T MAX DIGITAL TM101 Tablet PC User Manual TM101W625L QSG 081216 MOD OUT

Tmax Digital, Inc. Tablet PC TM101W625L QSG 081216 MOD OUT

User Manual

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Document ID3124563
Application IDARFpkx/vIoEfUSot9NotNw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize126.93kB (1586687 bits)
Date Submitted2016-09-06 00:00:00
Date Available2016-09-06 00:00:00
Creation Date2016-08-17 10:54:13
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 9.0.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2016-08-17 10:54:13
Document TitleTM101W625L QSG 081216-MOD--OUT
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows)

TM101W625L User’s Guide
Customer Service
NuVision Customer Service
Phone: (800) 850-1288
Hours: 8:30am to 5:309m PST MrF
Email: cs@nuvision.co -
Register your tablet today at www.nuvision.com
Thank you for purchasing the NuVisi'on TM'lO'lW625l. 2-in-1 Tablet PC.
The device runs on Windows ‘lO, the latest and best operating system yet,
utilizing tablet touch technology to make your personal computing and media
content experience convenient, productive and immersive It is the perfect
companion for accomplishing everyday tasks, enhancing productivity on the
go, playing video games, streaming music and movies, taking photos. checking
emails. engaging With social media and so much more.
New features in Windows ‘lO include Cortana, your voiceractivated personal
assistant who can search the web. find files for you, keep track of your personal
calendar, and tell you today's weather Microsoft Edge is the new replacement
browser for internet Explorer. that is faster and more convenient to use.
Other features include Bluetooth connectivity, front & rear cameras, and a
memory Card slot for up to an additional G4GB of storage. With a sleek design
and bright highrdefinition lPS touch screen that ensures ultra Wide viewmg
angles, you'll enioy the TMlOlWEZSL for many years to come.
The followmg information Will help you get the most out of your tablet.
We strongly recommend reading it thoroughly before first use, and go to our
website to register your tablet. For more information, check out the
Windows FAQ page at www.nuvision.com
Features & Package Contents
AC Adapter
(Connects to Micro USB)
Tablet 1 1
Transfer Cable
(Connects to USB 3.0 Port)
Important Safety Instructions
Thls deVice complies with part is ofthe Fcc ruies operation is subiect to the foiiowing two condition
(I) this device may not cause harmfui interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received.
including interference that may cause undesired operation
Piease read the foiiowind instructions and notices before using your tabiet
i. Avoid using in extremeiy not, coid, dusty, damp or wet environments
2 The taoiet is not moisture or waterrresistant Avoid using the taoiet around sources of water
3 Avoid dropping or forcibiy piacing the tabiet onto a hard surface This may damage the screen or internai
eiectronic components and void the warranty
A Do not use aicohoi, thinner or benzene to ciean the surface of the tabiet Use oniy cieaning products
designed for computer tabiet devices
5 Do not use the taoiet white waikmg of driving.
a. Excesswe use or earphones at high voiume may iead to hearing impairment timit earphone usage, and
adiust the volume to a moderate ievei oniy.
7 The images in this nianuai may vary siightiy froin the actuai product
a charge the tabiet battery under any of the foiiovving Circumstances
a Battery ievei icon indicates iow power
o. Tablet Dowefyo" automaticaiiy, continuing to do so even after restarting
c onscreen keys or dispiay does not function property
9 Do not suddeniy disconnect the tabiet when formatting, upioading or downioadino data
This may iead to program errors (e o , system or screen ’fvee7ing )
to Static discharge is normai and can occur in an eiectronic device Aithough not iife threatening it may
corrupt fiies or damage memory and its content Do not use accessories that are not from Nuvision
ii. Dismantiing the taoiet vviii void the manufacturer's warranty if you are experiencing prooiems, review this
quick start guide or visit the FAQ oniine at www.mAviSion com
i2 Tabiet functions hardware, software, and warranty information may be revised by the manufacturer or
their respective owners, and subiect to change without notice
is Warning This product may contain a chemicai known to the State of Caiifomia to cause cancer,
birth defects, or other reproductive harm
Tablet Overview
Battery Charging Light (Blinks while charging)
Camera: Built in 2.0MP front camera to take HD photos or videos.
I Window: Press to return to Home/Start Menu.
Camera: Built in SDMP rear camera to take HD photos or Videos.
Volume - / Volume +: Decrease or increase volume level for speakers or
Power/ Standby: Press and hold for 3 seconds to turn on the tablet.
Press momentarily to enter Sleep mode. This Will turn off display and save
battery life Press and hold to turn off.
Headphone Jack: lnsert headphones for private listening or connect with
amplified speakers.
HD: Connect to an HDMI input on a television, projector, or monitor.
Microphone: Built in microphone at the left edge of the glass Use to speak
to Cortana or for making personal recordings.
USB 2.0 Port Connect to power supply to recharge tablet, connect an
external flash drive or other compatible device.
USB 3.0 Port
Micro TF Memory Card Slot: The builtrin storage card reader slot supports
an optional TF memory card for additional storage.
Dual Speakers to listen to music, podcasts, etc., without headphones.
Keyboard Overview
Caps Lock and
Mouse Pad Lock
Indicator Lights
14. Mouse Pad / Keyboard
15. Shift Key(Left)
16. Caps Lock: Enable Caps Lock. (The indicator light above the Caps Lock icon
A Will glow WHlTE.)
17. Full Size USB 2.0 Port (Left side of keyboard)
18. Tablet Connector to Keyboard: Magnetic hinge and tabs to secure the tablet
in a laptop configuration.
19. Full USB 2.0 Port (Right side of keyboard)
20. Shift Key (Right)
21. Mouse Pad Lock: Press to temporarily disable the Mouse Pad
(indicator light above the Mouse Pad Lock icon fl Will glow RED)
Press again to reaenable.
Connecting the Tablet and Keyboard
Vour tabiet features a specially designed magnetic hinge that attaches and
secures the tabiet and keyboard together, enabling quick and easy docking.
1. Dock Port
Connect the 5-pln magnetic
dock port to support the
keyboard, touchscreen and
USB functions
2. Hinge Tabs
Align and Insert tabs Into
their respective hoids to
attach the tabiet
Undocking the Tablet
me‘y grasp the tab‘et and
secure the keyboard at the
same twme, then gently puH
out the tablet.
Charging the Battery
' ° \ l|
Connect the power adapter to a we” outlet, then to the tab‘et's mrcro USB port as shown.
It is recommended to rtu charge the battery before hrst use. A battery status indrcator
appears in the \owev right corner of the Task Bar Tap to View the current battery \eve‘,
trme remammg, bnghtness Contro‘, and settrngs for power and s‘eep modes.
It is norma‘ for the tablet to become warmer whHe charging, streammg video‘ or multh
taskrng. Battery \Ife between charges wm vary dependmg on dwsp‘ay brrghtness, apps that
remam open, and most \mpoflant‘y, your rnterhet use For examp‘e, streammg movres
from the r'hternet wm consume more battery resources than most other apphcatrohs.
Battery Care
Operating temperature Your device ‘5 destgned to function between 32°F and SS'F
(or 0"C to 35“C) Ltthtum-ton batterwes are sensmve to higher temperatures so keep
away from drrect sun hght. Don't \eave m a dosed envrronment susceptmte to extreme
temperatures (re: a vehtde on a hot sunny day).
Recharge anytime You can recharge the rnternat battery at any trme. However, we
recommend drsohargmg the battery down to wo% or \ower at \eas‘ once each month
before rechargmg.
Starting your Tablet
Power On/Off/Standby Mode/Reset
ON: Press and hold the side POWER 0) button on the side for a couple of seconds untli
the iogo screen appears, then release.
OFF Press and hoid the Side POWER (D button on the side of the tablet
When prompted, slide ringer downward to shut down your PC.
STANDBY MODE while the tablet is on, press the side Power ('1 button quickly to turn
off the display only. The tabiet will enter Sleep mode to minimize battery functions
Press the Power button quickly to wake from Sleep mode
NOTE: To avoid excesswe battery drainage, turn the tablet off completely.
First time Setup Wizard
The first time you turn on the device, 5 Setup Wizard le guide you through a number of
steps before use to choose a ianguage. personalize your tabiet, set up WlFl, etc
User and Password Setup
To set up passwords, enter the Action Center window by swiping inward from the right
edge or display Open “Ali Settings" > "Accounts" > Sign in Options to add Passwords.
NOTE: Password policy settings may not be available it you've added a work email
account to the Mali app
Lock Screen and Password
The Lock Screen is the starting point when the tabiet is turned ON Swme your finger
upward from the bottom of the dispiay to exit the Lock Screen, then enter your Password
NOTE To reset your Password, go to ACCOUNT.LlVE.COM/PASSWORD/RESET
Start Menu / Tablet Task Bar Overview
The Start Menu screen consists of colorful static and live tiles that provide quick access
to bullt-In apps, mail, entertainment, and the latest in news, weather, and sports. You can
reposition tiles to other areas of the screen, resize them, or pin them to the Desktop Task
Bar. To do so, press and hold a tile for one second to display available options.
start Menu: view colorful static and live tiles. Also View all apps arranged alphabetically.
Search: Search Windows or the internet
Task View: ReView open applications
Task Bar: View of applications pinned on your task bar Open apps are distinguished
by a white line under the icon
5. Sub-Menu: To View the secondary menu, hold down on the arrow for one second
then release The rnenu box will appear.
6. Battery Level: View percentage of battery level and the time remaining;
adiust power-saving and display settings.
7. wiFi: View network settings or activate Airplane mode.
3. Volume: Adjust volume level
9. Action Center: View alerts, notifications, and tablet settings.
10. Keyboard: While in DesktGD Mode, tax: or Click to use the Virtual keyboard.
11. Date & Time: Adjust settings
Common Finger Gestures
Swipe from the edges:
5wrpe rrght from the \ef( edge to access open apps.
Swrpe \eft from the right edge to open the Actron Center.
Pinch to Zoom in/out Some apps (such as
Maps, Browser, and Gauery) aHow you to zoom
in and out by p‘acrng two fingers on the screen
at once. Spread trrrgers apart to zoom m or pinch
together to zoom out
Swipe downward from the top edge
to reduce the slze of an acnve window
Move K to one area then open a second app m
View both windows side by side.
Swipe finger side to side and up and down
to move images.
Apps Menu
To dtsptay the oonvement and easy to use Apps rnenu, tap or dick the H Apps button
in the start Menu. Launch apps, features and programs that are set up atphapeticany
shoe your finger or sort)“ up and down to vrew aH apps on your tabtet
Add / Remove / Resize Apps
You can reconfigure the mes wtthrn the start Menu qutte eesuy. To create, or pm a the
from an app \ocated m the App Menu, seteet and drag your setection to ptace the the in
a preferred location. To change the the size or to remove (unpt‘n) wt, tap or cltck and hold
for one second to dismay avauaple options
Action Center
The Amory Center ‘5 the central \ocatwon to vwew a‘erts, notlf‘cat‘ons, user settmgs,
and more. Swipe your finger Inward from the ngm edge of the screen to brmg up the
Action Center Swwpe your fingev back towards the edge to hide the Actxon Center.
Cortana, your Voice-Activated Personal Ass tant
Speak to Cortana and request We weather
forecast set personal remmders, send an emai‘,
find spec‘flc mes, Search the web, and more
Summon Cortana by speaking c‘ear‘y and slow‘y
into the microphone Start by saying the
command, "Hey Cortana‘"
To manage and personahze Cortana, go to the
Cortana app, press "Settings" and fo‘low the prompts
Manage settmgs and what Cortana shou‘d know
about you. Tap or dick the Covtana app then chck
the Settmgs \con m the upper \eft comer to
dwsplay ns menu
Connect to HDMI / Mov es & TV / Addi
onal Storage
Connect to HDTV or Projector
Connect your tablet to an HD teleyrsron or
prerector wrtn an optrona‘ nnm-HDMr to m“-
sr'ze HDM‘ cable. Once connected, yrew on
the externar drsp‘ay immedra‘e‘y
Movies & TV
Rent or purchase the latest releases m Moyres
5. TV shows, or games from the Wrndows
Store. Easrly down‘cads to your device.
\n addmon, you can search for nfies from
your vrdeo conecrion
Addikional Storage with a
TF Memory Card Slot
At some pmm you may reqmre addrtronar
space on your Tab\e( for additronar musrc,
vrdeo, photo or busmess mes. Insert an
optronar TF styre memory card wrtn a storage
capacrty up to 64GB
Creating a M crosoft Account / Add 9 an Email Account
Create a Microsoft account
It is recommended to set up or use an existing Microsoft account for better enjoyment
of Microsoft services such as Xbox, Hotmaii, Outiook com, OneDrive, etc Many apps and
services reiy on the account to sync content and settings across devices if you have
more than one Microsoft account already, you'il need to choose one.
Add other Email Accounts
To add your emaii accounts:
1. Open the Start Menu and seiect Maii
2. Open and Add account
3. Choose the type of account you want to add, and then follow the onscreen instructions.
Connecting to the Internet
The tab‘et utilizes WrFI EOQWWb/g/n networks to connect wlth the rnternet
In order to connect, you er need the foHowrng:
Network Name/SSID
Wireless Router
Connect to a Wi i Network
Open the Actron Center (swrpe your finger rnward from the nght edge of the screen),
then tap or chck Arr Settrngs > Network & rnternet. Or from the Task Bar tap the wrreress
network icon fi then connect to the appropn‘ate network. Tap (or crick) Connect.
When prompted enter the password (if anpiicabie).
Disconnect from a WiFi Network
Open the Actron Center. Tap the wlreless network Icon fi, that r5 connected, then tap
(or crick) Drsconnect.
Connecting M ro USB and Bluetooth Devices
Connecting Micro USB
inciuded transfer cabie. You can add an externai mouse,
keyboard or flash drlve
‘ ‘ Connect an externai device to your tabiet by attaching the
1/ NOTE: The first time you piug In a USB accessory,
Wlndows WiH instail the necessary software for you
(if appiicabie)
Add a Bluetooth device
Add or "pair” a Biuetooti’i compatibie device With your Tabiet as foliows
1. Power on the Campatlbie Biuetootn device and make It discoverable
Z. From the Actlon Center open Ail Settings > Devices > Biuetooth. Turn on Bluetooth
then tan or ciick on Connected DeVices. Tap or cii'ck to add a new deVice. Once the
Biuetootn compatibie device is found, select it
3 Make sure Biuetooth is powered on, then wait while Wlndows searches for the device.
Using the Cameras
Front and Rear Cameras
Your tablet features two cameras With the from-facing 2MP Camera you can
video Chat and take "selfles". Use the SMP rear camera to take photos or
record Videos
Open the Camera app and tap on the Camera or Video shutter buttons.
To record Video, tap the Video shutter button once to start a record'ing,
press again to stop
The Camera Settings menu provides
options for viewing and editing both
photos and videos
Add folders that contain all of your
photos and videos for convenient
viewing In addition, albums can be
created automatieaiiy, whereby Windows
Wiii select your best shots and create an
Using the Cameras (Cont)
Camera Function Guide
1. Change Camera: Tap to SWItch between front and rear cameras.
2. Camera Adjustments Menu: Adjust Brjghtness, Whjte Balance, SO and
3. Camera Settings: Activate tjmer, or seject photo and vrdeo recording
4. Camera & Video Shutter: Take a snap shot or start a vrdeo recordmg.
Tap the meo shutter again to stop recording.
5 View photos on the tablet: Vjew and edjt photos on the tabjet.
6. Share your photos
7. View a slide show
8 Edit to fix and make adjustments
9. Rotate image
10. Delete photo
11. Options Menu
Make automatic corrections through the Photos app. Experiment wrth lightmg
and cojor adjustments, effects. cropping and rotatjon
LImited Warranty
one Year Limited warranty
TMAX Digllai inc warrants this product against defects in materiai or workmanship for a period of one (i)
year from the date of which starts With the date of originai purchase (“Limited Warranty period") at its
own option either (a) repair your product With new or refurbished parts, or (b) repiace it With a new or a
refurbished product. TMAX Digital inc. WIH incur no iiaoiiity whatsoever to Provide packaging for warranty
items Upon receipt of the warranty item shouid it pe determined that the packaging is insufficient, or the
unit faiied by a non-manufacture defect TMAX Digilai Inc may at its discretion, Void the warranty
The consumer is responsible for the transportation cost to TMAX Digitai Inc A nominai handiing fee does
appiy You must receive a return authorization number before sending a unit in for service
To Oblain Warranty Servlce
shouid it be necessary to contact Customer Support, caii (800) 8904288 or emaii us at cs@nuwsion com
You Wiil be instructed on how your ciaim Wili be processed Have pertinent information avaiiapie inciuding
proof of purchase and an understanding or the issue
you must retain the ovlginai bili of saie to pvovlde proof of purchase Caii or emaii a customer support
representative to assess the probiem No seryice or shipment wiii toe accepted uniess RMA at is provided to
you and attached or printed to the shipping carton aiong With a copy of the oiii of sale.
Customer Data
Customer shail be soieiy responsibie for maintaining backup data necessary to repiace Customer data iost
or damaged from any cause
This warranty is effective oniy if the product was purchased through an Authorized Retaii Seiier and the
unit is operated in North America you are responsioie for aii tariffs and taxes imposed to ship or receive
warranty or repiacement units to and from the u 5. Warranty extends oniy to defects in materiais or
workmanship and does not extend to cracked screens, damaged USB or DC ports or any other products
that have been iost, discarded or damaged by misuse, accident, negiect iiduid damage, acts of God, such
Limited Warranty
as IIQMHIHQ Improper msIaIIacIon Improper mamIenance or mOdIfIcatIOn The LImIceu Warranty ALSO
DOES NoT COVER damages or Hayma been prewoust aIteved, momned Yepawed or Sevaced by anyone
other man (he sevVICe IacIImes aUthorIzed by TMAX DIgItaI Inc to Tender such serwces. Warranty does
run Cover cosmcuc damage or IOS( accessorIcs We may Charge me Customer Ior any SCVVICC can made for
anymmg noI Covered by me IIrmIed warranty II yOU declme our servICe and wash to Have the umI returned,
yOU wOUld need to elmer DrOVIde Us a return IabeI or nay TMAX ror vemm charges If mere IS no responses
rrom you aner 45 days TMAX DIgItaI wIH assume IS abandoned and recycIe the UN! on your beHaIf
ThIS wavranKy glves you specmc rIgHIs and IHese rIgHIs may Vary from staIe to sIaIe. Some sIaIes do noI
aIIow IImIIaLIon on How Iong the warranty Izsts or echusIons or IImIIamn of IncIdemaI or cansequentIaI
damages, So the above may not apon Io you
DIselaimer of Warramy
This equipment has been tested and iound to compiy With the iimits for a ciass B digitai oei/ice, pursuant
to part if. or the FCC Ruies These iirnits are designed to proirioe reasonabie protection against harmfui
interference in a residentiei instaiietion This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, it not instaiied and used in accordance With the instructions, may cause harmfui intevference
to radio communications However there is no guarantee that interference Wiil not occur in a particuiar
instaiiation if this equipment does cause harmtui interterence to radio or teiei/ision reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encoumged to try to correct the interierence
by one or more of the toiioWing measures
, Reovient or reiocate the receiVing antenna
, increase the separouon between the equipment and receiver
, Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit oinerent from that to which the receiver is connected
- Consuit the oeaier or an Experienced radio/TV technician ror heio
This device cnmnlies With part is ni‘ the FCC Ruies. Operation is subiect to the followmg two conditions:
(I) This deVice may not cause harmfui interference, and (2) this deVice must accept any interference
received. inciuding interference that may cause undeswed operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressiy approved by the party responsibie for compiiance couid vo'id
the user's authority to operate the equipment

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