TCL Communication N005 GSM Quad-band / UMTS Quad-band / LTE 4 band mobile phone User Manual

TCL Communication Ltd. GSM Quad-band / UMTS Quad-band / LTE 4 band mobile phone

User Manual

Download: TCL Communication N005 GSM Quad-band / UMTS Quad-band / LTE 4 band mobile phone User Manual
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Document ID2732980
Application IDpdY3aN4DtfSiQxzk7r+j0g==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize192.8kB (2410056 bits)
Date Submitted2015-08-31 00:00:00
Date Available2016-02-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-09-16 10:14:54
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-09-16 10:14:54
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2.2

Clear and Simple
Quick Start Guide
Getting to know your
SIM card/mlcroSDHCTM card slot
Power key
Indicator lighf
Headset pod
Camera lens
Proximify and
light sensor
Sinfus and
nofificofion bar
Volume keys
Touch screen
Recent apps key
Home key
Buck key Charging/data pod
Phone setup
I, Use a pln to press the small 00le until the SIM
oassefle pops out
2. Hold the m|cr<>SIM CO“!
and mlotoSDHC'M card
(not Included) with the
cm comer oriented as
TO OVOld damage TO the
phone. do not use any
other klnd 0! SIM card or any
nonstandard mlao—SIM cord
cutfrom a SIM card. You can
ge1 a siondord mlcroSlM cord
from your service provlder‘
3. Close the SIM OOSSGNG.
Touch screen
Navigating your phone
- Use your finger tip to lightly touch
the screen.
- Use quick flicks of your finger on
the touch screen to swipe up.
down, left, and right.
- To return to the previous screen,
tap the Back key Q .
-Tap the Home key 0 at
any time to return to the main
home screen
- Tap the Recent Apps key [I .
to access recently viewed apps
- Tap Apps 533 to access
applications on your phone,
Notifications panel
Access alerts, Including new
messages. emails and software
- Top the top of the home screen
and drag your finger down to
see the Notifications panels
- Swipe right or left to clear
individual notifications or tap
E to clear all.
- Tap down again to expand the
quick settings menur
- Tapfl to access the settings
Sel wallpaper
° To change your home or look
screen wallpaper, press and
hold a blank part of the home
screen and tap WALLPAPERS.
- Seleota wallpaper and top l
to set It. You can also tap Plck
Image for addltlonal optlons,
Add to home screen
- Tap Apps SEE , press and hold
the deslred app. and drag It to
the home screen.
- Press and hold a blank port at
the screen and tap WIDGETS
Press and hold The deslred
wldgel and drag It to the
home screen.
Organize home screens
- To move an Icon; press and hold It and drag It to
a new Iocatlon. To delete It. drag It to Dlsable E
° Press and hold an Icon and drag It to Folder *" .
To keep your stuff together just how you llke. drag
oddltlonol loons to add them to on exlstlng folder.
° To rename a lolder, tap It and then tap the name
to brlng up the keyboard.
Calls and voicemail
Make a call
1. From the home screen tap
Phone .
2. Tap a contact. type a name
or phone number. or select
an option:
. Dialer . : Manually enter
a phone number.
- SPEED DlAt Choose
trequentty called contacts.
- RECENT CALLS: Call recent
contacts and access your
call history.
- CONYACTS: Call from
your contacts list.
Check voicemail
t. From the home screen. tap
Phone , then tap ..
2. Press and hold the 1 key l .
Use call waiting
Cal wamng helps you answer
or hold a call while you are on
an existing call.
1. Whlle on a call. you will hear
a tone it another call comes
In. Slide Q to the right to
2. Tap i) or tap On hold to
swttoh between active cals.
3. Tap J‘ to merge calls.
Text and picture messaging
Send a text message
1, From the home screen.
tap Messaglng o.
2. Tm New message .to
start a new text message.
3, In the To field. enter a
number or a contact
name or tap Contacts +1
to access your contacts.
4. Tqa the Send message
field and enter your
5, Tm Send > to send the
Send a picture message
1. Follow steps 1-4 above.
2, Tap the Papercllp Ca).
3. Tq) Plctures a and select
desired picture.
4. Tap Send > to send the
Piease don’t text and drlve.
- n . a
a - . a
Email setup (GmaiP'. Yahooi", etc.)
i. From the home screen. tap
Apps iii > Email 0. v
2. Select an account type. enter ._
your email address and ‘
password, then tap Next
3. Confirm email account
settlngsandtap Next . ,_ _ , , , . .-.*.
4. Nametheaccount.enter 'Ifllanikr
yournameasitwtllappear elm-Mm-
on outgoing messages. " I O
and tap Next . Your email —
will begin to synchronize
with your phone.
Note To set up corporate email,
contact your it administrator.
Create and send an
email message _
i. From the home screen, tap
Apps m > final! 0 .
2. To compose a new message.
tap Compose .-
3. Tcp theTo tield and enter :2": T'TT . .- .' .
email address orname . . . t . t . . .
ortapContacts 1» to . “gum.
access your contacts. .. . -..
4. Enter a subject and email —
5. To attach tiles to the email message, tap the
Papercllp @ and make your selection.
6. Top Send > to send the message.
Value Added Services
Cricket Services
These services make using Cricket even better
and easier.
My Cricket: Access bliing. make a quck
payment. view usage and access smpon
item the pom of your hand.
Cricket Wi-Fi: Automatically connect to tree
and open WWI‘ hotspois. helping you to
maximize data usage and enhance
Cricket Vcicemall: Quckty view. access
and play back your voioemall messages.
Easly save Important numbers to your
Favorites list and respond to messages by
callng back or iexiing.
Daezer: Usten on-ihego with ad-free
streaming music. download you favorites
to your phone and get customized piayllsis
based on your preferences.
Apps on Google Play'"
The ALCATEL ONEl’OUCH IDOL 3 Is preloaded with
great apps like Facebook, Twitter to take your
experience to the next level. To find additional
apps to make you phone experience even better,
check out Google Play.
Access Google Play
1. From the home screen,
tap Play Store > .
2. Enter you exlstlng Google
account or create one
following the steps on
the screen.
Navigate Geogle Play
From Play store. you will have
multiple ways to search for
apps. games. and more.
1. Tap a category to browse
popular apps. games.
movles, and music
orgmlzea by popularity
or category.
2‘ Top Search to search
the Play Store for a specific
game or app.
3. To lnstal. tm the app and
tollow Instructions. Once
Installed. you will see a
notification in the Notifications
panel. Open the app from this
notification or by locating the
app In Apps 35 .
Note: A 60099 Wallet“ payment method Is
reqdred to puchase (pps
Camera and video
Take a picture
1. From me home screen, top
Camera 0
2. Tap E to 591901 dlfierent
modes. Then top 10
dlsploy Camera 59 ngs‘
3. Zoom In and om by plnohlng
wtth your fingers,
4‘ Top the Swufler buflon .or
by using me Volume Keys to
take a phoro.
View pictures '7.
L From the home screen,
top APPS SEE -
2‘ Top Gallery .
Take a video
L In camera mode, top Stan
recordlng to stun and
top Siop recor Ing a 10
stop recordhg vldeo.
Send a pidure
L Artenaklng a picture, slide
fighno View the toked plcture.
Top 0 selected Icfure and
men rap Share E .
2 Scroll Wough options to
send via 19x1 messoglng or
emowl, Evernote‘, and more.
«1 .r an...
l mm...“
Unique Alcatel Features
Reversble Ul
i. From the home screen. tap Apps 555 .
2. Tap Settings > Display .
3. Mark the Reversible checkbox to activate the
reversible mode.
Double tap
Enable the double-tap gesture to wake the phone
from sleep.
1. From the home screen. tap Apps 555 .
2. Tap Settings >Gestres .
3. Mark the Double tap screen checkbox to
Color notification
When there Is an unread call or
message. It displays with color
Additional Value Added
Q seli'le: Take settles quickiy
and easily. Access the
tront-taclng camera from
the lock screen to capture
the moment lnstantty
without switching between
camera modes.
6 Scanner: Take scanner quickty and easily.
Access Scanner from the lock screen to
scan without switching between camera
MIX supports a wide variety of
audio formatsl so It can play
muslc you purchase from onllne
staes. music you copy from
your CD oollecflon, and so on,
Mixing Music
1. From the home screen,1op
Apps 555
2‘ Top Mlx ..
3‘ Top 0 song In me muslc
"blow to llsten 10 It
FCC Regulations:
This mobile phone compiles mm part i5 ot the FCC
Rules. Operation ls Siblect to the following two
conditions: (I) This device may not cause harmful
Interference, and (2) this device must accept any
Interference received, Including Interference that
may cause undesired operation.
This moblie phone has been tested and tound to
compty wtth the limits tor a Class B digital device.
pursuantto Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference In a residential Installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiated
radio trequenq' energy and. It not Installed and
used In axoraance with the Instructions, may
cause harmtul interference to rado communications.
However, there Is no guarantee that Interference will
not occur In a particular Installation If this equipment
does cause harmful Interference to radio or television
reception. which can be determined by turning the
eqLIpment off and on, the user Is encouraged to try
to correct the interterenoe by one or more or the
toliowing measures:
- Reortent or relocate the receiving antenna,
- increase the separation between the equipment
and receiver.
- Connect the equipment Into an outlet on a circuit
dittetent from that to which the receiver is
- Consut the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
FCC Note:
Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the pony responsbie for compliance
could void the user‘s authority to operate the
RF Exposure Information (SAR)
This phone ls designed and manufactured not to
exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio
frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal
Communications Commission of the United States
During SAR testing, this device was set to transmit at
Its highest certified power level in all tested frequency
bands, and placed In positions that simulate RF
exposure In usage against the head with no
separation. and near the body with the separation
ot10 mm. Although the SAR ls determined at the
highest certified power lerei. the actual SAR level of
the devtce while operating can be well below the
maximum value. This Is because the phone ls
designed to operate at multiple power levels so as
to use only the power requred to reach the network.
In general, the closer you are to a wireless base
station antenna, the lower the power output
The exposue standard for wireless devices
employing a unit of measurement Is known as the
Specific Absorption Rate. or SAR.
The SAR limit setby the FCC is LOW/kg.
This device Is complied with SAR for general
population [uncontrolled exposue limits In ANSI/IEEE
COM-1992 and had been tested In accordance
with the measurement methods and procedures
specified In IEEE1528‘
The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization
for this model phone wtth all reported SAR levels
evaluated as In complance with the FCC RF exposure
guidelines. SAR Intorrnatlon on this model phone Is
on tlle with the FCC and can be found under the
Display Grant sectIon of
after searching on FCC ID: 2ACCJNm5,
While there may be dltterences between the SAR
levels of various phones and at vorious positions.
they all meet the govemment requirements,
SAR compliance for body-wcm operatlon Is based
on a separation dlstance of lo mm between the
unit and the human body. Carry this device at least
10 mm away from your body to ensure RF exposure
level compliant or lower to the reported level.
To support body-wom operation. choose the belt
clips or holsters, which do not contain metallic
components. to malntah a separation of 10 mm
between this devlce md your body.
RF exposure compliance with any body-wcm
accessory, which contains metal, was not tested
and certified, and use such body-worn accessory
should be avoided.
Hearing Aid Compatibllty (HAC) regulations for
Mobile phones
In 2003. the FCC adopted rules to make digital
wireless telephones compatible with hearing aids
and cochlear Implants. Although analog wireless
phones do not usually cause interference with
heanng aids or cochlear implants. digital wireless
phones sometimes do because of electromagnetic
energy emitted by the phone's antenna, backllght.
or other components. Your phone is compliant wlth
FCC HAC regulations (ANSI 063.19- 2011). While
some wireless phones are used near some hearing
devices (heanng aids and cochlear Implants). users
may detect a buying, humming or whining noise.
Some hearing devices are more mmune than others
to this Interference noise and phones also vary In the
amount of Interference they generate.
The wireless telephone Industry has developed a
rating system for wireless phones to assist hearing
device users In lindlng phones that may be
compatible with their hearing devices. Not all phones
have been rated. Phones that are rated have the
rating on their box or a label located on the box,
The ratings are not guarantees. Results will vay
depending on the user's hearing device and heanng
loss. If your hearing device happens to be vulnerable
to lnterierenoe. you may not be able to use a rated
phone successfully, Trying out the phone wtth your
hearing device Is the best way to evaluate It tor your
personal needs.
This phone has been tested and rated for use with
hearing aids for some at the wireless technologies
that It uses However, there may be sortie newer
wireless technologies used In this phone that have
not been tested yet tor use with hearing aids. it Is
Important to try the dll‘terent teatues 0t lhls phone
thoroughly and In altierent locations. using your
hearing aid or cochlear Implant. to determine It you
hear any Interfering noise. Consult your service
provider or the manutacturer at this phone for
Intormatlon on hearing aid compatibility. It you have
questions about return or exchange policies. consult
you servioe provider or phone retaller.
MRatlngs: Phones rated M3 or M4 meet FCC
requirements and are likely to generate less
Interference to hearing devices that phones that
Ge not labeled, M4 Is the better/higher ot the two
T-Ratings: Phones rated T3 or T4 meet FCC
requirements and are likely to be more usmle with
a hearing device's telecoli (‘T Switch' or “telephone
Sutton”) than unrated phones. T4 Is the better/
higher of the two ratings. (Note that not all heanng
devices have teleoolis In them.)
You phone meets the Wild level rating.
Hearing devloes may also be rated. Your hearlng
device manuluclurer or hearlng health professlonal
may help you llnd mls rating F0! more Information
about FCC Hearlng Ald Compoflbllltyl please go to
More information
On the web
Detollea support Information. Including devloe
specifications and troubleshooting ls available at,
On the phone
- Call Customer Care at 1-655-246-2461 or
- Dlol 611 from your eel phone.
For more Intormollon conoemlng omessorles.
please vlsn your local Cricket store location or go to lshop/ aocessorles.
Note: Slate and onllne Inventorles may vary.
WIMWOWM’ISMM mend-.Opmdionhlubiec'blho
Immmu: (UM-Monmayruowlohanlulmm.
Mawolha‘maycauli Monarch.
Iogomtuaomakl mumbcme-uuuc. Orr-Irma.
5m, LIL. JIAWWWI mmmmma Ioou [final an
OhoDOLSPOCh prob-done: adqudewWflo-mvaaucc-ndlo
KCATELIIaWdNWID ulod Ind. lounloby
TCL Malcolm "(1.0WE‘5TCLCUmunbdion Md.
MMWTCLCWMMIOHM nmhflfl'fihd’lrm
«baffled Mmlonwflmflploumloafl'mn'mol
' ' Gudoormr
CRINMAM Hhvad h Cm

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