GROUND J4-15 +5 VDC J4-16 HALL 3 J4-14 HALL 2 J4-12 HALL 1 J6-2 MTR 2 J6-3 MTR 3 J6-1 MTR 1 Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative - Side Scrub Brush On/ Down Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Side Brush Switch ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Side Brush Switch OFF • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault • Neutral (Ready State) SBC004 4-36 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Side Scrub Brush Failed to Turn ON/Lower STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable side scrub brush subsystem Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Motors Mode” section of this manual Activate the side scrub brush in Motors mode Do the scrub brushes turn On? Go to Step #5 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-7, 8 or J6-1, 2, 3 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off Check brush for entangled debris or damage Do any of the above conditions exist? Repair or Replace Necessary Components Go to Step #5 5 • • • Key On Enable side scrub brush motor Test voltage applied to the side scrub brush motor and lift actuator subsystems as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? NOTE: The side scrub motor can be tested using the main brush motor connections of the wire harness. The side scrub motor must be removed to reach the main brush motor connections. Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • • VALUE(S) YES NO Terms: J4-7, 8 = Side Scrub Module Connector #4, Pin #7 or 8 J6-1, 2, 3 = Side Scrub Module Connector #6, Pin #1, 2, or 3 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-37 TROUBLESHOOTING Power-Up ON 1/RED + 1/RED 36 Volt 1/RED CB4 2.5A 13/BLK - Curtis 1232SE Controller M1B 3/ORA BUS BAR FUSE-1 150A CABLE 8/GRY 4/YEL 5/GRN M1A 24/YEL BUS BAR 8/GRY J1-10 E-Stop Switch J1-6 Coil Driver #1 J1-13 36VDC 17/PUR FUSE-2 100A CABLE 13/BLK KEY SWITCH (B-) J1-1 Key Switch (B+) E-Stop Switch 8/GRY (B+) M17 Scrub Module 16/BLU P1-1 (B+) Post J4-18 Key Switch (B+) P2-1 (B-) Post CAN GND CAN - CAN + J1-3 213/BLK-WHT GRN YEL J1-2 J1-1 211/PNK PUC001 J1-4 Tennant M17 UI ver X.X CAN +12 V Instrument Panel Assembly Battery Positive + Battery Negative - 4-38 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Machine Failed to Power Up STEP ACTION 1 • • • 2 3 YES NO Key in On Position Test the total battery voltage using a voltmeter Is the total battery voltage greater than 30 VDC? Go to Step #2 Recharge Batteries and Test Power-Up Circuit Operation • • • Key Off Firmly press circuit breaker 4 to reset Is circuit breaker #4 tripped? Reset and Test Power-Up Circuit Operation Go to Step #3 • • Key On Test voltage applied to the power-up subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • VALUE(S) Terms: VDC = DC Voltage M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-39 TROUBLESHOOTING Propel Subsystem, Forward Propel Motor Assembly 36 VDC DRV4 E-STOP DRV3 FWD REV B- MTR V/GRN W/WHT 17/PUR J1-13 J1-3 15/GRN J1-4 118/GRY J1-5 24/YEL J1-6 GND To: Back-Up Light Circuit M3A M1A Cable J1-23 4-40 DRV1 U/ORN 7/PUR 14/YEL P1-B BLK 58/GRY P1-D Battery Positive + PMC014 J1-35 Throttle Sensor CAN + GND DRV2 CAN - closed = brake set J1-16 P1-A B+ W INTERLOCK closed = battery rolled out YEL V KSI BATTERY ROLLOUT THROTTLE Temp Sender B+ J1-11 PARK BRAKE T2 RX FWD/REV Switch RED T1 J1-33 62/BRN 11/PNK J1-22 THERMISTOR 10/TAN 8 5 4 1 U M17 Curtis 1232SE Controller BRAKE IN 8/GRY 2 REV J1-10 TX J1-8 6 B PROG + (0-5 vdc) THROTTLE A 5/GRN I/O GND E-Stop Switch (N.C.) FWD J1-9 B J1-7 A 9/WHT PHASE A J1-1 Seat Switch (N.O.) J1-31 B+ +12V J1-29 J1-25 PHASE B Cable J1-28 58GRY YEL 4 59/WHT J1-32 To: Throttle Sensor (GND) 8/GRY J1-25 YEL 3 WHT 5 61/PNK FU1 150A BLK 6 RED 1 66/BLU 58/GRY BLU 2 Switched B+ From Buss Bar Switched B+ From Key Sw. Amer Encoder B- From Stando˜ Note: Key Switch ON Battery Negative - To: Curtis 1232SE (I/O GND) Operational Matrix: Enabled Propel Disabled • Seat Switch Closed • Seat Switch Open • Foot Throttle • Neutral-Ready Command State • Fwd/Rev Switch Input • Park Brake Set • Rollout Door Open • Curtis 1232SE Fault M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Machine Failed to Propel STEP ACTION 1 • • • 2 • • • • • • • • • 3 • • • • • VALUE(S) YES NO Key On See “Curtis 1232SE Controller Diagnostics” section of this manual Does a Curtis 1232SE controller fault condition exist? Correct Fault Condition Go to Step #2 Key Off See “Propel Diagnostic Mode” Is P1:Curtis Online? Does P2: Throttle input voltage (0-5 vdc) change proportionally with throttle pedal movement? Does P3 :Brake pedal input turn On/Off with brake pedal activation? Does P4: Direction input correspond with Fwd/Rev rocker switch position? Does P5:Speed input from drive assembly encoder (speed, direction, position sensor) read “0000.0 Mph?” Does P8:Propel motor current read “0000.0 Amps?” Is the answer “Yes” to all of the above? Go to Step #3 Correct Faulty Input Condition Key Off Place machine on jackstands so drive wheel is lifted off the floor Enable forward propel Test voltage applied to the propel subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components Terms: VDC = Direct Current Voltage M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-41 TROUBLESHOOTING Rear Squeegee Down, OFF Battery (-) Switched B+ From M1B 13/BLK 2/RED-TAN CB1 60A 40/TAN - or 40/BLU J5-1(B+) J5-2 (B-) M17 Water Pick-Up Module Squeegee Actuator Extend Limit Sw. MTR 1 41/PNK 2 42/BRN J6-18 SQGE ACT 1 J6-17 SQGE ACT 2 Retract Limit Sw. CAN (-) J3-2 CAN (+) J3-1 GRN YEL Twisted Pair Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative - Squeegee Down Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Squeegee/Vac ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Squeegee/Vac OFF • Reverse Propel • Recovery Tank Full • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault RSL001 4-42 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Rear Squeegee Failed to Raise/Lower STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable rear squeegee down Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? See Go to Step #2 “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate the rear squeegee in manual mode Does the rear squeegee raise/lower? Go to Step #5 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J5-3 and J5-2 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • Key Off See TESTING REAR SQUEEGEE LIFT ACTUATOR in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the rear squeegee lift actuator pass the testing? Go to Step #5 Replace Rear Squeegee Lift Actuator Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 5 • • • • Key Off Reconnect rear squeegee lift actuator to main wire harness Test voltage applied to rear squeegee lift subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? VALUE(S) See TESTING REAR SQUEEGEE LIFT ACTUATOR in the SERVICE section of this manual. YES NO Terms: J5-3 = Water PU Module Connector #5, Pin #3 J5-2 = Water PU Module Connector #5, Pin #2 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-43 TROUBLESHOOTING Scrub Head Lift Battery (-) Switched B+ From Bus Bar Switched B+ From Key Switch Bus Bar M17 Scrub Module FUSE 2 100A 16/BLU 8/GRY Scrub Head Lift Actuator 2 MTR P1-1 B+ J4-18 Key Switch B(-) P2-1 1 28/GRY 27/PUR 13/BLK J4-10 Scrub Act J4-9 Scrub Act CAN(-) J1-2 CAN(+) J1-1 GRN YEL Twisted Pair Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative - Scrub Head Down Enabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Fwd/Rev Propel Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Neutral-Ready State • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault MSL001 4-44 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Scrub Head Failed to Raise/Lower STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable scrub head down Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? See Go to Step #2 “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate the scrub head in manual mode Does the scrub head raise/lower? Go to Step #5 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-9 and J4-10 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • Key Off See TESTING MAIN BRUSH LIFT ACTUATOR in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the scrub head lift actuator pass the testing? Go to Step #5 Replace Scrub Head Lift Actuator Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 5 • • • • Key Off Reconnect scrub head lift actuator to main wire harness Test voltage applied to scrub head lift subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? VALUE(S) See TESTING MAIN BRUSH LIFT ACTUATOR YES NO Terms: J4-9 = Scrub Module Connector #4, Pin #9 J4-10 = Scrub Module Connector #4, Pin #10 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-45 TROUBLESHOOTING Side Sweep Brush(es) ON Battery (-) Switched B+ From M4B 13/BLK 150/RED-TAN CB17 15A M17 Side Sweep Module J3-1 (B-) J3-2 (B+) 174/YEL 174/YEL Input_0 J4-7 1 BLU MTR 2 BRN 175/GRN J4-17 LH Side Br Output_1 174/YEL Side Sweep Select J4-15 BLU MTR 2 BRN Right Sweep Brush Motor 172/BRN J4-16 RH Side Br Output_0 189/WHT 4 6 NOT USED 5 Left Sweep Brush Motor 1 13/BLK CAN (-) J5-2 CAN (+) J5-1 THERMAL SENTRY N.C. / OPEN = HOPPER FIRE 118/GRY +36V = KEY ON, MAIN PRECHARGE ACTIVE <0.5VDC = MAIN PRECHARGE COMPLETE, MAIN CONTACTOR TURNED ON, START SWEEP SYSTEM PRECHARGE. GRN YEL Twisted Pair Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative - Side Sweep Brush(es) Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Side Brush Switch ON • Fwd/Rev Propel • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Side Brush Switch OFF • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault • Neutral (Ready State) RSL001 4-46 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Side Sweep Brush(es) Failed to Turn ON STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable side brush Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? See Go to Step #2 “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate the side brush in manual mode Do the side brush turn On? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits CB17 or J4-16, J4-17 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off See “Input Display Mode” Does I6: Side Sweep On/Off input correspond with side brush rocker switch position? Go to Step #5 Correct Faulty Input Condition 5 • • Key Off See TESTING SIDE SWEEP BRUSH MOTOR in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the side brush motor pass the testing? Go to Step #6 Replace Side Brush Motor Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 6 • • • • Key Off Reconnect side brush motor to main wire harness Test voltage applied to side brush subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? VALUE(S) See TESTING SIDE SWEEP BRUSH MOTOR YES NO Terms: CB17 = High Side J4-16 = Right Side Sweep Module J4-17 = Left Side Sweep Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-47 TROUBLESHOOTING Side Sweep Brush(es) Extend/Down, OFF Battery (-) Switched B+ From M4B 13/BLK 150/RED-TAN 150/RED-TAN LH Side Actuator Extend Limit Sw. MTR CB17 15A 174/YEL 1 176/BLU 177/PUR Retract Limit Sw. Extend Limit Sw. MTR 13/BLK J3-2(B+) Input_0 J4-7 2 RH Side Actuator M17 Side Sweep Module J3-1 (B-) J4-11 LH Side Br 6 THERMAL SENTRY N.C. / OPEN = HOPPER FIRE J4-12 LH Side Br CAN (-) J3-2 J4-1 179/WHT RH Side Br 2 4 NOT USED 5 Side Sweep Select J4-15 1 189/WHT CAN (+) J3-1 118/GRY +36V = KEY ON, MAIN PRECHARGE ACTIVE <0.5VDC = MAIN PRECHARGE COMPLETE, MAIN CONTACTOR TURNED ON, START SWEEP SYSTEM PRECHARGE. GRN YEL J4-2 Twisted Pair 178/GRY RH Side Br Retract Limit Sw. Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative - Side Sweep Brush(es) Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Side Brush Switch ON • Fwd/Rev Propel • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Side Brush Switch OFF • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault • Neutral (Ready State) RSL001 4-48 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Side Sweep Brush(es) Failed to Extend/Lower STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable side sweep brush extend/down Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? See Go to Step #2 “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Extend/Lower the side brush in manual mode Does the side brush extend/lower? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-1, 2 or J4-11, 12 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off See “Input Display Mode” Does I6: Side Sweep On/Off input correspond with side brush rocker switch position? Go to Step #5 Correct Faulty Input Condition 5 • • Key Off See TESTING SIDE SWEEP BRUSH LIFT ACTUATOR in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the side brush lift actuator pass the testing? Go to Step #6 Replace Side Brush Lift Actuator Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 6 • • • • • • Key Off Reconnect side brush lift actuator to main wire harness Key On Side brush extend/down enabled Test voltage applied to side brush lift subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? VALUE(S) See TESTING SIDE SWEEP BRUSH LIFT ACTUATOR YES NO Terms: J4-1, 2 = Side Sweep Module J4-11, 12 = Side Scrub Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-49 TROUBLESHOOTING Side Sweep Brush(es) Retract/Up, OFF Battery (-) Switched B+ From M4B 13/BLK 150/RED-TAN 150/RED-TAN LH Side Actuator Extend Limit Sw. MTR CB17 15A 174/YEL M17 Side Sweep Module J3-1 (B-) 13/BLK 189/WHT J3-2(B+) Input_0 J4-7 1 176/BLU 2 4 5 J4-11 LH Side Br 6 THERMAL SENTRY N.C. / OPEN = HOPPER FIRE J4-12 LH Side Br 177/PUR Retract Limit Sw. RH Side Actuator Extend Limit Sw. MTR Side Sweep Select J4-15 1 CAN (-) J3-2 J4-1 179/WHT RH Side Br 2 CAN (+) J3-1 118/GRY +36V = KEY ON, MAIN PRECHARGE ACTIVE <0.5VDC = MAIN PRECHARGE COMPLETE, MAIN CONTACTOR TURNED ON, START SWEEP SYSTEM PRECHARGE. GRN YEL J4-2 Twisted Pair 178/GRY RH Side Br Retract Limit Sw. Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative - Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • 1-STEP Scrub ON Side Sweep • Side Brush Switch OFF • Side Brush Switch ON Brush(es) • Recovery Tank Full Retract/Up • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault RSL001 4-50 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Side Sweep Brush(es) Failed to Retract/Raise STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable side brush retract/up Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? See Go to Step #2 “Fault Section" 2 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-1, 2 or J4-11, 12 as open or shorted? Go to Step #3 Correct Faulty Input Condition 3 • • • Key Off See “Input Display Mode” Does I6: Side Sweep On/Off input correspond with side brush rocker switch position? Go to Step #4 Correct Faulty Input Condition 4 • • Key Off See TESTING SIDE SWEEP BRUSH LIFT ACTUATOR in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the side brush lift actuator pass the testing? Go to Step #5 Replace Side Brush Lift Actuator Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 5 • • • • Key On Side brush switch Off Test voltage applied to side brush lift subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? VALUE(S) See TESTING SIDE SWEEP BRUSH LIFT ACTUATOR YES NO Terms: J4-1, 2 = Side Sweep Module Connector #6, Pin #17 or 18 J4-11, 12 = Side Scrub Module Connector #6, Pin #14 or 16 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-51 TROUBLESHOOTING Solution Control ON - Main Brush (Conventional) * SV3 (J4-17) H2O Valve Voltages Level PWM% Low 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 16% 31% 47% 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 31% 47% 63% 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 47% 63% 83% Med (Default) High Battery (-) Switched B+ From Key Switch Battery (+) Range 1/RED NOTE: The period for one cycle is 2 seconds. For example, 50% would be 1 second On and one second off. 75% would be 1.5 seconds On and 0.5 seconds Off. 8/GRY M1B Bus Bar FUSE 2 100A 16/BLU J4-18 Key Switch P1-1 (B+) B(-) P2-1 2/RED-TAN 13/BLK M17 Scrub Module CAN(-) J1-2 CB6 2.5A CAN(+) J1-1 19/WHT 18/GRY SV-3 Conventional Water Solenoid GRN YEL Twisted Pair J4-17 Main Water Solenoid Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative - Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Solution Control OFF • Neutral-Ready State • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault • Solution Control ON Solution Control - Main • Fwd/Rev Propel (Conventional) CSC002 4-52 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Solution Control Failed to Turn ON - Main Brush (Conventional) STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable solution control (conventional) Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? See Go to Step #2 “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate solution control in manual mode Does the machine dispense water to the floor Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuit J4-17 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off Firmly press circuit breaker #6 to reset Is circuit breaker #6 tripped? Reset and Test Solution Control Operation Go to Step #5 5 • • • Key Off Disconnect SV3 from main wire harness Apply battery voltage to SV3 using fuse-protected jumper leads Does the main brush dispense solution? Go to Step #6 Repair or Replace S3 Key Off Reconnect SV3 to main wire harness Key On Enable solution control (conventional) Test voltage applied to solution control subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 6 • • • • • • VALUE(S) YES NO Terms: J4-17 = Scrub Module Connector #4, Pin #17 SV3 = Solenoid Valve #3 (Main Brush) M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-53 TROUBLESHOOTING Solution Control ON - Side Brush (Conventional) Battery (-) Switched B+ From Buss Bar * Side Pump (J4-10) Voltages Range Level Voltage Low 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 4.9 V 6.1 V 7.3 V 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 6.1 V 7.3 V 8.5 V 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 7.3 V 8.5 V 9.7 V Med (Default) High M17 Side Scrub Module CB3 35A 103/ORA SV6 Side Br. H2O Valve CB7 2.5A 104/YEL *Side Br. Water Pump MTR CAN- J2-2 107/PUR YEL Twisted Pair GRN ON J4-9 Side H2O Valve 6 Enable J4-6 106/BLU 13/BLK B(-) J5-2 J5-1 B(+) CAN+ J2-1 2/RED-TAN 13/BLK 2/RED-TAN NOTE: The side water valve stays on continuously when the side water pump is operating at any voltage. J4-10 Side H2O Pump 112/BRN 2 OFF 8 5 4 1 Side Scrub Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative SBC004 4-54 Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Side Brush Switch OFF • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault • Neutral (Ready State) Solution • Side Brush Switch ON Control-Side • Fwd/Rev Propel (Conventional) M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Solution Control Failed to Turn ON - Side Brush (Conventional) STEP ACTION 1 • • VALUE(S) YES NO See Go to Step #2 “Fault Section" • Key On Enable side brush solution control (conventional) Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate solution control in manual mode Does the machine dispense water to the side brush? Go to Step #7 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-10 or J4-9 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off Firmly press circuit breaker #3 to reset Is circuit breaker #3 tripped? Reset and Test Solution Control Operation Go to Step #5 5 • • • Key Off Firmly press circuit breaker #7 to reset Is circuit breaker #7 tripped? Reset and Test Solution Control Operation Go to Step #6 6 • • Key Off Disconnect SV6 and side brush water pump from main wire harness Apply battery voltage to SV6 and side brush water pump using fuse-protected jumper leads Does the side brush dispense solution? Go to Step #7 Repair or Replace SV6 or Side Brush Water Pump Key Off Reconnect SV6 and side brush water pump to main wire harness Key On Enable side brush solution control (conventional) Test voltage applied to the side brush solution control subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • • 7 • • • • • • Terms: J4-9 = Side Scrub Module Connector #4, Pin #9 J4-10 = Side Scrub Module Connector #4, Pin #10 SV6 = Solenoid Valve #6 (Side Brush) M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-55 TROUBLESHOOTING Solution Control ON (ec-H2O) * Ec Pump (J4-4) Voltages Level Voltage + Side Br Low 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 7.5 V 11.2 V 16.2 V 12.5 V 16.2 V 21.2 V 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 11.2 V 16.2 V 21.2 V 17.5 V 21.2 V 23.7 V 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 16.2 V 21.2 V 25 V 21.2 V 23.7 V 25 V Med (Default) Switched B+ From M1B High B- From Stando˜ Range J4-1 VCC_1 J4-2 VCC_2 GND J4-14 2/RED-TAN GND J4-13 GND J4-12 SV7 ec-H2O Side Br. Valve CB8 2.5A 46/BLU 51/PNK ec-H2O Module CB9 2.5A C2 Capacitor (0.01Uf ) 50/TAN + 52/BRN - Pressure IN J4-9 J4-4 Pump MTR CAN (+) J4-10 ec-H2O Pump CAN (-) J4-11 50/TAN 8EA/GRY Sparger 7EA/PUR 3EA/ORA e-Cell 13/BLK J4-5 Side Br. Valve 4EA/YEL N.C. Opens @ 20 +/- 2 psi = Fault N.O. 60/TAN Com N.C. CAN+/YEL Twisted Pair CAN-/GRN J4-3 Flyback J5-1 (SPA-A) (ec-H2O SW) J5-6 J5-2 (SPA-B) (ec-H2O SW) 9EA/WHT J5-5 Flush Switch 13EA/BLK J5-3 (CELL-A) J5-4 (CELL-B) Operational Matrix: Enabled Battery Positive + Battery Negative ECC001 4-56 Solution Control (ec-H2O) • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Solution Control ON • ec-H2O Button ON • Fwd/Rev Propel Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Solution Control OFF • ec-H2O Button OFF/SE ON • Neutral-Ready State • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • ec-H2O System Fault • Circuit Fault M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Solution Control Failed to Turn ON (ec-H2O) STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable solution control (ec-H2O) Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • Key Off Firmly press circuit breakers #8 and #9 to reset Is a circuit breaker tripped? Reset and Test ec-H2O Solution Control Operation Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off Enable solution control (ec-H2O) Is the ec-H2O LED flashing RE, indicating a system restriction or low water conductivity*? See “ec-H2O Module Flush Procedure” Section. Then Proceed to Step #4 Go to Step #5 4 • • System OK • Key Off See “ec-H2O Module Flush Procedure” section of this manual Did the flush procedure fix the problem? See “Testing ec-H2O Pressure Switch” 5 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate solution control (ec-H2O) in manual mode Does solution control (ec-H2O) turn On? Go to Step #8 Go to Step #6 6 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-4, 5 or J5-1, 2 or J5-3, 4 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #7 7 • • • Key Off Disconnect ec-H2O water pump from wire harness Apply battery voltage to ec-H2O water pump using fuse-protected jumper leads Does the ec-H2O water pump dispense water? Go to Step #8 Repair or Replace ec-H2O Water Pump Key Off Reconnect ec-H2O water pump to wire harness Key On Enable solution control (ec-H2O) Test voltage applied to solution control (ec-H2O) system as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go to Step #9 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components Key On Enable solution control (ec-H2O) Is the ec-H2O LED solid RED, indicating an overcurrent condition on a system component? Replace ec-H2O Module Go Back to Step #1 • 8 • • • • • • 9 • • • VALUE(S) See “Self-Test Mode” YES NO *NOTE: Add 1/2 tablespoon of salt for every 10 gallons of water in the solution tank to increase water conductivity. Terms: LED = Light Emitting Diode J4-4 = ec-H2O Module Connector #4, Pin #4 J4-5 = ec-H2O Module Connector #4, Pin #5 J5-1 = ec-H2O Module Connector #5, Pin #1 J5-2 = ec-H2O Module Connector #5, Pin #2 J5-3 = ec-H2O Module Connector #5, Pin #3 J5-4 = ec-H2O Module Connector #5, Pin #4 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-57 TROUBLESHOOTING Severe Environment - Spot Cleaning Switched B+ From Key Switch Range 1% 1/RED 2% (Default) 3% Level Voltage + Side Br 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 4.5 V 7.6 V 9.4 V 6.5 V 9.0 V 10.5 V 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 10.1 V 15.5 V 34.4 V 12.4 V 26.6 V 36 V 1-LED 2-LEDs 3-LEDs 18.5 V 36 V 36 V 36 V 36 V 36 V J4-18 Key Switch FUSE 2 100A Bus Bar 16/BLU 2/RED-TAN P1-1 (B+) B(-) P2-1 CAN(-) J1-2 Severe Environment Pump 19/WHT CAN(+) J1-1 23/ORA MTR 19/WHT Long Spot Clean LED 19/WHT 12 11 25/GRN 10 9 26/BLU NOTE: Pump and LED operate for duration set in configuration mode. Default duration is 30 seconds (short) and 36 minutes (long). Battery Positive + Battery Negative - GRN Twisted Pair YEL J4-14 Severe Environment Pump Spot Clean Short Spot J4-8 35/GRN J4-12 Long Spot Clean LED Long Spot J4-7 36/BLU Short Spot Clean LED 19/WHT 13/BLK 13/BLK CB6 2.5A NOTE: Conventional water range changes to heavy during severe environment mode. M17 Scrub Module 8/GRY M1B Battery (-) Battery (+) * SE Pump (J4-14) Voltages J4-11 Short Spot Clean LED 11 8 5 4 1 9 12 6 2 10 NOTE: See LEDs on left side of schematic Operational Matrix: Severe Environment Spot Clean Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Solution Control ON • Fwd/Rev Propel • SE Switch On • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Solution Control OFF • Neutral-Ready State • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault CSC003 4-58 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Severe Environment - Spot Cleaning Failed to Turn On STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable severe environment - spot clean Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate detergent pump in manual mode Does the pump dispense detergent? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-14, J4-12, or J4-11 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off Firmly press circuit breaker #6 to reset Is circuit breaker #6 tripped? Reset and Test SE-Spot Clean Operation Go to Step #5 5 • • Key Off Check to be sure there is detergent in the concentrate tank Disconnect detergent pump from main wire harness Apply battery voltage to detergent pump using fuseprotected jumper leads Does the pump dispense detergent? Go to Step #6 Repair or Replace detergent pump Key Off Reconnect detergent pump to main wire harness Key On Enable severe environment subsystem Test voltage applied to the severe environment subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • • • 6 • • • • • • VALUE(S) YES NO Terms: J4-14 = Scrub Module Connector #4, Pin #14 J4-12 = Scrub Module Connector #4, Pin #12 J4-11 = Scrub Module Connector #4, Pin #11 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-59 TROUBLESHOOTING ES Detergent Pump ES Detergent Pump Voltages ES w/o Side Brush Economy 1 LED Economy 2 LEDs Economy 3 LEDs Normal 1 LED Normal 2 LEDs Normal 3 LEDs Heavy 1 LED Heavy 2 LEDs Heavy 3 LEDs 1% Dilution 0V 2.0V 4.5V 0V 6.8V 10.1V 0V 9.8V 18.5V 2% Dilution 0V 4.5V 7.6V 0V 10.1V 15.5V 0V 18.5V 36V 3% Dilution 0V 7.6V 9.4V 0V 15.5V 34.4V 0V 36V 36V ES w/ Side Brush Economy 1 LED Economy 2 LEDs Economy 3 LEDs Normal 1 LED Normal 2 LEDs Normal 3 LEDs Heavy 1 LED Heavy 2 LEDs Heavy 3 LEDs 1% Dilution 0V 3.0V 6.5V 0V 9.0V 12.4V 0V 12.7V 36V 2% Dilution 0V 6.5V 9.0V 0V 12.4V 26.6V 0V 36V 36V 3% Dilution 0V 9.0V 10.5V 0V 26.6V 36V 0V 36V 36V Battery (-) Switched B+ From Key Switch Battery (+) 1/RED M17 Scrub Module 8/GRY M1B J4-18 Key Switch FUSE 2 100A Bus Bar 16/BLU 2/RED-TAN P1-1 (B+) B(-) P2-1 CAN(-) J1-2 CAN(+) J1-1 ES Pump 19/WHT MTR 23/ORA GRN YEL Twisted Pair 13/BLK CB6 2.5A 13/BLK J4-14 ES Detergent Pump Operational Matrix: Enabled Battery Positive + Battery Negative - • 1-STEP Scrub ON ES • Solution Control ON Detergent 2 or 3 LEDs Pump • Fwd/Rev Propel • ES On Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Solution Control/ES OFF • Neutral-Ready State • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault CSC003 4-60 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING ES Detergent Pump Failed to Turn On STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable ES scrubbing technology Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate detergent pump in manual mode Does the pump dispense detergent? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-14 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off Firmly press circuit breaker #6 to reset Is circuit breaker #6 tripped? Reset and Test ES Detergent Pump Operation Go to Step #5 5 • • Key Off Check to be sure there is detergent in the concentrate tank Disconnect detergent pump from main wire harness Apply battery voltage to detergent pump using fuseprotected jumper leads Does the pump dispense detergent? Go to Step #6 Repair or Replace detergent pump Key Off Reconnect detergent pump to main wire harness Key On Enable ES detergent pump Test voltage applied to the ES detergent pump as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • • • 6 • • • • • • VALUE(S) YES NO Terms: J4-14 = Scrub Module Connector #4, Pin #14 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-61 TROUBLESHOOTING ES Water Pump Battery (-) Switched B+ From M1B 40/TAN - or 40/BLU 13/BLK 2/RED-TAN CB1 60A J5-1(B+) J5-2 (B-) 2/RED-TAN M17 Water Pick-Up Module ES Pump 1 MTR 3-5A 2 48/GRY 49/WHT Rec Tank Full J6-10 54/YEL 102/BRN J6-12 Autoÿll Solution Valve 53/ORA 0.5A Rec Tank 1/2 Full J6-9 55/GRN 0.5A Rec Tank Full = Closed J6-14 ES PUMP (-) 13/BLK CB5 2.5A J6-13 ES PUMP (+) 101/PNK J6-11 Autoÿll Recovery Valve CAN (-) J3-2 CAN (+) J3-1 Rec Tank 1/2 Full = Closed GRN YEL Twisted Pair Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative - ES Water Pump Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Squeegee/Vac ON • ES On • Rec Tank 1/2 Full • Sol Tank Not Full • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Squeegee/Vac OFF • Sol/Rec Tank Full • ES Off • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault RSL001 4-62 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING ES Water Pump Failed to Turn On STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable ES scrubbing technology Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? See Go to Step #2 “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate ES pump in manual mode Does the ES pump turn On? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J6-13, 14 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off Firmly press circuit breaker #1 to reset Is circuit breaker #1 tripped? Reset and Test ES Pump Operation Go to Step #5 5 • • Key Off Check to be sure there is water in the recovery tank and that the solution tank is not full Disconnect ES pump from main wire harness Apply battery voltage to ES pump using fuse-protected jumper leads Does the ES pump transfer water from the recovery tank to the solution tank? Go to Step #6 Repair or Replace ES pump Key Off Reconnect ES pump to main wire harness Key On Enable ES pump Test voltage applied to the ES pump as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • • • 6 • • • • • • VALUE(S) YES NO Terms: J6-14 = Water/P/U Module Connector #6, Pin #14 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-63 TROUBLESHOOTING Spray Nozzle ON (Option) Note: Key Switch ON Battery (-) Switched B+ From M3B 13/BLK 6/BLU CB10 15A D-2 Spray Nozzle Switch 63/ORA 1 4 5 8 9 2 6 10 64/YEL MTR 13/BLK Spray Nozzle Pump 13/BLK 64/YEL Battery Positive + Battery Negative SNC001 4-64 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Spray Nozzle Failed to Turn ON (Option) STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable spray nozzle subsystem Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • Key Off Firmly press circuit breaker #10 to reset Is circuit breaker #10 tripped? Reset and Test Spray Nozzle Operation Go to Step #3 3 • • Key Off Disconnect spray nozzle water pump from wire harness Apply battery voltage to spray nozzle water pump using fuse-protected jumper leads Does the spray nozzle water pump dispense water? Go to Step #4 Repair or Replace Spray Nozzle Water Pump Key Off Reconnect spray nozzle water pump to wire harness Key On Turn spray nozzle switch On Test voltage applied to spray nozzle subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • • 4 • • • • • • M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) VALUE(S) YES NO 4-65 TROUBLESHOOTING Scrub Vacuum Fans ON Battery (-) Switched B+ From M1B 13/BLK 2/RED-TAN CB1 60A 40/TAN - or 40/BLU J5-1(B+) J5-2 (B-) M17 Water Pick-Up Module 19A 19A Vacuum Fan #1 2 MTR 1 43/ORA 44/YEL Vacuum Fan #2 2 MTR 1 45/GRN 47/PUR J7-1 Vac Fan J7-2 Vac Fan + J7-3 Vac Fan J7-4 Vac Fan + CAN (-) J3-2 CAN (+) J3-1 GRN YEL Twisted Pair Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative - Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Squeegee/Vac ON • Squeegee/Vac OFF Vacuum Fans • Recovery Tank Full • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault RSL001 4-66 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Scrub Vacuum Fan(s) Failed to Turn ON STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable scrubbing vacuum fans Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate vacuum fans in manual mode Do the vacuum fans turn On? Go to Step #5 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J7-1, 2 or J7-3, 4 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • Key Off See TESTING VACUUM FAN (SCRUBBING) in the SERVICE section of this manual Do the vacuum fan motors pass the testing? Go to Step #5 Repair or Replace Vacuum Fan Motor Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 5 • • • • • • Key Off Reconnect vacuum fan motor to main wire harness Key On Enable scrubbing vacuum fan subsystem Test voltage applied to the scrubbing vacuum fan subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? VALUE(S) See TESTING VACUUM FAN (SCRUBBING) YES NO Terms: J7-1, 2 = Water PU Module Connector #7, Pin #1 or 2 J7-3, 4 = Water PU Module Connector #7, Pin #3 or 4 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-67 TROUBLESHOOTING Sweep Vacuum Fans ON Battery (-) Switched B+ From M4B 150/RED-TAN CB17 15A 174/YEL 193/ORA CB18 40A M1 J3-2 (B+) MTR M2 RED 1 181/PNK 2 182/BRN 3 BLU M1 MTR J4-10 J4-5 RPM_IN 13/BLK 25A VAC MTR #1 (TOP) CB19 40A 13/BLK J3-1 (B-) WHT 194/YEL 13/BLK M17 Sweep/ Vac Module M2 RED WHT BLU 1 184/YEL J4-9 2 186/BLU 3 CAN (-) J5-2 J4-4 RPM_IN CAN (+) J5-1 25A VAC MTR #2 (BTM) GRN YEL Twisted Pair 13/BLK Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative RSL001 4-68 Sweep Vac Fans Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Sweep Brush Switch ON • Fwd/Rev Propel • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Siweep Brush Switch OFF • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault • Neutral (Ready State) M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Sweep Vacuum Fans ON STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable sweep vacuum fans Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate vacuum fans in manual mode Do the vacuum fans turn On? Go to Step #5 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-4, 9 J4-5, 10 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • Key Off See TESTING VACUUM FAN in the SERVICE section of this manual Do the vacuum fan motors pass the testing? Go to Step #5 Repair or Replace Vacuum Fan Motor Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 5 • • • • • • Key Off Reconnect vacuum fan motor to main wire harness Key On Enable sweeping vacuum fan subsystem Test voltage applied to the scrubbing vacuum fan subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? VALUE(S) See TESTING VACUUM FAN YES NO Terms: J4-4, 9 = Sweep/Vac Module J4-5, 10 = Sweep/Vac Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-69 TROUBLESHOOTING Hopper Lift Pump, Down Battery (-) Gnd Post Switched B+ From M4B 150/RED-TAN CB16 60A 173/ORA 13/BLK M17 Main Sweep/Lift Module J6-2 (B+) J6-1 (B-) NOT USED MTR 35A J4-5 INPUT_3 4 1 BLU 161/PNK 3 BLK 162/BRN 2 GRN 163/ORA J5-1 PUMP_UP J5-3 PUMP_GND J4-13 INPUT_2 151/PNK GND. = HOPPER DOWN 153/ORA P1-1 13/BLK J4-4 INPUT_1 P1-2 152/BRN P1-4 J5-2 PUMP_DN CAN (-) J3-2 CAN (+) J3-1 GRN Twisted Pair YEL Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Hopper Lift System Enabled Disabled • Hopper Switch Activated • Hopper Switch • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault Battery Negative RSL001 4-70 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Hopper Lift Pump, Down STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable hopper switch to lower. Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? 2 • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual • Activate the Hopper Switch • Does the hopper lower? 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J5-2 J5-3 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off See “Input Display Mode” Does I12: Hopper On/Off input correspond with hopper rocker switch position? Go to Step #5 Correct Faulty Input Condition 5 • • Key Off See TESTING HOPPER LIFT PUMP in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the hopper lift pump pass the testing? • 6 • • • • Key Off Reconnect hopper lift pump to main wire harness Test voltage applied to pump system as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? VALUE(S) YES NO Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 See TESTING HOPPER LIFT PUMP Go to Step #6 Replace pump Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components Terms: J5-2,3 = Main Sweep/Lift Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-71 TROUBLESHOOTING Hopper Lift Pump, UP Battery (-) Gnd Post Switched B+ From M4B 150/RED-TAN CB16 60A 173/ORA 13/BLK M17 Main Sweep/Lift Module J6-2 (B+) J6-1 (B-) NOT USED MTR 35A J4-5 INPUT_3 4 1 BLU 161/PNK 3 BLK 162/BRN 2 GRN 163/ORA J5-1 PUMP_UP J5-3 PUMP_GND J4-13 INPUT_2 151/PNK 13/BLK J4-4 INPUT_1 153/ORA P1-1 P1-2 152/BRN P1-4 GND. = HOPPER UP J5-2 PUMP_DN CAN (-) J3-2 CAN (+) J3-1 GRN YEL Twisted Pair Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Hopper Lift System Enabled Disabled • Hopper Switch Activated • Hopper Switch • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault Battery Negative RSL001 4-72 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Hopper Lift Pump, UP STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable hopper switch to raise. Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? 2 • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual • Activate the Hopper Switch • Does the hopper raise? 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J5-1 J5-3 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off See “Input Display Mode” Does I12: Hopper On/Off input correspond with hopper rocker switch position? Go to Step #5 Correct Faulty Input Condition 5 • • Key Off See TESTING HOPPER LIFT PUMP in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the hopper lift pump pass the testing? • 6 • • • • Key Off Reconnect hopper lift pump to main wire harness Test voltage applied to pump system as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? VALUE(S) YES NO See Go to Step #2 “Fault Section" Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 See TESTING HOPPER LIFT PUMP Go to Step #6 Replace pump Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components Terms: J5-1,3 = Main Sweep/Lift Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-73 TROUBLESHOOTING Hopper Roll Actuator, Retract/In, Off Battery (-) Gnd Post Switched B+ From M4B 150/RED-TAN CB16 60A 173/ORA 13/BLK M17 Main Sweep/Lift Module J6-2 (B+) J6-1 (B-) Hopper Roll Extend Actuator Limit Sw. MTR 2-4A Not Used 3 2 1 164/YEL 165/GRN J4-18 HALF_2 J4-14 INPUT_4 J4-9 HALF_2B+ J4-3 INPUT_5 Retract Limit Sw. 154/YEL P1-1 13/BLK GND. = HOPPER ROLL IN P1-2 155/GRN P1-4 GND. = HOPPER ROLL OUT +5V_REF ANALOG_1 DIGITAL GND. J4-1 158/GRY POTENTIOMETER-1 4 J4-2 159/WHT 5 POT+ CAN (+) J3-1 GRN Twisted Pair YEL Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Hopper Roll Actuator Enabled Disabled • Hopper Roll Actuator Switch IN • Roll Switch OFF • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault Battery Negative RSL001 4-74 6 WIPER HOPPER ROLL POSITION J4-10 160/TAN CAN (-) J3-2 POT- INSIDE HOPPER ROLL ACTUATOR MTR M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Hopper Roll Actuator, Retract/In, Off STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable hopper roll switch Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate the hopper roll actuator switch in manual mode Does the hopper roll IN? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 • VALUE(S) YES NO 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-9, 18 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off See “Input Display Mode” Does I6: Roll Switch in/out correspond with rocker switch position? Go to Step #5 Correct Faulty Input Condition 5 • • Key Off See TESTING HOPPER ROLL ACTUATOR in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the roll actuator pass the testing? Go to Step #6 Replace Side Brush Motor Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 6 • • • • Key Off Reconnect hopper roll actuator to main wire harness Test voltage applied to hopper roll actuator system as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? See TESTING HOPPER ROLL ACTUATOR Terms: J4-9,18 = Main Sweep/Lift Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-75 TROUBLESHOOTING Hopper Roll Actuator, Extend/Out, Off Battery (-) Gnd Post Switched B+ From M4B 150/RED-TAN CB16 60A 173/ORA 13/BLK M17 Main Sweep/Lift Module J6-2 (B+) J6-1 (B-) Hopper Roll Extend Actuator Limit Sw. MTR 2-4A Not Used 3 2 1 164/YEL 165/GRN J4-18 HALF_2 J4-14 INPUT_4 J4-9 HALF_2B+ J4-3 INPUT_5 Retract Limit Sw. 154/YEL P1-1 13/BLK GND. = HOPPER ROLL IN P1-2 155/GRN P1-4 GND. = HOPPER ROLL OUT +5V_REF J4-1 158/GRY POTENTIOMETER-1 4 ANALOG_1 J4-2 159/WHT 5 DIGITAL GND. J4-10 CAN (-) J3-2 CAN (+) J3-1 POT+ POT- HOPPER ROLL POSITION 160/TAN GRN YEL Twisted Pair Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative - Hopper Roll Actuator Enabled Disabled • Hopper Roll Actuator Switch OUT • Roll Switch OFF • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault RSL001 4-76 6 WIPER M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) INSIDE HOPPER ROLL ACTUATOR MTR TROUBLESHOOTING Hopper Roll Actuator, Extend/Out, Off STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable sweep brush Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate the hopper roll actuator switch in manual mode Does the hopper roll OUT? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 • VALUE(S) YES NO 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-9,18 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off See “Input Display Mode” Does I6: Roll switch in/out correspond with rocker switch position? Go to Step #5 Correct Faulty Input Condition 5 • • Key Off See TESTING HOPPER ROLL ACTUATOR in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the roll actuator pass the testing? Go to Step #6 Replace Side Brush Motor Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 6 • • • • Key Off Reconnect hopper roll actuator to main wire harness Test voltage applied to hopper roll actuator system as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? See TESTING HOPPER ROLL ACTUATOR Terms: J4-9,18 = Main Sweep/Lift Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-77 TROUBLESHOOTING Middle Sweep Up/Down, Actuator Battery (-) Gnd Post Switched B+ From M4B 150/RED-TAN CB16 60A 173/ORA J6-2 (B+) J6-1 (B-) 13/BLK M17 Main Sweep/Lift Module 13/BLK MIDDLE SWEEP UP/DN ACTUATOR EXTEND LIMIT SW. 2 MTR 2-4A 1 166/BLU J4-16 HALF_4 167/PUR J4-17 HALF_5 RETRACT LIMIT SW. CAN (-) J3-2 CAN (+) J3-1 GRN Twisted Pair YEL Operational Matrix: Main Brush Battery Positive + Battery Negative RSL001 4-78 Actuator Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • Actuator lowered • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Sweep Brush Switch OFF • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault • Neutral (Ready State) • Brush Switch ON • Fwd/Rev Propel M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Middle Sweep Up/Down, Actuator STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable main sweep brushes Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate the sweep brush in manual mode Does the sweep actuator lower? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 Go to Step #5 Correct Faulty Input Condition Go to Step #6 Replace Actuator Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-16,17 as open or shorted? 4 • • Key Off Test voltage applied to actuator as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? • 5 • • • 6 • • • • Key Off See TESTING MAIN SWEEP ACTUATOR in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the actuator motor pass the testing? Key Off Reconnect sweep actuator to main wire harness Test voltage applied to actuator subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? VALUE(S) See TESTING MAIN SWEEP ACTUATOR YES NO Terms: J4-16,17= Main Sweep Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-79 TROUBLESHOOTING Middle Sweep Motors Battery (-) Gnd Post Switched B+ From M4B 150/RED-TAN CB16 60A 173/ORA 13/BLK M17 Main Sweep/Lift Module J6-2 (B+) J6-1 (B-) 13/BLK MIDDLE SWEEP MTR_1 (FRONT) 1 2 MTR RED 168/GRY 114/YEL 2 1 MTR BLACK J7-2 HALF_6 BLACK 169/WHT J7-1 RETURN_6_7 CAN (-) J3-2 J7-3 HALF_7 GRN RED MIDDLE SWEEP MTR_2 (REAR) CAN (+) J3-1 Twisted Pair YEL Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Battery Negative RSL001 4-80 Enabled Disabled • 1-STEP Scrub ON • 1-STEP Scrub OFF • Sweep Brush Switch OFF • Recovery Tank Full • Solution Tank Empty • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault • Neutral (Ready State) Sweep Brush Switch Main Sweep • ON Motors • Fwd/Rev Propel M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Middle Sweep Motors STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable sweep brush Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate the main sweep brush in manual mode Do the sweep brushes turn On? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 • VALUE(S) YES NO 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J7-1, 2 or 3 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • Key Off Test voltage applied to brush motors as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Go to Step #5 Correct Faulty Input Condition Go to Step #6 Replace Middle Sweep Motor Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 5 • • • 6 • • • • Key Off See TESTING MIDDLE SWEEP MOTORS in the SERVICE section of this manual Does the motor(s) pass the testing? Key Off Reconnect side brush motor to main wire harness Test voltage applied to side brush subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? See TESTING MIDDLE SWEEP MOTORS Terms: J7-1, 2 = Main Sweep Module J7-1, 3 = Mian Sweep Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-81 TROUBLESHOOTING Shaker Motor Battery (-) Gnd Post Switched B+ From M4B M17 Main Sweep/Lift Module 173/ORA J6-2 (B+) J6-1 (B-) GND 13/BLK 13/BLK 150/RED-TAN CB16 60A HOPPER DOWN SWITCH. CLOSED = HOPPER DOWN J4-4 INPUT_1 SHAKER MOTOR 2 2 MTR 3 1 1 3A 1 170/TAN J4-11 SHAKER_OUT 174/YEL 174/YEL INPUT_6 J4-15 156/BLU J4-8 171/PNK SHAKER LED 13/BLK P1-4 9 10 SHAKER SWITCH LIGHT/LED IS INTERNAL 158/GRY J4-1 +5V_REF 157/PUR 13/BLK J4-6 CLOGGED FILTER SWITCH. INPUT_7 N.O.: CLOSED = CLOGGED. J4-12 FLYBACK CAN (-) J3-2 GRN CAN (+) J3-1 YEEL Twisted Pair 174/YEL CAN (+) J5-1 YEEL 13/BLK M17 SIDE SWEEP/VAC MODULE 13/BLK 13/BLK J3-1 GND1 13/BLK 13/BLK 174/YEL J4-20 J3-2 THERMAL SENTRY GND2 N.C. / OPEN=HOPPER FIRE B+_A 4 189/WHT 4 6 6 174/YEL J4-7 J4-18 INPUT_0 NOT USED 5 5 FLYBACK CAN (-) J5-2 GRN 174/YEL CB-17 15A SWEEP 3 105/GRN GND.= SHAKER ON/OFF SHAKER SW. P1-1 P1-2 158/GRY 2 3 13/BLK 151/PNK Twisted Pair Operational Matrix: Enabled Battery Positive + Battery Negative RSL001 4-82 Shaker Motor • Main System ON • Shaker Switch ON Disabled • Main System OFF • Shaker Switch OFF • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault • Clogged Filter Switch OPEN • CB-17 OPEN M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Shaker Motor STEP ACTION 1 • • • • Key On Enable shaker switch Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Check circuit break CB17 reset if tripped Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate the shaker switch in manual mode Does the shaker motor turn On? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 • VALUE(S) YES NO 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-11,12 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off See “Input Display Mode” Does I5: Shaker On/Off input correspond with shaker rocker switch position? Go to Step #5 Correct Faulty Input Condition 5 • • Key Off See TESTING SHAKER MOTOR in SERVICE section of this manual Does the shaker motor pass the testing? Go to Step #6 Replace Shaker Motor Go Back to Step #1 Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components • 6 • • • • Key Off Reconnect shaker motor to main wire harness Test voltage applied to side brush subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? See TESTING SHAKER MOTOR Terms: J4-11,12 = Main Sweep/Lift Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-83 TROUBLESHOOTING Dry Vacuum Fan ON Battery (-) Switched B+ From M4B 150/RED-TAN CB17 15A 174/YEL 13/BLK M17 Sweep/ Vac Module J3-2 (B+) 13/BLK J3-1 (B-) 190/TAN 5 Not Used Dry Vacuum Switch 195/GRN CB20 40A M1 13/BLK MTR M2 RED WHT BLU 1 2 3 187/PUR J4-8 188/GRY CAN (-) J5-2 J4-3 RPM_IN CAN (+) J5-1 25A DRY VAC MTR GRN YEL Twisted Pair 13/BLK Operational Matrix: Battery Positive + Dry Vacuum Fan Enabled Disabled • Dry Vac Switch ON • Dry Vac Switch OFF • CB-20 OPEN • Very Low Batt Voltage • Circuit Fault Battery Negative RSL001 4- M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) TROUBLESHOOTING Dry Vacuum Fan ON STEP ACTION 1 • • • Key On Enable dry vac switch Is there a pertinent fault message displayed? Go to Step #2 See “Fault Section" 2 • • • • • Key Off See “Manual Mode” section of this manual Activate the dry vac switch in manual mode Does the vacuum turn On? Confirm CB20 not tripped? Go to Step #6 Go to Step #3 3 • • • Key Off See “Self-Test Mode” Does the Self-Test display output circuits J4-3, 8 as open or shorted? Correct Open or Short Circuit Condition Go to Step #4 4 • • • Key Off See “Input Display Mode” Does dry vac switch ON/Off input correspond with rocker switch position? Go to Step #5 Correct Faulty Input Condition 5 • • Go to Step #6 Replace Dry Vac Fan • Key Off See TESTING DRY VAC FAN in the Service section of this manual Does the vac fan pass the testing? • • Key Off Reconnect vac fan to main wire harness Go Back to Step #1 • • • Key On Dry Vac Fan enabled Test voltage applied to vac fan subsystem as shown on the electrical schematic Are the electrical circuits operating as shown on the electrical schematic? Identify Voltage Drop Location and Repair or Replace Necessary Components 6 • VALUE(S) See TESTING DRY VAC FAN YES NO Terms: J4-3,8 = Sweep Vac Module M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4-85 TROUBLESHOOTING 4-86 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE SECTION Contents Page Contents Service Service Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Rear Squeegee Lift Actuator . . . . . . . . 5-2 Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 rod adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Side Brush Lift Actuator. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Adusting side brush spring tube assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Vacuum Fan Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 side brush motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9 main brush lift actuator. . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 Main Scrub head. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13 main scrub brush motor (cylindrical) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14 removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14 installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15 instrument panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 Removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 l LogIc Board rePLacemenT . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 removaL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 InSTaLLaTIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18 i STeerIng WheeL TImInG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19 PAGE'S INTENTIONAL BLANK . . . . 5-20 - 5-22 rear Brake adjuSTmenT . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23 R R C MAIN SWEEP BRUSH MOTOR R REPLACEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-24 MAIN SWEEP BRUSH PATTERN PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25 ROLL OUT ACTUATOR REPLACEMENT. 5-27 ROLL OUT ACTUATOR PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28 CALIBRATION OF POWER STEERING AND WIRING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5 Page CCOMPONENT TESTING M recovery Tank LeveL SenSorS . . . . . . . . 5-32 SoLuTIon Tank LeveL SenSor . . . . . . . . . 5-34 ProPeL moTor (and encoder) . . . . . . . . 5-36 si ProPeL moTor caBLeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38 ThroTTLe SenSor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40 SIde BruSh LIfT acTuaTor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42 maIn BruSh LIfT acTuaTor . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-43 rear Sqge LIfTacTuaTor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-44 vacuum fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-45 SIde SWeeP BruSh moTor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-46 ec-h2o PumP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-47 ec-h2o PreSSure SWITch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48 hOPPER LIFT PUMP MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-49 rOLL OUT ACTUATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-50 MAIN SWEEP ACTUATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-51 MAIN SWEEP BRUSH MOTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52 SHAKER MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-53 DRY VAC FAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-54 5-1 SERVICE 4. Enter Manual Mode and lower scrub head completely Rear Squeegee Lift removing rear Squeegee Lift actuator FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. (See Manual Mode in the Troubleshooting section of this manual). Turn key Off immediately when head touches the floor. CONFIG MODE SELF TEST 1. Remove rear squeegee and set aside. MANUAL MODE INPUT DISPLAY CAN DIAG MODE MANUAL MODE PROPEL DIAG MODE FIRMWARE UPDATE NOTE: Cylindrical Scrub Head Only: Remove debris tray from rear of scrub head to allow for additional clearance. 2. Jack both sides of machine . Be sure to use wheel chocks and jack stands . Left Side 5. Loosen autofill valve mounting bracket (option) and carefully move the valve assembly aside to allow access to the lift actuator clevis pin. Right Side 3. Proceed to next step if actuator failed in lowered position. Carefully support rear squeegee mounting bracket using a spacer block. This removes any spring tension from the lift cable. 5-2 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 6. Remove lift actuator cotter and clevis pins and set hardware aside. Cut zip tie and disconnect lift actuator from wire harness. Installing Rear Squeegee Lift Actuator 1. Installation is reverse of removal. Rear Squeegee linkage rod adjustment 1. The initial squeegee linkage rod adjustment is 11 .5 in (29 .2 cm) center-to-center . 11.5 in (29.2 cm) 7. Remove lift actuator. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-3 SERVICE 4. Cut zip tie securing actuator connector to wire harness and disconnect actuator from wire harness. Side Brush Lift Actuator removing Side BruSh Lift actuator(S) FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. 1. Jack both sides of machine . Be sure to use wheel chocks and jack stands . Left Side 5. Remove actuator mounting clevis (2) and cotter (2) pins. Right Side 6. Remove cotter and clevis pin from actuaotor. 2. Remove side brush side squeegee assembly and side brush and set aside 7. Remove lift actuator from machine. 3. Remove side brush assembly mounting bolt and carefully lower the side brush mechanism to the floor. 5-4 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE Installing side brush Lift Actuator FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. 3 . Loosen the jam nut on the spring-tube assembly and turn the body of the spring tube until the initial endto-end dimension is 12 .25 in (31 .115 cm) . NOTE: The side brush spring tube assembly must be adjusted following the installation of the lift actuator or machine damage will occur. 1. Installation is the reverse of removal. bly 1. . Left Side Right Side 2. Activate and lower the side brush to provide access to the spring-tube assembly. Turn key off after brush has lowered. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4 . The final adjustment should be made following an inspection of the side scrub brush in the raised/retracted position. The bottom of the brush hub should be 3.75-4.00 in (9.5-10.2 cm) from the floor to allow for brush replacement clearance. Tighten the jam nut when the desired height has been reached. 5-5 SERVICE 3. Key On, 1-STEP scrub On, side brush switch On. Allow the side brush to lower completely and then turn the key off. vacuum fan assembly Removing vacuum fan assembly FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. 1. Key Off and disconnect battery. 2. Disconnect vacuum fan from wire harness connections. 4. Loosen forward jam nut on side brush spring tube assembly. 3. Remove vacuum fan mounting hardware (5). 5. Turn the spring tube assembly CW to shorten the tube, thereby opening the adjustment gap in Step 2. Turn the spring tube assembly CCW to lengthen the tube, therby closing the adjustment gap in Step 2. Cycle the side brush up down to check the gap. 6. Tighten the jam nut . 5-6 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 4. Remove vacuum fan assembly. Installing vacuum fan assembly 1. Note the orientation of the vacuum fan exhaust port to the rubber indicators for proper installation. 5. Draw a line across the vacuum fan assembly and the mounting flange as an orientation indicator for reassembly. 2. Remainder of installation is reverse of removal. 6. Loosen the clamp and remove mounting flange from vacuum fan assembly. 7. Disconnect muffler from vacuum fan assembly. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-7 SERVICE Side Brush Motor removing Side BruSh motor FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. 5. Key On, 1-STEP Scrub On, side brush On and allow side brush motor to lower completely. Turn Key Off. 6. Remove side brush cover mounting hardware (2) and set aside. 1. Jack front of machine and support using jack stands or support blocks. 2. Remove side brush and side brush squeegee assembly and set aside. 3. Remove side brush hub mounting bolt (1) and hub and set aside. 4. Remove motor mounting hardware (4) and set aside. 7. Disconnect side brush motor from wire harness and remove side brush motor. NOTE: Slide white locking tab inward and then press the release button. 5-8 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 8. Remove side brush motor. installing side brush motor 1. Installation is the reverse of removal. . NOTE: Apply anti-seize to side brush motor shaft and motor/hub mounting hardware. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-9 SERVICE Main Brush Lift Actuator 5. Jack front of machine and support using jack stands or support blocks. removing main BruSh Lift actuator FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. 1. Key Off. Disconnect batteries. Left Side Right Side 2. Remove Scrub Brushes. 3. Carefully remove front linkage pivot bolts (2). NOTE: The front of the scrub deck will drop to the floor once the mounting hardware is removed. WARNING: Pinch point. 4. Carefully remove rear linkage pivot bolts (2). NOTE: The rear of the scrub deck will drop to the floor once the mounting hardware is removed. 6. Disconnect lift actuator from wire harness. 7. Remove lift actuator mounting pins (2). 8. Remove lift actuator. WARNING: Pinch point. 5-10 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE installing main brush Lift Actuator 1. Key Off. Disconnect batteries. 2. Installation is the reverse of removal. NOTE: This actuator does not require an installation adjustment. Turn the actuator tube manually to align the mounting holes and insert clevis and cotter pins. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-11 SERVICE 5. Carefully remove front linkage pivot bolts (2). Main Scrub Head NOTE: The front of the scrub deck will drop to the floor once the mounting hardware is removed. removing main ScruB head FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. WARNING: Pinch point. 1. Drain solution tank and turn key Off. 2. Remove scrub brushes and debris tray (cylindrical only). 3. Jack front of machine and support using jack stands or support blocks. Left Side Right Side 6 . carefully remove rear linkage pivot bolts (2) . NOTE: The rear of the scrub deck will drop to the floor once the mounting hardware is removed. WARNING: Pinch point. 4. Enter Manual Mode and lower scrub head completely (See Manual Mode in the Troubleshooting section of this manual). Turn key Off immediately when head touches the floor. 7. Jack front of machine and support using jack stands or support blocks. Left Side 5-12 Right Side M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 8. Disconnect lift actuator from wire harness. 12. Use a ratchet strap to support the lift mechanism to avoid interference during scrub head removal. 9. Remove lift actuator mounting pins (2). 13. Remove scrub head. 10. Remove lift actuator. installing main scrub head 11. Disconnect water valve from wire harness and solution hose. 1. Key Off. Disconnect batteries. 2. Installation is the reverse of removal. NOTE: This actuator does not require an installation adjustment. Turn the actuator tube manually to align the mounting holes and insert clevis and cotter pins. 3. Cylindrical Scrub Deck Only: See CYLINDRICAL PATTERN ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE in the maintenance section of this manual. NOTE: The solution tank will drain from this hose. Be sure to drain the solution tank prior to removing the hose. (See Step 1.) M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-13 SERVICE Main Scrub Brush Motor (Cylindrical) 4. Remove belt cover bolts (2) and set cover and hardware aside. removing main BruSh motor FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, jack machine up at designated locations only. Block machine up with jack stands. 1. Jack front of machine and support using jack stands or support blocks. Left Side Right Side 5. Remove belt by turning pulleys and applying outward pressure on the belt. 2. Remove scrub brushes. 3. Enter Manual Mode and lower scrub head completely (See Manual Mode in the Troubleshooting section of this manual). Turn key Off immediately when head touches the floor. 5-14 6. Remove motor mounting hardware (4) and set aside. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 7. Remove motor mounting hardware (4) and set aside. 8. Disconnect main brush motor from wire harness and remove main brush motor. NOTE: Slide white locking tab inward and then press the release button. installing main brush Motor 1. Installation is the reverse of removal. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-15 SERVICE Instrument panel 5. Loosen set screws (2) securing instrument panel mounting tube. removing inStrument paneL FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. for SafetY: When servicing machine, disconnect bat-tery connections before working on machine. 1. Key Off. Disconnect battery. 2. Remove front access panel. 6. Remove instrument panel assembly. 3. Cut zip tie securing instrument panel wire harness connections. installing instrument panel 4. Disconnect instrument panel connector. 1. Installation is the reverse of removal. 2. See Configuration Mode in the troubleshooting section of this manual to configure the new instrument panel. 5-16 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE Logic board replacement 4. Attach a wrist static strap tool to a bare metal surface. removing Logic Board FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. for SafetY: When servicing machine, disconnect bat-tery connections before working on machine. 1. Key Off. Disconnect batteries. 2. Open RH side access door. 5. Remove logic board mounting screws (2). 3. Remove electrical box cover mounting bolts (2) and carefully lower the cover. 6. Carefully squeeze to release the plastic mounting clips securing the logic board to the control box. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-17 SERVICE 7. Disconnect cables and connectors from logic board. INstalling Logic board FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connections before working on machine. 1. Attach a wrist static strap tool to a metal surface. NOTE: Always use two wrenches when securing the power supply terminals or damage to the circuit board will occur. Also, make sure the power supply terminals are secured on the new board before installation. The torque specification is 30-36 in-lbs (339-407 Ncm). 8. Remove logic board. 5-18 2 . remainder of installation is the reverse of removal . NOTE: Always use two wrenches when securing the power supply terminals or damage to the circuit board will occur. Also, make sure the power supply terminals are secured on the new board before installation. The torque specification is 30-36 in-lbs (339-407 Ncm). M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE Steering wheel timing 5. Align the front drive tire with the centerline of the machine. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. 1. Key Off. Disconnect batteries. 2. Remove front access panel. 6. Orientate the steering wheel as shown below. 3. Loosen steering shaft hardware. 7. Carefully reinstall the steering u-joint onto the splined steering shaft without changing the orientation of the steering wheel or drive assembly. NOTE: Check for rotational interference between the hardware and the adjacent pedal assembly. If necessary, raise the steering u-joint enough to clear the pedal assembly. 4. Lift steering u-joint off splined shaft. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-19 SERVICE PAGE INTENTIONAL LEFT BLANK 5-20 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE PAGE INTENTIONAL LEFT BLANK M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-21 SERVICE PAGE INTENTIONAL LEFT BLANK 5-22 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE rear brake adjustment 5. Be sure that parking brake is released. Rear wheel should spin freely. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, turn off machine and remove key. FOR SAFETY: Chock front wheel when jacking rear of machine to prevent machine from rolling. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. 1. Key off. Open main brush doors. 2. Remove rear squeegee and set aside. 6. Loosen jam nut on rear adjustment rod. 3. Place wheel chocks on both sides of the front wheel. 4. Jack rear of machine until rear wheel is off the floor. 7. Turn the adjuster until the wheel stops spinning freely and then back off two turns. 8. Tighten jam nut and repeat process for other wheel. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-23 SERVICE MAIN SWEEP BRUSH MOTOR REPLACEMENT Raise the sweeping main brush and turn off the machine. 3. Remove the brushes from the main sweep compartment. FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, turn off machine, set parking brake, and remove key. 1. Open the main sweeping brush compartment access door. 4 . Jack both sides of machine . Be sure to use wheel chocks and jack stands . 2. Remove idler plate. 5 . Remove access panel hardware . 6 . Disconnect electrical, remove belt and then remove hardware to remove motor(s) . inStaLLing MAIN SWEEP MOTOR aSSemBLY 1 . Installation is the reverse of removal . 5-24 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE MAIN SWEEP HOUSING REMOVAL PROCEDURE machine. empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level remove key Remove main brushes and motor housing assemble. Replacement R arms. MAIN SWEEP BRUSH PATTERN PROCEDURE 1. efore driving over to pattern area use manual mode to verify motor currents of each brush. . This should be done on a flat surface, variation will be seen if not done on a consistent area. . Currents of each brush motor should be as close to each other as possible. C. Currents should fall between 12-15 amps on smooth surface. . If current is low loosen the eye bolt attached to the spring, if high then tighten the eye bolt.. r. 2. Once at the pattern area adjust brush taper first. A. Loosen bolts on handle. B. Tighten adjustment bolt to raise the right side of the brush (if pattern is heavy to the right of the machine). C. Loosen adjustment bolt to lower the right side of the brush (if pattern is light on the right of the machine). . of machine. Be sure to use wheel chocks and jack stands. Left Side Right Side 5. Slide assemble out. Factory Setting 1 3/16” inStaLLing MAIN SWEEP HOUSING aSSemBLY 1 . Installation is the reverse of removal . M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-25 SERVICE 3. With taper set use left and right rod-ends to adjust the evenness between front to back brush pattern. A. Pattern should be 1.50” varying across the pattern by no more than .25”. B. When adjusting with rod-ends always use the same number of turns per side. C. Clockwise will tilt the head rearward, lightening the front brush and making the rear brush pattern heavier. D. Counter-clockwise will tilt the head frontward, lightening the rear brush and making the front brush pattern heavier. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 4. If pattern is even front to back with acceptable taper but still under 1.25” at the smallest width the lift spring may need to be adjusted. A. Loosen the spring eye bolt one thread to make the pattern heavier. 5-26 SERVICE ROLL OUT ACTUATOR REPLACEMENT FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine. 2. Slowly lower the hopper until the hopper arms and hopper rest on the jack stands. Set jack stands for hopper in an off-set position front to rear. NOTE: Hopper must have clearance to free spin in later steps. WARNING: The stands under hopper at this step will prevent hopper from being able to free spin causing hopper chain movement. WARNING: Lift arm pinch point. Stay clear of hopper lift arms. WARNING: Raised hopper may fall. Follow steps to support arms. 1 . Key on, raise hopper arms to allow enough clearance so hopper will rotate and clear machine. 3. Key off. 4. Disconnect roll out actuator from the wire harness. 5-27 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE WARNING: The stands under hopper at this step will prevent hopper from being able to free spin causing hopper chain movement. 5. Confirm hopper arm weldment and sprocket do not rotate if they do re-adjust jack stands under hopper. ROLL OUT ACTUATOR AND PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS (con't). 1. The actuator should be installed roughly 0.75 inch extended from full retraction when the hopper is in the down stored position. a. Note: Any time the actuator is being used near the ends of its stroke, it should only be powered by 12 Volts. Manual Mode limits the actuator to 12 Volts. (See page 4-24 for Manual Mode) Set to 0.75 6. Remove pins from actuator. 2. Remove jack stands and with the actuator installed, actuator retracted to pull the bumper against the frame, and the bumper aligned to the frame, enter Manual Mode (See page 4-24). Navigate and select the ‘Set Roll Home’ screen and press the down pressure button (Standard POD) or ‘checkmark’ button (ProPanel POD) to store the hopper home value. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-28 SERVICE WARNING: Lift arm pinch point. Stay clear of hopper lift arms. 6. Using Manual Mode controls, extend the actuator 0.5 inches from the fully retracted position in steps 3 and 4. WARNING: Raised hopper may fall. 3 . Use Manual Mode to roll hopper out to “Seal Breakaway Position” and raise the hopper until it can safely roll fully without contacting the machine (try not to go beyond horizontal with the arms so enough room is left for the hopper to roll without the bumper contacting the arms). 4. In the position in Item 2, while still in Manual Mode, fully retract the actuator by rolling the hopper all the way in. 5. Using a Sharpie, mark the rod at the end of the cylindrical housing it moves within. This will be used as a reference point for the next step. 5-29 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 7. Navigate to and select the ‘Set Roll Min’ screen in Manual Mode (See page 4-24) and press the down pressure button (Standard POD) or ‘checkmark’ button (ProPanel POD) to store the minimum roll value. 8. Using Manual Mode (See page 4-24) controls, extend the actuator until the hopper stops. 9. Using a Sharpie, mark the rod 0.5 inches from the end of the cylindrical housing it moves within. This will be used as a reference point for the next step. 10. Using Manual Mode (See page 4-24) controls, retract the actuator to align the mark in Step 8 with the end of the cylindrical housing. 11. Navigate to and select the ‘Set Roll Max’ screen in Manual Mode (See page 4-24) and press the down pressure button (Standard POD) or ‘checkmark’ button (ProPanel POD) to store the maximum roll value. 12. Key-cycle the machine and lower the hopper to seal the bumper against the frame using standard machine controls (This will seal the bumper against the frame using the normal actuator current limits). 13. Enter Manual Mode (See page 4-24) again and navigate to and again select the ‘Set Roll Home’ screen and press the down pressure button (Standard POD) or ‘checkmark’ button (ProPanel POD) to store the hopper home value. a. The first time this is done is to provide a close position of the hopper for the machine to use in its normal mode to seal the bumper against the frame. 14. Key-cycle the machine to begin using the newly entered values. Then verify that the hopper lift, roll, and lower features function properly using Manual Mode controls, extend the actuator. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-30 SERVICE CALIBRATION OF POWER STEERING POWER STEERING - Wiring FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine. 1. Key On. Orientate the steering wheel as shown below. 2. Connect normally-open switch to spade terminals on harness (connect to pins 12 and 14, as shown below). calibrated. NOTES: - Use a momentary switch for "calibration switch" appropriately rated. - After calibration, the steering should be turned left and right to confirm that force is the same - if not, steering should be centered again, and calibration should be run again. 5-31 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE TESTING recovery TANK LEVEL SENSORs FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. 2. Test the resistance of the recovery tank level sensor using an ohmmeter as shown below. The tank level switch should test at 0-1 ohms or closed. Ω 1 . Test the resistance of the recovery tank level sensor using an ohmmeter as shown below. The tank level switch should test as “O.L.” or open. Ω A A B B RLT002 RLT001 5-32 Terminals: 1. Power 2. Ground 3. Voltage Output Specifications: Thread Size 1/8-27NPT Input: 8-30 Vdc Output: 1-5 Vdc Battery Volta VDC M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 3. The recovery tank full and half-full sensor conditions are also viewable in Input Display Mode. See “Input Display Mode” in the TROUBLESHOOTING section of this manual. I2: Recovery Tank Full Closed RLT003 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-33 SERVICE TESTING SOLUTION TANK LEVEL SENSOR for SafetY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. 2. Key On. Backprobe solution tank level sensor connector terminals A and C using a voltmeter as shown below. The voltmeter should display 1-5 volts depending on solution tank water level. 1 . key on . Backprobe solution tank level sensor connector terminals A and B using a voltmeter as shown below. The voltmeter should display 10-12 volts. VDC VDC A B C A B C A B C A B C WIRE TERMINALS POS. 113/BLK-WHT B- A 38/GRY B +12vdc B 37/PUR Vdc Output C SLT004 WIRE TERMINALS POS. 113/BLK-WHT B- A 38/GRY B +12vdc B 37/PUR Vdc Output C SLT005 5-34 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 3. Drain the solution tank. 4. Slowly fill the solution tank with water and compare the actual voltmeter readings to the chart below. Replace the sensor if the values are not within specification. Solution Tank Sensor Output Tank Level Output Voltage 0 BARS - EMPTY 1 BAR - 20% 2 BARS - 40% 3 BARS - 60% 4 BARS - 80% 5 BARS - FULL 0.0 - 0.72 Volts 0.73 - 0.87 Volts 0.88 - 0.98 Volts 0.99 - 1.11 Volts 1.12 - 1.33 Volts 1.34 + Volts SLT002 5. The solution tank level sensor output voltage is also viewable in Input Display Mode. See “Input Display Mode” in the TROUBLESHOOTING section. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-35 SERVICE TESTING PROPEL MOTOR FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. 3. Test the resistance of all three motor windings using an ohmmeter as shown below. The resistances of each winding should not be open (O.L). An open winding indicates a faulty motor. Ω 1. 1 . key off . remove terminal box cover screws and set cover aside. BET009 W U V Ω W U V Ω W U V 2. 2. Disconnect U, V, and W cables from W1, A-, and A+ terminals (respectively). 3. PMT003 W U V PMT002 5-36 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 4. Test the resistance between all three motor terminals and the motor case as shown below. The ohmmeter should read “O.L.” or open. A shorted winding indi cates a faulty motor. Ω 1. W U 5. The motor encoder and temperature sender are non-serviceable components of the drive motor. The motor encoder senses rotor position, speed, and direction. The encoder is integrated into an internal roller bearing assembly. See “Curtis 1232 LED Faults” in the TROUBLESHOOTING section for encoder related faults. The temperature sender senses the propel motor temperature. Test the resistance of the temperature sender using an ohmmeter and then compare the values to the chart below. Replace the motor assembly if the resistance values are out of the specified range. V Motor Casing YEL U 3. 2 3 Temperature Sender Ω U 4 1 YEL V Motor Casing W BLU RED 6 5 Encoder/Bearing Assembly W BLK WHT Ω 2. V Motor Casing PMT004 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) Temperature PMT005 Resistance (Ω) (°C) (°F) MIN. TYP. MAX -30 -22 362 381 368 0 32 464 486 507 25 77 565 588 611 30 86 587 610 633 50 122 679 704 728 70 158 781 806 831 80 176 835 860 885 100 212 950 975 1000 110 230 1007 1036 1064 5-37 SERVICE 3. Disconnect U, V, and W cables from Curtis 1232 controller as shown below. TESTING pROPEL mOTOR CABLES FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. U FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. V 1 . key off . disconnect batteries . remove terminal box cover screws and set cover aside. W BET009 24 13 1 35 23 12 PMT006 4. Reconnect battery connection and test each cable using an Ohmmeter for a short to battery + as shown below. Each cable should test as “O.L.” or open to battery +. Replace shorted cable(s). 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 2. Disconnect U, V, and W cables from W1, A-, and A+ terminals (respectively). V W U + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - Ω U PMT002 6 Volt - V W 1. 2. 3. PMT007 5-38 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE U W 5. Test each cable using an ohmmeter for a short to battery - as shown below. Each cable should test as “O.L.” or open to battery -. Replace shorted cable(s). 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 7. Test each cable using an ohmmeter for end-to-end continuity. Each cable should test between 0-1 ohm resistance. Replace open cable(s). 6 Volt - + Ω - Ω 1. U U 2. V 3. V 1. U 2. W V V 3. W W U V W U V W U W U 3. W PMT010 1. U 8. “Tug test” each cable (motor end) to determine if a cable is broken inside the insulation. Do not exceed 10 lbs (45 N) of force as cable damage may occur. Replace broken cables. 2. V W 3. W U U V V W PMT008 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6. Test each cable using an ohmmeter for a short to chassis as shown below. Each cable should test as “O.L.” or open to chassis. Replace shorted cable(s). - Ω 1. 10 lbs (5 kg) 2. U V W 1. 3. 2. 3. 3. 10 lbs (5 kg) 10 lbs (5 kg) CHASSIS PMT009 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) PMT011 5-39 SERVICE 3. Key On. Backprobe the power supply to the throttle sensor terminals A and D using a voltmeter as shown below. The voltmeter should display battery voltage. TESTING THROTTLE SENSOR FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface. VDC FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, jack machine up at designated locations only. Block machine up with jack stands. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine. DCB A 1 . jack machine up so front drive wheel is not touching the floor . Block machine up with jack stands . 2 . The throttle hall effect sensor is a component of the pedal subassemble. E DCBA F TBS002 D C TBS001 PIN/CAVITY 5-40 A B NOTES A POWER (BATTERY +) B PROPEL OUTPUT (0-5Vdc) C NOT USED COLOR RED YELLOW BLUE D GROUND (BATTERY -) E NOT USED BLACK N/A F GATE B N/A M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 4. Key On. Backprobe the throttle sensor output terminals B and D using a voltmeter as shown below. The voltmeter should display 0-5 volts proportional to 0-100% propel pedal movement. VDC DCB A 1.Turn Key Off. D C B A CONFIG MODE SELF TEST TBS003 5. See “Propel Diagnostic Mode” in the TROUBLE SHOOTING section. The voltage in step 3 should match the LCD displayed voltage in Propel Diagnostic Mode. MANUAL MODE INPUT DISPLAY PROPEL DIAG MODE P2:Throttle XXXX.X V P1:Curtis Online/ Error P2:Throttle XXXX.X V P3:Brake Pedal On/Off P4:Direction Fwd/ Rev TBS004 P5:Speed XXXX.X Mph P6:Curtis Temp XXXX.XC XXXX.XF M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) P7:Motor Temp XXXX.XC XXXX.XF P8:PropelCurrent 5-41 SERVICE TESTING Side Brush LIFT ACTUATOR FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. 3. Reverse polarity and apply battery voltage to the lift actuator using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Connect battery - to terminal 1 and battery + to terminal 2. The actuator should extend completely. Replace the actuator if it fails to extend. 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine. 1 . key off . disconnect the side brush lift actuator from the wire harness. 1 2 RSLA003 1 2 RSLA001 PIN ASSIGNMENT 2 BLACK 1 BLACK 2. Apply battery voltage to the lift actuator using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Be sure to connect battery + to terminal 1 and battery - to terminal 2. The actuator should retract completely. Replace the actuator if it fails to retract. 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse 1 2 RSLA002 5-42 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE TESTING Main brush LIFT ACTUATOR FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. 3. Reverse polarity and apply battery voltage to the lift actuator using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Connect battery - to terminal 1 and battery + to terminal 2. The actuator should extend completely. Replace the actuator if it fails to extend. 6 Volt + FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine. 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse 1 . key off . disconnect the main brush lift actuator from the wire harness. 1 2 MSLA003 1 2 PIN ASSIGNMENT MSLA001 2 RED 1 BLACK 2. Apply battery voltage to the lift actuator using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Be sure to connect battery + to terminal 1 and battery - to terminal 2. The actuator should retract completely. Replace the actuator if it fails to retract. 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse 1 2 MSLA002 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-43 SERVICE TESTING Rear Squeegee LIFT ACTUATOR FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine . 1 . key off . disconnect the rear squeegee lift actuator from the wire harness. 1 2 3. Reverse polarity and apply battery voltage to the lift actuator using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Connect battery - to terminal 1 and battery + to terminal 2. The actuator should extend completely. Replace the actuator if it fails to extend. 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse 1 2 RSLA007 RSLA005 PIN ASSIGNMENT 2 BLUE 1 BROWN 2. Apply battery voltage to the lift actuator using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Be sure to connect battery + to terminal 1 and battery - to terminal 2. The actuator should retract completely. Replace the actuator if it fails to retract. 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse 1 2 RSLA006 5-44 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE TESTING VACUUM FAN FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. 3. Apply battery voltage to the vacuum fan(s) using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. The fan should turn On. Replace the vacuum fan if it fails to turn On. 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 25 Amp Fuse 1. Key Off. Disconnect vacuum fan from wire harness. 1 2 VFM003 4. Reconnect vacuum fan(s) to wire harness. See “Manual Mode” in the TROUBLESHOOTING section. Activate the vacuum fan in Manual Mode. The amperage displayed should be approximately 14-20 Amps (avg. 16 Amps) VFM004 2. Key Off. Inspect carbon brushes. Replace carbon brushes if they are shorter than 10mm (0.375 in). M04: Vac Fan 00% XX.XA M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-45 SERVICE Replacement Carbon Brush Length: 10mm (0.375 in) TESTING SIDE SWEEP BRUSH MOTOR 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + - 25 Amp FOR Carbon SAFETY: Before stop placement Brush leaving Length:or servicing machine, Fuse and on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine mm (0.375 in) 6 Volt 6 Volt 6 Volt 6 Volt 3. Apply battery voltage to the- side brush motor using - + - + - + fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. The side brush motor should turn On. Replace the side brush motor if it fails to turn On. + remove key. 6 Volt FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. + 6 Volt - 1 1. Key Off. Disconnect the side brush motor from the wire harness. + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + + 6 Volt - + - 2 10 Amp Fuse 1 1 6 Volt - 2 2 SBM003 1 2 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - SBM001 placement Carbon Brush Length: PIN ASSIGNMENT mm (0.375 in) 2 BLACK 1 25 Amp Fuse RED Disk 2. Key Off. Inspect carbon brushes. Replace carbon brushes if they are shorter than 10mm (0.375 in). 1 2 Carbon Brush Wear Limit: 10mm (0.39 in) SBM002 5-46 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE 5. Use a stop watch to time how long it takes to fill a 5 gallon bucket. The open flow specification for the ec-H2O pump is 1.8 GPM. The pump should fill the 5 gallon bucket in approximately 2.7 - 3.0 minutes. replace the pump if it takes longer than 3 .5 minutes and the pump has an adequate water supply . TESTING ec-H20 PUMP FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake. 1 . key off . disconnect ec-h2o pump outlet hose . NOTE: Open flow is different than system flow and should not be used for scrubbing mode water consumption calculations. 55 50 ECP002 50 40 60 30 10 5 20 10 15 45 40 20 35 30 25 2. Fill the solution tank. POFT003 3. Connect a temporary outlet hose to the pump. The hose must be long enough to reach a 5 gallon bucket. Adjusting ec-H2O FLOW RATE See Configuration mode in the Troubleshooting section of this manual. 55 50 50 40 60 30 10 5 20 10 15 45 40 20 35 30 25 POFT002 4. Enter Manual Mode and enable the ec-H2O system. See Manual Mode in the Troubleshooting section of this manual. M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-47 SERVICE TESTING ec-H2O PRESSURE SWITCH FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. 3. Test the resistance of the switch using an ohmmeter 6 Volt 6 Volt 6 Volt 6 Volt 6 Volt 6 Volt between and + - the + common - + - + normally - + open - +terminals. The switch should test as “O.L.” or open. Replace the switch if the N.O. contacts are shorted. Ω FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. 1. Key Off. Disconnect the pressure switch from the wire harness and remove the switch from the machine. Common Normally Open ECP004 Normally Closed 4. Use a bicycle pump Normally with pressure gauge to apply Open 6 Volt to 6 Volt switch 6 Volt 6 Volt below. 6 Volt pressure the as shown The 6 Volt + - + - W + - V+ - + + U 1. normally open contacts should close at 20- +/U 2 psi (1.4 Bar), increasing pressure. Replace the switch 2. if it does not open correctly. V ECP001 3. W Ω 6 Volt 6 Volt 6 Volt 6 Volt 6 Volt 6 Volt 2. Test the- resistance of the switch using an- ohmmeter + + - + - + - + + between the common and normally closed terminals. There should be 0-1 ohms resistance. Replace the switch if the N.C. contacts are open. Ω W 20 15 10 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 5 0 3/8” I.D. Tube PSI U V 1. V 3. ECP005 Normally Open U ECP003 W V Normally Open W U 5-48 V W 1. 2. 3. CHASSIS M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) U 2. 3. SERVICE TESTING HOPPER LIFT PUMP MOTOR FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine. 1. Key Off. Disconnect the the wire harness. 3. Apply battery voltage to the lift using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Be sure to connect battery + to and battery to . The motor should engage hydraulic cylinder to raise. Replace the 6 Volt + tions. if it fails to 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse from Black Blue using 2. Apply battery voltage to the lift fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Be sure to connect battery + to green wire and battery to . The motor should engage hydraulic cylinder to lower. Replace the 6 Volt + tions. if it fails to 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse een M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-49 SERVICE TESTING ROLL OUT ACTUATOR FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine . 1. Key Off. Disconnect the ire harness. 3. Apply battery voltage to the actuator using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Be sure to connect battery + to terminal 3 and battery - to terminal 1. The actuator should retract completely. Replace the actuator if it fails to retract. 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse actuator from 1 3 1 3 PIN ASSIGNMENT 1 3 1 3 2. Apply battery voltage to the actuator using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Be sure to connect battery + to terminal 1 and battery - to terminal 3. The actuator should e completely. Replace the actuator if it fails to e t . 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse 1 3 5-50 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE TESTINg maIN SWEEP LIfT aCTuaTOR FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine and remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. 3. Reverse polarity and apply battery voltage to the lift actuator using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Connect battery - to terminal 1 and battery + to terminal 2. The actuator should extend completely. Replace the actuator if it fails to extend. 6 Volt + FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine. 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse 1 . key off . disconnect the main sweep lift actuator from the wire harness. 1 2 MSLA003 1 2 PIN ASSIGNMENT 1 BLACK RED 2 2. Apply battery voltage to the lift actuator using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. Be sure to connect battery + to terminal 1 and battery - to terminal 2. The actuator should retract completely. Replace the actuator if it fails to retract. 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse 1 2 MSLA02 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-51 SERVICE Replacement Carbon Brush Length: 10mm (0.375 in) TESTINg MAIN SwEEP BRuSh mOTORS + 6 Volt 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, 25 Amp placement Carbon Brush Length: empty solution and recovery tanks, stop on level Fuse mm (0.375 in) set parking brake, turn off machine and surface, remove key. 6 Volt FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. 6 Volt + 1 FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine. 1 . Key off. Disconnect the brush motor from the wire harness. 1 6 Volt 6 Volt - 6 Volt 2- + + + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 10 Amp Fuse 1 6 Volt 1 6 Volt - 2 + placement Carbon Brush Length: mm (0.375 in) 6 Volt + - + - + e to the 3 . - Apply battery voltag brush motor using fuse-protected jumper leads as shown below. The brush motor should turn On, swap test leads and motor should turn On opposite direction. Replace the brush motor if it fails to turn On. 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 25 Amp 2 Fuse 2 6 Volt MOTOR ROTATION - + - Left Right Red (+) Black (+) Black (-) Red (-) Disk pin a SSignment 1 2 1 2 red BLa ck 2 . Key off . Inspec carbon brushes. replace carbon brushes if theyare shorter than 10mm (0.375 in). Carbon Brush Wear Limit: 10mm (0.39 in) 5-52 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) SERVICE Replacement Carbon Brush Length: 10mm (0.375 in) 6 Volt TESTING SHAKER MOTOR 6 Volt + - + 6 Volt - + . 6 Volt - 6 Volt 6 Volt + - + - + to the pply battery voltage shaker motor using FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop 25 Amp placement Carbon Brush Length: on level surface, set parking brake, turn off machine Fuseand mm (0.375 in) key. remove FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. 6 Volt + 1 FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving ey off . isconnect the wire harness. + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - 2 10 Amp Fuse when working on machine . 1. 6 Volt - motor from the 3 1 1 2 Connector rear view 6 Volt 6 Volt + - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + - N+ 6 Volt - R 25 Amp Fuse placement Carbon Brush Length: mm (0.375 in) Disk Connector pin view 1 3 2 1 M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016) 5-53 SERVICE TESTING DRY VAC FAN FOR SAFETY: Before leaving or servicing machine, stop remove key. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, disconnect battery connection before working on machine. FOR SAFETY: When servicing machine, avoid moving parts. Do not wear loose jackets, shirts, or sleeves when working on machine . from the 2. Apply battery voltage to the 6 Volt + 6 Volt - + 10 Amp Fuse 5-54 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + 6 Volt - + + 6 Volt - + - - M17 Service Information 9017358 (08-2016)
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