Sylvania Sst4132 Sst4192 Users Manual L6003/6117.QX33
SST4132 SST4132
SST4132, SST4192 to the manual 89b40f70-83ee-488e-8e76-b67dfd8a0d57
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![This TV can receive C1 and C2 of Caption and Text.Caption Mode(1)Characters can be displayed on the TV screen when the received broadcast signal contains theCaption Signals.(2)Paint-on mode: Displays input characters on the screen immediately.Pop-on mode: Once characters are stored in memory, it is displayed all at once.Roll-up mode: Displays the characters continuously by scrolling (max. 4 lines)Note: If the CAPTION C1 or C2 is selected but the caption signal is not included, characters willnot be displayed.Text Mode(1)Displays the text on the screen by scrolling (max. 7 lines)(2)If the received broadcast signal does not contain the caption or text signal, no change willoccur.Notes:(1)When your TV receives a special effects playback signal (i.e., Search, Slow, Still) from aVCR’s video output channel (CH3 or CH4), your TV may not display the correct caption ortext.(2)Captions and texts may not match the TV voice exactly.(3)Interference may cause the closed caption system not to function properly.(4)The caption or text characters will not be displayed while the menu display or function’s dis-play is shown.(5)If you see this screen :If your TV displays a black box on the screen, this means that your TV is set to TEXT mode. Toclear screen, select CAPTION C1, C2 or CAPTION [OFF].ANTENNA/CABLE CONNECTIONSPRECAUTION●Place your TV in a room with adequate ventilation.●Keep your TV set away from sources of direct heat, such as heat registers or direct sunlight.●Do not place your TV on soft surfaces, such as rugs or blankets.●Leave enough room for air to circulate around the bottom, top and back of the set.FEATURES●Tinted, Bright Black Matrix Picture Tube●181 Channel Selection- All VHF/UHF channels plus up to 125 cable channels.●PLL Frequency Synthesized Tuning- The latest PLL frequency synthesized electronic tun-ing system provides free and easy channel selection, and lets you tune directly to any channelusing the channel number buttons (0~9 and +100-key) on the remote control.●On-Screen Function Display.●Full-Function Remote Control●Sleep Timer●Closed Caption Decoder- You may view specially labeled (cc) TV programs, movies, news,prerecorded tapes, etc. with either a dialogue caption or text display added to the program.●Auto Shut Off Function- If there is no air signal input from the antenna terminal and nooperation for 15 minutes, the TV will turn itself off automatically.●V-CHIP- Enables parents to prevent their children from watching inappropriate material on TV.Date of PurchaseDealer Purchase fromDealer AddressDealer Phone No.Model No.Serial No.The serial number of this product may be found on the back of the TV. No others have the sameserial number as yours. You should record the number and other vital information here and retainthis book as a permanent record of your purchase to aid identification in case of theft.ANT.INCLOSED CAPTIONUHFAntenna(Not supplied)VHFAntenna(Not supplied)VHF/UHF Combiner(Not supplied)VHF/UHFCombination Antenna(Not supplied)UHF/VHF RodAntenna(Supplied with13” model only)OR ORANT. INOUT IN75-ohmCoaxial CableFrom Cable SystemFrom Cable Systemor Satellite Antenna75-ohmCoaxial CableCATV Box *or Satellite Box(Not supplied)*Some cable TV systems use scram-bled signals and require a special con-verter to receive these channels.Consult your local cable company.Note to CATV system installer:This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer's attention to Article 820-40 ofthe NEC that provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that thecable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building as close to the pointof cable entry as practical.FCC WARNING- This equip-ment may generate or use radiofrequency energy. Changes ormodifications to this equipmentmay cause harmful interferenceunless the modifications areexpressly approved in theinstruction manual. The usercould lose the authority to oper-ate this equipment if an unau-thorized change or modificationis made.IF YOU NEED ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR SET-UP OR OPERATINGAFTER READING OWNER’S MANUAL, PLEASE CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-968-3429.Owner’sManualSYLVANIALIMITED WARRANTYFUNAI CORP. will repair this SYLVANIA product, free of charge in the USA in the event of defect in materials or workman-ship as follows:DURATION:PARTS: FUNAI CORP. will provide parts to replace defective parts without charge for one (1) year fromthe date of original retail purchase. Two (2) years for Picture Tube. Certain parts are excludedfrom this warranty.LABOR: FUNAI CORP. will provide the labor without charge for a period of ninety (90) days from the dateof original retail purchase.LIMITS AND EXCLUSIONS:This warranty is extended only to the original retail purchaser. A purchase receipt or other proof of original retail pur-chase will be required together with the product to obtain service under this warranty.This warranty shall not be extended to any other person or transferee.This warranty is void and of no effect if any serial numbers on the product are altered, replaced, defaced, missing orif service was attempted by an unauthorized service center. This SYLVANIA Limited warranty does not apply to anythe product not purchased and used in the United States.This warranty only covers failures due to defects in material or workmanship which occurs during normal use. It doesnot cover damage which occurs in shipment, or failures which are caused by repairs, alterations or product not sup-plied by FUNAI CORP., or damage which results from accident, misuse, abuse, mishandling, misapplication, alter-ation, faulty installation, improper maintenance, commercial use such as hotel, rental or office use of this product ordamage which results from fire, flood, lightning or other acts of God.THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER PACKING MATERIALS, ANY ACCESSORIES (EXCEPT REMOTECONTROL), ANY COSMETIC PARTS, COMPLETE ASSEMBLY PARTS, DEMO OR FLOOR MODELS.FUNAI CORP. AND ITS REPRESENTATIVES OR AGENTS SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANYGENERAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR OCCASIONED BY THEUSE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT. THIS WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ALLOTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND OF ALL OTHER LIABILITIES ON THE PART OFFUNAI, ALL OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, AND FIT-NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED BY FUNAI AND ITS REPRESENTA-TIVES IN THE UNITED STATES.ALL WARRANTY INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS MUST BE PERFORMED BY FUNAI AUTHORIZED SER-VICE CENTER. THIS WARRANTY IS VALID WHEN THE UNIT IS CARRIED-IN TO FUNAI AUTHORIZEDSERVICE FACILITY.THE PRODUCT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL RETAIL PURCHASE RECEIPT.IF NO PROOF OF PURCHASE IS ATTACHED, THE WARRANTY WILL NOT BE HONORED AND REPAIRSCOSTS WILL BE CHARGED.IMPORTANT:THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THATVARY FROM STATE TO STATE, IF, AT ANY TIME DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD, YOU ARE UNABLE TOOBTAIN SATISFACTION WITH THE REPAIR OF THIS PRODUCT, PLEASE CONTACT FUNAI CORP.ATTENTION:FUNAI CORP. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MODIFY ANY DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCTWITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE.To locate your nearest SYLVANIA Authorized Service Center or general service procedure,please call 1-800-968-3429 or write to the following:FUNAI CORPORATIONCustomer Service100 North Street; Teterboro, NJ 07608Tel :1-800-968-3429PLEASE DO NOT SHIP YOUR UNIT TO THE TETERBORO ADDRESS.0EMN01876 Printed in MalaysiaL6003UD / L6117UT * * * * * This Owner’s Manual is made of recycled paper.COLOR TELEVISIONSST4132 (13 inch)SST4192 (19 inch)Before plugging the UHF/VHF RodAntenna into the ANT(enna). IN jack, checkthat the pin is not bent. If it is bent, straight-en the pin as illustrated, then plug the pininto the ANT(enna). IN jack. (Rod antennais supplied with 13” model only.)Bent pinCable Plug(Needs to be straightened) (Straight pin)L6003/6117.QX33 01.12.21 10:33 AM Page 1](