Symbol Technologies PDT7530 7500 Series Family Portable Data Terminal User Manual regulatory addendum

Symbol Technologies Inc 7500 Series Family Portable Data Terminal regulatory addendum


regulatory addendum

Regulatory Addendum:1)WARNING-FCC RF EXPOSURE GUIDELINESTo satisfy FCC RF exposure compliance requirementsfor a portable transmitting device, this deviceshould be used in hand-held, hand-operatedconfigurations only.  The device and its antennashould generally maintain a separation distance of20 cm or more from a person's body; except for thehands and wrists because of higher exposure limitfor extremities.  This device is designed to beused in a person's hands and its operatingconfigurations, generally do not support normaltransmissions while it is carried in pockets orholsters next to a person's body.The following statement is presently being added to the QRG (QuickReference Guide –User’s Manual) for the  Symbol Diamond Terminal line.This addition will be covering the PDT 7532 CDPD, PDT 7533CDPD/AMPS and PDT 7530 Datatac.Sandy MazzolaSymbol Technologies Inc1 Symbol PlazaHoltsville, N.Y. 11742-1300Phone: (631) 738-5373Fax: (631) 738-3915 or (631) 738-3318E-mail:

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