TAKAYA TX69W01 User Manual Manual

TAKAYA Corporation Manual


RX-W1 Page 1OPERATIONMANUALNew Wetness Sensing System RX69W1For monitoring purpose in USABy Nippon Kodoshi CorporationSeptember 4,1998
RX-W1 Page 2Table of ContentsDESCRIPTION  3OverView  4Specifications  5Location and Function of ControlsTransmitter Introduction  6SensorIntroduction  7Transmitter and Sensor Operating  8Sensor Installation to a disposal diaper  9Transponder Introduction  10Receiver Introduction 11Receiver Operating 13Inside Views, Dip-SW Setting 14Transmitter Inside View 14TransmitterDip-SWSetting 15Transponder Inside View 16Transponder Dip-SW Setting 17Receiver Inside View 19Receiver Test Mode 1 20Receiver Test Mode 2 (Melody) 23PagerControllerProtocol 24loneode 26Transmitter Clone Mode 26Transponder Clone Mode 31Receiver Clone Mode 33
RX-W1 Page 3FCC PART 15 CLASS B MANUALDESCRIPTIONNOTICEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instruction, may cause harmful interference toradio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occurin a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radioor television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC WARNINGChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
RX-W1 Page 4[1] Wetness Sensing System(1) Overview’†Œp‹@ŒÅ’èŒ^ŽóM‹@Œg‘ÑŒ^•\ Ž¦‹@‘—M‹@—¾•êŽº‹ŽºThis Wetness Sensing System is comprised with transmitters, transpondersand receivers, which inform caregivers of sensing moisture in a diaper.  Oncewetness sensor incorporated into diaper is aware of moisture, the transmitterincluding sensor puts out the signal to the transponder and then to the receiver.Handy-receiverStation-receiver(option)TransmitterTransponder
RX-W1 Page 5Specifications■TRANSMITTERFrequency    318.125M, 318.500M, 318.875M, 319.250MHzRF Output Power  2400µV/m (67.6dBm)  at 3 mFrequency stability  ±0.001Identification  Area ID199, Individual ID 199Modulation system  Variable reactance frequency modulationMaximum Deviation  ±4 kHzPower Source  3V (lithium battery CR2032)Battery Life    about 3 months ( dropped to 2.5V)■TRANSPONDERReceive system  Double-conversion superheterodyneReceiving Frequency 1  318.125M, 318.500M, 318.875M, 319.250MHzReceiving Frequency 2  314.500M~314.725MHz(25kHz step)Sensitivity  -113dBm for 12dB SINADIntermediate frequencies  1st 21.7MHz 2nd 450kHzTransmitting Frequency  314.500M~314.725MHz(25kHz step)RF output power  2250µV/m ( at 3 m )Frequency stability  ±0.001Modulation system  Variable reactance frequency modulationMaximum Deviation  ±4 kHzPower supply requirement  DC,AC9V 0.1A AC adaptorBattery Life  about 12 hours■RECEIVERReceive system  Double-conversion superheterodyneReceiving Frequency 1  318.125M, 318.500M, 318.875M, 319.250MHzReceiving Frequency 2  314.500M~314.725MHz(25kHz step)Sensitivity  -113dBm for 12dB SINADIntermediate frequencies  1st 21.7MHz 2nd 450kHzFrequency stability  ±0.001Power supply requirement  DC,AC9V 0.3A AC adaptorBattery Life  about 5 hours
RX-W1 Page 6Location and Function of Controls Transmitter Introduction(1) overviewSensing devise (sensor) is connected to transmitter.  Once sensing devise senses moisture,transmitter will send signal to transponder.()Each DesignationIndicator LightBlue light flash in sensing wet.Red light flash in battery shutoffSlid TabRock in upperOpen in downBattery HolderSensor TerminalCloning TerminalUse in Transmittersetting.
RX-W1 Page 7 Sensor IntroductionSensorMoisture sensing partAttach to a disposal diaperwith double-adhesive tapeSensorElectrodeAlways I love ai(t)
RX-W1 Page 8 Transmitter and Sensor Operating Open-Close Operation Method of Battery desorption and Sensor AttachmentTo open this case, release the lockby sliding this tab underneath.To lock the case is sliding this tabupward in closed status.Battery desorptionInstallationCant the battery slowly.DisinstallationPush the battery upward.Sensor InstallationPut the Sensor into theconnector deeply and embedin guide pin from above  toprevent to drop out.
RX-W1 Page 9Sensor Installation to Disposal Diaper After attach the sensor, put the cover on a diaper and then fix theThe double-adhesive tape isattached to this side.  Notethat attaching the tape towrong side will be causemalfunction.aiAttach the sensor to prospected part forwetting in a disposal diaper.NOTE: Attaching firmly with no spacebetween the sensor and a diaper.If there is a distance, the sensor may notsense moisture in a disposal diaper.
RX-W1 Page 10transmitter.Transponder IntroductionOverviewTransponder receives signal from Transmitter and then transmits to Receiver.It transmits the signal received from Transmitter to another Transponder. Each Designation DirectionsThe transponder is located in the signal receivable area from Transmitter.PowerTXRXBTNKKWetness Sensing SystemCODE ALERTPower-on SwitchPower SupplyTerminalIndicator lightfor transmittingFlash when transmitting.Indicator light forreceivingIndicator light for BatteryShutoff
RX-W1 Page 11Receiver Introduction1. OverviewWhen the receiver receives signal from the transponder, it informs caregiversof received signal information (e.g. sense moisture or battery shutoff) by alarmof melodies and display.  Each DesignationPowerRXLOW BATTERYVOLUMEBT CLEARTRANSMITTER IDNKKWetness Sensing SystemCOMCODE ALERTOFF123TX BATTERYReceiving AntennaPower-onVolume Control TabID Reset button for TransmitterBattery ShutoffPager Controller &Cloning TerminalWarning LED for Transmitter Battery Shutoff.Acknowledge button for TransmitterBattery ShutoffExternal Terminalfor Power SupplyFlash when transfer to PCIndicator Light for receivingFlash when receivingIndicator light for BatteryShutoffFlashinBatteryshutoff
RX-W1 Page 12   a.1 Display Receiver Battery Shutoff When the battery of receiver run down, LED will flash.Information Display When receiving the signal of sensing moisture in a diaper, itdisplays Area ID in right two-digit and transmitter ID in lefttwo-digit. (NOTE: In case of sensing multiple IDs, it displaysthose IDs in turn.)    (Example of Display 1)   Example of Display 2When flashing “Warning LED for Battery Shutoff”, push “Acknowledgebutton for Transmitter Battery Shutoff”,  is displayed.PowerRXLOW BATTERYBT CLEARTRANSMITTER IDCOMTX BATTERYTransmitter ID5 in Area 1 isTransmitter ID 2in Area 1 runsdIndicator light for BatteryShutoffFlash in Battery shutoffTX BATTERY
RX-W1 Page 137Receiver OperationTurning on power, current receiving channel for the transmitter is displayed in 7segment Display with red LED and current receiving channel for the transponder in 7segment display with green LED, like for 5sec, after that it will clear theID.When the transmitter senses moisture in a diaper, the receiver displays Area ID andTransmitter ID and puts melodies on.Once Transmitter IDs are received, it continues displaying these IDs till the signalfrom the transmitter is cut off for 30sec.  Those IDs will be cleared automaticallywhen the signal is aborted (i.e. it displays those IDs till the diaper attached thesensor is changed.).1 Volume Control SWIt changes Volume of melodies as four stage (large, middle, small and OFF).2 TXBATTERYSWLEDSquare red LED flashes in Transmitter Battery Shutoff.Transmitter ID which runs out is displayed during pushing this SW. (In case ofdetecting multiple IDs, it displays those IDs in turn.)3 BT CLEAR SWBattery Shutoff LED will be lighted out and its IDs will be cleared after checkingwhich ID is detected by pushing TX Battery SW and changing the battery.NOTE: Be sure to clear detected IDs after changing the battery4 Power SupplyAC adapter more than 0.3A, 9V(DC, AC) is available.In electricity failure, this system can work about for 5 hours by using built-inrechargeable battery.
RX-W1 Page 14 3Inside Views, Dip-SW SettingTransmitter Inside ViewFig.3-1  TRANSMITTERBatteryHolderBatteryCR2032CT1FrequencyADJUSTVR1RF PowerADJUSTSW1MODESelectLEDCT2ANT MatchingADJUSTCN1SENSORConnectCN2CLONINGPortCT3SENSOR SensitivityADJUST
RX-W1 Page 15Transmitter Dip-SW SettingSW1MODESELECTTESTMODESELECTIONSW1-1SW1-1 is ON when turning on power, it will enter into Test Mode.It will be transfered data continuously in the Test Mode.  To stop the continuoustransfer is turning SW1-1 off in Test Mode.Turning on power again with SW1-1 OF enters into Normal Mode.SENSOR TYPE SELECTIONSW1-2SW1-2 SENSOR TYPEOFF Capacitortype SensorON Resistortype SensorCapacitor Sensitivity SelectionSW1-3,4SW1-3 SW1-4 Capacitor SensitivityOFF OFF Maximum Sensitivity about 3.5pFON OFF Middle Sensitivity about 4.5pFOFF ON Lower Sensitivity about 5.5pFON ON Minimum Sensitivity about 6.5pF1234ONON=TEST MODESensor Type SelectionCapacitor SensitivitySelection
RX-W1 Page 16Transponder Inside ViewFig.3-2 TRANPONDERTransponder ANT SW1Power SWF1Fuse 1ACN1EXT PowerSupplyInput 9VCN3BatteryConnectSW3-4Test ModeSW3-13Transponder IDSelectSW2ReceivingChannelSW1TransponderChannelCN2CloningPort
RX-W1 Page 17Transponder Dip-SW SettingSWMODESELECTTESTMODESELECTSW3-4SW1-1 is ON when turning on power, it will enter into Test Mode.Data will be received continuously in the Test Mode.  When SW3-1 is OFF, itreceives data at Transmitter receiving frequency.  When SW3-1 is ON, itreceives data at Transponder receiving frequency.  In that case, if RSSI is ONgreen LED will be flashed, if N-DET is ON red LED will be flashed.In Test Mode, changing SW3-4 into OFF will be in Transfer Mode.  At that time,if SW3-1 is OFF it transfers only carrier wave, if ON it transfers IDcontinuously.Restart with SW3-4 OFF, it returns to normal mode.Transponder ID Selection SW3-13SW3-1 SW3-2 SW3-3 IDOFF OFF OFF 1ON OFF OFF 2OFF ON OFF 3ON ON OFF 4OFF OFF ON 5ON OFF ON 6OFF ON ON 7ON ON ON 8NOTE: In case of connecting multiple transponders, be sure not to set same Transponder IDs.1  2  3  4ONON=TEST MODETransponder IDSelection
RX-W1 Page 18 Receiving Channel Selection SW2     Receiving channel means receiving frequency when receiving the signal from     Transmitter.SW2 Receiving CH Receiving Frequency0 1 CH 318.125MHz1 2 CH 318.500MHz2 3 CH 318.875MHz3 4 CH 319.250MHz         NOTE: It is impossible to receive the signal if the transmission wave hasno                accordance with receiving wave. Transponder Channel Selection SW1Transponder Channel means identical frequency at which multipleTransponders transfers and receives mutually.SW1 Transponder CH Transponder Frequency0 1 CH 314.500MHz1 2 CH 314.525MHz2 3 CH 314.550MHz3 4 CH 314.575MHz4 5 CH 314.600MHz5 6 CH 314.625MHz6 7 CH 314.650MHz7 8 CH 314.675MHz8 9 CH 314.700MHz9 10 CH 314.725MHz
RX-W1 Page 19Receiver Inside ViewReceiver ANT CN2CloningPort SW2Power SWCN1EXT PowerSupplyInput 9VF1Fuse 1ACN3BatteryConnectBattery4.8VCN6To DisplayConnectSW1Pager Controller SetSW3Receiving ChannelSelectPowerRXLOW BATTERYBT CLEARTRANSMITTER IDCOMTX BATTERYTX BATTERY SWWarning LED for Transmitter Battery Shutoff.Acknowledge button for Transmitter BatteryShutoffBT CLEAR SWID Reset button for TransmitterBattery Shutoff
RX-W1 Page 20Receiver Test Mode 1TESTMODESELECTWhen  Power SW is ON in pushing BT CLEAR SW on Front Panel, it will beTest MODE 1.First, when BT CLEAR SW is pushing  is displayed in 7segment LEDfor 1sec and then the LED of RX, COM and TXBATTERY is flashedsequentially.Second, it displays the receiving channel of transmitter and transponder  whichare in memory, like 0102Transponder = 1CH, Transmitter = 2CH.When BT CLEAR SW is released, it will be in Transponder receiving acknowledgeMode. Transponder receiving channel is displayed in left side LED with green and RSSILevelradio field intensity is displayed in right side LED with red.When RSSI is ONRSSI40, RXLED is flashed with green and when N-DET is ON, COMLED is flashed with red.To change the Transponder receiving channel is switching over SW3 of RotaryDip SW in the Main Board to target channel, and then push the TX BATTERYSW in the Front Panel to memory the setting.7 Seg. LEDAll Test DisplayTRANSMITTER IDTRANSMITTER IDTransponder Receiving CH=1chTransmitter Receiving CH =2chTRANSMITTER IDTransponder Receiving =1chRSSI Level=35RXCOMRSSI ON=RX LED ONN-DET ON=COM LED ONTX BATTERYSW3ReceivingChannelMemory SW forTX BATTERY SWTRANSMITTER IDTransponder Receiving CH =1chRSSI Level=35
RX-W1 Page 21Transponder Channel Select SW3Transponder Channel means receiving frequency when receiving the signalfrom Transponder.SW1 Transponder CH Transponder Frequency0 1 CH 314.500MHz1 2 CH 314.525MHz2 3 CH 314.550MHz3 4 CH 314.575MHz4 5 CH 314.600MHz5 6 CH 314.625MHz6 7 CH 314.650MHz7 8 CH 314.675MHz8 9 CH 314.700MHz9 10 CH 314.725MHzAfter pushing BT CLEAR SW in Front panel again, it will be in Transmitterreceiving acknowledging Mode.   Current Transponder receiving channel isdisplayed in left side LED with green and RSSI Levelradio field intensityis displayed in right side LED with red.When RSSI is ONRSSI40, RXLED is flashed with green and when N-DET is ON, COMLED is flashed with red.To change the Transponder receiving channel is switching over SW3 of RotaryDip SW in the Main Board to target channel, and then push the TX BATTERYSW in the Front Panel to memory the setting.TRANSMITTER IDTransmitter CH = 1chRSSI Level=32RSSI ON=RX LED ONN-DET ON=COM LED ONRXCOMTX BATTERYSW3ReceivingChannelMemory SW forTX BATTERY SWRSSI ON=RX LED ONN-DET ON=COM LED ON
RX-W1 Page 22 Transmitter Receiving Channel Select SW3  Receiving channel means receiving frequency when receiving the signal from  Transmitter.SW3 Receiving CH Transmitter Receiving Frequency0 1 CH 318.125MHz1 2 CH 318.500MHz2 3 CH 318.875MHz3 4 CH 319.250MHz         NOTE: It is impossible to receive the signal if the transmission wave hasno  accordance with the receiving wave.It returns to normal mode by restart.
RX-W1 Page 23Receiver Test Mode 2  (Melody Test)WhenPOWER SW is ON in pushing BT CLEAR SW and TX BATTERY SW     on Front Panel simultaneously, it will enter into Test MODE 2.First, when BT CLEAR SW and TX BATTERY SW is pushing,  isdisplayed in 7segment LED for 1sec and then the LED of RX, COM andTXBATTERY is flashed sequentially.The display of Seg. LED is cleared after 2sec.Second, release BT CLEAR SW and TX BATTERY SW , and push BT CLEAR SWonce.  It displays Melody Number 01 in7 seg. LED with red and sounds the melodyof Yankee Doodle from a loudspeaker only once except that Volume Control is OFFIn addition, if BT CLEAR SW is pushed again, it displays Melody Number 02 in7seg. LED with red and sounds the melody of Oh Bury Me Not On The LonePrairie only once.Each time BT CLEAR SW is pushed, it sounds 16 melodies and 1 audiblealarm to test these sounds.It returns to normal mode by restart.TRANSMITTER IDTRANSMITTER ID7 Seg. LEDAll DeleteBT CLEARTX BATTERYBT CLEAR SWTX BATTERY SWSame time PushTRANSMITTER ID01=Yankee Doodle7 Seg. LEDAll Test DisplayTRANSMITTER ID
RX-W1 Page 24PagerControllerProtocolIn case of using PAGERCONTROLLER, SW1 in Main Board should be ON.If the SW1 is ON without connecting Pager Controller by mistake or Pager Controllerpower is OFF, it alarms sound each 30sec.1. Pager Controller communicationFormBAUD RATE 9600BPSDATA BIT 8-BITPARITY NONESTOP BIT 1BIT2.Data FormatStartBIT(1bit)DATA(8bit) StopBIT(1bit)3.RS-232-C ConnectorSW1PAGERCONTROLLERONReceiver(9Pin) PC(9Pin1 CD2 SD3 RD4 DTR5 SG6 DSR7 RTS8 CTS9 RI1 CD2 RD3 SD4 DTR5 SG6 DSR7 RTS8 CTS9 RI
RX-W1 Page 254.Cominucations Protocol[PC] [Receiver][ Sensing DataTransfer]The Receivertransfers sensinginformation andbattery shutoffinformation.It transfers thedata periodicallyeach 5sec. …[BCC][CR]Transmitter ID (4-digits) which is sensingmoisture or batteryshutoff is transferredafter [:][K], and thenTransmitter status (”1”= Sensing moisture, ”2”= Battery shutoff, “3” =“1” and “2”) istransferred as single-digit.  When multipleIDs or status istransferred, they arebroken by and added[BCC][CR] at the end.When there are nothingof transmittinginformation,[K][BCC][CR] aretransferred.BCC Calculating Methods:(STX) K(CMD) 0101(ID) 1(DATA) CN(BCC) Calculating RangeIt gets the SUM from CMD to DATA and divides into MSB 4bits and LSB 4bits, and    then adds 40H and converts into 2 bytes word as hexadecimal.Example 1‘’‘’‘’414243LSBMSBExample 2 ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’LSBMSB
RX-W1 Page 26ID TypesTransmitter IDTransmitter ID “0608” is 4-digit number, first 2-digit is Area ID and last two-digit isindividual unique ID.16 types of Area ID“01””16”(“01””10”[Hex])99 types of Unique ID“01””99”(“01””63”[Hex])Transmitter Clone ModeFig.4-1 CONNECTION OF CLONING UNITConnect the cloning unit like above chart, and start up PC and then run “HyperTerminal” of Windows accessory.Fig.4.2 Initial window of Hyper TerminalAfter running Hyper Terminal, the following window will open.  Set as below.TRANSMITTERPC underWindows 95 or98RS232CStraight cableDCV
RX-W1 Page 27Fig.4-3-1 Start-up window of Hyper Terminal
RX-W1 Page 28Fig.4-3-2  Setting window of COM PORTFig.4-3-3  Setting window of COM PORT
RX-W1 Page 29The following Transmitter start-up screen (Fig.4-4) will be displayed after settingCommunication Port and Communication protocol and insert a battery.Fig.4-4 Transmitter start-up screenAt this point when pushing C key within 5sec, the following screen (Fig.4-5) isdisplayed and Mode Set can be changed.  Pushing Enter key terminates the setting.Fig.4-5Mode Set for Transmitter###### TX69W01 Ver.1.0 ######**** << Current Mode Status >> **** Current Detection=[ Capacitor ] 1.ID No. = 0112 2.Resistor Detection Time = 3 (s) 3.Capacitor Detection Time = 10 (s) 4.Transmission Qty = 01 5.STOP Time = 10 (s) 6.Serial Modulation Qty = 06Change Mode Set = [C] ? Execute = [Enter] ?    (Note: No Key, Auto Execute after 5 sec.)Current setting statusof Transmitter**** << Current Mode Status >> **** Current Detection=[ Capacitor ] 1.ID No. = 0112 2.Resistor Detection Time = 3 (s) 3.Capacitor Detection Time = 10 (s) 4.Transmission Qty = 01 5.STOP Time = 10 (s) 6.Serial Modulation Qty = 06**** << Mode Set >> ****  [1] = Country Select  [2] = ID No.  [3] = Resistor Detection Time  [4] = Capacitor Detection Time  [5] = Transmission Qty  [6] = STOP Time  [7] = Serial Modulation Qty  [0] = ENDSelect [1]-[7],[0] and Press [Enter]>Mode Set forTransmitter
RX-W1 Page 30Country Set (Select [] in Fig. 4-5)Fig.4-6Country SetTransmitter ID Set (Select [] in Fig.4-5)Fig.4-7Transmitter ID SetSetting of Resistor Detection Time. (Select [] in Fig.4-5)Fig.4-8 Setting of Resistor Detection TimeSetting of Capacitor Detection Time. (Select [] in Fig.4-5)Fig.4-9 Setting of Capacitor Detection Time**** << Country Set >> **** [ESC]=STOPCountry = USA[1]=USA [2]=JAPANInput [1]or[2] ? and Press [Enter]>1Current countryCountry changed**** <<  ID No. Set >> **** [ESC]=STOPID No. = 0112Input ID No. [0000]-[9999] ? and Press [Enter]>0101Current IDID changed**** << Resistor Detection Time Set >> ****[ESC]=STOPResistor Detection Time = 3 (s)Input [1]-[9] ? and Press [Enter]>2Current Detection TimeDetection Time changedunit: [sec]**** << Capacitor Detection Time Set >> ****[ESC]=STOPCapacitor Detection Time = 10 (s)Input [01]-[99] ? and Press [Enter]>09Current Detection TimeDetection Time changedunit: [sec]
RX-W1 Page 31Setting of Transmission number of times. (Select [] in Fig.4-5)Fig.4-10 Setting of Transmission number of timesSetting of Transmission Stop Time. (Select [] in Fig.4-5)Fig.4-11 Setting of Transmission Stop TimeSetting of Modulation number of times. (Select [] in Fig.4-5)Fig.4-12 Setting of Modulation number of timesSelect [] in Fig. 4-5, and then CLONING MODE will be terminated.After terminated CLONINGMODE, it returns to Normal Mode.Fig.4-13 CLONINGMODE Termination**** << Transmission Qty Set >> **** [ESC]=STOPTransmission Qty = 01Input [01] ? and Press [Enter]>01Current Transmissionnumber of timesIn case of USA, Transmissionnumber of times is only one, andit is impossible to change.**** << Stop Time Set >> **** [ESC]=STOPStop Time = 10 (s)Input [10]-[99] ? and Press [Enter]>11Current Stop TimeIn case of USA, Stop time can bechanged from 10sec to 99sec.**** << Serial Modulation Qty Set >> **** [ESC]=STOPSerial Modulation Qty = 06Input [01]-[06] ? and Press [Enter]>05Current Modulationnumber of timesIn case of USA, Modulationnumber of times can be changedfrom 01 to 06.Select [1]-[7],[0] and Press [Enter]>0**** << End of Mode Set >> ****
RX-W1 Page 32Transponder Clone ModeFig.4-14 CONNECTION OF CLONING UNITConnect the cloning unit like above chart, and start up PC and then run “HyperTerminal” of Windows accessory.When TRANSPONDER turned ON, the following screen (Fig.4-15) is displayed.Fig.4-15 Transponder set-up screenAt this point when pushing C key within 5sec, the following screen (Fig.4-16) isdisplayed and Mode Set can be changed.  Pushing Enter key terminates the setting.Fig.4-16Setting for TransponderInsert to CN2 ofTRANSPONDERPC underWindows 95 or98RS232CStraight CableConversion Cable###### RP69W01 Ver.1.0 ######  1. Repeater Retry Qty = [3] (x10sec)Change Mode Set = [C] ? Execute = [Enter] ?Note: No Key, Auto Execute after 5 sec.Current Status ofTransponder setting **** << Current Mode Status >> ****  1. Repeater Retry Qty = [3] (x10sec)**** << Mode Set >> ****  [1] = Repeater Retry Qty Set  [0] = ENDSelect [1],[0] and Press [Enter]>1
RX-W1 Page 33Setting of Transponder Re-try number of times (Select [] in Fig.4-16)It means even the signal from Transponder is aborted, it holds IDs for re-trynumber of times multiplied by 10sec.Fig.4-17 Setting of Transponder Re-try number of timesSelect [] in Fig. 4-5, and then CLONING MODE will be terminated.After terminated CLONINGMODE, it returns to Normal Mode.Fig.4-18 CLONINGMODE Termination>1Repeater Retry Qty = [3]Repeater Retry Qty [1]-[9]x10s =4Current Retry number of timesRetry number of times changed.unit: [10sec]**** << Mode Set >> ****  [1] = Repeater Retry Qty Set  [0] = ENDSelect [1],[0] and Press [Enter]>0Mode set end.
RX-W1 Page 34Receiver Clone ModeFig.4-19 CONNECTION OF CLONING UNITConnect the cloning unit like above chart, and start up PC and then run “Hyper Terminal” of Windows accessory.When Receiver turned ON, the following screen (Fig.4-20) is displayed.Fig.4-20 Initial screen of ReceiverRECEIVER PC underWindows 95 or98RS232CStraight###### RX69W01 Ver.1.0 ######  1. Melody Channel for Area Id      Area Id  1 = Melody [01] (Ch)      Area Id  2 = Melody [02] (Ch)      Area Id  3 = Melody [03] (Ch)      Area Id  4 = Melody [04] (Ch)      Area Id  5 = Melody [05] (Ch)      Area Id  6 = Melody [06] (Ch)      Area Id  7 = Melody [07] (Ch)      Area Id  8 = Melody [08] (Ch)      Area Id  9 = Melody [09] (Ch)      Area Id 10 = Melody [03] (Ch)      Area Id 11 = Melody [03] (Ch)      Area Id 12 = Melody [02] (Ch)      Area Id 13 = Melody [01] (Ch)      Area Id 14 = Melody [14] (Ch)      Area Id 15 = Melody [15] (Ch)      Area Id 16 = Melody [16] (Ch)  2. Melody Output = Repeat  3. Display switching time for multiple alarmed ID'S = [3]x0.5 (sec)  4. Dispaly holding time for alarmed ID = [3]x10 (sec)Change Mode Set = [C] ? Execution = [Enter] ?Note: No Key, Auto Execution after 5 sec.Current Status ofReceiver setting
RX-W1 Page 35At this point when pushing C key within 5sec, the following screen (Fig.4-5) isdisplayed and Mode Set can be changed.  Pushing Enter key terminates the setting.Fig.4-21 Mode Set for ReceiverSetting Melody Channel for Area ID (Select [] in Fig.4-21)Fig.4-22 Setting Melody Channel for Area ID **** << Current Mode Status >> ****  1. Melody Channel for Area Id      Area Id  1 = Melody [01] (Ch)      Area Id  2 = Melody [02] (Ch)      Area Id  3 = Melody [03] (Ch)      Area Id  4 = Melody [04] (Ch)      Area Id  5 = Melody [05] (Ch)      Area Id  6 = Melody [06] (Ch)      Area Id  7 = Melody [07] (Ch)      Area Id  8 = Melody [08] (Ch)      Area Id  9 = Melody [09] (Ch)      Area Id 10 = Melody [03] (Ch)      Area Id 11 = Melody [03] (Ch)      Area Id 12 = Melody [02] (Ch)      Area Id 13 = Melody [01] (Ch)      Area Id 14 = Melody [14] (Ch)      Area Id 15 = Melody [15] (Ch)      Area Id 16 = Melody [16] (Ch)  2. Melody Output = Repeat  3. Display switching time for multiple alarmed ID'S = [3]x0.5 (sec)  4. Dispaly holding time for alarmed ID = [3]x10 (sec)**** << Set of Mode >> **** Cancel=ESC  [1] = Melody Channel for Area Id  [2] = Melody Output  [3] = Display switching time for multiple alarmed IDS  [4] = Display holding time for alarmed IDSelect [1]-[4] and Press [Enter]>1Current Status ofReceiver setting **** << Change Melody for Area Id & confirm each Melodies >> ****Cancel=ESC  [1] = Change Melody for Area Id  [2] = Confirm each melodiesSelect [1]-[2] and Press [Enter]>1Confirm MelodyChange Melody
RX-W1 Page 36Change Melody for Area Id (Select [] in Fig.4-22)Fig.4-23 Setting Melody Channel for Area ID**** << Change Melody for Area Id >> **** Cancel=ESC  [01] = Setting Area Id  1  [02] = Setting Area Id  2  [03] = Setting Area Id  3  [04] = Setting Area Id  4  [05] = Setting Area Id  5  [06] = Setting Area Id  6  [07] = Setting Area Id  7  [08] = Setting Area Id  8  [09] = Setting Area Id  9  [10] = Setting Area Id 10  [11] = Setting Area Id 11  [12] = Setting Area Id 12  [13] = Setting Area Id 13  [14] = Setting Area Id 14  [15] = Setting Area Id 15  [16] = Setting Area Id 16Select [01]-[16] and Press [Enter]>01Area ID for changing
RX-W1 Page 37Change Melody for Area Id (Select [] in Fig.4-23)Fig.4-24 Setting Melody Channel for Area ID**** << Change Melody for Area Id >> **** Cancel=ESC**** << Melody Name  >> ****  [01] = Yankee Doodle  [02] = Oh Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie  [03] = Oh! Susanna  [04] = Under The Spreading Chestnut Tree  [05] = Grandfathers Clock  [06] = Chitty Chitty Bang Bang  [07] = De Camptown Races  [08] = If Youre Happy And You Know It, Clap Your Hands  [09] = Mary Had A Little Lamb  [10] = Edelweiss  [11] = Bridge Over Troubled Water  [12] = I have Been Working On The Railroad  [13] = Do-Re-Mi  [14] = One Sunny Day  [15] = Aloha Oe  [16] = Battle Hymn of The Republic  [17] = AlarmSelect [01]-[17] and Press [Enter]      Area Id  1 = Melody [01] (Ch)Melody Channel for Area Id  1 =>01List of Melody nameMelody ID No. changed
RX-W1 Page 38Confirm each melodies (Select [] Confirm in Fig.4-22)Fig.4-24 Melody ConfirmationSetting of Melody Output Method  (Select [] in Fig.4-21)Fig.4-25 Melody output method Set**** << Confirm each melodies >> **** Cancel=ESC**** << Melody Name  >> ****  [01] = Yankee Doodle  [02] = Oh Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie  [03] = Oh! Susanna  [04] = Under The Spreading Chestnut Tree  [05] = Grandfathers Clock  [06] = Chitty Chitty Bang Bang  [07] = De Camptown Races  [08] = If Youre Happy And You Know It, Clap Your Hands  [09] = Mary Had A Little Lamb  [10] = Edelweiss  [11] = Bridge Over Troubled Water  [12] = I have Been Working On The Railroad  [13] = Do-Re-Mi  [14] = One Sunny Day  [15] = Aloha Oe  [16] = Battle Hymn of The Republic  [17] = AlarmSelect [01]-[17] and Press [Enter] Current Melody Ch= [01] Request Melody Ch=>01List of Melody nameMelody number confirmed**** << Melody Output >> **** Cancel=ESC  [0] = One Shot  [1] = RepeatSelect [0]-[1] and Press [Enter]Melody Output = RepeatMelody Output =>1Current Melody output methodMelody Output method for changing
RX-W1 Page 39Display switching time for multiple ID’s Set (Select [] in Fig.4-21)Fig.4-26 Changing Display holding time for Multiple IDsDisplay holding time for alarmed ID Set (Select [] in Fig.4-21)Fig.4-27 Changing Display holding time**** << Display switching time for multiple alarmed IDS >> ****Cancel=ESC  [1] = 0.5 Sec  [2] = 1.0 Sec  [3] = 1.5 Sec  [4] = 2.0 Sec  [5] = 2.5 Sec  [6] = 3.0 Sec  [7] = 3.5 Sec  [8] = 4.0 Sec  [9] = 4.5 SecSelect [1]-[9] and Press [Enter]Display switching time for multiple alarmed IDS = [3]x0.5 (sec)Display switching time for multiple alarmed IDS =>6Current holding time for displayHolding time for display changed**** << Display holding time for alarmed ID >> **** Cancel=ESC  [1] = 10 Sec  [2] = 20 Sec  [3] = 30 Sec  [4] = 40 Sec  [5] = 50 Sec  [6] = 60 Sec  [7] = 70 Sec  [8] = 80 Sec  [9] = 90 SecSelect [1]-[9] and Press [Enter]Display holding time for alarmed ID = [3]x10 (sec)Display holding time for alarmed ID =>3Current holding time for displayHolding time for display changed
RX-W1 Page 40Push [Esc] in Fig. 4-21, and then CLONING MODE will be terminated.After terminated CLONINGMODE, it returns to Normal Mode.Fig.4-28 CLONINGMODE Termination**** << Set of Mode >> **** Cancel=ESC  [1] = Melody Channel for Area Id  [2] = Melody Output  [3] = Display switching time for multiple alarmed IDS  [4] = Display holding time for alarmed IDSelect [1]-[4] and Press [Enter]>**** << End of Mode Set >> ****

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