TECNICAS CIENTIFICAS PARA LABORATORIO T620 ISEsweat II sweat chloride analyzer User Manual


User Manual

 ISEsweat II® Sweat Chloride Analyzer  User’s manual                      V00EVP012014
     INDEX  1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 ISEsweat intended use............................................................................................ 6 1.2 Operating principles ............................................................................................... 6 1.3 How to use this manual .......................................................................................... 7 2. DEVICE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 8 2.1 ISEsweat ................................................................................................................ 9 2.2 Terminal or receiver base ..................................................................................... 10 2.3 Remote module ................................................................................................... 11 2.4 SENSOR CARDS ..................................................................................................... 12 3. ISESWEAT INSTALLATION ................................................................................................. 13 3.1 Components ......................................................................................................... 14 3.2 Power source connection ..................................................................................... 14 3.3 Battery ................................................................................................................. 16 4. SWEAT ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 19 4.1 Settings ................................................................................................................ 20 4.2 Sweat induction and analysis ................................................................................ 22 4.3 Interpreting of sweat test results .......................................................................... 27 4.4 Calibration and control ......................................................................................... 27 4.5 Quality Control Mode (QC)-ISEtrol N and ISEtrol A ................................................ 28 5. DATA PORT USE..................................................................................................................... 30 5.1 General summary ................................................................................................. 31 5.2 Data port connection............................................................................................ 31 5.3 Print Data ............................................................................................................. 31 5.4 Memory ............................................................................................................... 33 6. MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................................................... 35 6.1 Technical service .................................................................................................. 36 6.2 Periodic security check ......................................................................................... 36 6.3 Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 36 6.4 Waste management ............................................................................................. 37
ANNEX A: TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE ................................................................................... 38 ANNEX B PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................... 40 ANNEX C POSSIBLE INTERFERENCE ........................................................................................ 43 ANNEX D RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE RESULTS INTERPRETATION ...................... 45 ANNEX E SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................... 47 ANNEX F REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................... 50 ANNEX G MANUFACTURER DECLARATION ........................................................................... 53 ANNEX H WARRANTY ................................................................................................................... 56 ANNEX I HISTORY SWEAT TEST ................................................................................................ 58 ANNEX J REFERENCE ..................................................................................................................... 60
                           1.  INTRODUCTION
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                  6                                                                                           1.1  ISEsweat intended use  ISEsweat is intended for quantitative pilocarpine iontophoresis sweat chloride testing for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.  ISEsweat  should  only  be  used  by  Doctors,  nurses  and  trained  laboratory  personnel.  It  is highly recommended that users gain prior experience before diagnosing Cystic Fibrosis.  The place for testing may be in laboratories, hospitals or clinics   In order to increase the possibility of collecting an adequate sweat sample, it is advisable to conduct  the  first  chloride sweat  determination tests  on  individuals  older  than  2  weeks  and weighing above 2kg.  Sweat  volumes  are  dependant  on  age,  sex,  corporal  weight,  race,  skin  condition  and sampling system.  ISEsweat® is a Sweat Chloride Analyzer intended for Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosis.   CAUTION: ISEsweat® is intended only as a supplement in a patients’ evaluation. It must be used  in  conjunction with  other  signs  and symptoms.  Don’t take any  clinical  decision based only on the sweat test evaluations.   1.2  Operating principles  Cystic  fibrosis  is  a  multisystem  disorder  that  causes  formation  and  accumulation  of  dense mucus,  that  affects  mainly  lungs,  intestines,  pancreas,  and  liver.  Cystic  fibrosis  is  also characterized  by the  presence  of  a  high  chloride (Cl-)  concentration in  sweat,  which  is  the basisi  of  this  diagnosis:  (commonly  known  as  the  sweat  test).  This  test  QUANTIFIES  the chloride levels excreted while sweating, and is indicative for CF diagnosis.   The  ISEsweat®  runs  the  sweat  test  in  two  different  stages:  IONTOPHORESIS  or  sweat stimulation and MEASUREMENT of the chloride concentration.   The  first  phase  is  called  IONTOPHORESIS  because  sweat  stimulation  is  done  using  this technique. Its purpose is to get a sweat stimulating drug, pilocarpine, through the skin, with the  help  of  an  electrical  potential  difference.  Pilocarpine  excites  the  sweat  glands  and stimulates sweat on the treated area. Once there is enough sweat, the second phase begins.  The  amount  of  pilocarpine  delivered  varies  directly  in  proportion  to  the  current  and  time according to the Faraday equation below:        The second phase is called the MEASUREMENT phase. Chloride ion (Cl-) concentration is measured in the sweat produced by iontophoresis. The analysis is made without any need to i   Intensity in mA t  Iontophoresis time Mw  Pilocarpine molecular weight F  Faraday constant P  mg of released pilocarpine
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                  7   manipulate the sample, using the microsensors on the Measurement side of the sensor card. There is no need to collect the sample, it is analyzed at once, thus avoiding evaporation or pollution problems.   Results obtained by the sensor card are transmitted by the remote module, and processed at the  ISEsweat®  base,  to  give  the  chloride  ion  concentration.  ISEsweat®  uses  the  direct potentiometry  method,  with  a  chloride  ion  selective  electrode  (commonly  called  ISE), responding only to the Cl ion in the sweat. The relation between the developed voltage and chloride ion concentration is logarithmic, and it is expressed by the Nernst equation:          The  analyzer  measures  the  electrode  potentials,  and  the  data  is  processed  by  a microprocessor to calculate the chloride ion concentration.     1.3  How to use this manual  This user manual has been produced by Tecil  in order to guarantee the  correct use  of the ISEsweat® equipment. Before putting the equipment to work, please read carefully all pages and, if you have any doubts, contact the relevant department. Only authorized Tecil agents can translate this manual.            Information in this manual can be changed without prior warning. This product is permanently being developed and perfected. The manufacturer keeps the right to make any modification on the design features without prior warning.  E  Potential of electrode in contact with sample  E°  Potential of reference electrode  RT/nF  Temperature constant   N  Valency (chloride ion is 1) Log  Logarithm base 10 γ  Chloride ion activity coefficient C  Analyzed ion concentration Tecil, S.A. Lope de Vega 99-101 08005 Barcelona (Spain) Web:     www.tecil.com E-mail:  calidad@tecil.com         Phone: + 34 902995746  Fax: + 34 933084871
                      2.  Device description
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 9     2.1  ISEsweat                          ISEsweat®    is  intended  for  use  by  qualified  personnel  to  measure  chloride  in  sweat.  The resulting concentration value of patient´s sweat is used for  diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. The current for iontophoresis was reduced to 0.4 mA, to minimize the risk of causing irritation to the patient.  After 10 minute of iontophoresis, the stimulated area is washed with distilled water,  and  reverse  face  of    sensor  card  is  placed.  After  15  minutes  the  concentration  of chloride  directly from the skin of the patient is measured.  The data is then transferred to the base by radiofrequency ( RF) and the  value of chloride is displayed in mmol/l. The analyzer consists of 2 separate parts:  1.  Terminal  or  receiver  base,  includes:  an  LCD  screen  where  results  of  the analysis are  displayed;    2.  Remote module, has just one push button on the front.   This remote module has the holder for the  innovative  disposable sensor card patented by Tecil which are involved    with  the  stimulation,  sweat  collection  and  reading  the  chloride concentration obtained from the patient’s sample.    ISEsweat®  uses  a  detachable    sensor  card    to  run  each  sweat  test.  They  consist  of  two different sides; each one performs a different process (IONTO side and MEASURE side).  Once the card package is opened, each sides have a different  appearance, thus making it difficult  to  make  a  mistake  when  choosing  the  appropriate  side.  In  the  event  of  mistake, ISEsweat will alert you about wrong side placed !!
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                  10                                                                                           2.2  Terminal or receiver base  Receiver unit for the reception of data coming from the remote analyzer module, display and record in the internal data base memory     Display: Appears  all  the  information  about the test ( phase, time remaning…)  Base  LED: It  turns  orange  or  green  at  the same  time  as the charge  led indicator  on  the remote.  When  it’s  orange  is  “charging”  and when is “green” is charged.  Control  panel: This  four  buttons  helps  the user  to  move  around  the  interphase  on  the software’s base. Their function could  change, depending  on  which  screen  appears  on  the base.         Remote module slot:  It’s a connector to charge the remote battery, once the base of the remote It’s plugged in on this slot.       On/Off switch: Turns On or Off the base of the ISEsweat.  AC Power supply connector: Side where plug the power supply connector to the base of ISEsweat.  Printer connector: Port to connect a printer serial cable, to print the results.  USB port connector: Port to connect an USB cable to a PC.      Control panel,  to access to different functions Display  Base LED indicator Remote module slot   On/Off switch AC Power supply connector Printer connector  USB port connector
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 11    2.3    Remote module     Remote  LED  indicator:  Indicates  the phase of  sweat test, and if there’s some problem, using a two colour LED.  Charge  LED  indicator:  Indicates  if  it’s charging  (orange)  or  fully  charged (green).  Remote  push  button:  Pressing  this button:  starts,  changes  the  phase  and stop the remote.         Sensor card slot: Slot where the sensor cards  are  connected  to  run  the iontophoresis,  and  the  measurement phase.          On/Off switch: Turns On/Off the  Remote.   Charge  contacts:  Contacts  where  the remote it’s plugged to the remote module slot               Remote LED indicator Charge LED indicator Remote push button Sensor card slot On/Off switch Charge contacts
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                  12                                                                                           2.4  SENSOR CARDS  ISEsweat®  uses  a  sensor  card  to  run  the  analysis  or  sweat  test.  It  consist  of  two  different sides; each one performs a different process (IONTO side and MEASURE side). The name of each side alludes to its function.  Once the card package is opened, you can distinguish these two sides by the appearance, thus making it difficult to make a mistake when choosing the approriate side.     IONTO  SIDE    this  stimulates  sweat  on  the patient  through  two  square-shaped  hydrogel iontophoresis pads containing a solution of 0.5% pilocarpine nitrate.            MEASURE  SIDE    this  measures  the  chloride concentration (sample or control) through the ISE technique.  It  consists  of  2  concentric  circular electrodes, covered by a transit gel that the user has to remove before using.                       Gels Connector Connector Electrodes
                        3.  ISEsweat installation
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 14                              3.1  Components  Use the list in the following table to check that you have received all needed components. If any of the components are missing or damaged, please inform your distributor at once.  TECIL  only  takes  responsibility  for  notifications  received  within  72  hours  after  product delivery. Once notified, you have 15 days from the receipt date to effect any return. Use  only  the  recommended  accessories.  If  you  have  any  doubts,  please  contact  your distributor or the manufacturer. It  is  recommended  that  you  keep  the  packaging  material  in  case  it  is  needed  for  further transport.   Packing List  CODE   DESCRIPTION  T601  Complete ISEsweat®   T611  Receiver base  T620  Transmitter module (remote)  T700  Sensor cards T800  Quality Control Kit  T900  DC 12v Power supply unit 1,5 A T901  Printer Series Dock Cable – OPTIONAL T902  USB cord - OPTIONAL T903  Armband  TM-U220DS  Printer Series Dock - OPTIONAL T908  Power Cord    3.2  Power source connection  WARNING:  When  you  connect  the ISEsweat,  check that it works  correctly  before  using  it  for clinical purposes. The accessories connected to the ISEsweat® data interface must comply with IEC  EN  60950  regulations  for  data  processing  equipment  certificate  or  IEC  EN  60601-1 regulations  for  electrical  medical  equipment  certificate.  Any  person  that  connects  other equipment  to  the  input/output  ports  (ISEsweat®  data  port  connector)  is  configuring  medical equipment,  and  as  such  is  responsible  for  guaranteeing  that  the  system  follows  the  IEC  EN 60601-1-1  and  EN  60601-2  Regulations  for  electromagnetic  compatibility.  All  accessories supplied  by  TECIL  comply  with  all  these  regulations.  Connect  the  equipment  to  a  power supply with an earth connection.   WARNING:  Use  the  equipment  in  dust  free,  mechanical  vibration  free  and  electrical interference  free  areas.  Avoid  the  proximity  of  brush  motors  (in  some  centrifuges),  heat sources or blinking fluorescent lights. Readings and signals could be affected.    CAUTION:  DO  NOT  lift  the  ISEsweat®  base  by  the  power  supply  cable;  it  could  become disconnected and damage the ISEsweat®.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                15       CAUTION: DO NOT soak the equipment in water or put it in a very high humidity area.   CAUTION:  In  order  to  guarantee  patient  security  and  that  the  equipment  remains  in  good condition, DO NOT place the ISEsweat® in any place from where it could easily fall.   CAUTION: DO NOT use the ISEsweat® in the presence of anesthetics or flammable gases to avoid risk of explsion.   Study  the  figure  below  and  follow  the  instructions  in  order  to  make  the  power  supply connection.                   2 – Power supply On/Off switch        3 – AC power supply connector CA  1.  Plug the power supply cord connector to the power supply connector (3). 2.  Plug  the  power  supply  cord  to  a  CA  power  network  point  with  an  earth  connection (Shuko type). 3.  Press the power On/Off switch (— / O) (2) to the ON position (— symbol) to start up.  When connecting the equipment to the power network, please ensure that it cannot become easily disconnected. After connecting and installing the ISEsweat®, press the power switch to the ON position (—), to initiate the program. ISEsweat® makes an acoustic signal (1 beep) and the base LED indicator will light (orange) and come on for a second. When the left hand switch is turned on, the following software load screen will appear on the ISEsweat® screen for 10 seconds.   1.  Product brand 2.  Company 3.  Software version – Work mode 4.  Work frequency – Base number / Linked remote number        2  3 1 2 3 4
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 16                               3.3  Battery  The  ISEsweat®  transmitter  module  or  remote  includes  a  Lithium-ion  (Li-ion)  battery  with  a 650mAh capacity that allows it to work. When completely charged the battery will last for 6 hours and allow for 10 analyses.  It is highly recommended that the internal battery is replace every 2 or 3 years, depending on the use. Batteries capacity decreases with use (see Battery replacement section).   If the  ISEsweat® is not going  to  be used for  some time,  it  is recommended that  you  get  in contact with the technical support service, and disconnect the remote using the switch on the front side.   Recharge the battery before using if it has been inactive for 3 months or more.   WARNING: ISEsweat® remote will not work if the battery is completely flat. Please, check the battery state before using the remote (see Battery Indicators).   Battery indicator  During use, you can check the battery charge state by referring to the symbol on the upper left  hand  corner  of  the  base  screen.  The  battery  indicator  appears  once  the  analysis  has begun.        Charged battery Battery at medium/low level Discharged battery   WARNING: Starting an analysis with a low battery level can influence the results. It is highly recommended  that  you recharge the battery level whenever it  is  low.  Please, check that  the remote  has  an  adequate  battery  charge  level  before  running  the  analysis;  otherwise,  the battery may discharge during the analysis. After running an analysis, plug the remote module into the base charger slot until next analysis, to avoid getting a flat battery.   Charging process  The Battery will only recharge if ISEsweat® is connected to a CA power supply ( BASE ON and  REMOTE  OFF)  .  Therefore,  it  is  recommended  that  the  ISEsweat®  base  is  always connected to  the  CA power  supply,  and that  the  remote  is  left  in  the  charging  slot,  so  the battery is fully charged for remote use at anytime.   NOTE: Distinction between connection and operation. Operation refers to any part of the analysis (sweat test) or quality control phases, where the remote module is in use.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                17    However,  connection  refers  to  the  starting  up/shutting  down  of  the  remote  module using the switch at the lower side. If the remote is shut down it won’t work; there is no power.   To start the charging process, please follow the instructions below:    1.  Interrupt the equipment operation  In order to start the charging process, the remote must not be operating. The screen on the Base Unit should be showing the Start Screen or the Previous Phase, not any of the running mode screens, (measurement, ionto, wait, etc…)  To make sure the remote is not operating:   1.  Press  for 4-5  seconds the remote central button, until the  remote LED turns orange. 2.  Release the button when the LED color changes. The remote is now switched off and the remote LED indicator is should be off.                                                                                             2.  Remote disconnection  Once the remote is not operating and before starting the charging, please disconnect the remote completely by switching the side switch to OFF.  WARNING:  During  a  test  session  you  can  continue  to  charge  the  equipment  without disconnecting the remote but in this case, you will not be able to check that it is fully charged (green  LED)  because  of  the  power  the  remote  is  consuming.  After  ending  the  test  session, please  disconnect  the  equipment  and  put  the  remote  in  the  charging  position,  as  described above, to achieve a full charge.    3.  Charging  To  charge  the  battery,  put  the  remote  in  the  charge  slot  on  the  ISEsweat®  base  unit,  as shown in the following  figure.,The estimated  time to achieve a full battery charge is around 6 or 7 hours. Once the remote is in the charging slot, the base and remote LED indicators (LED) will light up, and will give information on the charge state, changing from orange/red to green/green as shown,.  ORANGE
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 18                                               Charge light signals indicators:   Battery state Remote LED Base LED Discharged  Orange*  Orange Charged  Green  Green *No more than 7 hours. In any other case, check Problems chapter.  Once the battery is fully charged, base and remote LEDs will glow GREEN, thus indicating the battery is at full charge. The remote module can remain connected to the base indefinitely, without any problems for the equipment. LED indicator will remain GREEN at all times.   WARNING: Make sure when using the remote again, to set the side switch to the ON position. In fact it won’t connect to the Base Unit or work at all until you do this. If after charging for 7 hours,  the  remote  LED  is  still  showing  Orange,          there  is  the    possibility  that  you  have forgotten  to  disconnect  the  remote,  because  the  remote’s  minimum  power  consumption prevents the remote from becoming fully charged (Green LED).    WARNING:  If  you  remove  the  remote  from  the  charging  slot  with  the  green  LED    showing (charged  battery)  and  replace  the  remote  back  in  the  slot  the  LED  will  glow  red  for  a  few moments even though the  battery is fully charged,,  because the remote needs  some time to check the battery state.   Battery change  The  advantages of the Lithium Ion  batteries  are,  among other things, the lightness  of their components, their high power capacity and their capacity to operate with a  high  number of regeneration  cycles.  However,  the  battery  life  will  deteriorate  over  time.  The  number  of battery charge/discharge cycles will determine its service life; with regular use, its useful life is estimated at between 2 and 3 years. It is highly recommended that the battery is left in the charging position when you don’t expect to be using it for a long time. As said before, check the Problems chapter if you observe any charging anomaly.   Remote indicator LED will emit a RED light if the battery state is not good, thus showing a problem in the battery.   CAUTION: Battery replacement can only be made by the TECIL Technical Support team or a TECIL authorized technical expert. ORANGE ORANGE GREEN GREEN
                    4.  Sweat analysis
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 20   4.1  Settings    SETUP (SET).    Once  the  equipment  is  ON,  and  after  the  software  has  been loaded (you have to wait 10 seconds for this), the Start screen will appear. On the lower part of the screen, you will see <SET> This  is  the  access  portal  to  the  Settings  Menu  (Setup).  Using this menu, you can choose between different Work Modes.       ISEweat® is designed to run the Sweat Test and to establish the chloride concentration in a sweat sample.    To do so, ISEsweat® has 2 work modes:    Normal Mode, designed to run the analysis or sweat test.  Quality Control Mode ( ISEtrol N or ISEtrol A ), designed to check the equipment. It is recommended to use TECIL controls or any other approved QC material for this.    Work Mode Selection       Press <SET> at the Start Screen.  A  menu  will  appear  that  allows  you  to  choose  between different programs or Work Modes:     QC (ISEtrol N or ISEtrol A) or  Normal (Sweat Test)  Use the  scroll arrows to select a program from the control panel.     Press  <ENT>  when  you  have  selected  the Work  Mode you want to use.     You will see the Remote Linking menu screen, both in Quality Control and in Sweat Test modes     The  factory  setting  of  the  remote  number  is  zero.  Skip through this by pressing <ENT>
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 21       Choose  the  correction  factor  that  shows  in  the  sensor card box, if there is not any specified on the box, choose 5.  Skip through this by pressing <ENT>       An information screen on the linking between the base and the  remote  will  appear  automatically,  and  the  device  will proceed  to  the  linking.  To  indicate  this  process,  the  base unit will emit a series of 3 beeps          Press  the  remote  module  central  button  and  keep  it pressed  during  the  process.  Do  not  let  it  go  until  the base stops beeping.   During  this  10  seconds  (approximately)  interval,  while  you keep  .the  remote  module  button  pressed,  the  remote  LED will  indicate  that  the  remote  is  correctly  linked  by  the following color sequence        WARNING:  Keep  in  mind  that  it  is  very  important  to  keep  the  central  button  of  the  remote pressed all the time until the linking is done, otherwise the process will be interrupted, and you will have to initiate the process again until linking is successfully completed.     When linking is completed, the menu screen will change to the  start  screen  menu,  thus  showing  that  correct  linking between the base and the remote has occured.      CAUTION:  In  order  to  have  good  communication  between  the  base  and  the  remote,  the distance between the two must not be over 10 meters. If you increase this distance, there is the possibility that the link between the remote and the base breaks which could lead to some errors.    NOTE: Interruption of the analysis. You can stop the test at any time by pressing the button on the remote unit until the LED remains orange (4 seconds) and release. Return to the Home screen.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 22     4.2  Sweat induction and analysis  PREVIOUS PHASE  Follow the instructions on the screen:   Insert sensor   1.  Select a card and take it out of the package      2.  Remove the protective film plastic that protect  the connectors. Dry any excess liquid from the connections zone with a tissue    3.  Before  starting  the  analysis,  locate  the  IONTO  side of the sensor card.    NOTE: The IONTO side of the card is designed for skin stimulation,  in  order  to  obtain  a  sweat  sample  prior  to running the sweat test in the Normal Mode.   4.  Place  the  sensor  card  with  the  IONTO  side  facing outwards in  the remote connector slot,  as  shown  in the image.   5.  Remove  the  protective  plastic  protector  strip  on  the IONTO side.        CAUTION:  Please,  do  not  touch  the  hydrogels  on  the  IONTO  side;  it  could  affect  their composition.  Pilocarpine  found  in  the  hydrogels  can  be  toxic  if  inhaled  or  ingested.  Please, clean carefully all contact zones after the analysis. In some cases, depending on the patients sensitivity,  the gels can  cause an  allergic  reaction such as  red  spots  on the skin which may need to be treated with anti-inflammatory treatment. If the patient suffers any distress or pain, STOP the test immediately and cancel the analysis  CAUTION:  In  case  you  introduce  the  card  the  wrong  way  round  (opposite  side  of  the  one needed); the remote LED will remain red. Extract the card, turn it round and introduce it again, correctly. The LED will go out and you can continue the procedure.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 23     CAUTION: Skin must be healthy, wholesome, with no cuts, eczemas or irritations. Whenever you  clean  the  skin  with  alcohol,  remember  to  moisturize  it afterwards,  to  avoid  skin  dryness caused by alcohol   6.  Place  the  card  with  the  hydrogels  on  the  skin pretreated with alcohol and destilled water, so there is  contact  between  them  and  the  patient’s  inside forearm.  7.  Fix the card and the remote module to the patient’s forearm  using the  armband.  Adjust the  armband  as shown on the image, so the sensor card stays fixed on the patient’s arm.   a.  Enter  the  rounded  end  of  the  armband  into  the slot  with the cloth part on the inside. b.  Without  twisting,  insert  the  end  of  the  armband into the other slot. c.   Adjust the size of the armband to fit the forearm so that the hook side attaches to the cloth side.   CAUTION: It is very important that the remote unit is fixed securely in place by the armband, in order  to  maintain  good  contact  with  the  skin  and  to  prevent  sample  evaporation  and subsequent concentration of sample                           Press <ENT>     8.  Once the card and the remote  unit  are fixed on  the patient’s forearm, press <ENT> on the receiver base unit.         NOTE: To avoid burns, the ISEsweat®  is equipped with a current generator limited to 0,4 mA. Current is generated at the remote unit for 10 minutes, so the distance between remote and base units will not affect the analysis during this time.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 24    Sweat Test  On pressing <ENT>, a new screen appears which allows  the analysis to be monitored. The analysis consists of 4 phases:          Phase 1: Preparation  The ISEsweat® base unit will emit a repetitive sequence of 3 fast beeps, waiting for the user’s confirmation.  1.  once the device is correctly placed on the patients’s forearm, press the remote button..   2.  The Base unit beeps will stop and an OK will appear on the screen next to Preparation.   3.  The  process  will continue  to  the  next phase,  Sweat stimulation,  in  which,  sweat  is  stimulated  from  the patient’s skin by means of the IONTO    Phase 2: Sweat stimulation    A flashing green light signal on the remote module shows that the sweat stimulation has started.   The  screen  shows  that  the  sweat  stimulation  has  start ==   The  sensor  card  stimulates  sweat  generation for  10  minutes    through  iontophoresis  at  the place it is lying on. During this 10 minute period, the remote unit will flash with a green light, to show the user which phase it is in.    4.  Once  10  minutes  has  elapsed,  the  remote  unit  will stop  delivering  current  and  the  acoustic  signal  will change  to  3  consecutive  beeps.  The  screen  will display the words “Turn sensor and Press”.       5.  Loosen  the  armband  and  remove  the  remote  unit from the patient’s forearm.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 25     6.  Clean the stimulated zone with deionized water and then dry it.  CAUTION:  DO  NOT  clean  the  stimulated  zone  with physiological saline or any other saline solution, since it can affect the test results.       7.  Replace  the  protective  plastic  covering  over  the IONTO gels.     8.  Then  carefully  remove  the  gel  that  covers  the electrode  on  the measure side.  Be  careful you  don’t damage it. You can remove it with bare hands or with tweezers.         Do  not  use  sensor  cards  in  case  that  reference electrode is broken or in disrepair. (see image)       9.  Clean the card surface to avoid leaving bits of gel on the electrode. Clean with plenty of distilled water, and dry  with  a  gauze  or  blotting  paper.  The  cleaning process is finished when the water drops are gone.      10.  Fit  the  sensor  card  into  the  remote  unit  connector slot, with the MEASURE side upwards as seen at the image below.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 26      11.  Place the  remote unit onto the patients skin with the electrodes aligned over the stimulated zone.    IMPORTANT: Keep the remote unit in the same position and direction as it was before to ensure that the measure area is placed directly over the previously stimulated area.   12.  Fix the  remote  unit  to the forearm  with  the  armband again.   13.  Press  the  remote  unit  button.. The  “Collecting sweat”  phase  will  start  automatically  and  the  bips stop.    The electrode position is very important. The measurement electrode must be in contact with the skin,  directly over the previous stimulated zone (reddened  zone). If  it is  anywhere else the  sample  of  sweat  generated  may  not  be  enough  to  give  a  result  or  the  measurement electrode may not have a good contact with the sample, so you won’t get a good result.  Phase 3: Collecting sweat  14.  The screen shows: The remote makes a repeated visual signal of two green flashes.  This process lasts for 10 minutes. During this phase, the remote  unit  needs  to  receive  a  sufficiently  amount  of sample  to  be  able  to  analyze  it  (see  Technical specifications chapter).    Phase 4: Measuring patient  15.  Once  10  minutes  of  the  Collecting  sweat  phase  is over,  the  equipment  will  automatically  start  the Measuring  patient  phase,  where  it  will  measure  the chloride  concentration  of  sweat,  without  further  user involvement.   16.  The screen shows: == “Measuring patient”   17.  The Measuring patient process takes 5 minutes; after this, the equipment sends the result from the remote unit to the base unit.    CAUTION: During measuring phase, it is important that the distance between the base and the remote is no greater than 10 meters. If it’s any greater it could lead to a break in the link and the test would have to be repeated.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 27   Results   Once  the  data  has  been  transmitted, the  base  screen  will show the value Chloride concentration in mmol/l.        The screen message has a reminder that, after ending the analysis, you have to:  1.  Remove and discard the sensor card (see Waste Management). 2.  Press <ENT> to go back to the Start Screen or Previous Phase screen. From there, you can run a new analysis.   After obtaining the concentration value in mmol/l, the equipment will automatically send the results to the printer, if conected.     4.3  Interpreting of sweat test results   Reference Values   Negative value           < 40 mmol/l*                     Intermediate value     40 ≤ X ≤ 60 mmol/l*   Positive value                     > 60 mmol/l           * To newborn               < 30 mmol/l                  Negative value                                       30 ≤ X ≤ 60 mmol/l       Intermediate value              4.4  Calibration and control   The ISEsweat is factory-calibrated and does not requiere any calibration by the user.  Together with the device the control solutions with two levels are delivered, 20mmol/l and 80 mmol/l.   All quality control requirements and testing should be performed in conformance with local, state and/or federal regulations or requirements. At  least,  once  a  month  do  the  measures  of  both  controls  levels  (See  next  section),  if  the results  are  out  of  range,  please  contact  immediately  to  our  technical  service  and  put  the device out of service.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 28     4.5  Quality Control Mode (QC)-ISEtrol N and ISEtrol A    As has already been said in this  manual, the usual working mode for  the ISEsweat®  is the NORMAL mode, to run sweat tests, but, to carry out Quality Control you need to change the Work  Mode.  To  do  this,  please  follow  the  instructions  in  the  Settings  chapter,  and  select Quality Control Mode (QC) ISEtrol N or ISEtrol A  as the work mode.   To  verify  the  correct  operation  of  ISEsweat®  it  is  recommended  that  you  use  ISETROL controls.  The  ISETROL  controls  are  suitable  for  ISE  (electrode  ion  selective)  analysis  of chloride,  and  are  within  the  optimum  working  range  of  the  device  (see  Technical Specifications section).  CAUTION: TECIL not  responsible for  any  problems  arising  from the use  of a control in  poor condition  or  unsuitable  for  the  technique  or  device.  Therefore,  before  using  a  control,  you should consult with TECIL as to its compatibility with the ISEsweat. Each hospital or laboratory should  decide  for  itself  the  quality  control  steps  to  be  taken  but  TECIL  recommended  to perform a quality control each day before the first test of your work list.   REMEMBER:  To  avoid  confusion,  please  change  back  to  Normal  Mode  once  Quality  Control  has finished.  Select QC Work Mode ,  ISEtrol N or ISEtrol A (see Work Mode chapter 4.1)   The Start screen QC will appear         1.  Take a sensor card out of the package  2. Then  carefully  remove  the  gel  that  covers  the electrode on the measure side. You can remove it  with  bare  hands  or  with  tweezers  Clean  the card surface with plenty of deionized water  and dry with a gauze or blotting paper.   3.  Fit the sensor card into the remote unit connector slot, with the MEASURE side upwards as seen at the image.    4.  Put the remote unit in a horizontal position, on an even  and  horizontal  surface,  with  the  electrode facing upwards. Wait 1 min.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 29         5.  Add  a  control  solution  drop  directly  onto  the measurement electrode  6.   Press  <Ent>  on  the  base  to  start  the  QC process.  The  base  will  emit    three  beeps repetitive  to  confirm  that  the  user  is  ready  to start. And appear the next screen      7.  Press the remote unit button.   8.  Next to each phase will be appearing OK to indicate that the phase has been realized    9.  4  minutes  later  the  device  will  calculate  the chloride value of the control    10.  After  obtaining  the  concentration  value  in mmol/l,  the  device  will  automatically  send  the result to the screen and the printer, if fitted.              ** If Appears the screen QC not constant ( - - )       Please clean the drop and place it in another position.     Press ENT on to the base.      **  If appears the screen QC not constant ( ++ )                                                                                  Please ENT on to the base until the QC re-start .      NOTE:  The  Manufacturer  should  provide  an  acceptance  range  as  well  as  the  certificate analysis for the standardized control. Take into account expiry dates. Each  laboratory  will  need  to  establish  its  own  quality  control  procedures,  but  it  is  highly recommended  to  run  a  control before  the  beginning  of  a  series  of  analysis  and  each  time  a new batch of sensor cards is used.   WARNING: Values that are out of range might indicate some anomalies. If after several tests, values continue to be out of the range suggested by the manufacturer, you must contact the manufacturer and stop using the device. Get in touch with TECIL for instructions on possibly changing the cards, or the control, or the device.  CAUTION: TECIL cannot take responsibility for any problem arising from the  use of controls that are in  bad  condition,  or controls  that  are  not suitable  for  the  device or  technique. Thus, before purchasing a control, it is highly recommended that you check its compatibility with the device.  Check  with  TECIL  if  you  have  any  doubts.
                           5.  Data port use
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 31   5.1  General summary  You  can  obtain  patient  data  through  the  data  ports  at  the  back  of  the  ISEsweat®  if  you connect it to a PC or to a printer in series such as Epson TM-U220DS M188D. When  you  connect  the  ISEsweat®  to  the  printer  or  the  PC,  you  must  check  that  it  works correctly before using it in a clinic. Both the ISEsweat® printer or the PC must be connected to an AC power source with an earth connection.  WARNING:  Epson  Printer  TM-U220DS  is  certificated  according  to  EN  60601-1-1.  The serial  port  is  designed  for  this  printer.  Do  not  use  any  other  printer.  If  you  have  any doubt, please check with TECIL Technical Support Service.  CAUTION:  When connecting any peripheral  equipment, either  the  printer  or  the PC,  to the  ISEsweat®  base,  all  equipment  must  be  disconnected  (OFF).  Do  not  connect  or disconnect any cables or wires while the device is working.  Any  printer  or  PC  connected  to  the  ISEsweat®  data  port  must  be  certified  under  the  EN 60950  regulation.  All  equipment  combinations  must  follow  all  the  requirements  of  the  EN 60601-1-1  regulations.  Any  person  that  connects  a  printer  or  a  PC  to  the  data  port  is configuring  a  medical  device,  and  as  such  is  responsible  of  guaranteeing  that  the  system follows  the  EN  60601-1-1  and  60601-1-2    regulations  on  electromagnetical  compatibility (EMC).    5.2  Data port connection  ISEsweat® data  port  can be  connected  to  a  printer  via  a  Printer  Series  Dock  Cable  (code T900) or to a PC via a USB cord (code T902).   5.3  Print Data   The  printer  must  be  connected  before  the  analysis  starts.  Data  can  be  lost  if  it  is  not recorded, so it is highly recommended that you check first that the printer is connected and that it has enough paper.               To print: 1.  Connect  the  printer  in 1 Power supply On/Off switch (—/O) 2 AC Power supply connector 3 Data port connector 4 USB port connector   1 2 3 4
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 32                                                                                          series to the ISEsweat® data port connector (4). 2.  Turn on the printer.  At the end of each analysis, data is sent in real time and continuously to the data port at the back of ISEsweat®.  Each  analysis  results  (both  Sweat  Test  and  QC)  is  seen  on  screen  and  is  simultaneously transmitted to the communication outputs at the back of the device   As long as the printer is connected to the device, and working, results of each analysis will be sent to the printer at the same time that they appear on screen. The printing format is as shown in the following figure     The  printing  shows  the  chloride  results  expressed  in  mmol/l,  and  an  identifier  (ID) corresponding to the number of samples recorded on the internal meter.  Once printing is done, the user can write the laboratory identification number, as well as the patient’s  name,  age,  the  analyst’s  name,  the  date  and  any  other  observation  that  may  be needed.   If  the  printer  is  not  connected  when  the  results  appear,  this  value  will  be  stored  in  the equipment memory.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 33     5.4  Memory  The ISEsweat® memory is capable of storing up to 50 results that can be printed out later or sent via the USB port to a computer connected to the base.       To open the MEMORY menu, press <MEM> at the  buttons below the Start Screen.                   Choose Print and press <ENT> in order to print the stored results.      .       The printing format for the memory results is shown in figure.  ISEsweat® will print the last 50 results, both QC results and Normal results.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 34                                                                                              Choose  PC  Link  using  scroll  arrows  (↓↑)  and  press  <ENT>  in  order  to  send  the stored results via the USB port to a computer connected to the base.       .          Choose  Delete  memory  using  scroll  arrows  (↓↑)  and  press  <ENT>  to  delete  all stored  results. Once  you  have  erased  the  memory,  the  identifier  sequence  number will be reset.          Press <ESC> to go back to the start screen.     Choose Last results using scroll arrows (↓↑) and press <ENT>, the screnn shows the last 50 results                Press <ESC> to go back to the start screen
                      6.  Maintenance
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                 36                                                                                          ISEsweat parts missing  Check the components   Remember:  -  If you think any accessory is missing, please check carefully all the package contents. If you do not find the missing piece, please inform TECIL logistic department at once. TECIL  can  only  take  responsibility  for  missing  items  if  notified  within  15  days  of receipt.  -  If  you  receive  any  damaged  items,  please  keep  the  packaging  material  for  later inspection and inform the TECIL logistics department within 24 hours of receipt.   If you are returning goods to TECIL get in touch with TECIL Technical Support Service to get shipping  instructions.  Unless  TECIL  Technical  Support  Service  says  otherwise,  you  don’t need to return sensor cards or any other accessories with the ISEsweat®. Send ISEsweat® with the original package. If you don’t have the original package, please use an  appropriate  box  and  adequate  wrapping  material  to  protect  the  ISEsweat®  during shipment. If you have any doubt, please check with TECIL Technical Support Service before sending the device.  6.1  Technical service  The ISEsweat® does not need a routine technical service or calibration, but the battery needs to be changed every 24-36 months. Check the battery change process in the ISEsweat® user manual (Battery change chapter).   6.2   Periodic security check  It is recommended that you do the following every 24 months:  -  Check the equipment for any mechanical or functional damage.  -  Check the security and information labels to make sure they are still legible.   6.3   Cleaning  CAUTION: Do not spray, pour or spill any liquids on or near the ISEsweat® or its connectors and switches.  You  can  clean  the  ISEsweat®  whenever  you  think  it  is  appropriate,  or  in  accordance  with procedures laid down at your Hospital or Laboratory. Please bear in mind:  -  ISEsweat® surfaces can be cleaned with a cloth slightly moistened with a commercial non-abrasive cleaning product or alcohol, but don’t rub too hard. -  Make sure the data port connectors on the base unit are dust free with a dry cloth. Connectors on  the remote unit  will accumulate grease  because they are in  contact with the skin. Clean them with alcohol.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                37     6.4   Waste management  International concern  on  environmental pollution, due to  improper  disposal of  products and materials after use, has increased the legislation control on the methods and procedures of waste  management  for  electric  and  electronical  devices.  Although  in  some  countries  the regulations have increased to the point that they are part of the official laws, in other regions this process is still ongoing. The result  is a tighter control over product waste disposal and over  recycling  components  once  they  are  out  of  use.  Check  WEE  Directive  (waste  of electrical and electronical equipment) 2002/96/EC for more information.   Regulations on instrument and accessory disposal may change according to where you are, so  TECIL  suggests  the  following  guidelines  to  help  determine  the  available  options  when taking the decision to replace or discard items:   • Contact TECIL or any authorized representative to gather information on the national and local  regulations  about  product  disposal  and  recycling  in  your  area.  In  some  cases,  the provider may be legally obliged to take the product back and arrange for its correct disposal. Alternatively,  the  provider  should  be  able  to  give  specific  instructions  regarding  correct product disposal.   • Contact your local government department responsable for waste collection and disposal. They can help you determine the current procedures and restrictions which apply, in order to ensure proper disposal. They can also inform you of suitable places to dispose of items .  • Contact TECIL Support Service:   Technical service e-mail    :   sat@tecil.com  Phone:                  + 34 902995746 Fax:      +34 933084871  TECIL staff will give you local contact details for product disposal, or instructions to ship the product back to TECIL.  CAUTION: The ISEsweat® uses single-use sensor cards. Once used, they must be  discarded.  Do  not  throw  them  in  the  waste  bin.  Like  any  other  material subject  to  possible  biological  contamination  they  should  be  discarded  in  a container designated for biological waste.
                   ANNEX A: Troubleshooting Table
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                39    Error/Action codes  There is a possibility that the remote module cannot link correctly with the receiver base due to  background  interferences.  The  signal  symbol  blinks  when  there  is  a  linking  error.Make sure the base and the remote are never more than 10 meters apart.   If the device suffers  electronic failure or the remote light signals do not go on after charging the battery, please contact the technical support service of TECIL or your local distributor.  If there are any of the problems listed in Table 4,  follow the instructions given.    Alarm  Problem  Cause  Solution Remote link lost:please bring the remote closer to the base No communication between remot and base  Interference  Repeat the linking  “Insufficient sample”   There is no sample, the pattient does not sweat Patient with sweating problems. Sweating is related to skin state and other factors that cannot be completely controlled.  No signal Interferences or distance between the base and the remote is greater than 10 m. Do not run the analysis in environments with electromagnetic emissions or put the remote closer to the base. “ ”  Low battery  Lack of charge  Charge battery < 5 mmol/l or >150 mmol/l  Chloride  value  is  over 150mM  or  under  5mM  (out of scale;) Sample problems due to concentration or evaporation. Repeat the test
         ANNEX B Product Specifications
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                41    Technical specifications   CAUTION: DEVICE ADJUSTMENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED. This device does not require any kind of internal calibration.    Output  Minimum sample volume  10 microliters Precision   Limit of Detection   +3 mmol/l  3 mmol/l Range  5 to 150 mmol/l Repeatability (CV)   Accuracy (SD)   CV < 7%  (10 to 50 mM) CV < 4% (50 to  130 mM) SD < 2  for 10 to 50 mM concentrations,  SD < 4 for 51 a 130 mM concentrations Reference values  < 40 mmol/l                 Negative level. >40 ≤ X ≤ 60 mmol/l    Doubt level > 60 mmol/l                 Positive level.    NOTE: The sweat test requires human manipulation and the collection of very small samples of sweat. This can give rise  to  measurement errors, however,  if results are  lower  than 10mM or greater than 150mM they will not be of any diagnostic significance.   Electrical specifications  Reading  LCD screen with graphic capability Power  100V – 240VAC, 50/60Hz, 0.8 A           Base    12 V, 2.5 A, 30 W max           Remote module  24 VDC; 0.4mA; 10mW max. RF Communication  833 Mhz Europe /  902.15 ~902.25 Mhz USA Firmware  CIIPLUS Remote battery life  10 samples without recharging battery  Equipment classification    Protection class: Class I Applied part type: BF Work: Continuous
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                  42                                                                                          Background conditions   Storage conditions  Device: keep between 18ºC and 35ºC Cards: keep between 2ºC and 8ºC Environmental use conditions  18ºC – 35ºC, Humidity 50 – 80%     Physical features  Dimensions        Base Width: 150 mm, Long: 195 mm. High: 60 mm       Remote module Width: 556 mm, Long: 75 mm, High: 22 mm Receiver base weight 553 gr. Remote module weight 65 r.
           ANNEX C Possible interference
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                  44                                                                                            Recommendations to realize the sweat test to a patient:   1.  To carry out the sweat test without any problem the patient should not be having administered intravenous fluids in a shorter period of 24h  2.  The patient should not have been treated with any medicines that contain corticosteroids in a period less of 24h.  3.  It must take into account the patient's fluid imbalance because dehydration problems could give a high result.    The analgesic ointment AMETOP could give  positive results in the test, so is  recommended  not perform the sweat test in sites where Ametop has been applied within the previous 24 hours.
          ANNEX D Recommendations for the results interpretation
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                46   Causes for repeating the sweat chloride determination (Sweat Test)     All positive results of chloride in sweat must be repeated and confirmed with the mutation determination. CF diagnosis should not be based in only one positive test.    All doubtful results about the chloride results obtained from the sweat test (with a chloride concentration between 40 and 60  mmol/L) should be repeated. If results are  still in the intermediate level, some additional tests will be useful.   Collection  and  determination  of  chloride  in  sweat  must  be  repeated  in  CF  confirmed patients who do not follow the expected clinical pattern. In order to monitor the patient’s course, clinical, laboratory and thorax X-ray results must be coherent with CF diagnosis. It  is  particularly  important  to  evaluate  patients  again  whose  initial  diagnosis  was  made based on the delayed growth or on a positive familiar history; or whose clinical symptoms prior to the initial sweat test disappear, or there features are in keeping with asthma, with no suppurative lung illness, or where there is a normal growth pattern, without evidence of Hippocratic fingers, Pseudomonas colonization or any changes in thorax x-rays.   The sweat collection can be repeated at any time after the first test, but it is advisable to do it when the patient is clinically stable and hydrated, with no accute intercurrent illness and is not taking mineralocorticoids.  Illnesses or disorders associated with a high electrolytes sweat concentration, not related to Cystic Fibrosis:     Sweat test indicators: (*)  Pulmonary and upper respiratory tract  Gastrointestinal Metabolic and others Chronic cough Recurring or chronic pneumonia Wheezing Hyperinflation Tachypnea Retraction Atelectasis (particulary at the right upper lobe) Bronchiectasis Hemoptiysis Mucoid infection by pseudomonas  Nasal polyps Pansinusitis Hippocratic fingers Meconium ileus Meconium plug syndrome Prolonged neonatal jaundice Steatorrhea Rectal prolapse Mucoid impacted appendix Late intestinal obstructoin Recurring intussusception Cirrhosis Portal hypertension Recurring pancreatitis Positive family history Growing delay Salted skin taste Salt crystals on the skin Salt-depletion syndrome Metabolic alkalosis Hypoprothrombinemia A Vitamin deficiency  (Fontanelle bulging is a key sign) Azoospermia Missing vas deferens Scrotal calcification Hypoproteinemia Edema  (*) Taken from CLSI C34-A3 protocol Anorexia nerviosa               Klinefelter’s syndrome Atopic dermatitis                E1  Prostaglandin long term infussion  Autonomic dysfunction               Mauriac’s síndrome  (malnutrition) Ectodermal dysplasia               Mucopolysaccharidosis type I  Environmental deprivation             Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus  Familiar cholestasis (Byler’s disease)           Nephrosis Fucosidosis                 Protein-calorie malnutrition Problema de adaptación psicosocial           Pseudohypoaldosteronism Hypogammaglobulinemia             Untreatable suprarrenal failure    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency      Untreatable hypothyroidism Glycogen type 1 storage disordr
               ANNEX E Symbol Definitions
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                48      General symbols                                                                                                                     Packaging symbols                                                                                                           Do not reuse Selective refuse collection. Do not throw to regular trash. Electrostatic discharge Batch Code Serial number Applied part: Type BF Temperature limitation  Contents for 10 analysis  Catalogue number Manufacturer This product complies with European regulations, certified by a Notified body.  Do not use  if packaging is broken Avoid water contact USB Dock RS232 Irritant On/ Off Read carefully instructions of use. 10  Keep away from sunlight  Expiration date  Ex: 2010 – 06         (Year– Month)  Caution/Warning Note
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                49       Symbols on the ISEsweat® screen (top right)   Battery:         Charged battery Battery at medium/low level Flat battery  Radio Coverage:      Correct coverage Coverage at medium/low level  No coverage
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                50                      ANNEX F Regulations
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                51   This  product  has  been  designed  and  manufactured  in  accordance  with  U.S.  and European  regulatory  requirements  as  out-lined  below.    Modifications  made  to  this product that are  not expressly approved in  writing by the  manufacturer will void the user’s authority to operate this product, previously issued factory approvals, and the user’s rights under the warranty.  All quality control requirements and testing should be performed in conformance with local, state and/or federal regulations or requirements.  Regulation Description EN 60601  General Requirements for electrical medical equipments in relation to Electromagnetical compatibility and Electrical security. ISO 7000  Graphic symbols for equipment use. ISO 1258  Guidelines for electrical medical equipment development and instructions use. ISO 1000  Units EN 980  Symbols + EN 20780 ISO 8601  Date representation ISO 639-1  Language representation codes ISO 15225  Nomenclature ENTR 15133  General terminology EN 1041  Information supplied by the manufacturer of Medical Devices EN 2860  Date format EN 2078  Packages and graphic symbols on manipulation. 21CFR820  Quality system regulation CLSI C34-A3 CLSI Guideline Sweat Testing
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                52   Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement  15.21 You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  15.105(b) This  equipment  has  been  tested and  found  to  comply  with  the  limits for  a  Class  B digital  device,  pursuant  to  part  15  of  the  FCC  rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to provide  reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference  to  radio  communications.  However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that interference  will  not  occur  in  a  particular  installation.  If  this  equipment  does  cause harmful  interference  to  radio  or  television  reception,  which  can  be  determined  by turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the interference by one or more of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect  the  equipment  into  an  outlet  on  a  circuit  different  from  that  to  which  the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interference and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
                     ANNEX G Manufacturer declaration
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                54   This product complies with the EN/IEC 60601-1-2:2008 regulation.  CAUTION:  Use of  accessories,  sensor  cards  and  cables  that  are  not  specific  for  ISEsweat® can  lead  to  increased  electromagnetic  emissions  and  greater  susceptiblility  to  interference. This  can also cause inexact readings.  The  Power  supply  included with the device is  medical  grade. If the  user  changes the power supply, you must make sure that the new one is also of medical grade.       Wires and cords comply with these regulations:  •     RF emissions, EN 55011, Class B/Group 1 •     EN 60601-1-2; 2008  Table 10: Wire and cords regulations   The ISEsweat® is designed for use in the electromagnetic environment described below. The user must ensure that it is used in such an environment.     Electromagnetical emissions.  Emission test  Performance Electromagnetical environment - guideline RF Emissions CISPR 11 (IEC 55011 and  IEC 55022)  Group 1 The ISEsweat® only uses radiofrequency power for communication within a room. Its RF emissions are very low and there is little probability of them causing interference with other nearby electronic equipment. RF Emissions CISPR 11 (IEC 55011 and  IEC 55022)  B Class The ISEsweat® can be used in public places, including diagnostic establishments and places with direct access to the public and in buildings used for domestic purposes. Harmonic emissions IEC 61000-3-2  A Class Tension fluctuation /blinking  emissions IEC 61000-3-3 Pass  Table 11: Electromagnetical emissions      Electromagnetical immunity.  WARNING:  The  back  of  the  equipment  base  unit,  where  the  connections  are made, must not be touched when the equipment is ON.   WARNING:  The remote  card  connector  due  its  extreme sensitivity  could  occasionally  stop the measurement or cause a reset while the remote unit is being positioned. If this happens, reset the base and remote units and start the analysis again.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                55   NOTE: U Var % is the network CA tension before applying the test level (230 V / 50 Hz).      Susceptability test IEC Test level 60601 Performance level Electromagnetical environment - Guideline Electrostatic discharge (ESD)  IEC 61000-4-2 Direct contact of ±6 kV   Airborne of  ±8 kV Pass Floor must be made of wood, concrete or wooden tiles.  If it is covered by any synthetic material, relative humidity must be 30% minimum. Transitional Fast/Burst  IEC 61000-4-4 Power lines of ±2 kV  Pass Power network supply must be the usual one in a hospital or commercial environment. Surge   IEC 61000-4-5  Differential mode (symmetrical application) of ±2 kV  Ordinary mode (asymmetrical application)  of ±1 kV Pass Power network supply must be the usual one in a hospital or commercial environment. Voltage drops, micro interruptions and inline voltage variations  IEC 61000-4-11  >95 U Var. % for  10 milliseconds  Pass Power network supply must be the usual one in a hospital or commercial environment. ISEsweat® must run the program again after interruption  60 U Var. % for 100 milliseconds  Pass 70 U VAr. % for 500 milliseconds  Pass >95 U Var. % for 5000 milliseconds  Pass >95 U Var. % for 20 milliseconds  Pass Magnetic field associated with the supply frequency  (50/60 Hz)  IEC 61000-4-8 3 A/m  Pass Magnetic fields associated with the  supply frequency must have similar features to a usual hospital or commercial  environment. Conductive RF   IEC 61000-4-6 3 V rms 150 kHZ to 80 MHz  3  V rms Portable and radiofrequency communication equipment must not be used near the ISE Sweat and its cables. For the test, the distance between the RF source and the instrument being tested must not be less than 3m. Radiated RF   IEC 61000-4-3 3 V/m 80 MHz to 2,5 GHz  3  V/m  Table 12: Electromagnetical susceptability
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                56                 ANNEX H Warranty
    TECIL,S.A.  guarantees  to  repair  or  replace  free  of  charge  parts  and  pieces  with  working failures  due  to  manufacturing  causes  for  24  months  after  delivery,  as  well  as  providing  all labour needed to repair them.   All parts that have been replaced when repairing the unit will automatically become property of TECIL,S.A.  Damage  caused  by  improper  use  or  by  non-compliance  with  the  operating instructions will result in the invalidation of the warranty.  Interventions from persons other than TECIL,S.A. authorized specialists may lead to invalidity of warranty.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                58                 ANNEX I History Sweat Test
    Although several techniques have been created for the collection and measurement of sweat electrolytes, the most reliable test is based on the pilocarpine iontophoresis technique described by Gibson & Cooke in 1959, which is still considered to be the gold standard for CF diagnosis specially in babies.  However, this is a complex combination of techniques that requires weigh sweat   using an analytical scale, elution and  undergo biochemical analysis of electrolytes.  According to this method, it is necessary to collect at least 70 mg of sweat.  In order to  make the test simpler, many labs have been using alternative methods. One of these  methods  includes  the  use  of  the  device  Macroduct®  –  a  sweat  collection  system, through  which  sweat  is  collected  into  a  plastic  coil  after  stimulation  by  pilocarpine iontophoresis. Weighting  is    thus  eliminated.  The sweat can  be  taken  from  the  coil and  its ionic composition can be later analyzed using the usual biochemical techniques, or it may be immediately placed in the conductivity analyzer – Sweat- Chek – Wescor, which will quickly provide the equivalent values of sweat sodium chloride (NaCl) in mmol/L.   Because of methodological problems , confirmation or rejection of the diagnosis of CF should only  be  based  on  the  results  of  quantitative  pilocarpine  iontophoresis  sweat  chloride described  in  the  specific  guidelines.  Those  guidelines  consider  not  acceptable  for  CF  diagnostic      the  direct  reading  in  situ  test  using  Orion  ISE  or  older  electrical  conductivity measurements,  or  measurements  or  osmolality  or  sodium.    Conductivity  instruments designed  specifically  for  use  with  microbore  tubing  collector  was  approved  by  CFF  as screening method but only for use outside accredited Cystic Fibrosis Care Centers.   In 2010 Tecil introduced ISEsweat®, a new method for direct sweat Chloride measurement who  eliminates  all  intrinsic  sources  of  error  associated  to  collection  methods  and  with microISE  specifically designed for microsamples. ISEsweat gives the concentration of sweat chloride independently of the sample quantity, that’s  why there is no need to measure the  amount of sweat collected.   A  multicentrical  clinical  trial  made  in  113  subjects  and  presented  at  the  European  Cystic Fibrosis Society concluded that ISEsweat is a valid and safety new device for sweat chloride concentration measurement. The results of this first clinical assay are very encouraging and warrant further  research  with  larger  samples  of  patients,  to  confirm  that the  ISEsweat  can become  a  useful  tool  for  the  diagnosis  of  CF  and  even  prove  to  be  a  reliable  and  more convenient alternative method compared to the reference sweat test as approved by current guidelines.
ISEsweat -  User’s  Manual                                                                                60                       ANNEX J Reference
      1.  Grosse,  Scott  D.,  Ph.D.;  Boyle,  Coleen  A.,  Ph.D.;  Botkin,  Jeffrey  R.,  M.D.; Comeau, Anne Marie, Ph.D.; Rosenfeld, Margaret M.D.; Wilfond, Benjamin S., M.D.;  Newborn  Screening  for  Cystic  Fibrosis.  Morbidity  and  Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), October 15,2004 / Vol. 53 / No. RR-13.  2.  Wagener,  Jeffrey  S.,  M.D.;  Sontag,  Marci  K.,  M.S.;  and  Accurso,  Frank  J., M.D.;  Newborn  Screening for  Cystic  Fibrosis.  Pediatrics  2003  /  15  :  309-315.  3.  Gibson,  L.E.;  Cooke,  R.E.:  “A  test  for  concentration  of  electrolytes  in sweat  in  cystic  fibrosis  of  the  pancreas  utilizing  pilocarpine  by iontophoresis.” Pediatrics 1959. 23: 545 – 549.  4.  National  Committee  for  Clinical  Laboratory  Standars.:  “Sweat  testing: sample  collection  and  quantitative  analysis;  approved  guideline.”    NCCLS document C34-A3 (ISBN I-56238-260-8). NCCLS,771 East Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085, December 2009.  5.  Augartern,  A.;  Hacham,  S.;  Kerem,  E.;  et  al.:  “The  significance  of  Sweat Cl/Na  ratio  in  patients  with  borderline  Sweat  test.” Pediatr.  Pulmonol. 1995. 20:369-71.  6.  Grupo  de Trabajo "Fibrosis  Quística" SENP Protocolo de  diagnóstico  y seguimiento de los enfermos con fibrosis quística. An  Esp Pediatr 1999; 50: 625-634.  7.  Javier Gonzalo-Ruiz, Roser Mas,  Carmen de  Haro , Enric  Cabruja  a  ,Rafael Camero, M. Asuncion Alonso-Lomillo, F. Javier Muñoz “Early determination of  cystic  fibrosis  by  electrochemical  chloride  quantification  in  sweat”. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 24 (2009) 1788–1791   8.  R. Camero, S. Gartner, L. Suarez, C. Vázquez, M. Silvestre, Y. Montecino, B. Matía,  R.  Passarell,  A.  Moreno,  N.  Cobos,  Validation  of  ISEsweat:  a  new device for the direct measurement of sweat chloride concentration (SCC) for  the  diagnosis  of  cystic  fibrosis,  Journal  of  Cystic  Fibrosis,  Volume  9, Supplement  1,  June  2010,  Page  S12,  ISSN  1569-1993,  10.1016/S1569-1993(10)60046-X. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S156919931060046X)       9.  K.P. Foote, S. Struthers, H. Barbour “Report  of  a  new  and  important  cause  of  falsely  positive  sweat  test” Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, Volume 7, Supplement 2, June 2008, Page S10

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