TANDEM DIABETES CARE TWM001 t:slim Insulin Delivery System User Manual manual
TANDEM DIABETES CARE, INC t:slim Insulin Delivery System manual
"TANDEM CONFIDENTML" Thws \5 a RELEASED rrrrrrrr . TM 1° SI l l l l Insulin Delivery System User Guide TANDEM" DIABETES CARE PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONTROLLED aniqitor 2 Introduction Welcome ..................................................................................... 17 What yourt:slun Insulin Dehvery System Package IncJudes ........... 17 Explanation of Symbols .............................................................. 18 Explanatron of t:slwm Colors ........................................................ 18 Warranty Informatlon .................................................................. 19 "TANDEM CONFIDENTIAL" This Is a RELEASED revision Chapter 2 Introduction 2.1 Welcome Congratulattons on the purchase 01 your new tzsltm System. Your decision to use insulin pump therapy IS a stgn of your commitment to your diabetes care The tzsltm Pump is designed using the latest technology. The Iollowtng pages provtde step-by-step illustrative inslructlons on now to properly program, manage, and care for your pump, 2.2 What your t:s|im Insulin Delivery System Package Includes Your tzsllm System should contain the lollowing items: |. tzslim Insulin Pump 2. t:s|im Screen Protector (preapplied) 3. Protective Case with Rotatable Clip e use Cable (5 ft) 5. Well Power USB Adapter 6. Car Power USB Adapter 1. t:s|tm Reference Guide 8. Emergency Wallet Card 9. USB Memory Card (with User Guide) If any of these items are missing, contact Tandem Diabetes Care Customer Technical Support at 1-877-801-6901 NOTE Your t'sllnl Pump ts sntpoea from Tardem Diabetes Care. tl'c wrtn a clear screen proleclor Do not remove the screen protector Aootttonal screen protectors can be ordered by conlacllng Tandem Dlabetes Care Customer rechntcal suppon at raw—em —690l NOTE Your t’slllll Pump ls sntppeo lrorn tandem uaoetes Care Inc will a plolecllye cover tn the place where the canndge ls normally lrserleu The cover rnust De removed and replaced Wlln a cartrtoge ortor lo rtttllatlng tnsttltn therapy Customer Technlcal Support 14774014001 1 17 P PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONTROLLED "TANDEM CONFlDENTlAL" This l5 3 RELEASED revlsmn Section 1 Welcome 2.3 Explanation of Symbols Chapterz ‘ Introduction The following are symbols (and their descriptions), which you may find on your (zslim Pump and/or its packaging: Cannon. Consult Manual lor Imponanl Salew Ducumenlalmn i Consul! lnslrucnons lur Use SN Serlal Number 0! new EF Pan Number Type BF Appllen Pan lpanenl usolanon. nol nellbnllalm prcremeu) Manu'acmrel For sale by or on me order 01 a physlclan unly u 5) Dwecl Current (DC) voltage IP><7 Walerrtlgm Equlpmenl (protected agamsl me ellecls cl lemporary lmmerslon m water] 2.4 Explanation of tzslim Colors Touch Screen Colors Blue - The use of blue text may relate to Bolus delivery achvuty. ' The orange text relates to lelrn's setup or dellvery semngs. 1 Orange Highlight o The orange hrghllghted area lnolcales a recent change made to a setting, l r w 3 ‘ 1—877-501-6901 4 l“ ’ PRlNTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOV CONTROLLED "TANDEM CONFIDENTlAL" This {5 a RELEASED revlsmn Section 1 Wel Chapter 2 Introduction LED Colors Red LED - 1 red blink every 30 seconds indicates a malfunction or alarm COrldIthn. _Ve|iow LED 1 yellow blink every 30 seconds indicates an alert or reminder condition, Green LED - 1 green blink every 90 seconds indicates the pump |s lunctioning normally. 3 green blinks every 90 seconds indicate the pump is charging. 2.5 Warranty Information Warranty t:s|im"' Insulin Pump Tandem Diabetes Care Inc l"Tandem"l warrants the t slim insulln pump against detects in materials and WOlkmaflShlp for the period oi 4 years from the original date of Sthmem of the pump to the original end use purchaser (the “Warranty Perlotfl During the Warranly Perlod‘ Tandem Will replace any detective t slim Pump subiecl to the continuum and exclusrons stated herein The warranty is valid only if the t:slim Pump is used in accordance with Tandem‘s instructions and will not apply: If damage results lrom changes or modifications made to the tzslim Pump by the user or third persons after the date of manulacture: Il damage results lrom sen/ice or repairs perlormed to any part at the t:s|im Pump by any person or entity other than Tandem: It the tzslim Pump seal IS broken: It a nonaTandem cartridge is used wrth the t:slim Pump; It damage results lrom a force mapeure or other event beyond the control of Tandem; or Il damage results from negligence or improper use. including but not Ilmited to improper storage or phySical abuse such as dropplng or othemvise. iii “m.” if v mt. umu' LBW-601690! 1 19 P F'FlINTED COF‘IES OF THIS DOCUMENT AfiE NOT CONTROLLED "TANDEM CONFIDENTIAL" This Is a RELEASED revision Chapter 2 Introduction This warranty shall be personal to the original and use purchaser. Any sale. rental or other transfer or use of the tzslim Pump covered by this warranty to or by a user other than the original end use purchaser shall cause this warranty to immediatety terminate. This warranty only applies to the tzsllm Pump and does not apply to other products or accessories. THE REMEDIES PROVIDED FOR IN THIS WARRANTY ARE THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AVAILABLE FOR ANY WARRANT CLAIMS. NEITHER TANDEM NOR ITS SUPPLIERS OR DISTRIBUTORS SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGE OF ANY NATURE OR KIND CAUSED BY OR ARISING OUT OF A DEFECT IN THE PRODUCT ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ARE EXCLUDED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABle AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Warranty Infusion Sets and Cartridges Tandem Diabetes Care. Inc. (“Tandem") warrants its infusion sets and cartridge against defects in materials and workmanship Ior the period 3 days after the mdivrdual cartridgefinfusion set sterile packaging has been opened. not to exceed 6 months from date of shipment of the infusion set or cartridge to the end user (the "Warranty Period"), During the Warranty Pen‘od, Tandem will replace any deIective cartridge or infusion set, subject to the conditions and exclusions stated herein. The warranty is valid only ifthe infusion sets and cartridges are used in accordance with Tendem’s instmctions and will not appiy: ° II the infusion set or cartridge has been used for more than a single-time use by a single end-user: - II damage results during the improper opening of the sterile package not in conformance with the procedures outlined in the associated Instructions for Use: c If the sterile package is compromised while in the control of the user by any means other than purposeful opening by the user at the time of intended product use; ~ II damage results from changes or modifications made to the infusion set or cartridge by the user or third persons after the date of manufacture; - II damage results from service or repairs performed to any part of the infusions set or cartridge by any person or entity other than Tandem: 0 II damage is caused by use 0! the cartridge or infusion set with any non~Tandem insulin pump: ° If damage results from a force majeure or other event beyond the control of Tandem; or - II damage results from negligence or improper use. including but not limited to improper storage or physical abuse such as dropping or otherwise. This warranty shall be personal to the original and use purchaser. Any sale, rental or other transfer or use of the product covered by this warranty to or by a user other than the original end use purchaser shall cause this warranty to immediately terminate This warranty does not apply to insulin pumps and other accessories. THE REMEDIES PROVIDED FOR IN THIS WARRANTY ARE THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AVAILABLE FOR ANY WARRANT CLAIMS. NEITHER TANDEM NOR ITS SUPPLIERS OR DISTRIBUTORS SHAU. BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL. CONSEQUENTIAL. OR SPECIAL DAMAGE OF ANY NATURE OR KIND CAUSED BY OR ARISING OUT OF A DEFECT IN THE PRODUCT. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES. EXPRESS OR IMPUED. ARE EXCLUDED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABle AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cuslomer Technical Support 1—577-601-m1 1 20 P PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONTROLLED Chapter 8 tslim Pump Overview tzsiim Pump Overview ........ 22 tzsiim System Terminology. .22 Home Screen ..................... .24 Status Screen ............................................................................. 25 Bolus Screen ............................................................................... 26 Options Screen ........................................................................... 27 My Pump Screen ........................................................................ 28 Number Keypad Screen .............................................................. 29 Letter Keypad Screen ................................................................. 30 "TANDEM CONFIDENTIAL" Thls Is a RELEASED revision Chapter 3 tslim Pump Overview m Pump Overview Your t:slim Pump uses touch screen technology. To activate and interact with your t:slim Pump. use the pad oi your finger to quickly and lightly tap on the screen. Do not use your finger nail or another object to interact with the screen. It will not activate the screen or its functions. Your tzslim Pump is designed to give you quick and easy access to the functions that you will use in your day to day diabetes management — whether basic or advanced, NOTE The Screen Lock ieaitre IS automatically activated on your l slim Pump Yl’lls setting cannot be changed NOTE Tum oil the pump screen by Dressmg the Screen On/Oulck Bolus button Deidre Dieting the pump back in its case or any pocket/clothing to prevent unintentional lnle'aCllOnS with the touchscreen. Always oosriion ine pump screen away mm the Skill when worn under cioiiiing 3.2 t: Iim System Terminology Basal Basal is a slow continuous delivery of insulin. which keeps BG levels stable between meals and during sleep. It is measured in units per hour (units/hn. BG- BG is the abbreViation for blood glucose. which is the level of glucose in the blood. measured in mg/dL. 56 Target BG target is a specific blood glucose goal. an exact number, not a range. When a BS is entered in the t:slim Pump. the calculated insulin bolus will be adjusted up or down as needed to attain this target. Bolus A bolus is a quick dose oi insulin that is usually delivered to cover lood eaten or an elevated BG. With tzslim Pump it can be delivered as a Standard. 3 Correction, an Extended, or a Qutck Bolus. Cannula The cannula is part ol the inlusion set that is inserted under the skin through which insulin is delivered, Curb Carbohydrates are sugars and starches that the body breaks down into glucose and uses as an energy source, measured in grams. Garb Ratio The carb ratio is the number 01 grams oi carbohydrate that one unit 01 insulin Will cover Also known as insulin—to—carbohydrate ratio. Correctlon Bolus A correction bolus is given to correct elevated BG. Customer Technical Support 1-877-W-GW1 4 22 P PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONTROLLED "TANDEM CONFIDENTlAL" This is a RELEASED revision Chapter 3 tzslim Pump Overview Correction Factor A correction factor is the amount ot BG that is lowered by one unit of insulin. Also known as the Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). Extended Bolus An extended bolus is a bolus that is delivered over a period of time. it is commonly used to cover tood that takes longer to digest. When administering an extended bolus with your tzslim Pump, enter the DELIVER NOW portion to dose a percentage oi insulin immediately and the remaining percentage over a period time. Grams Grams are a unit of measurement for carbohydrates, Insulin Duration Insulin duration is the amount of time that insulin [5 active and available in the body after a bolus has been delivered. This also relates to the calculation for Insulin on Board (IOB). Insulin On Board (IOB) lOB is the insulin that is still active (has the ability to continue to lower the BG) in the body after a bolus has been delivered. Land Load refers to the process of removing. replacing and filling a new cartridge and infusion set. Personal Profile A Personal Profile is a personalized group of settings that defines the delivery of basal and bolus insulin within specific time segments throughout a 24 hour period. Quick Bolus Quick bolus (using the Quick Bolus Button) is a way to deliver a bolus by following beep/Vibration commands without navigating through or viewing the t:slim Pump screen. Temp Rate Temp rate is an abbreviation for a temporary basal rate. It is used to increase or decrease the current basal rate for a short period ot time to accommodate special situations. 100% is the same basal rate as programmed: 120% means 20% more and 8096 means 20% less than the programmed basal rate. Unit: Units are the measurement for insulin. USB Cable USB is the abbreviation for Universal Serial Bus. The cable connects into the leim Pump's micro USB port. Customer Technical Support 14774014”! 1 23 b PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONTROLLED "TANDEM CONFIDENTIAL" ThIS IS a RELEASED vewslor‘ Sechon 1 Welcome Chapter 3 I tslim Pump Overview 3.3 Home Screen 1. BATTERY Level: Dways the wave a? 7. Status: DwspIavs current pump sefimgs and DaIten power remauw‘q When 0 memes: msuh“ newew status Iur chargmg the chmgmg w Wight-mg new W >, 7 ,, 777 7 7 ,, 7 777 wwH (mow, 7 B. INSULIN Lev ‘ DwspIavs the currem amoum OI msnhn m We cartmge 2. USB Port: Purl Io (7772.qu my I mun 4.1 lmllely (Hoes the covey when not In us, 9. Tandem Logo: Remma m the I Iome Same“ 3. BOLUS:P'OgmwzwI15mm (I!)UI‘..5 , W m. Cartridge Tubing: Tumnq mm IS Murine-(I -<> the (tPIIIIILIqe 4. OPTIONS: Smp Resume mm H (miner. manage PHI-m Smquz, um} nmwige puxymm u Twuv Rue mm mm Hmm 11- Luer-Lock Connection: Covmecti the mmwirw 1“!qu m the ummrm fieI Iulwm 5. INSULIN ON BOARD (IOB): Av'mu”1 m': Mme vpnummm m any em w wm w Imam 12. Screen On/Quick Bolus Button: Tums (m on mm h-v Pumps Nov wr)r;r;1m<.I 0ka Sum m .u‘IIv.II(—MI 5. Time and Date Display: mew. . Hm , ,7 W , , , unrsm' runs and rime 13. LED Indicator: HIL‘IIHIHISS when covmemed '<: A power mum and wmlwmes; mower mum cram I 1—877—801-6901 4 ‘I ' PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONTROLLED "TAVDEM coNnDENTwAL" Tm we, a RELEASED revwmur Sec on 1 Welcome Chapter 3 tzslim Pump Overvuew 3.4 Status Screen u, 6. Correction Factor' Suaus current T1317 halo ”sari NO 1: curate mom I. Profile: Dr De'somi‘ D ”mm HG [mum when z. Basal: (NM a (M u m ‘th’é—Xt W" HHP “r 7 1. BG Target: 3m, 1 uum a. Insulin Duratm «WW ~ Wm mm 3. Lastaolusxmw w u, m,mwh'wmlm,”: Hme ”mil Mm‘ 9. Carbohydrates: mmnw AMHI‘VH rummz 4. Garb Rat-u: mefi m aw w , ~ : ~ ‘1' Mr m nmmmmw, 5. Up/Down Arrow: M 1r m. "u-w W'Mln HQW‘V u[ (r‘ NOTE NOTE |ra77rao| 7690! < » PFHNTEU COMES or Mrs DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONTROLLED "TANDEM CONFTDENTTAL" Ths T; a RELEASED vewgwr Section 1 Welco Chapter 3 tzslim Pump Overvuew 3.5 Bolus Screen Using Grams Using Units 1. BACK: 39m 1. BACK: :‘,—"1 "e way “he Plume SCVF‘EEH 2. CARES: u'equav‘m » 2. iNSULINtEv'e: f l 6‘ P’mfmv‘vfl (JV mid H 3 Units: Jiimw, Wt.“ mm 3. Umts:[Mmmzwm min m . m: , , 7 ' 77 4. 'JT‘;;MW2 ww. W, 4. View Calculation: f/m Mu , T" " v’ w Mm“ 1mm) We w mm ”WM—WNW mm m »-r1 ._ JIVYH“\ uf—J'TH r , , ,7,77,7, ,, , 77777 7 7 W "7 7 7 5. 86: F‘WH‘ 1 mm fluwrx‘l—‘HJH 5. 56: run-n :~T w! a“ ‘ku T—vu _, 7, , , 7 , , 6. NEXT: M ,4« u wm' am; 5. NEXT: Mum, h, vvm‘ 4,1 1787778017690! 4 u > PRINTED COMES OF THTS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONTROLLED "TANDEM coNrmzNT‘AL" Tm s RELEASED rcwsmr Welcome Chapter 3 tzsnm Pump Overview 3.6 Options Screen BACK: Returnj “a, r 5. Temp Rate: 3&4quva <1 ‘ev'quvav‘, 2. STOP INSULIN: 5" ‘ mm” 4 w an; 5 aroma: R 6. Menu Arrows: 1' (1M n19s Mzmumm menu HT (1li E'- 3, v w 7. M. W! Lfl m; 4 w: H 4. Loadzbhzmge .: , ; », (H mm (m 15, «enramrsgm < > PWNTEU COP‘ES OF TENS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONTROLLED "TANDEM coNEtDENTtAL" TNS W5 a RELEASED revwor‘ 3.7 My Pump Screen 1. Personal Profiles: A t, J defines Udb'd am: Imus 3. Pump Senmgs: Custmwze Outuk Bum, Pump thme Saree" Opuous‘ av E1 Tvve F (1 Dane 2. Alert Settings: Customm— at t and News 4. Pump Info: D sways t shm Pump sens” ‘ 1 Te hwy” S pm! phone 1—877—80176901 4 > PFHNTED COMES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONYROLLED "TANDEM coNFwDENTwAL" rm 5 a RELEASED vewsnov‘ t-sllm Pump Overview 3.8 Number Keypad Screen 1. Value Entered. 5. DONE Compwetes task arm saves wow: " ed 2. BACK: Rel am; my memmx 31 G. Units/Grams: Vame Pf Nhrzt xx entered 3. Keypad Numbers. 7 7. On: 3961th ms' mn'vhe' swam! l. +/=- AHUNS Huml‘em‘ u, m— ...1«:H.1 ,, q::u‘w~;<,veeu ”mum (w. mu... r» .. mam,” mm» NOTE |-877-80| -6901 < ‘ > PFHNTED COMES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONTROLLED Chapter 19 Technical Specifications 19.9 FCC Notice Concerning Interference The tzslirn Pump complies with FCC/IO RF exposure limits for general population/uncontrolled exposure. ttslim Pumps equipped With a Bluelooth® RF option transmit at a maximum effective radiated power of 3.4 mW in the 2 4 GHz ISM band. which covers the frequency range from 2.40 GHz to 250 GHZ. The usllm Pump complies with Part 15 of the Fcc rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received. including interference that my cause undesired operation Compliance with these guidelines prowdes reasonable protection against harmful interference in a normal residential enwronment, The tzslim Pump generates. uses. and can radiate radio frequency energy, and may cause harmful interference to radio communications, There is no guarantee that interterence Will not occur in a particular installation. If the |:slim Pump does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, the interference may be corrected by one of the lollowing measures: - Move or relocate the tzslirn Pump 0 Increase the distance between the tzslim Pump and the other device that is emitting or receiving interference Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG. Inc. Customer Technical Support“ 1-877—80I-6901 1 MS P
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