TEAC TN180BT-C ANALOG PLAYER User Manual TN 100 180BT OM EFS vG print2
TEAC Corporation ANALOG PLAYER TN 100 180BT OM EFS vG print2
Users Manual
TEAC \ L OPTN 1 OOTEN 4 TN-100/TN-1BOB TEAC 1N4OOJBDELOMJFSJGJSG mdb u ANALOG TU RNTABLE OWNER’S MANUAL MODE D’EMPLOI MANUAL DEL USUARIO 63 Bluetooth“ znm/az/ze ILLO IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRU TIONS CAUTION msx or suscmc sNocK no um OPEN our on TO REDUCE THE msK OF ELEcmc SHOCK DO Hm PFMUVF (mm (on mm No UiFResFW‘CF/ER F pm: mp; new SERwaNG m cm mm WWW PERSOVNEL Tne hgmuwg m wnn emo‘ Weed m an eqLe mem mang e n mended m a‘w' 'h? men (0 :ne prexewEe o! mmmmed aanqemus vo xaqe' Anmmunwmmm suFmEn: Magmmde to (immune a nsk ore‘eurm sneme persons MC deamanan pom n an (nu‘amra‘ wang‘c u mended to axe” me uszv m we mesenee av \mpcrmm a mum and mammnnme \Snmanqr nsnnenens m me xemure accompanvmq [he app ‘4va e WARN‘NG. TO PREVENT HRE OR SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT EXPOSE TH‘S APPUANCE TO RAW OR MO‘STURE cAU'rION - Do VOT REMOVE THE EXTERNAL CASES or: CAB‘NETS ro EXPOSE \HL ELEUROV‘L: no UsEv SERVKEMLE W‘s ARENEDE o \F vou ARE ' FENENOAC momma Wm H s wanna «Wm THF smnE WHFRF mu FHMHMFD H— Um FOR A szcE RE ME [30 VET JSE THE WODUU mum \ansaw RFFNRFD o usE ox Low mu w mummy: an M OWMEE or PROLEUWES mm ‘HAN ”-05: WKH m) HEwEm MAV PESULT w HAZARDOUS RADHnoN ExmsuRE n need vhfiw nnenuenens 21 xeeumesenunuemu a, Heeuuumnnngs 41 FanwaHmiv‘mncni 5\ Dorm!uscx’vsappnmwsncavwamv s, C‘eancmywxmdvycun n Dnno v )rkemyvemflmnnapemng: \nneunneemn denee wnn me Manumzuyeys msuuunoAs a! Do nm mys‘ nEav aw heal mums: suen as vedxalovs neu véqme s stoves 0! Wm awe a'u: nnuua v9 ampn fins) [her praduee Max TN"007IBDET70M7EF57V67C55 \ndh z Do Hm HMMI I’ve mew punnme n! the pn‘amed m avomqu :yae pm; A pounzed 9mg Ha: :m) made: wnn ene wvjev War [he crhev n grounmng ryp? mug Has «we Nada and a ma grounmng nmng n-e wde beds 01 me ma Dmnq ave pmnaea rm you! safely v : e menace p ma non: m: h! mm yau' m :an (ensun an e eu man'uv veu\aémung m qudhhed sennee pswwne‘ Sew Lva \s reqwed nnen [N apparaws has :een damauec m eny wen um an nonensupny and m p 4g n dame) meeppumuu v: gfi'i htymd 'vm been unwed or umem neue VaHsn me e appamus, me appsvaxus has been exposed m ram 01 Hensnne, gees nor epeme nmmn n‘ or ha; been deDEd - The nppa‘anh mew nummd‘ n n npevan'vg w from me AL owe! me u: POWER ov STANDBY/0V w rrh um m me 0N mm on . We mams pmg ‘5 used as me d‘suomweur «ewee me mmnneu devme smu 'emam 'eadfly Operame . Leuncn snoud be Vake'v nen mg earpthES m neuupnones .wn n-e pm, somd aressue wdume] «mm envphone: 0v head phonEs (an eeuse reennq \oss u neeeuse exeesswe m USA/CANADA, vs: cum on 12a v supp“. (Aurlou . Dc neuxpwnusapramusm dhpsors"\as\‘cs . m nax paee any amen: med mm was sud“ as wwsonrheapmmug . Em noxnmenmsappevaru: ramnlmedsnatesmh m makease 0' S‘mflav e Ht 0 Ma appamtns shou‘d cc mm dose enough to me A4 cum so max you (an em mm W pewev cord pug aldnylmm (AU-"ON Model lav Europe (Maude: 01 nm neennnu nn- enneusn summed by me Pa'w w: ,ensnne '01 onpnnneeuouwc mm mensersnumonxnm C E Warsaw: wwphcwmvhnEwamnomms sum-ewe eWnnenn u um m m .H (mmmmm n. u nnms For European Cusmmers Model lo! USA nedamlon ol conlnrmlly anun > mmy m: ewmm w: Addvess van {gage Hmd‘ Momebefio m Yam 3‘ usn Tom m‘mm‘nlx” mnmmm WsdewEemmpwesmlhkarl \Sa nemnuxes Onevanoms suneeuou eVoHuwwu AV-Ckoudmum ‘thupe. “nym- Hn so nannnn mh‘vk‘wn’: and m We (in :e nun WIND'JW/ meneyenee yeeewen, mdndmg mxevfe'wvts mu may («use undenm oncmvm lnlomntlnn rrn ('qumrw'm "as hm vmm and mm?! m (nmpy wwyn re hmws '5' n «Wm a now an :e nu an: lo Pan w a me He Vu‘e: m shmharecesxgred m pro/m: reeseneme p'meuu sqewn nennru w' Meme n a venduv'xa‘ num nnon rns eqwnn‘m genenxes uses, and (an meme mo nenuene, tncvgyand lnolmsmrdnnd um nn amiable : (oiooisiioii Radiation Exposure requirements rm; eqiiipmrii mea: [he isgiiiaiion whim is iFtogi'iVPd i‘l’cvi‘i‘l’icnally‘ 0i :iio cm N i-iiman cxpmiiv‘ Kc iaoio Mws gsiiemeJ by‘ is liaiismillei Statement oi (ompllanze Model for USA TViS eqnuiiisw Lmiipliea iiiiiii rcc isoiaiioii expoxuii iixiiis SCUNH ' aiunto HudU‘JHUV‘iiiCWEN‘F“N‘lilhfl LL ’JEiCfiCGAiEnti’LXUOSUC{Ikiidili’k‘i Model for (anadi iii: eouipiiioii tompiisi Wiii i: F55 iCIZ iaoiaiioii exposuie im '5 Set Vor'i' Vorari oiisonrio ied eiiiioirreiii Model for EEA (European Economit Area) iiiimiiiioiiiriii iriiiiriiisx Wiiii Eisziimsiesiiiiriii oi iioiiii aiio ElEGHOl eqiiipiiieiir 'Eiaied , ’ESIHGOY‘S ici EKUO‘QU‘EIK iisios iiio iiaimoiisoo siaii dam om nrr'irr ziiwsairii iiumaii exposiiie CAUTION Ciiaiiges oi moaiiitai or; no one» / Epu ovso bi Hie pami iE DDHSiMF ioi Coir’iiiaritc coiio void mi rims eiiriisrii Wino riir rqoioniCi-i Information“)! terlelelKe iiissquioiiieiii ha) , eii ieued siii iosiioi ADLuiiYDli/Viill no iim ici a Uass o dia'ci dchC KU’SWW io voii s oi ihe int zuiss ime iimiis aie oesioiiea :o piavde iszson aziir‘ riirmiiriii agriiiii iiiiiiiiii rwiiririire ii- .i irsi lei-Mi rsrai rm: eqiiipmmi gfl'Piaiés‘ i K? an n iPrity Enfiigy and, ii mi iri'iaHFd irir iseo in armioanre Wiiiiiiieiiiiiiot ii ’ari vadiaie iaoio ii» m may (sue iairiiiui iileilt‘it‘flfit‘ io 'adi; mm minions ioiievei meis i: no «some iiiai iflléileiéke iiii ioi uLwi i- 1 wiitoiai iiisiaiiai oii iim: ionipmoii: om muse harmw inic' we re rim oi -eeiisioii ieoeuiioii viiiitii Lsii be oeieiiiiiiieo b, ioii iiig ['VC rquiamoni oiiaiio on m USU is Ciizcuchd io ii. o toriotr mo inieiiorsits or one 0' Wave oi ire io iciviriq . ‘EDYL - oi ieiotaie iiie sooioirieiii avid/Di :iie iekeivilil anionia o iitioassireio iioiiteiweewiiieewipmoniaiii 'crc iiri - r- riiiiisi or r, iiiriii 'in iiieii iiis oiiiiir on iiom Ilia! io m iii iiie iezeiiei is ((imiefléd yii iii-ii r- - CCHSJL iris oesiei oi aii exoeiieriteo iauioiiv isriiiiioaii Joioip Tradem rks and copy 5 ii-r Blufi ioiii~ iiiiiiii iiirik oiiri iogm m isgisifiisri mi» iii-1H5 omen oi Biuetoow 50 MC nrd Hiiy uiE oi sum mm . iriii'mnpiiniiiioii isi ri-wiirenie Appie iviat osx arc iiia(053ieliademaik> .7! Awie inr irgismioo iii riii iis i‘i‘r ormimriniiirs N tinsel! and iii-om oie e iegisieiso rruuema'Ks oi trademams swirrosoii tsionoiior in [he ii M" wins ind/ oi ul iei Louiiiiisi c‘iisi ioiiipei, iiaiiiso iroriiiii idiiih .iiiri iiigm iii ii «A thJ/V‘efl air: ihe tiadr‘a'ks oi iEOiSlE’éd lildéml‘Ks oi iiisii imn iiiir riWiiai ZOiB/OZ/ZG i2, 4 Hg TEAF Re es: parbmyanre from we um! Thank ym. ‘( (yet y yyyy yyyyyyey,‘ meym y m y 22mm semv ”\STFUL'WONS z F’IHHMP’H n'Per/mns rm mm mm 4 Tflifmlvksafid(npmghfi A Esme he 4 Cwneamys mm and mayoyys ay mus may”. [re d: 5 Dmuomv 5 Me upeydy (m / mymmn mm ywusm a Remvquywhe'ytonycmey m mecyym a New; yyyny Wow :Leakey: my mom ow, : TrcuNF'h/mx y-g mmy on: y meyoagaoanomzrngcse \udh 6 Before use Included Items m br m we hm rr‘udcs aw :m mm m mussmyes Show be‘oyx P‘ease mm :m we mm Kw gummy >y-y~ m yy any (yr "year an e\ yy v9 heeyy _yyey dye yyyyyyyyy; e, c;maqed dumo vewspoyrancn nymheymayxy 45 my remu My mom x y mm mm x! prey “Imam ”203)qu y 0,. vzvaumma u'udyeu - e m xv . KM: m s mama‘ m a say: may mm were X y Wm us when yyy MP M 1nd (mad or‘y'y . w WP and n m s dam mm by ynrnrmanm' my" 're “yum yyy we m .«nyeyeoumyesu ayees o nye as yaw y‘davaan Ham yq nayeyyay es xhown yyy We yHus'valym be‘oA mey any We 35A W :cnrzms me A: (1 mm 19$ ave ymyde yyye yny Ar, adaflw _nyey axLeamnee GL— u Wrfludapxer Precamlons for use - Hate'reumlcwafe'suyram 0 Do ny)’ pDCe Myrhmq on me my (ouev or Eds an we ”any?! yye in?! w! mum (Meme (RH/'1”! m; phyaark o Anaydpaflnqxhqwumfl‘mdsu’ynhr eycscmsmm uy y my yy yy myyey yyv- yydy u y a-yyyy \ Du yy mymnmno‘anaMyrhfiemr/n'yerem ,memhmmygm yyeyyeraye 'yea' my exeeeey; me we smq 'wmpe'amre rmgedlfli “my D de'cymgncno'mahmqyor y.“ 'ny yc rn m ry ye nyynyyeymy n . Asmcumxxucb awmarmawcommyoyyan y: \eue yuHval Wye dmu'vd yy my yevyyymyyyyvy wyyeyy yyysmyyyq m w \enyea hue spnee my Has! 22 (m y: names" n rye-y new 5m wast wow uou my mwnm ryn Men puma yy yyy a v;(k Ly mamfle yeaye at em as Cm yy y 4/4 yam ab'm‘ yy and ya rm ye“ Dpcn 7mm yy Fe‘uve A01) owdemexs 13;): «m uuse he“ to ma “4 msydeayd Esuhyflwé - rm mwmrm uwmmma w wm’x nuyyy-j mm « me 'Prmd ymm r dwm; p‘aynaa Dora so may damage , vyms‘xhcn‘r. hconh/‘umx ym w 31 move me my ye yemd, yye - mm,“ Mum/r ye 'wmd My ye y {HHS yyy yywyyg w my' mm W um! my a Kind an we nyyyyyagye mm damagethvFrn'r rhfi'yyhnandv’vfiry 'ndgfim (ou‘dfi eayyyaymne»y.«yy . ma, uc‘uqesupy yorremyyysroum MrUH'yew)‘ , my on yyye vea' myyey w my. ave yyy a'v/ my Levquhsmany,eoyysmune‘eeluoan Malnlennllce Wmcsmmycalrmun clsdwr, ,vypmwnyason use (hved Myyd yam soap AH E lhe lllduded and o (ables lav (omw‘e'ma‘ly avil‘a' "Ac nl'm :o ’m’lcrl :o mama and a mu (arm/new ’LNE, MONO s'( l or bmslsnulpmelll mmuraule Lu Ql wwm 1N7VOO,IBDET,DM,EFS,VG,C56 mu 5 mm Wow; equehzel am are amour {lam we analog no» Qulpul eomeerms lum mm Thwguemm mew/nu u nun mum auoloozumcoupurou 0mm use ml: New eonred uq ll) eqlllsmerl rhal has FHONOlnrlll' a“ may ham he?" unulheu nu 'l-e hum" ,th m. vollage, Connection to an untlet "Iii supplies incorren voltage could cause fire or elemi: shock. Hold the power plug when plugging h inlo an outlel or unplug 9 il. Never pull or yank on me power cont Unplug the power (0rd lrorn the outlet when you are In» plannlng to use lhe unil lor an extended pe lod of .me. STANDBVIDN buflon me» u e swam/cu humu u: put u r slam”) w u e lulu nu m fl Rontion speed sel "aw «on: «new (m we umbh lplallcl' . > 'puuen heme .Aslng u we we nrhldsd lllhhsl “1m nrl me llllnlah‘? fl Arm liner Jae lllzlJlausalld noel Hlé mum»: sums » (ommcnd um m: alm NW IO mm oamqm mm an: muses, ccmuiq u u sun and mow (cl my um m; A huge l mu \1) g knob Pd ml , he 'Hcmd n (Me/l We l mm r ‘, eel-l 3e waved Tana arm holder n g u ; lesl «m we lone alm - When\lluuemennuvmeuuu, llllwnorl'u fl Tonearm cu :AlmoN II Headshell when :el KG ON _ Mezled lclhePHONOlllpulxcl 1n «mum? ' amplememurlurlnmpeakemm headpwm Nu hr wry bud‘ whld' :culr drlmgz’ equlpmenl ol helm heme AYYENYIDN A we»: lé"0vE me aloledwe lovev lwhlle] befcle N: Kan m: praynrrm: rmnr m plmwl +9 Hp nr +9 mm: on m llallsoc'lallor Zola/OZ/ZG l2, 4 Ha Holdlng records v’vhi‘n hold m a min (i' nmonhq ii mm ilS SM" n ma IOJO‘Hiq HT «Doro b mi)! mg ii by in we mm hm mm a», '5 mm are hm. i «hr» m m Cleaning 0 i nacip n m (his! or 3 mm m (an; mm‘ m ”Hulllizi’l «in “View La Miram' iliranll. iheflyim mom iaHyavailab‘S we > (em » no. Do 10'uselth‘lolaiiwhiiqoi'iei war a rm inner <. iri- rhsmlir ii or .r- i-nrn m; ‘li'h r,» anemia . my SingJ'Mn'dr n armcmimrcnr l1< ule o no rm! rpm m rim» H w m : io'md i: phi/iii] Dang >0 (0» a m exampe elusr v we ,iriu: i. Ski) e Newlinear/innaner «rhim keepeini rn Removingthe dusimver Hain 1caorihc~i ,mhdmnsionh mmnm iianng wini'}rhlige\'iii' menu mi in miromrhomism ireiin Opening and (Ioslng ihe dust cover Opening min ihr ham "rgr a: mo ri a , m m gnmh M' u m eo “pix: e r HUN ibiops "leJuuLoxslwlflzlavfiuéll mm oomn Closing r'lwel‘indiv islir'l‘ Vi ll A Becarefulnona pinch your r gersJor example. when opening and (losing the duslcover. znia/az/ze i2, 4 Plnylng records AYYENYION Du llz) 1,,lele l re ul ldul llg gamer D:)llg se muld muse» m Saw: [0 Sklp arr: 1mm m mar: and SMHS II Press llre sunnawou button on me buk enlre nnir lo Ium ii on. A ON A s'rANnav 3% a Open llre dusl (over slowly. A ae (areful nor lo pindl your fingers, for example, wlren opening and closing lhe dusl cover. El Place a record on thelnmtable (planer). l-lrerr {llama a 45 ml s'ae hoe smule emu: use me l'rllldnda4apler 1N7VOO,IBDET,DM,EFS,VG,C56 ludh 7 El Selen flue rolarien speed indimed on rlre records Hmlcmlor spcfldal‘ bcscl'ol ll 45m ‘BHPM B Sllde (he (one arm (Iasp to the rlgI-K to remove ir. Tone arm - veneer also more! _ cm arrrreeer , e reeord A m 'he aw lrl:er l er «crwara and lller :lcwly lewermerenearmr yh r operat n Move flue lone arm to me hack where you want to sun playbuk. AYTENTIOM - Milly: rerrrare me prereurre eerer rmrrrer nelere lls< Keep n 5 mm Jc (ow la prom m :rp al llre \lyhz (.llllllg l'amuvl'e e The Aorlqmv rrtl'carllcldqcolrhfl'cmr’i Laurel me :lel5 '0 me DLLM edge Ll rre 'ELold rl yoJNa’lllol rlrrrrsr, 1m an E Use llre arm liner In Inwer (he lone arm. me lo re alm ldwels slowly ulllll rre :lyllb nude: me em ere eler .1an teqlns - Cl): he dusl rarer dame playmtk srme dorm, rlrrr prerems srrarrrg (a KPH er rrmrrennel rnrl laU alld botk: ruemal scum. pressure rr mares me easllke, re 0((ul A Do run place anyl taller. - 7llllllg p eylmk do Mr link lr me rrme arr rmq lemld :ome s: meld damage 'he sum rrp arm g on file dust (Eu elalthesmllhelezo'c o , no: {Ombly srap mmmble lemon ammo plartm Slll' rrrs pluduLl l\ llm e lul'llqbl» dealglled lr,r DJ\ lull drlyel‘ (lonq salhelhnr‘ l ke s {ollld (we Malfllllzllon _ warm» srnn mm m mm plrrrbau erararren 4m“ speakers seuld He (all we '0 me 2 us eauslllg on Vucdcack lrms hflpml‘sr lcwcl (hr: alarm alme a‘wllficr wlren playhackflnlshes thll rslarnael «mm m rare llm awomal rnlly reurms la rlre [one arm homer Jlld me lolailCll srops Tn lllral-lmHy mrerr 1m plrl [Clle Jlm era rlrer lerulll me me am KG ,5 resmo posmm e me rlre a lrrrer m we >l-e Avm l ner $_ rrmrar - lhclcrq arm “av l‘al' um lo rlrr larva m rolder 'lllg (l'l rlre '(ulld rr ll ar me more me we arm ca When n)" mug mm mm mm audu) nmpn (mmeucu m We eudxc m: gunmen) or an em; HP! or my Dmnnmfinr , ; wow m n m owpur mm], mm [o m ngr 5‘ Playback]; nol gosslhlenhevels nolie. -> Larvfmv mm m gm: »4 av (mare or .m: pmm HMmeHsH “a -> Fvvurum'mrv .uuxlonawunimv mm "mm: 'Nuxm 1mm: Unerumv wua‘ydmfld ewo) Hanna :2 dear yams (we 51 » ueaunesw: Daqu] -> Vmcvym; mm m, n'p‘an‘ mag» 31 -> Hatr o mu as '3' away m pm me new as nnmnm mm and arm «m2; mr m: c «w vmqnemvuawa 10 INVVOO,IBDET,DM,EFS,VG,C56mm: m 1n. hixwmng. o \er m n. a' .- mm mm the shunt: ls skipping. o mmnomn (ausflskpprr‘ Vh’cm‘su‘uHWaSIa"‘I mm a u mevechdxs 1w we am a Do we! m»: sanlmefl remcs TN-l 8031 only (om-«tier! is not Fumble win. an: Bluetooth speaker I mm In «mum. o my W» m; um! and w wuaom dmc w a'Kc :nn mew Lem an and My w mg and“ a un ow n pcmmvo‘orhcvl‘bucam spcakcrs nuhm mu. wed \ m m m nwu Swan» 4 .‘zkev mu [)9 connemon with [he Blnelaoth spam: sncmded, but lunnnl n... any pliybiKk xnund. ev 0 mm VE yomme a me a Luaork 50s . Mess me mwmc mum: on m mm m m ‘24“ n 92 mm: m a .m’mfld m» mac n 3mm am My [\prHr; mm o J'n:15muraflmdncnancamn Wan pmiith‘ mm: | uumv m ’vy pmnhg m (unnuliun wimmumnphun. is nnlpnssibla. a 'th ml rmmms 4s a lmelcuh hansmxuex ;m: u (an s m mm .0 R mom mm: (g u does m mum as ; Bmemom wetmev, u ,a n notbcmnwttcdwn amnpnonc znm/az/ze 12, 4 Turntable (planer) W we on W my D; malol Rolallm gm a Home, M Wm Mm mu W ew W. m um am 9‘ W m um We, ll mm m ml m run-ml.» Moll M x »~ lll m dla me Tone arm AMI pa :mm balunccd SUE cl" MN "m“ Wm m mm lengm M, W Cartridge W W cum value 24 ml an llol 2154mm neplmmem stylus [sold sen-mew): 51L! :2 diamond ilylus (ind-ml; 2) Fcl1wlsrsplwmmnnmmnmnwlldealfilclTFl’h’ men own (kollhlsOwnrlslllamal Ontpnl voltage plouogowu :4 m ca p lDNOLQOV AGWNVYf-SdBVl Uulcul (Dl‘llmfils m 1N7VOO,IBDET,DM,EFS,VG,C56 lnuu ll usa pan (TN-100 only) J‘lR ['ch mm m Wm pan/V rm“ rompurm ll=s mm lsrmll ll qnwmavalpc x ,wenup; all k / mum - Jae a :omn‘lElLaHy amllable usa Lame lb LDVVELL me mlt l: a compulmo mu: pom" Pom l: sampllllqlequem Bkl : llaz’ l 1 Vékllz ZZCSkHz ml 2 «A l m R, kH7 uuululmlon bltflEplh a bl: Bluetonfll fun: loll (TN-IBOBT only) 3luel~lll ve's - 4 c IDJAL lVlO ourplu :law L a: 2 SquedlleJ plums Azo‘ (we 5GC u rum-owl lrpv eploaerzyolsoréml Dulplll lzwllo rm w Mel (n'mmlprlu'l gal-ow N no unmlN my xrm J m m lm 0n W no l HWUllNK my my 2 ‘A u ls» ‘l'l’elghl 25 (q l7 3n. luv, oomllng lenlnenunr We x lo M 3M mom , ll >< H e :l l ll uol Vg orouulloml Wl rlllsduslmvellsdcxed 420x 133><35bm\ l bS/B“> Elrtlvmdn
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